700 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Location / Multiple Cards
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Faire tirer des cartes par différentes personnes; les bien mêler ensemble par différents mélanges; montrer ensuite qu'elles ne sont ni dessus ni dessous, et les tirer du jeu d'un coup de main four selected cards are found after the deck has been shuffled with four air-pressure turnover revelations, nine classic passes are involved
1786 127
Third Method spectators remember cards and their positions
1876 44
Blindfold Location multiple cards by touch
1889 39
Gordon Wigan To Change Three Cards, placed in the Pocket of a Spectator, into Three Others previously chosen
Related to 1890 48
Die Karten in der Brusttasche No. 1, deck placed in breast pocket of spectator, selections from another deck inserted in pocketed deck, performer takes them out by touch, one deck slightly bigger
1895 3
Der Kartenkünstler als Hellseher No. 34, four cards chosen, deck placed in spectator's pocket, number named, cards removed and card at that number is first selection, repeated three more times
1895 40
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Non plus ultra several cards chosen, placed under handkerchief, then shuffled into deck, found by performer, cards punched on the fly
1896 35
Noli me tangere several cards on table, spectators turn cards end for end and performer identifies which ones, one-way punch mark
1896 36
Der allwissende Künstler four selections shuffled into deck, piles made and selection choses pile with selections
1896 79
Das mathematische Mischen - 2. second application, two cards chosen among ten card packet and then located
1896 119
Four Cards Caught At The Finger Tips duplicates
1897 103
Carl Willmann Die Karte aus der Brusttasche deck placed in pocket, cards removed one by one, at named position the selection is removed, also with multiple selections
Jan. 1901
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 7 No. 1)
Phantome Das Herausfinden zweier von einer fremden Person gezogenen Karten aus dem Spiel two cards found behind back, duplicates
Nov. 1903
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 9 No. 11)
Divination Extraordinaire ten cards chosen and returned, performer deals deck into four piles, one contains all selections
1909 173
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Gleiche Gedanken (Erste Ausführung) two cards are selected from a deck, performer finds same card in second deck placed in his pocket
VariationsAlso published here 1910 6
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Gleiche Gedanken (Zweite Ausführung) two selections shuffled back, performer locates first card from another deck in his pocket, it changes into second selection which is given away
Also published here 1910 178
Donald Holmes Effect No. 2 three cards chosen and replaced, deck put in hat and mixed (lateral mixing motion), performer removes selections from hat one by one
1913 12
Louis F. Christianer The Sensitive Thumb several cards lost in deck, performer riffles down and thumb drags out the selections one by one
1917 3
Louis F. Christianer The Conjuror's Touch three selections are shuffled back, deck put into handkerchief which is shaken to mix up cards, performer reaches in and finds cards one by one, secret pocket in silk, optional penetration of last card
1919 15
Louis F. Christianer My Favorite Trick two cards selected, first comes to top and is then placed on floor under foot of spectator, it reappears face up in deck and under foot is now the second selection
Related to 1919 17
Charles T. Jordan The New Pack Detection No. 7, deck is split in two and two cards selected and exchanged, both cards are divined
Also published here 1920 15
Oswald Rae A Novel Card Effect two selections are produced under handkerchief, duplicates
1926 9
Louis Nikola A Subtle Game arranging memorized deck stack in front of spectators, calling out cards until selections remain in the spectators's hands
Related toAlso published here 1927 44
Jack Merlin Another Red and Black Effect a red card and a black card are selected, after the shuffle the deck is separated and in one hand are all red cards and the black selection and in the other hand vice versa
1927/28 11
Jack Merlin Vibrating Cards three selection produced one handed from the middle of the deck, pulled out with the thumb one by one
1927/28 13
Dual Detection two cards chosen by stabbing another card in the deck, deck dealt into four piles and assembled, deck cut and both cards found at two previously predicted numbers
