493 entries in Cards / Principles / Multiple Out
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Two Heaps of Cards, unequal in Number, being placed upon the Table, to predict beforehand which of the two the Company will choose ambiguous prediction, two handlings (number of cards or values in pile & odd/even pile with palming)
1876 103
To allow a Person secretly to think of a Card, and dividing the Pack into three heaps, to cause the Card thought of to appear in whichever heap the Company may choose
1876 108
Two Heaps of Cards having been placed upon the Table, to Predict with Certainty which Heap a Spectator will choose ambiguous prediction, two handlings (number of cards or values in pile & odd/even pile with palming)
1889 79
Das Vorherbestimmen menschlicher Gedanken No. 6, spectator choses one of two piles, selection is predicted with "eight", one pile contains Eights, the other eight cards
1895 8
Multiple Out Envelope four outs
1897 135
Die gehorsamen Asse Aces put in center, spectator choses how many Aces should appear on top and bottom, Conus Aces gag sequence, four Aces under spectator's hand transpose with four other cards, deck changes into all-Aces
Nov. 1897
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 3 No. 11)
The Flying Card (First Method), from one spectator's pocket to another, freely named number with outs
1909 99
Stanley Collins Le Dernier Cri Mutilated Card Experiment card cut into four pieces, three are burnt and found restored in nest of envelopes
Related to 1915 46
Stanley Collins Thought Anticipated and Precipitated one of six cards vanishes and appears at impossible location
1915 58
Good Simple Card Trick one of five cards thought of, performer locates it with five outs
1928 7
William Larsen A Count Down Detection spectator count down to a card near the top, remembers it and shuffles deck, performer locates card
1931 1
William Larsen Shuffle It Yourself twelve cards repeated four times, fishing & multiple out for divination, same as Walsh
Related to 1931 4
Theodore Annemann A Card to be Thought About three way out, OOSOOM type
Related toAlso published here Aug. 1935
The Jinx (Issue 11)
Theodore Annemann Named Card to Pocket Jukebox Principle
Related to Mar. 1936
The Jinx (Issue 18)
Edward Bagshawe The Message That Can’t Be Read random jumble of letters reveals prediction of playing card’s name when a “windowed” card is placed over it, multiple window cards
1936 ca. 37
Tommy Tucker The Card Miracle - Certain: 1. Tucker's Version spectator cuts anywhere and remembers bottom card, estimation, card is on top or in pocket in this handling
Related to 1937 37
T. Nelson Downs 3. The Nelson Downs Original. spectator cuts anywhere and remembers bottom card, estimation, card is on top or in pocket in this handling
Related to 1937 38
Ralph W. Hull, Nelson Hahne Modernism in Mentalism crude OOSOOM, one of nine
1937 184
Dai Vernon Card Divination card thought of from twenty-six-card stack, multiple out location of card once it is named
Also published here 1937 224
Ralph W. Hull Name O' Card any named card is found/spelled-to, full stack and multiple out
1937 237
Stuart P. Cramer Les Cartes par Hasard card thought of from the middle while riffled, multiple out after dealing into four piles
Inspired by 1937
The Jinx (Issue Winter Extra 1936/37)
Theodore Annemann Locatrik location with two keys and two outs, Gemini Twins precursor
Variations Dec. 1937
The Jinx (Issue 39)
Under Which King, Bezonian? card predicted on billet
1938 102
Audley Walsh The Magician's Dream twelve cards repeated four times, fishing & multiple out for divination
Related toVariations Apr. 1938
The Jinx (Issue 43)
Martin Gardner The ----- of -- Trick
Inspired by 1938
The Jinx (Issue Summer Extra 1938)
Gerald Kosky Predicto spectator shuffles and cuts into three piles, performer predicts third card in pile he will choose, bad outs
Also published here Dec. 1938
The Jinx (Issue 51)
Orville Wayne Meyer The "Last Word" Location two key cards, multiple out procedure in placing one of the keys
1939 43
Tom Sellers The Tell Tale Scytale prediction with a scytale
1939 9
The Five Card Quibble an out if you only know that it is one of five cards
1940 118
Dai Vernon Two-Six-Four one of a thirteen cards thought of and position remembered, two halves made and selection found with multiple out counting procedure using Four, Two and Six spots
