Written by Theodore Annemann
Work of Various
846 pages (Loose-leave collection), published by Selfpublished
Illustrated with photographs and drawings
Language: English
1,028 entries
This publication has been reviewed by
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Issue Year Page AA Categories
Theodore Annemann Bottom Deal Stop Trick small packet after spectator stops
Winter Extra 1938/39 1939 368
Stabbing Force break
Winter Extra 1938/39 1939 368
Theodore Annemann Riffle Force with break
Winter Extra 1938/39 1939 369
Jean Hugard, Art Lyle Magician vs Gambler patter story and simplified handling
Inspired by Winter Extra 1938/39 1939 369
Theodore Annemann Jinx Blazer recipe for a drink
Also published here Winter Extra 1938/39 1939 370
Charles T. Jordan Ultimo - The Ace of Mechanical Decks deck in which every other card is a long-short pair glued face-to-face on one end, for applications see following entries
VariationsAlso published here Winter Extra 1938/39 1939 371
Charles T. Jordan 1. The Reversed Card chosen card turns over, using Jordan's Ultimo deck
Also published here Winter Extra 1938/39 1939 372
Charles T. Jordan Turnover Choreography card is chosen and both hands turn the packet in their hands over (they have backs at the bottom)
Also published here Winter Extra 1938/39 1939 372
Charles T. Jordan 2. Reverse by the Wholesale every other card is reversed, they all turn over face down again, using Jordan's Ultimo deck
Also published here Winter Extra 1938/39 1939 372
Charles T. Jordan 3. Mind Reading chosen card is instantly named, using Jordan's Ultimo deck
Also published here Winter Extra 1938/39 1939 372
Charles T. Jordan 4. The Spelling Trick chosen card is spelled out, using Jordan's Ultimo deck
Also published here Winter Extra 1938/39 1939 372
Charles T. Jordan 5. Odd or Even spectator cuts and performer knows whether it's an odd or even number of cards, using Jordan's Ultimo deck
Also published here Winter Extra 1938/39 1939 372
Charles T. Jordan 6. Card Appears at Chosen Number using secret deck-turnover and Jordan's Ultimo deck
Also published here Winter Extra 1938/39 1939 372
Charles T. Jordan 7. Naming a Card at Chosen Number spectator names small number and card at that position is named by performer, using Jordan's Ultimo deck
Also published here Winter Extra 1938/39 1939 372
Charles T. Jordan Improvements on Ultimo see following three effects
Inspired byAlso published here Winter Extra 1938/39 1939 372
Charles T. Jordan A. The Flush Trick deck riffle shuffled twice, performer removes ten red and ten black cards which he mixes again, spectator then deals the packet into three piles twice and puts the packet under a newspaper, performer then reaches under newspaper and produces a flush in a named suit, interlocking chains, in the end the Ultimo deck is ringed in
Also published here Winter Extra 1938/39 1939 373
Charles T. Jordan B. Fifteen Card Trick prediction in hat, spectator shuffles and remembers the first red card, it matches prediction
Also published here Winter Extra 1938/39 1939 373
Charles T. Jordan C. The Spelling Cards three cards are spelt to
Also published here Winter Extra 1938/39 1939 373
Gordon R. McKenney Ace in Hole two selections in two halves appear at same position, out for lost card
Related to Winter Extra 1938/39 1939 373
Theodore Annemann Contest Dept. square layout, mini-sudoku-type puzzle
Winter Extra 1938/39 1939 373
Charles Nyquist, Pierre L. O. A. Keeler P. L. O. A. Keeler switch of paper sheets between slates
Winter Extra 1938/39 1939 376
Stephen Simpson Criss-Cross performer and spectator each write down card and number from one to twenty-six, when counted down in two halves it matches, option to end clean by switching the half with duplicates
53 Feb. 1939 377
Russell Prunier Linking Rings with Wire Coat Hangers only mentioned in passing
