293 entries in Comedy Magic & Comedy Props
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Die Gedankenübertragung No. 8, name of chosen cards appears on previously empty slate which is wrapped in newspaper, rope held to forehead of two spectators as comedy prop, mirror writing in chalk on newspaper
1895 11
Carl Willmann Scherz-Artikel comedy props for production routines, collapsible animals and vegetables
Related to Mar. 1903
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 9 No. 3)
Carl Willmann Scherz-Artikel part two
Related to Apr. 1903
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 9 No. 4)
Carl Willmann Der unverwundbare Künstler nail placed upright on table, hand smashed onto it, dummy rubber nail
Oct. 1903
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 9 No. 10)
Harold Sterling The Short and Long Rope Mystery comedy routine with two children, two ropes are never the same size even though ends are trimmed multiple times, rope is restored as climax, stage-whispering
1941 ca. 136
Milbourne Christopher Shooting Surprise shooting wand and toy pistol gag
Nov. 1946 264
Milbourne Christopher Pormor Prestidigitation comedy but using Merv Taylor's Pormor Filmor, shot glass filled from pitcher, assistant always drinks shot
Feb. 1947 293
Milbourne Christopher Light, Please! candle produced as joke, when someone asks for a lighter
Feb. 1947 293
Clayton Rawson The Little Wonder Thought Projector spectator divines selection of other spectator, using egg beater as comedy prop, see p. 370 for idea by Edwin Shaw using a tray
Related toVariationsAlso published here July 1947 331
George Mackenzie M. C. Item ashes of cigarette bit
Feb. 1948 392
Emil Loew Shooting a Candle gag, first shot is loud, second is water coming out of gun to extinguish candle
Feb. 1949 509
Jean Hugard I Pay Big Money! miniature bill is turned into normal bill and to jumbo bill, paying spectator after helping on stage
Mar. 1949
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 6 No. 10)
Jean Hugard Two Cords and a Coat Grandmother's Necklace with spectator's coat, production of humorous articles from jacket
Sep. 1949 577
Martin Gardner Yakity-Yak Gags ideas and lines for the wind-up teeth by Johnny Paul, Senator Crandall, Karrell Fox, Joe Berg, Frank Garcia, Bill Simon, Dick Himber
Nov. 1949 605
Bert Douglas A Comedy Wand wand bends in hands of spectator
Jan. 1949 14
U. F. Grant Gag with Rubber Ice Cream Cone water runs out of rubber cone once given to spectator
Apr. 1949 15
A Great Production - For Magi-Comedians Only
Mar. 1950
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 7 No. 10)
The Dancing Handkerchief "A Comedy Version"
June 1950 676
Milbourne Christopher Big Hand plastic hand is produced as climax of production routine, "getting a big hand"
Nov. 1950 718
Phil D'Rey The Derelict comedy-tragedy, song using a hat and a rubber ice cream cone
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1951)
Francis J. Rigney The Art Appraiser wearing a coat and a hat, performer seen from the back is apparently shrinking and growing
Jan. 1951 737
Bill (17)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
gag, sample written on bill
May 1951
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 8 No. 12)
Bill (18)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
bills rubber cemented into check book, gag
May 1951
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 8 No. 12)
Bill (19)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
roll of bills, bill have to be cut off, gag
May 1951
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 8 No. 12)
Bill (20)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
bill with picture of current president, gag
May 1951
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 8 No. 12)
Cabbage (1)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
dagger in head gag, with cabbage
July 1951 819
Miles E. Hess A Spectacular Check Book check book with dollar bills, miniature bill is removed, gag
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1953)
Eddie Turner Dove Pan Doings ideas for routine in Orben's Patter for Standart Tricks, baking cake in dove pan
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1953)
Eddie Turner Charles' Out Of My Hat gags for rabbit finding card in hat
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1953)
Eddie Turner My Own Repeat Silk Vanish repeat silk vanish, assistant always finds it in performer's pocket, comedy routine
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1953)
Allessandro Allessandro's Comedy Routine No.1 comedy routine with partner
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1956)
Allessandro Comedy Routine No.1 for magic convention, with four magicians
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1956)
Allessandro Comedy Convention Skit
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1956)
Alan E. Beech Audience Participation Comedy Routine magic water funnel routine with milk, using a lot of strange props
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1956)
Eine Taube erscheint gag of appearing dove in bag, feathers appear
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 17 No. 2)
