222 entries in Bill / Banknight Theme & Variations
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
L. Vosburgh Lyons Devil's Luck!
June 1938
The Jinx (Issue 45)
Sid Lorraine Dollar Day
Oct. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 61)
Louis Lam Coincidence update, combined with bank night and prediction
Inspired by 1939 19
Tom Sellers It's Just Chance - Another Version five envelopes, with a stand
1939 23
Warren E. Simms Bank Night Simplified
Oct. 1941
The Jinx (Issue 149)
Lloyd W. Chambers Incomprehensible Predictability out of a hat, magician picks envelope containing $5 among envelopes containing just $1, steel in envelope and magnet in wand
1941 11
R. M. Jamison Bingo-Bonds bill in one of five bills, four spectators can spell the word "Bingo" and get the envelope they arrive at, with a stand
Dec. 1943 25
Jerry Sorensen Poor Man's Bank Night with a package of gum, everybody can select one, in one wrapper is a gum in the other is cradboard
Sep. 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 69)
Harlan Tarbell, William Larsen The Soap Pitchman banknight effect with 3 bars of soap, dollar bill in one package
1945 46
Bank Night using double envelope
1948 179
Harlan Tarbell Tarbell's "Bank Night" using sepcial trey
1948 183
Harlan Tarbell "Bank Night" Cardboard method for bank night
1954 152
Harlan Tarbell "Bank Night" Envelope method for bank night
1954 153
Yellowstone Bank Night with Eggs with card in egg wand
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1954)
Walter Behm Die Magische Lotterie with three envelopes, with stand
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 15 No. 4)
Jack Yates Money and the Medium bill put in one of several envelopes, medium finds correct one
Variations 1956 27
Lewis Ganson Free Choice including a handling adapted for children
Inspired by
  • Raymond Beebe (Genii, Oct. 1945)
Also published here
1956 5
Don Tanner The Seven Keys to Bank Night one key, seven locks, boxes in one is a price
Apr. 1957
The New Phoenix (Issue 344)
Tony Corinda Impromptu "Just Chance"
1958 43
Lewis Ganson Freie Wahl
Also published here 1959
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 20 No. 4)
Ernest W. Brady Ten Silver Dollar bank night with one marked coin among several, coin in sock spectator has to select one by one
June 1961
The New Phoenix (Issue 358)
Eugene Gloye Trading Stamp Bank Nite several stamp books, one is full, two methods
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1963-64)
Oscar "Oscarelli" Rey Daumenspitze various brief ideas using a thumb tip
  • Eine Zigarettenverwandlung
  • Inflation - Deflation
  • Der wasserdichte Geldschein
  • Verbrannter Geldschein
  • Der Geldschein als Likörglas
  • Geldscheintrick
  • Würfelzucker-Fabrikation
  • Tuchwanderung
  • Geld und Seidenband
  • Die Geldverlosung
  • Die verschwundene Karte
  • Die verschwundene Zigarette
  • Gelöste Knoten
  • Geldschein im Ei
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 26 No. 1)
Philip T. Goldstein Sealed-Up Sahara three envelopes, chosen one has sand in it
Nov. 1965
The New Jinx (Vol. 4 No. 43)
Pat Sprake The Phoenix Pound dollar note is put in one of four envelopes and all are shuffled, three of them are burnt, in the last one is the bill
1967 111
J. W. Sarles Money Lender
Inspired by
  • "It's Only Chance" (Tom Sellers, Novel Necromancy)
Dec. 1968 232
Dr. William Weyeneth Neu aufleben kann ein Trick gibst ihm einen neuen Zwick six envelopes, magnetic
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 29 No. 1)
Norman Rhodes Ten Shilling Note Trick bill is burnt then found in an envelope (bank night interlude)
1969 14
Tom Harris Just Chance with three envelopes, historical comments
Related toVariations July 1971 434
Glenn Falkenstein Mission Impossible five colored jumbo cards, one with an X, tape recorder presentation
Magick (Issue 19)
Steve Spillman Dollar Delusion close-up version, with coin envelopes and metal washers
Variations 1972
Magick (Issue 45)
Sid Lorraine Just Chance - Credit Information
Related to Jan. 1973 585
Steve Spillman Dollar Delusion Bank Night with three envelopes, two contain metal washers and one contains a coin
