228 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Location / Challenge Locations / Challenge Single Card Location / No-Touch Locations
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Die Prädestinationsgabe two decks, spectator remembers one and its position in one deck, then he counts down in second deck from position to previously predicted number, selection is there
Related toAlso published here 1896 111
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Die Prädestinationsgabe two decks, spectator remembers one and its position in one deck, then he counts down in second deck from position to previously predicted number, selection is there
Also published here July 1896
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Louis F. Christianer A Clever Card Trick selection fairly replaced in center of spread by spectator, spectator deals cards face up onto table one by one, performer calls stop before the selection
Related to 1919 7
Charles T. Jordan Change Your Mind? No. 27, one of two cards thought-of, replaced, deck dealt into two piles (some face-up, some face-down), performer picks out correct card, four groups are marked with dots
VariationsAlso published here 1919/1920 72
Charles T. Jordan The Discard Trick two cards chosen by fair cuts, spectator deals into piles and left-over cards are keys for selections
Related toAlso published here 1922
The Four Full Hands (Issue Four Full Hands of Card Tricks)
William Larsen, T. Page Wright Suitability out-of-hand selection of three cards, they all name the suits, performer then divines all cards
Related to 1928 28
Eric F. Impey A Latter-Day Card Miracle "dirty" key card is followed during dealing of shuffled card into two piles, card selected and replaced, then found from face-up spread
1928 4
Theodore Annemann The Challenge of the Year long distance location, one-way backs, no-touch reversal
Related toAlso published here 1934 15
The Automatic Speller no-touch, procedure heavy
Also published here 1935 101
Riffle Trick No. 1, spectator riffle shuffles once, cuts to a card and remembers a suit, then memorizes the first card of that suit from the face
Also published here 1935 1
Card Spelling De Luxe No. 25, spectator cuts anywhere, remembers top card and buries it, it is spelled to by spectator
1935 26
Milton Sleight of Foot deck is kicked with foot and splits at selection, salt
Variations 1937 39
Divination Supreme out-of hand selection, one-way back
Related toVariations 1937 139
Long Distance Location edge one-way backs
1937 150
Theodore Annemann Challenge of the Year long distance location, one-way backs
Related toAlso published here 1937 157
Theodore Annemann A Miracle out-of hand selection, one-way back
1937 163
Charles T. Jordan A Discard Trick two cards chosen by fair cuts, spectator deals into piles and left-over cards are keys for selections
Also published here 1937 219
Paul Rosini A Problem in the Fourth Dimension daub transferred to spectator's thumb via him holding the performer's wrist previously, see also p. 495
1938 74
The Spectator Does it All cards are put in pocket and one selected, performer divines number of pocketed cards and selection
1938 226
Barbara Stanwyck Bits of Presto article touched in other room, performer knows, same with card selection
Jan. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 52)
Robert Parrish Name Your Favorite any card named, after riffle shuffle spectator goes through cards and performer stops him at named card
1939 30
Simultaneous Magic four decks, four people think of a card and later spell it (progressive spelling set-up)
1939 41
An Incredible Location spectator cuts to bridge
1940 334
It Must Be Magic spelling
1940 382
Audley Walsh The Mystic Twelve cards pocketed and another remembered, performer divines position of selection and number of cards in pocket, reverse-count force
Related toVariations Mar. 1940
The Jinx (Issue 82)
Kent Arthur The Professor's Card Trick mathematical
Also published here Sep. 1941
The Jinx (Issue 148)
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue Astro-Vision spectator turns card end for end on his own, stripper deck
1941 13
Edward Marlo The First Miracle daubed spectator, three variations
1945 4
Edward Marlo Just Another Miracle distant daubed key card
1945 5
Russell "Rusduck" Duck Heaps as Rusduck, spectator finds his own card, a lot of dealing, Tantalizer
Variations Jan. 1946
