104 entries in Liquid / Milk Pitcher
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Beer Bet impromptu milk pitcher type thing with celluloid in glass to drink more
The Jinx (Issue 87)
Eddie Joseph Seeing with the Imagination two glasses placed inside two borrowed hats, milk is poured inside one glass and travels to other glass
1940 ca. 9
Eddie Joseph Liquid Milk milk travels from glass to other glass in hat
1940 ca. 15
George L. Neilson An Original Routine with the Milk Pitcher and other Items most Magicians Have
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1945)
R. M. Jamison Milko milk vanishes, building a milk pitcher out of a bottle
June 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 85)
Henry A. Colgate Milk and Confetti confetti in glass under handkerchief and milk in cone change places, milk pitcher
Also published here Mar. 1945
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 2 No. 10)
Laurie Ireland Drink Your Milk milk pitcher routine, milk to candy
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1946)
Laurie Ireland Wine to Beer - A Chemical Trick with milk pitcher
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1946)
Hen Fetsch General Information About the "Pitcher"
  • Its Care
  • Type of Liquids
  • Presentation
  • Milk Marker
  • Showmanly Spills
  • A Blackstone Tip
  • Personal Preference
  • The Paper Cone
  • Opening the Cone
  • Loading the Cone
  • Handling the Cone
  • Water-Proof Cone
1946 5
Hen Fetsch Rice Silks or Beer milk is poured in bottle changes into rice silks or beer
1946 8
Hen Fetsch Liquid Flowers milk poured in cup turns into bouquet of flowers
1946 8
Hen Fetsch Flower Silk milk poured in cup turns into bouquet of flowers, then cup changes into silk
1946 9
Hen Fetsch Rice Silk cup is filled with milk and from the liquid a silk is produced, then milk changes into confetti
1946 9
Hen Fetsch Bowl and Pitcher milk pitcher combined with the rice bowls
1946 10
Hen Fetsch Snow Time milk poured in paper cone changes to confetti, with fan
1946 10
Hen Fetsch Flower Flash liquid poured in pot and flowers appear in a flash
1946 10
Hen Fetsch Bunko Beans bean seeds change into beans, in a pot
1946 11
Hen Fetsch Garden Hat carrots and cabbage are produced from hat
1946 11
Hen Fetsch Milk Go milk vanishes from glass, in a flash
1946 12
Hen Fetsch Milko Twist in combination with "Milko", glass vanish in tube
1946 12
Hen Fetsch Can It milk poured in can changes into paper streamer and flowers
1946 12
Hen Fetsch Bouquet Beauty seeds placed in paper cone turn into flowers
1946 13
Hen Fetsch Curtain to Finale milk poured in cone changes into silk with two flower bouquets
1946 14
Hen Fetsch Blooming Beauty milk poured in cone changes into silk with two flower bouquets, blooming type
1946 14
Hen Fetsch Fire Flowers paper cone is filled with milk and ignited, changes to flowers
1946 14
Hen Fetsch Coffee Cream milk poured in cone changes to small cream bottle
1946 15
Hen Fetsch Condenso entire content of milk pitcher is poured into small cream pitcher
1946 15
Hen Fetsch Milk Stream milk changes into streamer, in combination with the "Confetti Streamer Bowls"
1946 15
Hen Fetsch Mr. Bunny milk poured in paper bag changes into rabbit
1946 15
Hen Fetsch Juggling Joker gag, bowl filled with milk is balanced on a pole then apparently thrown into audience, liquid transforms into rice or confetti
1946 16
Hen Fetsch Joker Juggling gag, filled cups are balanced and apparently fall into audience
1946 16
Hen Fetsch Dove Flash milk poured into paper cone, cone is ignited and changes into dove
1946 17
Hen Fetsch Cream Conjuring milk poured in cup, child shall hold it over head and turn it over, changes into ice cream
1946 17
Hen Fetsch Milk Bag Fun milk poured in a paper bag vanishes, gag
1946 17
Hen Fetsch Bunny Making "flat" bunny is placed inside hat and milk is poured on top, transformation into real rabbit
1946 17
Hen Fetsch Combo combination with "Effective Liquid Appear", penetration of liquid
1946 18
Hen Fetsch Comedy Combo combination with "Abbott's Comedy Glass", milk disappears in cone and glass is stretched to make room for milk to reappear
1946 18
Hen Fetsch Cow Cutie sucker trick, liquid vanish
1946 18
Hen Fetsch My Best Club Laugh beer vanishes in paper cone and glass shrinks, comedy routine, using "Abbott's Comedy Beer Mug"
1946 19
Hen Fetsch My Best Flash Opening milk transforms into dove, with flower bouquet and paper cone
1946 19
Hen Fetsch Bouncing Milk milk transforms into ball, inside paper cone
1946 20
Hen Fetsch Liquid Snake gag, milk changes into fake snake, Adam Snake C
1946 20
Hen Fetsch Soft Soap washing theme, handkerchief of spectator is soiled and cleaned again, with a box
1946 21
