Classic Force
Creators | Title | Comments & References | Year | Source | Page | AA | Categories | |
How to tell one what card he seeth in the bottome, when the same card is shuffled into the stocke | 1584 |
The Discoverie of Witchcraft
(Issue XXVII)
Classic Force | 1584 |
The Discoverie of Witchcraft
(Issue XXVIII)
Classic Force | 1784 | |||||||
Divination du montant d'argent expliqué | 1786 | |||||||
Henri Decremps | Classic Force | 1786 | ||||||
To "Force" a Card | 1876 | |||||||
Professor Hoffmann | Tips on the Classic Force | 1876 | ||||||
To Force a Card | 1889 | |||||||
To Pass a Card through a Hat | 1889 | |||||||
Card to Pocket as Out for Classic Force | 1889 | |||||||
To "Force" a Card. First Method | 1890 | |||||||
H. F. C. Suhr | Das Forcieren | 1895 | ||||||
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster | Das Forcieren der Karten oder die gezwungene Wahl | Oct. 1895 |
Der Zauberspiegel
(Vol. 1 No. 2)
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster | Das Forcieren der Karten | Nov. 1895 |
Der Zauberspiegel
(Vol. 1 No. 3)
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster | Forcieren der Karten | 1896 | ||||||
Das Forcieren einer Karte mit einer Hand | Feb. 1896 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 2 No. 2)
Das Forcieren mehrerer Karten | Feb. 1896 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 2 No. 2)
Carl Willmann | Das Forcieren der Karten | Mar. 1896 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 2 No. 3)
Carl Willmann | Das Forcieren der Karten | Apr. 1896 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 2 No. 4)
Das wiederholte Forcieren ein und derselben Karte | May 1896 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 2 No. 5)
The Force | 1897 | |||||||
William E. Robinson | New Thought Card Sleights - Second Method | 1897 | ||||||
C. Vogel, Carl Willmann | Ein erhöhter Erfolg des Forcierens | June 1898 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 4 No. 6)
Das Forcieren | 1899 | |||||||
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser | Classic Force | Mar. 1901 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 7 No. 3)
Forcing | 1902 | |||||||
To Force a Card | 1902 | |||||||
Ernst Ehrhardt | Die aufdrängliche Karte | Jan. 1904 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 10 No. 1)
To Force a Card | 1904 | |||||||
Jack Merlin | Forcing | 1927/28 | ||||||
Graham Adams | On Forcing | 1931 | ||||||
Eliminating the Pass for Forcing | 1933 | |||||||
Victor Farelli | Forcing - Timing | 1933 | ||||||
John Mulholland | Balance | 1933 | ||||||
Victor Farelli | Some "Imperfections" | 1933 | ||||||
Victor Farelli | The Nervous Assistant | 1933 | ||||||
Victor Farelli, Sam H. Sharpe | Choosing a "Forcee" | 1933 | ||||||
Joaquín Partagás | A "Tip" from Spain | 1933 | ||||||
For force in audience | 1933 | |||||||
Orville Wayne Meyer | The "One of a Bunch" Force | 1935 |
The Jinx
(Issue Summer Extra 1935)
Classic Force | 1937 | |||||||
For ready Reference, Several Methods of Forcing Cards | 1937 | |||||||
The Force | 1938 | |||||||
John Scarne | Forcing Cards Behind the Back | 1938 | ||||||
R. M. Jamison | The Never Fail Card Force | 1939 |
More Card Manipulations
(Issue 2)
The Classic Force | 1940 | |||||||
The Fan Force | 1940 | |||||||
