59 entries in Cards / Sleights / Estimation / Natural Estimation
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Theodore Annemann Eagle Location risky location in which spectator shuffles his own card back
Related to May 1939
The Jinx (Issue 56)
Edward Marlo Throw in Location thumb riffle estimation to nineteenth/twentieth position, two methods
Related toAlso published here 1955
The New Phoenix (Issue 329)
Edward Marlo Side Riffle Estimation left thumb riffles down to same spot
Also published here 1955
The New Phoenix (Issue 329)
Edward Marlo Pull Down Estimation left thumb pulls down to same spot, see second method
Also published here 1955
The New Phoenix (Issue 329)
Edward Marlo First Method forced estimation, fishing
Related toVariations 1956 5
Edward Marlo Faro Fooler #8 using natural estimation
Related to 1958 56
Edward Marlo Automatic Cut Principle left thumb pulls down on left side
1958 57
Edward Marlo Estimation Placement left thumb breaks deck at estimated place
1961 34
Edward Marlo Natural Estimation comments
1962 15
Edward Marlo Side Riffle Estimation left thumb riffles down to same spot
Related toAlso published here 1962 16
Edward Marlo Throw in Location, First Method card is thrown next to selection
Also published here 1962 16
Edward Marlo Pull Down Estimation left thumb pulls down to same spot
Related toAlso published here 1962 17
Edward Marlo Throw in Location, Second Method magician's card is placed next to selection
Also published here 1962 17
Edward Marlo Back End Riffle Estimation on the table, tossed-next-to-selection effect
Related to 1962 18
Edward Marlo The Cut Estimate cutting off the same number of card, tabled or in-the-hands, Ace cutting application
Variations 1962 19
Edward Marlo Visual Retention Estimate estimating visual size instead of number
1962 20
Edward Marlo Fingertip Riffle Peek Estimation "Forced Estimation", Pinch Check
Related toVariations 1962 20
Edward Marlo The Sudden Stop fingertip peek control, "Forced Estimation"
Related to 1962 21
Edward Marlo The Fan Spread Estimate spread count estimation between the hands
1962 22
Edward Marlo Estimation and the Glimpse card fingertip peeked at estimated position, glimpsed and break dropped, can be controlled by knowing its approximate position
Variations 1962 34
Edward Marlo Color Eliminator plus Fingertip Peek estimated fingertip peek force, color known by Color Eliminator principle
1962 36
Edward Marlo Fingertip Location fingertip peeked at card is located, estimation and key
1962 42
Edward Marlo Triple Estimation Peek three key cards start out at different positions
  • Method 2 (only one key card)
1962 42
Edward Marlo Miracle Estimation Peek card peeked at, found with psychological stop trick
1962 45
Edward Marlo A Three Locator set-up and multiple out, estimation peek
1962 46
Edward Marlo 15-K-11 Speller fingertip peeked at card is spelled to, estimation and key card
1962 47
Edward Marlo Mental Spell (is this Paul Rosini's?) fingertip peeked at card is spelled to, progressive spelling set-up
1962 49
Edward Marlo 7-5-2 values of three cards are used to count down to fingertip peeked at card
1962 50
Edward Marlo Fingertip Face Up Locator card fingertip peeked, performer reverses a card behind back which lies next to selection
1962 51
Edward Marlo Double Peek Face Up Locators two cards fingertip peeked, performer reverses two cards behind back which lie next to both selections
1962 52
Edward Marlo Spin Cut Stunner deck cuts itself at fingertip peeked at card
1962 53
Edward Marlo Miracle Card Stab Location estimation
Inspired byRelated to 1962 59
Edward Marlo Sensitive Fingers fingertip peeked card located apparently by sense of touch
1962 62
Edward Marlo Miracle Coincidence Toss odd-backed card tossed in deck to find mate, Back End Riffle Estimation
1962 69
Edward Marlo The Magic Throw #1 challenge conditions, Back End Riffle Estimation
Related to 1962 70
Edward Marlo The Magic Throw #2 challenge conditions, Back End Riffle Estimation
1962 71
Edward Marlo The Magic Throw #3 no selection, performer names card next to locator, Back End Riffle Estimation
1962 72
James Steranko Habit Cut small cut with fingertips is always of the same approximate size
1962 [11]
Dai Vernon Vernon Notes - Cut Discoveries 2) No. 109-2, Cut to card spell, spelling to a card in shuffled deck, estimation and key for second dealing
Also published here 1972 32
Robert Walker Toss-Timated card tossed in in deck, value there used to count to selection
Inspired byVariations July 1973
Kabbala — Volume 2 (Vol. 2 No. 7)
Eddie Fechter, Edward Marlo The Estimation Peek
Related toAlso published here 1974 169
Harry Riser Almost Legitimate Cutting the Aces center blocks cut out one-handed
Inspired byAlso published here 1981
Arcane (Issue 6)
Edward Marlo How's That?
Related to June 1992
The Olram File (Issue 12)
Eddie Fechter Estimation Peek
Also published here 1993 255
Roger Crosthwaite Rapid Thumb Count rhythmic
Related to 1994 109
Karl Fulves Riffle Stab stabbing a card in deck while riffling it on table with other hand, real estimation, see page 97 for more comments
Inspired by 1995 43
Edward Marlo New Approach Location deck shuffled, packet cut off and this cut into two piles again, bottom card of one remembered and replaced, performer reverses selection (or card next to it) under table
Also published here
  • The New Tops, Dec. 1974
1995 201
Ariel Frailich Superman! Jack changes into Ace in card case, then Ace tossed in in deck, value there used to count to selection
Inspired by 1997 18
Aaron Shields, B.J. Bueno Caliban's Revenge selection procedure without the performer looking
Inspired by 2004 31
Aaron Shields Shields Estimation Concept by sound, listening to spectator's dribbling and stopping the dribble
Inspired by
  • Jon Racherbaumer, Sticks and Stones, Vol. 2 No. 15, 1978, p. 4
2004 31
Harry Riser Almost Legitimate Cutting the Aces center blocks cut out one-handed
Inspired byAlso published here 2006 45
Harry Riser S.W.Estimation "Self-Working Estimation", restricted estimation, managed estimation
spectator cuts to a card and remembers it in half the deck, Three value used to locate selection
Also published here
  • MUM, July 1996
2006 83
Dai Vernon Vernon Notes - Cut Discoveries 2) No. 109-2, Cut to card spell, spelling to a card in shuffled deck, estimation and key for second dealing
Also published here 2007 29
Kiko Pastur El Conejo Blanco cutting to card
2014 76
A.M. two spectators peek at a card, performer divines them, fair conditions
Inspired byRelated to 2017 1
Tom Gagnon Ribbon Spread Cut Estimation ribbon spreading stopped after estimated number of cards
Inspired by 2019 10
Steve Forte direct stack #2 Aces lost in deck, shuffle and cut, Aces dealt to any player with four to seven hands, with bottom deals and insertion at estimated spots in the hands with corrections
2020 898
Steve Forte Breakless Center Deal dealing one from a slug of cards, estimation and block push-off
2020 941
Mike Helmer Would You Say That To Tom Petty? natural estimation applied to dribble, idea
Inspired by June 2024
Doldrums (Issue 1)