161 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Transformation - card-object / Other Object
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Card-Boxes No. 1
No. 2
No. 3
No. 4: "Card-and-Bird" Box
No. 5
No. 6: Bland's Brass Card-box
No. 7: The Card-Drawer
No. 8: The Double Card-Drawer
1889 151
A Pack of Cards Transformed into a Handkerchief, and vice versa handkerchief and cards in leather case change places
1890 231
Die mannigfache Verwandlungskarte card changes into anything, like a flower
1896 142
Japans Blumenflor card to spring flower
Related to 1896 149
Ein Tuch verwandelt sich in ein Kartenspiel silk to deck of cards
1896 159
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Der Kartenwürfel playing card change to three-inch die
1896 161
Un Billet d'amour card chosen, letter comes from mailman from back of audience, it is transformed into selection
1896 163
Das sich in Blumen verwandelnde Kartenspiel deck to spring flower bouquet
1896 172
Die Blumenkarte "Mechanische Karten"
card changes into flower
Apr. 1896
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 1 No. 8)
The Card and Rose card transforms into flower
1897 234
The Floral Card card transforms into flower
Related to 1897 236
The Envelope Card envelope changes into card
1897 258
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Das verschwindende Kartenspiel deck put in glass case and covered with handkerchief, deck vanishes and silk is in case, secret inner case that slides out
Also published here Nov. 1899
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 5 No. 11)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Das verschwindende Kartenspiel No. 20, deck put in glass case and covered with handkerchief, deck vanishes or changes into some other item
Also published here 1900 108
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli XVI. Trifolium
  • 1. Das verwandelte Kartenspiel (deck changes to silk, shell placed in shell)
  • 2. Das Tuch in der Kerzenflamme (silk appears in flame of a candle)
  • 3. Das plötzlich erscheinende Seidentuch (silk appears)
  • 4. Seidentüchlein auf Reisen (silk vanishes and appears knotted between two others, with glass tube)
  • 5. Die magischen Knoten (knotted silks unknot)
1903 164
William G. Edwards "Eggsample" card changes into egg
1909 304
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Paraffinade tändstickor utan svafel och fosfor. No. 6, deck of playing cards changes to matchbox, match is balanced on box and then broken and restored in handkerchief
1926 25
Finale deck thrown in audience becomes shower of colored tissue butterflies
1936 163
Pack of Cards Changed to a Silk Foulard gaffed
1937 57
Playing Card Changed to a Billiard Ball
1938 640
Laurie Ireland You Caught Me That Time card transforms into card silk
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1938)
Jean Hugard Rose & Silks Production as finale to card trick (!)
1939 16
Jerry Hornak Billiard Ball to Playing Card
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1948)
Milbourne Christopher Aces to Dollars Aces change into bills
Also published here Jan. 1949 499
Frank Garcia A Penny For Your Thought coin in performer's hand changes to spectator's card, coin found in the pack
May 1949
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 6 No. 12)
Hollis Tucker Flower to Card No. 2, flower changes into selected card
1958 ca. 1
Don Tanner "Oh, Shucks!" No. 38, chosen card located behind the back, it's the wrong card, it is tossed up and changes into spring flower bouquet
1958 ca. 11
Paul "Mr. Nobody" Schwab Eine Eröffnungskombination playing cards change to silk, silk to, ball and ball to flowers
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 24 No. 1)
Everett Lyda Card & Bill Idea selection changes to bill, bill multiplies in dove pan
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1963-64)
Frank Thompson, Alton Sharpe Undercover Surprise deck changes into lemon underneath silk, card is in it
Variations 1968 64
Ger Copper Fancy Change giant coin changes to card case, deck removed and case vanishes