Hen Fetsch Undercover Soaft Soap idea, washing routine with panties and handkerchiefs
1946 22
Hen Fetsch The Christmas Tree liquid poured into paper cone changes into christmas tree, paper tree with decoration
1946 22
Hen Fetsch Vanishing Cow milk vanishes in paper cone, with moo-ing can gag
1946 23
Hen Fetsch Pump Presto "human pump" routine with milk pitcher instead of Foo Can
1946 24
Hen Fetsch Confusing with "Liquid Appear" glass, liquid poured in hat without harm then appears in glass
1946 24
Hen Fetsch The Spirit Drinks sympathetic glasses, two glasses filled with liquid, performer drinks one and other one is empty as well
1946 25
Hen Fetsch Triple Mystery milk vanishes in a hat and rabbit appears
1946 25
Hen Fetsch Pants Pour gag, penny dropped in funnel which is in pockets, milk is poured inside funnel
1946 25
Hen Fetsch On Head milk changes into rice, over spectator's head, comedy routine
1946 26
Hen Fetsch School Day Magic milk vanish as kicker, cup covered with paper is turned over as premise
1946 26
Hen Fetsch Airplane Gag milk vanishes in paper cone, then cone is torn into pieces and changes into paper plane
1946 26
Hen Fetsch Your Move red and black liquid change into checkers, inside paper cone
1946 27
Hen Fetsch Sucker Sorcery cocktail shaker and liquid vanish from paper cone
1946 27
Hen Fetsch Back Again liquid vanishes in paper cone and appears back in cup
1946 28
Hen Fetsch Circus Conjuring lemonade poured in bag changes into peanuts
1946 28
Hen Fetsch Happy Birthday milk and other invisible ingredients are placed inside cone, they change to cookies and message appears on cone
1946 28
Hen Fetsch Mandy Andy picture is formed to cone, milk vanishes inside and picture transforms
1946 29
Hen Fetsch Unity milk, rice and a handkerchief change places, with funnel and "Genii Tube"
1946 29
Hen Fetsch New Uses for the "Pitcher"
  • As a Loading Device
  • As a Means of Exchange
  • As a Visible Vanish
  • As a Trap
  • As a Chemical Prop
  • As a Load Chamber
1946 32
Milbourne Christopher Milbourne Christopher's Column ideas for various tricks
  • Lit cigarette hold on thumb covered with handkerchief
  • idea for Al Baker's addition slate
  • on Lou Tannens shooting wand
  • Milk Pitcher
  • Brainwave Deck
  • gag with flash bill
  • Floating Ball
  • card location
Aug. 1947 341
Don Grosini A Colorful Opening milk poured in paper bag, bag pierced with cane and flowers appear on cane, then cane changes into silk
Sep. 1948 459
Cliff Lesta A Good Liquid Combination glass with milk vanishes, Zombie Glass
Apr. 1949 15
Dr. Ben B. Braude Ben's Cone milk pitcher idea
Aug. 1953
The Phoenix (Issue 288)
Karrell Fox Milk Pitcher for kids shows, with De-Muth Milk Appearing Bottle
1954 33
Laurie Ireland Patter Presentation for the Milk Pitcher
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1957)
Bob Schmidt Hubert, the Undernourished Rabbit routine using the Windsor Dye Box, Milk Pitcher, Flat Rabbit and spring rabbit
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1957)
Stewart James Cheerio Glass tumbler vanishes under napkin and appears back in a a hat
1957 3
Lane Bateman Ideas for Magicians
  • idea to combine Liquid Appear / funnel with the Milk Pitcher
  • idea for Irealnd Tall-Gro Flower
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1958)
Albert H. Ward. Jr. A Chalk Talk Cocktail drawing of man drinking, picture changes
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1959)
Gerard "Bruno" Bruning How I Vanish Milk milk poured inside milk carton
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1960)
Jack Yeager The Tricky Trio as John Yeager, three ideas
  • smoke from striking surface of matchbox
  • Dove in Balloon
  • Milk Pitcher Flash
Related to 1960
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1960)
Al Hancuff "Pet to Port" milk poured in cup vanishes, then glass of wine appears from cup
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1961)
Dr. William Weyeneth Magische Tips
  • combination of milk pitcher and soft soap routine
  • idea for rope escape, elastic
  • pad with magnet to switch billets
Also published here 1961
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 22 No. 3)
Walter Slasor New Routines for Your Shelved Magic different trick combinations, ideas
  • 1. Tricky Tumbler (Grant), Vanishing Wand (Walsh)
  • 2. The Handkerchief Pedestal
  • 3. Drawer Box, Spring Rabbit, Dot's A Dandy (Allen)
  • 4. Comedy Pump (Ireland)
  • 5. Devil's Handkerchief, Menge Tricky Tumbler
  • 6. Saltsation (Grant)
  • 7. Rubber Egg (Weller), Milk in Hat (Grant)
  • 8. Comedy Silks (Fox)
  • 9. Temple Screen (Grant)
  • 10. P&L Candlestick coin holder
  • 11. Magic Funnel, Slate
  • 12. Magic Funnel
  • 13. Breakaway Fan, Bang Gun
