90 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Prediction / One Ahead Classic Triple Prediction
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Die Macht des Zauberstabes No. 44, four packets cut by performer, he names top cards of all piles
1895 52
Das magische Trio one card palmed from the start
1896 107
David Devant, T. Nelson Downs The Magician's Will Power with one-way deck improvement by Downs
1909 176
Charles T. Jordan The Twentieth Century Puzzle No. 14, chosen cards are returned into deck one by one and divined
Also published here 1919/1920 46
Al Baker Al Baker's Mind-Reading Card Trick locator cards, one-ahead, billets
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue The Twenty-Five Dollar Manuscript)
Cards of Chance
1937 21
Charles T. Jordan Hummer Detection one-way backs that must not be set in one direction, sorting during performance as deck is dealt into two piles
VariationsAlso published here 1937 159
Charles T. Jordan Wizard's Will using stacked deck
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1937 224
Theodore Annemann, Al Baker Medium Writes Card Predictions three predictions of a selected written on a piece of paper next to the name of the spectator and thrown into a bowl
1937 6
Gerald Kosky Predicto spectator shuffles and cuts into three piles, performer predicts third card in pile he will choose, bad outs
Also published here Dec. 1938
The Jinx (Issue 51)
Edward Marlo Marlo's Think A Card three thought-of cards are predicted on billets, one ahead
Inspired by
  • "Think a Card" (John Scarne, marketed)
Also published here
Early Marlo (Issue Amazing, Isn't It?)
Edward Marlo Marlo's Think A Card three thought-of cards are predicted on billets, one ahead
Inspired by
  • "Think a Card" (John Scarne, marketed)
Related toAlso published here
1941 5
Bruce Elliott, Walter B. Gibson Chance! Thought! Coincidence! with three different colored cardboards, one taken, one thought off and one stopped at by coincidence
Sep. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 18)
Edward Marlo The Wishing Card Trick cards placed on table turns out to be any card named
Also published here Feb. 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 78)
Jean Hugard A Sub-Conscious Miracle performer blindfolded, deck shuffled by spectator, three cards called and any cards removed by spectator one by one
Nov. 1945 167
Warren Wiersbe Miracle Do As I Do
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1946 4
George C. Engel Guessing Is Fun one card and two chosen words, predictions written on index cards, see p. 320 for comment by Eddie Clever
Mar. 1947
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 4 No. 10)
L. Vosburgh Lyons Triphecy triple card prediction with three different colors
Related to May 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 151)
Joe Stuthard Star Item No. 2 stabbing next to free selection in paper-wrapped deck
1949 20
John Scarne Calling the Cards No. 1, Shuffled deck spread face down on table, performer able to divine identity of freely selected cards with X-ray vision
Related to 1950 9
Warren Wiersbe, John Scarne Three-In-One Card Trick No. 113, standard version, but ending with cross-cut force for the last card.
