83 entries in Coin / Effect Themes / Appearance & Vanish with Reproduction Routines / With Props / Purse Frame
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Eugene L. Bulson Scotch Purse coin from purse frame
Oct. 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 214)
Glenn Harrison Vanishing Coins and Purse purse vanishes underneath handkerchief, leaving frame behind
1966 409
Tony Slydini Purse of Aladdin production of an item from purse frame, load from lap
Variations 1966 79
Ernesto "Ernest" Pracchia Pañuelos Era Actual routine, silk produced from deck of cards and one produced from purse frame, breakaway fand and twentieth century silks to finish
1967 67
Horace E. Bennett Framed coin produced from purse frame, vanishes inside again, see also p. 320
Inspired by
  • "Theft Proof Purse" (Horace Bennett, Gen, Feb. 1963)
Related to
Dec. 1969 307
Horace E. Bennett A Penny for Your Thoughts longer portable hole routine, with several coins, two large coins appear under hole
Inspired byRelated to 1975 51
Lawrence Nudelman Eight Half-Dollars from an Invisible Purse eight coins produced from purse frame, two piles of four coins on table, four travel across one by one with crossing hands each time à la Mysterious Cross of India
1975-1978 ca. 1
John F. Mendoza, Dan Fleshman Coin Appearance from Purse Frame
1980 78
David Roth Acentric Purse
1981 32
Phillip Young, Dan Fleshman Pop Purse Production purse frame is put on table and coin appears
1982 50
Phillip Young Vanish of a Coin in a Purse Frame
1982 51
Bob Chesbro Purse Frame small item like sponge ball appears from purse frame and vanishes therein
1982 28
Bob Chesbro Purse Frame #2 producing four half dollars from purse frame, or other large item, with hold-out at frame
1982 30
Curtis Kam Coercive Purse purse frame routine, copper and silver coins transpose with one in purse, jumbo coin from purse finale
Also published here 1982 1
Marconick The Classic Coins and Cards - My Way with production from purse frame to start routine
1982 10
Mike Gallo Covering Ramsay coins and a small glass are produced from purse frame, glass is covered with paper, coins travel under glass, glass through table, inspired by John Ramsay's "Cylinder and Coins"
June 1984
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 2 No. 22)
Albert Goshman Salt & Pepper Shaker Coins vanish and appear under salt and pepper shakers.
Related toVariations 1985 39
Albert Goshman, Dai Vernon Copper/Silver credit information, half dollar held by spectator changes places with copper coin, then vanishes and reappears under salt shaker.
1985 47
Robert Bengel Purse-uing the Mint coin production from purse frame
Jan. 1987
Apocalypse (Vol. 10 No. 1)
Patrick Page Coin Production from purse frame
1988 2
Patrick Page One to One angly coin production from purse frame, best for one spectator
1988 7
Patrick Page One More several coins vanish from purse frame
1988 19
Patrick Page And Another vanish coin from purse frame
1988 20
Patrick Page Just One More Vanish vanish of coin with purse frame
1988 24
Patrick Page Patrick Page's Purse Frame Routine coins produced from purse frame, jumbo coin as climax
Also published here 1988 27
John Bannon Matrix Motivator coin sequence with purse frame, used as Matrix introduction by Bannon
1989 14
David Williamson The Change Bag
Related to 1989 35
Gary Kurtz Relentless
  • 1.) Four Silver Dollars from the Purse Frame
  • 2.) The Penny
  • 3.) Returning the Penny to the Purse Frame
  • 4.) Double Transposition in Spectator's Hand
  • 5.) Returning the Penny to the Purse Frame (Again)
  • 6.) Interlude
  • 7.) Coins Through the Table
  • 8.) The Bag on the Purse and Four More Coins
  • 9.) The Penny Returns
  • 10.) The Classic Hang Ping Chien Coins Across
  • 11.) The Finale: Returning to the Beginning
1990 1
Gary Kurtz Producing Four Coins from a Purse Frame
1990 2
Gary Kurtz Vanishing a Coin in a Purse Frame
1990 5
Gary Kurtz Relentless - Part One