  • 14. Dial X (Grant), Wrist Watch Tape Measure (Tannen)
  • 15. German Milk Glass (Grant), Confetti Cannister (Grant)
  • 16. Ceylon Strip (Torsberg), Hypnotic Card Box
  • 17. Ghost Glass (Grant)
  • 18. Tricky Tumbler, Color Book (Windsor)
  • 19. Stiff Rope (Grant)
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1962)
Bert Douglas Safety Magic series of tricks / presentations about safety and accident prevention
  • A Safety Introduction
  • The ABC of Safety (paper cutting routine)
  • Think (ABC card manipulation)
  • Don't Take Chances (Brent's Bill to Matches & Atomic Candle Trick)
  • How Come? (Blow book)
  • We All Do Crazy Things - Sometimes (Milk Pitcher routine)
  • Safety Begins at Home (Multiplying Thimble)
  • Don't Gamble with Safety (Die Box)
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1963-64)
Ace Gorham Routines: No. 2 idea for structure of several effects, milk pitcher and other
Apr. 1965
The New Phoenix (Issue 395/396)
Ali Bongo Blooming Assistant cup is filled with milk and placed on spectator's head, milk changes into flowers
1966 57
Joseph M. White #4 paper torn and placed inside box, milk vanishes from cone and appears inside paper cup inside box
June 1967
The New Jinx (Vol. 6 No. 62)
Bert Douglas A "Drop" of Coffee Milk Pitcher routine with safety presentation
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1967-68)
Richard G. Anderson Milk to Silk milk vanishes in paper bag, replica of selection appears on silk
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1969-70)
Everett Lyda No Mess Dove Pan
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1969-70)
William Humphries Off Beat Ideas various ideas
  • flag appears on wand
  • Gravity Glass
  • Anti Gravico
  • vase and cord
  • Milk Pitcher
  • orange silk changes into lemon
  • Bang Gun
  • Magic Con Block & Coin Slide
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1969-70)
Sigmar Milky Way glass filled with milk, silk penetrates bottom of glass, tube glass
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1969-70)
Gene Nielsen Gene Nielsen's T Tea bag gag / T bag
May 1971
Talisman (Vol. 2 No. 9)
Stephen Minch Milo the Magnificent comedy routine with puppet, comedy wands
  • ball & cone phase
  • milk pitcher
  • finds card after many failed tries, puppet assistant brings jumbo card
1977 87
J. F. Orrin Ein Guter Eröffnungstrick glass covered with tube, milk poured in and shown in glass, glass and milk both vanish from tube
Also published here
  • Abracadabra #1339, Sep. 1971
Dec. 1978
Intermagic (Vol. 5 No. 4)
Don Tanner Silks & Liquids milk poured in cloth bag, silk comes out, silk changes color, then silk changes to a filled glass in bag
Also published here 1978 11
Ali Routine for the Six Card Repeat after every phase a mug of beer is emptied by performer
1980 47
Don Tanner Foulards milk poured in cloth bag, silk comes out, silk changes color
Also published here 1981
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 42 No. 2)
John Brown Solidarity idea for Solid Cup Routine, apparently filling cup with milk
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. Special #1 (Summer))
Peter A. McDonald Aus dem Hut child holds hat above head, performer pours milk in hat through funnel, changes to silks
Also published here
  • The Magic Wand #254, 1958
Jan. 1984
Intermagic (Vol. 10 No. 3 & 4)
Karrell Fox Refreshment Time apparently full paper cups tossed into audience, confetti and milk pitcher
1991 53
Jim Steinmeyer Squeeze-Away Milk "Poor Man's Milk Pitcher", squeeze bottle
June 1994
Magic (Vol. 3 No. 10)
Cliff E. Stanyon Mit Dank an Milbourne Christopher milk travels from glass to glass, behind paravents
Inspired by
  • "Quick Trip" (Milbourne Christopher)
Intermagic (Vol. 22 No. 1)
Don Alan Production of a Dove from a Borrowed Purse milk is poured into borrowed purse then a dove is produced
2000 209
Erich Tauer-Turmi Der Milchglastrick routine for vanishing milk
Intermagic (Vol. 24 No. 2)
Craig Matsuoka Disposable Milk Tumbler plastic cup milk pitcher
July 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 7)
Arthur Setterington Egg Flip wine poured in paper cone, egg comes out of cone, egg put in glass, changes into wine and is then taken out of pocket
Also published here
  • Abracadabra, Vol. 3 No. 64, Apr. 1947, p. 168
2002 166
David Kaye Milk Pitcher Plus Milk poured into newspaper cone, vanishes
2005 93
Allan Slaight A New Milk Pitcher Idea openly adding cellophane sheet to newspaper to motivate that it doesn't seep through
Also published here Aug. 2006
Genii (Vol. 69 No. 8)
Allan Slaight A New Milk Pitcher Idea openly adding cellophane sheet to newspaper to motivate that it doesn't seep through
Also published here 2008 26