1928 8
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die gehorsamen Karten in der Tasche des Zuschauers deck placed inside pocket of spectator, performer removes three selections at three named numbers
1930 86
Theodore Annemann A Couple of Cards Get Together two selections come together on top despite the spectator's overhand shuffle
Related to 1934 20
A Coincidence No. 15, piles made on table to select two cards, after they have been assembled the are found again with Tantalizer deal
1935 18
Victor Farelli Loo Lung or The Chinese Coin magician locates two cards by a lot of dealing and equivoque to eliminate piles, with a bit of gambling theme (Euchre and Loo Lung)
1936 44
Franklin M. Chapman, Harry Bernard Vanishing Deck three cards chosen, one found behind back, deck covered with handkerchief, other two cards found and deck vanishes
1936 5
Peculiarities of the Pasteboards three selections, one spelt to, one appears on top, one reversed
1937 48
Theodore Annemann A Couple of Cards Get Together two selections come together on top despite the spectator's overhand shuffle, pencil dot card
Related to 1937 82
The Three Heaps three key cards
1937 84
Devilish Cards three selections, three key cards
1937 90
The Quartette four cards chosen and spelled out
1937 92
, Alexander Herrmann Stage Location three selections found in spectator's pockets, one by spectator himself, variation of Alexander Herrmann's "The Egyptian Pocket"
1937 97
Donald Holmes Ne Plus Ultra five cards controlled to known positions via dealing procedure
1937 178
J. F. Orrin From a Hat finding cards with deck in hat, Menetekel Deck
1937 258
Finding any Number of Selected Cards at Once or Separately basic stripper deck application
1937 265
Card from Spectator's Pocket deck put in spectator's pocket, cards located therein, stripper deck
1937 267
Finding Three Cards stripper deck
1937 276
R. M. Jamison Elimination two card found via multiple dealing procedure, "Thirty Card Elimination", reprinted from Sphinx, May 1935
Related to 1937 334
Charles T. Jordan The Master Riddle six (or so) cards are fairly lost, then found
Also published here 1937 344
Triple Card Mystery three cards
1937 350
Theodore Annemann Mind or Muscle two cards located in spread, third card named, stacked deck and forcing deck
Also published here Aug. 1937
The Jinx (Issue 35)
Three Chosen Cards Discovered from Shuffled Pack in a Hat menetekel deck
1938 439
Professor Hoffmann A Triple Discovery three selections are located twice, stripper deck
1938 457
L. Vosburgh Lyons Mental Rescue two spectators have five cards each and exchange one, performer divines it
Related toVariationsAlso published here Apr. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 55)
The Razzle Dazzler combo
1940 266
Three in One using one hand only, different discoveries
1940 279
Double Discovery two-card catch
1940 308
Theodore Annemann The Whistle two cards reverse with fun presentation
Variations Feb. 1940
The Jinx (Issue 80)
Herb Runge Hidden Mystery two cards selected with dealing procedure, performer places another card next to them one by one
Related toAlso published here Mar. 1940
The Jinx (Issue 83)
Kent Arthur Pastiche card selected, another turns over, third selection predicted
The Jinx (Issue 106)
The Great Maurice Card Finesse two cards lost, deck covered in paper, selections come to top and bottom, duplicates in paper
The Jinx (Issue 109)
Charles Arbuthnot Double Key Location
The Jinx (Issue 116)
Jack Vosburgh Help from Hades three cards selected, and written on paper and lost, found again with pieces of paper, miscall
The Jinx (Issue 121)
Louis Lam A Miracle in Cards two cards and their positions are noted, one by performer and one by spectator, cards are eventually found
1940 6
Eddie Joseph Almost a Miracle two selections are found, with apparent failure
Related to 1940 ca. 11
The Thoughtful Joker double key card location
1941 241
A "Sense of Touch" Discovery cards are shuffled in hat, performer "feels" selections
1941 243
Eddie Joseph "The Gambler Gets Your Cards" four selection pushed in different parts, performer finds them by riffling to them one by one
1941 5
Tony Kardyro Sensational Sensitive Finger Tips several cards chosen and replaced, performer finds all of them in his pocket
Related to 1941 10
Tony Kardyro Routine Using the "Total Mystery" and "Sensational Sensitive Finger Tips" combination of both routines
1941 10
