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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Franklin M. Chapman Again - The Card in the Wallet card loaded behind back while card is apparently located by touch which fails, wallet rubber-banded
Variations 1936 5
Theodore Annemann, Percy Naldrett The Phantom Artist celebrity chosen, large paper sheet is folded and cut, silhouette of chosen person is seen
Related toAlso published here 1937
The Jinx (Issue Summer Extra 1937)
Charlie Miller The Danbury Deviler fingertip peek, four cards with edge-marks
Related to 1940 307
Karl Germain The Flash Card Change in glass while covored with handkerchief
Related toVariations 1945 116
Senor Charles Mardo Mardo’s Egg Bag Routine egg vanishes and reappears a few times, lemon is produced from bag
Related toVariations 1945 5
Arthur H. Buckley Card in Pocket Book Experiment No. 41 [An old plot with a new and simplified method] - using reel (!)
Variations 1946 209
Edward Marlo The Punch Deal bridge deal application
Related to 1947 18
U. F. Grant Zella Card Stabbing stabbing into run of Spades in paper-wrapped deck, value then is used to count to selection
Related toAlso published here
  • Linking Ring, Nov. 1953
Mar. 1949 14
Roy Benson Bizarre Bag bag is filled with six eggs as a climax
VariationsAlso published here June 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 230)
Edward Marlo Placing the Key Cards placing key card next to peeked at cards with cutting sequences
  • A. Placing Key Card by Step Control
  • B. Placing Key Card Using Cut Control
  • C. Placing of Key Card using Shuffle Control
  • D. Placing of Key Card by Use of Side Steal Control
Related toVariations 1952 71
Dr. Ben B. Braude Simplex Card Stab
Variations Nov. 1953
The Phoenix (Issue 293)
Edward Marlo Finger-Tip Control
Related to 1956 3
Edward Marlo Peek Spelling small progressive spelling set-up
Related to 1956 8
Dai Vernon Emotional Reaction key card
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1959 7
Dai Vernon Ginsburg Poke
Related toVariations 1959 36
Edward Marlo Marlo Edge Reader - Putting in the Work edge-marking system for Bee back, handling and locating in riffle shuffle position
Related to 1967
Riffle Shuffle Finale (Issue Edge Reader)
Larry Jennings The Future Gambler overhand stacking demo, riffle stacking demo, triumph finish
Related to 1969
The Cardiste (Issue 13)
Karl Fulves Second Law some value coincidences happen when dealing through piles, application of Milk Build Shuffle to Si Stebbins
Inspired by
  • "Isaac's Law" (Karl Fulves, Magic and Spells Quarterly)
Related to
Winter 1970
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 6 No. 4th Folio)
Jeff Busby Into the 4th Dimension... and Beyond
  • "Card Warp" (Roy Walton)
1973 3
Jeff Busby General, Historical, and Cardmen Type Notes crediting information
1973 11
Jeff Busby Royal Runaway Jack, Queen and King of one suit are in (Himber) wallet, chosen value travels to pocket, then from deck back to wallet, turns over, back to deck
1973 1
Jeff Busby The Action Switch choreography to turn over Himber Wallet
1973 2
Jeff Busby Two Counts: Four As Four alternative to Jordan Count
Related to Nov. 1974
Epilogue (Issue 22)
Jeff Busby Four As Five four as five with one concealed
Nov. 1974
Epilogue (Issue 22)
Jeff Busby Whispering Joker five cards with joker, joker whispers selection which then vanishes, double facer
Nov. 1974
Epilogue (Issue 22)
Jeff Busby 2nd Thot spectator remembers card and its position from top ten cards, Klondike shuffle
Inspired byRelated to June 1974 746
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on I.B.M and S.A.M convention, Jeff Busby, Ken Beale, Senator Crandall
Magick (Issue 109)
Jeff Busby Travelling Transmutators Aces twisting phase, r/b transpo phase, transformation, reproduction of Aces
Related to 1975 73
Jeff Busby Notes on the Text Jeff Busby's notes on the individual items
1975 7
Charles T. Jordan Hinge Gimmick two cards connected with thin paper, can cling together stay aligned as one card, or spread out as two cards
Related to 1975 187
Jeff Busby Introduction
1976 vii
Jeff Busby Notes on the Text References
1976 17
Jeff Busby Overhand Shuffle Setup
1976 2
Karl Fulves Gambling Info on Jeff Busby's lists of gambling equipment
Interlocutor (Issue 14)