The Phoenix (Issue 98)
Billy O'Connor Mix - Cut and Look spectator riffle shuffles once, cuts to a card and remembers a suit, then memorizes the first card of that suit from the face
Also published here 1946 9
I Should Judge spectator cuts to and remembers a card, deck dealt into five pile and spectator says which pile has his selection, spectator deals through cards and performer stops him at selection
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1946 38
John Hamilton Heaps again spectator finds his own card, with just eight cards, sort of Tantalizer
Inspired byVariations Dec. 1947
The Phoenix (Issue 140)
J. Stewart Smith In His Hands
1947 39
Eddie Joseph Heart Throb spectator thinks of number between five and twenty and remembers card at that position, another card is chosen, both found while spectator deals through the deck
Also published here 1947 2
The Non-Poker Voice no-touch, suit
1948 76
The Mahatma Marvel Card Trick Location with spectator dealing and distant key card
1949 35
Eddie Joseph Mail Mentalism trick performed as mailed instructions or over phone, spectator takes all odd cards, adds top and bottom value, counts down to card in rest, eventually located with spelling and dealing
1949 1
Sid Lorraine "I Never Touch the Cards" spectator has another spectator choose a card, key card location
1949 27
Charles "Chic" Schoke The "Chic" Trick Again improved handling
Inspired by 1949 49
Eddie Joseph The Impelling Force spectator cuts to a card and remembers it twice, first time found with eye reading by observing spectator's eyes while he deals through deck, second time with two key cards
1949 ca. 10
Joseph L. Barnett Hands-Off Miracle No. 35, Spectator cuts to, remembers bottom card, and replaces packet. Magician is able to cut to selection. (Salt location)
Variations 1950 63
Bert Allerton, Henry Christ Allerchrist Card Trick No. 63, Mathematical
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1950 114
Charles Nyquist, Edward Dart The Stopper Mind Reading Trick No. 117
Related to 1950 227
Eddie Joseph Joseph's Repeat Telephone Trick deck shuffled and dealt in two piles, cards counted from both piles, a card remembered and a pile read off to performer who identified the selection, two repeats with different selection procedures, performer makes secret chart during conversation
1950 2
Eddie Joseph By Mind Alone spectator and performer note a card and their position, after some more dealing both are found
1950 7
Eddie Joseph India Calling spectator has two piles and after some counting a card is lost, names of all cards read off to performer who names selection
Variations 1950 10
Eddie Joseph Imposible "Impossible" probably misspelled, deck cut in half, card chosen by throwing a die and counting down in one pile, all assembled and deck cut in thirds and another card chosen with same number, all assembled and cut, half counted off, the two selections show up at the same number, no-touch
Variations 1952 1
Walter Behm Eine tolle Sache using cross sum of cut pile
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 14 No. 5)
Charles Hudson Sorcerer's Sevens III
Related to Feb. 1958
The Cardiste (Issue 5)
Amazing James Randi A Little Mental: Thot #2 as "The Modest Randi"
performed over television interactively, everyone remembers a card in the center, deals out deck into six piles, takes pile with selection, it will be at same position for every spectator
Oct. 1960
Ibidem (Issue 22)
Harry Lorayne Stop! estimation of place spectator cuts to
Related toVariations 1962 64
James Steranko Part Two spectator cuts anywhere, remembers bottom card and replaces, then cuts again as often as he likes, deck spread face up and performer finds card
Related toVariations 1962 [16]
James Steranko Plus One spectator cuts anywhere, remembers bottom card and replaces, gives deck a riffle shuffle, performer finds card
Inspired byRelated to 1962 [17]
Karl Fulves A Location position of two free selections are divined, riffle shuffle method
Variations July 1968
Epilogue (Issue 3)
Karl Fulves Future Perfect Miraskill with face-up/face-down instead of red/black, previous selection found in odd-colored pile
Related toVariations 1968 58
Eddie Joseph Heart-Throb spectator thinks of number between five and twenty and remembers card at that position, another card is chosen, both found while spectator deals through the deck
Also published here 1969 60