Robert L. Henderson Dove Production and Vanish rubber dove, with handkerchief
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1957)
Lane Bateman Idea for Mr. Skunk Trick black and white paper changes to skunk, inside a bag
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1957)
Gene Kirk C Note Gag pipe on bill, playing a note, gag
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1957)
Richard Williams Two Priceless Gags as Dick Williams
  • The Chinese Linking Ring Gag (presentation with spectators)
  • Popularity Contest Gag
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1958)
Allessandro Allessandro's Gag Kit gags using King Size Aspirin, Cigarette Butt, HHH Tonic, Giraffe Milk
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1958)
Otto "Sasso" Lutz Und zum Schluss: Ein Da Capo-Scherz gag, vanishing glass under handkerchief with a hammer
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 19 No. 4)
Don Tanner "Now Where's That Ticket" No. 47, spring flower production from pockets as running gag
1958 ca. 13
Don Tanner Won't He Be Surprised! No. 49, spring flowers instead of snake in peanut box
1958 ca. 14
Everett Lyda Hypo Phoney Routine using a phoney hype syringe, prank in drug store
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1959)
John Mc Leod Chinese Symbol Gag
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1959)
Das Socken-Finale producing a sock as a gag, while producing silks
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 20 No. 5)
Karrell Fox 2 or 3 from 5 & 10 toy pick, shovel and egg beater as comedy props
1960 13
Val Andrews Comedy Prop Umbrellas
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1961)
Oran Bailey Dent Trickities 3
  • "Watch Pocke" Gag
  • "Gone" Line
  • Production Gag
  • Rope Gimmick Tip
  • Liquid Air Hole Release
  • Balloon Breaking Gimmick
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1961)
Maurice Blackman Interrupted... By a Rabbit! fake rabbit from box changes to real rabbit
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1961)
Otto Stolina Ein "Doofer" Ballontrick comedy routine, balloon held over head of assistant as target of pistol, first balloon shrinks , second inflates by itself and third is filled with water
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 22 No. 5)
William Humphries Two Ideas cigarette catcher improvement and gag using music notes
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1962)
Burton Meyer Written in Blood using Hypo-Phoney syringe, blood in needle looks like selection
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1962)
Richard Bair Comedy Sawing Ending feet box starts to walk away
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1962)
Ro-Pin cut pieces of rope placed inside bag, bag is blown up and smashed with loud bang, pieces of rope are found to be held together with safety pins
The New Jinx (Issue 1 (Introductory Issue))
Balancia ping pong ball caught on nose gag
The New Jinx (Issue 1 (Introductory Issue))
Comedy Candle-to-Flower loud noice when handkerchief is thrown on the floor
May 1962
The New Jinx (Vol. 1 No. 1)
The Creepy Hand handkerchief in breast pocket slowly withdraws into the pocket
May 1962
The New Jinx (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Idea for Snake Basket snake from turban
June 1962
The New Jinx (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Comedy Corner gag with funnel
July 1962
The New Jinx (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Marty Lynn Rabbit Monte three bags on table, rabbit placed inside one bag, monte theme, in the end in every bag a cabbage is found
Sep. 1962
The New Jinx (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Eugene Bernstein The Fun Bottle gag item, bottle is squeezed and string jumps out to
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1963-64)
Ken De Courcy Patently Obscure prop comedy act with gag inventions, no magic
1964 2
Kirk Stiles Banging the Bang Gun Around ideas with a bang gun
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1965-66)
Everett Lyda On the Establishment of Comedy on comedy and various comedy props
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1965-66)
Tip on Florio idea for Ireland's Florio, the clowning flower
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1965-66)
Jay Marshall, Karrell Fox, Duke Stern, Ali Bongo, "Senator" Clarke Crandall An ABC of Magicomedy Bits various comedy bits
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1967-68)
Bob Brown If it's Laughter you're After... various comedy bits and lines
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1967-68)
Everett Lyda Openers patter idea to start show
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1967-68)
Everett Lyda Teeth and Fish Idea wind-up teeth and rubber fish placed inside bag, fish skeleton is removed
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1967-68)
Abbott's Slick Tie performer on chair, hands tied on legs and covered with coat, performer is able to move hands at will and being tied up again, "comedy rope escape"
Also published here
  • originally sold by Abbott in 1949.
