341 entries in Billet / Switches
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
L'Ecriture Cachée Dans une Tabatiere, d'où on la Tire, Sans la Toucher, Pour la Faire Trouver Dans une Bougie signed piece of paper is burnt and appears in selected candle, switch with a box, with assistant notes from 1788 mention method for paper to orange and signature duplication
1784 24
The Changing Ladle on a stick, to change flat objects, as card burning, paper switch or Q&A device
Related to 1876 358
The Brass Card Box prop
1897 141
Servante Billet Switch packet of billet switched behind table
1899 64
Carl Willmann Die Changiertafel slate that can be used as a tray to switch billets, coins, card pieces
Oct. 1901
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 7 No. 10)
Stanley Collins Billet Switch on clip, with a deck of cards, while removing cards
Related to 1915 69
William Larsen, T. Page Wright Billet Switch with Tumbler billets collected in glass tumbler, covered with handkerchief, billets stolen out
1928 5
Theodore Annemann, Dr. Edward G. Ervin A New Apparatus for the Pellet Switch with a matchbox
1931 38
T. Page Wright Pellet switch thumb tip, envelope
1933 9
T. Page Wright Billet steal with mouth when sealing envelope
1933 9
Al Baker Al Baker's Pet Hat Trick hat as a utility prop to exchange billets or other things
Also published here 1933 12
Al Baker Al Baker's Billet Mystery three billets, envelopes, including the umbrella move
Related toAlso published here 1933 33
Theodore Annemann Thumb Tip Billet Switch
Oct. 1934
The Jinx (Issue 1)
Theodore Annemann Thumb Tip Billet Switch
Feb. 1935
The Jinx (Issue 5)
Theodore Annemann Billet Switching general thoughts, the folding of the paper and two switches
Also published here 1935 2
Theodore Annemann Annemann's Diablo Pellet Reading one question written on billet is burnt and later answered by performer
1935 1
Theodore Annemann On the Wire random person phoned, name divined
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1936
The Jinx (Issue Summer Extra 1936)
Franklin M. Chapman Breast Pocket Switch as slip in spectator's pocket is pulled into view, original slip remains in his pocket
1936 6
Audley Walsh Your Fortune, Miss! method to read billet with deck of cards as cover
Mar. 1937
The Jinx (Issue 30)
Dr. Edward G. Ervin Billet Switch
1937 30
d. The Cleft Stick folded bill inserted into clip at end of stick, on way back to stack it is rotated for switch
1937 14
Switching a Bill I
1938 768
Switching a Bill II
1938 769
Billet Switch
1938 895
Dr. Stanley Jaks Hat Pin billet switch with hat pin, then secret reading of information
Related toAlso published here Mar. 1938
The Jinx (Issue 42)
Billet Switch
1939 10
Jap Hank switching handkerchief
1939 18
Die Geisterschrift pellet on pin, named number appears
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Karl Germain The Germain Gem named dead person appears on billet, pocket writing
VariationsAlso published here 1940
The Jinx (Issue 95)
52 - Billet switching.
1940 69
Joseph Ovette The Perfect Pellet Switch with chewing gum
1940 15
Edward Marlo Billet Switch
Also published here 1941
Early Marlo (Issue Amazing, Isn't It?)