Eddie Joseph Minds in Collusion deck not touched, spectator cuts, deals out four hands of thirteen cards, each pile cut, value of bottom card used to count to a card by four spectators, performer divines all
Also published here 1969 66
John Hamilton 3 by 3 three cards in packet divined, no-touch
Aug. 1970
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 5 No. 10)
William Alstrand, Harry Lorayne Super Location first packets of seven cards are cut to as estimation demo, then challenge location
Inspired by
  • "A Card Trick for Experts" (William Alstrand, Hugard's Magic Monthly)
1971 32
Audley Walsh, Jon Racherbaumer The Mystic Twelve Recall cards pocketed and another remembered, performer divines position of selection and number of cards in pocket, reverse-count force
Inspired by 1971 5
Clear Voyant stacked, spectator shuffles, "queen removal"-glimpse
1972 67
Nick Conticello The Non-Telephone Telephone Trick small packet, spectator selects a card, does some rearranging and is left with card
Variations 1972 137
Simon Aronson Some People Think interlocking chains
Also published here Aug. 1973
Kabbala — Volume 2 (Vol. 2 No. 8)
Karl Fulves A Location position of two free selections are divined, riffle shuffle method
Related to 1973 25
Paul Curry The Missing Thought spectator sits on a card, looks at all the other cards, magician checks all the cards he receives on a pad, except the chosen one
1974 71
Tommy Fredericks Geheimnisvolles Päckchen using words on cigarette case a card and its position is remembered, a packet is cut off and some counting done to arrive at selection, twenty-one force
Also published here
  • Magigram
July 1974
Intermagic (Vol. 2 No. 1)
Karl Fulves White Line Problem no-touch condition definition, spectator upjogs four-of-a-kind and then removes one, performer divines it, two handlings, using different red backs in one deck
Related to Feb. 1975
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. 4)
Gerald Kosky Presto spectator cuts deck and remembers card, then four piles are dealt and spectator looks for pile with his card, word is spelled to find selection
1975 56
Charles T. Jordan Discard Trick two cards chosen by fair cuts, spectator deals into piles and left-over cards are keys for selections
Also published here 1975 154
Charles T. Jordan Mephistopheles' Own using two narrow & short and two wide & long cards as key cards for double location with out-of-hand selection
Related to 1975 180
Charles T. Jordan Change Your Mind? one of two cards thought-of, replaced, deck dealt into two piles (some face-up, some face-down), performer picks out correct card, four groups are marked with dots
Also published here 1975 224
Think of an Ace No. 37, spectator thinks of an Ace and removes it in his own hands, position of Ace keys suit to performer
1976 57
Eddie Joseph Hocus-Pocus No. 45, three five-cards packets, spectator thinks of a card, deals out five packets, pockets the one with selection and performer extracts it
1976 68
Magic by Proxy No. 50, phone rings to give position of selection
1976 75
Gerald Kosky Automatic Placement Handling no-touch
1976 76
Martin A. Nash In The Nick Of Time touching only before the selection is made, performer shouts stop as spectator deals right at his card, see p. 447 for additional crediting
Related toVariations 1977 218
Paul Curry By Any Other Name the initials of a thought of card appear on a joker (Glorpy)
1977 32
John Cornelius No Sleight Card Location two spectators each select a card with magician's back turned, they call out any cards and performer stops them at their selection
1977 16
Karl Fulves Easy as A-B-C two spectators recite the alphabet to locate a selection
Related to 1977 63
George Sands Prime Choice "Two Tricks"
packet of thirteen cards, selection is the last one face-down after counting procedure
Inspired byAlso published here 1978 1137
Simon Aronson Two Card "No Touch" Location spectator cuts off a packet and remembers bottom card, second spectator shuffles same packet and chooses a card, both named by performer
Also published here 1978 95
John F. Mendoza An Old Card Trick Made New spectator cuts off packet, remembers bottom card, shuffles and deal packet in three piles, card immediately named
Related to 1979 94
Howard A. Adams Suits Me using a suit, finding selection after special procedure
OICUFESP (Issue 5 - the SON of esp card & mental miracles)
