378 entries in Cards / Principles / Stacked Deck Stuff / Divided Deck
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
The Pack being divided into two Heaps on the Table and a Card taken from each Heap and placed in the other: to discover such Cards two methods (odd/even or bridge)
1889 81
Das Wiederfinden der Karten two cards are lost and found, divided deck, either red-black or odd-even
1896 103
Dr. Ford Rogers Rogers' "Incomprehensibility" top and bottom half have different finishes, spectator thinks stop as performer deals
Related to 1913 3
Charles T. Jordan Close Range Mind Reading No. 1, cards riffle shuffled once, low values removed, remaining thirty-two cards dealt into two piles, one card moved over and located, interlocking chains
Also published here 1919/1920 11
Charles T. Jordan The Dealing Dovetail Detection No. 5, card is found after lots of real shuffling
Also published here 1919/1920 25
Charles T. Jordan The New Pack Detection No. 7, deck is split in two and two cards selected and exchanged, both cards are divined
Also published here 1920 15
Charles T. Jordan The Ready Reckoner spectator cuts off a packet, performer finds out how many, divided deck (clubs/diamonds and hearts/spades)
Also published here 1922
The Four Full Hands (Issue Four Full Hands of Card Tricks)
Charles T. Jordan The Pair Detection spectator removes a pair from a packet, performer finds out which cards, card counting, Parallel Principle precursor
Related toAlso published here 1922
The Four Full Hands (Issue Four Full Hands of Card Tricks)
Charles T. Jordan The Dead Easy Location divided deck
Also published here 1922
The Four Full Hands (Issue Four Full Hands of Card Tricks)
Charles T. Jordan The Take a Peek Card Trick four groups shuffled, card chosen and by looking at the section it came from it is divined
Also published here 1922
The Four Full Hands (Issue Four Full Hands of Card Tricks)
Jack Merlin Another Red and Black Effect a red card and a black card are selected, after the shuffle the deck is separated and in one hand are all red cards and the black selection and in the other hand vice versa
1927/28 11
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Auffinden zweier gezogener und in das Spiel zurückgesteckter Karten two cards are located, even / odd divison
1930 79
T. Page Wright Monarch detection suit order of four selections known, high probability of being unique
Related to 1933 14
Odd/Even Divided Deck
1933 48
A Prediction Effect No. 13, two spectators choose cards and use their value to count to a celebrity in a written list, it is predicted
1935 16
Al Baker Lost and Found divided deck, one riffle shuffle by spectator
Also published here 1935 25
The Deck That Isn't for insiders, one-way backs with red in one way and black the other
1937 145
Wimborough Ne Plus Ultra Location divided one-way backs
1937 156
Harry Vosburgh A Principle in Disguise divided one-way backs
Inspired by 1937 160
Charles T. Jordan Stop and Think odd/even system for divided deck
Also published here 1937 196
Charles T. Jordan Novel Card Discovery odd/even system for divided deck, spectator riffle shuffles
Also published here 1937 197
Charles T. Jordan Improved Marvelous Prediction odd/even system for divided deck, spectator riffle shuffles, set-up in front of spectators by openly dealing into some heaps
Also published here 1937 197
Charles T. Jordan Ready Reckoner spectator cuts off a packet, performer finds out how many, divided deck
Also published here 1937 198
Charles T. Jordan The Pair Detection spectator removes a pair from a packet, performer finds out which cards, card counting, Parallel Principle precursor
Also published here 1937 198
Charles T. Jordan Dead Easy Location divided deck
Also published here 1937 199
Charles T. Jordan Premier Card Discovery odd/even
Also published here 1937 227
Naming Chosen Card odd/even divided deck, spectator riffle shuffles
1937 232
Charles T. Jordan New Pack Detection divided deck principle with new deck order
Also published here 1937 239
Orville Wayne Meyer The New "Miracle" Effect five cards selected, mixed with twenty more cards, then located
Feb. 1937
The Jinx (Issue 29)
The Divided Pack: The Red and Black Location with note of mixed-suit separation
1938 85
