272 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Prediction / Prediction in form of Mates
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Eddie Joseph Staggered - Presentation Nine two decks, mate of selection is found in pocket
1949 5
Bill Simon Twice Clipped two mate predictions, cards clipped together with paper clips
Variations Feb. 1954
The Phoenix (Issue 300)
Bill Simon Two Up two prediction cards removed by performer, spectators insert them next to mates
1954 24
Dr. Stanley Jaks Ich weiss es vorher cards dealt on table until stop, piles are turned over and one card's value used to count down in other pile, mate as prediction
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 21 No. 1)
Glenn G. Gravatt Pairing the Pairs three mates as prediction
Also published here
  • Glenn Gravatt's "Pairing the Pairs" in "Genii" 1953, September.
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 21 No. 4&5)
Howard Schwarzman The Impeccable Prediction
Variations 1961 150
Mo Howarth Three Card Match application of IBD
Inspired by Sep. 1969
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 4 No. 11)
Brian Jordan 8 - 25 packets removed and counted down in some piles, two mates appear, see also p. 348
Related to
  • "Isochronism" (Stewart James, Linking Ring, Oct. 1952)
Jan. 1970 315
Gene Lawton Ultra Reverse deck pocketed, spectator removes card, when deck is spread, its mate is reversed
Variations Apr. 1970 331
Sam Schwartz Tri-Multaneous
  • Part 1: mate & selection appear at same time after slip slop shuffled packed is gone through in pairs
  • Part 2: Sam-Ultaneous
  • Part 3: two chosen cards show up at same position in two packets, using two odd-numbered piles
see also p. 348
Inspired byVariations Apr. 1970 334
Robert (Bob) Hess Irresistible Fours two cards as predictions, two cards chosen, makes four fours
Sep. 1970
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 5 No. 11)
Ian Baxter Crazy Coincidence three prediction cards removed, three selected cards match, humorous presentation
1970 5
Paul Swinford Pairs Foretold three mates removed by spectator are predicted
1971 42
E. S. Bentfrum Matching Prediction
Inspired by Mar. 1972
Kabbala — Volume 2 (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Robert (Bob) Hess The 13th Card prediction under magazine matches thirteenth card after free spectator cut
Variations July 1972 552
Rolf Andra Eine fabelhafte Uebereinstimmung prediction in form of mates, three cards
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 33 No. 6)
Harry Lorayne Half-Force Open Prediction three prediction cards, spectator cuts deck into three packets, top cards match
1973 26
Dai Vernon, Harry Lorayne, Bruce Cervon Amazing Prediction two cards, some dealing and counting
Related to 1973 52
Karl Fulves Think of Something prediction in form of mate in envelope, ultra-mental deck
1974 26
Rolf Andra 2 Seltsame Karten-Paare re-deal force of two cards
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 35 No. 6)
Bill Spooner Revelation tabled predicition matches selection, using Impeccable Double
1975 128
Roy Walton Future Shock card predicted by cards with same suit and value, with impromptu version
Also published here Jan. 1975
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. 3)
M. D. Overholser The 13th Plus 13 prediction in pocket matches thirteenth card after free spectator cut
Inspired by June 1975
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. 8)
Larry Jennings Stabbed Coincidence prediction, selection is stabbed in deck, four-of-a-kind found
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1976 2
Tony Slydini Card Mates card selected from spread matches prediction card
Related to 1976 93
Tony Slydini Card Mates - The Repeat card selected from spread matches prediction card
Related to 1976 94
Nick Trost Card in Pocket Coincidence Card placed previously in pocket is the mate of spectator's free selection
Also published here 1976 6
Robert Harbin Harbins Dreifache Übereinstimmung three small packets, spectator selects a card of each packet, performer does same with his three packets, three matching value pairs show up
Also published here
  • Abracadabra #425, 20. Mar. 1954
Feb. 1976
Intermagic (Vol. 3 No. 3)
Gene Maze Experiment #2 four cards, four predictions change back color
1977 251
Karl Fulves Further Solution see "Experiment #2"
1977 252
Roy Walton Twice Two
Aug. 1977
Pabular (Vol. 3 No. 12)
Ken Krenzel To Indicate the Future
1978 33
Ken Krenzel Spectator Sympathy odd backed match
1978 37
Ken Krenzel KK's HHH two cards
