126 entries in Mental Magic / Principles / One Ahead
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Reading Blindfold one-ahead bluff, blindfolded assistant divines names on cards
1890 250
James J. Moren Coin Divination No. 3, spectators put row of half dollars on table, performer divines date on every one, one ahead
Also published here 1920 8
Al Baker Al Baker's Billet Reading Extraordinary one ahead
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue The Twenty-Five Dollar Manuscript)
Tom Sellers Novel Telepathy medium divines things in boxes, one ahead
1935 18
Theodore Annemann Telepathy Plus written question and name are divined ends with a picture duplication
Related toVariations 1935 13
Theodore Annemann The Sealed Envelope Dodge spectators seal their questions fairly on their seats, content of one envelope is found out with a stooge who forgot to sign his envelope
Related to 1935 21
Theodore Annemann Pencil Reading method and two routines, divination of a calculation and spectator and performer always write the same number down
Related to 1935 23
Wm. Hewitt The Modern Mindreader several questions put in envelopes
Related toAlso published here
  • marketed 1929
1935 2
Wm. Hewitt Modern Mind Reading
Related to 1938 884
Eddie Joseph Sixth Test describing members from the audience, one ahead
1938 15
Joseph Dunninger, Theodore Annemann Gipsies Won't Tell thoughts on the reading act
Also published here 1941
The Jinx (Issue 125)
Theodore Annemann Forecast three people think of a word, medium writes them on separate papers, numbers them and throws them in a hat, clever one ahead routine
Related to Apr. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 5)
Walter B. Gibson Sooth Sayer with different colored paper instead of numbered slips
Inspired by May 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 8)
Eddie Joseph The Masked Helper blindfolded spectator takes coins one by one, performer divines dates, one ahead, with gag sequence in which spectator holds on to dummy wax hand without knowing
1942 63
Hen Fetsch Future-Hue card selected, thought of and unseen are all predicted board with three different colors
Apr. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 33)
Jerry Sorensen "-and having writ-" sealed message reading, mixed with psychometry and handwriting analysis
Oct. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 45)
Joseph Dunninger, Theodore Annemann Modernizing the "One Ahead" Principle thoughts on the reading act
  • Readings for Intimate Groups
Also published here 1944 151
Stewart Judah Sealed Billet Reading De Luxe card, number and city written on cards which are put in sealed envelopes, all are divined
1945 8
Hen Fetsch Future Hue card selected, thought of and unseen are all predicted board with three different colors
Related to 1945 44
John Hamilton Date? Name? triple prediction
Dec. 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 97)
John Brown Cook, Arthur H. Buckley Better Than Rabbits spectators initial billets, on which they wrote song and book titles, performer divines all
1947 94
C. L. Boarde One Ahead - Variation A
1947 83
C. L. Boarde One Ahead - Variation B date and city
1947 84
C. L. Boarde One Ahead - Variation C three incidents in spectator's life
1947 84
C. L. Boarde One Ahead - Variation D number, word and simple design
1947 85
George G. Kaplan The Three-Billet Test No. 3 three different categories
Variations 1948 226
Bob Somerfeld Thumb Fun duplication of letters, drawing and figures, with slates
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1949)
George B. Anderson Getting the Impression questions are written on paper and put into envelopes, after the questions have been answered the envelopes are burnt in a bowl
Variations 1949 15
Warren Wiersbe, John Scarne Three-In-One Card Trick No. 113, standard version, but ending with cross-cut force for the last card.