Red and Black Location with Riffle Shuffle spectator cuts off cards, remembers bottom card and riffle shuffles packet into rest
Variations 1938 87
The Odd and Even Location
1938 88
Charles T. Jordan The Improved Odd and Even Location
1938 88
The "Reversible" Location using one-way feature of faces
1938 88
7. Red and black location featuring Jordan's false shuffle, Telltale Color glimpse of odd-backed card
1938 174
Ivory and Air Cushion Finish halves from different decks with different finishes, divided deck location
Related to 1938 448
Martin Gardner Card Minded spectator divines card from other spectator
The Jinx (Issue Winter Extra 1937/38)
Theodore Annemann Sensitive Thoughts deck divided in red and black, number named and card thought of from different halves, performer names card and position of them
1939 11
Michael F. Zens Zen's X-Clusive Card Combination several cards are selected from a shuffled deck and replaced, performer finds them, then cards are put in envelopes, inside are predictions which match
Also published here Nov. 1939
Chap's Scrapbook (Vol. 2 No. 5)
Don Medley, Harry Jordan Circum-Location three cards, odd-even, identities and positions named
The Jinx (Issue 102)
Clayton Rawson Mass Production long short divided deck
The Jinx (Issue 110)
Martin Gardner Card Minded spectator divines card from other spectator
1943 69
James G. Thompson Jr. Fantasy in Red and Black slop shuffle red black separation, card location, lead in for a red black riffle shuffle set-up
May 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 60)
John Mulholland Red/Black Location standard location of two cards using red/black setup
Related to 1944 22
John Mulholland Combined Tricks begin with Hungry Jackass stack, deal into two piles to go into “Red/Black Location”, see references
Related to 1944 135
Professor El-Tab Silent Stob think stop with two cards
1945 82
Martin Gardner Spread, Shuffle, Spread one to ten cards are removed from a spread and replaced in the other half, after a shuffle all cards are found, sharp/round index divided deck
1945 89
John Hamilton Super Slop Shuffle two phases, separating into odd and even, all odd in one direction and evens in the other after real face-up/face-down shuffle, then triumph effect, see Back Room #90 for Ed Marlo ideas
Related to July 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 87)
J. B. Bobo "Out of this World" Followup - Effect Number 1 spectator finds card that was selected at other end of room
1947 52
George G. Kaplan Using the Corner-Short to Retain a Prearranged Deck in Order using corner-short as divider
1948 19
George G. Kaplan The "Impossible" Discovery odd/even separation with corner-short as divider
1948 46
George G. Kaplan The Topsy-Turvy Fan using odd/even separation and corner-short
1948 51
Paul LePaul Color Segregation
1949 169
Fred Fletcher ABC three cards, falsely credited to Rusduck, see p. 687
Jan. 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 169)
Instant Card Location Two halves, cards selected in one half replaced in the other, easily located
1949 34
John Scarne The Dixie Double Location two cards from two halves exchanged and located, odd/even divided deck
1949 42
Franklin V. Taylor Double Stop two cards, see p. 793 for additional ideas by Al Forsythe
VariationsAlso published here Feb. 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 197)
John Scarne Finding a Selected Card No. 27, Performer divines two selected cards using secretly red/black separated deck
1950 50
John J. Crimmins Jr. Double Location No. 125, two-card impossible location
1950 241
Martin Gardner The Impossible Location No. 129
1950 249
Harry Blackstone Easy Enigma two cards chosen and returned into ribbon-spread are found
1950 56
Michael F. Zens The Mike Zen's Card Act several cards are selected from a shuffled deck and replaced, performer finds them, then cards are put in envelopes, inside are predictions which match
Also published here 1951
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1951)
Eddie Joseph The Personality Touch deck shuffled face-up/face-down, any face-down card chosen, it is divined
1951 15
Eddie Joseph The Mystery of the Unknown Card deck shuffled face-up/face-down, any face-down card chosen and mixed with some face-up cards, it is divined by medium
1951 16
Franklin V. Taylor Double Stop two cards
Also published here 1956 106