1978 94
Karl Fulves Moving Middle
1978 8
Father Cyprian The Spectrum Effect two card prediction from half the deck, all other cards red
Inspired by
  • "Colorincidentally" (Tony Chaudhuri, "Bedazzled!", 1977, p. 31)
1978 1085
Jerry K. Hartman Mod Quad Card selected is stabbed into deck, prediction shown to be mate, and then card is shown to be stabbed between the other two mates (describes two methods)
Inspired by 1978 53
Simon Aronson Mis-Mate card shown and put out-jogged in deck, spectator says stop during biddling count, it is not the mate of the out-jogged card, but that one changes to match the selection
Also published here 1978 8
Harry Lorayne Three's Company spectator names any number up to twenty, multiple out
1979 65
Karl Fulves Stopped Twice two prediction cards placed in deck during dealing by spectator end up next to their mates, "Gemini Twins"
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1979 2
Karl Fulves The U.C.L.A. Move "Utility Center Lift Action"
hindu force that ends with a center double lift, matching application in which a selection does not match prediction card but then transforms
Variations 1979
The Chronicles (Issue 15)
Allen Lang Prelude four cards face-down on table, spectator finds the one that matches prediction
Inspired by 1979
The Chronicles (Issue 17)
Karl Fulves Psycho double placed on table
The Chronicles (Issue 19)
Steve Beam Simple Coincidence card removed as prediction, another chosen card matches via Turnover Change
Also published here 1979 46
Howard A. Adams Counthink deck of ESP cards, two cards are predicted, re-deal
Related to 1979
OICUFESP (Issue 1 - ten brand new esp card miracles)
Nick Trost Numerology simple ten-twenty force
1979 1
Father Cyprian The Spectrum Effect two cards
1980 32
Danny Korem, Tom Bowyer A Way Out three cards chosen from spectator match three cards chosen from performer, risky
The Hierophant (Issue The Last Hierophant)
Gene Maze A Squeaky Clean Prediction
1980 32
Tieneblas Pair-Cognition cards are dealt twice, on pile selected and top card predicted
Magick (Issue 273)
Harry Lorayne Take Five five cards touched and outjogged, down-under-deal, remaining card matches prediction
VariationsAlso published here 1980 9
Roy Walton Caught in Time clock trick with mate prediction
Also published here Oct. 1981
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Steve Beam Simple Coincidence card removed as prediction, another chosen card matches via Turnover Change
Also published here 1981 8
James G. Thompson Jr. "A" wie in Asse during a quick mate coincidence, the four Aces are secretly brought to the top, then Aces found by counting to values and other Ace effects
Also published here
  • Magic to Delight, Thompson Jr.
Jan. 1981
Intermagic (Vol. 7 No. 4)
Dr. Stanley Jaks Ich weiß es vorher card placed aside as prediction, spectator stops dealing, value is counted down to mate of prediction
Dec. 1981
Intermagic (Vol. 8 No. 4)
Stephen Tucker Best of Mates mate-gag, card with "My friend is the Ace of Clubs" is found
Feb. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 10)
Maurice Fogel, Eugene Burger Fogel's Triple Prediction including "the necessary degree of error"
Also published here 1983 60
Karl Fulves Gemini Twins No. 1, two cards inserted where spectator stops dealing, both next to mates
VariationsAlso published here 1984 1
Martin Lewis The Information Cards Free selection is predicted with two cards (value and suit)
1985 25
Larry Jennings Synchronicity magician and spectator choose mates three times in row
1986 10
Larry Jennings The Optical Prediction featuring Optical Toss
1986 80
Piet Forton Tossed Free Choice Match matching routine with Impeccable Double
Oct. 1987
Epoptica (Issue 10)
Dai Vernon, Alex Elmsley The Rendezvous Force mathematical force, Penelope's Principle with Klondike instead of faro shuffle
Related toAlso published here Mar. 1987
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 1 No. 8)
John Carney Easy As Hell Prediction card in case matches selection
Inspired by
  • "Big Deal" (Don Alan)
Also published here
Lecture Notes Collection (Issue Carney Uncovered)
Thomas Hierling Impromptu Al Koran spectator stops anytime during dealing, card matches prediction, faced deck method
1987 60
Roberto Giobbi Der Psychotest spectator cuts deck into four piles, the top four cards match four prediction cards
Also published here 1987 9
John Carney Easy As Hell Prediction card in case matches selection
Inspired by
  • "Big Deal" (Don Alan)
Also published here
1987 [9]