Tony Kardyro Sensational Sensitive Finger Tips (Second Effect) five cards named, removed and then lost, deck put in spectator's pocket and found there by performer
1941 11
Edward Marlo Imitation of Scarne thumb digs in deck and drags card out
1942 7
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue The Silver Trick date on coin is used to count down to four selections
1942 15
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue A Four Card Discovery return of selections with rubber banded deck, four cards found in pocket
1942 30
Clayton Rawson Scrambled Thoughtwaves two cards are selected and deck put into pocket, cards transform into the thoughts of the spectator's (stripper, famous actor etc.) cards are eventually found and deck is normal again
Mar. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 3)
Eddie Joseph A Double Location two-card version of previous location, with variations:
  • the two selections come next to each other
  • several men choose the same card, women also
Inspired by 1942 15
Jonny Geist Nummer XYZ three numbers named and cards counted to table, bottom cards are selections
Sep. 1942
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 4 No. 9)
Martin Gardner, Bob Hummer Paper Clip Discovery chosen cards found to be paper clipped together with a message on them
Also published here 1942 12
Bruce Elliott Psychic Ammeter card stand with arrow, arrow points to two selections without being touched
Apr. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 32)
Art Lyle Cute Cut three selections are cut to
June 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 37)
Art Lyle The Similarity Is In the Difference spectators write names on blank cards, deck in pocket, cards are found
Oct. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 44)
Brooks' Card Trick Herbert Brooks?, several cards selected and they travel into pocket after spectators shuffled them in themselves, narrow deck
1943 6
James G. Thompson Jr. Yoo Hoo, Dear! several cards are remembered by putting a knife somewhere in the deck
May 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 60)
John Mulholland Red/Black Location standard location of two cards using red/black setup
Related to 1944 22
John Mulholland To Know How Many Cards Are Taken From the Deck cards taken in a group, cut deck at location of removal and sight top and bottom cards, magician says number of cards drawn and names each one
1944 50
John Mulholland The Fortune Telling Cards deck is cut into three piles and top cards are set aside face down, packets are turned face up and magician gives a “reading” based on the bottom cards, then divines the three cards
1944 51
John Mulholland Combined Tricks begin with Hungry Jackass stack, deal into two piles to go into “Red/Black Location”, see references
Related to 1944 135
Theodore Annemann Mind or Muscle? two cards located in spread, third card named, stacked deck and forcing deck
Also published here 1944 268
L. Vosburgh Lyons Mental Rescue two spectators have five cards each and exchange one, performer divines it
Also published here 1944 293
Edward Marlo Triple Routine
1945 16
Edward Marlo Night Club Routine three Cards with prediction finish
1945 17
Dolf Rudin Just Think of One two cards are found
1945 30
Jerry Sorensen That's the Way They're Done four cards are found, one with Martin Gardner's "Lie Detector Test"
1945 33
Eugene Bernstein Sensitive Fingers five selected cards are found by touch alone
1945 72
Martin Gardner Spread, Shuffle, Spread one to ten cards are removed from a spread and replaced in the other half, after a shuffle all cards are found, sharp/round index divided deck
1945 89
L. Vosburgh Lyons Mental Rescue two spectators have five cards each and exchange one, performer divines it
Also published here 1945 96
Arthur H. Buckley A Brilliant Climax (My Pet Effect) Experiment No. 28 - four selections are produced which change to Aces and back in a kick-back-kind effect
1946 185
Arthur H. Buckley Quintuplets Experiment No. 31 - five cards
1946 193
Out of the Hat deck placed in hat, bottom flicked, four selections jump out of hat
Early Marlo (Issue Marlo's Discoveries)
Neal Elias Zingone Spread Poker Deal idea
Inspired by 1946 16
Wernoli Liebe Freunde! solution for "Phantom-Trick", selections are found in bag
Related to 1946
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 8 No. 2)
J. B. Bobo Name Your Cards here spelled "Bo Bo", piles made on table to select two cards, after they have been assembled the are found again with Tantalizer deal
1946 42
