65 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Traveling / Card(s) to impossible Location / Matchbox
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Franklin M. Chapman A Sure Bet card to matchbox, folded
Also published here 1936 7
Card in the Matchbox duplicate
1938 231
Franklin M. Chapman By Request signed card to matchbox, folded
Also published here Apr. 1939
Chap's Scrapbook (Vol. 1 No. 10)
George G. Kaplan Kaplan's Clock Trick card from circle to matchbox, thirteen duplicates
Related toVariationsAlso published here Feb. 1945 99
George G. Kaplan Kaplan's Clock Trick card from circle to matchbox, thirteen duplicates
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1948 72
Ted Danson The Seance Card Trick Mini card matching selection appears in previously empty matchbox
Also published here 1953 27
Matt Schulien Card in the Matchbook
Variations 1959 132
Tom Batchelor Three Card Location first two cards are found folded in half in the deck one by one, third card folded in quarters in matchbox
1971 41
Barry Govan Match Card card vanishes and miniature cards appears in matchbook held by a spectator
Sep. 1975
Pabular (Vol. 2 No. 1)
Edward Marlo Signed Card to Matchbox one box, one handed loading
1979 309
Eugene Burger Traveling Card
  • (A) With a Fire Purse
  • (B) With a Matchbox
Also published here 1982 89
John Carney Card in Matchbox lighter changes to matchbox into which the selected card ends up (uses duplicate)
VariationsAlso published here 1983 27
Michael Ammar Yeast Card ambitious card with card to match book finale, folded
1983 24
Eugene Burger The Card in the Matchbook
Inspired byAlso published here 1983 21
Roy Johnson Klok card vanish among twelve cards, second phase card to matchbox
Inspired byRelated to 1984 7
Ron Hadley Matchbox Load folded card or other item is loaded into matchbox
Related toVariations May 1985 12
Ron Hadley Two Quick Routines with the Matchbox Load
  • Card to Matchbox
  • Bill to Matchbox
May 1985 13
George G. Kaplan Kaplan's Uhren-Trick card from circle to matchbox, thirteen duplicates
Also published here May 1986
Intermagic (Vol. 12 No. 2)
Rick Silberman Im-Atchin-ation multiple phase card to matchbox, using two selections
July 1987
Apocalypse (Vol. 10 No. 7)
Jamy Ian Swiss Wish Fulfillment two selections lost, indifferent card put in matchbook easel changes into first selection, second signed selection found folded in matchbook
Also published here 1987 21
Jamy Ian Swiss Hidden Assistance card in matchbook, animated matchbook phase
Inspired by 1987 36
John Carney Card in Matchbox
Oct. 1988
Apocalypse (Vol. 11 No. 10)
Ben Harris Pyrobox card with signed sticker to matchbox, awkward handling
Related to 1988 27
Ben Harris Pyrobook card to matchbook, card already in it from start, signed while partially covered
Related to 1988 38
Jamy Ian Swiss Wish Fulfillment two selections lost, indifferent card put in matchbook easel changes into first selection, second signed selection found folded in matchbook
Inspired byAlso published here 1988 15
David Harkey Under Fire
Mar. 1989
Apocalypse (Vol. 12 No. 3)
Ben Harris The Strange Little House Upon The Hill card folded to matchbox that opens by itself
Inspired byAlso published here 1990 43
Jamy Ian Swiss Wish Fulfillment two selections lost, indifferent card put in matchbook easel changes into first selection, second signed selection found folded in matchbook
Also published here 1990 19
Ben Harris The Strange Little House Upon The Hill card folded to matchbox that opens by itself
Also published here 1990 7
Tom Mullica The Apple Trick card under ashtray, one in matchbook and one to apple with apple ventriloquism bit
1992 114
Helge Thun Matchbox Trilogy three loading methods
Related toAlso published here July 1993
Apocalypse (Vol. 16 No. 7)
Scott Wells A Perfect Match card to matchbox
Nov./Dec. 1993
The Magic Menu (Vol. 4 No. 20)
Alexander de Cova Triple Transposition two card transposition with one card in wallet, repeat, then card becomes bill, in wallet are matches and in matchbox the folded card
Inspired byAlso published here 1994 53
Alexander de Cova Triple Transposition two card transposition with one card in wallet, repeat, then card becomes bill, in wallet are matches and in matchbox the folded card
