168 entries in Rope / Miscellaneous
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
To fasten a Ring or a Six-Pence at the End of a Piece of common Thread, and after burning the Thread, to leave the Ring hanging at the End of the Thread.
1784 30
Carl Willmann Zur Berichtigung! correction for referenced item
Related to Oct. 1895
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 1 No. 10)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die Strickleiter der indischen Fakire various sticks with holes and strings running through them, when sticks are moved strings seem to vanish, looks like ladder with moveable parts
1927 146
Capt. Jones Cap. Jones Rope Trick method to join to ends, "a la cemented rope"
1933 16
Harlan Tarbell Caesar Gimmick connection
1938 786
A Feat of Strength ropes with rings on the end are held by performer despite several men pulling on the ropes
1938 978
Joseph H. Fries Rope Riting forming word with rope on black board
Feb. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 53)
Tom Sellers Easy Ropes and Rings intro for the rope and rings trick
1941 2
Loop the Loop puzzle, removing loop of rope on arm while hand is in west pocket
1941 ca. 55
The Vest Turning Trick turning vest inside out while ends of ropes are tied to wrists
1941 ca. 66
Stabbing the Loop endless chain, figure eight game, using a rope
1941 ca. 349
The Bachelor's Needle rope is wind around thumb, threading end through loop
Related to 1941 ca. 350
Same Ring - Same Finger performer is tied to chair with hands behind back and holds ring between lips, behind screen ring travels to selected finger
1941 ca. 353
Seymour Davis Seymour Davis' "Sinbad's Rope" rope is measured and piece cut off, when measured again it is still the same length
1941 ca. 355
Winston Freer Winston Freer's Master Muscle tearing a rope apart
1941 ca. 359
Winston Freer Winston Freer's "Tug-Of-War" Rope
1941 ca. 360
U. F. Grant Grant and Maillow's Ropes of Bengal two ropes in paper tube, prediction if spectator selects long or short rope
1941 ca. 362
Bachelor's Needle old pseudo needle threading effect
1943 102
L. Vosburgh Lyons On the Barrel Head fast and loose with a rope
July 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 40)
Melvin Brockhaus The Magic Sharpshooter rope is shot in two with invisible gun
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1945)
Joseph H. Fries Physician's Rope three part rope routine
  • Part I. " The Mystic Necktie"
  • Part II. "A Sailor's Rope"
  • Part III. Rope Riting"
Also published here 1945 240
Billy McComb Assorted Gaglets of the William Brand gags with, thimbles, a mouse trap, a spring snake, with ropes, hair, light bulbs, coffee beans, diminishing cards, cracking a spectator's arm, dead rat
Variations 1947 37
Tony Lopilato Ring on the Rope ring disappears in handkerchief, reappears on rope
1948 328
David E. Kirk Kirk's Comedy Spaghetti Winder Gag Prop gag, ropes from spaghetti box for cooking or rope routine
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1952)
Dr. William Weyeneth Praktische Winke tips on using Duoplast (sticky product), rope and magnets
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 13 No. 5)
Cecil Keech Ropan Silk silk tied around long rope, it jumps to short rope, rope grows after being tied into circle, rope with connection
1952 63
Will Ayling Fashion Parade magazine rolled into tube moves up and down two cords
1952 91
E. J. Moore "Magnet" Rope magnetic rope connection
1954 186
Karrell Fox Shoot it with a Knife gun with a blade, gag for rope tricks
1954 7
Y aviez-vous pensé? idea for ropes with magnets
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 16 No. 2)
Garter Tricks Pricking the Garter, basic version, can use belt too
1956 81
The Giant's Garter More complex version of Pricking the Garter using a closed loop of string
1956 82
The Puzzling Loop Topological puzzle, loop of rope can escape from loop formed by a person's arm (person must be wearing vest)
1956 86
Stewart James The Astral Dagger straw in tube, held with string is cut into two pieces
1957 15
Norman Houghton Shears invisible scissor is used to cut off two strips from a piece of paper, sight gag, two applications:
  • design of chosen card is cut from newspaper
  • ribbon in change bag is cut invisibly into as many pieces are the spectator chooses
Related to Sep. 1957
Ibidem (Issue 11)
