294 entries in Paper / Center Tear
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Theodore Annemann Two Mindreading Publicity Effects center tear presentation as newspaper test or living/dead test
Related toAlso published here Mar. 1935
The Jinx (Issue 6)
Theodore Annemann The Impromptu Mind Reader center tear
1935 14
Herbert Hood A Mental Test Revamped thought-of card divined via center tear, see page 172 for variation by William Larsen
Inspired byAlso published here Sep. 1936
The Jinx (Issue 24)
Theodore Annemann Center Tear
Dec. 1936
The Jinx (Issue 27)
The Best Impromptu Mind Reading Trick
Also published here 1938 898
Joseph Dunninger The Secret with flash paper addition, using a glass of water, credit claim
Related toAlso published here Jan. 1940
The Jinx (Issue 74)
Die Sonne bringt es an den Tag brief explanation of center tear, french translation on page 4 "Dévoilé par le soleil"
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 5 No. 3)
Theodore Annemann Mindreading Publicity Effect center tear presentation as newspaper test
Also published here 1944 37
Joseph Dunninger The Secret with flash paper addition, using a glass of water, credit claim
Also published here 1944 56
Herbert Hood A Mental Test Revamped thought-of card divined via center tear
Also published here 1944 310
Harvey P. Graham Gut Fold center is stolen later with waxed match, instead of a circle he draws a tic tac toe cluster
Apr. 1946
The Phoenix (Issue 104)
Paul Curry Torn Center Billet Improvement
Related toAlso published here Oct. 1947
The Phoenix (Issue 137)
C. L. Boarde The Torn Center
1947 8
The "Improved" Torn Center using dummy piece to add to torn pieces
1947 9
C. L. Boarde One Ahead - Variation C three incidents in spectator's life
1947 84
Dai Vernon Message in the Flames center tear handling
Related toVariations 1948 149
Dai Vernon Mental Prediction method to predict anything written up via center tear
1948 152
Milbourne Christopher Move for Mentalists reading center, while lighting cigarette
Jan. 1948 385
George B. Anderson Torn Center Deluxe apparently failing, spectator has to write the word again, almost the same as Somerfeld's idea
Related toVariations 1949 11
Cyril Keller Torn Center Tip center tear using flash paper
Feb. 1949 509
U. F. Grant Fire Reading center tear, center piece sticks to card
Mar. 1949 10
Cliff Lesta Smoke Rays Handling
Inspired by June/July 1949 13
Al Baker Chapter 2: New Light on the Center Tear introductory comments
Related toAlso published here 1949 10
Al Baker The New Baker Method reading immediately after tearing
Also published here 1949 12
Robert "Bob" J. Gunther Dark Thoughts thoughts on the center tear, reading the piece in the dark
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1950)
Victor Jory Jory's Verdict! presentation for center tear
May 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 203)
Milbourne Christopher Torn Center Application
Apr. 1950
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 7 No. 11)
Bob Somerfeld Centear movie presentation, ruse for tearing the paper
Related to 1951 6
Al Baker Center Tear Tip
Also published here 1951 66
George Schindler Torn Quartet stealing for centers, one bigger paper
Feb. 1952
The Phoenix (Issue 249)
Ray Hyman Concepts Never Die center tear handling
Variations Oct. 1952
The Phoenix (Issue 266)
Harlan Tarbell Long Strip Billet Reading
1954 214
Dr. William Weyeneth Ein Zettelzerreisstrick using sticky glue on hand to steal center piece
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 15 No. 4)
Irv Weiner Simulated Center Tear
Nov. 1955
The New Phoenix (Issue 333)
Amazing James Randi The Torn Off-Centre tips on the center tear
  • (1) pieces never burned
  • (2) when using a newspaper
  • (3) when using a telephone book
Nov. 1955
Ibidem (Issue 4)
Jack Yates Thoughts Direct medium reads mind of spectator
Related to 1956 13
Paul Curry Torn Center
Related toAlso published here 1956 210
Tony Corinda (4) A Gem of Mental Magic blindfold and center tear
1958 149
Edward Marlo Matcho - Method II two cards only thought of, see also page 9 for Variation
1959 6
Tony Corinda (2) The Centre Tear (Corinda Variation) in depth instruction
1959 166
Punx, Mier (2) Centre Tear (Punx-Mier Variation)
1959 171
Tony Corinda, Al Koran Centre Tear (One Hand Variation)
Related to 1959 171
Tony Corinda (4) Centre Tear (Corinda's "Backward" Variation) magician's joke
1959 173
Tony Corinda (5) Centre Tear (Preparation of the Billet) (a) Folding