Otis Manning The Ghost of a Chance billet switching box, Q&A
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1941
The Jinx (Issue 137)
Dr. Stanley Jaks Duplex performer divines name written on billet, switch with thumb tip
Aug. 1941
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 3 No. 8)
Al Baker Baker Pellet Switch
Also published here 1941 133
Edward Marlo Billet Switch
Also published here 1941 9
Audley Walsh Your Fortune, Miss! method to switch and read billet with deck of cards as cover
1943 28
William S. Houghton Simple Billet Switch
1943 20
Theodore Annemann Billet Switching general thoughts, the folding of the paper and two switches
  • The First Method
  • The Second Method
Also published here 1944 15
Karl Germain The Germain Gem named dead person appears on billet, pocket writing
Also published here 1944 22
Dr. Stanley Jaks Mental Hat Pin billet switch with hat pin, then secret reading of information
Also published here 1944 26
Otis Manning The OM Billet Switching Box billet switching box, with notes by Annemann
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1944 30
Otis Manning The Ghost of a Change using the OM Billet Switching Box, Q&A
Also published here 1944 32
Theodore Annemann On the Wire random person phoned, name divined
Also published here 1944 40
The Billet Switch
1945 222
Al Baker Slip of Paper Force switch while putting it in envelope
1945 383
The Finger Switch
1945 215
Theodore Annemann The Test of the Tiber
Related to 1945 280
Al O'Hagan Turn Over Pellet Switch billet switch, one handed
1945 15
Robert A. Nelson Nelson's Cigar Change Box billet switching box, similar to Otis Manning's "The OM Billet Switching Box"
Related to 1945 23
Dr. William Weyeneth Eureka, ich habs! Die Cigarettenschachtel als changieretui oder die Schachtel mit zwei Deckeln cigar box as switching device, followed by french translation "Eureka, j'ai trouvé! La boite à cigarettes pour échange ou une nouvelle boite à double fonds"
Related to Jan. 1945 1
Mike Trent Okito Goes Mental billet in Okito Box
Related toAlso published here 1946
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1946)
Cyril Marriott Billet Switch with Hat
Apr. 1946
The Phoenix (Issue 103)
John Hamilton Bill-Et
Oct. 1946
The Phoenix (Issue 113)
The Table Sweep
1947 2
The Table Lift lifting billet from table
1947 3
The "Improved" Table Lift
1947 3
The Palm Out switch while billet is apparently placed in a container
1947 4
The Finger Switch
1947 5
The Tip-Up
1947 5
The Table Stir while mixing billets in the table
1947 6
The Pellet Change billet rolled to ball, rolled-up cigarette paper switch, with variation
1947 7
The Squeeze
1947 11
The Hand to Hand
1947 12
The Hand over Hand
1947 13
The Hand from Hand
1947 13
The Fold-Over
1947 14
The Thumb Tip two methods to switch a billet with a thumb tip
1947 15
The Envelope and Tip switching billet using envelope and thumb tip
1947 16
The Slit Envelope using envelope
1947 17
The Turnover billet on object and dummy underneath, everything is turned over
Variations 1947 19
The Waxed Cover using an envelope
Variations 1947 22
In the Glass billets in glass are stolen and replaced, glass covered with handkerchief
1947 23
The Pad switching a billet using a pad, with several variations
1947 30
C. L. Boarde Forcing various methods, switching billets
1947 72
George G. Kaplan A Cigarette-Paper Pellet Switch on the tip of a pencil
1948 223
Billet Switch
1948 228
Milbourne Christopher Decked Out billet switch, while taking cards out of the case
Jan. 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 143)
George B. Anderson My Best Billet Switch with packet of cigarettes
Variations 1949 14
Stewart Judah, Martin Gardner, Milbourne Christopher Flash Paper Pellet Switch switching paper ball for flash paper ball, with ideas by Milbourne Christopher
May 1949
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 6 No. 12)
Dr. William Weyeneth Das Changieren eines Zettels mittels einer Cigarettenschachtel billet is switched under cigarette box, billet clipped with paper clip
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 10 No. 2)
Al Baker Chapter 1: First Lesson in Mind Reading Technique intro on billet switches
Also published here 1949 1
Al Baker The Baker Switch
  • I. The Technique
  • II. The Timing
  • III. The Application
VariationsAlso published here 1949 1
Al Baker Al Baker's Envelope Switch window envelopes, Q&A routine application