53 Feb. 1939 378
Herbert Milton Sympathetic Clubs twelve double facers
Related toAlso published here 53 Feb. 1939 380
Orville Wayne Meyer Voices in the Night or "A Travelling Salesman vs. A Farmer's Daughter"
possible with jumbo cards, story presentation
53 Feb. 1939 380
Joseph H. Fries Rope Riting forming word with rope on black board
53 Feb. 1939 382
Orville Wayne Meyer Tervil word, number and city are written on billet, prediction on another billet
Related toVariationsAlso published here 54 Mar. 1939 383
Orville Wayne Meyer Symmyst two phases, named numbers added to select word, using magazines with exchanged covers
VariationsAlso published here 54 Mar. 1939 383
Theodore Annemann Making Double Facers with peeling
54 Mar. 1939 384
E. Leslie May Pocket Presto nice transposition presentation
54 Mar. 1939 384
Orville Wayne Meyer Addition Force named digits are added up, performer fills in number that is required for force total
Also published here 54 Mar. 1939 385
Robert Weill I'm Sorry! three spectators note cards, they are the same and become blank, then deck transforms into chart of letter (eye examination test)
54 Mar. 1939 387
L. Vosburgh Lyons Last Chance
Related toAlso published here 54 Mar. 1939 387
Tommy Rozum Pick-up Force cards picked up from tabled deck one by one until spectator stops
  • Forcing One Card
  • Forcing One Card Several Times
  • Forcing Several Cards
54 Mar. 1939 388
Tommy Rozum Double Deal Display from packet towards the back
54 Mar. 1939 388
L. Vosburgh Lyons Mental Rescue two spectators have five cards each and exchange one, performer divines it
Related toVariationsAlso published here 55 Apr. 1939 389
L. Vosburgh Lyons Tri-Predicti envelope cut in deck, card above and below predicted, repeat
Variations 55 Apr. 1939 389
Card under Envelope Addition envelope with card underneath is placed on pile to add (force) card
55 Apr. 1939 389
Peter Warlock Pencil Note on Nail secret cue sheet, recipe
55 Apr. 1939 390
R. M. Jamison Illusive Cups-Balls Opening
55 Apr. 1939 392
Paul Lesser Light That Was blowing match out through sleeve with new method
55 Apr. 1939 392
Charles Rose Problem Dept. facial expression changes in seance, witnessed by Charles Rose
55 Apr. 1939 392
Theodore Annemann Contest Corner mathematical problem with 3x3 magic square, see page 396 for solution
55 Apr. 1939 392
L. Vosburgh Lyons Addition from Jacket Edge packet under jacket in paper clip, palmed off and added
55 Apr. 1939 393
Audley Walsh Gnome Madness spectator pockets any card he likes while spreading through them, this one is found
55 Apr. 1939 394
Robert Weill Closed Door Production
55 Apr. 1939 394
The Great Merlini Red-Vibro spectator puts any card in envelope, performer spreads second deck, it has one odd-backed card - the same as in the envelope
56 May 1939 395
Theodore Annemann Eagle Location risky location in which spectator shuffles his own card back
Related to 56 May 1939 397
Theodore Annemann (reviewer) Forging Ahead in Magic by John Booth 56 May 1939 397
Making Envelope transparent alcohol
56 May 1939 398
Theodore Annemann, Light on the Hindu Shuffle control to top, see also following entries
56 May 1939 398
Theodore Annemann The Consecutive Hindu Shuffle multiple control in one hindu shuffle
56 May 1939 399
Theodore Annemann The Hindu Force dropping from bottom of right hand to left hand packet
56 May 1939 399
Theodore Annemann The Simplex Hindu Location simple, key card placement
56 May 1939 399
Mitchell Dyszel The Travelling Knot knot in silk slides down and dissolves
56 May 1939 400
Mitchell Dyszel Snap Knot
56 May 1939 400
James Stewart Whisko shot glass vanishes under handkerchief
57 June 1939 401
James Stewart Ghosto person vanishes from trunk and comes in from door, party/seance trick/gag
57 June 1939 401
Theodore Annemann Flat Rabbit Gag "I left him in the suit when I had it pressed!"