Tom Ransom Brown Study two spectators cut off a small pile, shuffle and remember the bottom card, all replaced and done with the performer's back turned, cards are found
Inspired byRelated to Apr. 1956
Ibidem (Issue 5)
Jack Avis All Fair Hallucination card chosen and returned, deck riffled in front of another spectator and he names a card, it is the first selection, faro, only odd-colored
Inspired by
  • "Hallucination" (Lloyd Jones)
1956 13
Edward Marlo Red Black Locations two-card location with divided deck, faro
  • Second Phase (red-black-alternating)
  • Third Phase (red-black-alternating in pairs)
  • Fourth Phase (divided deck)
Variations June 1957
Ibidem (Issue 10)
Edward Marlo Cull Separation Shuffle deck alternates in pairs, after overhand shuffle sequence the colors are separated
June 1957
Ibidem (Issue 10)
Tony Corinda (4) The Odd and Even Set Up divided deck
1958 76
Russell "Rusduck" Duck Las Vegas Deck ivory and air cushion finish deck in conjunction with Rusduck's four-Way Deal, see No. 8 for history of the principle
Related to Mar. 1958
The Cardiste (Issue 6)
Russell "Rusduck" Duck Re: Las Vegas Deck comments by Stewart James and Dai Vernon
Related to May 1958
The Cardiste (Issue 8)
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Tips from Ravelli: Brown Study tip for Brown Study (two spectators cut off a small pile, shuffle and remember the bottom card, all replaced and done with the performer's back turned, cards are found)
Related to Sep. 1958
Ibidem (Issue 14)
Harry Lorayne Location Supreme three card location, then another two cards, divided deck (pictures and Aces on top)
Related toVariations 1962 24
P. Howard Lyons Class Conscious characteristics for divided deck, divided suits
Sep. 1962
Ibidem (Issue 26)
North Bigbee Perfect Pack effects with a stacked deck, New Deck Order with one faro, 14/15 total of two cards
Dec. 1963
The New Phoenix (Issue 385)
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) A. The Red and Black Set-Ups
  • a) The False Shuffle
  • b) How to get the set-up secretly (some methods)
  • c) Delaying the red and black pack
  • d) the alternate pack
    • 1. Transformation of the Separated Pack into the Alternating Pack (faro)
    • 2. Transformation of an alternating Pack into the Separated Red and Black Pack
      • i.
      • ii. (two-card challenge location)
      • iii.
  • e) Some few routining suggestions
Apr. 1963
Ibidem (Issue 28)
Edward Marlo Ultra Repeat with repeat phase and face-up/face-down challenge location as clean-up, retaining divided deck (odd/even)
Inspired by 1964 69
Jack Avis All Fair Challenge Location divided deck and faro
Related to Nov. 1964
Ibidem (Issue 30)
Monty Crowe 2 Needles in a Haystack as Sen. Montgomery F. Crowe, deck cut in halves, two cards reversed and halves shuffled face up in face down, performer finds both cards
Aug. 1964
The New Jinx (Vol. 3 No. 28)
Dick Koester Nuchromancy 3 spectator select cards, total and amount of red and black cards is predicted
Aug. 1965
The New Jinx (Vol. 4 No. 40)
Edward Marlo All Fair Location red black divided & faro
Winter 1967
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 3 No. 1st Folio)
Karl Fulves Double Indemnity spectator riffle shuffles and remembers card at position twenty-six, then removes cards from top and bottom, still located, repeat
Related to 1968 54
Edward Marlo The Odd Event red-black matching thing with two-card location
Inspired byVariations Mar. 1969
Epilogue (Issue 5)
Edward Marlo Divided Deck Selection Finesse spreading in opposite direction for replacement
Related to Mar. 1969
Epilogue (Issue 5)
John Hamilton Divided Deck Subtlety
Inspired by July 1969
Epilogue (Issue 6)
Roy Walton Influence some red-black matching occurs, two stacked decks, faro
Inspired byAlso published here Nov. 1969
Epilogue (Issue 7)
Charlie Miller Color Switch two decks, color of backs change places
The Cardiste (Issue 13)
Paul Swinford Trilemma combo with selection and number, 33 cards
Related to 1969
The Cardiste (Issue 13)
Roy Walton Treble Trouble two cards, odd-even and pointer divided deck
Inspired byAlso published here Aug. 1969
Ibidem (Issue 34 & 35)
Milbourne Christopher Riffle Glimpse glimpsing odd-colored card in divided deck, credit information, divided deck
Nov. 1970
Epilogue (Issue 10)