Dai Vernon, Alex Elmsley The Rendezvous Force mathematical force, Penelope's Principle with Klondike instead of faro shuffle
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1988 119
Edward Marlo Elimiracle card chosen in one deck matches to reversed card in second deck
1988 145
Larry Jennings You Can Always Count on Your Wallet card placed in wallet is mate of stopped at card
1988 197
Roy Walton Simple Coincidence spectator stabs prediction card in deck, its value is counted down from that spot to arrive at mate of prediction
1988 100
Roy Walton "Caught In Time" clock trick with mate prediction
Also published here 1988 105
Roy Walton Twice Two packet pocketed and another one counted, spectator remembers card at that position, it is found by counting and a mate of a prediction is also found
1988 164
Philip T. Goldstein Fraternal Twins two cards are selected by counting and spelling, predicted
1989 4
Karl Fulves Overthrow coin (or other object) on tabled spread during turnover
1989 4
John Bannon Discrepancy City Prediction three mates used to predict free selection
Variations 1990 4
Eric Mead Boy Meets Girl
Related to 1990
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 3 No. 1-5 Aspen Bar Magic)
Ken Krenzel Joint Futures double prediction with addition from card shelf
1990 50
Wesley James Impeccable Follow-Up spectator's selection matches tabled mate, repeat, then spectator finds card to complete four-of-a-kind
Inspired by 1990 13
David Williamson Brain Probe spectator finds four mates
Also published here Mar. 1990
The Minotaur (Vol. 2 No. 1)
Gary Ouellet Impeccadillo
Inspired by 1990 298
Jon Racherbaumer The Dreamy Dream Clock mate of clock-selection predicted in pocket and hour reversed in deck
Variations 1990 101
Shigeo Takagi The Double Thought
Inspired by 1990 58
John Bannon Heart of the City card spectator cuts to is predicted, another signed selection travels to envelope which has been on table
Also published here 1990 2
David Regal Inexplicaple Miracle card made out of suit and value from two chosen cards, it is predicted via card in pocket or card case (multiple out)
Related toVariationsAlso published here Dec. 1991
Apocalypse (Vol. 14 No. 12)
John Bannon Heart of the City card spectator cuts to is predicted, another signed selection travels to envelope which has been on table
VariationsAlso published here 1991 13
Edward Marlo Unexpected Mates spectator turns over any card, same as odd-backed prediction in deck
July 1991 8
Karl Fulves Poker Predict three unknown chosen cards sandwiched between Jokers in the deck, they complete a four-of-a-kind with a prediction card
Inspired by 1991 1
Harry Lorayne Prediction Guardians "wrong" sandwiched Prediction changes to corret one
May 1992
Apocalypse (Vol. 15 No. 5)
John Bannon, James Swain John Bannon's Discrepancy City Prediction
Inspired by 1992 71
Karl Fulves Wire Room packet placed in case, selection paper clipped to top of case, cards removed until stopped, this card is forced and matches clipped selection, two methods
Related to 1992 7
Karl Fulves Fly by Wire card paper clipped to case as prediction, card chosen from cased cards matches prediction, clip vanishes an reappears at mates with other color
1992 17
Karl Fulves Median card predicted by 2 other cards - its value must be between the prediction cards, in second phase one of the prediction cards vanishes to make it fit
1992 19
Steve Pressley Double Hit two cards predicted, mates
Also published here 1992 768
Edward Marlo No Drawing Required four cards are placed in deck during dealing, four matches
Inspired by 1993
The Olram File (Issue 15)
Karl Fulves Birthday Value - Birthday Suit spectator spells birth month from one packet and birth day from another, suit and value are used to arrive at a card which is predicted
Related toVariations 1993
Rigmarole (Issue 3)
Tony Bartolotta Named Gemini two cards freely chosen, mates found with Gemini Twins procedure
Inspired byRelated to 1993
Rigmarole (Issue 4)
Philip T. Goldstein Birthday Value Birthday Suit variation of procedure
Inspired by 1993
Verbatim (Issue 4)
Peter Duffie Centre Forward out-jogged double, top card of this double is dealt at chosen number
Related toVariations 1993 9
Peter Duffie Triplicants card chosen from three-card packet twice, repeated three times, three value pairs, values predicted as well
Inspired by
  • "Triple Coincidence" (Robert Harbin, Abracadabra & Harbincadabra)
1993 5
Doble Predicción prediction of two cards, Karl Fulves's Stopped Twice / Gemini Twins, without credit
Also published here 1993 44
