141 entries in Cards / Sleights / Force / Cut Forces / Cut-Deeper Force
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Cut Deeper Force
July 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 182)
Cut Deeper Force with three cuts
1953 3
Cut Deeper Force
1959 18
Hubert Lambert Cutting Deeper Force Variation
May 1963
The New Phoenix (Issue 380)
Ed Balducci Cut Deeper Force with a short card to set-up
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1967-68)
Edward Marlo Cut Deeper Force Handling
Related to 1972 19
Edward Marlo Cut Deeper Force Variation with demonstration phase
Also published here 1974 209
Edward Marlo Cut Deeper Force Variation with two cards
Magick (Issue 112)
Ed Balducci Cut Deeper Force
1975 93
Cut-Deeper Force
1975 44
Gerald Kosky Another Prediction cut deeper Force, all cards are face-down but one
1975 155
Ed Balducci Cut Deeper Force
1976 21
Cut Deeper Force using Tarot cards
Magick (Issue 181)
Henry Christ Cut Deeper Force
Magick (Issue 186)
The Revolving Force cut deeper
1977 80
Ed Balducci, Henry Christ Cut Deeper Force
1978 70
Lin Searles Cut Deeper Force here credited to Lin Searles
1978 4
Karl Fulves Cut-Deeper Force motivated with presentation
1978 1091
Cut Deeper Force
1978 46
Cut Deeper Force
1979 3
E. Leslie May Mit Dank and Joseph und James three cards chosen with "cut a packet and turn it over", divined or predicted
Inspired by
  • "Nullifactor" (Stewart James, 1951)
Also published here
  • Pentagram, Dec. 1959
Dec. 1979
Intermagic (Vol. 6 No. 3 & 4)
Nick Trost 3-Way Matchup three matching signs after some cutting
1979 11
Al Smith Cut:22 two card revelation using cut deeper force
Inspired by
  • "Quadruple Profit" (Dave Solomon, Sticks and Stones No. 7)
1980 16
Bruce Bernstein A Card Reading cut deeper force used for Tarot reading
Also published here 1981 10
Edward Marlo Marlo's Double Christ Location no-touch cut-deeper selection procedure
Variations 1982 39
Stephen Tucker No Cover Henry Christ inspired by the cut deeper force
Related to 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. Special #1 (Summer))
Karl Fulves The Open Prediction No. 7, using cut-deeper force
Variations 1984 9
Ed Balducci, Lin Searles Cut Deeper Force
1984 10
Hypnotisn't No. 44, two spectators with a deck each, both select two cards with expanded cut-deeper procedure and they match
1984 57
Ed Balducci Cut Deeper No. 56
1984 81
John Quine Two "Cut Deeper" Forces
Dec. 1985
Apocalypse (Vol. 8 No. 12)
Frederick Braue Flip-Flop Force cut-deeper force
Related to 1985 8
Ed Balducci Cut Deeper Force
1985 134
Cut-Deeper Force
Apr. 1986
Magick (Issue 368)
Brother John Hamman The Rolling Control variation of Cut Deeper Force, "Flip-Flop Force"
VariationsAlso published here 1989 185
Ed Balducci Cut Deeper Force
1990 13
Ed Balducci Cut Deeper Force
1991 15
Ed Balducci Cut Deeper Force
June/July 1991
Avantgarde Magic (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Ed Balducci Cut Deeper Force
1991 27
Ed Balducci, Henry Christ Cut Deeper Force
July 1992
Apocalypse (Vol. 15 No. 7)
Ed Balducci Cut Deeper Force
The Olram File (Issue 14)
Cut Deeper Force
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Magazine Miscellanea)
Ed Balducci Cut Deeper Force
1993 5
Peter Duffie Deep Thoughts cut deeper force to decide on two sandwich cards, those sandwich a card which matches another chosen card, sandwich cards change to other two cards of that value
1993 1
Ed Balducci Cut Deeper Force
1993 5
Ed Balducci 1.- Volteo Dos Veces de Paquete, "Cut Deeper Force"
1993 143
Aldo Colombini Tri-Emphasis based on Cut-Deeper-Force
Also published here Apr. 1994
Apocalypse (Vol. 17 No. 4)
Cut-Deeper Force here credited to Henry Christ
1994 83
Cut Deeper Force
1994 61
Aldo Colombini Well Done, Boys! four packets made, on the top are the Kings, on the bottom the Aces
Related to
  • Ed Marlo routine in Sly Glanced, p. 47
1994 107
Ed Balducci, Henry Christ, Edward Marlo The Balducci Force cut deeper
1995 86
Ed Balducci Cut Deeper Force
June 1995
The Minotaur (Vol. 7 No. 2)
Philip T. Goldstein Kaum glaublich! cut deeper with divided deck
Related to Mar. 1995
Intermagic (Vol. 19 No. 2)
Aldo Colombini Tri-Emphasis based on Cut-Deeper-Force
Also published here 1995 75
