204 entries in Paper / Paper Napkin
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Henry Gordien Card under the Napkin
1938 224
Sam Leo Horowitz The Burning Table Cloth or Napkin using tube gimmick
1938 590
E. Leslie May A Napkin Sewn comedy restoration with visible sewing lines
The Jinx (Issue Summer Extra 1939)
E. D. Wolff Impromptu Change Bag folded napkin
Jan. 1940
The Jinx (Issue 76)
Japanese Torn and Restored Napkins fake explanation
1941 306
Character Reading from the Teeth verbal gag in which spectators must bite onto napkin
Also published here 1941 16
Improvised Brassiere folding brassiere out of napkin
Related toAlso published here 1941 17
Dr. Stanley Jaks Wenn man gerade keine Karten bei sich hat impromptu tricks
  • biting a piece from a glass
  • vanish of napkin except corner
Oct. 1941
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 3 No. 10)
Al Baker The Torn and Restored Paper Napkin
Also published here 1941 13
S.S. Henry Gaglet: Henry's Paper Switch getting rid of the torn napkin, when doing the torn and restored with fake explanation routine
May 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 8)
Franklin M. Chapman Napkin Vanish moistened fingers secretly tear off corner that simulates whole napkin still in hand
1942 3
Franklin M. Chapman Napkins and Hats four rolled up napkin pieces travel under two hats, climax production of filled glass
1942 8
Joe Berg Criss-Cross Paper Napkin napkin torn, torn pieces transpose with full pieces, full restoration
1943 89
Jean Hugard Hugard's Butterflies butterflies are torn from a napkin, then snow storm with butterflies done with fan and water
Also published here Aug. 1943 9
William S. Houghton A Paper Napkin Routine
1943 52
Jean Hugard The Patriotic Tissues three red, blue and white paper balls are put in three bags with the same colors, they rearrange themselves, so in each bag is on ball of each color, then they change into flowers with the corresponding colors
Nov. 1944 79
Carl "J. N. Teroga" Schnetzer Ein feuchtfröhlicher Zauber two paper napkins with different colors, torn pig travels to other napkin and message appears
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 6 No. 3)
Milbourne Christopher Christopher's Flaming Napkin paper napkin bursts into flames, using only little flash paper
1945 23
R. C. Buff Paper Napkin Vanish
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1945 157
Frank Garcia Garcia's Grand two cards are found, with napkin and knife, reinvention of "The X-Ray Knife", see also p. 515
Related to June 1947
The Phoenix (Issue 127)
Frank Kelly "I Dood It" napkin, with sucker explanation
1948 22
Joe Karson Double Sucker Effect torn and restored napkin combine with silk to egg, brief idea outline
Feb. 1948 392
Lemon Bug napkin moves eerie over table
Also published here 1949 18
The Pyramid removing napkins between glasses
1949 24
Jack Chanin From the Private Files of Chanin paper napkin bursts into flame and restores again, three variations
Jan. 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 194)
Jack Yeager The Flying Match match is torn from matchbook, vanishes and appears under napkin
Also published here
  • Jack Yeager's "Second Portfolio of Tricks"
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1951)
William Larsen Peek Stab with napkin
July 1952
The Phoenix (Issue 260)
Dick Piser Flash on the Glass piece of paper napkin bursts in flames and vanishes
Sep. 1952
The Phoenix (Issue 264)
Fay Smith Paper Tearing with a Color Change Tube
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1953)
Jim Reneaux Tipped cigarette vanishes from burning napkin
Feb. 1953
The Phoenix (Issue 275)
Karrell Fox Impromptu Zombie floating roll, fork
Feb. 1954
The New Phoenix (Issue 301)
Don Alan Bowl or Cup Load finish for benson bowl routine, paper napkin wrapped on bowl, production of handkerchiefs
Variations 1956 42
George Karger Ghost of the Morro Crab napkin moves over table, orange / lime under it
Jan. 1957
The New Phoenix (Issue 340)