Robert Harbin, Vicente Canuto Triple Coincidencia three cards
Also published here
  • "Triple Coincidence" (Robert Harbin, Abracadabra & Harbincadabra)
1993 80
Alex Elmsley The Mexican Prediction free selection is predicted with two cards (value and suit)
Related toVariations 1994 37
Gary Ouellet, Patrick Raymond Lethal Prediction
Related to Sep. 1994
The Minotaur (Vol. 6 No. 3)
Jackie McClements Coincidence My *@*! two cards put aside, two cards touched by spectator are mates of them
1994 3
Roger Crosthwaite Mindreading Experiment 1 card "thought-of" (forced), mate is in case and spectator stops on his selection
1994 64
Roger Crosthwaite Primal Premonition unknown and freely chosen card put aside, card peeked at, they match
1994 77
Roger Crosthwaite Primal Memory 1 one card thought-of and one selected, both predicted via matching cards
Inspired by 1994 83
Aldo Colombini Zig Zag three selections match three prediction cards
1994 12
Jack Carpenter Fate or Free Will? tabled prediction card, spectator picks card and inserts it in deck, cards on both sides of it are black Sevens, inserted card is shown to be a red Seven and prediction is other red Seven
Variations 1994
Labyrinth (Issue 1)
Simon Aronson Mis-Mate card shown and put out-jogged in deck, spectator says stop during biddling count, it is not the mate of the out-jogged card, but that one changes to match the selection
Also published here 1994 22
Maurice Fogel, Eugene Burger Psychic Sense "A New Analysis Of The Three Card Prediction"
Also published here 1994 6
Peter Duffie Almost But not Quite
Inspired by 1995 174
Joey Gallo Coincideal stopped at mates, prediction
1995 1088
Lee Asher Four Casting card force, card is touched in the spread and cards turned over except touched card
Related toAlso published here 1995 1144
Steve Pressley Double Hit two cards predicted, mates
Also published here 1995 87
Aldo Colombini Your Best a Nine is chosen, predicted with other three previously tabled Nines
1995 125
Jerry K. Hartman Count Crazed spectator randomly arranges an Ace through Four, performer takes another Ace-Four from envelope and orders match
1995 198
Martin Gardner Face-Up Gemini Twins
Inspired byVariations 1996
Underworld (Issue 3)
Karl Fulves Cross Hatched
Inspired by 1996
Underworld (Issue 3)
Karl Fulves Front & Center prediction cards removed from face-up spread, mates seen in center
1996 36
Karl Fulves Notes Gemini Twins with a stooge, Face-Up Gemini in which the backs match instead of faces
Inspired by 1996 38
Karl Fulves Not Gemini spectator pushes two selections reversed in deck, next to mates
1996 39
Karl Fulves Everyone Has A Twin two mates found, then two Kings find Queens
1996 40
Harry Riser Double Coincidence two prediction cards put face-up in the deck by spectators, next to their mates
Inspired by
  • "Triple Coincidence - Stewart Judah Version" (Linking Ring, July 1974)
1996 166
Peter Duffie Amalga-Mate card pocketed, then a card chosen for value and suit each, it matches prediction in pocket, Mexican Prediction
Inspired by
  • "Ten Mate" (Joe Rindfleisch, Precursor, Jan. 1996)
1996 4
Aaron Fisher The Aggressive Force/Prediction
June 1997
Apocalypse (Vol. 20 No. 6)
Jack Carpenter A Potent Presage three predictions, Gemini Twin type procedure, four-of-a-kind kicker
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1997 26
William Goodwin Selection Foretold selection matches in value the prediction-three-of-a-kind, face-up classic force with out
1997 7
Nick Trost Card in Pocket Coincidence Prediction card placed in pocket, spectator selects card by counting down to named number, card in pocket shown to be mates
Also published here 1997 40
Nick Trost A Premonition two prediction cards match selection by value and suit separately
Variations 1997 121
Nick Trost A Clean-Cut Coincidence Spectator coincidentally selects mates, which is predicted by performer
Inspired byVariations
  • "Double Influence" (Tom Mosier, The Linking Ring, May 1995)
1997 193
Marty Kane Sixth Sense Nonsense multiple prediction, mates, dealing procedure
1997 1264
Richard Bartram, Jr. Brainstorm Mates reversed card in the deck turns out to be mate of cut to card
1997 146
Kartenfinden mit Zuschauernamen prediction, two chosen cards (by dealing and spelling name) match prediction in suit and value, Untouched
Intermagic (Vol. 21 No. 4 & 5)
Karl Fulves Twixtwin after a confusing cutting, selection and shuffling procedure, a card that matches an initialed prediction card shows up
Underworld (Issue 8)
Jack Avis, Billy O'Connor O'Connor Caper two cards predicted and mates via count-back force (10-20 force), credit information