VariationsAlso published here 1949 40
Al Baker Chicken-Feed amount of change in spectator's pocket, pocket writing, spiked billet
Related toAlso published here 1949 50
Al Baker The Baker Switch - No. 2
Also published here 1949 72
George Schindler Note to Hand billet switch with matchbox
Inspired by June 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 204)
Clettis V. Musson Tricky Telepathy billet placed in glass
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1951)
Al Baker The Baker Billet Switch
Also published here 1951 64
Bob Somerfeld Switchcraft billet switch with envelope
1952 6
Edward Marlo Billet Switch
1953 125
Edward Marlo Billet Switch crumpled up
1953 21
Milbourne Christopher One Out of 52 several cards are written down, one is selected, performer divines the card
1954 10
Amazing James Randi Deliver the Billets getting billets with envelope switch, window envelope, Q&A routine application
Inspired by Aug. 1955
Ibidem (Issue 2)
Tony Corinda (10) The Switch and the Force general comments, envelope, billet and cards
1958 95
John Scarne Scarne Pellet Switch
1958 96
Dr. Spencer Thornton Thorntonism people write information on different billets, selected one is divined, method to switch billets with a magazine
1958 1
Dr. Spencer Thornton Mind Over Mind chosen symbol is predicted in a clip, bulldog clip to switch billet
1958 8
Malcolm McCallum Switch Gimmick bulldog clip billet switch, clip on a stand
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1959)
Theodore Annemann (6) The Billet Switch (Bare Hand Method) the Annemann Billet Switch
1959 175
Tony Corinda (7) The Billet Switch (Bare Hand Method - Corinda) rolled up
Inspired by 1959 177
Tony Corinda (8) The Billet Switch (by lapping)
1959 178
Tony Corinda (9) The Billet Switch (Magnetic Clip Method)
1959 178
Tony Corinda (10) The Billet Switch (Corinda's Billet Pull) six methods to switch billets with a pull, pull on paper clip
1959 178
Will Dexter (11) The Billet Switch (The Matchbox Switch - by Will Dexter) switching the billet in the action of burning it
1959 180
Eric Mason (12) The Star Trap Billet Switch (Eric Mason) spectator throws rolled up bill to performer, who divines the serial number, with star trap towel holder gimmick, bill accidentally dropped
1959 181
John Henley (13) Eclipse Billet Switch (John Henley) switch with magnets and bulldog clips
1959 182
Tony Corinda (14) Summary of Billet Switching theory and tips
1959 184
Tony Corinda (15) Marking of Billets
1959 185
Tony Corinda (16) Billet Stands
1959 185
Billet Switch
1960 8
Malcolm Davison Billet Hold-Out under bow-tie
1960 100
Malcolm Davison The Two Handed Billet Switch
1960 100
Malcolm Davison The One Handed Billet Switch
1960 102
Harry Stanley, Otis Manning The O.M. Switch Box
Related to 1960 107
Dr. Stanley Jaks Dr. Jaks Hutnadel billet switch with hat pin, then secret reading of information
Also published here 1961 90
Dr. William Weyeneth Magische Tips
  • combination of milk pitcher and soft soap routine
  • idea for rope escape, elastic
  • pad with magnet to switch billets
Also published here 1961
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 22 No. 3)
Max Malini Billet Reading on toilet paper
Also published here 1962 76
U. F. Grant Idea for Switching Bulldog Clip
June 1962
The New Phoenix (Issue 370)
Dr. William Weyeneth Der magnetische Notizblock pad with magnet to switch billets
Also published here 1962
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 23 No. 1)
David Hoy A Nervy Switcher billet switch, bull dog clip on a dowel, one on each end but apparently only one
Related toVariations 1963 20
Otis Manning The Ghost of a Chance billet switching box, Q&A
Also published here Aug. 1964
The New Jinx (Vol. 3 No. 28)
Ken Krenzel Psychologia billet switching box, routine variation
Inspired by Sep. 1964
The New Jinx (Vol. 3 No. 29)
Dr. William Weyeneth Der Magisch-Magnetische Hut hat with magnet, for billet switches, various ideas
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 26 No. 1)
Felix Greenfield One Finger - One Hand Right Hand Billet Switch
Mar. 1965
The New Jinx (Vol. 3 No. 35)
Joseph M. White Tape-Palmed Billet using tape on palm
Oct. 1965
The New Jinx (Vol. 4 No. 42)
David Hoy Hoy Deploy Q&A using gaffed matchbook to switch and steal billet, two methods
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1967-68)