1970 5
Peter Kane Finn Change card to bill, pocket card
Related toAlso published here Dec. 1972
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Roy Walton Once Upon A Time.... Jack and Queen of Hearts removed and put under handkerchief, Jack transforms into rubber frog
VariationsAlso published here Oct. 1974
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 9 No. 12)
Peter Kane Fiver! selection to pocket, then changes into bill
Related to 1975 1
Jan Torell Card Frame card in frame / houlette changes into silk
1975 19
Jan Torell Cigarette Box cigarette box changes into pack of playing cards, piece of paper changes into thimble
1975 21
Jerry Mentzer Royal Flush to Bills fan of Royal Flush cards changes into five dollar bills
1975 3
Lawrence Nudelman Jack-Pot card changes into dollar bill which can be shown from both sides
1975-1978 ca. 4
Frank Garcia Playing Cards to Balls sponge balls from card case, gag
1976 199
Steve Beam Card to Silk playing card changes into card silk
1978 15
The Deck of Cards to Handkerchief Effect inside wooden box
1978/76 100
The Card to Flowers inside a basket
1978/76 117
Theo "Okito" Bamberg The Card to Canary Box
1978/76 119
Karl Fulves Card Is Cigarette rolled "cigarette" appears in mouth when performer turns around which is actually rolled up selection, posed as problem
Related to 1979
Interlocutor (Issue 39)
Milbourne Christopher Asse zu Zehnmarkscheinen fan of a few cards changes into bills
Also published here Dec. 1979
Intermagic (Vol. 6 No. 3 & 4)
Gordon Bruce Torn Card To Bill torn card transforms to bill
Mar. 1980
Pabular (Vol. 6 No. 3)
John F. Mendoza Acey-Deucy Improved Ace and Two of Clubs, monte theme, they transform twice, one of them changes into a dollar coin
1980 1
Jean Merlin Zündhölzer, Karten und Geldschein spectator reverses card behind back, it matches prediction, card torn up and burned except one piece, another card changes into bill, in wallet are the matches and in match book the restored card
VariationsAlso published here
  • Genii, Sep. 1974
Mar. 1980
Intermagic (Vol. 7 No. 1)
Mike Bornstein Cards to Dollar Bills packet of six cards shown singly, they instantly change to six bills
1980 17
Paul Harris A Very Strange Exchange card and coin transpose, three handlings
  • Macho Man One Coin Version
  • Cheap Shot Invisible Version
Related toVariations 1981 89
Steve Beam Round Change card changes into circular playing card
1982 8
Tom Mullica The Card is Cigarette cigarette turns into rolled up signed card
Also published here 1982 30
Phillip Young Fifty-Two Divided by Two Equals One Hundred Four card case change into two smaller card cases
1982 12
David Britland Cash Card card changes in packet of bills
Sep. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 17)
Meir Yedid Card Flakes small box of corn flakes turns into deck of cards, inside box are the corn flakes and cards appear from mouth
1982 30
Edward Marlo, Meir Yedid Rise, Rise, Rise to change small box of corn flakes into deck of playing cards
1982 31
Marconick Four Wrongs Can Make a Right! four single cards change into a jumbo size card matching the selection, size of four cards together
Also published here 1982 45
"Magic" Christian Stelzel Diminishing Cards cards are changed into bill at the end
1983 14
Michael Powers Packman cigarette pack transforms into cased deck of cards
1983 90
Marconick Vier falsche ergeben eine richtige (Karte)! four single cards change into a jumbo size card matching the selection, size of four cards together
Also published here 1983 25
Danny Korem, Jerry Andrus The Omni Deck short Ambitious Card routine ending with clear block of glass
Inspired by 1985 153
Karl Fulves Houdini Hound No. 39, dog made from paper bag like a hand puppet, paper bone changes into selection
1985 69
John Riggs Backwards Card to Wallet wallet changes into giant card
Also published here 1986 218
Steve Beam CashPack bills change into deck of cards
Related toAlso published here 1986 229
Larry Jennings High-C card in orange, deck changes to orange
Variations 1987 1
Karl Fulves Card Is Cigarette with signed card, four methods
