122 entries in Doll & Puppet / Miscellaneous
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Bonus Genius or Nuntius invisibilis small wooden figure vanishes in cap, head comes off and body is secretly removed in advance
Related to 1634 31
How to make the face of a Childe to appeare in a pot of water small fake head secretly dropped into water bottle, also with frog
1634 36
Henri Decremps Poupée parlante. doll can speak and answer questions
1785 180
A Dozen Babies from a Hat cloth covered production puppet
1876 309
The "Bonus Genius," or Vanishing Doll
Related to 1876 321
Der Teufelskopf No. 6, devil's head mask on which four cards appear, fourth one comes out of mouth
Related to 1895 70
Die schwarze Hand (aus den Mysterien des Orients) five finger rings borrowed, colored thread on each, black puppet hand in box, rings vanish and appear on the hand, spectators decide which color on which puppet finger
Also published here Oct. 1895
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Der Teufelskopf continuation of description, four cards selected and two borrowed ring put in glass and covered with handkerchief, cards vanish from deck and glass with rings vanishes, cards and rings appear on devil head puppet apparatus
Related to Nov. 1895
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Der Teufelskopf devil's head mask on which cards appear
Related to 1896 190
Carl Willmann Harlekin und Blumendüte harlequin puppet appears in paper cone with a load of spring flowers
Oct. 1896
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 2 No. 10)
The Hand of Cagliostro model of hand used in rising card presentation
VariationsAlso published here 1897 217
Babies "Gegenstände aus dem Weltausstellungs-Cylinder, dem Tamburin, dem Tuch etc."
production items, compressible spring baby dolls
Feb. 1898
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 8)
Der seekranke Passagier puppet made from orange, wine glass and handkerchief, gag with it
Sep. 1899
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 5 No. 9)
Der Riese costume to make a person look like a giant
Apr. 1901
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 7 No. 4)
Magnetised Marionettes non-magical science experiment
1902 314
Half a Dozen Babies from a Hat
1903 450
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli XXIII. Totentanz
  • 1. Das erscheinende Papp-Skelett (paper skeleton appears behind silk)
  • 2. Ein Ballett (skeleton starts to dance on table)
  • 3. Der zersprungene Spiegel (broken mirror is restored)
  • 4. Der Doppelgänger (mirror image from skeleton starts to become real and dances as well)
  • 5. Verwandlung von Milch in Tinte (glass of milk changes to ink, back to milk and then to water)
1903 204
Albert Fellows Ginger and the Apple doll in miniature cannon ends up in hat, held by spectator
1915 90
Stanley Collins The Yellow Idol big die, spot moves then its placed in a box and travels to a crystal box and back, then a small figure / doll appears
1920 77
Oswald Rae Cinderella doll in box, spectator produces puppet clothes in a box, then they change into the dress the doll was wearing and the produced clothes found on the doll
Also published here
  • "Cinderella" in "The Magic Wand"
1930 26
T. Page Wright Winkletum two cards chosen, knot appears in handkerchief, handkerchief as puppet finds selections
  • Improved - As the Felicitous Feline (hand doll instead of handkerchief)
Related to 1933 44
Walter B. Gibson Voodoo sword cabinet with a pins and a voodoo doll in a box
Dec. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 24)
N. M. Hopkins, Nuts! small elephant imitation appears and vanishes, see also Hopkins' "20th Century Magic"
Jan. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 27)
Diabolo little devil doll appears under handkerchief and vanishes under hat
Sep. 1948
La Baguette Magique (Issue 23&24)
U. F. Grant The Spirit House light in doll house goes on and off to answer questions
Jan. 1949 13
"Senator" Clarke Crandall Some Gags by Senator Crandall as given to Don Alan