Bert Allerton The Jumping Flower paper napkin flower jumps from lapel to lapel, thread
Variations 1958 55
Karrell Fox Hocus-Focus picture of chosen cards appears on napkin, photography presentation
1960 12
Tony Slydini The Paper Balls in the Hat one by one four napkins are rolled in a hand into balls and disappear, then they appear in a hat that was presented empty
Variations 1960 37
Hubert Lambert Phoenix Phantastique card is torn and put in napkin which is lighted, card it is reproduced in a flash
Sep. 1961
The New Phoenix (Issue 361)
Switch with pockets while getting a lighter, similar to Slydini's crossing the gaze
Sep. 1961
The New Phoenix (Issue 361)
Logan "Dr. Zuko" Pritchett, Walter Zaney Blaney Letter to Don Tanner
  • idea for A.A. plastic glass
  • idea for napkin alternative by Walter Zaney Blaney
Aug. 1962
The New Phoenix (Issue 371)
Allessandro Torn and Restored Christmas Napkin Christmas themed
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1963-64)
Bill Madsen, Larry Weeks CATnips ideas by Larry Weeks
  • using wet napkins for mentalism
  • shiner
  • false eggs
Jan. 1964
The New Jinx (Vol. 2 No. 21)
Irv Weiner Sly Max three paper balls to hat, large paper ball from hat as climax
Inspired by July 1964
The New Jinx (Vol. 3 No. 27)
Tony Slydini Interlude with a Paper Napkin
  • Slydini "Touches"
Related to 1966 107
Arthur Setterington X-Ray Coins revelation of the dates on coins, when putting one reversed on the hand and watching through a napkin tube
1967 9
R. C. Buff Ein After-Lunch-Trick
Also published here 1968
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 29 No. 2)
Marconick Kleenex Production silks produced from rolled up kleenex ball, load with box
Also published here 1968 24
Horace E. Bennett Bennett's Boner torn and restored napkin in a cup, sucker element
1969 22
Charles D. Smith Torn & Restored Napkin sucker element
1969 98
Character Reading verbal gag in which spectators must bite onto napkin
Also published here 1969 6
Marconick Chain Reaction production of chains from rolled up Kleenex paper, with box, repeated
Related to 1969 8
Marconick Variation Chain Reaction production of chains from rolled up Kleenex paper, with box, repeated
Related toAlso published here 1969 9
Charlie Miller The Delicate Touch of Charlie Miller signed paper napkin transposes with matches in matchbox, using the DeLand fake
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1970
Magick (Issue 2)
Charlie Miller Miller Revisited signed paper napkin transposes with matches in matchbox
Related to 1970
Magick (Issue 11)
Marconick Paper Streamer Production production of paper streamers from rolled up Kleenex paper, with box
Related toAlso published here 1970 16
Gene Nielsen Coffee to Go filled coffee cup through table under napkin
Magick (Issue 17)
Billy McComb The Williamised Spider pips from deck vanish and appear on napkin
Related toAlso published here 1972 2
Flip Hallema How to Do It? torn and restored napkin, with words on paper
1972 2
Billy McComb The Williamised Spider of Mr. Collins pips from deck vanish and appear on napkin
Also published here 1972 155
Charlie Miller Match Maneuvers signed napkin transposes with matches in matchbox
Related toAlso published here 1973 107
Dr. Dan J. Alessini Tissue Teaser rolled-up tissue paper travels to second paper ball in spectator's hand, different colors
Magick (Issue 77)
Amedeo Vacca A Hole in One napkin torn into four pieces, one magically becomes burn hole
1974 32
The Patriotic Paper Balls three containers and balls with different colors, travel from container to other container
1974 6
Alan Shaxon Sucker Serviettes with sucker explanation and different colored napkin
1976 30
Dr. J. Konstantin Garmisch Paper Mate as Garmish, torn and restored tissue, from tissue box
Magick (Issue 144)
Harry Lorayne Magic Breath torn and restored napkin, lap switch
1977 289
Eric Meredith Invisible Salt Extraction salt pours from hands, shaker under napkin is then empty
Mar. 1978
Apocalypse (Vol. 1 No. 3)