(b) Misdirection for the Circle
1959 174
Tony Corinda (6) Centre Tear (Reading the Billet) when to glimpse
1959 175
Al Koran "Inexplicable" spectator writes city on a billet and a clipped with a bulldog clip, several more billets are introduced, when touched with a cigarette they vanish, except one on which the same city is noted as on the spectator's billet
Related to 1959 195
Tony Corinda, Theodore Annemann The Crossword Puzzle page marked with big X, word in center memorized and page torn
Related to 1959 211
Milbourne Christopher Für Mental-Magier idea for reading the billet, for smokers
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 20 No. 6)
Jack Stone Prell Centre Prell Shampoo
Related to Mar. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 16)
Tom Sellers A Torn Centre Idea tape on note pad
Related to 1960 105
Corvello The Stolen Centre tip, when to read the center
1960 114
Harry Lorayne Tell My Fortune card and word are divined (center tear)
Also published here 1962 104
Leo Behnke In the Center amount of change is divined, written on paper
1962 14
Felix Greenfield Die-Abolical Concept number written on paper is burnt, four dice are stacked and numbers on top of each die correspond with written number
Mar. 1965
The New Jinx (Vol. 3 No. 35)
Tony Kardyro The Probable Winner from a horse-racing program a number of race and a horse are selected and written on billet, both divined by performer
Apr. 1966
The New Jinx (Vol. 4 No. 48)
Al Koran The Torn Centre center tear handling
1968 32
Karl Fulves New Approach Center Tear billet folded into second paper
Mar. 1968 168
Bruce Elliott Center Tear Gag for magicians
Apr. 1968 170
Basic Move 6 center tear, without explanation
June 1968 185
Dai Vernon Mind Reading secret reading after center tear
Also published here 1970 16
Robert "Bob" J. Gunther Dark Side of the Room living and dead test, one piece of paper, handling for Center Tear, apparently in the dark
Variations 1970
Magick (Issue 2)
Frederick M. Shields Astro-Sphere / The Perfect Circle instead of Living and Dead Test zodiac divination
Inspired by 1970
Magick (Issue 3)
Jerry Mentzer Center-Steal 'Steal' double sided tape on pad
Related to 1970
Magick (Issue 7)
Joseph K. Schmidt Center Tear spectator writes card in center of square paper, cut into four pieces and puzzled together so a center section is missing, can be presented as pseudo center tear, see p. 527 for comment by L. Vosburgh Lyons
Inspired by Feb. 1971 398
Sydney Bergson Non-Center Tear glimpsing content
Also published here 1972 26
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Wrinkle For A Good Trick No. 209, spectator divines the card the performer is thinking of, center tear
1972 50
Notoria Improvement No. 469, card and geometric figure divined, cryptic, center tear and key card
1972 131
Al Baker Al Baker's Billet Wrinkle No. 638
1972 177
Al Baker Al Baker's Tips: 1) No. 641-1, tape to stick torn center on pad
1972 178
Grund Griff Nr. 6 center tear, without explanation
Oct. 1973
Intermagic (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Paul Curry Alias Sherlock Holmes center tear presentation, revealing the word by analyzing the burnt paper
1974 75
Karl Fulves Mind Echo spectator writes memory on slip of paper which is torn and burnt, medium in other room divines it
Nov. 1974
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. 1)
David Douglas For Your Eyes Only ESP symbol and personal information is revealed, method to read torn piece
Magick (Issue 110)
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on Sid Lorraine and the history of the center tear, Jules Lenier
Magick (Issue 112)
John Northern Hilliard The best impromptu mind reading trick translated by Paul Maured
Also published here 1974
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 35 No. 2)
Mogul Mogul center tear idea and reading it with crystal ball
1975 133
Frederick M. Shields The Eyes Have It reading torn piece while removing glasses
Magick (Issue 124)
North Bigbee Center Tear different methods to read the torn piece
Magick (Issue 125)
Robert Schwarz The Mystic Sums of Glossolalia! sum divination
Magick (Issue 126)
Gene Nielsen Centearefinement center tear, routining
Magick (Issue 136)
Gerald Kosky Torn Billet sticking center piece on shirt sleeve
1975 118
Dai Vernon Center Tear - Billet Test
1976 9
Philip T. Goldstein Burnt Offerings assistant reads ashes of a burnt business card and reveals a chosen ESP symbol
1976 7