Paul Swinford Trilemma combo with selection and number, 33 cards
Related to 1971 16
Karl Fulves Technicolor Thought divided deck location, then set-up for "No Mirror"
Related to 1971 16
Jon Racherbaumer Racherbaumer Variation Christ Force as key card placement, red black setup
Fall-Spring 1971
The Hierophant (Issue 5-6)
Karl Fulves Unmatch five reds and five blacks mixed, spectator points to any five, removed as block, cards from both piles simultaneously turned over, always one red and one black, see also p. 460
Related toVariationsAlso published here Sep. 1971
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 6 No. 11)
Harry Lorayne Red-Black Location divided deck, riffle glimpse
VariationsAlso published here 1972 2
Martin Gardner Color Thot spectator pushes out twenty-six cards from tabled spread
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here Feb. 1972 488
Out Of This World Improved No. 572, 26th card reversed to avoid counting
1972 160
Edward Marlo Fourth Objective - Four Card Location four card location with divided deck
1973 9
Edward Marlo Loose Ends handling tips for divided deck
1973 20
Roy Walton Isolator card selected, cards dealt in two piles by spectator, colors separated except selection, faro
VariationsAlso published here Nov. 1973
Epilogue (Issue 19)
Edward Marlo The Odd Event red-black matching thing with two card location
Inspired by 1973 67
Roy Walton Influence some red-black matching occurs, two stacked decks, faro
Inspired by 1973 75
Marvin Johnson Logical Odd Event two selections found and red-black separation
Inspired by 1973 77
Martin Gardner Color Thot
Inspired byAlso published here 1973 81
Edward Marlo The Darkest Hour selected card is only black card in clock dial layout, faros
Variations 1974 122
Edward Marlo Red and Black Thoughts table spread from left to right both times with overhand shuffle in between, or spreading in opposite direction
Related to 1974 142
Charles T. Jordan The New Pack Detection deck is split in two and two cards selected and exchanged, both cards are divined
Also published here 1975 25
Charles T. Jordan The Ready Reckoner spectator cuts off a packet, performer finds out how many, divided deck (clubs/diamonds and hearts/spades)
Related toAlso published here 1975 35
Charles T. Jordan The Pair Detection spectator removes a pair from a packet, performer finds out which cards, card counting, Parallel Principle precursor
Also published here 1975 36
Charles T. Jordan The Dead Easy Location divided deck
Also published here 1975 36
Charles T. Jordan Premier Card Discovery odd/even
Also published here 1975 103
Charles T. Jordan Novel Card Discovery odd/even system for divided deck, spectator riffle shuffles
Also published here 1975 105
Charles T. Jordan The Simplissimo Detection before and after selection of cards a spectator deals the deck in two piles and shuffles them together
Also published here 1975 108
Charles T. Jordan Close-Range Mind Reading cards riffle shuffled once, low values removed, remaining thirty-two cards dealt into two piles, one card moved over and located, interlocking chains
Also published here 1975 121
Charles T. Jordan The Dealing Dovetail Detection card is found after lots of real shuffling
Also published here 1975 128
Charles T. Jordan Improved Marvelous Prediction odd/even system for divided deck, spectator riffle shuffles, set-up in front of spectators by openly dealing into some heaps
Also published here 1975 148
Charles T. Jordan Take-a-Peek Card Trick four groups shuffled, card chosen and by looking at the section it came from it is divined
Also published here 1975 163
Charles T. Jordan Stop and Think odd/even system for divided deck
Also published here 1975 237
Edward Marlo Double Trouble two cards, odd-even divided deck
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1976
Early Marlo (Issue Oddity & Other Miracles)
Harry Lorayne Matching Thought two halves, two odd-colored cards selected from red and black halves
1977 145
Jerry K. Hartman Goody Two Choose two selections, divided deck
Related toVariationsAlso published here Jan. 1978
Apocalypse (Vol. 1 No. 1)
David Britland 'simpossible deck shuffled, two spectators each get half a deck and exchange any card, performer takes only one half and names both cards after looking through it
1978 13