Ken De Courcy The Very Personal Card Discovery completely out of hand, spectator chooses a card and loses it, spreads deck, one card has his initials and it's the selection
1980 24
Danny Korem Ma Bell Ringers - Korem Variation of Telephone Test additional ideas for Marlo's routine, four phases
Inspired by 1981 22
Jack McMillen, Judson S. Brown From Another Deck with two decks, one packet is cut and turned over, value of card on the face is used to count to a card, performer finds the card in second deck or in a pocket
1981 6
Ben Harris, Woody Meltcher Aroma Cards spectator shuffles, makes three piles and follows a selection procedure, card apparently found by smell
1981 117
Philip T. Goldstein Tarot Deca spectator finds his own selected card, Major Arcana
The Talon (Issue 7)
Bobby Bernard Bobby Bernard's "Crimp" Sequence Challenge card location using crimp (card is selected and lost without magician touching deck)
1982 91
Dr. Jacob Daley, George Sands Prime Choice No. 31, packet of thirteen cards, selection is the last one face-down after counting procedure
Also published here 1983 52
Philip T. Goldstein Out of Sorts thought-of card (from eight) found and named with back turned
Variations 1984 5
Richard Himber No Questions Asked No. 28, location over phone
1984 39
Last October No. 61, spectator pockets some cards and buries a selection in rest, card on top after some counting
Variations 1984 90
Kent Arthur Des Professors Kartentrick
Also published here Jan. 1984
Intermagic (Vol. 10 No. 3 & 4)
Reinhard Müller Nur gedacht! one of four cards selected and found, jumbo cards
Inspired by
  • "Alas-Poor Yorick" (A. Carter, Magigram 12, Oct. 1980)
  • "King's Row" (Larry Becker, MUM 70, 8, Oct. 1981)
1986 12
Edward Marlo 2nd Effect using silent count (page 170) and stack
1988 172
Brother John Hamman Opposite Pockets chosen and thought-of card are named, no-touch, weird thought-of procedure, partial stack
Variations 1989 75
Philip T. Goldstein Encounter duplicate found in second deck when number is counted down, "Interrupted Gilbreath Principle"
1989 2
John Scarne Long Distance card chosen on other side of the room, risky force, position named
1989 2
Karl Fulves Hands Off spectator remembers card, cuts off a packet, down-under deal, spreads card face-up, performer names selection
1989 11
Simon Aronson Self Control spectator cuts off pile and counts, remembers card at same position in rest while reverse-counting them, assembles everything, different revelations suggested
Related toAlso published here 1990 24
Alex Elmsley Australian Self-Help involving counting, spelling, down-under deal
Related toVariations 1991 317
Alex Elmsley Buried Treasure II distant keys, performer stops at selection
Variations 1991 355
Alex Elmsley Weight with small packet, marked key card
Related to 1991 366
Karl Fulves A Martian Chronicle
1992 75
Charles T. Jordan Discard Trick No. 39, two cards chosen by fair cuts, spectator deals into piles and left-over cards are keys for selections
Also published here 1992 46
Charles T. Jordan, Karl Fulves Mephistopheles' Own No. 160, double location with out-of-hand selection
Inspired by 1992 194
Karl Fulves "Premo Detection" Notes No. 163, no-touch version
Inspired by 1992 196
Charles T. Jordan, Karl Fulves Change Your Mind? No. 166, one of two cards thought-of, replaced, deck dealt into two piles (some face-up, some face-down), performer picks out correct card, one-way on faces and backs (instead of original dot marks used by Jordan)
Inspired by 1992 199
Peter Duffie Magician three spectators simultaneously select a card from packet from three to eight cards, spelling and down-under to locate it
Inspired by 1993 4
Jim Steinmeyer The Nine Card Problem small packet spelling discovery, no-touch
Inspired by
  • "Remote Control" (Jim Steinmeyer, The New Invocation #43, Feb. 1988)
Related toVariationsAlso published here
May 1993
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 9)
Jim Steinmeyer Remote Control small packet spelling discovery, no-touch
Also published here
  • The New Invocation #43, Feb. 1988
May 1993
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 9)
Jerry K. Hartman Eight-Card Solution two versions:
  • two spectators each note a card from a small packet, each one follows an elimination procedure until down to one card, each spectator finds his card
  • single-spectator version
Also published here Aug. 1993
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 12)