1968 291
Heinz "Durox" Rüegg 5 Gags gags and idea
  • MC bit, bill as crib sheet, gag
  • MC gag, parked car
  • torn and restored newspaper gag
  • thumb flies away
  • chocolate coin gag
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 30 No. 5)
Marconick Transformation Chair-Suitcase chair can be folded into suitcase
1969 14
Bruce Armstrong Paper Plate Caper various ideas with paper pie plates
  • Flying Saucers
  • Mod Glasses
  • Party Mask
  • Strongman Barbells
  • Jolly Green Giant's Button
  • Giant Yo Yo
  • Mod Earrings
  • Spring Bloomers
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1969-70)
Pete Biro Inspected By Number 27 gag with inspection tags
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1969-70)
Ken Samoray A Lesson in Karate gag, while trying to chop two boards of wood by hand, hand flies off
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1969-70)
Ken Samoray Shot From A Cannon foot placed inside small cannon, foot flies out and is caught by performer with a net
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1969-70)
Jimmy Ritchie Quit Smoking II using Ireland's How to Quit Smoking
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1969-70)
Van Cleve, Gene Anderson Permissive Signs comedy routine with permissive signs
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1969-70)
Van Cleve Electric Cucumber comedy prop, cucumber with electric switch, with patter ideas by Gene Anderson, Dick Zimmerman and Leon Leon
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1969-70)
Parker Swan The Great Jewel Robbery or "How to Stretch a Two Minute Trick Into a Twenty Minute Routine"
pearl necklace vanishes and reappears on display stand, lots of comedy props
1970 7
Jules Lenier The Mad Magician comedy routine, producing wrong predictions in form of gag cards and card silks, card appears on roll up tie, , see p. xxiii for credit info
Mar. 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Gene Nielsen Lint! producing piece of lint from someone's clothing
Apr. 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 7)
Mephisto Black Magic! back scratcher hand as witch doctor prop, ashes on palms
Apr. 1971
Talisman (Vol. 2 No. 7)
Steve Spillman Button Control cardboard where push is written on it, when pushed by performer a loud buzzing noice appears, Joy Buzzer
Also published here June 1971
Talisman (Vol. 2 No. 14)
Bob Eads It's Show time!! (published April, 1978), starting a show in a loud environment, producing watch from fly as opener
Aug. 1971
Talisman (Vol. 2 No. 22)
Jean de Merry Le bas de soie coupé et réparé cut and restored silk stocking
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 33 No. 3)
Billy McComb The "Bang" Bomb plastic bomb explodes with BANG banner, comedy prop
1972 23
Billy McComb The Rigid Yo-Yo
1972 69
Billy McComb Resurrected! ideas for gag in which thread comes out of clothing and is pulled and then becomes very long
1972 123
Billy McComb Flat Accordion
1972 131
Billy McComb A Gag with the Wiggly Wand deck becomes crooked when waved over with S-shaped wand
1972 131
Billy McComb Sucker Ghost ghost tube as vacuum cleaner
1972 133
Billy McComb Please Shut the Gate gate on stage
1972 135
Billy McComb A Clean Gag hollow soap
1972 135
Billy McComb Light Humour light bulb, painted half black
1972 136
Eckhard Böttcher Rendez-Vous mit Moni twelve cards with images, words are spelled and match images, spectator always spells word and ends up on picture of a nude
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 34 No. 5)
Steve Spillman Button Control cardboard where push is written on it, when pushed by performer a loud buzzing noice appears, Joy Buzzer
Also published here 1973 55
Steve Spillman The Electric Nothing cut cable apparently becomes filled with electricity and stiffens, performer touches end and sparks fly around, Funken Ring