  • doll house cleanup set for restaurant / bar work
  • bulldog clip in sleeve, to produce a coin anytime
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1950)
Milbourne Christopher Santa's Suit costume of Santa vanishes in bag and appears on Santa figure behind screen
  • Variations
  • Presentation Tips
  • Final Word
Dec. 1950 727
James G. Thompson Jr. Jocko - The Great routine with hand puppet, puppet makes handkerchief vanishes and appear and disappear, performs a mini die box and eventually finds selected card
Also published here Jan. 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 220)
Milbourne Christopher Forgetful Fred head of wooden doll is removed and replaced with balloon, head vanishes and balloon changes into head
  • Variations
Related to June 1951 801
Milbourne Christopher Forgetful Fred head of wooden doll is removed and replaced with balloon, head vanishes and balloon changes into head, different method to build prop by Henry Ehrlich
Related to Aug. 1951 828
Victor Farelli The Glove Monkey - New Penetration
  • Farelli's London Letter
hand puppet monkey routine, spelling with abc cards
Sep. 1951 839
Ali Ali's Eyeful gags and puns with a fake eyeball
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1952)
Laurie Ireland Mickey Mouse and his Magic Coats Mickey doll traveling to box, hand puppet
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1954)
Leonard Austin Dolly's Dresses four doll's dresses of different colors, chosen one vanishes and appears in chosen envelope
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1956)
Robert L. Henderson Suggested Routine outline of routine with a puppet mouse, an egg and a napkin, an egg bag, Devil Handkerchief and a Tricky Tumbler, Kling Klang Routine
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1956)
James G. Thompson Jr. Jocko the Great routine with hand puppet, puppet makes handkerchief vanishes and appear and disappear, performs a mini die box and eventually finds selected card
Also published here 1956 229
Robert L. Henderson Doll Production and Levitation and Vanish
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1957)
Oran Bailey Dent Beanie Puppet Routines 1&2 hand puppet, in hat routines
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1960)
Art Irwin The Tricky Bear toy mechanical bear lifts three selections from the deck
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1960)
Maurice Blackman Rabbit to Silk
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1961)
The Little Messenger puppet with cape, puppet vanishes only cape remains
Related to 1965 20
Ali Bongo The Balancing Yogi sucker trick with a small doll, spectator cannot balance it
1966 34
Ernesto "Ernest" Pracchia La Ratita viciosa production and animation of small mouse
1967 19
Ernesto "Ernest" Pracchia El Monito Sabio card found by cigarette smoking monkey puppet
1967 64
Joseph M. White Betty Hal-Astra Gal combination of several tricks, Grant's See Thru Cylinders, Ireland's Dove Thru Glass, Fabjance Miniature Levitation
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1967-68)
Arthur Setterington A Lock and a Chain and a Key chain fastened with a lock penetrates a wooden hand
1968 19
Hans-Gerhard Stumpf Sawing A Fakir In Half with a fakir doll
1969 89
The Simple Puppet simple puppet made from handkerchief
1969 14
Saverio Russo Out of My Hat puppet rabbit in hat routine, various effects
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1969-70)
George Sands Puppet Skit patter
1971 ca. 14
Roterberg Caglistro Hand No. 694, model of hand used in rising card presentation
Also published here 1972 187
Al Koran The Pill anti-baby-pill themed, sponge balls change into small plastic babies
1972 127
Theo "Okito" Bamberg Mandarin Jewel Caskets boxes placed in a casket transform into a doll
Related to
  • "Okito on Magic"
1973 65
Marconick The Talking Frog frog puppet in hat, with false rubber hand
Also published here 1973 7
Patrick Page 7. An Impromptu Puppet with a handkerchief and rubber bands
Related to 1974 5