Related toVariations 1940 221
One Will Make Six how a two spot locates six cards
1940 411
Sam Leo Horowitz The Diving Pasteboard one of four random cards is thought of, they're shuffled back, Three-spot locator used to locate selection
Related toVariations 1940
The Jinx (Issue 105)
Dai Vernon Card of the Gods card thought of from top third, found with procedure and counting
Related toVariations 1940
The Jinx (Issue 105)
Jack Vosburgh The Mystery of the Suits one of the Aces is selected and found, then the suit of another selected Ace is predicted
The Jinx (Issue 122)
Louis Lam An Addition one of four thought-of, travels to pocket eventually, OOSOOM
1940 5
Martin Gardner Big Casino Count Down one of nine cards thought of, Ten-spot stabbed reversed in deck by performer, it locates selection
1940 13
Martin Gardner Six of Spades Count Down one of seventeen cards thought of, Six-spot stabbed reversed in deck by performer, it locates selection
1940 14
Edward Victor The Four Mental Cards spectator thinks of one of four cards that are returned to deck, whichever one he names, magician can produce it (top, bottom, reversed or pocket)
1940 ca. 35
Edward Marlo Streamlined Discernment one out of three, OOSOOM
Also published here 1941
Early Marlo (Issue Amazing, Isn't It?)
Jack Vosburgh Ten and One ten and one put on table, spectator puts two coins on top, coincidence, nail punch
Also published here 1941
The Jinx (Issue 124)
Edward Marlo Streamlined Discernment one out of three, OOSOOM
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1941 14
Dai Vernon Addition and Subtraction one of fifteen cards and its position remembered, via calculation the card is found
1941/49 21
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue A Mindreading Feat one of four, OOSOOM type, describing also Guyot's 1749 procedure
1942 10
Joe Berg A Miracle - Maybe unknown card signed on back, deck spread face up on table and spectator finds card, either directly or via improvisation
Related to 1942 22
Theodore Annemann Locatrix selection is located behind back
1943 5
Stuart P. Cramer Les Cartes Par Hasard card thought of from the middle while riffled, multiple out after dealing into four piles
1943 17
Worth Knowing named card to pocket, three cards which are mostly named
Related to 1943 17
Jean Hugard Telepathy Plus one of five cards is selected
Sep. 1944 70
Jean Marc Bujard Chang free selection is next to announced card, story presentation
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 6 No. 2)
Theodore Annemann A Card to Be Thought About three way out, OOSOOM type
Also published here 1944 267
Charles Nyquist The Principle of Alternative Terminations - And Its Applications When the Spectator Shuffles stratagem for controlling a card while spectator shuffles the deck, several outs
1945 27
Bob Hummer Personality Test face-up/face-down prediction of number of cards, weird, CATO related, personality type presentation
VariationsAlso published here 1945 1
Warren Wiersbe, Martin Gardner Think-A-Card - Wiersbe Version
1946 18
Dai Vernon Infallible Indicator four as indicator card face up in the deck, together with second card used selection is found
Variations July 1946 231
Larry Russell Predicting the Unknown deck is cut and half dealt into four piles, one is selected and bottom card predicted on billet
Dec. 1946 271
J. B. Bobo Bobo Locatrix card selected with seemingly fair cutting procedure, key card, location via "Trick that Cannot be Explained" type procedure
1947 36
J. B. Bobo Triple Thought spectator selects three cards and thinks of one of them, they're returned, performer finds thought-of card
1947 49
Ken Krenzel Mental Discernment Improved one of nine, Three-spot used to locate it
Inspired by
  • "Mental Discernment" (Ralph W. Hull)
1949 14
The Ten of Diamonds one of nine cards chosen, reversed Ten-spot used to located it
1949 18
Dai Vernon 12 Outs court card is found
Related to Mar. 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 199)
Martin Gardner, Bill Simon It's A Natural with matches, seven outs
VariationsAlso published here Mar. 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 199)
Bob Somerfeld Outmaneuvered one of five cards is predicted
Aug. 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 209)