Philip T. Goldstein Hi-Lo Lexicon divided deck of ABC cards, different tricks
  • Hi-Lo Odd Card
  • Hi-Lo Tourist
  • Hi-Lo Subtle Tourist
  • Hi-Lo Thirds
  • Hi-Lo Stranger in Australia
  • Hi-Lo Up-Down
  • Hi-Lo Hummer
  • Addendum
Magick (Issue 209)
Karl Fulves The St. Regis Sleight card selected from incomplete riffle shuffle, color forced
Variations 1979
Karl Fulves The St. Regis Sleight Variation card selected from tabled incomplete faro, color forced
1979 1
Karl Fulves The Double Selection divided deck and cards selected from incomplete riffle shuffle position, one-way suggestion
1979 3
Karl Fulves Riffle Shuffle Control selection made in incomplete riffle shuffle condition, controlled to twenty-six or known position, preserves divided deck
1979 11
Franklin V. Taylor Double Stop No. 59, two cards, two halves dealt, performer shouts stop
Also published here 1979 98
Edward Marlo, Paul Curry The Joker Reads Minds spectator thinks of card and reads order of shuffled deck, spectator should misread joker as selection, it is divined, six methods
Also published here 1980
The Hierophant (Issue The Last Hierophant)
Stephen Minch Secret Chauvinists two spectators select an ESP card from a deck, performer divines both
1980 16
Simon Aronson Divided Deck Shuffle-Bored
Also published here 1980 13
Simon Aronson Delayed Location Effects doing divided deck locations after Shuffle-Bored
Also published here 1980 15
Simon Aronson Color Separation Revelation all reversed cards are black, not recommended
Also published here 1980 17
Simon Aronson Selection Shuffle-Bored Shuffle-Bored combined with a location
Also published here 1980 19
David Solomon David Solomon's variation of Ed Marlo's "But What About My Number?" spectator thinks of a small number and reverses that many cards twice in the deck, deck shuffled face-up/face-down by spectator, performer knows number of reversed cards and the spectator's number coincides with the number of red cards that are reversed
Inspired by
  • "But What About My Number?" (Ed Marlo, Linking Ring, July 1974)
Also published here
1980 28
Daryl Martinez Magician Fooler
1982 1
Daryl Martinez A Few More Ideas ideas for previous "Magician Fooler"
1982 2
Jon Racherbaumer, Philip T. Goldstein Never on Thunday three selections, divided deck
Inspired by Oct. 1983
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 2 No. 14)
Faucett Ross A Questionable Miracle
1983 243
Zwei auf einen Schlag two cards are selected and found, divided deck, two systems
Inspired by
  • "Genii" Vol. 11. P. 240.
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 44 No. 2)
Edward Marlo (C) Ever Ready Black Routine with Mexican Joe applying mexican joe crimp
Inspired by 1984 215
Ron Ferris Hind-Hue Control as a red-black false shuffle, divided deck location application
Mar. 1984
Apocalypse (Vol. 7 No. 3)
George Pierce, Charles T. Jordan, Karl Fulves Flying Colors No. 14, deck riffle shuffled twice by spectator, yet it separates into colors
1984 21
Martin Gardner The Color of Thought No. 20
Inspired by 1984 28
Steve Draun Getting On With This World two-pile deal, seated or stand-up
Also published here 1984 62
Jon Racherbaumer, Philip T. Goldstein, Simon Aronson The Cut Deeper Location
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here
  • MUM, July 1979
1984 169
Card Location odd-even divided deck
1985 2
Philip T. Goldstein Pack of Criminals fifty cards with names of criminals, spectator choses one and tells it with four others to medium on the phone, medium divines chosen criminal
Aug. 1985
Magick (Issue 356)
Paul Curry Out of this World
Oct. 1985
Intermagic (Vol. 12 No. 1)
Philip T. Goldstein, Toni Koynini Throw Rug card revealed via red-black pattern in layout of 7x4 cards on table
Inspired by
  • "Karpet" (Toni Koynini, Magic Wand, March 1953)
Also published here
1986 8
Karl Fulves Separation Shuffles faro shuffle sequences that mix each half within itself, keeping them separated
Related to 1986 14
John Bannon II. The Cleaved Deck Location red and black cards openly separated, one card chosen and replaced in other half, halves shuffles together to apparently lose it, performer names card, faro fan
Variations 1986 24
John Bannon III. Impromptu Stooge Swindle variation in which a spectator names the selection, faro fan
Inspired by 1986 25