1950 217
Stylesmith Predictor tripple prediction, three envelopes on big black board, different colored crayons
Inspired by Nov. 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 242)
Bob Somerfeld Supelletive three billet routine, umbrella move
1951 15
Ormond McGill A Novel Presentation separating colors, handkerchief & cards, objects and obstacle course with people standing on stage
1951 10
Gene "Phantini" Grant A Miracle Mental Routine messages in envelopes reading routine, drawing duplication as climax, blindfolded
1955 1
Tony Corinda (2) One Ahead System applied to blindfolds
1958 136
Tony Corinda Three Little Questions
1959 189
Tony Corinda (6) The Stooge for instance for setting up a one ahead routine, with a stooge who forgot to sign his envelope
Related to 1959 346
Dr. Stanley Jaks Gedankenblitze triple prediction, huge cards with numbers from 1-3 predictions are written on the back of the cards
Also published here 1961 62
Dr. Stanley Jaks Astro-Prediktion triple prediction with with zodiac, birthday and playing card
Also published here 1961 64
Eddie Clever Time, you and another objects places on the table, prediction of which object is touched, and prediction of coin on table as climax
Mar. 1964
The New Jinx (Vol. 2 No. 23)
James G. Thompson Jr. Blackout Magic classic one ahead routine, with reading in the dark presentation
Inspired by 1967 46
James G. Thompson Jr., Ned Rutledge Telastrophy Jr. with tricolor pen, three things written on blank cards, match perfectly with what performer has written
Also published here 1967 58
Martin Gardner Are You Psychic? performer and spectator each write down three words from a list of ten words, they match, see also p. 348
Also published here July 1970 345
Alan Shaxon Triple Reading three cards in envelopes, color, number and amount of lose change is divined
Related to 1970 43
James G. Thompson Jr. Improved Question Reading envelopes
  • Part Two (shorter test with only three envelopes)
  • Part Three (as a two-person act)
Also published here Winter 1972
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 7 No. 6th Folio)
Jochen Zmeck Vierfache Voraussage four things predicted (color, card, number, event), force and one-ahead
1972 12
Alan Shaxon Triple Reading Again three cards in envelopes, color, number and amount of lose change is divined
Related to 1972 ca. 8
Dr. Barlow Wagman Private Reader one ahead prediction / divination in a reading, objects from wallet
Magick (Issue 116)
James J. Moren Coin Divination spectators put row of half dollars on table, performer divines date on every one, one ahead
Also published here 1975 208
Philip T. Goldstein Middle Telepathy ESP card, shape and name are divined
1976 21
Glenn Falkenstein Target '3' with three pieces of cardboard, Mental Epic variation
Magick (Issue 162)
Philip T. Goldstein Parallax a shape, a letter and a number are correctly duplicated
Also published here 1977 7
Al Mann The Sibylline Messages cards in envelopes with questions and messages on it are divined and answered
1977 1
Al Mann, Dr. Stanley Jaks Omar's Prognosis triple prediction, sheets are labeled A,B & C, third spectator selects a card
Inspired by 1977 1
Robert Dorian Outdone-Doutdid four spectators select a card with a design, one thinks of a word, one of a place, one of a number and the fourth selects a card, all are predicted
Inspired by 1977 5
Al Mann The Master of the Word with two words from two books, prediction
1977 4
Philip T. Goldstein Parallax! a shape, a letter and a number are correctly duplicated
Also published here 1977
Magick (Issue 173)
Philip T. Goldstein Resolution 78 three new year's resolutions are predicted
Also published here 1977
Magick (Issue 193)
James G. Thompson Jr. Modernes Zettellesen envelopes
  • Teil 2 (shorter test with only three envelopes)
  • Teil 3 (as a two-person act)
Also published here July 1977
Intermagic (Vol. 4 No. 3)
Philip T. Goldstein Resolution three new year's resolutions are predicted
Also published here 1979 20
Impossible ESP No. 39, six symbols listed, two chosen by throw of die are predicted
1979 62
Karl Fulves Names in the News No. 62, two spectators chose picture in newspaper and person therein, both predicted
1979 104
Thomas Alan Waters Geometear two objects are written on two pieces of paper, one is selected and the word divined
Related to 1981
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Scrypt)
Thomas Alan Waters Trinkle birthday and zodiac are written on paper and divined
Inspired byVariations 1981
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Scrypt)
Stephen Tucker Amalgam one ahead with color, number and card, clever construction
Also published here June 1981
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Johnny Thompson Polish Epic
Inspired by
  • "Mental Epic" (Hen Fetsch)
Related to
  • "Twin Prediction Miracle" (The New Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mentalism, Vo. 2)
Also published here
1981 23
James G. Thompson Jr., Ned Rutledge Telastrophy Jr. with tricolor pen, three things written on blank cards, match perfectly with what performer has written
Also published here Jan. 1981
Intermagic (Vol. 7 No. 4)
Bruce Bernstein Heads or Tails change is thrown on table until one remains with tails up, date is noted, repeated with last coin which is heads up
VariationsAlso published here 1981 7
Bruce Bernstein Telepathy and Clairvoyance three numbers on three billets are divined or predicted
VariationsAlso published here 1981 17
Al Mann Gifts Most Rare three spectator get an envelope, they select a word from a book each and the words match with prediction in envelopes, several methods
1982 8
Joseph Dunninger, Al Mann Psychic Billet Reading several people
1983 3
Joseph Dunninger What the Eyes See
1983 9
Joseph Dunninger Puzzling? technical variation of "What the Eyes See"
1983 9
Edward Marlo Solution To Jaks? number, card and word chosen and one-by-one written on blank cards, all match, two methods
Related to 1984 56
Stephen Tucker Amalgam one ahead with color, number and card, clever construction
Also published here Oct. 1989
Intermagic (Vol. 15 No. 1)
Marco Fida Whizzer written name and Zodiac divined, using Grismer's What's Your Sign?