  • 1. Introducing the Purse Frame
  • 2. Producing the First Two Dollars
  • 3. Producing the Second Two Dollars
  • 4. Producing the Penny
  • 5. Replacing the Penny into the Purse Frame
  • 6. The Double Transposition
  • 7. Replacing the Penny in the Purse Frame (Again)
Related to 1991 2
Gary Kurtz Relentless - Part Three
  • 9. The Bag Appears on the Purse
  • 10. Four More Coins
  • 11. The Penny Returns
  • 12. The Penny Vanishes
  • 13. The Penny is Found
  • 14. The Purse Disappears and Reappears
1991 20
John Riggs Glass Houses coin produced from purse frame, with doll hand, Mr. Jimmy
Related to 1991 671
Roger Klause Framed four silver coins produced from purse frame, then another copper coin
1991 133
Milton Schorr Frame up handlings
Apr. 1992
Apocalypse (Vol. 15 No. 4)
Gary Kurtz Relentless - eine Münzenroutine German translation of full routine
Related to Feb. 1993
Avantgarde Magic (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Gary Kurtz Relentless German translation of full routine
Related to Mar. 1993
Intermagic (Vol. 17 No. 4 & 5)
Horace E. Bennett The Latest Theft-Proof Purse coin produced from purse frame, vanishes inside again
Inspired by
  • "Theft Proof Purse" (Horace Bennett, Gen, Feb. 1963)
Related to
Jan. 1993
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 5)
Fred Kaps The Drop Vanish (With the Frame)
Related to 1994 10
Fred Kaps The Routine penny appears from purse frame and travel several times back into the hand, then a chinese coin appears in the frame and it change places with the penny. Eventually both coins disappear again
Variations 1994 14
Alexander de Cova Fingertip Hints using finger tip instead of thumb tip, coin in purse frame application
Also published here 1994 109
Alexander de Cova Fingertip Hints using finger tip instead of thumb tip, coin in purse frame application
Also published here 1994 20
Gary Kurtz Relentless - Part One
  • Arriving at the Table
  • 1. Introducing the Purse Frame
  • 2. Producing the First Two Dollars
  • 3. Producing the Second Two Dollars
  • 4. Producing the Penny
  • 5. Replacing the Penny into the Purse Frame
  • 6. The Double Transposition
  • 7. Replacing the Penny in the Purse Frame (Again)
1995 ca. 2
Gary Kurtz Relentless - Part Three
  • 9. The Bag Appears on the Purse
  • 10. Four More Coins
  • 11. The Penny Returns
  • 12. The Penny Vanishes
  • 13. The Penny is Found
  • 14. The Purse Disappears and Reappears
1995 ca. 17
Curtis Kam Framed Wild Pocket three coins from purse frame, smaller Chinese coin contacts coins and they change one by one to Chinese, then one shrinks
1996 22
Curtis Kam Coercive Purse purse frame routine, copper and silver coins transpose with one in purse, jumbo coin from purse finale
Also published here 1996 29
Richard Bartram, Jr. Enigmatic Purse and Coin coins are produced and vanished with purse frame, jumbo coin shrinks to normal coin
1997 52
Troy Hooser Dis-Purse three coins pushed through purse frame, one by one they disappear
1998 1460
Doug Conn Conn Gets Purse'n'l collection of purse frame ideas, see following items
1999 79
Doug Conn The Purse'n'l Vanish coin vanishes in purse frame
1999 79
Doug Conn The Purse'n'l Production coin appears from purse frame
1999 81
Baltazar Fuentes The Magic Purse four coins produced from purse frame, they vanish again when put inside one by one
Inspired by 1999 35
Shoot Ogawa Neo Purse Frame Routine routine about producing coins from purse frame, jumbo finale, stand-up handling
Variations Nov./Dec. 2002
The Penumbra (Issue 4)
Shoot Ogawa Push-Through Purse Vanish coin vanishes when placed in purse frame, with transfer in which coin is pushed through fingers
Variations Nov./Dec. 2002
The Penumbra (Issue 4)
Shoot Ogawa Muscle Pass Production from Frame
Nov./Dec. 2002
The Penumbra (Issue 4)
Bob Fitch Flipped applications of flipping coin and catching it on hand
  • Phase 1: Production
  • Phase 2: Vanish and Reappearance
  • Phase 3: Feint