Philip T. Goldstein Tephramantic Brainwave card written on a piece of paper and burnt, ashes rubbed on an envelope and the name of the card appears, inside the envelope is a deck with the chosen card reversed, wax swami
1976 8
Al Mann The Center Tear Controversy on the history of the first publishing of the center tear, includes Baker, Thompson, Loraine, Dunninger, Sunshine, plus other takes on the center tear, The Sans Tear Center Method (Annemann), The Unseen Tear (Ron Baillie) and Sealed and Torn Messages (Al Mann)
Related to 1976 13
Al Mann Gemel's Messages alternative center tear handling, no pre-fold and lengthier questions possible
Also published here 1976 18
Al Mann The Tretology of Dionysus center tear method, four questions can be stolen
1976 19
Al Mann The Mystic Chalice requisite for burning the papers when doing a center tear or other billet routines
1976 19
Marvin Miller Cop-Out! center tear, billet in envelope
Magick (Issue 154)
Jack Bridwell Sun Sign zodiac design for center tear
Magick (Issue 177)
Theodore Annemann Ne Plus Ultra Reading Method reprint from Thayer's "Trick of the Month" club, August 1932
1978 1
Al Mann Nothing More Beyond history of the center tear
1978 3
Al Mann, Al Baker Al Baker's Masterwork on Baker's improvements
Related to 1978 6
Al Mann The Improvisitor impromptu version of Baker's center tear, in depth explanation
Related to 1978 7
Al Mann Flight of the Phoenix different center tear handling
1978 12
Al Baker The Umbrella Move
Related to 1978 13
Al Mann Through the Magic Door coincidence, spectator and performer select the same word from a newspaper, center tear with marked word in a newspaper
1978 14
Richard Osterlind The Ultimate Center Tear
1978 17
Al Mann Another Chapter on the Center Tear on the history of the Center Tear, on Joe Ovette, Annemann, Sid Lorraine
1978 12
Al Mann What is it? letter from Sid Lorraine to Al Mann about the history of the Center Tear, comments by Mann and xerox of Lorraine's notes from 1928, copy of the manuscript "What is it?" by Joseph Ovette from 1931
1978 12
Al Mann Don Pedro story of Don Pedro from Buenos Aires, witnessing a center tear and ashes on arm routine in 1926
1978 18
Harry G. Franke Window Lights method to read stolen center, matchbook
Magick (Issue 202)
Al Mann The Azonic Rent method for the center tear, based on Mann's "The Azonic Force"
1979 10
Al Mann The Secret of Abonutichus message reading from sealed envelope, like a center tear
Related to 1979 14
Harvey Rosenthal Center Tear dummy center piece added to pieces, see also p. 1197
The Chronicles (Issue 14)
Edmund Rowland Edmund Rowland's Center Tear motivation for writing in center
Also published here
  • Magic Wand, Dec. 1954
The Chronicles (Issue 14)
David (Foote) Drake Watch It! divining an appointment and a time, written down on paper
Magick (Issue 231)
Karrell Fox "Theyduit" Center Tear spectator tears billet himself
Variations 1979 134
Karl Fulves Crystal Clear No. 36, secret one-handed center tear with napkin as it is burned
1979 57
Robert Siepielski X, Y, & Z justification for writing in the middle for a center tear
Magick (Issue 252)
Bruce Bernstein Bernstein Center Tear Technique
  • Summary of the Bernstein Center Tear Technique
  • Part II
Also published here 1980 3
Thomas Alan Waters Center-Tear analysis and handling
Related to 1981
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Scrypt)
Thomas Alan Waters, Jack Avis The Occultear secretly tearing the center
  • Writing Materials
  • The Area of Writings
  • The Fold
  • The Tear
Related to 1981
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Scrypt)
Thomas Alan Waters Routine No. 1 (Close-Up) q&a for one person
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Scrypt)
Thomas Alan Waters Routine No. 2 (Close-Up) handling variation
Inspired by 1981
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Scrypt)
Thomas Alan Waters Routine No. 3 (Stage) with a bulldog clip
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Scrypt)
Thomas Alan Waters Variant Routine (With Dobrin Slate) flap to hide center
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Scrypt)
Thomas Alan Waters Triton a red, white, and blue billet are in a bulldog clip, which select a category each, aspectator selects one of three categories and choses a word from that category, which he writes down, the word is predicted on one of the three billets
Inspired by
  • Jack Avis' "Chronokinesis" in Peter Warlock's "Pentagram", Vol. 8, No. 4. P. 25.