Finger Puppets finger puppets made with paper
1974 57
Patrick Page The Handkerchief Puppet with a handkerchief and rubber bands
Related to 1974 43
Walt Lees Crocodile Tears story, includes toy crocodile and appearing toy gladiator
July 1975
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Olaf Spell Buscheli Buscheli Buscheli two in the hand one in the pocket, with miniature plastic babies
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 36 No. 2)
Peter "Peki" Kinnigkeit Jumbo small elephant toy vanishes in a flash, seated
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 36 No. 4)
Karrell Fox The Persistent Bunny bunny puppet used in card trick
1976 79
Karrell Fox A School for Vent voice from little school house
1976 171
Stephen Minch Milo the Magnificent comedy routine with puppet, comedy wands
  • ball & cone phase
  • milk pitcher
  • finds card after many failed tries, puppet assistant brings jumbo card
1977 87
Punx Das Märchen von Elfchens Zaubertüchlein presentation for Ottokar Fischer's Klein-Elfchen, silk vanishes and appears back in glass, small figure of a kind appears under tube
1977 19
Joseph Dunninger Magia y Ventriloquia necktie of ventriloquist's puppet changes color
Also published here
  • Joseph Dunninger's "Dunninger's Encyclopedia of Magic"
1977 98
Henry Pettit Elwood's Dead Brother production of wands and a fake rabbit from hat
1978 4
The Demon's Head (The Saytr's Head), head rolls eyes and moves mouth, deck put in mouth, chosen cards fly out of mouth and appear between horns or in mouth, different methods
Related to 1978/76 70
Karrell Fox Puppet-Intro bunny puppet introduces next performer
1979 204
Marconick Le grenouille qui parle frog puppet in hat, with false rubber hand
Also published here 1979 10
Jack Hughes Phoebe the Fan Dancer fan on dancer doll changes color, à la Elusive Rabbits
1981 130
Jack Hughes Where the Rainbow Ends different colored silks placed in a cabinet, doll appears with dress in same colors
1981 149
Jack Hughes The Rainbow Doll different colored silks placed in a cabinet, doll appears with dress in same colors
1981 154
Joe Safuto Porous Potholder cards through potholder, then rubber hand holding Royal Flush is produced
Related to 1982 41
John Carney Kitty's Treat coin routine "explained" via surprise appearance of mouse
Variations 1983 45
Derek Dingle Hands Off small rubber hand appears in hands and takes a coin which vanishes
1984 40
William Larsen Puppen-Tricks hand puppet routine, color changing silk
Also published here
  • Genii, May 1958
May 1984
Intermagic (Vol. 11 No. 1)
Jean de Merry Le Coin de Jean de Merry: Le chien-socquette hand puppet from sock
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 45 No. 2)
John Riggs The Thing small puppet hand in coin purse, throws coin out, more ideas on "Mr. Jimmy" by Steve Beam
Related toAlso published here 1985 193
Meir Yedid Godzilla 2001 little finger vanish, apparently Godzilla puppet eats it
Related to 1985 27
John Riggs Jimmy Revisited more ideas on The Thing and puppet hand finds card, Mr. Jimmy
Related to 1986 216
John Riggs Purse Snatcher puppet hands and feet appear between performer's hand, joke, Mr. Jimmy
Also published here 1986 217
Greg Atkinson The One Armed Assistant gag, assistant is introduced, big jar with arm sticking out
1986 232
Bud Whitford The Thing Returns Again more ideas on "The Thing", Mr. Jimmy, baby between hands urinates
Related to 1986 238
Bud Whitford And Again more ideas on "The Thing", Mr. Jimmy, baby between hands
Related to 1986 238
John Riggs Count on Me gag, counting fingers, rubber hand
1986 239
John Harwood The Thing - The Sequel more ideas with miniature hands, Mr. Jimmy / The Thing
  • The Fly
  • Sponge Balls
  • Applause
Related to 1987 309
Stephen Kradolfer Ringer gag for floating ring, with Barbie doll
1990 640
John Riggs Glass Houses coin produced from purse frame, with doll hand, Mr. Jimmy
Related to 1991 671
Stephen Kradolfer Slight A Hand coin cut with doll hand, Mr. Jimmy
1991 672
Gary Para Para Hands two in the hands one in the pocket with doll hands, eye ball as climax, Mr. Jimmy
