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Conjuring Archive

Searchable Magic Book Contents

20th Anniversary
2004 – 2024

Tell your spectator the value of the cards are from 1 to 14. The Ace being 1 and the King 14. Tell your spectator to think of the denomination of his card. Now have him double this number and add three to the total. Next multiply it by 5 and remember the result. Now have him add 1 to his last figure if it is a diamond, 2 if it is a club, 3 if it is a heart and 4 if it is a spade. Now ask spectator to give you the grand total after which you immediately tell him what card he is thinking of.

W. F. "Rufus" Steele
Card Tricks that are Easy to Learn, Easy to Do, 1935, p. 41

3,430 publications, indexed with more than 167,238 entries.