Martin Gardner, Bill Simon It's a Natural No. 11, Spectator tears out matches from matchbook, performer uses number of matches to select card from seven-card packet, which is correctly predicted
VariationsAlso published here 1950 23
Cliff Green Magic in Your Own Hands No. 29, spectator names a number between five and ten, card of that value produced and selection found at that number
Related toVariations 1950 53
Theodore Annemann Locatrix No. 58, Divine card behind back
1950 104
Paul Rosini Indicator Card one of four random cards is thought of, they're shuffled back, Three-spot locator used to locate selection
Inspired by 1950 29
Paul Rosini The Ten of Diamonds nine cards removed and listed on a piece of paper, one of them freely chosen, performer stabs a card into the deck to find it
1950 57
Jean Hugard The Latest Method spreading cards before eyes of spectator and locating selection
July 1951 810
Edward Marlo The Magic Four multiple out location with an openly reversed Four-spot
Related to 1952 107
Bill Simon The Locator Three of Clubs spectator thrusts a known card into a card spread of 28 cards and his selection is found
1952 152
Lu Brent A Prediction Supreme face-up card placed in face-down spread, used to count/spell to random card, which is predicted, The Trick That Cannot Be Explained
VariationsAlso published here 1952 44
Mike Kanter A Location Supreme same impro procedure used to find a selection
Inspired by 1952 45
Edward Marlo Magic Total:
Eight-Two Locator
Ace-Three-Five Locator
Three-Three-Three Loctaor
using some cards to count down to thought-of card, multiple out counting procedure, three methods
1953 141
Stewart James Improsonic ten cards on a stand, one chosen via procedure with a number from one to ten, that card is predicted
1954 23
Lu Brent A Prediction Supreme face-up card placed in face-down spread, used to count/spell to random card, which is predicted, The Trick That Cannot Be Explained
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1956 9
Lu Brent A Location Supreme Same as A Prediction Supreme, but as a location instead of a prediction
Related to 1956 10
Hugh Scott Matchit
The New Phoenix (Issue 345)
Alex Elmsley Choosey card chosen and lost, packet removed, spectator removes one card from it and it is selection or leads to it
Related toAlso published here Sep. 1957
Ibidem (Issue 11)
Edward Marlo Fingertip Miracle three selections, memorized deck, improvisation
Variations 1958 33
Tony Corinda (20) Nicely Suited verbal force of any Three
1958 122
Edward Marlo Mental Disclosure
  • First Method (one of ten memorized cards thought of, fishing and showing piles and asking whether the card is among them)
  • Second Method (shuffled, one of nine, asking whether the card is among them)
Variations Mar. 1958
Ibidem (Issue 13)
Edward Marlo The Fan Deal to enable one to deal out any card from a fan unit consisting of five or more cards
1959 122
The Red Card Prediction ten cards, selected one is different to the others
Related toAlso published here 1959 326
Klein aber fein ten cards, half face up, chosen card has different back or different face
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 20 No. 3)
Neal Elias Mental Count Three-spot card pushed in reversed in deck, it is next to peeked-at selection or used to count to it
  • Alternate Procedure (a card reversed in the center, it's the selection or leads to it)
  • Stab Trick - a variation (card stabbed to in paper-wrapped deck)
Variations Mar. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 16)
Edward Marlo Double Out Presentation any card named, it is either odd-backed or missing à la premonition, using Ed Marlo's marketed Phantom Deck
Related toVariations Dec. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 19)
Edward Marlo Double Out named card is either missing or odd-backed
Related toAlso published here Dec. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 19)
Dai Vernon Simple Arithmetic one of thirteen, using the Two of Clubs
Related toVariations 1960 9
Dai Vernon Think of an Ace any Ace named, that Ace is shown in deck with four-way out
Related toVariations 1960 13
Dai Vernon The Trick That Cannot be Explained
Related toVariations 1960 76
P. Howard Lyons 5 Corpses in 1 Coffin one of three cards thought of, they are lost, performer finds it with "There It Is" sequence
Inspired byRelated to Oct. 1960
Ibidem (Issue 22)