Jeff Busby Preface content of Jennings first two lectures
Fred Robinson (reviewer) The Secret Tricks of Bending Metal Object with JUST Sour Mind, or How Those Big Time "Psychics" on TV Fool You Every Time by Jeff Busby May 1977
Pabular (Vol. 3 No. 9)
Fred Robinson (reviewer) Back To Back by Jeff Busby June 1977
Pabular (Vol. 3 No. 10)
Fred Robinson (reviewer) Coin Assembly by Shigeo Takagi (written by Jeff Busby) Oct. 1977
Pabular (Vol. 4 No. 2)
Jeff Busby Preface
1977 1
Jeff Busby Back to Back all backs with four cards, to four normal cards to all backs again
Related toVariations 1977 2
Jeff Busby, Brother John Hamman All Alike Display flushtration count and Carlyle's Paddle Move, to place each card on the table
1977 5
Jeff Busby All Alike Display
1977 8
Jeff Busby Elmsley Count Variation
1977 10
Jeff Busby Broken Taco disrupted Mexican Turnover
1977 14
Jeff Busby Modified Olram Move
1977 15
Jeff Busby Technical and Historical Notes
1977 23
Jeff Busby Busby's Billets billet switch using matchbook
Variations 1977
Magick (Issue 175)
Philip T. Goldstein Hot Message prediction of chosen ESP symbol, on billet with invisible ink which appears with fire
Inspired by 1977
Magick (Issue 176)
Philip T. Goldstein, Jeff Busby Cued Reading cards with different colors are arranged, prediction of positions, in envelopes
Magick (Issue 182)
Jeff Busby Preface
1978 iii
Jeff Busby Royal Backs five apparently double-backed cards change into Royal Flush, see Reference Shelf
Related toVariations 1978 1070
Jeff Busby 6-as-5 Count Elmsley type
1978 1070
Jeff Busby Dice Thru Table four at once, with cup
The Chronicles (Issue Close-up Folio No. 11)
Karl Fulves Jeff Busby Book Lists
Interlocutor (Issue 16)
Karl Fulves (reviewer) Jeff Busby Books by Dai Vernon (written by Frederick Braue)
Dai Vernon's first California lecture
Interlocutor (Issue 17)
Karl Fulves The Reference Shelf reference on "Royal Backs"
Related to 1978
Interlocutor (Issue 20)
Karl Fulves (reviewer) Jennings On Card & Coin Handling by Larry Jennings (written by Jeff Busby) 1978
Interlocutor (Issue 21)
Karl Fulves (reviewer) Busby Publications - Back To Back by Jeff Busby (written by Gene Matsuura) 1978
Interlocutor (Issue 25)
Karl Fulves (reviewer) Coin In The Beer Can by Larry Jennings (written by Jeff Busby) 1978
Interlocutor (Issue 25)
Karl Fulves (reviewer) Stabbed Coincidence by Larry Jennings (written by Jeff Busby)
Interlocutor (Issue 25)
Karl Fulves (reviewer) Takagi's One-Cup Routine by Shigeo Takagi (written by Jeff Busby) 1978
Interlocutor (Issue 25)
Karl Fulves (reviewer) Takagi's Coin Assembly by Shigeo Takagi (written by Jeff Busby) 1978
Interlocutor (Issue 25)
Karl Fulves (reviewer) Fred Braue on False Deals by Frederick Braue (written by Jeff Busby) 1978
Interlocutor (Issue 26)
John F. Mendoza, George LaFollette The Card In The Wallet no palm
VariationsAlso published here 1978 101
Jeff Busby Chrom-a-mental using "Mental Pictoria" deck, design dupliction
Magick (Issue 215)
Jeff Busby Introduction
1978 1
Simon Aronson Histed Heisted matrix card divination, last card predicted
Inspired by
  • "The Miracle Divination" (Louis Histed, The Magic of Louis S. Histed)
Related toVariationsAlso published here
1978 104
Jeff Busby Disguised Water 4&4, color changing back kicker for one color
1979 13
Fred Robinson (reviewer) Fred Braue On False Deals by Frederick Braue (written by Jeff Busby) Mar. 1979
Pabular (Vol. 5 No. 3)
Fred Robinson (reviewer) Coin Routine by Shigeo Takagi (written by Jeff Busby) June 1979
Pabular (Vol. 5 No. 6)
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on Tony and Kate Shiels, Bob Schwarz, Jeff Busby, Magic Dealers Association
Magick (Issue 230)
David Britland The Oracle with credit information by Jeff Busby on The Hotel Mystery Plot
June 1979
The Talon (Issue 4)
Jeff Busby The Repeat Hotel Mystery with Joker as kicker and presentation ideas by Reinhard Müller, see p. 49 for credits
June 1979
The Talon (Issue 4)
Edward Marlo The Marlo Punch Deal putting in the work, feeling and dealing
Related to 1980 1
Jeff Busby Squeeze-Out card rises out between two other cards, credit correction on page 492 (Busby's "Squeeze Play")
Related to Dec. 1980
Apocalypse (Vol. 3 No. 12)
Fred Robinson Oasis on David Berglas, Uri Geller, Walt Lees, Stephan Stamm, Andrew Galloway, Bob Hamilton, Jeff Busby, Phil Goldstein, Kevin Davie, Simon Lovell