Variations 1973 69
Steve Spillman Spaghetti and Meatballs gag to introduce sponge balls
1973 ca. 7
Patrick Page Another Amusing Little Item gag for handkerchief with a hole
Also published here 1974 59
Karrell Fox Aw-Shoot! with comedy props
1976 111
The Breakaway Wand comedy prop
1976 19
Jochen Zmeck Das haut hin wand given to spectator, it breaks into two halves and one half rotates on the other half
Also published here
  • marketed by Conradi-Horster, 1950
1977 20
Tom Powell 2 Gag's gag, producing tools from sleeves or hat
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 39 No. 3)
Jean de Merry Le Lapin Plat - Version 1978 gags with a flat rabbit
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 39 No. 3)
Jean de Merry Le Lapin Plat - Version 1978 gags with a flat rabbit
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 39 No. 3)
Jean de Merry Le Coin de Jean de Merry: Le Fez Fantaisiste rope is pulled from fez
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 40 No. 3)
Patrick Page Emcee Bit comedy presentation for Sitta's Leopard Silk
1980 10
Ken De Courcy Pill Gag bottle of pills that are swallowed as comedy prop
1980 8
Jean de Merry Le Coin de Jean de Merry: Un fez... fumant! fez starts to smoke
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 41 No. 1)
George Blake Die Sirene gag, siren starts when performer wants to explain a trick
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 41 No. 2)
Steve Spillman An Energy Crisis Solution cut cable apparently becomes filled with electricity and stiffens, performer touches end and sparks fly around, Funken Ring, combined with automatic light bulb
Inspired by 1980 15
Steve Spillman The Banana Stab fruit thrown in the air and named fruit is pierced with sword
1980 16
Steve Spillman Fake Finger Foolery finger removed, placed on other hand and sixth finger is removed and eaten
1980 20
Steve Martin The Funny Bunny bouncing baby bunny gag, fake bunny from hat
1980 22
Steve Spillman Button Control cardboard where push is written on it, when pushed by performer a loud buzzing noice appears, Joy Buzzer
Also published here 1980 57
Marconick The Magic Spectacles spectacles to scissors, gag
1982 18
Marconick The Box of Mystery coin placed on box and hand appears to grab coin, miniature card on hand
1982 41
Marconick Another Mystery Box coin placed on box and hand appears to grab coin, miniature card on hand, using freely named card
1982 42
Paul Maurer Aus meiner Gagkiste gags, biting finger of assistant as in a sandwich, followed by french translation
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 47 No. 1)
Jean de Merry Le Sourcier tap plug placed on thumb, when turned water flows from fist
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 48 No. 6)
Paul Maurer Ansager-Gag apparently stealing watches while welcoming people in front row
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 49 No. 4&5)
Michael Close The Unbelievable Useful Comedy Prop plastic hand as running gag and sight gag
1990 5
Ken Hawes Something Afoot gag with small hand and foot
Apr. 1991
Profile (Issue 1)
Harald Kurz C - Comedy Magic
1991 32
Harald Kurz L - Latexhuhn on the rubber chicken
1991 34
Charles J. Pecor, David Solomon Cyborg! card location with reverse count, with comedy prop, telescopic pen with plug
Also published here 1991 21
Mark Leveridge The Business of Bits
  • 1. Thumbs Up (gag, where is the thumb)
  • 2. The Shrinking Cigarette (optical illusion)
  • 3. Give Him a Hand (gag, to get applause at a table)
Sep./Oct. 1991
The Magic Menu (Vol. 2 No. 7)
Charles J. Pecor, David Solomon Cyborg! card location with reverse count, with comedy prop, telescopic pen with plug
Also published here 1992 21
Tom Mullica Miniature Globe Gag "Where are you from?"