1973 53
Ted Danson Give Me A Ring.... three envelopes
Oct. 1974
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Stanton Carlisle Colour-Psychology four envelopes, mixture between banknight and coincidence routine
Related to Oct. 1974
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Bill Lainsbury Die Glückslotterie with five numbered boxes
Also published here
  • Magigram
Jan. 1974
Intermagic (Vol. 1 No. 3)
George P. Sanderson On Colour Psychology
Related to Mar. 1975
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 7)
Basil Horwitz The Burning Question bill in one of five envelopes, spectator names a number and finds bill, other envelopes are burnt
Variations 1975
Magick (Issue 142)
Philip T. Goldstein Psychic Let's Make A Deal
1976 8
Philip T. Goldstein Reverse Bank Night
1976 8
Dr. Dan J. Alessini Bank Night four envelopes, with Himber Wallet
Magick (Issue 150)
Gene Nielsen Check Mate checkers in bag, spectator choses only checker with different color, forcing bag with flap
Related to 1976
Magick (Issue 150)
Peter Wilker Geschichte der Magie - Just Chance oder Bank Night history of Bank Night / Just Chance
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 37 No. 3)
Tom Sellers Just Chance four envelopes, with a stand
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 37 No. 3)
George Sands Reverse Bank Nite using the Lucky 13 prime force
Inspired byAlso published here 1978 1100
Larry Becker Mental Case Bonus with coin purses
1978 103
Subir Kumar Dhar Zwei Chancen für die Zuschauer paper balls, one contains a coin
Also published here
  • in "Abracadabra" 1976.
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 39 No. 1)
Karrell Fox Bank Night Plus
1979 271
Larry Becker Snakes Alive comedy routine, no gag and spring snakes in tins in combination with "just chance"
Inspired by
  • Ken de Courcy's "Four Color Chance" marketed through Supreme Magic, 1977.
1979 26
Jochen Zmeck Fünfzig Mark
1979 8
El Duco Bill Prediction five numbered envelopes in glasses, remaining envelope contains bill and remaining number is predicted
1980 9
Hiram Strait Bank Knight repeated banknight effect, first with colored envelopes then with five manila envelopes
Magick (Issue 263)
Craig Karges Chek Mate bank night, spectators play for performer's fee, psychological twist, clear forcing bag / check mate
Variations 1980
Magick (Issue 265)
David Ashton, Nikko Psychich Synergy one Dollar bills and one hundred Dollar bill in envelopes, with himber wallet, as game show
Magick (Issue 271)
George B. Anderson Burning Four Of Five Envelopes five envelopes on five clips, four are burnt (on clip) bill found in remaining envelope
1980 6
Steve Spillman Dollar Delusion Deluxe close-up version, with coin envelopes and metal washers, combined with monte theme, x on back of one envelope
Inspired by 1980 9
Philip T. Goldstein Phil Goldstein Beats Inflation everybody can change envelope again at the end
Babel (Issue 1)
Jean de Merry, El Don Diego Le Coin de Jean de Merry: L'Eternal Gagnant routine for children, cards with large rabbits in different colors, matching colored envelopes and one contains money
Inspired by
  • a routine by El Don Diego in "Magic Info"
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 42 No. 5)
Mark Leveridge 2. Problem. "Fast daneben gegangen" question on a banknight routine by Mark Leveridge in Abra
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 42 No. 6)
Bruce Bernstein When G Is Called
Also published here 1981 40
Bruce Bernstein Panticle of Love spectator choses one of five envelopes, only one with special piece of paper, paper with name written is destroyed and performer divines name
Also published here 1981 44
Stephen Tucker Enveloped with instruction sheet, three envelopes
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. Special #1 (Summer))
George Sands Banknight Umgekehrt using the Lucky 13 prime force
Also published here Apr. 1982
Intermagic (Vol. 9 No. 1)
Ken De Courcy Credit by Chance credit card in one of several envelopes, wrong one burned by accident, appears elsewhere
1982 7
Ali Bongo Force Wheel wheel to force a number, with folded pieces of paper, for banknight etc.