Charlie Miller Fifteen Card Trick Routine - 6 variation of Hull's "Mental Discernment" starting with freely thought of card, distribution with Erdnase's stock shuffle, OOSOOM
Inspired by 1961 15
Paul Marcus More Natural Spectator tears out matches from matchbook, performer uses number of matches to select card from seven-card packet, which is correctly predicted
Inspired by Aug. 1961
The New Phoenix (Issue 360)
Edward Marlo The Magic Card a Four-spot is used to find selection, estimation
Related to 1962 11
Edward Marlo "Think I'll Stop Here" using Vernon's ending procedure from OOSOOM as a multiple out for estimation location
Related to 1962 12
Edward Marlo Reversed Card Out multiple out for estimation location, either selection is reversed or reversed card leads to selection
Also published here 1962 15
Edward Marlo A Three Locator set-up and multiple out, estimation peek
1962 46
Harry Lorayne Three for the Money Three-spot as multiple out indicator card
Variations 1962 106
Harry Lorayne Three Again Three-spot as multiple out indicator card, with real shuffles
1962 108
Harry Lorayne Three Times and Out Three-spot as multiple out indicator card
1962 109
Dai Vernon, Harry Lorayne Calculated Risk variant of "The Trick That Cannot Be Explained" in which a named card is found
Inspired byVariations 1962 130
Harry Lorayne Mathematical Affinity two cards at thought of positions are found via locator cards
Variations 1962 134
Dai Vernon The Vernon Card Divination card thought of from half the deck, multiple out divination
Also published here 1962 37
Dai Vernon New Divination one of top twelve, card and position remembered
1962 60
Stewart James Fare Enough card and its position remembered, spelling something relating to a lucky coin is used to locate selection
Sep. 1962
Ibidem (Issue 26)
Jack Vosburgh Ten and One ten and one put on table, spectator puts two coins on top, coincidence, nail punch
Also published here May 1962
The New Jinx (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Edward Marlo Premeditated Prediction card is fairly selected from shuffled deck, card is predicted in matchbook, using index of twelve matchbooks and statistical principle
Variations 1964 61
Edward Marlo For Nonsmokers card is fairly selected from shuffled deck, duplicate is reversed as prediction in second deck, using statistical principle and faro hide-out
Inspired by 1964 62
Paul Siegel Mystery of Eleusis prediction in envelope in stand
Apr. 1965
The New Jinx (Vol. 3 No. 36)
Joseph M. White Cutting Odds Down card placed in pocket matches named card, probability
Variations Oct. 1965
The New Jinx (Vol. 4 No. 42)
Dai Vernon "Secrets" "Chapter Four", spectator names a number between five and ten, card of that value produced and selection found at that number
Related toAlso published here 1967 27
Dai Vernon Mental Spell "Chapter Seven", one of ten, multiple out
1967 41
Edward Marlo Two Way Out if you know the selection is one of two possibilities
Nov. 1967
Epilogue (Issue 1)
Edward Marlo Unexpected Prediction
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1968 88
Edward Marlo Five Card Mental or "I Have It" one of five
1968 107
Al Koran Koran's Double Out Prediction two-way out
Variations 1969 97
Eddie Joseph My Favourite Queen four Queens held in hand, named Queen vanishes and reappears in some location, using mirage holdout
1969 335
Dai Vernon The IBM Card "deck as computer", ten-card packet
Related to Dec. 1970 385
Karl Fulves Impromptu ESP multiple out spelling location with small packet, for correction of procedure see reference
Related to 1971 11
Edward Marlo Double Out named card is either missing or odd-backed
Also published here June 1972
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Dai Vernon Vernon's Index Key Mental Trick No. 16, one of thirteen cards thought of and found with multiple-out counting procedure
VariationsAlso published here 1972 9
Dai Vernon Vernon's Divination Effect With 26 Cards No. 17, card thought of from twenty-six-card stack, multiple out location of card once it is named, no details
Also published here 1972 10
Dai Vernon Vernon's Thot Card Wrinkle No. 31, one of twelve cards, Two spot to locate it
Related to 1972 13
Dai Vernon Vernon's Thot Trick With Two Special Variations No. 35, one of thirteen cards, crimped Two spot to locate it
Related to 1972 14
