11 entries in Soap
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Der Hellseher question written on billet, answered by performer, impression device with white soap and metal plate
Related to Sep. 1895
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Oswald Rae Milady's Dorothy Bag (Improved Version) small bag with make up powder and soap, powder poured out and soap placed in powder box, then they change places again
1928 42
Harlan Tarbell, William Larsen The Soap Pitchman banknight effect with 3 bars of soap, dollar bill in one package
1945 46
Gene Kirk "Coo Coo" Savon pun with soap, dove
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1959)
Billy McComb A Clean Gag hollow soap
1972 135
Delicious Soap! No. 94, hypno trick, apparently subject eats a bar of soap
1983 26
Mark Sicher A "Clean" Trick card in soap
Feb. 1987
Apocalypse (Vol. 10 No. 2)
Steve Beam Soap Opera opener gag, a bar of dove soap appears under handkerchief, then it changes into deck of cards
1989 457
Soap on a Rope No. 13, soap with hole threaded on rope, it penetrates, extra piece
1990 26
Alexander de Cova The Baby Egg Bag with soap and washrag
2004 5
Nathan Kranzo Tic Tac Vanish Vanishing tic tacs, uses liquid soap
2021 72