1983 4
Piet Forton Zaubern mit Würfeln various easy tricks with dice
  • divination of number
  • forcing a number, with matchbox
  • easy bank night routine with dice
1983 5
Thomas Alan Waters, Maurice Fogel Flamulet five envelopes hanging on a stand, attached with a bulldog clip, spectator finds amulet (coin)
1984 545
Piet Forton Card to Wallet with Delayed Money Climax signed selection into envelope with chosen color, other envelopes contain money
Variations 1984 6
Thomas Alan Waters Pentamoney spectator distribute envelopes and last one to blindfolded performer, only he has money with local currency
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Mystyx)
Martin Lewis Technicolor Prediction Prediction effect with three colored envelopes
Variations 1985 143
Bruce Bernstein Impossible Bank Nite five envelopes, one contains bill, numbered envelopes, instructions which one shall not be burnt
VariationsAlso published here 1985 28
Philip T. Goldstein Currency Exchange five envelopes in wallet, one contains money, with prediction
VariationsAlso published here 1986 8
Gil Scott Devil's Touch words written on envelopes, remaining envelope contains bill
May 1986
Magick (Issue 370)
Alan Shaxon Potted Chance different colored cups, bag with silks, children get candies in the remaining cup is money
Also published here 1986 22
Peter Wilker Der Trostpreis folded newspaper as stand for three envelopes, apparently goes wrong, two consolation prizes which are better than the prize the spectator wins
Inspired by
  • routine by Michael Rogers in "Magigram" 1983.
1986 5
Gene Nielsen Snake Ayes five cans, in one is bill in other spring snakes
July 1987
Magick (Issue 392)
Ben Harris Hundred Dollar Band two rubber bands are around card case, one is chosen, it is removed, the other one has a hundred dollar bill stapled to it
Also published here 1987 2
Philip T. Goldstein Currency Exchange five envelopes in wallet, one contains money, with prediction
Also published here 1988 21
Ted Lesley Flame Proof! fee of performer is placed inside one of several envelopes, envelopes are shuffled and performer destroys all envelopes but the one with the bills
Jan. 1988
Magick (Issue 400)
Philip T. Goldstein Currency Exchange five envelopes in wallet, one contains money, with prediction
Also published here 1988 10
Peter Wilker Der neue Trostpreis using different colored plastic envelopes, apparently goes wrong, two consolation prizes which are better than the prize the spectator wins
Magische Blätter (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Karl Fulves, Tom Harris, George Blake Pay Day No. 91, envelopes torn to pieces according to spectator's wishes, the one with bill remains unharmed
Inspired by 1989 134
Ben Harris One Hundred Dollar Band two rubber bands are around card case, one is chosen, it is removed, the other one has a hundred dollar bill stapled to it
  • Repeat Kicker
Also published here 1989 3
Karrell Fox The Winnah bill in thumb tip
Related to 1991 91
Karl Fulves Letter of Intent one of three envelopes chosen by exchanging number cards and adding some, number range force
1992 20
Lee Earle Bank Night Baffler bill between sheets of plastic secured with padlock
Related to 1992 139
Larry Becker Just Chance using four Becker Coin Purses
1992 349
Leo Boudreau The Mind's Eye: Faro Foolery 3 positioning objects using faro shuffles and binary code, example routine where bill is placed among one of eight envelopes, all are shuffled and seven burnt, bill remains
Sep. 1992
Vibrations (Vol. 15 No. 3)
Peter Duffie No Chance Just Chance effect using a stay stack of twelve small wallets