Dai Vernon Vernon's Four Ace Thot Trick No. 36, any Ace named, that Ace is shown in deck with four-way out
Related to 1972 14
Dai Vernon Vernon's 4-2-6 Card Affect No. 52, effect typo, one of a thirteen cards thought of and position remembered, two halves made and selection found with multiple out counting procedure using Four, Two and Six spots
Related to 1972 17
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Do As I Do Variation No. 223, removing four cards from deck for an opportune miracle, jukebox
1972 55
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Improvement Of Vernon's Mental Card Trick No. 288, one of a thirteen cards thought of and position remembered, two halves made and selection found with multiple out counting procedure
Inspired byRelated to 1972 73
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Version Of Vernon's Thought Card Wrinkle No. 301, one of a twelve cards thought of and position remembered, two halves made and selection found with multiple out counting procedure
Inspired byRelated to 1972 77
Dr. Jacob Daley Mental Thot Bridge Hand Improvement No. 557, one of thirteen cards thought of and found with multiple-out counting procedure, using Finley Natural Key Card
Inspired by 1972 156
Jochen Zmeck Ein Super-Kartenfinden three packets made, spectator looks at bottom card of one packet and shuffles everything together with performer's back turned, three different short cards
1972 10
Jay Ose, Gerald Kosky Your Favorite Ace named Ace produced with four different procedures, jukebox
Apr. 1973 613
Steve Spillman Instant Mate mate of stopped at card is found reversed in the deck
Also published here 1973 23
Stephen Minch The Heavenly Gambit prediction of eight cards
Variations 1974 13
Charles Cameron Satan Calling! card ends up at a position from 10 to 17
Magick (Issue 101)
Eddie Fechter Knockout Prediction spectator and performer cut to the same card in their decks, three crimped cards
Related toAlso published here 1974 144
Edward Marlo 1835 Prediction card at chosen number is predicted, using 18-35 faro principle, three methods (duplicate card, equivoque, ..)
The Hierophant (Issue 7 Resurrection Issue)
Steve Spillman PSI Mate cards dealt face up, stopped card is predicted in pocket or face-up in deck
Magick (Issue 120)
Gerald Kosky, Jay Ose Your Favorite Ace named Ace is found
1975 96
Frank Shields, Dai Vernon Handling of Vernon's 2-6-4 one of a thirteen cards thought of and position remembered, two halves made and selection found with multiple out counting procedure using Four, Two and Six spots
Inspired by 1975 4
Nathan Stark Fang Shui Prediction one of about ten cards is selected and predicted, rubber band around packet, simple ambigram prediction for two cards
Related toVariations 1976
Magick (Issue 164)
Roger Smith The Ultimate Trick That Cannot Be Explained strategies and handlings for the trick
Inspired by 1977 2
Roger Smith The Ultimate Face Down Spread Prediction spectator removes card from face-down spread and push it in reversed, used to indicate another card which matches prediction
1977 11
Robert Cassidy The Telepathic Diary birthday is looked up in book, card written next to the date is found inside envelope as a prediction, see PEA News and Information Service #2 for corrections
Related toVariations 1977 12
Harry Lorayne The Spectator Locates spectator located last Ace with an indicator card and improvisation
Variations 1977 90
Sam Leo Horowitz The Sixth Method named Ace reversed in packet, multiple out strategy
1978 11
Philip T. Goldstein Calculated Theft from envelope to other envelope
1978 5
Philip T. Goldstein Calculated Theft from envelope to other envelope
1978 4
Karl Fulves Retrospective: The Red Prediction treatise on a multiple-out prediction "you will chose the only red card", see following items
1978 1150
Arthur Carter One Red Card "you will chose the only red card"
Also published here
  • Pentagram, Dec. 1951
1978 1150
The Red Card Prediction "you will chose the only red card"
Also published here 1978 1151
Dai Vernon Dai Vernon's Method "you will chose the only red card"
1978 1151
Martin Gardner Martin Gardner's Ideas "you will chose the only red card", both sides shown at beginning, three ideas
1978 1152
Karl Fulves Note By Karl Fulves "you will chose the only red card"
1978 1153
Roy Walton Next one of three cards thought-of, it is stabbed to (or the stabbing card)