Don Tanner In Your Hat No. 30, one end of a rope is lowered into an empty hat, spring flower bouquet appears attached to it
1958 ca. 9
Martin Gardner Ein eigenartiger Schnurtrick as "Gardener", string is knotted to a loop and spectator places it on the table and builds a special form, sides are covered with paper so it's unclear which parts are inside the loop and which outside, performer returns and places pins at several places which are all outside the loop
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 20 No. 3)
Dr. William Weyeneth Magische Tips tip on
  • special clear tape
  • gluing magnets on ropes
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 21 No. 2)
Max Malini Max Malini's Preference comment by Malini
Also published here 1961 67
Walter Wenger Aus der magischen Welt für die magische Welt ideas for tricks for children
1) Fakir-Bambusstäbe (chinese sticks)
2) Kinder Springseil (skipping rope)
3) Geschichte der 4 Kätzchen (four Ace routine with cards and cats)
4) Persiltrick (Softsoap)
Also published here
  • in "Magische Welt"
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 24 No. 4)
Dino Mazza, Lu Brent Silks and Ropes Routine three handkerchiefs penetrate ropes, and ropes with different colors fuse together
June 1964
The New Phoenix (Issue 391)
Paul Curry String Around the Fingers like the jumping rubber band, with a long string and the fingers are fixed with a rubberband
Related to 1965 160
Ernesto "Ernest" Pracchia Un Juego para Escena four ropes, two are selected and are fused together
1967 52
Marconick New Twentieth Century Transposition transposition of rope and silk, rope knotted between two silks in the end
Also published here 1967 176
Robert E. Neale The Hanging rope noose tightens only on spectator that is playing the role of being guilty (determined by choosing cards), see p. 206 for idea by John Hudak
Related toAlso published here June 1968 181
Related to 1968 82
Opening the Hank taking two ropes as one from bundle
Related to 1968 83
Syd the Sorcerer Knottery rope with three knots placed in a change bag, rope travels to Jap Handkerchief Box and only knots remain in bag
Also published here
  • Goodliffe's "Abracadabra"
1968 75
Duke Stern Fake Count apparently two ropes, long and short looped
1968 258
U. F. Grant U. F. Grant's Comedy Rope Trick long and short rope is put on back of one spectator and two equal ropes on back of other spectator, situation change places
1968 283
Bruce Armstrong Prof. Cheer Bits ideas for Cheer's Rope Routine
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1969-70)
Steve Spillman Which End Is Up? ends travel from hand to hand, loop of string, Cat's Cradle
June 1971
Talisman (Vol. 2 No. 14)
Pavel Predicta-Rope three colored ropes are knotted together by spectator, color order is predicted
1972 24
Billy McComb Cut 'N Gone Rope rope is coiled up in hand and ends are cut, rope vanishes
1972 1
Arthur Setterington Chinese Rope Routine story routine about Confucius and a magician
  • appearance of a knot
  • one handed knot
  • dissolving and appearing knots
  • to "dissolve" a knot
  • to make two knots appear
  • the appearance of two knots
  • to tie a knot in a rope without letting go of the ends of the rope
  • to cause a number of knots to appear
1972 31
Shigeo Takagi Three Small Loops of Rope Unite three ropes knotted into loops, tossed into air, now one big loop with three knots
1972 1
Three Rope False Count as required in Professor's Nightmare routines
1973 30
Marconick Lassoo A Silk two loops of rope linked together and silk appears in the middle
Also published here 1973 4
Marconick Follow-Up Lassoo a Silk three loops of rope linked together and two silk appears in the middle
Also published here 1973 6
Conrad C. Bush Complete Circle three ropes tied into loops, they then form one big loop, then repeat and the big loop is actually one rope
Related to Aug. 1974
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 9 No. 10)
Lawrence Nudelman Vanishing Dollar Bill and Rope Routine half of borrowed bill appears rolled up inside a rope
1975-1978 ca. 7
Karrell Fox At the End of the Rope pieces of rope intro handkerchief, they arrange into words or a slogan
1976 176
George Sands Bundle Set Up how to bundle rope, with extra piece
  • Normal Rope
  • Abnormal Rope
Related toAlso published here 1976 14
George Sands One Rope Illusion I taking two ropes as one from bundle
Related to 1976 15
George Sands Acquitment handing rope out for examination, hiding and adding extra piece in process