Related to 1987 64
Edward Marlo, Larry Jennings BoTop Change Transformation to change card into business card
1988 194
William Goodwin Coin and Card Exchange
Inspired by 1988 5
Terri Rogers Jiggery Pokery cards turn face up, cards change into card-sized poker chips, story presentation
Also published here 1988 46
Roy Walton Once Upon a Time... Jack and Queen of Hearts removed and put under handkerchief, Jack transforms into rubber frog
Also published here 1988 92
Mike Bornstein Triple Mini Miracle any card thought of, dollar bill changes into miniature brainwave deck with selection reversed
Related to 1988 19
Mike Bornstein Single Card to Bill
1988 26
John Bannon OZ Deposit card changes to $100 bill, card in wallet
Variations 1989 11
Steve Beam Soap Opera opener gag, a bar of dove soap appears under handkerchief, then it changes into deck of cards
1989 457
Steve Beam The Dehydrated Deck 52-on-1 card transforms into a complete deck
1989 539
Steve Beam Taster's Choice 52-on-1 card transforms into a complete deck
1989 540
Steve Beam Portapack 52-on-1 card transforms into a complete deck
1989 540
Steve Beam Squeezers 52-on-1 card transforms into a complete deck
1989 540
Terri Rogers Teufelspoker cards turn face up, cards change into card-sized poker chips, story presentation
Also published here July 1989
Intermagic (Vol. 14 No. 4 & 5)
Ken Krenzel An Estranged Exchange coin and card change place, nothing more used
Inspired by 1990 33
Ken Krenzel, Horace Goldin Card-Coin Goldin Change visual
1990 34
Ken Simmons A Flashy Change prediction on paper is wrong, paper changes into selected card in flash
Inspired by
  • "Flash Card Production" (Dick Piser/Harry Lorayne, Flash Paper Tips)
1990 15
Alexander de Cova Barocke Transposition II card in pocket transposes with card reversed in deck, then with bill in wallet
Inspired byAlso published here 1990 4
John Riggs Wallet to Card wallet changes into giant card
Also published here 1991 165
José Carroll Card Pages deck of cards changes into notebook
Also published here 1991 29
John Bannon OZ Deposit card changes to $100 bill, card in wallet, with variations:
  • Way Ahead Variation (Bob Kohler)
  • Compromise Variation
  • No-Palm Variation
  • The OZ Envelope and Remote Change
  • OZ Recombinant
1991 122
Alexander de Cova Barocke Transposition II card in pocket transposes with card reversed in deck, then with bill in wallet
Also published here 1991 2
Alexander de Cova Barocke Transposition card in pocket transposes with card reversed in deck, then with bill in wallet
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 1992 127
Steve Dusheck Cash Card dollar bill changes into selection
1992 61
Peter Kane Fiver! selection to pocket, then changes into bill, pocket card
Also published here 1992 5
Peter Kane The Amex Aces 2&2 mini oil and water routine with Aces, then one Ace changes into a bill and the other in a credit card
1992 16
Tom Mullica Card is Cigarette or Chicken is Elephant cigarette turns into rolled up signed card, not IN cigarette
VariationsAlso published here 1992 131
Ernest Earick Yours, Mine, Yours coin with card face up in centre of deck
Inspired by 1993 102
Ernest Earick Spellbound Coin to Card Change
1993 105
Muneo Yokoi Flying Small Card Card selected and lost in mini deck of cards. A lighter is lit, a huge flame is produced, lighter transforms into the mini selected card
1993 18
Jerry Mentzer No Deck Omni Deck handling
  • Shuffle one
  • Shuffle two
1993 185
Steve Beam Cashpack bills change into deck of cards
Also published here 1993 5
Alexander de Cova Triple Transposition two card transposition with one card in wallet, repeat, then card becomes bill, in wallet are matches and in matchbox the folded card
Inspired byAlso published here 1994 53
Michael Ammar Time is Money deck of cards is produced, then deck change into fan of bills
June 1994
The Minotaur (Vol. 6 No. 2)
Roger Crosthwaite The Long Pour "Phase Seven: Ending with Style"
cased deck, case suddenly filled with salt
1994 34