George B. Anderson, Mike Trent Hi, There, Theo! billet in Okito Box, with clearer instructions than in the Yearbook
Also published here 1968 39
Stuart P. Cramer Implanted Thought chosen ESP card predicted on billet, using index on cards
Related to 1969 4
C. C. Luther Mind Reading DeLuxe billets in box, then burnt, box to switch billets
1969 4
Art Spring Divining Cup numbered slips with information written by spectators in cup, performer divines contents, slips secretly burned via flash paper
Oct. 1970
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 5 No. 12)
Jack Kent Tillar Telepathic Trio billet switching box made out of Whitman Chocolate Boxes, divination of a letter from the alphabet, a color and a symbol
Sep. 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 29)
G. W. Hunter The Gypsy Switch switching small item when wrapping it in handkerchief, for credits and sources see page 24
VariationsAlso published here Jan. 1971
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 1)
David Kaput TimeCapsule ESP prediction, prediction in two part container
Magick (Issue 25)
Jesse J. Langston Jr. ESPecially for You prediction of chosen symbol, bulldog clip to switch billet
Magick (Issue 31)
Gerald Kosky Triangle Prediction - A Reprise performer writes prediction, spectator draws five symbols on billets, they are mixed in a glass and one is chosen
Inspired by May 1971
Talisman (Vol. 2 No. 11)
Paul Siegel Billet Switch with a tray
1972 15
Al Baker Al Baker's Finger Tip Dead Name Test No. 637, billets put in envelope, some actually in finger tip
1972 177
Al Flosso Al Flosso Billet Or Bill Switch No. 726, brief
1972 194
Theodore Annemann Billet Switching see also p. 13 for credit information
Related toAlso published here 1973 10
Robert Parrish Hat Pin Switch
Related to Summer 1974
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 9 No. 9th Folio)
Karl Fulves Billet Switch with playing cards and paper clips
1974 48
Karl Fulves Second Method billet switch with gaffed playing cards
1974 49
Karl Fulves Rough Rider billet switch with cards and roughing fluid to switch billets
1974 50
Francis Carlyle Germain's Paper billet switch with pencil, unclear if by Germain or Jacques Remanaux
1975 126
Theodore Annemann, Dr. Stanley Jaks Anneman's "Test of the Tiber"
Related to 1975 127
Anthony Raven Powers of the Unknown! billet with question of sitter is burnt and secretly read
Magick (Issue 128)
Philip T. Goldstein Pre-Duck-Tion prediction of a freely named word in the mouth of a toy duck
1976 12
Philip T. Goldstein Middle Telepathy ESP card, shape and name are divined
1976 21
Billet Switch
1976 25
Al Mann Acidus introduction and rave for the move
Variations 1976 1
Al Mann The Preparations prefolding
1976 4
Al Mann The Presentation and Method preparing the switch
1976 5
The Temple Switch
Related to
  • "Revelations of a Spirit Medium" in 1891 and Eddie Joseph's"My Billet Switch" in "Magic of the Mind" in 1952
1976 7
Al Mann TIps on Practicing tips on practicing the Acidus method, on the First-Finger-Grip, on Opening the Billet, and on the Temple Switch
1976 12
Al Mann Precautions how to ensure that the billet is not folded more then twice, Acidus
1976 15
Al Mann The Telephone Effect random person phoned, name divined, method for "On the Wire"
Inspired by 1976 15
Al Mann A Short Cut alternative handling for Acidus
1976 16
Al Mann The Pharaoh's Palm billets are switched on palm of performer, fake palm
1976 23
Jack Bridwell Sealed billet switch in transparent vial, combined with tarot reading
Magick (Issue 147)
Karrell Fox A Switch on Dave Hoy's Switch using pen with two tops instead of bulldog clips
Inspired byRelated to 1976 91
Rick Johnsson, Ellison Poland Penny --- For His Thoughts more ideas with the IBGTH Switch, with bills, paper clips, billets, dice, coins, sponge balls, combs, business cards
1976 52
Burling Hull Burling Hull's Super Psychic Billet Switch with sticky wax part in cup, billet poured into hand
1976 33
Burling Hull Stage Methods of Reading and Rendering Spectators' Questions
  • The Hold Out (with assistant who collects billets)
  • The Box Entrance Method
  • Switch Basket Method
  • Back of Orchestra Switch
  • Box Collection Method
  • Hull's Brass Burning Bowl Method
  • The Mirror Bowl
  • Switch Bag Methods
  • The Method of Communicating to Performer
  • The Wireless Phone
  • Direct Connection
  • Metal Ball
  • Ball Stand
  • Roller Hand Device
  • Projector Method
  • Blackboard Method