Related to 57 June 1939 402
Dr. Stanley Jaks Crystal-Viso chosen card divined in crystal ball first by performer, then spectator
Related toVariationsAlso published here 57 June 1939 404
James G. Thompson Jr. Financial Nightmare bill transposition with story presentation
57 June 1939 405
Peter Warlock Satan's Scissors red and white tissue paper transforms into cut-out image of chosen card
Related to 57 June 1939 405
Dr. Jacob Daley Vice-Versa transposition isolated on table, double facer
Related to 57 June 1939 406
Wild Card Turnover Move double facer and normal card
57 June 1939 406
Tom Darlington Tip Tap Top puzzle/bar bet with coin and cigarette pack
Summer Extra 1939 1939 408
Cedric Applause named card caught out of shower of cards
Summer Extra 1939 1939 409
Eric C. Lewis King of Clubs "King of Clubs" forced and name of local club appears on backs of some cards
Summer Extra 1939 1939 409
Eric Williams Sucker Dummy gag for silk vanish with sucker/soother
Summer Extra 1939 1939 410
John Ramsay Thimble Come interlocked thimble production
Summer Extra 1939 1939 411
George Davenport Cane to Silk Ideas
Summer Extra 1939 1939 411
Oscar H. Paulson Bridge Mentalo freely selected card is found out after some calculation with its value and suit
Summer Extra 1939 1939 411
Lenz Glowing Embers eating fakir stunt
Summer Extra 1939 1939 412
George Sutcliffe, Tom Sellers Repel-Attract matches move apart between fingers, rubber tubing
Variations Summer Extra 1939 1939 412
Jean Hugard Mutilation billiard ball penetrates borrowed handkerchief, for repeat it gets stuck and handkerchief is cut and burned, then restored (Hanky Panky)
Summer Extra 1939 1939 413
Arthur Dowler Beer Cap bar bet with beer cap, turning it over on table
Related to Summer Extra 1939 1939 413
E. Leslie May A Napkin Sewn comedy restoration with visible sewing lines
Summer Extra 1939 1939 413
Deveen Tourniquet Cig
Summer Extra 1939 1939 414
Tom Sellers A Four Ace Move
Related to Summer Extra 1939 1939 414
Peter Warlock The Satchel book test with slates
Also published here Summer Extra 1939 1939 414
Tom Sellers Transforming Break into Step
Summer Extra 1939 1939 414
Edmund Younger Flowers Aplenty "Li-Chung-Soo", various tips for flower productions
Summer Extra 1939 1939 415
John Ramsay Hypno Coin coin stands on edge on thumb
Summer Extra 1939 1939 416
Chester Morris The Fate of the Fabric borrowed handkerchief smudged and destroyed, then restored
58 July 1939 417
Theodore Annemann Getting rid of Double Facer
Inspired by 58 July 1939 418
Making Vanishing Ink
58 July 1939 419
James G. Thompson Jr. Court of Intrigue verbal puzzle
58 July 1939 419
Robert Brethen Known Before card on both sides predicted
Variations 58 July 1939 419
William Taylor Puzzle Lamps circuit of four light bulbs
58 July 1939 421
Kent Arthur Right Number person in book selected, someone phoned who names this name
Variations 58 July 1939 421
David P. Abbott Abbott's Book Test
Also published here 58 July 1939 422
David P. Abbott Magician's Choice out of eight items
58 July 1939 422
Donald Holmes Forcing Deck long-short glued pairs with loose force card in between
58 July 1939 422
Theodore Annemann No Pain fakir stunt combination:
  • burning cigarette on tongue
  • needle through arm (real)
  • eating pepper
  • putting hand in trap
Related to 59 Aug. 1939 423
James G. Thompson Jr. Court of Intrigue verbal puzzlepu
59 Aug. 1939 424
Kent Arthur Faker! one of four cards is signed and they're cut into deck, then three cards reverse with face-down in between which turns out to be signed card, medium/seance situation
59 Aug. 1939 425
John J. Crimmins Jr. Meta-Stasis two selected cards, duplicate
59 Aug. 1939 427
Walter B. Gibson The 20 Card Trick as seen by Agostin, twenty cards are selected and shuffled back, all found blindfolded from pocket in apparently random order
Variations 59 Aug. 1939 428
Kent Arthur Spurious Pelf "do as i do" sequence with spectator and 5 bills each, selected bill remains upside down