Also published here 1976 16
George Sands Pocket Set Up set up for routine
  • Advantages
Also published here 1976 17
George Sands Set Up Before Spectators and Repeat
Also published here 1976 46
George Sands Set Up II for Repeat
Also published here 1976 47
George Sands Examination of the Rope
Also published here 1976 47
Impromptu Needle-Threading
1977 108
Tony Slydini New Rope Methods
  • The Gypsy Ring (finger ring tied onto knot with three knots vanishes and reappears)
  • Part One
  • The Gypsy Ring Method
  • The Elusive Knot
  • Exploiting the Switch
  • A Reference Note
Slydin Rope Switch, seated
Variations 1979
The Chronicles (Issue Close-up Folio No. 12)
Karrell Fox, Charlie Cheer Rope-Intro way to introduce next performer
1979 207
Marconick Enchaînement pour "Le foulard pris au lasso" three loops of rope linked together and two silk appears in the middle
Also published here 1979 21
Marconick Le foulard pris au lasso two loops of rope linked together and silk appears in the middle
Also published here 1979 9
Looy Simonoff Puzzlement 1 & 2 puzzles with rope, not really effects
July 1981
Apocalypse (Vol. 4 No. 7)
Jack Hughes Rope Wells different colored silks are produced from different colored rolled-up ropes, on tray
1981 10
Manjunath M. Hegde Chair, Rope, and Finger Ring Puzzle a puzzle with a rope and a finger ring on it that has to be moved from knot to knot
June 1983
Epoptica (Issue 4)
The Strangulation Test No. 59, rope is pulled around neck of performer
1983 16
Eddie Taytelbaum, Stephen Tucker Flash of Light collection of ideas
  • for the rising card, two cards rise aligned (Taytelbaum)
  • card changes while removing rubber band from wrist (Taytelbaum)
  • Miracle Aces, to produce a Full House (Tucker)
  • rope restoration with flash paper (Tucker)
  • rope vanish idea (Tucker)
Inspired by Apr. 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 24)
Marconick Lasso-Wurf nach einem Seidentuch two loops of rope linked together and silk appears in the middle
Also published here 1983 11
Stephen Tucker Beyond transfer of small piece
Feb. 1984
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 34)
Robert E. Neale Das Hängen rope noose tightens only on spectator that is playing the role of being guilty (determined by choosing cards)
Also published here Nov. 1984
Intermagic (Vol. 11 No. 2)
Karrell Fox "Rope Trick No. 221" (Two to One) two ropes melt together
1986 73
Karrell Fox Comedy "Ball N' Rope" ping pong ball balanced on short rope, then it is seen that it is stuck to it, gag
1986 77
Karrell Fox "Rope Trick No. 421" four ropes change to one
1986 78
Karl Fulves Rope Problem #2 - Chinese Ropes two ropes, on over each shoulder, when one is pulled, the other moves up à la Chinese Sticks, posed as a problem
1986 12
Karl Fulves Merger two equal ropes, one shrinks, then back to original length and other one vanishes
Related to 1986 23
Karl Fulves Rope Problem #4 - Scarecrow signed rope cut, both parts in both sleeves, it restores in jacked, one end them comes out of trousers, posed as a problem
1986 34
Dr. John H. Cunningham The Rabbit in the Hole loop challenge that spectator cannot dupliate
Also published here
  • The Ashley Book of Knots
1986 36
Karl Fulves Here Spot lose knot tied, loop/circle comes off rope
Related toAlso published here 1986 37
Karl Fulves Cross Catch do-as-I-do with rope loop, tied around fingers
1986 52
Brille zu Monokel rope figure, spectator cannot duplicate it
May 1986
Intermagic (Vol. 12 No. 2)
Ein Seemanns-Rätsel rope figure, spectator cannot duplicate it
May 1986
Intermagic (Vol. 12 No. 2)
Steve Beam Coon 4 spring raccoon routine, intestine leads to a rope trick
1987 271
Pat Conway Instant Silk on Rope silk appears in knot of rope as it is tied
1987 109
Jeff Sheridan III. "Cutting" the Rope cutting rope with fingers
1987 5
R. C. Buff The Rope with Two Centers - No Ends rope is knotted then ends are fused together, snap fasteners
1987 18
Alvin Gentil The Dizzy Rope rope dyed half red and half greed, knot from red part slides down on green part
Related to 1987 1
R. C. Buff Two Short Pieces of Rope apparently removing two single short pieces of rope from briefcase
1987 8
R. C. Buff Miscellaneous using four ropes to divine a number
1987 30
Karl Fulves Cloverleaf Bet "On the Barrelhead", three loops formed from rope
The Chronicles (Issue 34)
Wayne Dobson The Ends Off Rope Trick endless loop phase