John C. Wagner Torn and Restored Effects application of Charisma Change to Gypsy Thread, paper napkin, cigarette
1978 52
Paul Harris, Daniel Cros Paper Chase napkin is torn into four pieces, matrix type assembly, restoration
Also published here 1978 87
Gene Cosnoski Beer Bottle Polka bottle vanishes underneath napkin
Sep. 1979
Apocalypse (Vol. 2 No. 9)
Tony Slydini The Torn and Restored Napkin Corner with repeat phase
Related to 1979 78
Karl Fulves Ethnic Rocket on the rocket paper napkin, see also p. 182
Interlocutor (Issue 36)
George Kemp The Force manifestation of the force / ghost under handkerchief, impromptu glorpy with spoon
Magick (Issue 239)
Karl Fulves Crystal Clear No. 36, secret one-handed center tear with napkin as it is burned
1979 57
Eddie Clever Ein Eisbrecher-Trick paper napkin stretched over glass, then a silk produced from a hole
Aug. 1979
Intermagic (Vol. 6 No. 2)
Marconick Production à la boîte de Kleenex silks produced from rolled up kleenex ball, load with box
Also published here 1979 25
Marconick Production de serpentins production of paper streamers from rolled up Kleenex paper, with box
Also published here 1979 1
Al Schneider Bar-None paper balls travel, vanish and reappear, inspired by Slydini, kind of sponge ball routine with crumpled napkins
1980 96
Al Schneider Salt Shaker Switch with a napkin
1980 130
Mike Caveney Bent Spoons two spoons, one held wrapped in a napkin, the other one visibly
1981 63
Strong Man Stunt No. 38, rolled up napkin can only be torn apart by performer
1981 48
Stephen Tucker Status Quo torn and restored napkin, step by step restoration
Nov. 1981
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 7)
Jim Sutton, Tom Craven Poor Man's Pencil Thru' Quarter paper napkin cover
May 1982
Apocalypse (Vol. 5 No. 5)
John Kennedy Watch coin vanishes and reappears beneath tables napkin, changes into wrist watch
1983 43
Roy Baker "Catch the Cup" Gag, pretend to throw cup at spectator shouting "CATCH" when actually throw napkin
1983 10
Cup Lapping Switch cup for napkin
1983 10
Marconick Variation zur Kettenreaktion production of chains from rolled up Kleenex paper, with box, repeated
Also published here 1983 16
Slide Under Vanish coin is flicked under napkin
July/Aug. 1984
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 2 No. 23 & 24)
Roy Cottee The Hole(y) Tearer routine with paper napkin
  • hole torn in center, torn out piece is smaller than hole
  • both rolled up and bigger ball vanishes when lit
  • match vanishes and found in smaller ball
1984 115
Martin Gardner Impromptu Vanisher coin vanishes from paper napkin
1984 2
Jim Snapp Biology Lesson #1 "Biology Lession # 1", two in the hand one in the pocket with napkins, water squeezed out of one as climax
1984 (ca.) 6
John Carney Coin, Glass, and Napkin coin through glass, napkin-covered glass through table
Also published here Spring 1985
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 3 No. 25, 26 & 27)
Robert Bengel Flight Unseen three silver coins in napkin change place one by one with 3 copper coins
1985 549
Neil Cynn Hoodoo Voodoo pencil through napkin, voodoo presentation
Nov. 1985
Magick (Issue 360)
Karl Fulves Darkroom Effect No. 52, napkin moved from one one table leg to another in dark room
Also published here 1985 91
Howard Wurst Paper Money paper napkin torn up, pieces change into handful of dollar bills, getting rid of pieces via sleeving by Karl Fulves
1985 57
John Cornelius Torn & Restored Doodle convincer for torn and restored napkin
Aug. 1986
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Johnny Lindholm The Magic Napkin torn off pieces from a napkin change into coins
Oct. 1986
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Jean Hugard Hugard's Schmetterling butterflies are torn from a napkin, then snow storm with butterflies done with fan and water
Also published here May 1986
Intermagic (Vol. 12 No. 2)
Richard "Lu" Lista Shot Glass Salt Transpo salt vanishes from fist and reappears in shot glass that was wrapped in paper napkin
July 1987
Epoptica (Issue 9)