Related to 60 Sep. 1939 429
Stuart P. Cramer Just Pretend one coin vanish and reproduction
60 Sep. 1939 431
Flat Thumb Palm kind of "Downs Palm"
60 Sep. 1939 431
Cedric The Bacchanalian Card Trick messages on card that suggest a round of drinks payed by one of the spectators
60 Sep. 1939 433
Julian J. Proskauer Smeero
60 Sep. 1939 434
Sid Lorraine Dollar Day
61 Oct. 1939 435
James G. Thompson Jr. Red and Blue Futurama free selection in predicted on odd-backed card and changes back color
61 Oct. 1939 437
Hindu Shuffle Display
61 Oct. 1939 438
George Delaney A Magnetic Personality
  • magnetic/mesmerised cards
  • buzzing sound when touching metal
  • fire flash in the dark
61 Oct. 1939 438
Peter Warlock Pagan Papers different colored tissue papers are rolled up inside each other and put in glasses, inner paper travels to other glass
Related to 62 Oct. 1939 439
Theodore Annemann A 68 Cent Patent tip on patenting, see page 456
Also published here 62 Oct. 1939 441
George Delaney Three in One card openly reversed in deck, then cards on either side reverse instead
Also published here 62 Oct. 1939 441
Kent Arthur Familiar Spirit twenty blank cards, each with a two-figure number by a spectator, then some cards are totaled and total divined
Also published here 62 Oct. 1939 442
James G. Thompson Jr. Utility Routine Svengali deck with the different cards stacked, ends clean, bridge deal finale
Also published here 63 Oct. 1939 443
Sid Lorraine Magical Business Card quick transformation effect as card is given out
63 Oct. 1939 444
Theodore Annemann The Perfect Club Slate Routine name written up secretly on paper appears on slate
Also published here 63 Oct. 1939 446
Eddie Joseph Man of Attraction The Human Magnet, sticky substance, prelude with some "body magic" stunts
64 Oct. 1939 447
Joseph Dunninger Nomenclature three random names are spelled, selection found, automatic placement procedure
Related toVariationsAlso published here 64 Oct. 1939 450
Dr. Van Deusen, Bruce Elliott Finger Finger number of held-up fingers divined repeatedly, see also page 476 for idea by Vosburgh Lyons
Also published here 65 Nov. 1939 451
Theodore Annemann The $10,000 Challenge Silk Vanish pull to confederate
65 Nov. 1939 452
Charley Nagel Numberitus nine principle
65 Nov. 1939 452
James Thompson X-Add-Ray number written on paper divined, pocket slates gimmick
65 Nov. 1939 454
William Henderson (reviewer) Modern Magic Programs No. 6 by Tommy Martin 65 Nov. 1939 455
Sid Lorraine Prediction method for sealed prediction envelope
Also published here 65 Nov. 1939 456
Theodore Annemann Omega Card Act five cards in five spectacular ways (see following entries)
Variations 66 Nov. 1939 457
Scallop Short
66 Nov. 1939 458
Theodore Annemann, Holden The Rising Card credits see p. 461
66 Nov. 1939 459
Theodore Annemann, Stanley Collins The Penetrating Card deck in case, credits see p. 461
66 Nov. 1939 459
Theodore Annemann, Morris Loewy The Pocketbook Card credits see p. 461
66 Nov. 1939 459
Case Flap between Cards and Deck
66 Nov. 1939 459
Theodore Annemann The Impaled Card
66 Nov. 1939 460
Theodore Annemann The Torn Card deck torn in half, stop trick from both half piles, credits see p. 461
66 Nov. 1939 460
Claude Goldin Quarters from Torn Deck deck torn in quarters, performer names four positions, when counted down in the four positions there is selected card
66 Nov. 1939 461
Theodore Annemann Whim of Tituba page travels into nested signed envelopes, "pegasus page", see also pages 468 & 472 for credits
Related toAlso published here 67 Nov. 1939 463
Al Baker Nested Envelopes Switch
67 Nov. 1939 465
Minoe Pretty Bauble duplicate ring
67 Nov. 1939 465
Kent Arthur Ten and One shell
67 Nov. 1939 466
Simple Coin Switch
67 Nov. 1939 466
Val Evans Discs of Dir ball and disc threaded on string, they impossibly change places
68 Nov. 1939 467
Otto Waldmann An Improved Fake Hat e.g. for production
68 Nov. 1939 470