  • Sleeve Transmission Method
  • Glass of Water Transmission Method
  • Faro Method
  • Lead-Off
  • The "Chicago" Metal Ball
  • Simplified Metal Ball: "Eureka" Model
  • Burling Hull's Non-Electrical Method
  • Hull's Deluxe Question Transmitter (table with crystal ball on it)
1976 133
Philip T. Goldstein Writer's Cramp
1977 9
Jeff Busby Busby's Billets billet switch using matchbook
Variations 1977
Magick (Issue 175)
Philip T. Goldstein Hot Message prediction of chosen ESP symbol, on billet with invisible ink which appears with fire
Inspired by 1977
Magick (Issue 176)
Dennis Marks Marksmanship Bill(et) Switch
May 1978
Apocalypse (Vol. 1 No. 5)
C. L. Boarde Billets and Books - Variation B number written down on billet by spectator
1978 63
Karrell Fox A K.F. Idea on an O.M. Switch envelope as billet switching box
Inspired by 1979 119
Billet Switch with thumb tip
1980 19
Thomas Alan Waters Switches
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Scrypt)
Thomas Alan Waters Hand to Hand No. 1 with a paper clip
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Scrypt)
Thomas Alan Waters Hand to Hand No. 2 with a paper clip
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Scrypt)
Thomas Alan Waters Pad Switches billet switches with the aid of a pad
  • The Takeaway
  • The Tearaway
  • The Flipaway
  • Bill-ette
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Scrypt)
Thomas Alan Waters Mechanical Switches
  • Padded (with Wax)
  • Flipover Wallets
Inspired by 1981
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Scrypt)
Thomas Alan Waters No. 2: On the Wired Thought random person phoned, name divined and the person names a year which is divined too, combination of two Annemann effects
Related to 1981
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Scrypt)
Thomas Alan Waters Additional Notes variations and ideas on the switch, pocket writing and indexes
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Scrypt)
Gene "Phantini" Grant Witch Switch performer writes card on a piece of paper and selects a card, on the second try he eventually finds it, billet switch with a playing card
1981 38
Stephen Tucker Amalgam one ahead with color, number and card, clever construction
Also published here June 1981
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Stephen Tucker Switch rolled up paper switch, De Manche switch
June 1981
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Al Mann The Torn Wocus switching it for a dummy
1982 3
Thomas Alan Waters Billet Switch on Needle
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Grymwyr)
Bob Chesbro Folded Card Switch
1982 26
Allan Slaight PSI-Cloned Q&A whit billets with questions and pink billets with numbers, using the Otis Manning box
Feb. 1982
Magick (Issue 303)
Al Mann The Lofty Missive answer to question is found written on billet stuck on the ceiling
1982 4
Joseph Dunninger The Act entire setting for the routine including the steals, opening and organizing the billets, the speech
1983 2
Joseph Dunninger, The 'Slip' Switch apparently also used by Charles Foster 100 years earlier
1983 4
Joseph Dunninger The Pellet Switch Method 5 (while putting billet in envelope)
1983 11
Joseph Dunninger The Medium's Billet Switch Method 6
1983 12
Al Mann Billet Switch for three billets
1983 6
Joseph Dunninger What the Eyes See
1983 9
Joseph Dunninger Puzzling? technical variation of "What the Eyes See"
1983 9
Don Tanner, Trevor Lewis, Philip Reed Willmarth Six Card Mental Test Again! billet in envelope prediction
Variations 1984 20
Theodore Annemann Billet Switch
1985 74
Thomas Alan Waters OManation on the OM Billet Switching Box
Inspired by 1985
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Fynys)
Bruce Bernstein Thumb Tip Switch & Double Vision several design drawn on billets, one is selected and duplicated, using Bernstein's thumb tip switch
Also published here 1985 47
Bruce Bernstein One-Handed Switch using thumb tip
Also published here 1985 50
Bruce Bernstein Pad Switch several design drawn on billets, one is selected and duplicated, using Bernstein's pad switch
Also published here 1985 53
Larry Jennings The Jennings Bill Switch
1986 216
Richard Osterlind The Natural Billet Switch
1986 18
C. James Rainho Dimension X number reading, special index card to switch bills and billets, with paperclip
June 1986
Magick (Issue 372)