W. T. Williard Twenty Card Sequel Joker pushed in twenty-card packet and cards on either side remembered, they are eventually found
1946 47
Edward Marlo Mar Locato two cards
1947 41
James Auer Three Linked Discoveries location of three thought of cards
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1947)
J. B. Bobo Two Backward Cards performer stabs card reversed between two selections behind his back
1947 42
J. B. Bobo Double Discovery performer stabs card reversed between two selections
1947 48
Walter Behm Trio three selections, one placed in envelope with thread and blank card is found with pips on thread, second is placed in paper cone and pierced with knife, and picture of third selection is revealed with cut newspaper
Also published here 1947
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 8 No. 3&4)
George G. Kaplan Mind-Reading with Two Subjects two card location using the corner-short
1948 46
George G. Kaplan Crystal Clairvoyance featuring a napkin force
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1948 179
Bert Allerton Allerton's Amazing Aces four selections cut to one by one, they change into aces
1948 3
Bill Simon Tnuoc two selections, one is found by cutting to indicator card, second reverses in the middle of the deck
Apr. 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 148)
Martin Gardner Hand to Hand two card location, similar to Hofzinser's two card catch, deck half face up, half face down
Also published here Nov. 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 163)
Tan Hock Chuan R. & S. One-Way Deck partial rough-smooth
1948 13
Arthur H. Buckley The Triple Climax three cards selected, stop trick with first card (tip for not dealing too long), changes into second card, third card to spectator's pocket
VariationsAlso published here 1948 161
Norman Houghton Humoring the Hobbyist two selections are lost in the deck, three cards and center card is reversed packet cut into the center and performer holds it behind back, when placed on table two selections are found next to reversed card
Sep. 1948 464
Arthur H. Buckley Slap Cards cards peeked at, deck shuffled, the cards appear on the face of the deck one by one
1948 127
Arthur H. Buckley A Triple Climax three cards selected, stop trick with first card (tip for not dealing too long), changes into second card, third card to spectator's pocket
Also published here 1948 136
Arthur H. Buckley From the Pocket spectator finds two selections with deck in his pocket, two duplicates
1948 160
Paul LePaul An Unexpected Climax deck split into two and each half placed inside pocket, two selections are found, first selection changes to third selection as climax
Variations 1949 155
Paul LePaul Color Segregation
1949 169
John Hamilton Of the Phoenix
May 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 177)
Dr. William T. Palchinas Skill-Nil! combination of several routines, here as Palchanis
  • Pay Off (Walter Gibson)
  • One Good Trick (Walter Gibson)
  • A Total Mystery (Tony Kardyro)
  • Total Mystery / Sensational Sensitive Finger Tips (Tony Kardyro)
  • Card-Incidence (Charles Terraneau)
Related to Aug. 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 183)
Four-Ace Production Deck placed in pocket, can extract and locate four Aces
1949 30
Clayton Rawson The Weight of Thought two cards are located, see p. 611 for corrections
Nov. 1949 600
Walter Behm Trio three selections, one placed in envelope with thread and blank card is found with pips on thread, second is placed in paper cone and pierced with knife, and picture of third selection is revealed with cut newspaper
three selections, one placed in envelope with thread and blank card is found with pips on thread, second is placed in paper cone and pierced with knife, and picture of third selection is revealed with cut newspaper
Also published here 1949
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 10 No. 1)
Joe Stuthard Cutting Several Selected Cards
1949 18
Joe Stuthard Trick with an Accomplice cards chosen and lost from assistant, performer then finds them
1949 20
Eddie Joseph Double Prediction two cards are found, spelling prediction
1949 ca. 6
Clayton Rawson In One Second Flat saliva, two cards are found
Also published here Feb. 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 196)
Franklin V. Taylor Double Stop two cards, see p. 793 for additional ideas by Al Forsythe
VariationsAlso published here Feb. 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 197)