1992 72
Harry Anderson Ping-Pong Ball, Fruti & Flute comedy bit, ping-pong ball thrown into the air, caught and balanced on nose, eating apple and playing a tune on a flute with the nose to finish act
1993 43
Harry Anderson Skunk Trap hand placed inside skunk trap, gag
1993 54
Harry Anderson Straitjacket & Rope humorous escape routine, Harry in straightjacket and Leslie tied to chair
1993 63
Harry Anderson Static Electricity gag with balloon and using a Funkenring
1993 127
Mike Caveney Dueling Magis description of a comedy routine performed by Harry Anderson and Rich Hall on Saturday Night
1993 158
Rhett Bryson Funken Ketchup Funkenring gag
July/Aug. 1993
The Magic Menu (Vol. 3 No. 18)
Michael Weber Imperfect Time any time selected, pocket watch opened, watch face jumps out on a spring, it has named time on it
Ray Mertz, Karl Norman At the Bar third hand gag, using board with name on it
Related to May/June 1994
The Magic Menu (Vol. 4 No. 23)
Ray Mertz At the Bar apparently stretching arm, fake hand and board
Related to July/Aug. 1994
The Magic Menu (Vol. 4 No. 24)
Karrell Fox How's Ticks? stethoscope comedy prop made from plunger
1995 80
Chris "Doc" Dixon Your Fly Is Down message on card changes, humorous routine
1997 49
Bob King Card in Orange Plus deck changes in lemon, with torn-off corner, with fake bloody fingers as comedy prop
Inspired by 1999 4
Andrew J. Pinard Serious Bizness - Injecting Comedy Into Your Performance
  • Character
    • Body Type
    • Costume
    • Attitude
    • The Common Link
  • Forms of Visual Comedy
    • Magic and Surrealism
    • Sudden Appearances /Disappearances
    • Transformations
    • Objects Coming to Life
    • Acceleration/Deceleration
  • The Anatomy of Humor
July/Aug. 1999
The Magic Menu (Vol. 9 No. 54)
Karl Fulves Hypodermic Needle Gag actually a pen, comedy prop
2000 151
Simon Lovell The Incredible Card in Dove Number Two! card with torn-off corner to rubber dove, comedy prop extravaganza
2000 171
Simon Lovell Lobster Watch! broken and restored watch, reappears at performer's wrist, comedy prop extravaganza
2000 175
Simon Lovell Ring in Rat comedy prop extravaganza
2000 181
Don Alan Cutter gag scissors routine, scissors won't close
2000 177
Don Alan Funny Vitamins (Close-Up Sight Gag) gags using jumping beans toys
2000 213
Don Alan All Thumbs gag with rubber thumbs
2000 223
Don Alan Time-Card Gag
2000 229
Andrew Mayne The brick gag gag, using fake brick
2000 35
Karl Fulves Chatter drink visibly vanishes when chattering teeth are thrown in
Discoverie (Issue 3)
Eric C. Lewis A Musical Monologue non-magical comedy routine, with book
July/Aug. 2000
The Magic Menu (Vol. 10 No. 60)
Michael Stroud Eyeball, Silk & Wand routine where a silk, a wand, and a giant eyeball appear and disappear in rapid succession
Sep. 2000
Magic (Vol. 10 No. 1)
Michael Sondermeyer Silk Production "The End" production of several silks, fake chicken, "The End" silk
Nov. 2000
Magic (Vol. 10 No. 3)
Mike Bent Snake Can Routine snake can has a spider instead of a snake inside, then a snake
Mar. 2001
Magic (Vol. 10 No. 7)
Joseph J. Kolar The Magician's Rabbit rabbit or duck puppet head appears in clothing or elsewhere
Also published here
  • The Sphinx, Vol. 26 No. 7, Sep. 1927
Oct. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 10)
Anthony Owen Who Wants to Be a Magician? "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?" theme, comedy questions and answers on cards, spectator always selects correct answer
Also published here 2003 8
Andrew Mayne Insta-mug standing next to a wall, suddenly hand appears as if being mugged, gag
2003 29