  • Phase 4: Mid-air Disappearance and Reproduction
  • Phase 5: Penetration
  • Phase 6: Revolve Penetration
  • Phase 7: Reverse Penetration
  • Phase 8: Crazed
  • Phase 9: Vanish and Reappearance
  • Phase 10: Disappearance and Ditch
  • Phase 11: Reproduction and Jumbo Climax
2003 236
Carl Mercurio Call Me Al: Repeat Coin Under Glass coin appears from purse frame, travels to under glass or into purse frame repeatedly, more coins appear, coins across, wooden penny appears under glass
Inspired by 2003 6
Miguel Gómez Aparición en dos tiempos para cuatro monedas y monedero invisible producing two coins from purse frame twice
2007 66
Paco Rodas Producción de monedas a lo Mike Gallo three coins are produced one by one from purse frame
El Manuscrito (Vol. 2 No. 7)
Troy Hooser Triple Threat Purse Three coins pulled out of invisible purse, then placed back in invisible purse
Related to 2010 67
Troy Hooser Purse Stack Produce and vanish three coins with invisible purse, uses magnetic coins
2010 78
Patrick Page The Purse Frame
  • Coin Production
  • Sponge Balls
2011 170
Patrick Page The Patrick Page Purse Frame Routine coins produced from purse frame, jumbo coin as climax
Also published here 2011 173
Christian Scherer Das Amulett von Mary I little round charm appears from purse frame, it disappears under silk, with the aid of a wand and in the hands, to just reappear always back in the purse frame, eventually the purse frame vanishes
Inspired byAlso published here 2014 143
Alexander de Cova Die Ramsay Subtlety purse frame display and coin production
2016 93
Alexander de Cova Mit der Edge Palm production from purse frame
2016 95
Alexander de Cova Die Direkte Produktion production from purse frame
2016 96
Alexander de Cova Goshman Pinch production from purse frame
2016 97
Alexander de Cova Das Hineingeben der Münze in die Geldbörse vanish into purse frame
2016 98
Alexander de Cova Das Verschwinden nach Fred Kaps vanish into purse frame, featuring a false transfer that Fred Kaps used
2016 98
Alexander de Cova Der Snap Vanish retention vanish into purse frame
Related to 2016 100
Alexander de Cova Der sichtbare Snap Vanish visible vanish into purse frame
2016 103
Alexander de Cova Das Armpit Manöver loading the hand from sleeve for coin production from purse frame
2016 104
Alexander de Cova Coins and Purse comments on Fred Kaps's performance
2016 171
Geoffrey Latta Elfin Hole
  • Producing the Props
  • The Coins Vanish into the Hold
  • The Coins Are Reproduced from the Purse Frame
  • The Coins Disappear Again and Appear under the Hole
Inspired by 2017 301
Alexander de Cova Produktion aus dem Geldbörsenbügel coin or sponge ball production from purse frame
2017 73
Christian Scherer Das Sicherheitsportmonnaie three coins appear and vanish with a purse frame, coins travel from hand to hand, one coin becomes a large coin and other coins disappear in purse frame again
2019 3
John Carney Time Space Coin-tinuum coins appear from purse frame, travel around and transpose, then vanish back in frame, credit information on purse frame
Inspired by 2020 40
John Carney Bare Bones Variations pendulum pull vanish, Roger Klause frame work
2020 55
Etienne Lorenceau Faustus Chameleon Skin Purse purse frame, coins appear and vanish, cascade of coins as finale, using coin dumpers and magnetic holdout
2020 426
Jason "Jafo" Fields Invisible Purse Subtlety purse frame gripped at invisible fabric of purse leaving frame suspended, then coin is produced
June 2022
Elixir (Vol. 3 No. Florida Issue Part One)
Michael Eaton Short Purse coin vanishes and reappears in purse frame, displays
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Jan. 2005
2022 365
Christian Scherer Mary's Charm little round charm appears from purse frame, it disappears under silk, with the aid of a wand and in the hands, to just reappear always back in the purse frame, eventually the purse frame vanishes
Inspired byAlso published here 2024 91