The Great Maurice The Cards and the Handkerchief three selections fall out of the deck when covered with handkerchief
Oct. 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 213)
Paul Rosini The Peek Trick spectator peeks a card, performer asks whether she really saw one as misdirection to control it, another is peeked, second found, changes in first
1950 46
John Hamilton The Australian Deal two cards are found twice by means of the down under deal
Variations Apr. 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 227)
Toni Koynini A.B.C. Dealer four bridge hands dealt, top card of one pile is a Ten, first spectator counts down to tenth card, remembers it, tells his value to next one and so on for three selections, cards forced and dealt into performer's hand
1951 10
Eddie Joseph Give Me Another Chance selection not found after slop shuffle, second selection made, then both found
1951 6
Eddie Joseph Triple Discovery three cards lost and revealed, slop shuffle triumph climax
1951 11
Eddie Joseph What's Your Card - Take It Away four cards chosen, lost, honest slop shuffle to mix cards face-up/face-down, performer cuts to cards
1951 25
Rolf Andra Die rätselhafte Zusammenkunft performer's and spectator's selection are found
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 12 No. 6)
Edward Marlo Multiple Production Sequence suggestion for five cards
1952 94
Bill Simon Four Card Locations deck divided in two, number named cards found at that number from top and bottom of each packet
1952 89
Robert Parrish Accordion Reverse every other card openly reversed, spectator remembers one face-to-face pair which is replaced, performer separates cards behind his back except selections
1952 20
Oscar Weigle Double Duty two cards in two halves chosen by performer and spectator by removing some cards, counting them and remembering a card at that position, later both halves are dealt in unison and reversed cards show up at the position of the selections
1952 37
Dr. Jacob Daley Triple Thought three key cards, hindu shuffle placements
1952 59
Howard A. Adams Trilemma three phase routine
  • two mentally selected cards change places
  • two mentally selected cards end up in performer's pocket
  • five mentally selected cards are found
Variations May 1953
The Phoenix (Issue 280)
John Barc Sockard three selections, socks are used to find cards
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1954)
Stewart James Spelling Location two selection, one is found by spelling first card
1954 4
Stewart James Seven Wonders several cards are chosen via dealing packets themes around the number seven, they are eventually found
1954 4
Howard A. Adams Casting the Future multiple cards prediction with two dice
VariationsAlso published here Dec. 1955
The New Phoenix (Issue 334)
P. Howard Lyons Prak-Tekel Hand Control dealing two hands from a Menetekel deck, cards chosen from one hand are divined or located by touch in pocket
Nov. 1955
Ibidem (Issue 4)
Franklin V. Taylor Double Stop two cards
Also published here 1956 106
Martin Gardner Hand to Hand two card location, similar to Hofzinser's two card catch, deck half face up, half face down, cards are thrown several times
Also published here 1956 112
Lu Brent Peek-A-Boo! Card Location Two spectators peek at two cards, magician divines/locates them, bold magician peek
1956 11
Lu Brent "U-Find-Our-Cards" Spectator stabs face-up card in deck behind the back, found between two selected cards
Related to 1956 21
Lu Brent Sight-Unseen Magician stabs card face-up into deck, finds three selections
Related to 1956 24
Rolf Andra Zwei Karten zeigen sich magisch performer's and spectator's selections are found, cards are reversed in small packets
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 17 No. 2)
Jack Avis, Cy Endfield, Roy Walton Three From Three
  • Effect No. 1: three card location, one reversed others next to it
  • Effect No. 2: off-beat card location, pocket
  • Effect No. 3: multiple transformation
Related toVariations 1957
The New Phoenix (Issue 345)
Dai Vernon Cocktail Cards cards are mixed in hat, yet three cards are found
1959 10
Edward Marlo Impromptu Power two selections, performer makes two piles and selections are at same position in each pile
1959 37
Al Leech A Triple Discovery first card rises to the top and transforms in the second and third selected card
Variations 1959 17
Terry Guyatt Mental Card Trick four cards are found, each gets six card and thinks of one, then cards are put together, shuffled and packets shown, when someone sees his card, the performer knows which one