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Scrypt)
Thomas Alan Waters Concluding Remarks
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Scrypt)
Thomas Alan Waters Geometear two objects are written on two pieces of paper, one is selected and the word divined
Related to 1981
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Scrypt)
Bascom Jones, Steve Shoemaker The Mystic Word on the death of Ray Hafler, justification idea for center tear by Steve Shoemaker
Magick (Issue 280)
George Moore Psi Surge receiving several bits of information using one center tear
Magick (Issue 283)
David Avadon XYZ variation of the stealing of the center piece, wax
Magick (Issue 285)
Don Camp Word Games piece of newspaper page is torn and word selected, divination by performer
Magick (Issue 287)
Al Mann The Gemel Con! center tear / steal handling
Magick (Issue 295)
Bruce Bernstein Totally Impromptu Book Test numbers on three billets, two are destroyed and last used to select word
Also published here 1981 15
Bruce Bernstein Telepathy and Clairvoyance three numbers on three billets are divined or predicted
VariationsAlso published here 1981 17
Al Mann The Wocus Center-Tear combination CT and Wocus II
1982 8
Gene "Phantini" Grant Phantini's Center Tear Method no steal method
1982 13
Al Mann, Ron Baillie Baillie's Gem with perforated cards, stealing part of billet
Inspired by
  • "The Secret Center-Tear" in Ron Baillie's "Universal Mind"
1982 13
Henry H. Fields Century 300 handling for center tear for design duplication
Magick (Issue 300)
Juan Tamariz Telepatia Colectiva two routines using the center tear, multiphase routine, combination with pencil reading and fishing
1982 49
Edward Marlo Tears Without Tears instant Reading
1983 158
Edward Marlo Tears Without Tears 2 instant Reading
1983 312
Thomas Alan Waters, Tony Corinda, Tom Sellers Dubbook x is marked somewhere in the book, then a page is torn and again a x drawn on it, two words are divined, one by telepathy and one by clairvoyance
Inspired by 1983
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Mindscript 1: The Book Test)
Center Tear
1983 25
Fredric Kolb The Swedenborg Predictions prediction in bulldog clip
Oct. 1984
Magick (Issue 340)
Robert Cassidy Centerburn burnt paper, bulldog clip protects corner
1984 85
Terry Nosek The Word pile of torn newspaper slips, spectator choses one, folds it in quarters and tears corner off, long word is chosen and revealed, reverse center tear method
Variations Jan. 1985
Magick (Issue 345)
Al Mann Gemel's Message updated version
alternative center tear handling, no pre-fold and lengthier questions possible
Also published here 1985 4
Bruce Bernstein Word Test letters of three letter word are written on three billets, two of them are destroyed and remaining letter is predicted, word is revealed as a climax
Also published here 1985 26
Jeff Busby Introduction with information on center tears
1986 i
Richard Osterlind The Surrounded Slow-Motion Center Tear with credit information
  • The Paper and its Preparation
  • The Mechanics
  • Comments
Variations 1986 1
Richard Osterlind The Routine mindreading with center tear
1986 13
Richard Osterlind Speed Tear with handling variation
1986 16
Barrie Richardson Thunderstruck post-it note
Related to Jan. 1987
Magick (Issue 383)
Charles "Cicardi" Scott The Caliostro Crystal using crystal, center tear handling
Oct. 1987
Magick (Issue 397)
Dennis Marks Spot-o'-Marks handling for center tear, sticky
Dec. 1987
Magick (Issue 399)
Theodore Annemann Gedankenlesen aus der Zeitung center tear presentation as newspaper test
Also published here 1987
Magische Blätter (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Das Stehlen des Mittelstueckes (Centre Steal)