1991 673
Roger Sherman Herbie the Hand with rubber doll hand, three card monte, money card jumps to magician's hand
1991 736
Dr. Dan J. Alessini Stressed Out prediction of which body part from doll is removed, using a tear-apart stress doll
July 1991
Magick (Issue 458)
Karrell Fox A Mouse in the House mouse from handkerchief becomes cotton stuffed mouse
1991 27
Mark Young The Invisible Hair handkerchief as rabbit puppet around hand, somewhat animated
Also published here 1991 12
Roger Sherman Eye Opener doll hand vanishes, with eye ball gag, with variation by Steve Beam, see also p. 838 for ideas by Mike Rose
Variations 1992 791
Dan Garrett The Invisible Hair handkerchief as rabbit puppet around hand, somewhat animated
Also published here 1992 12
Larry Becker Bear Minimum prediction of one of six jumbo cards on bill, spectator gets teddy bear as gift
1992 53
Ted Lesley The Berlin Bears spectator selects one of four different teddy bears, prediction of color of the bear and spectator's name, using Lesley's "The Informatico Principle"
1992 57
John Riggs Purse Snatcher puppet hands and feet appear between performer's hand, joke, Mr. Jimmy
Also published here 1993 15
Sid Fleischman Lady McBathtub continuous ball production with hand with is made to look like a face/puppet
1993 39
John Riggs Mr. Jimmy puppet hand in coin purse, throws coin out
Also published here 1995 14
John Riggs Mr. Jimmy Exposed puppet hands and feet appear between performer's hand, joke, more ideas
Also published here 1995 17
Dan Garrett The Mouse That Roared animated mouse puppet
Also published here
  • marketed item
1996 13
Steve Beam Optical Illusion doll hand vanishes, with eye ball gag
Inspired by 1996 8
Ian Adair The Sound of Music video casette put in its case, it vanishes and in its place is a dancing ballerina puppet
1997 4
Steve Beam Eye Opener II doll hand vanishes, with eye ball gag
Inspired by 1997 17
Aldo Colombini Heads or Tails? coins appear from silk one by one, then jumbo coin, then doll head for gag
Inspired by Apr. 1998
Onyx (Issue 3)
Don Alan Stanley hand puppet monkey in basket finds selection
2000 117
Tony Bartolotta Polygraph comedy bit with puppet
Discoverie (Issue 7)
Charlie Frye Eccentricks shrimp puppet appears between hands à la Bob Farmer's Tiny Hand
May 2002
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 9)
Bob Ostin The Hand of Destiny skeletal hand emerges from card spread to point to a position, gag
2005 20
Mark Lewis Marmaduke the Wonder Mouse pitch item, animated small mouse running over the hands by itself
  • Properties and Preparation
  • The Basic Move
  • The Final Phase (using glass and cased card decks, see p. 12)
2006 2
Robert E. Neale The First Mystery or The Wisdom of the Worm Story trick about Adam and Eve using six playing cards and a worm sock puppet which locates the selected card
2008 101
Jörg Alexander Weber, John Carney Zaubermaus puppet mouse appears and vanishes
Inspired by 2011 20
Mike Caveney 3-Arm Juggling comedy juggling routine with puppet arms
2013 269
Kevin Ho Little Hand Vagina Bob Farmer's "Little Hand" appears
2014 32
Dr. Stanley Jaks Life - Wisdom - Death two in the hands one in the pocket with two miniature skulls and an owl
Also published here
  • "Life - Wisdom - Death" in "The Sphinx" September, 1951.
2014 176
Alex Ng 幽冥鬼手 (Spirit Ghost Hand) Little hand appears to emerge from creepy photo of doll, hand grabs a coin placed on hand, coin later appears printed on the photograph
2015 1
Steve Spillman The Renaissance Nude using U.F. Grant's Buddha Temple Screen to produce Miss Piggy statue
2019 173
Christian Scherer Süchtig nach Baumnüssen walnuts appear, vanish and travel to glas under tube, then walnuts vanish again and jumbo walnut appears, using nutcracker and toy squirrel
Inspired by 2020 3
Leo Reed A French Gift name chosen from cards, predicted as two-way out puppet in a box
May 2020
Genii (Vol. 83 No. 5)
Calvin Sze Grab-a-Rabbit Production rabbit doll from jacket as it is removed
Dec. 2020
Genii (Vol. 83 No. 12)