Andrew Mayne The Incredible Elevator Shrinking Machine gag, apparently shrinking in elevator
2003 34
Bob Read Incredible Bottle Production under handkerchief, full routine with coin productions and fake gag noses
Related to Apr. 2004
Genii (Vol. 67 No. 4)
David Kaye You're So Silly! - Adding Comedy Elements To Your Routines
  • Incongruity
  • Magician In Trouble
  • Silly Words
  • Funny Props
  • Exaggeration
  • Repetition
2005 57
Bob Ostin Truly Invisible Thread invisible thread gag, using spool
2005 127
Pete Biro Comedy Egg Juggling egg thrown up and balanced on nose (sticky, credit claim), then egg thrown up with feet and it crashes plate
Aug. 2007
Genii (Vol. 70 No. 8)
Trevor Lewis The Banana Routine humorous routine with two children, coin apparently travels to banana but boy eats it and coin is produced with wand from his mouth
2009 29
Tom Stone Note 13 sight gag, laser pointers on performer's body when he asks about performing a card trick
Also published here Apr. 2009
Genii (Vol. 72 No. 4)
Tom Stone Note 13 sight gag, laser pointers on performer's body when he asks about performing a card trick
Also published here 2009 5
Patrick Page The Magic Box glass of beer in box, without bottom
2011 284
Patrick Page The Vanishing Birdcage instead of birdcage, trousers disappear
2011 284
Patrick Page The Vanishing Apple apple disappears under handkerchief, with assistant
2011 284
Val Andrews Val's Opener rubber chicken and egg from hat
2011 284
Patrick Page Tearing It Up tearing up pieces and putting them under leg of table, gag
2011 284
Patrick Page An Alternative bill folded up and placed under leg of table, changes to paper
2011 284
George Blake The Handyman gag with false hand
2011 284
Patrick Page Meeeoooow wet handkerchief is produced from a canister, wet cat joke
2011 284
Patrick Page Arrivederci Magic coins produced and put in a can, then water spurts from can, joke
2011 284
Patrick Page Colour Blind? three different colored silks change order, joker
2011 285
Patrick Page A Colour Change color changing handkerchief gag
Also published here 2011 285
Patrick Page The Electric Deck
2011 285
Peter Newcombe A Flashy Gag flash in the pan joke
2011 285
Peter Newcombe Sharp as a Knife trouser crease is sharp as a knife, cuts rope
2011 285
Patrick Page A Flaming Candle fake candle gag
2011 285
Pete Biro Whipcrackaway rope cracks like a whip, joke
2011 285
Patrick Page Bang Bang gag with a gun, shooting member of the audience
Also published here 2011 285
Patrick Page, David Nixon Attraction object fall on the floor and jumps up when large magnet is held next above it, gag
2011 286
Patrick Page A Prediction yes / no prediction, envelope
2011 286
Bob Ostin Windy small windmill starts to spin when performer blows into sleeve
2011 286
Smoke Gets Everywhere cigarette smoke is blown into sleeve and comes out from other sleeve
2011 286
Patrick Page From Down Under boomerang wand, gag
2011 286
Patrick Page The Portable Cow milking a rubber glove, gag
2011 286
Patrick Page The Shot Knot cut and restored rope, knot falls off with pistol, gag
2011 286
Patrick Page Smoke Smoke Smoke cigarette smoke gag
2011 286
Patrick Page A Cigarette Twist cigarette smoke gag
2011 287
Patrick Page Expensive Prop dishwashing liquid gag
2011 287
Milbourne Christopher No Smoking rope from cigarette packet
2011 287
Patrick Page The Buttonhole flower appears on buttonhole
2011 287
Patrick Page The Vanishing Handkerchief cane disappears, comedy presentation
2011 287
Patrick Page Sock It handkerchief changes to sock
2011 287
Patrick Page The Legend gag prediction, picture of celebrity in a frame
2011 287