Inspired by
  • Billy O'Connor trick in The Magic Wand
1998 131
Joshua Jay Combined Interests Magicians performs a medley of his favourite tricks all in one trick (spell to selection, prediction, card to pocket (fail), four Ace production)
1999 70
Shiv Duggal Double Vision performer places card under card case, it matches free selection, repeat
Also published here Mar. 1999
Genii (Vol. 62 No. 3)
Maurice Fogel, Eugene Burger Fogel's Triple Prediction including "the necessary degree of error"
Also published here 2000 148
Maurice Fogel, Eugene Burger Psychic Sense "A New Analysis Of The Three Card Prediction"
Also published here 2000 211
Baltazar Fuentes Two Intuitions card spectator cuts to is predicted with three mates, another previously tabled card turns out to be later signed selection
Inspired by 2000 23
Lewis Jones You Bet prediction of the card which is next to named card, as a bet how many cards are between the two cards
Variations 2000 25
Steve Beam Culinary Bet different handling for You Bet, prediction of the card which is next to named card, as a bet how many cards are between the two cards
Inspired by 2000 26
Peter Duffie Circular Tour circle layout, card chosen, predicted
2000 20
Tom Craven Unclosed Prediction
Inspired by 2000 5
Michael Sibbernsen Triple Indemnity three prediction cards placed aside, selection completes four-of-a-kind
Inspired by 2000 107
Paul Gordon Whodunnit II two prediction cards put aside, selection lost, a card chosen with down-under deal, it's an indicator card used to find selection, indicator and selection match the predictions
Inspired by
  • "WhoDunnit" (Paul Gordon, Protean Card Magic, 1998)
Oct. 2000
Magic (Vol. 10 No. 2)
Allan Slaight Castor & Pollux Geminii Twins variation
Also published here 2000 [44]
Simon Aronson Jack Coincidence (Producing the Jacks) selection is predicted with mate, and selection is stabbed in deck, around two matching mates
Inspired byVariations 2001 213
Simon Aronson Paired Color Alternative Alternative procedure for Jack Coincidence
Inspired by 2001 215
Karl Fulves Making the Point No. 31, two cards counted to by throwing two dice, both cards predicted
Related to 2001 47
Herb Runge Impulse No. 49, spectator finds mates of two cards, dealing
2001 71
Karl Fulves Mental Case No. 89, case moved around on five-card row, final card's mate is in case
2001 133
Karl Fulves, Jack Avis Four-Card Magic No. 93, four face-down cards, an Ace moved on top of them according to instructions, ends up on matching card
2001 140
Harry Lorayne Take Five five cards touched and outjogged, down-under-deal, remaining card matches prediction
Related toAlso published here 2001 253
Harry Lorayne Miraculous Coincidence five cards chosen, one of those reversed, matches previously removed prediction, miscall
Inspired by
  • Randy Wakeman effect
2001 561
James Swain Florida Roadkill
  • The Card Expert
spectator cuts off a packet, performer cuts off same size, four Kings are found as well, Penelope's Principle
Inspired by Oct. 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 10)
Jerry K. Hartman Easy As Psi selected card is predicted with a three-of-a-kind packet of the same value
Inspired by
  • untitled trick in The Linking Ring, Nov. 1987, Card Corner, p. 90
June 2001
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Jamie Badman, Colin Miller Do as I Doobie Doobie Do two prediction phases, then Do as I Do phase (à la Patrick Page)
Also published here Dec. 2001
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 7)
Steve Beam Lockbox Prediction prediction of touched card
Also published here June 2001
Magic (Vol. 10 No. 10)
John Bannon Trait Secrets Gemini Twins with four Ace kicker
Also published here Oct. 2001
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 2)
Jack Avis Stop thief card mated, crime story
2002 77
Lewis Jones Seven up two cards are seen in window envelope, two numbers up to ten named, somehow two Sevens show up and in the envelope are Sevens
2002 227
Steve Beam Easy on the Curry cut and turn over to select card, prediction in form of mate
Variations 2002 34
Steve Beam Lockbox Prediction prediction of touched card
Also published here 2002 36
Gaston Quieto Otras Discrepancias three mates used to predict free selection
Inspired byAlso published here Aug. 2002
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 12)
David Ben Stop! The Lucky Prediction spectator finds predicted card
2003 52
Herb Zarrow, Roberto Giobbi A Psychological Test spectator cuts deck into four piles, the top four cards match four prediction cards