Jack McMillen, Judson S. Brown Telltale Color card of different color glimpsed during riffle shuffle, reprinted from The Sphinx (March 1934)
1987 14
Karl Fulves Red Rider with reversed and color-separated halves
1987 15
Karl Fulves Riffle Red Riffle Shuffle Control used to divide colors, as set-up for Judson/Brown's Telltale Color
1987 23
Peter Duffie Apartheid
1987 15
Bruce Cervon The Peek that isn't red black divided deck, with riffle-by glimpse of odd colored selection
1988 230
Dai Vernon By any Other Name divided deck
1988 18
Karl Fulves Psykick
Inspired byVariations 1988
The Chronicles (Issue 34)
Edward Marlo Ever Ready-Black Routine three phases, locations with divided deck (third phase inspired by previous version in 1957 reference)
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here
  • The New Tops, Feb. 1967
1988 264
Roy Walton Isolator card selected, cards dealt in two piles by spectator, colors separated except selection, faro
Also published here 1988 78
Roy Walton Treble Trouble two cards, odd-even and pointer divided deck
Also published here 1988 79
Roy Walton Influence some red-black matching occurs, two stacked decks, faro
Also published here 1988 148
Peter Wilker Gemischtes Doppel two spectators have five cards each from a deck of Jumbo cards and exchange one, both cards are located
Inspired by 1988
Magische Blätter (Vol. 2 No. 7)
Karl Fulves Psykick II
Inspired byRelated to 1989 38
Bob King Dual Count-Down two cards chosen in two piles out of hand, both deal in unison and performer calls "stop", both selections are there and performer names one of them
Inspired by 1989 11
Simon Aronson Two Minds and a Mate card chosen, another removed and a third one thought-of, all found
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1990 50
Jon Racherbaumer Ayes of the Gods two-card challenge location
Inspired byVariations 1990 1
Edward Marlo Stripper Deck for Divided Deck Locations
1990 2
Jon Racherbaumer What About Hummer's Number? cards shuffled face-up/face-down with some procedure, result predicted
Inspired by 1990 44
Justin Higham Super Thought Indicator "Is your card in this pile?", using faros, streamlined with set-up
Inspired by Sep. 1990
Technomagic (Issue Extra No. 1)
Spectator's Red-Black Shuffle
1991 235
Edward Marlo Magnetic Ace & Color Separation aces stay on top even though faro shuffled into deck, deck is shuffled into red-black separation
Oct. 1991
The Olram File (Issue 10)
T. Page Wright A Quick Detection spectator counts to any card in top half, replaces, riffle shuffles one time, interlocking chains, odd-even
1991 182
Jerry K. Hartman Goody Two Choose two selections, divided deck
Also published here 1991 336
Peter Duffie Before the Creation quick two card divided deck location, as prelude to OOTW
1991 [8]
Justin Higham Clairvoyant
Also published here June 1991
Technomagic (Issue Extra 4)
Chris Kenner Must be 21 to enter streamlined
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1992 145
Alexander de Cova Total Recall two selections, odd/even, with variations:
  • 1. Aus dem Stegreif (impromptu)
  • 2. Mit zwei Kartenspielen (with two decks)
  • 3. Für den Table-Hopper
Inspired by 1992 19
John Riggs The Optical Location cards shuffled face up into face down, two cards selected and performer finds them
Also published here 1992 770
Arturo de Ascanio Fuera de este Mundo
Also published here 1992 76
Vanni Bossi Variations to the "Dr. Nuzzo Peek" fine secret incomplete faro condition to facilitate counting
  • First Variation (challenge location, red-black separation)
  • Second Variation (same with odd-even)
Inspired by 1992 12
Peter Duffie A Piece of Fred spectator shuffles and cuts into three piles and takes one, performer names the number of red and black cards in his pile
Inspired by 1992 5
Peter Duffie Pictorial Ratification card chosen and cards counted off according to value and suit, then it is located
Inspired by
  • "Mental Spell" (Eddie Clever)
1992 14
Sandy Spillman Something on My Mind: Martin Nash on an effect performed by Martin Nash, location of two chosen cards
July 1992
Vibrations (Vol. 15 No. 1)
Joel Moskowitz Open and Shut divided in open or closed numbers or letters
Oct. 1992
Vibrations (Vol. 15 No. 4)