1992 [9]
Harlan Tarbell Bank Night Revisited
1993 144
Ted Karmilovich Burned! three numbered envelopes, two are burnt in remaining one is check of performer
Variations Mar. 1993
Magick (Issue 486)
Scott Davis, Ted Karmilovich Closed Doors three numbered envelopes and two are discarded, instead of money, picture of baby inside envelope
Inspired by Apr. 1993
Magick (Issue 487)
Graham Richards A Safe Bet five envelopes, one with question mark, after instructions with performer's back turned only the marked one remains and contains the money
Inspired by Oct. 1993
Profile (Issue 16)
Gary Dudash Dot-Dash Dudash (Less Is Morse) five envelopes on rod, using Dudash Envelope Switcher
Related to Mar. 1993
Vibrations (Vol. 15 No. 9)
Alan Shaxon Versiegeltes Glück different colored cups, bag with silks, children get candies in the remaining cup is money
Also published here 1994 35
Steve Dusheck Dice Force using die with same number on all sides, shaken in cup
Related to 1994 109
Ted Lesley Pay Blaze performer's fee in envelope, all but one envelopes are burnt
Inspired by 1994 255
Karrell Fox The Lucky Fox bill in thumb tip, Jack London
Related to 1995 114
Theophil "Philius" Weidmann Mental-Spiess three colored envelopes on a stick with bulldog clips, two are burnt and in remaining envelope is a bill
1995 6
Theophil "Philius" Weidmann, Erwin "Erino" Zeitz Verbrannte Gedanken borrowed and signed bill in one of three envelopes, with poker chips to chose envelope
1995 8
Fantasio Ein grosszügiger Zauberer three ropes hold in hand, on one end is a bill attached, two spectators can select a rope and they will not win the money
1995 27
Peter Duffie Greetings from Peter Duffie Banknight with a card to envelope
1996 8
Brian King Just Chance
Intermagic (Vol. 20 No. 3)
Gary Kurtz The Ultimate Chairs Prediction four chairs, mixture with banknight effect, colors in envelopes match backs of chairs
Related toVariations 1997 1
Christoph Borer Bank Night four envelopes, apparently goes wrong, three consolation prizes which are better than the prize the spectator wins
Related to
  • Black Magic III (Ted Lesley, 1997)
  • Eckhard Böttcher's "Bank Night verkehrt" in "Magische Perlen Band 1 - Das Beste aus meinem Routinen-Service" 1995, P. 21
Also published here
1997 14
Philip T. Goldstein Just Chintz just chance with paper bags, five bags contain rubbish and one gold, selected by throwing a die
Also published here July 1997 8
Ted Lesley Psychokinetic Banknight signed bill in one of four envelopes, several lighters, three envelopes are burnt, envelope with bill remains and last lighter does not work
July 1997 10
Pat Fallon The Raffle with gag prizes
Inspired by
  • Alan Goodall's "Dischance" in "Magigram" October, 1975.
Aug. 1997 12
Ted Lesley Black Magic III four envelopes, apparently goes wrong, three consolation prizes which are better than the prize the spectator wins, with clever gaffed envelopes
Inspired by
  • Eckhard Böttcher's "Wrong Banknight" in "Magische Perlen Band I", 1995.
Related to
Nov. 1997 8
Bruce Bernstein Impossible Bank Night before the show, bill is signed and placed inside envelope, spectator hands stack of envelopes during show and all but one are burnt
Also published here 1997 8
Bruce Bernstein Let's Try One More Time number written on envelope and spectator tries to divine it, prediction of number of guesses in envelope
Also published here 1997 10
Robert Siepielski No Sweat Bank Night with envelopes, one check
Jan. 1998 1
Philip T. Goldstein Tournamental box with lock, envelopes
Inspired by
  • North Bigbee's "Golden Spell" in "The Mentalist" December, 1962.