Inspired byRelated to 1978
The Chronicles (Issue 11)
Thomas Alan Waters Numerology Card in Wallet prediction in envelope, in wallet, nine-force, version of Al Koran's "Five-Star Miracle Card"
Variations 1978
Magick (Issue 205)
Robert Siepielski Card in Wallet prediction of chosen card, multiple out in wallet, linguistic
Inspired by 1978
Magick (Issue 213)
Larry Becker The Vampire Spell signed card in one of five envelopes, envelopes shuffled and word spelled for times, remaining envelope contains card, vampire presentation
1978 105
Jack Yates Effect mnemonicosis type effect, card is named and located by various means, "In a way, it becomes rather like Dai Vernon's 'Trick that cannot be explained'"
1978 2
Simon Aronson The Aronson Artifice spectator stops anytime during dealing, takes two cards, then one of those, it is divined and predicted, Koran meets Gilbreath
Also published here 1978 49
Harry Lorayne Three's Company spectator names any number up to twenty, multiple out
1979 65
Mark Weston Spectator Unexplained (After Vernon) ideas
Inspired by Dec. 1979
Pabular (Vol. 5 No. 12)
Steve Beam, Don Morris Out! when selected card is narrowed to two cards
1979 8
Edward Marlo Reversed Card Out multiple out for estimation location
Also published here 1979 9
Karl Fulves The Geometric Slate three-way multiple out prediction
Inspired by 1980 12
Philip T. Goldstein The Tenniel Prediction one of about ten cards is selected and predicted, prediction for two cards
Inspired by 1980
Magick (Issue 248)
Howard A. Adams Mindevelopmental divination of color, suit, value and complete name of card, using a slate and playing cards
Also published here
  • "Mentalist" 1962
OICUFESP (Issue 5 - the SON of esp card & mental miracles)
Al Smith Trio two cards chosen from one deck are located with an indicator card chosen from another deck
Inspired by 1980 22
Steve Spillman Instant Mate mate of stopped at card is found reversed in the deck
Also published here 1980 72
John Henderson Three Plus estimated stab and multiple out
Nov. 1981
Apocalypse (Vol. 4 No. 11)
Roger Crosthwaite Think-a-Card shuffled deck, wording and eye movement
1981 3
Karl Fulves Method Times Five one of five predicted, on multiple out principle
1981 17
Jack McMillen, Judson S. Brown From Another Deck with two decks, one packet is cut and turned over, value of card on the face is used to count to a card, performer finds the card in second deck or in a pocket
1981 6
David Britland Card of the Gods
Inspired by Aug. 1981
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Robert Cassidy The Devil's Diary card at though of day is in envelope
Magick (Issue 296)
Juan Tamariz Carta a la Orden named card is located, example to show how to alter the memory of spectators
1981 10
Dr. Stanley Jaks Die angekreuzte Karte unknown card marked on back, spectator choses it from the face, TTTCBE
Dec. 1981
Intermagic (Vol. 8 No. 4)
Harry Lorayne A Lorayne Storm a three as multiple out, one of seven
Variations Oct. 1982
Apocalypse (Vol. 5 No. 10)
Philip T. Goldstein Calculated Theft from envelope to other envelope
1982 10
Thomas Alan Waters Tetrance prediction in envelope in wallet
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Deckalogue)
Thomas Alan Waters Outstrip envelope, two-way out, holding card back by stripper principle
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Deckalogue)
Bobby Bernard The "Opportunist" Card in Pocket Deck placed in pocket, spectator able to pull selection out
1982 106
Al Mann The Five Star Gambit with the Five Star Miracle Deck, single card prediction in envelope, four-way envelope
1982 5
Basil Horwitz T/C prediction reads 't of c'
Variations Dec. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 20)
Roberto Giobbi, Theodore Annemann A Card to be Thought About one of three thought of
Inspired by Sep. 1983
Pabular (Vol. 7 No. 12)
Paul Brignall The Brignall Brainstorm number between one of six is named, card produced
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. Special #3)
Brian Flannigan Fagin spelling a number, two outs, prediction with cigarette packet
Dec. 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 32)
Jeff Busby, Danny Dew Sleight of Hand Techniques to Shorten the Elimination Process various two-way outs
  • The Top Change
  • The Double Lift