Feb. 1980
Pabular (Vol. 6 No. 2)
Jeff Busby A Problem And An Interesting Sidelight reflection problem: how to make stay stack with one cut and one shuffle
The Solution: pack(et) torn in half and one half reversed via Klondike Shuffle
1980 13
Jeff Busby Interesting Sidelight dealing stay stack into any number of piles retains stay stack, with tables how to pick up the piles for up to five piles
  • General Rules For Pick Ups
  • Added Notes
Related to 1980 14
Jeff Busby Red-Black Stay Stacks Same Color Reflection, Opposite Color Reflection
1980 20
Jeff Busby Cyclical Stack <-> Stay Stack
1980 21
Jeff Busby The Constant Straight Routine straights show up despite shuffling and mixing, seven phases, with packet
Related to 1980 21
Jeff Busby Polar Repulsion Straights "The same as Constant Straight Routine only more so!"
Related to 1980 24
Jeff Busby Double Reflection Stack stay stack in which each half is mirrored in itself, no application
1980 26
Jeff Busby The Insane Australian packet hidden, card at same position noted in rest
1980 26
Jeff Busby Klondike & Down/Under Formula see Notes
Related to 1980 27
Jeff Busby No Commercial Potential Klondike Shuffle and Down/Under Deal
Inspired by
  • "Isaac's Law" (Karl Fulves, Magic and Spells Quarterly)
Related to
1980 28
Bob Hummer Thotograhy spectator remembers card and its position from top ten cards, Klondike shuffle, marked key card with needle scratch
VariationsAlso published here 1980 25
Jeff Busby Thotography II
Inspired byRelated to 1980 93
Larry Jennings Business Card Prophecy Move Handling for credit information see Busby review
Related to 1980 9
Jeff Busby Larry Jennings' Card-in-Envelope Wallet credit information, bashing of Barry Price wallet, loading tips, envelope tips, self-sealing envelope vs. tear
1980 1
Jeff Busby The Card In The Wallet Handling no palm, variant handling
Inspired by 1980 10
Jeff Busby Marlo "Card in Wallet" References items in print from Ed Marlo
1980 11
Franklin M. Chapman, Jeff Busby Again -- The Card in Wallet Handling
Inspired by 1980 12
Jeff Busby, Arthur H. Buckley Reel Card to Wallet
Inspired by 1980 12
Bob Nelson Squared-Squeeze using corner short and two-card-version
Inspired by July 1981
Apocalypse (Vol. 4 No. 7)
Jeff Busby Preliminary Set-Ups Mental Reverse
Inspired byRelated to 1981
Arcane (Issue 5)
Jeff Busby Top Stock Control Zarrow and crimp combo
Related to 1981
Arcane (Issue 5)
Jeff Busby Phantom of the Dice Table color changing die routine with cup, die behind ear holdout
  • Phase One: "It's Right Ear"
  • Phase Two: A Handy Switch
  • Phase Three: Into the Darkness
  • Notes
  • Further Notes
The Chronicles (Issue 29)
Joseph K. Schmidt, Lu Brent, F. William Kuethe, Jr., Joel Moskowitz, Fred Rickard, Henry Walton, David Goldberg, Scott C. McPhilliamy, Jeff Busby Letters Goldstein/Becker flap
Interlocutor (Issue 45)
Karl Fulves (reviewer) Arcane by Jeff Busby 1981
Interlocutor (Issue 45)
Jeff Busby Jeff Busby on a picture of Bob Hummer
1981 118
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on Diana Zimmerman, Tony Andruzzi, Walter Gibson, Jeff Busby
Magick (Issue 296)
David Britland The Oracle on Jeff Busby, Arcane
The Talon (Issue 7)
Edward Marlo Marlo's Controlled Faro-Riffle Shuffle
Related to 1982 149
Jeff Busby (reviewer) About the Handling of Double Cards by Arturo de Ascanio May 1982
Epoptica (Issue 1)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Five Points in Magic by Juan Tamariz May 1982
Epoptica (Issue 1)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Audience Involvement...A Lecture by Eugene Burger May 1982
Epoptica (Issue 1)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Fred Kaps Dancing and Floating Cork by Fred Kaps (written by Ken Brooke) May 1982
Epoptica (Issue 1)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Sleights & Swindles by Jack McMillen May 1982
Epoptica (Issue 1)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Best of Friends by Harry Lorayne May 1982
Epoptica (Issue 1)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Deckalogue by Thomas Alan Waters May 1982
Epoptica (Issue 1)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Grymwyr by Thomas Alan Waters May 1982
Epoptica (Issue 1)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Octasm by Thomas Alan Waters May 1982