May 1988
Opus (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Hiroshi Sawa Supernatural Rope rope is rubbed between two fingers and gradually breaks apart
1988 108
The Flying Bird Flourish (Wright Brother's Knot Lead-In) rope flourish
1989 30
Bruce Cervon Cut and Restored Rope Routine multiple phases, including "spectator cannot cut ends evenly" gag
1990 161
Karl Fulves Here, Spot! No. 25, lose knot tied, loop/circle comes off rope
Also published here 1990 51
Karl Fulves Ropes That Think chapter intro, mental rope magic
1990 107
Karl Fulves, Sam Schwartz Thought Knots No. 53, spectators tie knots, they are counted and that many words counted down in this book, that word is forced and "of", force book
1990 110
Karrell Fox Great Shot toy gun, child shoots rope into two parts
1991 55
Karrell Fox Knowing the Ropes trade show patter for Tom Osborne's "Three-to-One Rope" trick
1991 140
Barry Wood The Wood Cutter ring of rope without ends is shown fairly and cut again with fingers
1992 789
Marconick Die Verwandlung des 20. Jahrhunderts transposition of rope and silk, rope knotted between two silks in the end
Also published here 1992 24
John Swomley Cut Me Two Times bit of business for cutting a piece of rope with the fingers
Sep. 1993
The Minotaur (Vol. 5 No. 3)
Alexander de Cova Endless Loop Gag rope in hat, ends cannot be found
Also published here 1993 9
Karl Fulves Loopy Loop two different colored string loops transpose instantly
1993 26
Alexander de Cova Endless Loop Gag rope in hat, ends cannot be found
Also published here 1993 10
Aldo Colombini The Killer noose formed with a rope only tightens when spectator who is holding the selection pulls it
Inspired by
  • Tom Craven effect
1994 57
Mitsunobu Matsuyama The Knot Scam puzzle
Arcane (Issue 14)
Fantasio Ein grosszügiger Zauberer three ropes hold in hand, on one end is a bill attached, two spectators can select a rope and they will not win the money
1995 27
Pavel Das Wäscheklammer-Seil rope and different colored cloth pins are placed in a bag, chosen colored cloth pin is found on rope
1995 10
Roy Johnson, Geoffrey Durham Hyp-Knot-isch rope cut, long and short pieces transpose, with traveling knot
  • Der wandernde Knoten
  • Das Verschieben des Knotens
  • Der Austausch
Also published here
  • Unique
Intermagic (Vol. 19 No. 4 & 5)
Steve Bedwell At a Loose End
  • Effect 1 - Stretching the Rope
  • Effect 2 - Cut and Restored Rope
  • Effect 3 - Flying Ends (loop)
  • Effect 4 - Replacing the Ends
1995 ca. 1
Steve Bedwell Thumbs Up comedy routine, during a rope cutting routine, performer apparently cuts off his thumb and then puts it back on
1996 1216
Dr. Raymond L. Beebe Tue, was ich tue do as i do with rope, sticky ends
Intermagic (Vol. 21 No. 2)
Bob Farmer Roped In rope hustle game, layout on table and spectator must find loop that traps the rope when ends are pulled, fast and loose with a rope
May 1997
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 9)
Barrie Richardson The Psychic Strong Man performer holds two pieces of string or shoe lace, spectators cannot pull them out of performer's hand
Inspired by
  • "The Strong Man's Secret" (Henning Nelms, Magic & Showmanship, p. 14)
Also published here
  • Club 71, Summer 1987
1999 60
Max Malini Max Malini's Preferences "From Letters Written by Charlie Miller to Faucett Ross", July 25, 1936
comment by Malini
Also published here Nov. 1999
Genii (Vol. 62 No. 11)
Ronnie Lee X-Ray Mind different ropes on board with hooks, performer holds rope and duplicates magically the condition of the selected ropes via color change, appearing knots, and so on
2000 52
Karl Fulves Knot Mental spectator ties one to four knots into a rope which is hanged over performer's shoulder who divines the number of knots
Discoverie (Issue 5)
Tomo Maeda Hangarian Rope rope becomes stiff, then changes into a coat hanger shape
July 2003
Genii (Vol. 66 No. 7)
"Joro" Bruno Hennig Seiltrick mit Kiste brief notes, effect not clear
2003 5
Tom Stone Almost Restored rope cut, safety pin appears and joins the rope together again
Also published here 2003 4
George Sands The Sands End Switch with extra piece
2003 5
Alexander de Cova A Rope Move switch choreography for routines with extra piece
  • Additional handling tip
2004 6
Francis Tabary Routine FISM Phase 1: Opening (Switching Ends)
2004 23
Francis Tabary Move No. 2 switching ends, with extra piece
2004 148
Francis Tabary How Do You End a Routine?