1950 217
Card Clairvoyance card is cut in four packets, top card buried in each packet, four top cards are named
1951 27
Al Baker The Clairvoyant Spectator marked
Also published here 1951 57
Edward Marlo The Wishing Card Trick cards placed on table turns out to be any card named
Also published here 1953 5
Harlan Tarbell How to Win Three Horse Races forcing bank of a third of the deck, one ahead
1954 242
Gene "Phantini" Grant Telemento two decks, three cards are predicted
1955 7
Peter Warlock The Patient Telepath prediction written on big file cards, initialed by the spectators
1960 20
Edward Marlo Position Prediction spectators name three numbers, cards at those positions are predicted
1968 95
Roger Smith Mental Card Epic three selections, performer removes mates and chosen cards are placed on top
Related toVariations Oct. 1970
Necromancer (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Roger Smith Mental Card Epic Variation different method
Related to Jan. 1971
Necromancer (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Roger Smith, Mike Schwartz Ace Investigation more variations for Mental Card Epic
three selections, performer removes mates and chosen cards are placed on top
Inspired byVariations May 1971
Necromancer (Vol. 1 No. 10)
Roger Smith, Mike Schwartz Gaffus MCE #1 Mental Card Epic routine, using gaffed cards
three selections, performer removes mates and chosen cards are placed on top
Related to June 1971
Necromancer (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Mike Schwartz, Roger Smith Gaffus MCE #2 gaffed version for Mental Card Epic
three selections, performer removes mates and chosen cards are placed on top
Inspired by June 1971
Necromancer (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Roy Johnson 'O.T.L.' Prediction one ahead prediction wit Out to Lunch, business cards, clever ruse of writing numbers
Related to 1972
Magick (Issue 63)
The Cards and the Pellets
1972 84
Charles T. Jordan Jordan Set-Up Deck (Nikola) No. 393
Related toVariations 1972 108
Al Baker Al Baker's Billet Initial Mindreading Trick No. 636, three cards predicted on billets
1972 176
Frederick Braue One Pack Triple Do spectator and performer have half the deck each, three cards taken out by each, they match, two handlings
  • Second Alternative
Inspired by May 1973 626
David Calhoun Vegas Fling! dice, roulette and cards, triple prediction
Variations 1975
Magick (Issue 136)
Gerald Kosky Predicto three piles are made, third card from top is predicted of chosen pile, with out
Also published here 1975 57
Charles T. Jordan The Twentieth Century Puzzle chosen cards are returned into deck one by one and divined
Also published here 1975 66
Charles T. Jordan The "Hummer" Detection one-way backs that must not be set in one direction, sorting during performance as deck is dealt into two piles
Also published here 1975 138
Charles T. Jordan The Wizard's Will using stacked deck
Also published here 1975 153
Harry Lorayne Anyone Can Be a Magician
1977 91
Thomas Alan Waters Tridex
Related to 1981
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Cerberus)
Thomas Alan Waters More on the Classic Triple Prediction
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Cerberus)
Adam Weishaupt Colors of the Illuminati coins and card prediction, different colored pens
Magick (Issue 276)
Stephen Tucker Experience classic method, involving an odd-backed card
Also published here Mar. 1984
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 35)
Martin Lewis Amazing Mind Control Impromptu simple version to divine three cards using One Ahead
1985 23
J. W. Sarles Missing Link prediction of two cards, one is named and one is cut
Aug. 1986
Magick (Issue 376)
Edward Marlo Updating A Classic
1988 278
Alexander de Cova Wheel of Fortune three items predicted in wallet
Inspired byRelated to Apr. 1991
Avantgarde Magic (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Charles T. Jordan The Wizard's Will No. 37, using stacked deck
Also published here 1992 44
Karl Fulves "Wizard's Will" Notes No. 38, triple prediction version with simple stack
1992 45
Charles T. Jordan The Twentieth-Century Puzzle No. 66, chosen cards are returned into deck one by one and divined
Also published here 1992 79
Charles T. Jordan The Hummer Detection No. 156, one-way backs that must not be set in one direction, sorting during performance as deck is dealt into two piles
Also published here 1992 189
T. Nelson Downs The Pickpocket cards of one color are put in performer's pocket who removes cards which are then divined by spectator three times
1994 1083
Stephen Tucker Aus Erfahrung classic method, involving an odd-backed card
Also published here 1995
Intermagic (Vol. 19 No. 3)
Claude Rix Toujours avec une partenaire... assistant predicts three cards, deck is cut to select cards
1995 117
Michael Skinner The School Boy Trick updated handling
1996 61
Bob Driebeek, Larry Becker Aenigmas Dreifache Vorhersage ABC, ESP and deck of playing cards, three cards are predicted
1996 30
Basil Horwitz Psychic Roulette triple prediction with roulette theme, deck of playing cards used as well as blank cards
1997 11
Ellis Stanyon Naming the Card on Top of Four (or More) Packets No. 19, top cards named one by one, but only shown at the end
  • Variation ("Compelling a person to draw certain cards.")