Epoptica (Issue 1)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Something for Everyone by Daryl Martinez May 1982
Epoptica (Issue 1)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Double-Dazzling Triumph by Daryl Martinez (written by Jon Racherbaumer) May 1982
Epoptica (Issue 1)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Dice: Squares, Tops, and Shapes by Burton Williams May 1982
Epoptica (Issue 1)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Taking the Edge by R. Martin Allen May 1982
Epoptica (Issue 1)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Dealing Casino Blackjack by Thomas F. Hughes May 1982
Epoptica (Issue 1)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Rich Marotta Magic Castle Lecture by Rich Marotta May 1982
Epoptica (Issue 1)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Tips on Table Hopping by Kirk Charles May 1982
Epoptica (Issue 1)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) "What can you do with this?" or Improv Magic by Kirk Charles May 1982
Epoptica (Issue 1)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Professional Entertainer's Contracts: Manuscript and Forms by Ted Belante May 1982
Epoptica (Issue 1)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Complete Walton - Volume 1 by Roy Walton May 1982
Epoptica (Issue 1)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) A Gift from the Gods: The Story of Chung Ling Soo by Chung Ling Soo (written by Val Andrews) May 1982
Epoptica (Issue 1)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Brema Brasses by Carl Brema (written by Richard Buffum) May 1982
Epoptica (Issue 1)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Great Chess Automaton by Charles Michael Carroll May 1982
Epoptica (Issue 1)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Card Finesse by Jon RacherbaumerRelated to May 1982
Epoptica (Issue 1)
Jeff Busby History of the Faro Shuffle
May 1982
Epoptica (Issue 1)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Dimensional Relativity by Ben Harris May 1982
Epoptica (Issue 1)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Magic from witch Memories are Made by Ben Harris May 1982
Epoptica (Issue 1)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Changing of the Cards by Steve Beam May 1982
Epoptica (Issue 1)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Overhand Shuffle Action Palm by Bob Stencel (written by George Joseph) May 1982
Epoptica (Issue 1)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Hand Mucking by George Joseph May 1982
Epoptica (Issue 1)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Octet by Karl Fulves May 1982
Epoptica (Issue 1)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Fourcast by Karl Fulves May 1982
Epoptica (Issue 1)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Cards on Demand by Al SmithRelated to May 1982
Epoptica (Issue 1)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Cards at Bay by Al Smith May 1982
Epoptica (Issue 1)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Professional Routines of Ron Fredrick by Ron Fredrick May 1982
Epoptica (Issue 1)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Visual Artistry of Jeff White by Jeff White May 1982
Epoptica (Issue 1)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Malini Egg Bag by Lynn Busby, Charlie Miller May 1982
Epoptica (Issue 1)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Sterling Egg Bag by Lynn Busby, Jeff Busby May 1982
Epoptica (Issue 1)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Paragon Nail Writer by Donald Wilson May 1982
Epoptica (Issue 1)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Pinnacle Pad by John Cornelius May 1982
Epoptica (Issue 1)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Ultra Board by Richard Osterlind May 1982
Epoptica (Issue 1)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Sefalajia Number Two by Stewart James Oct. 1982
Epoptica (Issue 2)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Tipnician by Bob Chesbro Oct. 1982
Epoptica (Issue 2)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) A Lifetime of Joy by Ken Brooke Oct. 1982
Epoptica (Issue 2)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Al Koran's Three Silver Rings/Ken Brooke on the Invisible Pack/ Fred Robinson's Ultimate Force by Ken Brooke (written by Various) Oct. 1982