Alexander de Cova Triple Transposition two card transposition with one card in wallet, repeat, then card becomes bill, in wallet are matches and in matchbox the folded card
Inspired byAlso published here 1994 28
Paul Harris Strange Exchange card and coin transpose
Related to 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 3 (Issue Close-up Fantasies Finale)
Eric DeCamps Very Strange Exchange Part II card and coin transpose
Inspired by 1997 40
Christian Scherer Die Karte in der Kristallkugel crystal ball turns into signed card under handkerchief
1997 110
Richard Bartram, Jr. Cash Rap card changes to bill, snap change variation
1997 164
Richard Osterlind Puff Pasteboard miniature duplicate of selected card inside matchbook, cigarette transforms into selection (pull)
1999 23
Bob King Card in Orange Plus deck changes in lemon, with torn-off corner, with fake bloody fingers as comedy prop
Inspired by 1999 4
Joe Cole Pickpocket Plus idea for marketed routine, card to bill transformation
Inspired by
  • "Pickpocket" (David Acer, marketed packet trick)
1999 192
Ellis Stanyon An Envelope Changes to the Chosen Card No. 27, hinged gaff
Variations 1999 172
Ellis Stanyon The Chosen Card Changes to a Box of Matches No. 32
Variations 1999 175
Ellis Stanyon The Card Changes to a Die No. 38
1999 181
Karl Fulves Closed-Eyes Table Spread Force spectator should close his eyes and take a card from tabled spread, application of changing the card to a photograph of the spectator picking a card
1999 272
Gregg Webb Cards To Ball
  • The WebbMaster
Nov. 1999
Genii (Vol. 62 No. 11)
Ed Andres Half a Card Trick card changes into half dollar coin, then vanishes and appears in deck next to selection
1999 59
U. F. Grant Film To Life "Problems"
fan of five card on photograph, named card is taken out, only four remain on photo, posed as a problem
2001 211
David Stone Cards into 4 coins! one card transforms into four coins
2001 10
Martin Lewis, Michael Close Lucifer's Card lit match vanishes, matchbook transforms into folded playing card
Inspired by Sep. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 9)
Joseph Ovette Card to Egg card changes into egg
Also published here
  • "A Surprise" (Eggstraordinary Ways of Eggshibiting with Eggs, p. 22)
2002 214
Robertson Keene Humpty Dumpty Card and Egg card torn up, pieces change to egg and where egg was is restored card minus corner, inside egg is name of card on hard-boiled egg
Also published here
  • More Novel Notions, p. 47
2002 261
Rune Klan Coins Across Cards Three Fly followed by coins transforming into cards
Also published here Sep. 2002
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 1)
Docc Hilford The Million Dollar Deck stack of dollar bills change into deck, without explanation
2002 22
Ross Bertram Card to Coin Tenkai Palm
2003 158
Alexander de Cova Karte IST Zigarette cigarette in mouth transforms into rolled, signed selection, Tom Mullica effect
Inspired byAlso published here 2003 22
Wayne Dobson The Crying Game deck changes to onion under handkerchief, card in onion, duplicate
2003 4
Roberto Giobbi Die Karte in der Zitrone deck changes into lemon underneath handkerchief, selection inside lemon
Also published here 2003 3
Jeff McBride Card to Silk
2003 7
Jay Sankey Forbidden Fruit chewing gum changes into selected card
2004 26
Jay Sankey Fire Down Below matchbook changes into actual card, folded like a matchbook with matches attached
2004 110
Michael Ammar, Gary Plants Restored Card To Wallet torn pieces change to credit card, card restored from wallet
2007 282
Simon Lovell Splodge card (or photograph) transforms into four coins
2007 327
Alexander de Cova Karte-Chick? cigarette in mouth transforms into rolled, signed selection, Tom Mullica effect
Inspired byAlso published here 2007 5
Alexander de Cova Karte ist Zigarette cigarette in mouth transforms into rolled, signed selection, Tom Mullica effect
Inspired byAlso published here 2007 1
Alexander de Cova Karte IST Zigarette cigarette in mouth transforms into rolled, signed selection, Tom Mullica effect
Inspired byAlso published here 2010 27