T. Nelson Downs | Out for Classic Force | 1940 |
The Jinx
(Issue 87)
Charles Hopkins | 33 - When force is missed. | 1940 | ||||||
The Force | 1941 | |||||||
In Case of Emergency | 1941 | |||||||
William Larsen, T. Page Wright | Nerve Force | 1941 |
More Card Manipulations
(Issue 4)
Dr. Lazlo Rothbart | Forcer | 1943 |
Hokus Pokus
(Vol. 5 No. 1)
Edward Marlo | The Force | 1945 | ||||||
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue | Resume | 1946 | ||||||
The Classic Force | 1948 | |||||||
Dariel Fitzkee | The Force | 1948 | ||||||
Paul LePaul | A Paradox Of Pairs | 1949 | ||||||
Felix Korim | Classic Force Tip | Apr. 1949 |
Grant's Inner Circle Magazine
(Vol. 1 No. 7)
Al Baker | How to Force a Card | 1951 | ||||||
The Classical Force | 1954 | |||||||
Dai Vernon | The Classic Force | 1960 | ||||||
Max Malini | The Malini Force | 1960 | ||||||
Charlie Miller, Sam H. Sharpe | The Force | 1961 | ||||||
Paul Stadelman | Always Force the Card | 1966 |
Ireland's Yearbooks
(Issue Yearbook 1965-66)
Al Koran | Sure Fire Force | 1968 | ||||||
No-Break Classic Force | 1971 | |||||||
Harry Lorayne | Behind-The-Back Force | 1971 | ||||||
Ralph W. Hull, Gerald R. Blount | Note One - Hull's "Sure Fire" Force | June 1971 |
(Vol. 2 No. 16)
Face-up Classic Force | June 1972 |
Kabbala — Volume 1
(Vol. 1 No. 6)
Edward G. Brown | The Classical 'Fan' Force | 1973 | ||||||
Eddie Fechter | Tips, Hints, and Bits of Business | 1974 | ||||||
Arranged Prediction | 1975 | |||||||
Force | 1976 | |||||||
Harry Lorayne | The Classic Force | 1977 | ||||||
Martin A. Nash | Jog Classic Force | 1979 | ||||||
how to make one draw the same or any card you like | 1979 | |||||||
Ken Brooke | Ken on the Fan Force | 1980 | ||||||
Paul Gertner | The Classical Method | 1980 | ||||||
Harry Lorayne | A Lorayne Storm | Feb. 1981 |
(Vol. 4 No. 2)
Simon Lovell | Tips on the Fan Force | 1984 | ||||||
Stephen Tucker | Jog Classic Force | Mar. 1984 |
(Vol. 3 No. 35)
Die klassische Fächerforce | Nov. 1984 |
(Vol. 11 No. 2)
Dai Vernon | Classic Force Finesse | 1988 | ||||||
Steve Beam | How to Practice the Classic Pass by Yourself | 1988 |
The Trapdoor — Volume One
(Issue 21)
The Fan Force | 1989 | |||||||
Force 3: Die natürliche oder auch klassische Force | 1989 | |||||||
Gary Ouellet | The Classic Force | 1990 | ||||||
Ken Brooke | Die Fächerforce | Dec. 1991 |
(Vol. 16 No. 4 & 5)
T. Page Wright | The Force | 1991 | ||||||
T. Page Wright | The "Nerve" Force | 1991 | ||||||
Gary Kurtz | Example: The Classic Force | 1992 | ||||||
クラシックフォース | 1993 | |||||||
Eddie Fechter | Tips, Hints, and Bits of Business | 1993 | ||||||
Vicente Canuto | 1.- El Forzaje Clásico | 1993 | ||||||
Sameer Upadhyay | The Psychic Infant | Aug. 1994 |
(Vol. 17 No. 2)
The Classic Force | 1995 | |||||||
Roberto Giobbi | Outs | 1995 | ||||||
The Jumping Pulse | 1995 | |||||||
Roberto Giobbi | The Top Change as an Out for the Classic Force | 1995 | ||||||
Eddie Tullock | Eddie's Consummate Classic Force | 1996 | ||||||
William Goodwin | Selection Foretold | 1997 | ||||||
Simon Lovell | Fanforcethinks | 1997 | ||||||
David Avadon | The Irrestible Force | July 1997 |
(Vol. 6 No. 11)
Jonathan Hartz | Force Issue | Sep. 1997 |
(Vol. 7 No. 1)
David Avadon, Sid Fleischman | Change | Nov. 1997 |
(Vol. 7 No. 3)