Ted Lesley, Philip T. Goldstein The Out of Sorts Variations thought-of card (from eight) found and named with back turned, two variations
Inspired by 1994 52
Simon Aronson Some People Think interlocking chains
Also published here 1994 3
Simon Aronson Two Card "No Touch" Location spectator cuts off a packet and remembers bottom card, second spectator shuffles same packet and chooses a card, both named by performer
Also published here 1994 88
Tale of the Tape No. 44, tape recorder gives instructions from cassette to which a card is lost and found
1995 86
Simon Aronson Everybody's Lazy two spectators and performer remember cards, performer names position of spectator's cards, spectator names number and there is performer's card, no-touch
VariationsAlso published here 1995 167
Simon Aronson Madness in our Methods three selections, fair conditions, no-touch and no card seen
  • Alternative Revelations
1995 194
Simon Aronson The PIP Stack "Position Information Procedure"
Ace to King stack in deck, allows performer to know position of replaced selection
1995 290
Richard Vollmer Einstein's Favorite Trick spectator locates his own card
1995 32
Jerry K. Hartman Eight Card Solution two versions:
  • two spectators each note a card from a small packet, each one follows an elimination procedure until down to one card, each spectator finds his card
  • single-spectator version (p. 249)
see also final notes in Card Craft reference for "an extended analysis of this procedure"
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 1995 248
Ron Cohen Calling From Waikiki location with back turned or over phone
Inspired byAlso published here Apr. 1995
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 8)
Michael Close Jazzin - The Trick that Can be Explained finding a named card via improvisation
Related to 1996 160
Bob King, Jim Steinmeyer, Jon Racherbaumer Tele-Mental
Also published here 1996 23
Christian Chelman Blind Sighted card approximately in center, then dealt into six heaps
Related to 1996 11
Peter Duffie The Short Deck Baffler Challenge location, card freely selected and shuffled, magician finds it
1997 82
One-Twenty Six cut-deeper procedure for two selections
1997 9
Eddie Clever A Clever Trick out-of-hand selection procedure with center cut, no keys, spectator removes five cards one of which must be the selection, performer finds it
VariationsAlso published here
  • "He Only Thinks" (Magic in the Modern Manner, Orville Meyer, 1949)
Oct. 1997
Onyx (Issue 1)
Ken Simmons Variation by Ken Simmons out-of-hand selection procedure with center cut, no keys, spectator removes five cards one of which must be the selection, performer finds it, with additional riffle shuffle after the selection by spectator
Inspired by Oct. 1997
Onyx (Issue 1)
Eddie Clever No Way! out-of-hand selection procedure with center cut, spectator reads off values and performer stops at selection
VariationsAlso published here
  • "Unseen" (Magic in the Modern Manner, Orville Meyer, 1949)
Oct. 1997
Onyx (Issue 1)
Ron Cohen Calling From Waikiki location with back turned or over phone
Also published here 1997 69
Marty Kane Trek Trick
Inspired by 1998 1452
Peter Duffie The Chosen Few a card created with a cut off pile by chosen a card for suit and counting for value, another spectator cuts to it
1998 3
Kent Arthur Des Professors Kartentrick
Also published here 1998
Intermagic (Vol. 22 No. 1)
Jeff Busby One-Way Glass card selected out-of-hands from shuffled deck, performer names position of selection, almost no-touch, out-of-hand reversal method
Inspired by
  • "Mind Mirror" (Jack McMillen, "Mental Mysteries with Cards", Larsen & Wright, 1942)
1998 62
Tom Frame What Were You Thinking? three cards chosen by cutting off a pile and remembering bottom card of cut-off packet and top card of rest, and by dealing through the pile and stopping at any card, all cards named without touching the deck
July 1998
Magic (Vol. 7 No. 11)
Bob King Stebbins Buried Treasure spectator chooses card by cutting deck in three piles, then he deals through the cards and performer stops at selection
Inspired by 1998 15
Richard Osterlind Under Test Conditions stack
1999 28
Doug Canning, Steve Beam Five Card Stud chosen card is located by the use of a down-under deal and by spelling the locator card
Inspired by
  • Gene Castillon's " Computer Telephone Mystery" in "The Linking Ring" June, 1999.