Epoptica (Issue 2)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Intimate Magic by Michael Skinner (written by Jeff Busby) Oct. 1982
Epoptica (Issue 2)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Lecture Notes of Roger Klause by Roger Klause (written by Jay Evans) Oct. 1982
Epoptica (Issue 2)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Geatan Bloom Series - Number One by Gaëtan Bloom Oct. 1982
Epoptica (Issue 2)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) 1982 Lecture Notes by Gaëtan Bloom Oct. 1982
Epoptica (Issue 2)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Shadow and other Card Mysteries by Harry Anderson Oct. 1982
Epoptica (Issue 2)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Magic with Giant Cards. An Overview by Reinhard Müller Oct. 1982
Epoptica (Issue 2)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Gilbreath's Principles by Reinhard Müller Oct. 1982
Epoptica (Issue 2)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) 16th Card Book by Tom Craven Oct. 1982
Epoptica (Issue 2)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Ovation by Martin A. Nash (written by Stephen Minch) Oct. 1982
Epoptica (Issue 2)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Jacks or Better by Martin A. Nash (written by Stephen Minch) Oct. 1982
Epoptica (Issue 2)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Fork Full of F.F.F.F. Appetizers by William P. Miesel Oct. 1982
Epoptica (Issue 2)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Thunday by Philip T. Goldstein Oct. 1982
Epoptica (Issue 2)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Exile by Philip T. Goldstein Oct. 1982
Epoptica (Issue 2)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Modern Art Of Coin Manipulation by MacMillan (written by Walt Lees) Oct. 1982
Epoptica (Issue 2)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) 1884 Will & Finck Gambling Catalog Reproduction by GBC Press Oct. 1982
Epoptica (Issue 2)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) 1896 Will & Finck Gambler's Cheating Catalog Reprint with Explanatory Text and Illustrations by Bernard Levine Oct. 1982
Epoptica (Issue 2)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Book Test by Thomas Alan Waters, James Swain Oct. 1982
Epoptica (Issue 2)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Newspaper Test by Thomas Alan Waters Oct. 1982
Epoptica (Issue 2)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Symbol Test by Thomas Alan Waters Oct. 1982
Epoptica (Issue 2)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Jack Hughes World of Magic by Jack Hughes (written by Derek Lever) Oct. 1982
Epoptica (Issue 2)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Eight Brass Monkeys by Leslie Anderson Oct. 1982
Epoptica (Issue 2)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Daemon's Diary by Masklyn ye Mage Oct. 1982
Epoptica (Issue 2)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Legendary Scroll of Masklyn ye Mage by Masklyn ye Mage Oct. 1982
Epoptica (Issue 2)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Incredible Close-Up Magic by Meir Yedid (written by Gary Ouellet) Oct. 1982
Epoptica (Issue 2)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Close-Up Hallucinations by Meir Yedid (written by George Schindler) Oct. 1982
Epoptica (Issue 2)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Complete Works of Derek Dingle by Derek Dingle (written by Richard Kaufman) Oct. 1982
Epoptica (Issue 2)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) What's Your E.S.P. Quotient? by Ted Belante Oct. 1982
Epoptica (Issue 2)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) For Your Entertainment Pleasure by Daryl Martinez (written by Stephen Minch) Oct. 1982
Epoptica (Issue 2)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) A Visit with Larry Jennings by Larry Jennings (written by Jim Patton) Oct. 1982
Epoptica (Issue 2)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Half in the Bottle Plus by Johnny Thompson Oct. 1982
Epoptica (Issue 2)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Linking Razor Blades by Petrick Oct. 1982
Epoptica (Issue 2)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Improved Norm Nielsen Vanishing Dove Cage by Norm Nielsen Oct. 1982