Jerry K. Hartman Cut Deeper Control Cut Deeper procedure done by performer to bring selection from middle to top, see p. 120 for additional applications:
  • selection in middle, three cards are randomly cut to (“your card could be any of these…”) and selection controlled to top
  • selection controlled to determined number from bottom
1995 119
Cut Deeper Force Key Placement
1996 10
Ed Balducci, Henry Christ Cut Deeper Force
1996 28
Ed Balducci Cut Deeper Force
1996 2
Cut-Deeper Force
Sep. 1996
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 1)
Ed Balducci Cut Deeper Force
1997 38
Ed Balducci Cut Deeper Force
1997 182
Ed Balducci Cut Deeper Force
1997 304
Ed Balducci Cut Deeper Force
Related to
  • Little Card Rise (1949)
  • "All Fair Coincidence" (Ed Balducci & Ken Krenzel, Hugard's Magic Monthly, November 1956)
1997 312
Ed Balducci Cut Deeper Force
1997 2
Ed Balducci Cut-Deeper Force
1998 3
Ed Balducci The Cut-Deeper Force
1999 41
Ed Balducci The Cut-Deeper Force
1999 142
Jerry K. Hartman Deep Voodoo two-card location
Inspired byAlso published here June 1999
Genii (Vol. 62 No. 6)
Justin Higham Revolutionary Ace Cutting Aces found through consecutive cut forces
  • Cut-Deeper Ace Cutting
  • So-Simple Ace Cutting (Discard)
Inspired by 1999 87
Sam Schwartz Fourtell prediction of four cards chosen in different ways, one thought-of, cut-deeper handling
Variations 2000 103
Cut Deeper Force
2000 73
Edward Marlo Finessed Balducci Cut Deeper Force
2001 106
Brother John Hamman Triple Match three cards selected by performer and spectator match
Variations Feb. 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 2)
Brother John Hamman Flip-Flop Aces four cards are chosen and lost, then spectator's find the Aces and they change into the selections
Feb. 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 2)
Brother John Hamman A Finding of Fours
Feb. 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 2)
Edward Marlo Cut Deeper Force Handling with demonstration phase
Also published here Nov. 2001
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 3)
Cut Deeper Force
2002 32
Brother John Hamman Flip-Flop Force variation of the Cut-Deeper Force
2002 90
Jules Lenier The Tarot Knows forcing two Tarot cards
June 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 6)
Brother John Hamman Flip-Flop Force variation of Cut Deeper Force
Also published here May 2002
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Karl Fulves, Ed Balducci Cut Deeper Variation
2003 52
Karl Fulves Overthrow cut deeper force applied to red/black alternating set-up
Related to 2003 329
Karl Fulves Cut Shallow "cut shallow force" as opposite of "cut deeper force"
2003 331
Karl Fulves Cut & Cancel weird, card placed on table shows up in deck after two-packet back-and-forth cut deeper force and tabled card becomes prediction
2004 45
Brother John Hamman Flip-Flop Force variation of Cut Deeper Force
Also published here 2004 134
Jerry K. Hartman Deep Cut Key Cut Deeper Control as key card placement
Discoverie (Issue 9)
Gavin Ross Hot Flush Royal Flush production with cut deeper force
Variations 2005 11
Cut Deeper Force
2006 143
Ed Balducci, Edward Marlo Cut Deeper Force Variation with demonstration phase
Also published here 2006 100
Robin Robertson Double-Duty Balducci cut-deeper-force variation (vertical display), can be used as force and control
2007 228
Jerry K. Hartman Deeper Dupers applications as a force/switch
Inspired by 2007 230
David Solomon Cut Deeper Sans Deeper two cards chosen with cut procedure, divined and then produced
Inspired by 2007 74
Ed Balducci Cut-Deeper Force spreading action, not straight cutting, used to set Key Card, also see p. 153
2007 148
Ed Balducci Cut-Deeper Force spreading action, not straight cutting, used to set Key Card, also see p. 148
2007 153
Jerry K. Hartman, Ed Balducci Cut-Deeper Force variant same methodology as original Cut-Deeper Force, used in slightly different way
2007 263
Frederick Braue, Ed Balducci Cut-Deeper Force credit information
2008 261
Brother John Hamman Hamman Flip-Flop Force and Control variation of the Cut-Deeper Force, also "Rolling Control"
2008 274
Karl Fulves Cut Deeper comments and applications, see following items
Related to 2008