Patrick Page The Flash Box handkerchief in box, box burns and explodes and handkerchief is shown burnt, gag
2011 288
Patrick Page The Egg Trick bottomless glass is held by spectator, egg is cracked, gag
2011 288
Patrick Page Missing missing with cards and a gun, gag
2011 288
Patrick Page H.G. Wells Outdone invisible handkerchief travels knotted between two other handkerchiefs, empty space between silks can be seen, gag
2011 288
Patrick Page Striking It Lucky collected cigarettes from audience vanish in cone, gag
2011 288
Patrick Page God Bless Cardini gag to strike a match on the shoe
2011 288
Patrick Page A Tissue of...? gag for torn and restored tissue paper
2011 288
Tommy Cooper Tale of a Fish production of fish skeleton
2011 289
Jay Marshall Jay's Tale appearing and vanishing bowl of goldfish gag
2011 289
Patrick Page A Con Trick milk transforms into confetti, gag
2011 289
Patrick Page The Vanishing (?) object can be seen hanging on performer's back, gag
2011 289
Patrick Page Another T&R with mouth
2011 289
Patrick Page The Breakaway Wand
2011 289
Roy Benson See the Pretty Thing candle changes to feather, feather thrown on floor and lands with loud clang
2011 289
Patrick Page Those Blinking Rings linking rings gag
2011 290
Patrick Page The Electric Deck, Again with extra thread, deck closes by itself
2011 290
Patrick Page, Mike Caldwell A Feat of Magic pair of shoes appear on stage, gag
2011 290
Patrick Page Spots Off comedy presentation for Sitta's Leopard Silk
2011 290
Patrick Page A Sticky Moment gag with hat and table
2011 290
Billy McComb, Patrick Page Billy's Thimble while doing a thimble routine, an extra finger appears
Inspired by 2011 291
Patrick Page Up Up Up Up Up knob of stick travels to other side of stick, gag
2011 291
Patrick Page Cue for Magic gag with wand, chalking end
2011 291
Patrick Page That Rope Trick rope gag
2011 291
Patrick Page And Another rope gag
2011 291
Patrick Page The Indian Rope Trick gag with a rope
2011 292
Patrick Page Wanderful black part of wand is removed
2011 292
Patrick Page Home James handkerchief jumps up back in outer breast pocket
2011 292
Patrick Page Half and Half cutting filled plastic glass in half
2011 292
Patrick Page The Eye Card Trick card revelation, spectator sits on card and performer looks into his mouth
Related to 2011 292
Patrick Page Wrong Card Right Card comedy prediction, corner torn off
2011 292
Patrick Page A Table Tip comedy sequence with a table and a box
2011 292
Ken Brooke Another OOOOOOOHH! gag, bundle of matches are ignited at once
2011 293
Ken Brooke A Plate plate changes into plastic
2011 293
Ken Brooke The Boomerang Card with blindfold with a hole, gag
2011 293
Ken Brooke Name a Card 1 "wrong" gag
2011 293
Ken Brooke Ditto 2 "correct" gag
2011 293
Ken Brooke Ditto 3 named card, gag
2011 294
Patrick Page The Card Is? chosen card gag
2011 294
Patrick Page The Windbag blown up paper bag jumps off table
2011 294
Patrick Page The Diminishing Handkerchief gag, with handkerchief to compare
2011 294
Patrick Page A Dodgy Rope rope moves by itself, turns away from scissors, gag
2011 294
Patrick Page Dodgy Rope 2 rope moves by itself, turns away from scissors, gag
2011 294
Patrick Page The Cannonball Illusion comedy vanishing cannonball under handkerchief
2011 294
Patrick Page All Seeing Blindfold blindfold gag
2011 294
Patrick Page Baby Baby baby clothes and baby bottle are produced from spectator's jacket
2011 294
Patrick Page Bloomer? gag for torn and restores tissue paper, with two different colors
2011 295
Patrick Page Milk? beer comes from milk bottle
2011 295
Patrick Page Breakaway Props on breakaway comedy props
2011 295
Patrick Page Breakaway Wand
2011 295