John Carney Predictable Surprise prediction on napkin is correct, selection travels under napkin
Also published here 1987
Lecture Notes Collection (Issue Carney Uncovered)
John Carney Coin, Glass and Napkin coin penetrates bottom of glass multiple times, then glass is covered and penetrates table
Also published here 1987
Lecture Notes Collection (Issue Carney Up Close)
Rich Marotta Matchic Trick signed paper napkin transposes with matches in matchbox
Inspired by 1987 1
John Carney Predictable Surprise prediction on napkin is correct, selection travels under napkin
Inspired byAlso published here 1987 [7]
John Carney Coin, Glass and Napkin coin through glass, napkin-covered glass through table
Also published here 1987 [1]
Paul Maurer Das Wettrennen im Weltraum napkin rockets are labelled and set on fire, prediction of which rocket was higher in the air, Himber Wallet
Magische Blätter (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Duraty The Little Cracker a cracker is eaten by spectator except for a piece, found restored in napkin
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 2 No. 7 & 8 Arcane)
Karl Fulves, Fred Culpitt Decapitated Knot No. 47, paper napkin, knot torn off and restored
1988 135
Karrell Fox "Center-Piece" Napkin Tear center of paper napkin torn out and restored
Inspired by
  • "Center-Tear" (Neil Foster)
1988 34
David Williamson Beelzebub's Blade napkin ripped by knife, restores and knife vanishes
Related to 1989 83
Crumpled Shown to Simon by random guy in restaurant: Magician crumples up large napkin into a small ball the size of a pea
1989 101
Dan Harlan Starcle origami trick, hole is torn from a napkin, torn out piece is a star
Inspired byVariations Feb. 1989
The Minotaur (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Steve Cohen Coins from Napkin three coins are produced from a paper napkin
Feb. 1989
The Minotaur (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Gazzo Macee Folding Knife knife is wrapped in handkerchief and vanishes
Sep. 1989
The Minotaur (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Michael Ammar, Tom Mullica, Doc Eason The Vanishing Napkin
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 3 No. 1-5 Aspen Bar Magic)
Michael Weber Atchoo sneezing hole in tissue
Also published here 1990 12
Doc Eason, Eric Mead Extra Starcle Perception ESP symbol divination mixed with Harlan's Starcle
Inspired by Dec. 1990
The Minotaur (Vol. 2 No. 4)
John Carney Predictable Surprise prediction on napkin is correct, selection travels under napkin
Also published here 1991 11
John Carney Straggler all cards except selection penetrate napkin
Related to 1991 15
John Carney Final Trace deck wrapped in napkin vanishes, napkin is burned and on arm name of card appears after rubbing of ashes
1991 19
Michael Weber A Man for All Seasons rolled up napkin acts as a salt shaker, then pepper is produced and finally sugar from the same napkin
1991 21
Michael Weber Hot Production Item spoon penetrates napkin, then a glass/bottle appears, steal on table
1991 27
Spoon Through Napkin method normally with a coin
Inspired by 1991 27
Michael Weber Change of Seasons a salt and a pepper shaker are each covered with a napkin, then they transpose and finally fuse together to a shaker which is filled with half salt / half pepper
Related to 1991 31
Michael Weber Satan's Serviette impromptu Devil's Handkerchief with paper napkin
1991 84
Michael Leach The Write Stuff prediction/divination of initials of a person on a napkin
Sep. 1991
Magick (Issue 461)
Michael Weber Atchoo sneezing hole in tissue
Also published here 1991 7
Chris Moore Moving Napkin Gag paper napkin draped over fruit moves along bar, fruit underneath rolls
May/June 1991
The Magic Menu (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Tom Mullica Nicotine Nincompoop lots of cigarettes are lit and apparently eaten with napkins, no explanation given
1992 108
Sid Fleischman Harry Is At It Again box drawn on napkin, "Houdini" written inside, writing vanishes from napkin and appears on hand