Jan. 1998 5
Ted Danson Give Me a Ring with three envelopes, all have a word written on them, in one is a bill
1998 25
Philip T. Goldstein Currency Exchange five envelopes in wallet, one contains money, with prediction
Also published here 1998 96
Harry Lorayne Oh, So Simple Currency Exchange
Inspired by 1998 99
Gary Kurtz Effect #1 - A Simple, Straight-Forward Prediction four dice rolled in opaque plastic cups, all four numbers predicted
  • Additional Effects
    • Telephone Book Test
    • Check Burning Routine
1998 4
Barrie Richardson The Very Last Chance
Also published here
  • Club 71, Summer 1989
1999 157
Andy Nyman Mr. Saturday Night nine envelopes with "Mr. Right?" on them, one chosen (PATEO), it describes the fiancé of the woman
Also published here 1999 [10]
Karl Fulves Little Futures three envelopes, two chosen, in last one is money
Inspired by 2000 59
Eine mathematische Banknight counting procedure with eleven envelopes
Intermagic (Vol. 24 No. 1)
Richard Mark Fogel's Last Chance
2000 75
Richard Mark The "Truth Or Consequences" Variation Quiz game similar to Trivial Pursuit, performer's question is really easy to answer, bank night framing
2000 77
Philip T. Goldstein Just Chintz just chance with paper bags, five bags contain rubbish and one gold, selected by throwing a die
Also published here 2001 3
Tony Bartolotta Strictly By Chance bank night with three paper shopping bags
Discoverie (Issue 7)
Jim Steinmeyer Playing for Keeps
  • Conjuring
with five spectators on stage and burning of the envelopes, instructions on the envelope for spectators
Inspired by Sep. 2002
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 1)
Andy Nyman The Danny Rose Cigar Trick banknight with four cigar tubes, one contains a cigar, the others money
Also published here 2002 [21]
Robert Cassidy Interlude - The Reverend Dr. Bob's "Bank Nite" apparently messing up a bank night effect, with fee of performer, gag
Also published here 2002 5
Al Baker Oh Bunk three envelopes
Also published here
  • marketed 1941
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Instructions)
Philip T. Goldstein Normal Mailer six addressed envelopes, the spectator chooses the only one addressed to him
Related toAlso published here Mar./Apr. 2003
The Penumbra (Issue 6)
Philip T. Goldstein Just Chintz just chance with paper bags, five bags contain rubbish and one gold, selected by throwing a die
2003 4
Christoph Borer Bank Night four envelopes, apparently goes wrong, three consolation prizes which are better than the prize the spectator wins
Related to
  • Eckhard Böttcher's "Bank Night verkehrt" in "Magische Perlen Band 1 - Das Beste aus meinem Routinen-Service" 1995, P. 21.
Also published here
2003 10
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Little Arrows seven cards, all chosen except one, all lose except last one, George Sands's Prime Number Principle
Variations 2003 77
Aldo Colombini Little Arrows with No Arrows five envelopes, all chosen except one, all lose except last one, George Sands's Prime Number Principle
Inspired by 2003 160
Ali Bongo Amida Kuji bank night, prize boxes, board with lines to follow, very brief
2003 11
Steve "Banachek" Shaw It Takes Balls check in envelope among others, all are shredded but one with fee, using pingpong balls
Inspired by 2003
Syzygy (Vol. 5 No. 15)
Philip T. Goldstein Normal Mailer six addressed envelopes, the spectator chooses the only one addressed to him
Also published here 2004 3
Philip T. Goldstein Normal Mailer six addressed envelopes, the spectator chooses the only one addressed to him
Also published here 2004 4
Philip T. Goldstein Normal Mailer six addressed envelopes, the spectator chooses the only one addressed to him
Also published here 2004 4
Philip T. Goldstein Normal Mailer six addressed envelopes, the spectator chooses the only one addressed to him
Also published here 2004 4
Patrik Kuffs Jackpot! five envelopes in a glass
2004 26
Jay Sankey Greed
2004 149
Robert Cassidy Black and White, and Red All Over spectator's bill in envelope, bill found in remaining envelope while other were burnt, serial number divination as climax
2004 124
Robert Cassidy Interlude - The Reverend Dr. Bob's "Bank Nite" apparently messing up a bank night effect, with fee of performer, gag
Also published here 2004 255
Karl Fulves What Lies Ahead spectator's birthday used to arrive at an envelope with a prize
Discoverie (Issue 9)
Paolo Cavalli, Massimo Tira Chairvelopes three people chose one of four different colored chairs, then they chose one of four envelopes, remaining envelope has money inside and predicts remaining chair, prediction of chair which is chosen by only woman is found on label on a rose
Related to 2004 4
Docc Hilford Burn Witch Burn borrowed bill in one of three envelopes, three spectators get a lighter and two are envelopes are burnt, third lighter does not work and envelope contains bill
  • The Switch
  • The Force
  • Alternate Handling #1
  • Alternate Handling #2
  • Alternate Handling #3
  • Alternate Handling #4
2004 3
Karl Fulves Last Place "Problems"
six envelopes, the last one chosen contains $100 note, posed as a problem
2005 427
Piet Forton Karte signiert im frei gewählten Couvert in meiner Brieftasche spectator choses color, signed card appears in envelope with same color in wallet, in other three envelopes are bills
Inspired by 2005 9
Barrie Richardson Everyone a Winner
2005 25
Paolo Cavalli A Penny For Your Thoughts dated 1997, four chairs and three spectators, prediction of empty chair in envelope, 100$ on empty chair, pennies on the other chairs
Inspired by 2005 30
Paolo Cavalli Technicolor Will Prediction effect with three colored envelopes
Inspired byRelated to
  • Deddy Corbuzier's "Free Will"
2005 56
Paolo Cavalli Chair Night dated 2003, four chairs, four people four envelopes under one is a 100$ bill
2005 63
Christoph Borer Bank Night four envelopes, apparently goes wrong, three consolation prizes which are better than the prize the spectator wins
Inspired by
  • Eckhard Böttcher's "Bank Night verkehrt" in "Magische Perlen Band 1 - Das Beste aus meinem Routinen-Service" 1995, P. 21.