Magische Blätter (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Simon Lovell Centre Tear Tip Divine spectator's name (with tips of handling centre tears)
1989 51
Rudy T. Hunter The CT Tantra presentation for center tear, divination of word using dictionary
Mar. 1989
Magick (Issue 418)
Richard Webster Dust to Dust presentation for center tear
Apr. 1989
Magick (Issue 420)
V. Robert Allen The 'Logical' Center Tear one hand center tear
  • The Variation
  • Use Cheap Paper
  • Don't Pre-Fold Paper
  • The Moves
  • Mark It
  • The Tear
  • The Glimpse
Related to May 1989
Magick (Issue 421)
Rudy T. Hunter Body Double doppelgänger presentation, zodiac sign and question are divined, using Grismer's What's Your Sign?
Related toVariations Jan. 1990
Magick (Issue 434)
Tom Fitzgerald Stick 'em Up center tear handling, post-it
Feb. 1990
Magick (Issue 435)
Docc Hilford Smiles Per Gallon spectator writes down amount of gas bill, flash paper
1990 4
Docc Hilford The Topper divination of soft drink name, dissolvo
1990 4
Docc Hilford Nuclear Disposal Plan name of state is divined, torn pieces and salt vanish
1990 5
Docc Hilford I Guess He Just Hates Silverware... ESP symbol is written on paper and burnt, spoon bends over card with matching symbol
Related to 1990 5
Docc Hilford Back To The Old Drawing Board... divination of name of a ship, pieces placed on paper boat which then sinks
1990 6
Docc Hilford Nero's Number roman number is divined, on matchbook
1990 6
Docc Hilford Frozen Assets number divined, paper placed inside water, water becomes snow/ice
1990 7
Docc Hilford When You're Hot... divination of temperature written on paper
1990 7
Docc Hilford The Third Eye name of departed person written in eye on piece of paper is divined
1990 8
Docc Hilford Super Nova divination of birthdate, written on flash paper
1990 8
Docc Hilford It's Still Ticking! divination of time by spectator setting time on watch
1990 9
Docc Hilford The Magic Hat object is divined, written on flash paper
1990 9
Docc Hilford And Inches To Go divination of down & yards to go in football game, written on dissolvo paper
1990 10
Docc Hilford What Was The Question? object hidden is found
1990 10
Docc Hilford Magicard divination of number, written on paper
1990 11
Docc Hilford In Your Hand
1990 11
Docc Hilford Registered Mail name is divined
1990 12
Docc Hilford Wishbone Ash wish is divined, written on flash paper
1990 12
Docc Hilford Gonna Make You A Star number is divined, ritual, with flash paper
1990 13
Docc Hilford Universal Shopper item written on paper and torn, pieces are burnt and turn into coin, item is divined
1990 13
Docc Hilford Crystal Cow Hide name of baseball player is divined, dissolvo paper
1990 14
Docc Hilford Triangulate This! marked town on piece of map is divined
1990 14
Docc Hilford Santa's Wreath gift wish is divined, using spring snakes
1990 15
Docc Hilford The Key To Her Heart room number is divined, on dissolvo paper
1990 15
Docc Hilford The Zoo Bird name of bird is divined, using a Swiss Warbler
1990 16
Docc Hilford Your Dream Car brand of car is divined
1990 16
Docc Hilford I Ching one-word question is answered, I Ging presentation
1990 17
Docc Hilford The Circus Is In Town circus act is divined
1990 17
Docc Hilford Just The Facts number is divined, flash paper
1990 18
Docc Hilford Eine Kleine Wassermusick song is divined, playing sound on glass, dissolvo paper
1990 18
Docc Hilford Pollution Solution pollutant is divined, on dissolvo paper
1990 19
Docc Hilford It Ain't the Times word is divined, with crossword grid
1990 19
Docc Hilford The Movie "Channel" name of movie star is divined
1990 20
Docc Hilford Funny As A Heart Attack date is divined, with glorpy