Orville Wayne Meyer To Do a Miracle psychological force, spectator hopefully names the card that has been over-exposed earlier in a routine
Related to 68 Nov. 1939 470
Stewart James Sefalaljia miniature spirit cabinet, ball moves, ring on tape, cigar lights itself, milk vanishes
Related toVariationsAlso published here 69 Dec. 1939 471
R. M. Jamison Impromptu Slick Work ivory finish card in air cushion or linen deck
69 Dec. 1939 472
Ellis Stanyon Personalities In Flight four business cards borrowed and placed on handkerchief corners, penetration underneath cover one by one
69 Dec. 1939 474
Fredric Kolb Nirvana Nos. one of sixteen colors selected, one card by naming position 1-52, three numbers added up, on cardboard in frame then appear those three selections
Related to 70 Dec. 1939 475
Faced-Deck Card at Any Number
70 Dec. 1939 477
Orville Wayne Meyer Phoned Thots mirage deck
70 Dec. 1939 478
Stewart James (reviewer) Modern Magic Programs No. 7 by Joseph DunningerRelated to 70 Dec. 1939 478
Henry Christ Mental Stud poker presentation
71 Dec. 1939 479
Dr. Lazlo Rothbart Coloroto four-of-a-kind changes front and back with partial rough-smooth
Also published here 71 Dec. 1939 481
Theodore Annemann The Roughened Card Formulae
71 Dec. 1939 482
Joseph H. Fries Torn Sentiment message appears cut out from newspaper
71 Dec. 1939 482
Herb Runge Neckfright rope through neck, snap-fasteners
72 Dec. 1939 483
Henry Christ Mathematical Black Jacks black Jacks are located via counting
Related toVariations 72 Dec. 1939 485
L. Vosburgh Lyons The Knickel of Kanadah coin divination, magnetism
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 72 Dec. 1939 486
Theodore Annemann, Thirteen of Magic Authentical rubber banded deck stands on edge during rise
73 Dec. 1939 487
Howard Warringer Fingeraura challenge location using scotch tape secretly applied to card
73 Dec. 1939 489
Burling Hull, Theodore Annemann New Sheet Reading questions in numbered envelopes answered by medium, Q&A
Also published here 73 Dec. 1939 491
Deck Switching Servante mention
73 Dec. 1939 491
Minoe Matchless Pocket Trick two matchboxes in borrowed hat, one of them vanishes and travels to another hat
73 Dec. 1939 492
L. Vosburgh Lyons Graphology spectators write on paper cards, performer assigns them correctly, pseudo-psychometry
Related toVariationsAlso published here 74 Jan. 1940 493
Joseph Dunninger The Secret with flash paper addition, using a glass of water, credit claim
Related toAlso published here 74 Jan. 1940 495
Henry Christ Stop When Ready cards turned over one by one and placed onto deck in out-jogged condition
Related toVariationsAlso published here 74 Jan. 1940 496
Henry Christ Aces and Kings a bit procedure heavy
74 Jan. 1940 496
Peter Warlock Jest of Gratoulet white silk tied between two others, changes place with tissue paper
75 Jan. 1940 497
Stewart James Pin Divination orientation of pin in closed container divined
Also published here 75 Jan. 1940 498
Abril Lamarque Match Gag gag in which match doesn't go out and is then put in pocket lightened
75 Jan. 1940 498
Robert Tothill Secrets for Sale four locations
75 Jan. 1940 500
Robert Brethen As in a Mirror Darkly billet index on back of cards
Related toAlso published here 76 Jan. 1940 501
Theodore Annemann On Winston Freer's Dinner Table Levitation see also pages 514, 516, 520
76 Jan. 1940 502
E. D. Wolff Impromptu Change Bag folded napkin
76 Jan. 1940 503
Alexander Herrmann Dinner Table Pull for vanishing objects, between legs, bag that is pulled up the back when standing up, see page 506 for Sachs credit
Related to 76 Jan. 1940 504
Walter B. Gibson Double Reverse spectator's and performer's cards reverse
Related toVariationsAlso published here 77 Jan. 1940 505
L. Vosburgh Lyons A Hole in One hole punched through four pieces of paper, three of them restore
77 Jan. 1940 505
Charles T. Jordan Bewildero spectator remembers card and position from face, then he counts to it from the back and loses it into one pile without looking at it again, it is on top of other pile and ditched or similar