Inspired by
  • "Matched Revolvers" (Herb Zarrow, Linking Ring, July 1977)
Related toAlso published here
2003 1139
Chris Wardle Twin-Card in Wallet mate of selection is in wallet, menetekel deck with mates
2003 22
Kris Nevling Trance-Formation gag prediction, then mate of named card is removed from pocket, no palm, sticky tape on back pocket
Also published here Jan. 2003
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 5)
John Bannon Trait Secrets Gemini Twins with four Ace kicker
Inspired byAlso published here 2004 182
Jay Sankey, David Acer The Flipwiches of Eastwick Prediction card is sandwiched between the Queens, shown to be the mate of selection, then visually changes into signed selection itself
2004 88
Wesley James The Vibratory Prediction card chosen from face-up spread matches mate prediction
  • Preferred Method ("beta")
2004 410
Allan Slaight Castor & Pollux Geminii Twins variation
Also published here 2004 134
Trevor McCombie Hellish Hot Curry cut and turn over to select card, with two predictions in form of mates
Inspired by 2004 217
Peter Duffie, Aldo Colombini, Robin Robertson Multifaceted Prediction suit & value cards as prediction, other card also found by cutting off certain amount of cards, using Killer Count
  • Variation
2004 12
Peter Duffie, Aldo Colombini, Robin Robertson Match and Rematch three cards as predictions, their values give the amount of cards in three cut-off packets and they also match the cards cut to, using Killer Count
2004 40
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Soul-Mate Survivor packet of cards, one pocketed by spectator, after Survivor Principle elimination the mate remains
2004 117
Jay Sankey Wham Bam! face-up prediction, three chosen cards match the prediction, backs are boldly marked, rest of deck blank
Inspired by
  • an unnamed Richard Sanders trick
2004 20
Kostya Kimlat Single-Double Thought two cards, one freely thought of, one ahead, using one deck and predictions in form of mates
Inspired by 2004 [18]
William Eston Expertalk: William Eston on the Mates Prediction prediction with double on table, top card face-up and selected card placed underneath with empty deal type action
Also published here Mar. 2004
Magic (Vol. 13 No. 7)
Aldo Colombini Deep Impact three predictions on the table turn out to be mates of selection, then they change into mates of second selections and other three cards are found in various pockets, duplicates
2004 17
Jamie Badman Kopy Kat two prediction phases, then Do as I Do phase (à la Patrick Page)
Also published here 2005 7
Jamie Badman Fives in Disguise a prediction is tabled, a selection is placed between two Jokers, prediction and selection are shown to be mates, Jokers change to other cards of same value
2005 28
Peter Duffie Mexican Expansion free selection is predicted with three cards (type, value and suit)
Inspired byVariations 2005 14
Stephen Tucker Stephen Tucker Goes Down Mexican Way free selection is predicted with three cards (type, value and suit)
Inspired by 2005 16
Steve Duperré Under the Influence three cards from other deck used to predict selection, all Jacks
Inspired by 2006 28
Mark Aspiazu It's Mark's Prediction! two selections predicted by two mates, using "The Imp Stack"
2007 37
Karl Fulves Booking Agent performer sticks card in upright standing book, chosen card next to it, repeated, both match
Prolix (Issue 3)
Jerry K. Hartman Patent Portent Open Prediction, mate of freely-named card is removed as prediction, spectator deals without first divulging the number-position he’s thinking of
Inspired byAlso published here 2007 247
Dave Forrest Mating Season card chosen from deck, performer divines it and then removes mate from pocket, faro
Inspired by 2007 12
Peter McLanachan Snap! card tabled, spectator removes another card from spread, it is put on top and both cards are shown to be mates
  • Impromptu Handling (tabled double and Snap Deal)
  • Not-So Impromptu Handling (same but prediction written on a blank-faced card)
2007 26
Nick Trost Climax Prediction
Inspired by 2008 137
Shiv Duggal Double Vision performer places card under card case, it matches free selection, repeat
  • Part 1: The Open Prediction
  • Part 2: The Closed Prediction
Also published here May 2008
Genii (Vol. 71 No. 5)
Mark Levy Leveraged Prediction two halves made, performer removes a mate from one half that matches an eventual selection from the other half
Oct. 2008
Antinomy (Vol. 4 No. 2)