  • Danny Dew's Double in Glass
  • Another Double Lift Handling
Inspired by 1983 16
Bill Herz, Paul Cummins The Hedonists Make Up All the Rules forcing a card with verbal magician's choice
VariationsAlso published here 1983 39
Dai Vernon Diamond Mental Ace through Queen of Diamonds is thought of and revealed, multiple out
1984 122
Thomas Alan Waters Wipeout before your eyes as a multiple out
Inspired by 1984 562
Thot-Card Monte No. 81, one of three cards divined
1984 122
Thomas Alan Waters, Nathan Stark The Dump Prediction one of about ten cards with different words selected and predicted, ambigram prediction for two cards
Related to Aug. 1984
Magick (Issue 336)
Stephen Tucker The Elliot force "After T.S.Elliot"
multiple out writing for Three, Ten, Two or Jack of Spades
Inspired by 1984 8
Thomas Alan Waters Longwave ten cards, selected one is different to the other
Inspired by 1985
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Myxtyr)
Martin Lewis The Information Cards Free selection is predicted with two cards (value and suit)
1985 25
Out of Possession Location visual estimation and stack with multiple out
Inspired by 1985 23
Lifesaver one of five (1937)
1985 29
Bob Haines Best Friend card chosen by spelling name of a person, prediction of card in miniature form glued on coin
June 1985
Magick (Issue 353)
Paul Maurer, Dr. Wittich Eine Kartenroutine selected card is found, followed by french translation
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 46 No. 4)
John Cornelius Always Prepare A Blockbuster! exploiting chance
Aug. 1986
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Steve Beam Jinxed with five piles, with indicator card, with Acquisition Shuffle
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here 1986 213
Peter Duffie Dichotomy Spectator thinks of card from packet. Packet is torn in half, half of the selection is kept, the rest are burnt. Torn half of selection is found stapled to a prediction letter in a sealed envelope.
Also published here 1986 5
Jim Hyams A-Maze-Ing five cards put on five exits from a small maze, mouse finds exit with selection, see Guilty for credit corrections
Related to 1987 305
Bob Farmer You Can Lead a Gift Horse to Water But You Can't Look in its Mouth different way to end the previous tricks, with only the selection
Also published here 1987/1988 11
Dai Vernon Four Options multiple out location with an openly reversed Four-spot
Related to 1988 41
Dai Vernon Two-Six-Four Royale any court card
Inspired byRelated to 1988 44
Jerry Sadowitz Basic Discovery for Pre-determined Estimation, method to find one of two cards - a two-way-out
1989 85
Simon Lovell Jazz Magic Some outs and ideas for improvisational magic to locate "freely named" card
Related to 1989 119
Philip T. Goldstein Beat the Dealer Jack of Spades placed on table and spectator cuts deck in three piles, one is selected and card adds to form a Blackjack
Related to Apr. 1989
Magick (Issue 420)
Bob Haines, Bob Farmer Improm Too Voodoo spelling name of a friend to chose selection, parts of selection written under certain words in dictionary
Inspired by Aug. 1989
Magick (Issue 427)
Philip T. Goldstein Chance re-deal force, multiple out with ambigram prediction, initials of card
Jan. 1990
Magick (Issue 434)
David Regal Inexplicaple Miracle card made out of suit and value from two chosen cards, it is predicted via card in pocket or card case (multiple out)
Related toVariationsAlso published here Dec. 1991
Apocalypse (Vol. 14 No. 12)
Alex Elmsley Choosey card chosen and lost, packet removed, spectator removes one card from it and it is selection or leads to it
Also published here 1991 368
Edward Marlo Think Theory spectator cuts at thought-of card, one out of two or four
Related to Sep. 1991 11
T. Page Wright Forcing One of Two or Five Cards handling for psychological force, as divination with two-way out (waiting for reaction when tabling one of the cards face up)
1991 283
Mike Porstmann Risiko card is chosen by putting a dagger in a deck, prediction of card using envelope
1991 54
David Regal Apocalypse Variations Or Additions card made out of suit and value from two chosen cards, it is predicted via card in pocket with many duplicates in pocket (Marlo gag)
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here Oct. 1992
Apocalypse (Vol. 15 No. 10)
Edward Marlo How's That?