Also published here 77 Jan. 1940 508
Charles T. Jordan Bewildero 2nd selection ends up between two Aces after lots of counting
Also published here 77 Jan. 1940 508
E. D. Wolff Astral Ad ads cut out of newspaper put in envelope, one chosen and word in it chosen, divined
Also published here 78 Feb. 1940 509
Clayton Rawson Sixth Finger Card Rise
Related to 78 Feb. 1940 511
Charles T. Jordan Forty-Nine 21 card trick with 49 cards and two dealing rounds, see also page 524 for idea to do it as telephone trick by Lloyd Jones
Related toAlso published here 78 Feb. 1940 513
Minoe, U. F. Grant Clever Coins two times ten coins in two bowls, number selected with dice travels across, see also page 524
78 Feb. 1940 513
Number Force with Dice dice glued in matchbox
78 Feb. 1940 514
Dr. Edward G. Ervin Number Thot number "randomly" calculated divined, interesting principle
Also published here 79 Feb. 1940 515
Dr. Jacob Daley Short Card Anecdote
79 Feb. 1940 516
Theodore Annemann Erased Address Prediction mailing envelope with pencil-written address to yourself
79 Feb. 1940 516
Tom Sellers, Val Evans Forced Prognostico selection appears on blank card
VariationsAlso published here 79 Feb. 1940 517
Tom Sellers Credit Card Force on another card
Related to 79 Feb. 1940 517
Val Evans Glide Display hiding face of one card
79 Feb. 1940 517
Claude Collier We All Do with three decks and two spectators
79 Feb. 1940 517
Sid Fleischman Drunken Cocktail liquid travels from straw to straw
Variations 79 Feb. 1940 518
James G. Thompson Jr. The Eyes Have It coding only with eye movement
Related toAlso published here 80 Feb. 1940 519
Audley Walsh Gloves Glue Gag
80 Feb. 1940 520
Theodore Annemann The Whistle two cards reverse with fun presentation
Variations 80 Feb. 1940 522
Theodore Annemann Double Lift Reverse
80 Feb. 1940 522
Theodore Annemann Rightening Reverse while rightening another card
80 Feb. 1940 522
Theodore Annemann A Card in Hand card changes in spectator's hand, stabbing presentation, backdated for ten years
Related toVariationsAlso published here 80 Feb. 1940 522
Burling Hull Slip Control selection switched out with slip force type action
80 Feb. 1940 522
Audley Walsh Open Minds sum prediction via cards, out-to-lunch principle on deck of cards
Also published here 81 Feb. 1940 523
Theodore Annemann (reviewer) 12 Tricks With A Borrowed Deck by Martin Gardner 81 Feb. 1940 524
Theodore Annemann Damn The Rain cocktail recipe
81 Feb. 1940 525
Dr. Edward G. Ervin The Adhesive Tape Tie
81 Feb. 1940 526
Kent Arthur "Never Idle" Cards slop shuffle Triumph with twelve card packet
81 Feb. 1940 526
Theodore Annemann Pocket Prophecies including thoughts on predictions and the pocket index in general, see also p. 818
Also published here 82 Mar. 1940 527
Theodore Annemann The Original Effect straight card prediction using billet index
Also published here 82 Mar. 1940 529
Theodore Annemann Lady and Gentleman two card prediction with billet index
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 82 Mar. 1940 529
Theodore Annemann, Walter B. Gibson The Omega Card Prophecy card chosen with dealing procedure, billet index
Also published here 82 Mar. 1940 529
Orville Wayne Meyer Twin Prediction partial set-up and ten-card billet index
Also published here 82 Mar. 1940 530
Orville Wayne Meyer, Arthur H. Buckley Twin Prediction - The Improved Buckley Method full deck stack and billet index
Also published here 82 Mar. 1940 530
Audley Walsh The Mystic Twelve cards pocketed and another remembered, performer divines position of selection and number of cards in pocket, reverse-count force
Related toVariations 82 Mar. 1940 531
Hubert Elliott Sky Sense selection moved from pile to pile, divined by performer, key card
Variations 83 Mar. 1940 533
Key Card Shuffle Subtlety
83 Mar. 1940 533
Len Sewell Crystal Box production box
83 Mar. 1940 534
Herb Runge Hidden Mystery two cards selected with dealing procedure, performer places another card next to them one by one