2000 27
Peter Duffie Found by Coincidence spectator uses some cards of sixteen-card packet to find his selection with down-under deal, then reverse faros until down to one brings mate of the top card of another packet
Inspired byRelated toVariations 2000 6
Marty Kane The Jack Queen King Ace Trick over phone, involving spelling, down-under deal
Inspired by 2000 [25]
Jim Steinmeyer The Nine Card Problem small packet spelling discovery, no-touch
Also published here 2002 5
Jim Steinmeyer The Full Deck Problem Nine Card Problem version with deck
Variations 2002 8
Lewis Jones, Jack Avis Remote view - the sequel two consecutive challenge locations
Inspired by
  • "Remove View" (Lewis Jones, Cardiograms)
2002 55
Marty Kane The Jack of Death Card Trick involving spelling, down-under deal, presentation
Inspired by 2002 66
Karl Fulves Overthrow cut deeper force applied to red/black alternating set-up
Related to 2003 329
Karl Fulves Repeat After Me two decks, spectator cuts and remembers face card, then replaces, cuts behind back, both decks spread face-up, performer and spectator each push out three cards, one must be selection, performer's cards are added and counted down to in his deck, it matches spectator's selection
Inspired by
  • "He Only Thinks" (Eddie Clever, Magic In The Modern Manner, Orville Meyer, 1949)
Related to
Off The Books (Issue 3)
Karl Fulves Untouchable
Off The Books (Issue 5)
Karl Fulves Edge of Mind spectator cuts off packet and hides it, card at same position is remembered, deck dealt into eight piles, selection named and packet with it pointed to
Off The Books (Issue 5)
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Back to Sands packet cut off, all cards except one eliminated, last one is selection, (co-)prime number principle
2003 75
Chris Wardle Friends Reunited card chosen, spectator then locates its mates with cut deeper force, no-touch, menetekel with mates
2003 11
Simon Aronson Self Control Lie Speller spectator cuts off pile and counts, remembers card at same position in rest while reverse-counting them, assembles everything
  • Self Control Location Procedure
  • Lie Speller Revelation (à la Bruce Cervon)
Inspired byAlso published here 2003 8
Simon Aronson Everybody's Lazy two spectators and performer remember cards, performer names position of spectator's cards, spectator names number and there is performer's card, no-touch
Also published here 2003 17
Simon Aronson Self Control Lie Speller spectator cuts off pile and counts, remembers card at same position in rest while reverse-counting them, assembles everything
  • Self Control Location Procedure
  • Lie Speller Revelation (à la Bruce Cervon)
Also published here 2003 2
Steve Beam Utility Cutter cutting six piles, three face up and three face down with the Rolly Polly Controlly, knowing how many cards are face up, as a control
2004 21
Marty Kane Apart-Hide involving counting, spelling, down-under deal
Inspired by 2004 147
Juan Tamariz Mnemonicosis (Tamariz on Ideas by Marlo and Vernon) finding named card via improvisation
  • A. Mnemonicosis
  • B. Card Control
  • C. Mnemonicosis over the Phone
Inspired byRelated to 2004 97
Karl Fulves Mixology spectator memorizes card and its position, gives riffle shuffle, performer names new position, shuffle tracking presentation
2005 94
Karl Fulves Self-Made Trap card chosen from face-up deck with Ten-Twenty force, turns out to be sandwiched by odd-backed cards
2005 424
Cushing Strout Variations on "The Nine Problem" Small packet spelling discovery, no-touch, gives different ways to present it (tarot cards etc.)
Inspired by 2005 9
Barrie Richardson A Mental Maguffin prediction about how many cards are cut, and which card is cut to, hands-off
Also published here
  • Club 71, Spring 2001
2005 241
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) 6. Plain Moe
Mar. 2006
The Penumbra (Issue 10)
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) 7. The Red Card Force or Prediction
8. A Red Herring! (Or two!)
card force in which the spectator shuffles, cuts off a pile and remembers the first (or third in No. 8) red card
Mar. 2006
The Penumbra (Issue 10)
Steve Beam Your Secret Number using the two packet principle, with variations
  • Impossible - Single Selection
  • Doubly Impossible - Two Selections
  • The Not-So-Secret Number
2006 27
Marty Kane Color Suit and Value two selection are found by spelling and down-under deals
2006 81
Marty Kane Triple Lie Detector two selection are found by spelling and down-under deals, spectators can lie while spelling
2006 82
Marty Kane Alternative Names spectator locates his own card in a pile, spelling and down-under deal
2006 83
Marty Kane Police Profiling four spectators locate their chosen court card in a pile, spelling and down-under deal