Inspired byRelated to Nov. 1990
Magick (Issue 447)
Alexander de Cova Tarot Power spectator pushed a chosen tarot card into a book, page number at that position is noted and a word from that page, card, number and word predicted between two tied sheets
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 1991 11
Roy Johnson Objective three objects selected via cards with words on them, predicted, one-ahead
Aug. 1992
New Sorcerer (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Toni Forster Gedanken-Projektion two things predicted on pieces of paper
Inspired by June 1993
Intermagic (Vol. 18 No. 1)
Al Mann The Naked Thought prediction and mind reading, one ahead with 3 billets
1994 1
Al Mann The Quantum Leap with four cards, one ahead routine with the opener move
1994 4
Peter Duffie As Easy As 1-2-3 predictions written on three blank cards
Variations 1994 [6]
Peter Duffie The Alternative Murder Mystery variation with murder theme
Inspired by 1994 [7]
Bruce Bernstein Prediction Plus prediction of which spectator divines number, second spectator is used to help and also freely predicted
Related toAlso published here 1997 41
Jim Steinmeyer The Psych-Writer prediction of two letter, number with two odd digits and time, featuring nail writing through carbon paper
June 1998
Magic (Vol. 7 No. 10)
Jas Jakutsch The ATAW (Any Time AnyWhere) Triple Test divination of three thoughts, jotted down on three business cards
Inspired by 1999 11
Jas Jakutsch "Lost & Found" AKA "Six in One" billet routine with four phases, twelve people write down a los object and their initials, spectator finds the right billets, without opening it, divines the content of several and a member of the audience does the same too
1999 5
Jas Jakutsch The QuinBillet Test" AKA "A Kick to the One-A... Head" five billet routine, picture duplication, ends with Telephone Drama
Related to 1999 20
Harry Kaye Augurs Well four slips of paper, four spectators write some word on it, they are divined, center tears
Discoverie (Issue 4)
Three-Way Match No. 3, two spectators think of a card and the performer, predictions written on slips, one-ahead, without cards
2001 4
Dr. Stanley Jaks The Dictionary Trick short bio of Stanley Jaks (with help of Reinhard Müller), then three-part prediction of page number, a card and word from French-English dictionary
  • The Three-Part Test
Related toVariationsAlso published here
  • The Sphinx, 1949
2001 171
Karl Fulves, Joseph Dunninger, Theodore Annemann, Peter Warlock On One-Ahead & Mental Epic comments, quotes and references
Related to 2001 173
Chuck Hickok Hickok's Way-Ahead Envelope strategy for predictions in multiple envelopes
2002 128
Patrick Richey, Docc Hilford The Reverend Doctor Patrick private reading Q&A technique, sitter thinks of three questions and performer writes answers on three business cards in three envelopes or vinyl folder
  • The Concept
  • The Reading
  • The Arcanum
  • The Goods
  • The Moves
  • The Tips
  • The Richey Seance
Related to 2002 ca. 4
Dr. Stanley Jaks, Karl Fulves The Words Of Jaks two selections from word cards predicted
Inspired byRelated to 2003 292
Robert Cassidy Q and A 2000 thoughts on billets sealed in envelopes are placed in large bowl, several methods involved
Related to 2003 1
Dan Garrett, Mick Ayres, Ken Scott Epic - Marked Down three predictions written with three different-colored markers, letter, two-digit number and two geometric shapes (one in the other)
2005 1
Sveroni Poker Dream triple prediction (city, amount of money, card) on post-its, names of spectators are noted on the papers
Variations 2006 7
Marc Gettmann Drei Gedanken - eine Lösung! three billet test
2006 28
Scott Creasey Close Up Dupe design duplication by performer and spectator for each other
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here
  • lecture notes Escape the Restraints of Reality
2009 113
Scott Creasey The Druid's Eye "(Or Close Up Dupe for Druids)"
question answering with prediction
Inspired byAlso published here