Inspired byAlso published here 1994 28
Peter Duffie Folded and Stapled two cards signed and lost, matchbook vanishes, when deck is cut the matchbook is found on lower half stapled to signed selection with second selection inside, hollow block gaff
1994 [3]
Mark Sicher The Daredevil's Match folded card in matchbook
Sep. 1996
Apocalypse (Vol. 19 No. 9)
James Swain Card in the Matchbox
Inspired by
  • "Card in the Matchbox" (Tony Giorgio, Genii, late 60s)
1996 24
Michael Ammar Card in Match Book three cards turn out to be the signed selection, then they transform into the mates and selection is found folded in matchbox
1997 44
Helge Thun Bombshell card travels inside a matchbox
Also published here 1998 62
Andreas Affeldt, Helge Thun Loading method for Bombshell (Matchbox) under cover of the jacket
1998 64
Helge Thun Loading method for Bombshell (Matchbox) impromptu
1998 65
Helge Thun Loading method for Bombshell (Matchbox) impromptu, divided into several steps
1998 66
Ted Danson The Seance Card Trick mini card matching selection appears in previously empty matchbox
Also published here 1998 23
Roy Johnson Der Karten-Uhrentrick variation of Kaplan's clock trick
Inspired byRelated to 1998
Intermagic (Vol. 22 No. 1)
Eugene Burger Traveling Card Card to Fire Purse or Matchbox
Also published here 2000 55
Eugene Burger The Card in the Matchbook
Inspired byAlso published here 2000 106
John Carney Card in the Matchbox lighter changes to matchbox into which the selected card ends up (uses duplicate)
Also published here Aug. 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 8)
Scott Wells A Perfect Match ambitious card with match used as wand, card to matchbox as finale
Dec. 2001
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 7)
Jamy Ian Swiss Wish Fulfillment two selections lost, indifferent card put in matchbook easel changes into first selection, second signed selection found folded in matchbook
  • An alternate handling
  • The In-the-Hands routine
Also published here 2002 23
Tony Giorgio The Card in the Matchbox folded, with matchbox switch
May 2003
Genii (Vol. 66 No. 5)
Sean Masterson The Magician's Initiation
2003 341
Gary Plants Card in Matchbox
Inspired by 2004 16
Wesley James The Crand-bler's Prediction "beta", signed card to matchbox
2004 327
Ron Frost Striking Resemblance Matchbox used to find first selection, second selection found in matchbox
2004 135
Jay Sankey World's Smallest Magic Wand card folded to match box
2004 108
Michael Ammar The Matched Card packet changes to duplicates of selections, card found folded in matchbook
2007 277
Julian Dixon The Card in Matchbox selection vanishes and appears folded in matchbox
2009 8
Jamy Ian Swiss Wish Fulfillment two selections lost, indifferent card put in matchbook easel changes into first selection, second signed selection found folded in matchbook
Also published here 2011 13
Gabi Pareras Viajes Imposibles two signed selections one is found using clock trick, second card folded in matchbox
2014 25
Philipp Ganglberger Karte in Streichholzschachtel folded card to matchbox
Inspired by 2018 32
Helge Thun Acht Voraus! four signed cards lost and found in different ways, they change into Aces, original cards found in different spots (folded in match box, wallet, case, sealed deck)
2019 40
Helge Thun Die Taschen voller Geschenke seven cards selected, six are found in different ways and lost again, then those six cards are removed from different pockets, last card folded in match box
2022 47
Helge Thun Karte in Streichholzschachtel - 3 Lademethoden three loading methods for folded signed card in match box
  • Lademethode 1 (im Jackett)
  • Lademethode 2 (Impromptu)
  • Lademethode 3
Also published here 2023 49
Helge Thun Duplikat Travellers travelers in which deck travels to pocket, another card appears folded in matchbox and one in another deck that a spectator has been holding from the start
2023 64
Helge Thun Verschachtelt four signed Kings travel folded into matchbox one by one, then matchbox vanishes with a signed King and both reappear inside card case that spectator holds since the beginning
2023 86