József Kovács Double Prediction spectator cuts off some card, another card chosen by counting down to a number, mate is predicted and two more prediction cards add up to amount of cut-off cards
Oct. 2008
Antinomy (Vol. 4 No. 2)
Allan Slaight Castor & Pollux Geminii Twins variation
Also published here 2008 130
Roberto Giobbi 10-11-12 prediction in form of mate on table, three dice rolled and sum used to count to card, probability
2008 75
Roger Klause Twin Lovers idea of predicting with a Royal couple instead of the usual mates
Feb. 2009
Genii (Vol. 72 No. 2)
Nick Trost Choice and Chance - A Double Prediction prediction of two selections
Also published here
  • New Tops, July 1982
2009 437
Nick Trost Double Whammy Prediction prediction of two selections
Also published here
  • New Tops, Jan. 1992
2009 439
Paul Gordon IDF Mates two cards chosen from two halves are mates of previously removed cards
Related to 2009 18
John Bannon Que Será Será three mates used to predict the card
Inspired byAlso published here 2009 11
Ramón Riobóo Creating a Rift Tantalizer-type elimination deal with a third of the deck, mate of prediction is final card
2010 243
Rich Aviles Pocket Protectors free selection is predicted with two cards (value and suit)
Inspired byRelated to 2010 20
Tony Bartolotta Mexican Mental two cards
Prolix (Issue 8)
Ryan Schlutz Fraternal Bond three chosen cards match 3 prediction cards
2011 45
Harry Lorayne An Open Prediction open prediction, five cards chosen, then one of those by down-under-deal
Related to 2011 149
Patrick Page Copycat Cards do as i do, spectator and performer always find pairs
2011 230
David Williamson Mapa Cerebral spectator finds mates
Also published here 2011
El Manuscrito (Vol. 4 No. 16)
Gabi Pareras Juego de coincidencia
El Manuscrito (Vol. 4 No. 16)
Nick Trost Four-Way Match-Up four prediction cards tabled in row, four cards eventually selected, they match
2011 575
Al Thatcher, George Kirkendall J. Stewart Smith's "Mighty Moments" four prediction cards tabled, spectator stops dealing, then deals into four piles, top cards match the predictions
Inspired by
  • "Mighty Moments" (J. Stewart Smith, The Weird Influence, 1966)
2011 577
Roy Walton The Berg Variations four two-card packets in a row, cards exchanged according to instructions, four cards match four mates that were set aside as prediction
Inspired by
  • "Mindreader's Dream" (Joe Berg)
Prolix (Issue 10)
Steve Reynolds, Lee Asher, John Born Twelfth-Method Match card is reversed in deck as prediction, card is cut to and selected, turns out to match the prediction as its mate, includes refinements by Lee Asher and John Born
Inspired by 2012 154
Herb Zarrow Coincidentally Yours multiple phases, finding mates
2012 291
Dani DaOrtiz 10th Open Prediction
  • DaOrtiz a la Carte!
three predictions from second deck are on table, any number named, the card is counted to and the card at that position completes a four-of-a-kind with the predictions, "every tenth" principle
Mar. 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 3)
John Guastaferro Twist of Fate two prediction cards are removed, spectator places an unknown card between it, suit and value of prediction cards make up the selection, then selection changes to reversed suit/value combination
  • Stick Situation (A Variation Using Post-It Notes)
2012 8
John Bannon Que Será Será three mates used to predict the card
Also published here 2013 65
Nick Trost Gemini with Lucky Sevens I two predictions, Gemini Twin type procedure, four-of-a-kind kicker
Inspired byVariations 2013 600
Nick Trost Gemini with Lucky Sevens II three predictions, Gemini Twin type procedure, four-of-a-kind kicker
Inspired by 2013 601
Nick Trost Lucky Gemini I three predictions, Gemini Twin type procedure, four-of-a-kind kicker
Inspired by 2013 604
Nick Trost Lucky Gemini II three predictions, Gemini Twin type procedure, four-of-a-kind kicker
Inspired byRelated to 2013 606
Nick Trost Four Dice and Two Mates four dice used for backwards count to get to a predicted card
2013 721
Peter McKinnon PMACAAN spectator stops at mate
Inspired by
  • routine on Danny Garcia Penguin Live Lecture
2014 6
Peter McKinnon Additional Uses for "Crow"
2014 12
Mike DeSorbo Total Recall same as Lee Asher's "Four Casting"
Related to
  • "May the Force be with You" (Lee Asher, Video: Cooking with Lee Asher)
Also published here
2015 30
Rich Aviles Pocket Protectors The magician pockets two cards to serve as a prediction. Spectator calls out any card. Magician shows one of the predictions has the same value and the other the same suit as the mentally selected card.