  • lecture notes Escape the Restraints of Reality
2009 115
Oliver Meech Google Guessing Performer memorises the top result for different search words on Google
2010 58
Christoph Borer Heinrich Favrod three billet prediction, with different colored pens, story presentation
Also published here 2010 15
Karl Fulves One-Ahead Systems
  • As a Revelation
  • As a Prediction
  • Mental Epic
  • No-Gaff Epic
Related to 2010
Prolix (Issue 8)
Karl Fulves Las Vegas Nite number of poker chips, thrown dice number and card predicted
Prolix (Issue 8)
Steve Bryant Dr. Jaks Goes to Mexico three-part prediction of page number, a card and word from dictionary
Inspired by 2010 24
Barrie Richardson Memories of the Sun and Moon two persons reading with Osmosis Envelope
2011 189
James Biss Password Projected one-ahead divination
2012 39
Bruce Bernstein Telepathy and Clairvoyance three numbers on three billets are divined or predicted
Also published here 2012 21
Bruce Bernstein Prediction Plus prediction of which spectator divines number, second spectator is used to help and also freely predicted
Also published here 2012 42
Bruce Bernstein Heads and Tails change is thrown on table until one remains with tails up, date is noted, repeated with last coin which is heads up
Also published here 2012 43
Matt Mello Pulse Rate pulse rate of spectator is predicted
  • Additional Thoughts and Ideas (with two phase routine, predicting the pulse rate twice or something else)
Related toAlso published here 2012 1
Alexander de Cova Traveller city and number predicted, Koran's newspaper force for one-ahead
Also published here Dec. 2013 404
Matt Mello Pulse Rate pulse rate of spectator is predicted
  • Additional Thoughts and Ideas (with two phase routine, predicting the pulse rate twice or something else)
Also published here 2013 27
Dr. Stanley Jaks Astro-Prediction triple prediction with with zodiac, birthday and playing card
Also published here 2014 97
Colin McLeod Truly Epic triple prediction, amount of sceptics, people who had a paranormal experience and a word formed by the audience
2014 26
Alexander de Cova The Full Routine for the Traveller Effect city and number predicted, Koran's newspaper force for one-ahead
Also published here 2014 16
Alexander de Cova Traveller city and number predicted, Koran's newspaper force for one-ahead
Also published here 2015 185
Andy (The Jerx) Limitless Ahead One Ahead type of routine, spectator is apparently given heightened senses (hearing, smell etc.), able to guess what magician did
2016 69
Alexander de Cova Tarot Power spectator pushed a chosen tarot card into a book, page number at that position is noted and a word from that page, card, number and word predicted between two tied sheets
Inspired byAlso published here 2016 167
Robert Cassidy, Alexander de Cova Bob Cassidy's Billet Test
Inspired by 2017 62
Gerry McCambridge Chapter 15: Omni Glance three spectators, one thinks of name, one thinks of time and one draws picture, performer correctly gets name, sets a watch to correct time and draws matching picture
Also published here
  • Roy Miller's Mental Montage
2017 85
Ted Karmilovich The Three Pellet Test performer and spectator each have three paper balls with written colors, matching routine, repeated with names of stooges and the words show, movie and theater
  • The Golf Pencil and Other Subtleties
Related to
  • "Ghostly Influence" (Clettis Musson, The New Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mentalism, Volume Two, p. 5)
2017 1
Johnny Thompson Polish Epic
Also published here 2018 163
Christoph Borer Heinrich Favrod three billet prediction, with different colored pens, story presentation
Also published here 2018 59
Fränz Prodigy Peek X+1 stack of business card, selected one is divined, then two spectators write something on a business card, both thoughts are divined by writing them down before they are revealed by spectators
2022 31
Michael Weber, Tim Trono One Ahead two-phase Mental Pictionary
2023 16