Dai Vernon | Classic Force Finesse | 1998 | ||||||
Ellis Stanyon | How to "Force" a Card | 1999 | ||||||
Ellis Stanyon | Ordinary Method of Forcing the Choice of a Card | 1999 | ||||||
Ellis Stanyon | Ordinary Method of Forcing the Choice of a Card | 1999 | ||||||
Ellis Stanyon | Forcing a Card with One Hand | 1999 | ||||||
Ellis Stanyon | Forcing a Card with the "Charlier Pass" - Left Hand | 1999 | ||||||
Chan Canasta | The Analysis | 2000 | ||||||
Chan Canasta | Forcing Cards | 2000 | ||||||
Chan Canasta | How Do You Do It? | 2000 | ||||||
Chan Canasta | Psychological Riffle Force and Classic Force Combination | 2000 | ||||||
Chan Canasta | Demonstration of Forcing | 2000 | ||||||
Patrick Page | The Left Handed Force | Mar. 2002 |
(Vol. 65 No. 3)
Al Baker | How to Force a Card | 2003 |
The Secret Ways of Al Baker
(Issue Pet Secrets)
Roberto Giobbi | Forcieren des armen Mannes | 2003 | ||||||
Ron Frost | The Simplified Classic Force | 2004 | ||||||
Ron Frost | The Classic Force: Bottoms Up! | 2004 | ||||||
Ron Frost | The Classic Force: Off The Top | 2004 | ||||||
Ron Frost | The Indicator Card | 2004 | ||||||
Rick Merrill | The Classic Force | 2005 | ||||||
Doug Edwards | A Step Forward (not backward!) | 2006 | ||||||
Roberto Giobbi, Dai Vernon | On the Classic Force | June 2008 |
(Vol. 71 No. 6)
Dani DaOrtiz | Cull para Salida de un fallo | 2008 |
El Manuscrito
(Vol. 1 No. 4)
Grace Ann Morgan | The Camouflage Spread | 2009 | ||||||
Harry Lorayne | Behind-The-Back Classic Force | 2011 | ||||||
Jon Armstrong | Forcing | 2011 | ||||||
Classic Force | 2013 | |||||||
Jon Armstrong | Forcing | 2013 | ||||||
Roberto Giobbi | On the Classic Force | 2016 |
Hidden Agenda
(Issue July 8)
Roberto Giobbi | Another Out for the Classic Force | 2016 |
Hidden Agenda
(Issue July 9)
Tom Mullica | Gag Out for the Classic Force | 2016 |
Hidden Agenda
(Issue July 10)
Roberto Giobbi | Classic Force Light | 2016 | ||||||
Johnny Thompson | The Classic Force | 2018 |
The Magic of Johnny Thompson
(Issue 1)
Max Malini | Max Malini | 2018 |
The Magic of Johnny Thompson
(Issue 1)
Heba Haba Al | Heba Haba Al | 2018 |
The Magic of Johnny Thompson
(Issue 1)
Johnny Thompson | Johnny Thompson | 2018 |
The Magic of Johnny Thompson
(Issue 1)
Asi Wind | Face-up/Face-Down Classic Force | 2018 | ||||||
Pit Hartling | Updated Handling | 2018 | ||||||
Harapan Ong | Breakless Classic Force | 2018 | ||||||
Joaquín Navajas, Miguel Gómez, Camilo Vázquez | Forzaje ESP | 2019 | ||||||
Ryan Schlutz | Mind the GAP | 2020 | ||||||
Dani DaOrtiz | Classic Force. Cards are spread in the hands | 2021 | ||||||
Juan Tamariz, Dani DaOrtiz | Holding the deck face up (Tamariz, DaOrtiz) | 2021 | ||||||
Dani DaOrtiz | HLG force (Homage to Lennart Green force) | 2021 | ||||||
Max Malini | Step Delay | 2022 | ||||||
Max Malini | The Malini Force | 2022 | ||||||
Ben Daggers | Breakless Classic Force | 2022 | ||||||
Ben Daggers | On the Classic Force | 2022 | ||||||
Markobi | Tips on the Classic Force | 2023 | ||||||
Roberto Giobbi | Setting up a Card for the Classic Force | 2024 |
Unexpected Agenda
(Issue Mar 29)
Roberto Giobbi, John Mulholland, Max Malini | More on the Classic Force | 2024 |
Unexpected Agenda
(Issue Mar 30)
Roberto Giobbi, Trevor Lewis | Still More on the Classic Force | 2024 |
Unexpected Agenda
(Issue Mar 31)