1999 43
Karl Fulves Open Invitation "Three Trix"
repeat version of Open Prediction, predictions written on backs of previously stopped-at cards, all four cards shown at end
2000 110
Three-Way Match No. 3, two spectators think of a card and the performer, predictions written on slips, one-ahead, without cards
2001 4
Al Baker The Clairvoyant Spectator marked
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Pet Secrets)
Al Baker Best Card Trick stacked deck, one ahead
2003 683
Al Baker Second Method of the trick before that, stacked deck
2003 684
Al Baker For Two Persons with a medium
2003 684
Al Baker Wonderful Four Cards and Pellets Mystery Si Stebbins, Svengali
2003 760
Charles T. Jordan, Juan Tamariz, Antón "Mago Antón" López Any Cards Called For four spreads of cards on table, magician writes names of cards on pieces of paper and spectator touches matching cards in spreads
  • Mago Antón's Variation
Inspired by 2004 211
Jon Racherbaumer Calling the Cards on basic handling and strategies, credit information
Related to Nov. 2006
Antinomy (Vol. 2 No. 4)
Hector Chadwick A Card Behind Spectator divines identities of three cards in increasing accuracy
Variations 2008 103
Paul Gordon The "Mentalist's" Muldoon Match prediction of three named cards, also with ESP cards
Inspired by
  • "The Muldoon Match" (Paul Gordon)
2009 75
Gabi Pareras Uno por delante version using a palming of classic one ahead triple prediction
El Manuscrito (Vol. 4 No. 16)
Nick Trost Total Card-Matching Routine
  • Phase One - Miracle Do As I Do
  • Phase Two - The Power ofThought
  • Phase Three - Swindle Switch
Inspired by 2011 596
Rolf Andra, Roberto Giobbi A Triple Prediction
  • Comments by RG
May 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 5)
Roger Gorss, Edward Boswell, Brad Henderson Have You Got The Nerve? One ahead trick with two cards chosen
2015 5
Pit Hartling Echoes three selections predicted with their mates
2016 92
Harapan Ong Direct Triple Prediction three cards touched by spectator during in-the-hands spread, all predicted immediately before they are touched
VariationsAlso published here Dec. 2016
Genii (Vol. 79 No. 12)
R. Paul Wilson A Beautiful Mind spectator divines identities of three cards in increasing accuracy
  • First Method (Rarely Happens)
  • Second Method (Happens Most of the Time)
  • Variations
  • Another Note on the Second Card
  • Lastly
Inspired by 2017 3
Harapan Ong Direct Triple Prediction three cards touched by spectator during in-the-hands spread, all predicted immediately before they are touched
Also published here 2018 89
John Bannon Infinitum
  • Dealing With It
three spectators think of a black, a red and any card, performer finds mates
Sep. 2019
Genii (Vol. 82 No. 9)
Harapan Ong Direct Triple Prediction three cards touched by spectator during in-the-hands spread, all predicted immediately before they are touched
Also published here 2020 12
Ryan Plunkett Stand-up Triple Prediction three cards touched by spectator during in-the-hands spread, all predicted immediately before they are touched
Inspired by July 2021
Elixir (Vol. 3 No. Special Chicago Issue #1)
Roberto Giobbi, Rolf Andra Triple Prediction
Inspired by
  • "Eine dreifache Voraussage" (Rolf Andra, Eine Kartenroutine am Tisch)
2021 117
Dani DaOrtiz Double One-Ahead first card forced instead of last card
2022 59
Dai Vernon One Ahead Variation from private lecture notes by Ernest Shattock
2022 77
Joshua Jay The Same, But Different three cards touched by spectator during in-the-hands spread, all predicted immediately before they are touched
Inspired byAlso published here 2022 72
Joshua Jay The Same, But Different three cards touched by spectator during in-the-hands spread, all predicted immediately before they are touched
Inspired byAlso published here 2024 183