2006 83
Marty Kane Deck Brand spectators chose a deck from a different brand, shuffle spell brand and after procedure find their selected cards, spelling and down-under deal
2006 84
Marty Kane Yes Or No? spectators chose a card and then have to answer questions by spelling, after down-under deal they locate their cards
2006 84
Marty Kane Diamonds several spectators select a Diamond card and after spelling and down-under deals they find their selections again
2006 85
Marty Kane Good-Bye spelling of words and down-under deal to find selections
2006 85
Marty Kane Password spelling and down-under deal, password theme
  • Dow Show
  • Sniper
  • The Web
  • Snail Mail
Inspired by 2006 88
Marty Kane Mix Master spelling and down-under deal, theme is mixing cards
2006 92
Marty Kane The King of Swing spelling and down-under deal
Inspired byRelated to 2006 93
Paul Gordon Impromptu Pokertell spectator chooses a card from a packet with dealing procedure, then reads off all the cards, performer knows selection
Inspired by
  • "Poker Tell" (Jon Racherbaumer, Big Easy Card Cunning)
2006 134
Karl Fulves No-Touch Card Location spectator cuts near center and remembers card
2007 57
Asi Wind Somebody Stop Me spectator cuts to card and loses it, then deals the cards, performer stops him at selection, no-touch
VariationsAlso published here 2007 2
Jack Parker The Third Time's The Charm three spectators select a card and get a third of the deck each, it ends up on top eventually
Inspired by
  • "Low Down Triple Dealing" (Colm Mulchy, FOCUS magazine, Nov. 2004)
June 2007
Genii (Vol. 70 No. 6)
Jerry K. Hartman Psykey location of card that was selected and lost with magician’s back turned
2007 363
Tomas Blomberg Time After Time three spectators mix a selection in a third of the deck each, it ends up on top eventually
  • Part 1: The Multiple Selection and Control
  • Part 2: The Irrefutable Mix-Up
  • Part 3: The Impossible Revelation
Inspired byAlso published here Apr. 2008
Genii (Vol. 71 No. 4)
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) 14. Not So Plain Moe card fairly chosen, spectator deals face down and performer stops him at selection
Nov. 2009
The Penumbra (Issue 11)
Ken Krenzel REMOTACAAN no-touch, card selected instead of named, impromptu
2009 221
Ken Krenzel AUTOMACAAN 100% no-touch, card selected instead of named, impromptu, possible over telephone
2009 227
Michael Weber New Deal "Two Tricks with Your New Toy", spectator cuts to a card, performer divines and locates it
Related to 2009 4
Jim Steinmeyer Eleven Roads to Heaven eleven cards, one selected with dealing procedure, located, no-touch
2010 1
Jim Steinmeyer The Password Fallacy nine card spelling trick using thought-of word to locate card
2010 6
Jim Steinmeyer A Universal Password twelve card spelling trick using thought-of word to locate card
2010 8
Ken De Courcy 1654 card chosen from quarter of deck, spectator finds it himself via down under deal
Inspired byRelated to 2010
Prolix (Issue 7)
Roberto Giobbi, Richard Vollmer The Einstein Card Trick Variation
  • The Genii Session
packet cut to, bottom card remembered and name spelled, then down-under-deal to find selection
Related to Mar. 2010
Genii (Vol. 73 No. 3)
Juan Tamariz Paradise Recovered seven cards for every spectator, the follow along and eventually locate their initial selection
Related to
  • "Paradise Recovered" (Juan Tamariz, Verbal Magic, p. 38)
Nov. 2010
Genii (Vol. 73 No. 11)
Todd Karr Web Scam deck riffle shuffled (interlocking chains), card placed from one half into the other, by looking at that half the performer names the card, can be performed over zoom
Inspired by 2010 63
Richard Vollmer, Roberto Giobbi Einstein's Card Trick card remembered and name spelled, then down-under-deal to find selection
Related toVariations 2010 1
Ben Harris, Steve Shufton X-Ray spectator cuts anywhere, turns card over, replaces top half and cases deck, performer divines card and names its position, five crimps
  • Impromptu X-Ray Opportunities (setting up on the fly)
Related toVariations 2010 11
Jerry K. Hartman The One and Only spectator cuts to any card, remembers it and replaces, deck dealt into two piles irregularly by spectator, performer's section is eliminated, repeated until one card remains, it's the selection
Mar. 2011
Genii (Vol. 74 No. 3)
Pit Hartling Bolsillos Opuestos card stopped at and card thought-of in relation to the stopped-at card, both removed, performer divines both
Inspired byAlso published here 2011
El Manuscrito (Vol. 4 No. 15)
Gordon Bean Count One Way three piles made with counting and adding digits (using Billy O’Connor's procedure), then top card of one pile chosen without performer looking and lost, performer knows pile and stops spectator as he deals through pile at his card