Karrell Fox How to Do - The "Let's cut out all of the Phoney Baloney and do something normal and natural for a Change" Prediction sending letter ahead for headline prediction, slip of paper switched when dumped out of envelope
1986 47
Hans-Gerhard Stumpf Ein richtiger 'Mental-Effekt' billet switch using an ink well
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 47 No. 4)
Eugene Burger Spirit Messages message appears on crumpled-up cigarette paper
Inspired by 1986 138
Joe Givan Billet Switch on Needle with second needle
1987 27
Karrell Fox "Clipswitch" switch with paper clip
1988 19
Louis Zingone Billet Switch
1989 xxxviii
Gary Kurtz The Gesticulated Switch
1989 14
Al Mann Satellite Billet
Jan. 1989
Magick (Issue 416)
Dr. Dan J. Alessini Point Blank with large pushpin, switch
July 1989
Magick (Issue 425)
Charles Reynolds The Spike prediction pierced on spike, number prediction, three numbers added and multiplied with random number using a die
Aug. 1989
Magick (Issue 426)
Stephen Tucker Amalgam one ahead with color, number and card, clever construction
Also published here Oct. 1989
Intermagic (Vol. 15 No. 1)
John Bannon Card Box Billet Switch see also page 16
1990 13
Jay Sankey Paper Clipped Switch
Related to 1990 38
Paul Hallas NFCF Bag 2 several billets are selected from a bag, one is divined and others are blank
1990 26
Edward Marlo By-Pass Switch lapping
Apr. 1991 6
T. Page Wright A Written Revelation with a deck of cards, while removing cards
Related to 1991 133
Billet Switch with Wallet apparently removed from wallet
1991 10
Doug Edwards A Bill(et) Switch
Apr. 1993
Apocalypse (Vol. 16 No. 4)
George Laing Just Imagine otherwise propless
Variations June 1993
Apocalypse (Vol. 16 No. 6)
L. Vosburgh Lyons Dunninger's Secret proposed switch with envelope for Q&A act, accidental tripping
Related to 1993
Verbatim (Issue 7)
Steve Dusheck Paper Switch with small plastic wallet
1993 80
Richard Mark Destiny's Destination prediction of three things related to vacation, brochures and prediction slips held by clip, using Ostin Switch Clip
Related to 1994
Syzygy (Vol. 1 No. 8)
Billet Swtich using a lighter
1995 12
Dr. Dan J. Alessini Tarot Man tarot reading and answering of question, billet switch using tarot deck
Mar. 1995
Vibrations (Vol. 17 No. 9)
Chad Long Dinner Time Prediction during dinner "You will drop a spoon!" (or something else) is predicted
Also published here 1997 2
Al Mann The Temple Switch
Related to 1997 7
David Harkey, Eric Anderson Billet Switch under envelope
1997 76
Richard Bartram, Jr. Two-Faced Switch billet on playing card attached with paper clip is switched
1997 78
Richard Bartram, Jr., Dr. Stanley Jaks One Handed Billet Switch pellet on needle
1997 118
Richard Bartram, Jr. Bulldog Switch bulldog clip with billet attached to jacket
1997 139
Al Mann Introducing Acidus 2 information written on piece of paper, paper is then folded and secured with paperclip, billet is secretly switched and partially opened in same hand to read information
1997 2
Mike O'Brien, Theodore Annemann The Switch
Also published here 1997 [29]
Al Mann The Temple Switch
Related to 1998 26
Sal Franchino, Jack Dean Eye PSIght prediction matches passages from three books, using O.M. Switch Box
Syzygy (Vol. 4 No. 8)
Billet Switch using envelope
1998 9
Jas Jakutsch "CBS" - "The Classic Billet Switch"
1999 12
Jas Jakutsch The "In-Their-Face" Two-Step Billet Switch
1999 13
Jas Jakutsch The Re-Fold Switch
1999 14
Jas Jakutsch The Opening Switch
1999 15
Billet Switch
Also published here 1999 [17]
Theodore Annemann, Richard Osterlind Billet Switch with Salt Packet thumb tip
Inspired by 2000 21
Richard Mark Mental Methods billet reading of names of famous people, countries etc., TV-guide to switch billets
Related to 2000 50
Richard Mark Mental Method Update using generic questions to give room for humorous answers and pre-show questions
Related to 2000 55
Richard Mark Cellular Telepathy divination of written telephone number, person is called as climax of routine, bulldog clip switch by Bob Ostin used
2000 81
Richard Mark Destiny prediction of three things related to vacation, brochures and prediction slips held by clip, using Ostin Switch Clip
Related to 2000 84
William J. Hilliar Stolen Thoughts method guess of mindreading act by Hilliar, accidental tripping
Related toAlso published here
  • The Sphinx, Dec. 1945 (written by Bill Frazee)
2001 130
Marc DeSouza The Cigarette Pellet Switch
2001 69
David Regal Off-Color Thought
2002 72