1993 25
"Joro" Bruno Hennig Das Serviettenzerreissen torn and restored napkin, with spectator on stage and sucker explanation
1993 88
Paul Gertner The Vanishing Card Stab wrapped in paper napkin and stabbed with knife, deck vanishes as climax
1994 103
Charles T. Jordan Jordan Paper Tearing torn and restored tissue, one starts on top of the other
Also published here
  • Thayer's Magical Bulletin
Rigmarole (Issue 7)
Chad Long Predic-storation prediction on napkin with pen through it, prediction comes true and napkin restored, Cornelius' "Pen Through Anything"
1995 13
Chad Long The Vanishing Pen ... Through Anything! pen vanishes in napkin, using Cornelius' "Pen Through Anything"
Also published here 1995 15
Scott Wells Can't Ketchup Ketchup bottle put on table and covered with napkin, then it shrinks to a miniature bottle
June 1995
The Minotaur (Vol. 7 No. 2)
Karrell Fox Fantom Fire performer can make paper napkin flash when touched with cigarette, spectators cannot
1995 26
Looy Simonoff Paper Passe rolled up napkin travels from one hand to the other, repeat
Related to Apr. 1995
The Lemniscate (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Chad Long Pen-Thru-Looking-Glass pen vanishes in napkin, using Cornelius' "Pen Through Anything"
Also published here June 1995
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 10)
Paul Harris, Daniel Cros Paper Chase napkin is torn into four pieces, matrix type assembly, restoration
Also published here 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 1 (Issue Las Vegas Close-Up)
John Kennedy Flutter coin and paper napkin change places from hand to mouth
The Art of Astonishment — Book 2 (Issue Astonishing Friends)
Michael Skinner, R. C. Buff The Trash Compactor torn off corner
Inspired byAlso published here 1996 68
Ken Krenzel Under Wraps performer knows position of selection in shuffled deck, wrapped in a napkin, deck switch, memorized deck
1997 168
Ken Krenzel Wrap Switch as deck is wrapped in napkin at table edge
1997 170
Bert Allerton, Ken Krenzel Stabbing to Any Named Card deck wrapped in napkin
1997 173
Scott Wells Scott's Well knife through paper napkin
1997 1314
Tom Osborne Zwei Messer-Tricks knife through napkin, or knife vanishes or penetrates table
Intermagic (Vol. 21 No. 3)
Dean Dill Coins and Napkin four coins travel under napkin one by one, optionally with a pen light
1997 62
Michael Skinner, R. C. Buff The Trash Compactor torn off corner
Inspired byAlso published here Mar./Apr. 1997
The Magic Menu (Vol. 7 No. 40)
Bruce Cervon The Sub-Mariner Cards Ace to Three through paper or napkin
1998 115
Penny-Trate coin through tissue napkin
Related to
  • Quaker Oats magic booklet
Underworld (Issue 7)
Martin Gardner Two Stunts
  • "Bronx cheer effect" with tv screen
  • tissue around end of tube, filled with salt, tissue cannot be broken
  • affecting television screen with magnet
Underworld (Issue 7)
Karl Fulves Clink! "Unsolved Mysteries"
napkins in brandy glass change audibly and visibly to ice cubes à la egg on fan, posed as a problem
1998 233
Barrie Richardson Mental Motor paper napkin unfolds by itself
Also published here
  • Club 71, Mayday 1991
1999 57
Jim Pace The Tearable Trick torn and restored napkin in spectator's hand, does not work for performer
1999 208
R. Paul Wilson Gapkin hole moves from napkin to napkin
Sep. 1999
Magic (Vol. 9 No. 1)
Chuck Smith On A Tear general comments on the "Sucker Torn and Restored Napkin", followed by several handlings
2000 9
Chuck Smith Torn and Restored Napkin Opening sucker
2000 9
Simon Lovell Twisted Roses making a rose out of paper napkin
2000 157
David Acer, Jay Sankey Uppity deck on table covered by napkin, deck begins floating ala Zombie Ball, then deck vanishes, leaving only the selected card
Also published here Apr. 2000
Genii (Vol. 63 No. 4)
Al Schneider Sly Napkin
  • The Schneider Technique
paper balls travel, vanish and reappear, inspired by Slydini, kind of sponge ball routine with crumpled napkins
Also published here Sep. 2000