2011 42
Peter Duffie Auto Hue two spectators each choose a card from a packet with procedure involving dealing into two hands, reds and blacks separate and the selections end up in the odd-colored pile, no-touch
Inspired by
  • "More Discerption" (Peter Duffie, ebook Area 52)
2012 3
Chris Westfall Never Touched No touch card location
2013 29
Jim Steinmeyer, Wayne Dobson The Nine Card Problem small packet spelling discovery, no-touch
Inspired by 2013 21
Jim Steinmeyer, Eddie Joseph Chicagoism packet, spelling, also over phone
Inspired by
  • "Jasonism" (Eddie Joseph, Sphinx Sept. 1946)
2014 5
Jim Steinmeyer, Eddie Joseph Invoking Margery
Inspired by 2014 22
Tomas Blomberg Time After Time three spectators mix a selection in a third of the deck each, it ends up on top eventually
Inspired byAlso published here 2014 283
Friedrich Roitzsch Far Out no-touch handling with no faces seen by performer
Inspired byAlso published here 2015 6
Jim Steinmeyer, Eddie Joseph, Alan Stockwell A Study in Scarlet and Black as phone effect
Inspired by 2015 21
Pit Hartling Hot Pockets card stopped at and card thought-of in relation to the stopped-at card, both removed, performer divines both
Inspired byAlso published here 2015 127
Nick Trost ESP By Coincidence spectator uses some cards of sixteen-card packet to find his selection with down-under deal, then reverse faros until down to one brings same symbols on top of packets
Inspired by 2015 1326
Theodore Annemann Annemann's Miracle Magician locates card while standing far away from spectator, does not touch the deck at all
Also published here 2017 78
Áriston Predicción con Calculadora finding a card using a calculator
2017 90
Asi Wind Somebody Stop Me spectator cuts to card and loses it, then deals the cards, performer stops him at selection, no-touch
Also published here 2018 45
Michael Weber GPS out-of-hand selection procedure, advertising card appears at same position in one half as selection in other
May 2020
Elixir (Vol. 3 No. 1 Part 2 (Spring #2))
Stephen Hobbs Zoomatic II revelation with one suit
Related to
  • "Further Ideas with a Packet of Twelve Cards: 'The Hotel Mystery'" (Juan Tamariz, Verbal Magic, 2005)
Sep. 2020
Genii (Vol. 83 No. 9)
Jim Steinmeyer One Exceptional Card card selected from five-card packet, found after some counting procedure
2020 3
Jim Steinmeyer The "I Forgot of Something"
2020 9
Jim Steinmeyer Four Your Next Trick performer doesn't touch the cards, spectator locates performer's thought-of card
2020 26
John Bannon Autopsychic
  • Dealing With It
three piles of three cards each, on thought of from one pile and lost, later found again
Related to
  • "Little Vernon" (John Carey, Me, My Cards, And I, 2017)
Jan. 2021
Genii (Vol. 84 No. 1)
Boris Wild Zoom 9 no-touch packet location with spelling
  • Variations of Choices
  • Variations of Revelations
  • Online Variations
Inspired by 2021 7
Eugene Burger Einstein's Card Trick card remembered and name spelled, then down-under-deal to find selection
  • Interview Discussion
Inspired by 2021 138
Bert Allerton, Henry Christ Allerchrist Card Trick brief
Also published here 2022 12
Martin A. Nash Expertalk: Martin Nash A New Nick of Time touching only before the selection is made, performer shouts stop as spectator deals right at his card
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here
  • MAGIC, July 2004
2022 317
Joshua Jay Australian Self-Help Variation involving spelling, down-under deal
Inspired byAlso published here
  • MAGIC, Nov. 2006
2022 554
Friedrich Roitzsch Far Out no-touch handling with no faces seen by performer
  • Close-Up Version
Inspired byAlso published here 2023 63
Pit Hartling Opposite Pockets Revisited card stopped at and card thought-of in relation to the stopped-at card, both removed, performer divines both
  • Shuffling the deck
  • Hands-Off and The Sudden Revelation
Inspired byAlso published here 2023 1
Shawn Farquhar Guesstimation spectator cuts to and remembers a card, deck dealt into five pile and spectator says which pile has his selection, spectator deals through cards and performer stops him at selection
Related to 2024 102
Joshua Jay, Ben Harris, Steve Shufton Memorized X-Ray spectator cuts anywhere, turns card over, replaces top half and cases deck, performer divines card and names its position, four crimps
Inspired by 2024 68
Joshua Jay Thoughts on Thought-of Cards comments on improvising, naming, thought-of cards in a memorized deck
  • Riffing in the Particle System
  • One and Done (finding only one card that way)
  • Technique vs. Premise
  • Let’s Riff
    • Marked Riffing
    • Breather Riffing
    • Maximum Contrast
    • Putting It All Together
Related to 2024 90