1959 318
Edward Marlo The 8 Card Wonder: Effect #1 "Discovery of two freely chosen cards", two cards chosen with down-under deal from an eight-card packet
Mar. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 16)
Edward Marlo The 8 Card Wonder: Effect #2 "Performer apparently finds four selected cards. Shows an idea in Re-Forcing", down-under deal with an eight-card packet
Mar. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 16)
Malcolm Davison Finding the Lady is Easy three signed blank cards, two are found by performer and third one turns out to be the blank card held by spectator since the beginning
1960 76
Jack Avis The Devilish Die two card selected with top and bottom numbers of rolled die, both are eventually located
Variations Oct. 1960
Ibidem (Issue 22)
Bill Simon Double Play Ace of Spades cut into deck, the cards above and below are shown to be indifferent cards, they change into selections
Dec. 1961
Ibidem (Issue 24)
Dr. Alfredo Florensa Doble Pensamiento using two decks, two cards are thought of and divined by performer
1961 20
Edward Marlo Double Peek Face Up Locators two cards fingertip peeked, performer reverses two cards behind back which lie next to both selections
1962 52
Harry Lorayne Location Supreme three card location, then another two cards, divided deck (pictures and Aces on top)
Related toVariations 1962 24
Francis Carlyle, Harry Lorayne Personally Yours three cards are located by stabbing business card in deck one by one
1962 125
Harry Lorayne Four-in-Hand four selections found, change to Aces, selections to pocket
1962 245
Jochen Zmeck Das Mene-Tekel-Spiel roughed short/long menetekel and applications
1. card to top
2. card through table
3. divination
4. rising card
5. card to pocket
6. card travels between two slates
7. having multiple cards chosen
1962 21
Milton Kort Kortially Yours Vernon's Variant type of effect, each person handed five cards and cards are turned face up and down (do as i do), in the end all the cards are face down except their selection
Related to 1962 7
Edward Marlo Two-Card Location with Shoot two cards chosen, first one tossed on table and then turned face down
  • First Alternative (second selection removed from pocket, then it transposes with tabled card)
  • Second Alternative (first card is found again reversed in deck, tabled card is now second selection)
Sep. 1962
Ibidem (Issue 26)
Edward Marlo Excerpts From Two Letters "The Total Principle"
two card selected with two numbers, both are eventually located, or named
Inspired by Oct. 1962
Ibidem (Issue 27)
Stewart James Bestop cards next to card stopped at turn out to be two selections
Nov. 1962
The New Jinx (Vol. 1 No. 7)
Paul Marcus A Southern Exposure three selections are found with matches
Mar. 1963
The New Phoenix (Issue 378)
Edward Marlo Nine and Ten Card Faro Control using a locator card
1964 27
Edward Marlo Stay Stack Peek two cards peeked at, behind back performer reverses card, it's between the two selections, Marlo's Peek Deck
1964 34
Edward Marlo Triple Packet Disclosure cutting three packets, distributing three selections on top, with variations
The Patented Shuffle (Issue 2 Slip Cut)
Robert E. Neale Sensually Stacked finding four cards in different ways and stacking the deck secretly, cards removed from face-up spread one by one
Inspired by
  • five-card location in Sardina's The Magic of Rezvani
Dec. 1965
Ibidem (Issue 31)
Stephen Fernandes Glide-iator card under hand transforms into selection, second selection found reversed in the deck
Apr. 1966
The New Jinx (Vol. 4 No. 48)
Harry Lorayne The Flip-Over Locator three selections
VariationsAlso published here 1967 20
Gene Finnell Togetherness Repeat cutting to two selected cards
1967 4
Jim Ryan Vice-Versa two spectators get the wrong card, then they transpose, duplicate
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1968 79
Edward Marlo Effect 5 two selections, two cards shown but only one selection, other one transforms into second selection
1968 15
Edward Marlo Effect 11 - Double Whammy three selections found with transformation surprise
1968 19
Karl Fulves Four Sided Triangle "Cards & Dice", three cards selected behind back according to roll of three dice, two located and one divined
Jan. 1968 152
Eddie Fields P-O-P Effect double card location using P-O-P Peek
Inspired byAlso published here 1968 52
Ken De Courcy Round the World with a Pack of Cards comedic routine in which multiple selections are found or divined with prop effects that are assigned to different countries, among the apparatus are: egg beater, card in balloon, snake basket