Alexander de Cova Card IS Cigarette cigarette in mouth transforms into rolled, signed selection, Tom Mullica effect
Inspired byAlso published here Jan. 2010 7
Jason Ladanye Lucky Fifty bet proposed to find selection, money changes into selection in Himber Wallet
Variations 2013 33
Alexander de Cova Karte IST Zigarette cigarette in mouth transforms into rolled, signed selection, Tom Mullica effect
Inspired byAlso published here Mar. 2013 36
Alexander de Cova Geldscheine zu Karten stack of bills transforms into deck of playing cards, incomplete faro
Inspired by
  • Steve Dusheck method
Also published here
Sep. 2013 25
Alexander de Cova Barocke Transposition II card in pocket transposes with card reversed in deck, then with bill in wallet
Also published here 2013 8
John Gaughan The Enchanted Coffre
  • The Chamber of Secrets
playing card put in chest, it transforms into small birds
Mar. 2014
Genii (Vol. 77 No. 3)
Alexander de Cova Geldscheine zu Karten stack of bills transforms into deck of playing cards, incomplete faro
Also published here 2015 224
Alexander de Cova Karte ist Zigarette cigarette in mouth transforms into rolled, signed selection, Tom Mullica effect
Inspired byAlso published here 2015 105
Alexander de Cova Barocke Transposition card in pocket transposes with card reversed in deck, then with bill in wallet
Also published here 2015 110
Roberto Giobbi Card in Lemon deck changes into lemon underneath handkerchief, selection inside lemon
Inspired byAlso published here 2016 211
Adrian Vega Ending CardBox case changes to a printed jumbo card where "The End" is written on it
2017 83
Kieron Johnson Lolly 2.0 cards with words on them, one chosen, it says lolly, in flash of fire a lolly appears, cards in case also change to lollies
Related to 2018 32
Kieron Johnson Flower Power cards with words on them, one chosen, it says flower, in flash of fire a flower appears, cards in case change to soil which is dumped out and flower planted into it
Related to 2018 61
José Carroll Card Pages deck of cards changes into notebook
Also published here 2019 108
José Carroll The Entradita packet of cards changed into dollar bills
2019 265
Alberto de Figueiredo El edificio card comes to the top, deck transforms into Omni Deck
2019 235
Michael Ammar, Gary Plants Ammar's No Good At Titles selection torn, pieces change into credit card, restored card minus one corner is found in wallet
June 2022
Elixir (Vol. 3 No. Florida Issue Part One)
Nick Diffatte, Brett Cakerice Tea Bag card peeked at, tea bag found in case, tea bag in cup of tea changed into folded playing card attached to the string
  • Alternative Handling (with psychological riffle force)
2022 83
Rune Klan Coins Across Cards Three Fly followed by coins transforming into cards
Also published here 2022 119
Luis Otero Card to Bill card changes to dollar bill
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Dec. 2006
2022 569
Danny Archer Knee Delay coin produced from behind knee is changed into deck of cards
Also published here
  • MAGIC, May 2007
2022 617
Steve Skomp Wood Wonder block of wood is removed from card case, wood changes into deck
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Dec. 2008
2022 812
Adam Wilber Cash Card card changes visually into dollar bill, card then found in wallet
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Jan. 2012
2022 1091
Tom Hodgson Cashed Monte Queen in monte routine changes into dollar bill, and bill visibly into the Queen
Also published here
  • MAGIC, May 2013
2022 1203
Jean-Pierre Vallarino Card or Money signed selection visually changes into dollar bill, bill placed into clip of pen and changes back to card with a twist of the pen
2022 221
Brandon Sheffield Coin to Folded Card Transformation visual
June 2023
The Hermit (Vol. 2 No. 6)
Mortenn Christiansen Stage Coin Vanish + Metal Detector coin vanishes and reappears multiple times, using electronic metal detector, card-to-coin ending
2023 44
Pedro Lacerda A Card or a Coin Trick? signed card to wallet with gag prediction presentation, card changes to jumbo Chinese coin, card is found back in wallet
2023 184