Genii (Vol. 63 No. 9)
Barney Lederman The Hank Spider hole torn in paper napkin and silk produced out of it, napkin then changes to egg
Also published here
  • Encyclopedia of Silk Magic, Vol. 3, p. 1348
2002 202
Tony Slydini Slydini's Relocation two napkin pieces put into two glasses transpose, one is signed
Discoverie (Issue 8)
Al Baker The Torn and Restored Paper Napkin
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Magical Ways and Means)
Eric Mead Bar Flight three quarters, two travel to underneath napkin, the last one visibly on top
Also published here 2003 15
Andrew Mayne Sneeze brick produced from napkins, tissue box
2003 12
Peter Samelson The Phoenix paper napkin set on fire, then restored, bird fold and Phoenix story presentation
2003 151
Jim Steinmeyer Napkins for Actors
  • Conjuring
torn and restored napkin routine
Feb. 2003
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 6)
Peter Lentini Paper Balls napkin torn into four pieces, one given to spectator, two-in-the-hands... with other three pieces, they restore minus the piece the spectator is holding
Also published here Mar. 2003
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 7)
Jay Sankey, David Acer Uppity deck on table covered by napkin, deck begins floating ala Zombie Ball, then deck vanishes, leaving only the selected card
Also published here 2004 46
Tom Burgoon Timmy Toilet Paper routine with toilet paper with eyes, paper torn up and put in mouth together with spectator, mouth coil
Feb. 2004
Genii (Vol. 67 No. 2)
Paul Harris, Daniel Cros Paper Chase napkin is torn into four pieces, matrix type assembly, restoration
Also published here Feb. 2004
Magic (Vol. 13 No. 6)
Bob Ostin Secret Enclosed two different-colored napkins are rolled up and travel from hand to hand, as a climax, one is found inside the other
Inspired byRelated to
  • "Secret Enclosed" in "The Magician" March, 2004.
2005 66
Bob Ostin Inner Secret two different-colored napkins are rolled up and travel from hand to hand, as a climax, one is found inside the other
VariationsAlso published here
  • "Inner Secret" in "Abracadabra" Nr. 2087. January, 1986.
2005 81
Eric Mead Bar Flight three quarters, two travel to underneath napkin, the last one visibly on top
Also published here 2006 52
Christoph Borer Die Geisterschrift
  • Das Verbrennen der Serviette (burning the napkin)
  • Schmutz (dirt)
  • Wo kann das Symbol aufgetragen werden? (where to put on the symbol?)
  • Wie soll das Symbol erscheinen? (who should the symbol appear?)
  • Wo ist die Geisterschrift vorführbar? ( where to perform the ashes on arm?)
  • Was passiert, wenn das Symbol gar nicht, oder zu schwach erschein? (trouble shooting)
2007 8
Christoph Borer Ein Wunder mit Spielkarten two selections, first is revealed by tearing a paper napkin into shape of card, then napkin is burnt and ashes on arm to reveal second selection
2007 22
Patrick Martin Dreams in Barcelona paper moth torn from napkin moves in glass, is burnt, and napkin shown restored
Related to May 2008
Genii (Vol. 71 No. 5)
Sveroni Ach, so geht das! torn and restored paper with fake explanation
2009 17
Karl Fulves Zombie For Kids rolled up paper napkin clings to hand
Prolix (Issue 8)
Al Schneider Sly Napkins paper balls travel, vanish and reappear, inspired by Slydini, kind of sponge ball routine with crumpled napkins
Also published here 2011 226
Patrick Page A Tissue of...? gag for torn and restored tissue paper
2011 288
Patrick Page Bloomer? gag for torn and restores tissue paper, with two different colors
2011 295
John Carney Creepy Crawly Creature napkin moves eerie over table
Also published here 2011 32
Indestructible Napkin knife through handkerchief
2011 52
Axel Hecklau Die Papierrose folding a rose from paper napkin / tissue paper
2013 24
David Corsaro Can I Call You Sometime Spectator-shuffled deck of cards produces the phone number of a fictional female chosen by an audience member from twenty-seven different fictional females whose names are written on napkins.