1968 1
Karl Fulves Example 13 two spectators note cards in a packet, after some questions and shuffling they are on the top, gray code and faro
Faro & Riffle Technique (Issue Gray Codes)
Karl Fulves Example 14 two spectators note cards in a packet, after some questions and shuffling they are on the top, gray code and faro
Faro & Riffle Technique (Issue Gray Codes)
Arthur Hill Tri-Find three cards chosen and initialed, they are found via a procedure and with a display stand, see also p. 270 for reference
July 1969 271
Edward Marlo Multiple Fan Jog Effect three cards are thrust into fan, next to three selections
1970 89
Edward Marlo A Complex Problem two cards turn over and are used to count down to three selections in two piles
Related toVariations 1970 127
Edward Marlo Reversed Selected Locators four cards selected, two turn over and their value counts to other two selections
Related to 1970 134
Dick Koester, Allan Ackerman Smyth Myth Retold cards are shuffled face up into face down, pairs put on the table, when one spectator sees his card he says stop, the other card face down is the second selection
1970 33
Bill Derman Quick Trick small packet cut and shown which contains selection, all cards but selection vanish, then card changes to second selection
July 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 20)
Karl Fulves Klondike Notes two card location with Klondike Shuffle
Related to 1971 17
Jerry K. Hartman Down & Deal "Two Tricks" No. 2
three or more spectators select cards and receive packets, they all do down-under-deals simultaneously and end up with selections
Also published here Apr. 1971 414
Jerry K. Hartman Notes on 3 Card Catch three selection, found with four aces
Inspired byRelated to Oct. 1971
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 6 No. 12)
Peter Kane The Faro Five Ace to Five given to five spectators who also select a card, all back in deck, after a few shuffles the reversed number cards are next to the selections
1971 15
Roy Walton Helpmates two selections turn over with the help of two random cards which also turn over
Also published here 1971 9
Roy Walton Demi Demon mates are found, faro
VariationsAlso published here 1971 24
Tom Batchelor Three Card Location first two cards are found folded in half in the deck one by one, third card folded in quarters in matchbox
1971 41
Earl Keyser Reversed Colors 32 cards used, red and black cards are selected and deck faro shuffled, colors are then separated with odd selections in odd color sections
July 1971
Talisman (Vol. 2 No. 17)
Alex Elmsley, Roy Walton As A Triple Card Revelation Expansion Notes, faro and twenty-six key
Mar. 1972
Epilogue (Issue 14)
Doc Mifflin Double Barrel two card location, first card turns into second card
1972 81
The Pack Vanishes all cards vanish except two selections
1972 84
Gerald Kosky Tattle-Tale
Also published here 1972 89
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Variation Three Card Peek Discovery No. 259, control sequence for three cards, presumably positioning them for some revelation sequence that's not given
1972 65
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Riffle Quadruple Peek Poker Deal Demonstration No. 296, four cards peeked at and then are found in one hand of five-hand poker deal, peek force and dropping five cards on every peek
1972 76
Gerald Kosky Kosky's Card Discovery No. 417, Poker Player's Picnic with four selections
1972 113
Three Card Discovery Reverse Card Routine No. 521, three cards chosen and found in different ways, sandwich and turnover of cards
Related to 1972 146
Dr. Jacob Daley Triple Peek Finish No. 535, note too short
Related to 1972 151
Frank Garcia Vanishing Deck two card located, deck under handkerchief, rest vanishes, lapping
1973 50
Francis Haxton Impromptu Unlimited four chosen card buried in deck, joker placed on top attracts the selections to top one by one
Inspired by Sep. 1973
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 8 No. 11)
Gene Finnell Strictly to Enhance Your Imagination Aces lost and found, then two selections found and deck separated into reds and blacks, faro
Related to 1973 36
Rolf Andra Geheimnisvolles Zusammentreffen two selections end up together
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 34 No. 3)
Jerry Mentzer Three Card Surprise three card location with surprise transposition climax
1974 38