Also published here
2006 104
Sveroni Sveronis Bank Night with four different colored little bags, bag with red silk wins money, apparently goes wrong, three consolation prizes which are better than the prize the spectator wins
2006 16
Karl Fulves Unjust Chance "Unexplained"
presentational idea for banknight plot, posed as a problem
Prolix (Issue 1)
Michael Powers The Money Game card signed and lost, seven envelopes with money, lie detector and answers are spelled with envelopes, remaining envelope contains selection
Variations 2006 168
Max Maven Cache
  • The Other Month
Bank Night effect, using the condition of heads or tails of four coins to select the envelopes
Variations July 2006
Genii (Vol. 69 No. 7)
Christoph Borer Bank Night four envelopes, apparently goes wrong, three consolation prizes which are better than the prize the spectator wins
Related to
  • Eckhard Böttcher's "Bank Night verkehrt" in "Magische Perlen Band 1 - Das Beste aus meinem Routinen-Service" 1995, P. 21
Also published here
2007 14
Stephen Bargatze I Hate Kids with three small numbered leather wallets
Inspired by
  • Larry Becker coin purse work
June 2007
Antinomy (Vol. 3 No. 2)
Tom Stone Of Dice and Men one of six messages chosen with throw of die, "hug" chosen, other messages are "kill"
Inspired by
  • "Dice Man" (Andy Nyman, marketed item)
Also published here
2007 11
Luke Jermay Giant Shoulders
  • The New Mind
five folded business cards on the table, one chosen, it contains the only true statement ("Luke Jermay is wearing a clown nose"
Inspired by
  • Rick Maue routine
Apr. 2008
Genii (Vol. 71 No. 4)
Bruce Bernstein It's a "Win-Win Sitatuation" 12 envelopes, some with names of spectators and some written "win" on them are shuffled and dealt, spectators win dollar bill in the two remaining envelopes are a hundred dollar bill and a check with an amount matching a previously named number
Also published here 2008 7
Walt Lees Ring Master ends of ropes are sticking out of a bag, spectators pull out ropes except one, the last one has a finger ring knotted onto its end
Also published here 2008 147
Hiroyuki Sakai Balloon Bank Nite using a kind of rattle gimmick for balloons
Feb. 2009
Genii (Vol. 72 No. 2)
Andy Nyman The Danny Rose Cigar Trick banknight with four cigar tubes, one contains a cigar, the others money
Also published here Apr. 2009
Genii (Vol. 72 No. 4)
Tom Stone Of Dice and Men one of six messages chosen with throw of die, "hug" chosen, other messages are "kill"
Inspired by
  • "Dice Man" (Andy Nyman, marketed item)
Also published here
Oct. 2009
Genii (Vol. 72 No. 10)
Jon Allen Credit Cut bank night type effect with spectator's credit card
2009 137
Walt Lees Note a Chance glass tumblers are covered with handkerchiefs, only in the one not chosen is a roll of bills, bills on string like in egg production trick
2009 167
Ian A. Thomson Bank Nite Congealed
2009 178
Tyler Wilson Bank Shot suggestion for Bank Night
2010 44
Christoph Borer Bank Night four envelopes, apparently goes wrong, three consolation prizes which are better than the prize the spectator wins
Related to
  • Eckhard Böttcher's "Bank Night verkehrt" in "Magische Perlen Band 1 - Das Beste aus meinem Routinen-Service" 1995, P. 21
Also published here
2010 18
Max Maven Currency Exchange
  • Lost Horizons
five envelopes in wallet, one contains money, with prediction
Also published here May 2010
Genii (Vol. 73 No. 5)
Andy Nyman Mr. Saturday Night nine envelopes with "Mr. Right?" on them, one chosen (PATEO), it describes the fiancé of the woman
Also published here 2010 79
Andy Nyman The Danny Rose Cigar Trick banknight with four cigar tubes, one contains a cigar, the others money
Also published here 2010 135