1990 20
Docc Hilford Animal Activism At Work number of cigarettes is divined, using smoking dog
1990 21
Docc Hilford Visualize World Pieces divination of country
1990 21
Docc Hilford Editorial License marked word on piece of newspaper is divined
1990 22
Docc Hilford Sands of Time name of historical figure is divined
1990 22
Docc Hilford Teacher's Pet name of teacher is divined, using slate
1990 23
Docc Hilford Gypsy Shtick question is divined, with crystal ball
1990 23
Docc Hilford Sucker!!! flavour is divined, dissolvo paper
1990 24
Docc Hilford Dingle Dangle yes or no question is divined, with pendulum
Related to 1990 24
Docc Hilford The Terror word is divined, as mad scientist with blood capsules etc.
1990 25
Docc Hilford Attack of Killer Tomatoes town name is divined, Giant Killer Tomatoes presentation
1990 25
Docc Hilford You're Canceled! name of TV Show is divined
1990 26
Docc Hilford Tattoo name of tattoo is divined
1990 26
Docc Hilford Bud, Schmud divination of beer brand, writing it on foam of beer
1990 27
Docc Hilford Here Today, Gone Today name is divined, on flash paper
1990 27
Docc Hilford Rear Window murder's name is divined, murder game presentation
1990 28
Rich Bloch Time-X setting watch on time spectator secretly wrote on post-it note
May 1991
Magick (Issue 455)
Charles Reynolds Snap Shot light comes from pendulum, name is revealed, FISM flash
Nov. 1991
Magick (Issue 463)
Rudolf Braunmüller Aufsitzer & Bierwetten collection of bar bets
  • Verschiedene Wetten
    • Die dreifache Gemeinheit (drinking shot glass under hat without touching)
    • Für Trinkfeste (drinking three beers faster than someone else three shot glasses)
    • Beantwortungs-Wetten
    • Münzenwetten
    • Eine Pokerwette (cards taken openly from face-up deck, yet spectator loses)
    • Die nächste Karte, die ich umdrehe, ist Ihre! (Circus Card trick)
  • Zauberer-Wetten (for magicians)
    • Der Center Tear
    • Der Münzenschnipper
    • Mental-Farbwürfel
    • Der Faro-Mischkünstler
June 1991
Intermagic (Vol. 16 No. 2)
Rich Bloch Watch Scam divination of drawn time, handles of spectator's watch are set correctly
Inspired by 1991 13
Al Mann Mann-erism spectator tears billet
Feb. 1992
Magick (Issue 467)
Tony Madden Stolen Thoughts center tear handling, stealing center with wax on coat sleeve
Nov. 1992
Magick (Issue 481)
Ken Meaux Center Tear zodiac circle as reason
July 1992
Vibrations (Vol. 15 No. 1)
Karl Fulves Mental Lock envelope and billet system for reading, center tear by openly cutting off corners of envelopes
Rigmarole (Issue 2)
Punx Unwritten Center Tear word circled on newspaper clipping
Feb. 1993
Vibrations (Vol. 15 No. 8)
Johann "Abrax" Slaby Center Tear telephone dial design, sticky matchbox
Oct. 1993
Vibrations (Vol. 16 No. 4)
Al Mann Twin Tear two center tears with newspaper sheet
Inspired by
  • "Gemel's Messages" in "Mental-Ettes" 1978
1994 7
Ted Lesley Dissertation on the Center Tear on the presentation of the center tear and billet reading, with several anecdotes
Related to 1994 93
Harry Lorayne Tell My Fortune card and word are divined (center tear)
Also published here May/June 1994
The Magic Menu (Vol. 4 No. 23)
Larry Dimmitt Centerless Tear
Apr. 1994
Vibrations (Vol. 16 No. 10)
John Riggs The Center Scissor Steal center tear handling, for stealing the piece
1995 68
Patrik Kuffs Hands of Time two spectators select same time, using watch
Syzygy (Vol. 2 No. 6)
Dr. E. Raymond Carlyle, Max Abrams Kismet: Pseudo Contact Mind Reading using center tear, tips for center tear
Feb. 1995
Vibrations (Vol. 17 No. 8)
Dave Arch Double Divination zodiac sheet for Center Tear and with mnemonic aid for Grismer's "What's Your Sign?"