Charles T. Jordan Close-Range Mind Reading No. 91, cards riffle shuffled once, low values removed, remaining thirty-two cards dealt into two piles, one card moved over and located, interlocking chains
Also published here 1992 115
Charles T. Jordan The Dealing Dovetail Detection No. 94, card is found after lots of real shuffling
Also published here 1992 119
Charles T. Jordan Premier Card Discovery No. 103, odd/even
Also published here 1992 128
Charles T. Jordan The Simplissimo Detection No. 104, before and after selection of cards a spectator deals the deck in two piles and shuffles them together
Also published here 1992 128
Charles T. Jordan The New-Pack Detection No. 118, deck is split in two and two cards selected and exchanged, both cards are divined
Also published here 1992 147
Charles T. Jordan Take-a-Peek Card Trick No. 133, four groups shuffled, card chosen and by looking at the section it came from it is divined
Also published here 1992 165
Charles T. Jordan Extraordinary Clairvoyance No. 145, four cards chosen, assistant under large sheet names selections after all cards have been called out
Also published here
  • Magical Bulletin Vol. 4 No. 5, May 1916
1992 176
Charles T. Jordan The Ready Reckoner No. 194, spectator cuts off a packet, performer finds out how many, divided deck (clubs/diamonds and hearts/spades)
Also published here 1992 232
Charles T. Jordan The Pair Detection No. 195, spectator removes a pair from a packet, performer finds out which cards, card counting, Parallel Principle precursor
Also published here 1992 233
Charles T. Jordan The Dead Easy Location No. 196, divided deck
Also published here 1992 234
Edward Marlo Out There approaches for "Out of this World", stripper and ungaffed divided deck
Sep. 1993
The Olram File (Issue 13)
Scott Robinson Riding the Wave mentally selected card is found reversed in the deck, three different handlings
Related toAlso published here 1993 842
Steve Beam, Scott Robinson Color Wave with different colored back
Also published here 1993 845
Bob King Psychic Location (II) spectator thinks of any number card in cut-off pile and removes as many cards, faro
Inspired byRelated to 1993 7
John Riggs The Optical Location cards shuffled face up into face down, two cards selected and performer finds them
Also published here 1993 119
Scott Robinson Riding the Wave mentally selected card is found reversed in the deck
Also published here 1993 18
Scott Robinson, Steve Beam Colorwave with different colored back
Also published here 1993 20
David Britland, Marc Russell Cul-de-Stack high/low alternating deck for memory demonstration and bridge deal
Nov. 1993
Opus (Vol. 4 No. 12)
Franklin V. Taylor, Vicente Canuto Jugada Doble two cards
Also published here 1993 81
Alex Elmsley A Delicate Balance freely removed selection's color is named repeatedly, edge-mark in center
1994 45
A Great Glimpse - Red and Black Series divided deck
1994 1125
The Giant Fan Detection selection process for divided deck
1994 1125
Aldo Colombini Hats Off three-card location
1994 30
Simon Aronson Divided Deck Shuffle-Bored
Also published here 1994 159
Simon Aronson Delayed Location Effects doing divided deck locations after Shuffle-Bored
Also published here 1994 160
Simon Aronson Color Separation Revelation all reversed cards are black, not recommended
Also published here 1994 161
Simon Aronson Selection Shuffle-Bored Shuffle-Bored combined with a location
Also published here 1994 164
David Solomon David Solomon's variation of Ed Marlo's "But What About My Number?" spectator thinks of a small number and reverses that many cards twice in the deck, deck shuffled face-up/face-down by spectator, performer knows number of reversed cards and the spectator's number coincides with the number of red cards that are reversed
Also published here 1994 171
Peter Duffie On Location out-of-hand selection procedure
1994 [13]
R. Paul Wilson Absolute Zero spectator cuts shuffled deck into three piles, shuffles all, selects a card and assembles deck which the performer locates, divided deck
Variations 1995 2
Persi Diaconis, Roberto Giobbi, Harry Lorayne The Red-Black Location free chosen card is found in a flash
Inspired by
  • Persi Diaconis trick from foreword of "Revelations"
1995 113
John Scarne, Bill Simon, Karl Fulves True Colors No. 2, cards shuffled face-up/face-down, all of one color face-up, except two selections
1995 3