Prolix (Issue 4)
Sam Mayer Another Do As I Do cut deeper type
Also published here
  • The Sphinx, July 1946
Prolix (Issue 4)
Frederick Braue Flip Flop Force cut deeper force, then miniature card "rises"/jumps out
Related toAlso published here
  • "Roundabout", Fred Braue, Hugard's Magic Monthly, Jan. 1949
Prolix (Issue 4)
Ed Balducci, Ken Krenzel The All-Fair Coincidence credit information, cut deeper force
Also published here
  • Hugard's Magic Monthly, Nov. 1956
Prolix (Issue 4)
Juan Tamariz The Power of Love spectator turn cards over as in a cut deeper force but it resembles a shuffle, all cards are face down, using a paperclip to mark position
2008 61
Sam Mayer, Ed Balducci Cut-Deeper Force with credit information
2009 183
Cut-Deeper Force
2009 307
Brother John Hamman Flip-Flop Force
2009 362
John Bannon Fifty-One Fat Chances cut-deeper force approach
Inspired byAlso published here 2009 5
Ed Balducci, Sam Mayer Cut Deeper Force
2010 182
Steve Beam, Sam Mayer, Ed Balducci Cut-Deeper Force - Sleight Variation
Also published here 2010 206
Ed Balducci, Sam Mayer Cut Deeper Force
2010 36
Jerry K. Hartman Cut Deeper Procedure see also next trick
Prolix (Issue 9)
Karl Fulves Multiple Cut Deeper Force double backers alternate with cards
Prolix (Issue 9)
Msgr. Vincent Foy The Cut Deeper Cut one-handed cut deeper force
2011 50
Steve Beam Cut-Deeper Force - A Sleight Variation
Also published here 2011 26
Cut-Deeper Force
2011 576
Nick Trost Spectator's Double Match two cards cut to in two halves, they're mates
Inspired by 2011 603
Nick Trost Brother Hamman's "Triple Match" Revisited three cards selected by performer and spectator match with half deck each
Inspired by 2011 608
Nick Trost My Triple Match three cards selected by performer and spectator match
Inspired by 2011 610
Nick Trost Quadruple Do As I Do three cards selected by performer and spectator match, Aces finale
Inspired by 2011 614
Bruce Bernstein Cut Deeper Location
Also published here
  • Bruce Bernstein's "Cut Deeper Location" in "1982 Lecture Notes".
2012 129
Bruce Bernstein A Card Reading cut deeper force used for Tarot reading
Also published here 2012 145
John Guastaferro Cut Deeper Exchange two-pile version of Cut-Deeper Force
2013 31
John Bannon Fifty-One Fat Chances cut-deeper force approach
Also published here 2013 61
Alexander de Cova Forciermethoden on forcing methods that can be used blindfolded
  • Hinduforce
2015 185
Nick Trost Royal Flush royal flush production with cut-deeper
Inspired by 2015 1198
Ed Balducci Cut Deeper Force without credit
2016 56
Brother John Hamman Flip-Flop Force variation of the Cut-Deeper Force
2017 1365
Nick Trost Hot Flush Revisited straight flush production with cut deeper force, starts with honest riffle shuffle
Inspired by 2017 1480
Brother John Hamman Flip-Flop Force and Control brief
Also published here 2017 1519
Ed Balducci Cut Deeper Force
2018 53
Jan Logemann High Five two spectators cut (deeper) in two halves, four cards of same value show up, cutting the high card presentation, money prize is split in two
Inspired by
  • Aldo Colombini trick
2019 8
Brother John Hamman Flip-Flop Force variation of the Cut-Deeper Force
2019 1613
Jim Steinmeyer Four Your Next Trick performer doesn't touch the cards, spectator locates performer's thought-of card
2020 26
Ed Balducci Cut Deeper Force
2020 319
Cut Deeper Force
Mar. 2022
The Disclaimer (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Edward Marlo Cut Deeper Force Handling with demonstration phase
Also published here 2022 29
Rick Maue The Give and Take Force
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Apr. 2006
2022 492
Michael Weber A Number of Faces North Open Prediction effect with cut deeper force, no-touch
2023 2
John Guastaferro Hybrid Triumph spectators help mixing the cards face-up/face-down, Cut Deeper
Inspired by 2023 100
Claude Impériale Two Birds One Stone two cards chosen, one divined with memory feat, the other named as well
Inspired by
  • "Spaced Out" (Roger Golde, Card Treks, 1981)
Jan. 2024
The Hermit (Vol. 3 No. 1)
Roberto Giobbi Continuous Cut Deeper Force
Unexpected Agenda (Issue July 4)
Roberto Giobbi Continuous Cut Deeper Force... as a Key Card Placement
Unexpected Agenda (Issue July 5)