Related to June 1992
The Olram File (Issue 12)
Emil Jarrow Jarrow's Indicator indicator card leads to selection, Ace through Ten set-up, Kruskal-type counting
Related to 1992 30
Larry Becker Headliner five cards are selected and and placed inside performers pocket, one is removed by spectator and name of card printed in newspaper, odd backs principle
1992 202
Harry Anderson Mish-Mash Card big poster with pieces of playing card, chosen one is predicted in envelope, also with "her card" gag
Also published here Aug. 1992
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Steve Beam Jinxed with five piles, with indicator card
VariationsAlso published here 1993 138
Steve Beam Killocation one of fifteen, contingency effect
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1993 142
Sam Schwartz Thought Process one of thirteen cards thought of, dealing procedure according to thought-of card (color, value, suit), selection narrowed down by having one key card, see also p. 47
Inspired by
  • "Contemplation" (Interim Report)
Related toVariations
Rigmarole (Issue 2)
Karl Fulves Birthday Value - Birthday Suit spectator spells birth month from one packet and birth day from another, suit and value are used to arrive at a card which is predicted
Related toVariations 1993
Rigmarole (Issue 3)
Stephen Tucker Limitations cards chosen from two piles, one for suit and one for value, resulting card predicted, sucker element
VariationsAlso published here Dec. 1993
Profile (Issue 17)
Stephen Tucker The Choice of Six cards chosen from two piles, one for suit and one for value, resulting card predicted, sucker element
  • Self Working Version
Also published here 1993 82
Jerry Mentzer Rainbow Prediction mini rainbow cards, one chosen, predicted, either face or back (two-way out)
1993 100
Richard Bartram, Jr. The Clairvoyant Card selected card and thought of card are predicted in envelope
1993 106
Eddie Fechter Knockout Prediction spectator and performer cut to the same card in their decks, three crimped cards
Also published here 1993 225
Steve Dusheck Folded folded card(s) in bulldog clip predict free roll of dice
1993 118
Toni Forster Totale Freiheit
June 1993
Intermagic (Vol. 18 No. 1)
Harry Anderson Mish-Mash Card big poster with pieces of playing card, chosen one is predicted in envelope, also with "her card" gag
Also published here 1993 70
Jim Sisti Easy Card Prediction in envelope, re-deal force
Sep./Oct. 1993
The Magic Menu (Vol. 4 No. 19)
Alex Elmsley Fate's Datebook part of "The Dazzle Act" (starting on page 425 until the end of the book), using a improvisational type of selection procedure
Related toVariations 1994 433
Tom Bowyer Tom Bowyer's Trick one of five cards, multiple out
1994 1237
Doug Canning Jinxed Variation
Inspired by 1994 967
Basil Horwitz £100 Card Test blindfolded, card prediction in envelope
1994 77
Roger Crosthwaite Think-a-Card - Opening Remarks thoughts and references
  • The Selection of the Card
  • The Location of the Card
  • The Revelation of the Card
1994 37
Roger Crosthwaite Mental Stab performer stabs next to thought-of card, (classic) out for three possibilities
1994 61
Roger Crosthwaite Three-Way-Out Location for think-a-card, card found by stabbing another next to it
1994 224
Simon Aronson The Aronson Artifice spectator stops anytime during dealing, takes two cards, then one of those, it is divined and predicted, Koran meets Gilbreath
Also published here 1994 53
Roy Walton Voice Waves King of chosen suit has different back
Also published here July 1994
Magic (Vol. 3 No. 11)
Steve Beam Killocation one of fifteen, contingency effect
Also published here 1995 1
Aldo Colombini Second Coming card found with the values of two random cards, improvisation
1995 17
Jerry K. Hartman Prize Brain two spectators think of a card from the deck, a second deck is dealt through face up and counted, there are only 51 cards in it and one of the spectators confirms his card was not there, the deck is turned face down and one card has odd back, it is the second spectator's card, multiple decks required
Inspired by 1995 271
Paul Cummins, Bill Herz The Hedonists Make Up All The Rules forcing a card with verbal magician's choice
VariationsAlso published here 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 3 (Issue Brainstorm in the Bahamas)
Edward Marlo Uncontrolled Prediction
Related to 1996
Facsimile (Issue 4)
Curtis Kam The Las Vegas Dream Routine one of three cards chosen, multiple out prediction
Also published here 1996 105