Epoptica (Issue 2)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Duplex Paragon Nail Writer by David Wilson Oct. 1982
Epoptica (Issue 2)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Wallet Wallop Plus by Hen Fetsch Oct. 1982
Epoptica (Issue 2)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Pair-A-Gone Ropes: The "Lost" Rope Miracle by Hen Fetsch Oct. 1982
Epoptica (Issue 2)
Harry Riser, Jeff Busby, Shigeo Takagi Presentation of Shigeo Takagi's Miracle Monte
Oct. 1982
Epoptica (Issue 2)
Jeff Busby, Francis Pelkey Ultimate Succession Aces - ungaffed odd-backed progressive assembly with kickback, two handlings
Arcane (Issue 8)
Edward Marlo, Jeff Busby Olram Subtlety Variation
Arcane (Issue 8)
Jeff Busby, Brother John Hamman Fan Flushtration Count
Arcane (Issue 8)
Jeff Busby Introduction
1982 i
Bill Worsley Back to Back five cards
Inspired by May 1982
Pabular (Vol. 7 No. 4)
Al Smith (reviewer) Intimate Magic by Michael Skinner (written by Jeff Busby) 1982
Pabular (Vol. 7 No. 6)
Al Smith (reviewer) Mentalism for Magicians by Larry Becker (written by Jeff Busby) 1982
Pabular (Vol. 7 No. 6)
Gene Nielsen Mental-Market slips with groceries written on them, prediction of real items in a bag, forcing bag with flap
Related toVariations Nov. 1982
Magick (Issue 312)
Michael Rubinstein Changeover to the Angle Palm (A Modified Thumb Palm) from back clip to a thumb grip, one-handed, also Lamont Grip or modified Drobina Grip, "Chanin Grip" according to Jeff Busby's review
1982 5
Jeff Busby Routines & Handlings for the Sterling Egg Bag
1982 1
Jeff Busby The Bag on the Sterling Egg bag
1982 3
Jeff Busby The Egg what type of egg to use
1982 4
Jeff Busby The Routine
  • Introductory Comments and Inspection
  • The First Vanish
  • Reproduction of the Egg and the Secret Turnover
  • The Second Vanish
  • The Spectator Reproduces the Egg
  • The Third Vanish
  • The Final Reproduction
  • The Multi-Climax (three egg production from bag)
Inspired by 1982 4
Jeff Busby Recommended Reading egg bag references
1982 24
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Alternative Card Magic by Peter Duffie (written by Jerry Sadowitz) Jan. 1983
Epoptica (Issue 3)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Some Manuscriptricks by Flip Hallema Jan. 1983
Epoptica (Issue 3)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Impromptu Reverse Matrix by Aurelio Paviato Jan. 1983
Epoptica (Issue 3)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Tahoe File by Bruce Florek (written by Terry LaGerould) Jan. 1983
Epoptica (Issue 3)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Magic with Giant Cards by Fred Castle Jan. 1983
Epoptica (Issue 3)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Tell-Tale Timepiece by Arthur Emerson Jan. 1983
Epoptica (Issue 3)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) All the World's a Stage by Curtis Kam Jan. 1983
Epoptica (Issue 3)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Treasury of Trick Shots in Pool and Billiards by Robert Byrne Jan. 1983
Epoptica (Issue 3)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Miracles of my Friends by Burton S. Sperber Jan. 1983
Epoptica (Issue 3)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Cut Card by Jerry Mentzer Jan. 1983
Epoptica (Issue 3)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Forcing a Card by Jerry Mentzer Jan. 1983
Epoptica (Issue 3)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Packet Tricks by Jerry Mentzer Jan. 1983
Epoptica (Issue 3)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Simple Yet Effective Tricks with Cards by Jerry Mentzer Jan. 1983
Epoptica (Issue 3)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The New York Magic Symposium - Collection 1 by Richard Kaufman Jan. 1983
Epoptica (Issue 3)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) How to Make Big Money Selling Magic by Walt Lees Jan. 1983
Epoptica (Issue 3)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Intermediate and Advanced Coin Technique by Michael Rubinstein Jan. 1983
Epoptica (Issue 3)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Steve Beam On Coins - Volume II by Steve Beam Jan. 1983
Epoptica (Issue 3)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Tricky Stuff by Roger Sherman Jan. 1983