Bill Okal Alternate Presentation Three Card Surprise three card location with surprise transposition climax
Inspired by 1974 44
Jerry Mentzer Applications three selections
1974 116
Roy Walton The Magic Lesson "Two Down-Under Routines"
four selections from fifteen-card packet made and found with down-under deal
Also published here Jan. 1974 699
Martin Gardner Von Hand zu Hand two card location, similar to Hofzinser's two card catch, deck half face up, half face down
Also published here Oct. 1974
Intermagic (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Clayton Rawson In einer einzigen Sekunde saliva, two cards are found
Also published here Oct. 1974
Intermagic (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Jerry K. Hartman Multiple Turnovers two selections lost in deck, packets are cut into hand, alternating face up and face down throughout deck until all is reassembled, deck is spread and all cards face same way except both selections
Also published here 1974 28
Jochen Zmeck Das Gehirn des Teufels three cards chosen, positions of all three cards named one by one, last card cut to by performer
Inspired by
  • Howard Albright routine
1974 5
Martin A. Nash A New Peek Quicky three (or more), see p. 443 for additional crediting
1975 62
Richard Kaufman An Instant Three-Card Location
1975 87
Jerry K. Hartman, Roy Walton Mock Turtle cards on face of deck change into selections
Inspired by 1975
Epilogue (Issue Special No 1)
Francis Haxton Paired Choice in two piles of cards, two selected cards are found at the same position
Jan. 1975
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Stewart Judah Elimination Discovery Some weird dealing trick to locate two cards mixed into six piles of five cards
1975 218
Jerry Mentzer Card Combinations all backs followed by a two card revelation
1975 8
Charles T. Jordan The New Pack Detection deck is split in two and two cards selected and exchanged, both cards are divined
Also published here 1975 25
Charles T. Jordan The Master Riddle six (or so) cards are fairly lost, then found
Also published here 1975 64
Charles T. Jordan The Electrified Strippers stripper & menetekel deck combination
VariationsAlso published here 1975 136
Charles T. Jordan The Utility Pack one half has index corners shortened on all cards and the other half of the deck the non-index corners, cards exchanged between the halves can be found
VariationsAlso published here 1975 184
Bruce Cervon Puzzling Aces
Inspired by 1976 28
Dai Vernon Another Variation four cards selected and shuffled back, spectator takes any four cards which turn out to be selections
1976 3
Bob Haines Four Gone Conclusion two selected cards, four top cards are shown to be all alike, two of the disappear, the two left are now the selected cards
May 1976
Pabular (Vol. 2 No. 9)
Mark Weston The Spinners two selected cards are found by spinning a third one in the air
July 1976
Pabular (Vol. 2 No. 11)
Roy Walton Truth & Consequences five cards, lie detector presentation
Also published here Sep. 1976
Pabular (Vol. 3 No. 1)
Bernard Bilis Joker Finder Joker inserted into deck, inserted in between two selections
1976 20
Charles T. Jordan, Whispering Joker No. 6, Joker inserted in twenty-card packet, card on both sides remembered, placed in two pockets, selections removed by performer
1976 10
The Card Star cards tossed at a star, three cards appear on ends of the star, apparatus
1976 101
Edward Marlo A Three Way Illusion with selections and fair process, credit information on p. 318
1977 312
Fred Robinson Double Denial two cards selected, two different cards shown, both turn into selected ones in the hands of the spectator
Mar./Apr. 1977
Pabular (Vol. 3 No. 7&8)
Philip T. Goldstein 2-4-1
1977 18
J. C. Pages, Jean Faré Delayed Jump Two selections transpose in process of locating them (ending similar to Devilish Miracle)
Related to 1977 16
Harry Lorayne Two-Card Revelation two halves, two cards pushed into other half, face-up/face-down condition, all righten except the two cards, bit like Rosini's Double Reverse
Related to 1977 118
Rolf Andra 1. Eine Buchstabieridee spelling two selections, one from top one from bottom of the deck
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 38 No. 1)
Ken Krenzel Three Transfers three peeked at cards, key cards
1978 60
Ken Krenzel Triple Peek Location
1978 138
Christian Scherer Zweimal two apparently different cards are selected and found by spelling the name, sucker element
1978 20
Christian Scherer Die Allwissende Kreuz Vier two card location, locator card counted and spelled out
1978 61