Related toAlso published here 83 Mar. 1940 535
Herb Runge Gemini Twins Placement
83 Mar. 1940 535
Walter B. Gibson Before Your Eyes Improvement improvement
Inspired byAlso published here 83 Mar. 1940 535
Theodore Annemann One-Hand Cutting Trick
83 Mar. 1940 535
Minoe Frame Up appearing card or picture in frame
84 1940 537
Minoe Fan/Ping Pong Bat Force stop force with prop
84 1940 538
G. W. Hunter Three Predictions piles made and card moved around, then some pocketed, performer divines everything
Variations 84 1940 538
Dr. Edward G. Ervin Sixth Finger
Inspired by 84 1940 539
Dr. Jacob Daley Never Fail instructions to rope trick appear on slates
Also published here 85 1940 541
Dr. Jacob Daley Frontier Fantasy red and blue backed Four of Spades transpose, red-blue double backer
85 1940 542
Theodore DeLand Two Card Monte Move
85 1940 542
Dr. Jacob Daley Two Cards in Fear two spectators stab two knives in deck wrapped in newspaper
Related toVariations 85 1940 543
Dr. Jacob Daley Second Card from the Top Slip Pass
Related to 85 1940 543
Theodore Annemann The Invisible Pull thumb tip at pull, applied to paper restoration, silk/cigarette vanish
Related to 86 1940 546
Stanley Collins, Dr. Lazlo Rothbart Thoughts O.K. prepared (double indices) and ungaffed method for princess card trick
86 1940 547
Walter B. Gibson Card Case Glimpse "Flap-Flap" card put in card case is glimpsed later
86 1940 548
Frank Ducrot Smoked Glasses Tenkai Glass Levitation at book combined with Smoke and new gimmick
87 1940 549
Frederick Eugene Powell A Ring There Was ring to egg with gaffed bowl and plate
87 1940 550
Harry Houdini Malay Escape rope tie
87 1940 551
T. Nelson Downs Money Sense cards divined and four selected cards represent year of coin
87 1940 551
T. Nelson Downs Out for Classic Force
87 1940 551
Beer Bet impromptu milk pitcher type thing with celluloid in glass to drink more
87 1940 552
Theodore Annemann On Hooker's Rising Effect some gossip
87 1940 552
Walter B. Gibson Perplexity two cards in twenty card packet at unknown positions change place (more or less)
Related toVariations 88 1940 553
George Delaney An Acrobatic Handkerchief impromptu dancing handkerchief
88 1940 553
George Delaney Flame in Duplicate match lights twice
Related to 88 1940 553
Hen Fetsch In the Mind performer really blindfolded
  • think stop with one selection
  • think stop with three selections
  • a chosen card is named
Also published here 88 1940 554
Hindu Force
88 1940 555
Theodore Annemann Weird Wire medium phoned and tells one out of five designs, selected cards and word
VariationsAlso published here 89 1940 558
Allan Howell Foretold selection with numbers and dealing procedure predicted
89 1940 559
Magnuson Devil Device gaffed box for questions, see also p. 570
Also published here 89 1940 561
Audley Walsh The Assorted Cards elaborate diminishing cards routine
90 1940 563
Stanley Collins Transit Spheres four small balls travel from hand to hand
91 1940 567
Royal Vale Heath Figure Fantasy Fibonacci principle
VariationsAlso published here 91 1940 568
Albert Cohn Combination dealing trick
Inspired by 91 1940 568
Walter B. Gibson Like Seeks Like 3&3, precursor to Oil & Water using glide
91 1940 569
Harry Houdini, Dr. George W. Crane The Houdini Breath Control Method
92 1940 571
Theodore Annemann Ballot Box Divination fifty lotto type counters in revolving ballot box
Also published here 92 1940 572
Charles Arbuthnot The Arbuthnot Canfield Solitaire Stack
Related to 92 1940 573
Dr. Egolar Razor Blade Trick
92 1940 574
Lulu Hurst The Secret of the Georgia Wonder general information and:
  • The Balance Test
  • The Downward Thrust
  • The Heavy Weight Lifting Test
  • The Chair that Won't be Forced
  • The Umbrella Test
  • The Uncontrollable Cane or Cue
  • The Unruly Chair
93 1940 575
Getting Coin in Glass paper on glass, coin on top, getting coin in glass without touching paper (no snap!)
93 1940 580
Data entered by Denis Behr, October 2010.