Related to 2015 156
R. Paul Wilson FTM
Inspired by
  • Ramón Riobóo's "In the Bluff" in "Thinking the Impossible"
2015 135
Harry Lorayne Take Five five cards touched and outjogged, one of those selected, matches prediction
Inspired by 2015 3
Caleb Wiles Premonition and Déjà vu
  • Ringside
prediction on table, spectator choses the mate, repeat with the exact same mates and the first ones are shown to be of other color
Feb. 2015
Genii (Vol. 78 No. 2)
Nick Trost Double Prediction two cards predicted with mate, ten-twenty count selection
Inspired by 2015 1289
Nick Trost Duplex Prediction two prediction cards are removed, spectator stabs them between cards which match in suit and value
Inspired by 2015 1292
Nick Trost Triple Predicti three prediction cards, three times the performer counts off a named number between five and ten, ten and fifteen and fifteen and twenty, the arrived at selections match predictions
Inspired by 2015 1298
Nick Trost Omega Prediction two Jokers placed in two spread-out halves, two cards next to it are used to make up a card via suit and value, card predicted, Omega Bet principle
Inspired by
  • "Point of No Return" (Aldo Colombini, Linking Ring, Aug. 1999)
2015 1311
Nick Trost Have a Heart card made out of suit and value from two chosen cards is predicted
Inspired by
  • "Point of No Return" (Aldo Colombini, Linking Ring, Aug. 1999)
Related to
2015 1312
Pit Hartling Echoes three selections predicted with their mates
2016 92
John Hostler Noeyeon Protocol
  • Noeyeon Prediction (Ungimmicked)
  • Neo Noeyeon (Gimmicked)
card pocketed by performer, spectator deals down and stops, mate of pocketed card (ungimmicked) or odd-backed duplicate (gimmicked)
2016 112
Pablo Amira Box Ping Chien rub-a-dub-placement of a card under a case, see Magicana reference for credit information
Related to July 2016
Genii (Vol. 79 No. 7)
Dani DaOrtiz The Fourth Coincidence
  • DaOrtiz a la Carte!
selection lost, spectator stops dealing through deck three times, the three cards match three prediction cards as mates, when adding together all values one can count to the initial selection
Feb. 2017
Genii (Vol. 80 No. 2)
Tom Stone Overpaid Duo
  • Lodestones
names of famous duos are written on pairs of cards (e.g. Tom, Jerry), spectator matches two prediction cards
Inspired by Sep. 2017
Genii (Vol. 80 No. 9)
Nick Trost Prediction Plus card turns over, it is not the selection but indicates its position, counted cards are the Aces, mate of selection has been predicted
Inspired by
  • "Oh So Predictable!" (Paul Gordon's Card Trickery, 2005)
2017 1518
Nick Trost All-Red Triple Deal prediction is matched by dealing a rolled dice total three times in a packet, it is the only odd-colored card
2017 1542
David Solomon Ramón Riobóo's Inverse Compensation some cards removed, spectator choses three red cards of those and a black card, the red cards are added to count down to mate of black card
Inspired by 2018 79
Harry Lorayne Miraculous Coincidence five cards chosen, one of those reversed, matches previously removed prediction, miscall
Inspired by 2018 133
George McBride Sweet Sixteen card at some number chosen, another card matches a prediction, two cards added to count to selection
Inspired by July 2018
Genii (Vol. 81 No. 7)
Michael Powers Open Mate Prediction card at named position matches prediction card
Inspired by
  • Tom Craven trick in Card Corner, Linking Ring, Feb. 2010
2019 51
Michael Powers Odyssey III performer cuts same amount of cards as spectator, Ten was set aside at prediction and the packets have Tens on top
Inspired by 2019 133
Cameron Francis Impossible Versus Improbable three packets of three cards each, three selections distributed on the packets, all shown to be a four-of-a-kind, an Ace is shown as well and now an Ace is on the face of each packet
Inspired by
  • "Four-Play" (Aldo Colombini)
Related to
2019 167