Related to 2015 27
Steve Beam Draw Poker magician forms a bag with a napkin and drops a deck of card inside. He asks for poker hand. He not only removes that hand from then napkin, but the highest version of that hand.
  • Plumber's Helper
  • Pocket Clutter
  • Pocket Stack
  • Pocket Stack II
  • Straight to the Straight
  • Indirectly to the Straight
  • Manure is Not Art?
  • Extending the Stack
  • Back to the Hank
2015 173
Steve Beam Bag Lady Magician introduces a napkin folded into a bag and hands it to a lady. He asks someone in the audience to call out a poker hand. He produces that hand from the napkin and claims it is otherwise empty. He proves it by showing the cards that remain are blank on both sides.
Related to 2015 179
Roberto Giobbi Trick & Practice for Restaurant Magic card of selection appears on napkin
Hidden Agenda (Issue Aug 6)
Kenichi Komiya Time Traveling Tissue tissue packet re-seals itself
Jan. 2016
Genii (Vol. 79 No. 1)
Jon Allen ST&R torn and restored napkin, happens in both your hands and spectator's hands. Inspired by a Paul Daniels Linking Rings routine and Paperballs over Head
2017 7
"Joro" Bruno Hennig Joros Serviettenzerreissen torn and restored napkin, with fake explanation
Also published here
  • "Joros Serviettenzerreissen" in "Das Joro-Buch" 1993.
2019 9
Al Schneider 4FX
  • Broadcast from Nowhere
four crumpled up papers, they travel from hand to hand one by one
Mar. 2019
Genii (Vol. 82 No. 3)
Al Schneider Quantum Entanglement
  • Broadcast from Nowhere
half a torn napkin given to spectator, other half torn in shreds, half spectator holds is now also in shred, sympathetic
Mar. 2020
Genii (Vol. 83 No. 3)
Jonathan Neal Nomenclature
  • Secrets Within Secrets
torn and restored paper napkin, transforms into white silk at the end
Apr. 2020
Genii (Vol. 83 No. 4)
Lionel Gallardo Viaje al número card travels in paper napkin dispenser, certain number of napkins above card
  • Qué hacer si quitan alguna servilleta antes de tiempo
  • Versión sin duplicado
2021 137
Peter Lentini Paper Balls napkin torn into four pieces, one given to spectator, two-in-the-hands... with other three pieces, they restore minus the piece the spectator is holding
Also published here 2022 174
Rune Klan Coin and Bottle coin penetrates napkin several times, then transposes with bottle
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Jan. 2006
2022 462
Rune Klan Coin and Bottle coin penetrates napkin several times, then transposes with bottle
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Jan. 2006
2022 462
Chris Randall Seven Digits performer's name and phone number appear written on napkin, pick-up trick
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Feb. 2009
2022 827
Chris Randall Desert Rose napkin folded into rose, flower is detached and magically reattached to stem
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Feb. 2009
2022 829
Tom Stone Paperballs in the Bag one by one four napkins are rolled in a hand into balls and disappear, then they appear in a paper bag that was presented empty, routine incorporating TicTacs
Inspired by 2022 3
Markus Gabriel Firestarcler hole is torn from a napkin, napkin is burned in flash of fire, torn out piece is a star instead of circle
Inspired by 2023 70
Matthew Holtzclaw Umbrella routine with paper napkin that is torn into two pieces
  • Part One: The Ten Count
  • Part Two: The Transposition (from performer's hand into spectator's hand à la sponge balls)
  • Part Three: The Restoration
  • Part Four: The Transformation (into a small paper cocktail parasol)
Sep. 2024
Genii (Vol. 87 No. 9)