Related to 1996
Syzygy (Vol. 2 No. 10)
Docc Hilford Swamp Water q&a with story presentation, answer appears on billet, with dissolvo paper
1996 1
Docc Hilford Who Knows? The Pendulum Knows! yes or no question is divined, with pendulum
Related to 1996 12
Terry Nosek Close-Up Double Date birthdate revelation, center tear and calendar card as joke
1996 31
Docc Hilford Look Deep Into My Spoon ESP symbol is written on paper and burnt, spoon bends over card with matching symbol, updated handling
Related to 1996 47
Karl Fulves 12 Have Died "The Impromptu Bullet Catch"
spectator writes "bullet" on paper, folded and torn up and tossed (or shot) on performer, performer has piece with spectator's writing in mouth, with two more variations posed as problems
1997 117
Jamy Ian Swiss Free Association after playing a game of "free association" with spectator, performer can know what shapes and word spectator wrote on a piece of paper, full presentation and much detail on the scripting
Also published here 1997
Labyrinth (Issue 7)
Jamy Ian Swiss Center Tear finesse to make the glimpse of the pieces more subtle
Inspired by 1997
Labyrinth (Issue 7)
Max Holden Center Tear credit information, Joseph Ovette
Also published here
  • Linking Ring 9/1946
1998 172
Paul Alberstat No Sleight Centre Tear
Inspired by Feb. 1998 13
Terry Parrett ESP-TV divination of TV show written on paper
Mar./Apr. 1998
The Magic Menu (Vol. 8 No. 46)
Ray Hyman X-Centric Tear presentation and handling for center tear, additional information on card
Inspired by Sep. 1998
Magic (Vol. 8 No. 1)
Bruce Bernstein Bernstein Center Tear
  • Summary of the Bernstein Center Tear Technique
  • Alternate Presentations
Also published here 1998 8
Jas Jakutsch For the Visually Impaired (Or Just to be Safe) when you can not read the center, either because of poor eyesight or bad handwriting
1999 24
Barrie Richardson Center Shtick post-it note
Related to 1999 184
Simon Lovell Center Tear
2000 178
Paul Curry Center Tear Handling
Inspired byRelated to 2001 264
Tony Bartolotta Jigsaw Puzzle clear plastic bag with torn colored paper pieces, three spectators take three paper pieces and write word, number and picture, pieces torn up and mixed with the rest, performer reaches in and locates the right pieces that combine to the spectators's writing
Related to 2001 215
Jack Avis Off-centre tear
2002 267
Juan Tamariz Collective Telepathy divination of name written on a billet, whole audience divines the name
  • First Routine
  • Second Routine
Oct. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 10)
Docc Hilford IMPending Doom finding murder using imp bottle, as bottle with poisson, center tear with dissolvo paper
2002 6
Al Baker New Light on the Center Tear introductory comments on standard method
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Mental Magic)
Al Baker The New Baker Method reading immediately after tearing
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Mental Magic)
Al Baker Center Tear Tip
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Pet Secrets)
Al Baker Center Tear Handling
Also published here
  • The Sphinx, Vol. 40 No. 1, Mar 1941
2003 663
Robert Cassidy Principium 4 "Varying your methods keeps you one step ahead of the dilettantes.", method to read center tear piece
2004 61
Robert Cassidy Spellbilleted information of two numbered and destroyed billets is divined
2004 140
Wonder Man Fred The Center of My Heart thoughts on the center tear
2004 271