Tic-Tac-Toe No. 46, card values decide where to place the 0 or X
1995 88
Karl Fulves Out of This World No. 56, handling with glasses and cardboard dividers
1995 114
Simon Aronson High Class Location three selections
Related to 1995 216
Karl Fulves Tour de Force
1995 19
Karl Fulves My Card Isn't deck shuffled, performer thinks of card, spectator cuts it to top, tables it and thinks of new top card and cuts again, performer takes out a card, both are right
Related to 1995 23
Steve Beam The Three Stooges two spectators find selection of the other
1995 25
Steve Beam Choosing Sides spectator removes half the cards from the spread and separates reds and blacks
1995 55
Steve Beam The Honor System selection is only odd-backed card in the deck
Variations 1995 61
Steve Beam The Terminator spectator finds own card by dealing through and stops at only odd-backed card, two versions
Inspired by 1995 63
Steve Beam Triplets I red / black deck
1995 165
Steve Beam Triplets II red / black deck, with two selections
1995 167
Philip T. Goldstein Kaum glaublich! cut deeper with divided deck
Related to Mar. 1995
Intermagic (Vol. 19 No. 2)
Aldo Colombini Magnetic eight packets made that are shuffled face-up/face-down, in the end all red cards are face-up with black selection and vice versa
Inspired by
  • first effect in David Jones's notes "Note Closely"
1995 87
Aldo Colombini Oddities deck cut into three packets, two cards selected and lost, performer finds them
1995 144
Zane Zerbe Remaining Wired spectator cuts into three piles, one is turned over and deck assembled and a card removed, repeated a few times until four Aces are found, retains divided deck
Inspired by Aug. 1995
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 12)
Karl Fulves Color Double riffle glimpse exercise, Telltale Color with two cards
  • Conditions (additional exercises)
Inspired by 1996 16
Karl Fulves Edge Wise first location trick (cut deeper force procedure), then open prediction
1996 16
Tom Craven King Butt (As in "butt shuffle")
1996 1215
Peter Duffie The Equaliser card chosen, its suit used to spell to all the Aces
1996 11
Richard Bartram, Jr. Problem Child same suit Ace changes to selection and back to Ace, divided in suits
1997 29
Martin Joyal An Overview of Complete Deck Stacks
  • New Deck Stacks
  • Ordered Values Stacks
  • Ordered Suit Stacks
  • Grouped Value Stacks
  • Grouped Suit Stacks
  • Pair Stacks
  • Divided Stacks
    • The Red-black Divided Stack
    • The Mixed Suit Divided Stack
    • The High-low Divided Stack
    • The Curl-No-Curl Divided Stack
    • The Odd-even Divided Stack
    • The Odd-even Divided Stack with Mixed Colors
    • The Odd-even Divided Stack with Mixed Suits
    • The One-eyed and Two-eyed Divided Stack
  • Red-Black Stacks
  • Pointer Stacks
  • Reflected Stacks
  • Matched Setups
  • One-Two-Four-Eight Stacks
  • Forcing Stacks
    • Card-Forcing Stacks
    • Number-Forcing Stacks
    • Word-Forcing Stacks
  • Stacks used for Revelations
  • Counting and Spelling Stacks
  • Storytelling Stacks
  • Gambling Demonstration Stacks
  • Solitaire Stacks
  • Other Stacks
  • Summary
1997 5
Edward Marlo Positioning Proposition three-phase divided deck location, optional Out Of This World follow-up
1997 109
Sid Solomon Sid Solomon's Double-Whammy Location two spectator's cut off a pile, shuffle and remember the bottom cards
1997 118
Doug Conn As the World Turns with three spectators
1997 6
John Werner Other Worlds
Inspired byRelated to 1998
Underworld (Issue 8)
Steve Mayhew The Real World two spectators take many cards from deck (sometimes one spectator holds deck while other selects), one takes all red cards and other takes all black cards
Related to 1998
Labyrinth (Issue 8 - Part 2)
Jeff Busby The Hi-Lo Stack intro on High-Low separated deck combined with Gilbreath principle
1998 110
Jeff Busby Magnetic Blackjack High-Low separated deck combined with Gilbreath principle
Related to 1998 111
Charles T. Jordan Improved Marvelous Prediction Odd/even system for divided deck, spectator riffle shuffles, set-up in front of spectators by openly dealing into some heaps
Also published here 1999 62
Justin Higham Clairvoyant Count-Down spectator counts to a number and remembers card at that position
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1999 71