Epoptica (Issue 3)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Fingers Don't Entertain, People Do by Phillip Young Jan. 1983
Epoptica (Issue 3)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Silentwe by Philip T. Goldstein Jan. 1983
Epoptica (Issue 3)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Factory Marked E.S.P. Decks by Theo. Timmerman Jan. 1983
Epoptica (Issue 3)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Holiday Adventure by Fred Castle Jan. 1983
Epoptica (Issue 3)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Möby-Zyp by Ed Eckl Jan. 1983
Epoptica (Issue 3)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Saw-Buck by Rick Johnsson Jan. 1983
Epoptica (Issue 3)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Vanishing Schlitz Quart Beer Bottle by Gene Nielsen Jan. 1983
Epoptica (Issue 3)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) 21st Century Card Magic by Edward Marlo, Dr. James Nuzzo Jan. 1983
Epoptica (Issue 3)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Marlo's Unforgetable Wild Card by Edward Marlo, Dr. James Nuzzo Jan. 1983
Epoptica (Issue 3)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Mental Secret by Edward Marlo Jan. 1983
Epoptica (Issue 3)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Missing Hour by Edward Marlo Jan. 1983
Epoptica (Issue 3)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) A Good Number by Edward Marlo Jan. 1983
Epoptica (Issue 3)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Personalized Wild Card by Edward Marlo Jan. 1983
Epoptica (Issue 3)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Tommy Wonder Entertains by Tommy Wonder (written by Gene Matsuura) June 1983
Epoptica (Issue 4)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Psychology of Palming by Arturo de Ascanio June 1983
Epoptica (Issue 4)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Effects and Presentations by José Carroll June 1983
Epoptica (Issue 4)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Eugene Burger on Matt Schulien's Fabulous Card Discoveries by Eugene Burger June 1983
Epoptica (Issue 4)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) A Talk about Patter: Write Yourself by Sid Lorraine June 1983
Epoptica (Issue 4)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Geatan Bloom Series - Number Two: Gaetan on Cards by Gaëtan Bloom (written by Paul Stone) June 1983
Epoptica (Issue 4)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Geatan Bloom Series - Number Three: Potty Bicycle Pumps by Gaëtan Bloom (written by Paul Stone) June 1983
Epoptica (Issue 4)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Finn Jon Zombie Routine/Roy Johnson's Cent/The Malcolm Davison Book Test by Ken Brooke June 1983
Epoptica (Issue 4)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Visible Coins to Glass by John Kennedy June 1983
Epoptica (Issue 4)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Re-Entry by Tom Gagnon June 1983
Epoptica (Issue 4)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Book of Shadows by Randy L. Clower June 1983
Epoptica (Issue 4)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Pun-ny Routines of Magic by Don Morris June 1983
Epoptica (Issue 4)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Ring Routine by Richard Ross June 1983
Epoptica (Issue 4)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Super Stack - The One Second Poker Stack by Steve Beam June 1983
Epoptica (Issue 4)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Marlo without Tears by Edward Marlo (written by Jon Racherbaumer) June 1983
Epoptica (Issue 4)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Card Sharpers. Their Tricks Exposed by Jean-Eugène Robert-Houdin June 1983
Epoptica (Issue 4)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Sessions by Simon Aronson (written by David Solomon) June 1983
Epoptica (Issue 4)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) A Close-Up Kinda Guy by Paul Harris June 1983
Epoptica (Issue 4)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Topit Book by Michael Ammar June 1983
Epoptica (Issue 4)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Killer Klose-Up by Ben Harris June 1983
Epoptica (Issue 4)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Table-Side Manners by Ben Harris June 1983
Epoptica (Issue 4)