Andy Nyman The Gift ten numbered gift bags are on the table, ten envelopes with numbers, spectators choose an envelope and thus a gift bag, only the birthday boy has a real present in his gift bag
2010 189
Andy Nyman The Heist spectator puts money in an envelope, it is mixed with three more envelopes and all but one are put through a shredder according to instructions, the money envelope remains, performer never touches anything
2010 197
Tom Stone Of Dice and Men one of six messages chosen with throw of die, "hug" chosen, other messages are "kill"
Inspired by
  • "Dice Man" (Andy Nyman, marketed item)
Also published here
2011 3
Tom Stone, Bob Ostin, Robert Cassidy Bank Naught marking methods with two presentations:
- Psychic Losery
- Weightmaster
2011 121
Karl Fulves Klipped Notes ideas for monte trick with stuck together cards
  • Klipped Koncluded
  • Klipped Korner
  • Spread Force
  • Bank Nite
  • Bank Nite With Cards
Prolix (Issue 9)
Barrie Richardson Choices Have Consequences
Variations 2011 5
Max Maven Just Chintz just chance with paper bags, five bags contain rubbish and one gold, selected by throwing a die
Also published here 2012 3
Bruce Bernstein Bernstein's Bank Nite five envelopes, one contains bill, numbered envelopes, instructions which one shall not be burnt
Also published here 2012 81
Bruce Bernstein Impossible Bank Night before the show, bill is signed and placed inside envelope, spectator hands stack of envelopes during show and all but one are burnt
Also published here 2012 83
Bruce Bernstein When G Is Called
Also published here 2012 89
Bruce Bernstein Let's Try One More Time number written on envelope and spectator tries to divine it, prediction of number of guesses in envelope
Also published here 2012 90
Bruce Bernstein Win-Win Situation twelve envelopes, some with names of spectators and some written "win" on them are shuffled and dealt, spectators win dollar bill in the two remaining envelopes are a hundred dollar bill and a check with an amount matching a previously named number
Also published here 2012 90
Bruce Bernstein Panticle of Love spectator choses one of five envelopes, only one with special piece of paper, paper with name written is destroyed and performer divines name
Also published here 2012 182
Matt Mello The Envelope Game spectator choses losing envelope amongst two, psychological, using question mark / "no" ambigram
2012 1
Wayne Dobson Cash Back using George Sands Prime Number Force
2013 23
Walt Lees Ringmaster ends of ropes are sticking out of a bag, spectators pull out ropes except one, the last one has a finger ring knotted onto its end
  • Die Alexander de Cova Variante (bill instead of ring)
VariationsAlso published here Aug. 2013 24
Alexander de Cova Die Alexander de Cova Variante ends of ropes are sticking out of a bag, spectators pull out ropes except one, the last one has a rolled-up bill knotted onto its end
Inspired by Aug. 2013 25
Jorge "The Jack" Garcia Illogical Bet five rolled up papers, on four is written 'lose' on one 'win'
Also published here 2014 26
Tomas Blomberg Cashing Bank Night effect, using the condition of heads or tails of five coins to select the envelopes
Inspired by 2014 18
Alexander de Cova ESPacology 2 nine spectators on chairs on stage with an envelope each, ping pong balls with numbers one to nine, one chosen, that spectator has a prize in the envelope, remaining envelopes contain large letters that make up prediction or company name
Inspired by Jan. 2014
Scrapbook (Issue 4)
Jorge "The Jack" Garcia Illgoical Bet five rolled up papers, on four is written 'lose' on one 'win'
Also published here 2015 54
Tom Stone Dice and Men one of six messages chosen with throw of die, "hug" chosen, other messages are "kill"
Also published here 2015 1
Hector Chadwick Enveloper banknight, with named number prediction
2016 6
Roberto Giobbi One of Four forcing one of four envelopes or flat objects, down-under deal