  • 1 You are onstage
  • 2. Close-up
    • First, with two ropes: one long and on short
    • Now for situations with three ropes: a long rope, a short rope and a medium rope
2004 230
Francis Tabary, Jean Ducatillon The Card Sword with a Rope
2004 254
Robert E. Neale The Little-Finger String Game Cat's cradle (string game) used to trap spectator's finger, but when magician's finger is trapped, can escape easily
2008 29
Walt Lees Ring Master ends of ropes are sticking out of a bag, spectators pull out ropes except one, the last one has a finger ring knotted onto its end
Also published here 2008 147
Tom Stone Almost Restored rope cut, safety pin appears and joins the rope together again
Also published here 2010 133
George Sands The Sands End Switch with extra piece
2010 135
Patrick Page Three to One Rope Trick magnetic
2011 203
Peter Newcombe Sharp as a Knife trouser crease is sharp as a knife, cuts rope
2011 285
Pete Biro Whipcrackaway rope cracks like a whip, joke
2011 285
Milbourne Christopher No Smoking rope from cigarette packet
2011 287
Patrick Page That Rope Trick rope gag
2011 291
Patrick Page And Another rope gag
2011 291
Patrick Page The Indian Rope Trick gag with a rope
2011 292
Patrick Page A Dodgy Rope rope moves by itself, turns away from scissors, gag
2011 294
Patrick Page Dodgy Rope 2 rope moves by itself, turns away from scissors, gag
2011 294
Alan Wakeling Rope of Quong Hi a rope is smoked, smoke appears in mouth
Also published here
  • Genii, Sep. 1947
Nov./Dec. 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 11 & 12)
Hiroshi Sawa 超能力ロープ (Supernatural Rope) Rope disintegrates upon concentration and rubbing
2013 51
Walt Lees Ringmaster ends of ropes are sticking out of a bag, spectators pull out ropes except one, the last one has a finger ring knotted onto its end
  • Die Alexander de Cova Variante (bill instead of ring)
VariationsAlso published here Aug. 2013 24
Alexander de Cova Die Alexander de Cova Variante ends of ropes are sticking out of a bag, spectators pull out ropes except one, the last one has a rolled-up bill knotted onto its end
Inspired by Aug. 2013 25
George Sands Bundle Set Up how to bundle rope, with extra piece
  • Normal Rope
  • Abnormal Rope
Also published here 2014 29
George Sands Stage Presentation - One Rope Illusion taking two ropes as one from bundle
2014 30
George Sands For Close - Up Acquitment handing rope out for examination, hiding and adding extra piece in process
Also published here 2014 31
George Sands For Close-Up - Pocket Setup set up for routine
  • Advantages
Also published here 2014 32
George Sands Deceiving Rotation apparently rotating a rope, secretly moving the knot
2014 34
George Sands Set Up Before Spectators and Repeat
Also published here 2014 56
George Sands Set Up II for Repeat
Also published here 2014 57
George Sands Examination of the Rope
Also published here 2014 57
George Sands, Alan Sands Needless Threeading rope is wind around thumb, threading end through loop, elaborate routine
  • Preface
  • Effect
  • Setup
  • Presentation
  • Rope Warp
  • More Rope Warp
Related to 2014 59
Christoph Borer Ali, der unglückliche Fakir three phases, rope routine
2016 185
Joaquín Matas La Cuerda Ta-Variada Tabary inspired rope routine, rope is stretched, multiple ends, ends travel and are removed, rope is handed out in the end, with ideas by Jean Merlin and Gabi Pareras
Inspired by
  • Francis Tabary's "The Award Winning Rope Magic of Francis Tabary"
2016 25
Alexander de Cova Impromptu Seilhalter rope holder using scissors for organizing the props
2016 185
Roberto Giobbi Double Mishap Opening gag opening with rope, also cigarette to rope transformation
Related to 2024
Unexpected Agenda (Issue Nov. 3)