Hidden Agenda (Issue Jan 3)
Christoph Borer Arsène Lupin five envelopes protrude from a book, last one contains money
Also published here 2016 140
Dave Forrest Loser! three envelopes, one with a bill and two with Loser-cards, performer repeatedly finds the one with money and also has it predicted
Mar. 2016
Genii (Vol. 79 No. 3)
Peter Brynolf, Jonas Ljung Group Dynamics Bank Night combined with Chair Test, gaffed envelopes
Nov. 2016
Genii (Vol. 79 No. 11)
Anthony Owen Deal Or No Deal "Deal or No Deal" presentation for Bank Night
2017 211
Alexander de Cova Bank Night
2017 82
Asi Wind Catch 23 chair prediction effect without chairs, combined with bank night
Inspired byRelated to 2018 73
Christoph Borer Bank Night four envelopes, apparently goes wrong, three consolation prizes which are better than the prize the spectator wins
Also published here 2018 64
Christoph Borer Die grosse Beeinflussung five envelopes, apparently goes wrong, four consolation prizes which are better than the prize the spectator wins, with words written on envelopes
2018 102
Markus Beldig Free Choice one of four envelopes chosen, tarot card chosen, television program cut where spectator asks, both items predicted in a letter in the chosen envelope, the other envelopes contain money
Inspired by 2019 4
Michael Powers The Money Game Revisited card signed and lost, seven envelopes with money, lie detector and answers are spelled with envelopes, remaining envelope contains selection
Inspired by 2019 280
Ben Hart Glitterbomb Russian roulette with envelope of glitter
2020 118
Jim Steinmeyer Had I But Suspected...
  • Conjuring
June 2020
Genii (Vol. 83 No. 6)
Jim Steinmeyer The Lurker
  • Conjuring
stack of envelopes, interlocked flaps used as "impromptu rough/smooth"
Aug. 2020
Genii (Vol. 83 No. 8)
Nathan Kranzo Stink Bank Bank Night effect with 1000 dollar cheques and can of fart spray, with prediction of which envelopes will be chosen
2021 78
David Regal Every Card's a Winner!
  • Material Concessions
four cards chosen with Gemini Twins & Bills procedure, monetary values are looked up for the four cards in a list, the four spectators get only a few cents instead of large amounts of money
Inspired by
  • unnamed Peter Duffie effect
Dec. 2022
Genii (Vol. 85 No. 12)
Nick Diffatte Schtick of Gum spectator takes piece of wrapped gum from pack, it's real chewing gum while in other wrappers money bills are found
2022 97
Danny Archer Magic Jeopardy four people have a key and try to open a lock, but performer does
Inspired by
  • "Headliner" (Larry Becker, Mentalism for Magicians, 1981)
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Apr. 2005
2022 398
Joe McKay Bank on 64th Street four empty envelopes and four with money, spectator chooses four and ends up with the empty ones, Bill Simon's Sixty-Four principle
Inspired by
  • "Disjuncture" (Doug Dyment, Stimulacra, 2007)
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Aug. 2013
2022 1224
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Coincidence one of three envelopes chosen, two cards from two decks are exchanged and they match, they also match a prediction in chosen envelope, other two envelopes contain money
Unexpected Agenda (Issue Oct. 22)
Christoph Borer Arsène Lupin five envelopes protrude from a book, last one contains money
Also published here 2024 115
Christoph Borer Bank Night four envelopes, apparently goes wrong, three consolation prizes which are better than the prize the spectator wins
Also published here 2024 149
Roberto Mansilla Bank Night (Or, What We Decide to Leave Behind) Himber Wallet
Inspired by Feb. 2025
Genii (Vol. 88 No. 2)
Richard Mark Just Good Fortune bank night, spectators play for performer's fee, symbols in envelopes, readings
Inspired by 35 28