385 entries in Coin / Gaffed / Copper-Silver
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
A notable tricke to transforme a counter to a groat double sided coin glued from two filed down coins, another thin cover disc stuck onto it with wax to show both sides of coin (pre-shell), then disc stolen away and coin changes cleanly in one hand
Related to 1584 185
A notable trick to transform a Counter into a Groat double sided coin glued from two filed down coins, another thin cover disc stuck onto it with wax to show both sides of coin (pre-shell), then disc stolen away and coin changes cleanly in one hand
Related to 1634 46
Henri Decremps The Transposition of Silver and Copper Coins copper /silver transposition, translations from Decremps "Codicille de Jerome Sharp"
Feb. 1945 100
George Starke Penny and Half Dollar Transposition
Feb. 1945 101
J. B. Bobo, James G. Thompson Jr. Silver and Copper
  • Number One
  • Number Two
  • Number Three
  • Number Four (J. G. Thompson, Jr.)
1947 108
George G. Kaplan The Sympathetic Coins two silver, one copper and one copper/silver
1948 248
James G. Thompson Jr. Specious Specie lengthy coin transposition routine, then multiple coin production and vanish, with handkerchief
Aug. 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 157)
, James G. Thompson Jr. Copper and Silver Transposition all with copper/silver coin
  • Number One
  • Number Two
  • Number Three
  • Number Four (J. G. Thompson, Jr.)
Also published here 1952 243
Thomas H. Bearden Presto Chango two coins change several times from silver to copper and back, copper/silver coin
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1952 245
Milton Kort The Inferior Coin two silver one copper, copper vanishes and reappears three times, in the end there are two copper and one silver coin, copper /silver coin
1952 246
Lillian Bobo Thieves and Sheep with double facer
Related toVariations 1952 249
Hen Fetsch In and Out with handkerchief, copper/silver coin
1952 249
Hen Fetsch Up Their Sleeve coin in spectator's sleeve and magician's sleeve transpose, copper/silver
1952 250
Hen Fetsch Buddha's Coin silver coin is sandwiched between two copper coins, it transposes with a copper coin wrapped in Buddha Papers, double facer
Also published here 1952 252
J. B. Bobo Routine No. 4 with copper/silver
1952 342
James G. Thompson Jr. Routine No. 17
1952 350
Peter Warlock Take a Bow, Jack Avis transposition of two coins, with handkerchief
Inspired by
  • "Your Choice!" (Jack Avis, Pentagram, Feb. 1953)
1954 47
Edward Marlo S.O.C. half dollar and three copper coins, transposition, coins to box, coins through card case, see also page 40
Related toVariations 1957 24
Dr. Stanley Jaks Das Münzenwunder copper silver are covered with walnut shell, one penetrates one of two slates held by spectator
Also published here 1961 26
P. Howard Lyons 12,000 cps Cross-Over three pennies in one hand, three silver coins in other hand, they transpose one by one, using two sticky copper/silver coins
Mar. 1961
Ibidem (Issue 23)
U. F. Grant Phantom Coins in spectator's breast pocket, see page 342 for idea by G. E. Hill
Also published here Dec. 1962
The New Phoenix (Issue 375)
Foreign Exchange coin transformation, with napkin
The New Jinx (Issue 1 (Introductory Issue))
Edward Marlo Copper & Silver copper silver transposition routine, six phases, using two copper/silver coins
Related toVariations Nov. 1962
The New Jinx (Vol. 1 No. 7)
Ben Christopher Money Monte with business card and bill, final phase one coin is wrapped in bill
Variations 1965
The New Phoenix (Issue 398)
Joseph M. White CATnips on Scotch Band Double Face Tape, various tips and tricks
  • #1 to make double facers
  • #2 to clean tuxedo
  • #3 torn and restored card inside bag
  • #4 card on ceiling
  • #5 faking headlines
  • #6 index envelope for six disc
  • #7 taping silk to table
  • #8 double side coin
July 1965
The New Jinx (Vol. 4 No. 39)
The Chinese Quarter double sided coin with chinese side
1966 439
Albert Goshman The Sun and Moon
Variations 1966 440
Walter Rollins Coins Through Table four different sized coins, into glass
Related toVariations 1966 450
C. Thomas Magrum Quick Change dollar to half dollar to copper, vanishes, dollar reappears bent and is straightened
1966 472
Horace E. Bennett Coins From Hand To Hand four silver coins in one hand travel one by one to four copper coins in the other hand
Related to 1967 187
Fred Lowe, Brian MacCarthy The Disappearing Hole slit in center of a paper, different coins disappear and reappear, based on MacCarthy's "The Disappearing Hole" in "Impromptu" from 1939, see also Jerry Andrus' "Zone Zero"
Related toVariations 1967 216
Eddie Joseph Red and Green red and green labels stuck on two borrowed coins, four-phase routine, traveling from hand to hand, then three transpositions with spectator
1969 120
Roland Hurley Chinese Enigma dollar and ribbon in spectator's pocket, chinese coin in hand, they change places, reconstructed from an advertisement description of Richard Himber
Inspired by
  • Richard Himber advertisement
Also published here
Spring 1970 101
Marvin Johnson Coin Transpo of a sandwiched coin, also with Okito box
Apr. 1970 332
Shell Atterury Penny Ante growing coin and trasnposition, with magnifying glass presentation
Aug. 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 23)
Marvin Johnson Easy Thievery Thieves and Sheep handling, two copper/silver coins, see page 16 for credits
Jan. 1971
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Karl Fulves Gaffed Coins - 3/4 Silver Fake double facer with silver on one side and a bit of silver and mostly copper on other side, used in transposition with Okito box, see also p. 513
Related to July 1971 432
Sam Leo Horowitz Master Copper & Silver copper/silver routine with two cards and newspaper sheet, eight phases
Variations Autumn 1971
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 6 No. 5th Folio)
Jules DeBarros The Coins of Ishtar three copper coins in one hand transpose with three silver coins in the other hand, one by one
Variations 1971 6
Jules DeBarros The Easy Way Coin Transpo copper and silver transpose under two cards
1971 20
Jules DeBarros The Hypocritical Coins copper silver transposition, multiple phases
1971 24
Jules DeBarros The Coins of Ishtar Meet the Chinatown Quarter transposition routine
1971 28
Jules DeBarros A Utility Move showing two copper/silver coins on both sides
1971 30
Jules DeBarros Classical Coin Transposition coins in spectator's and performer's hand change places, two phases
1971 32
Jules DeBarros The Neurotic Coin one of two coins vanishes
1971 41
Jules DeBarros The Grasshopper Coin Trick copper coin travels to silver coin in other hand
1971 43
Jules DeBarros The Hammam Routine signed coin penetrates table and falls in a glass, transforms and travels under other hand, big medallion appears as kicker
1971 52
Paul Swinford Chinatown Finale China coin wrapped in Chinese silk and put into glass, transposes with silver coin in white silk in second glass
1971 2
Pete Biro 'Simply Terrible Coins Through' (but convincing) three copper coins in one hand and three silver in other, through table
Apr. 1971
Talisman (Vol. 2 No. 6)
Horace E. Bennett Easy Rider three silver coins in one hand travel one by one to copper coin in Okito Box
Related to July 1971
Talisman (Vol. 2 No. 20)
Derek Dingle Coin Assembly four copper coins vanish one by one in hand to reappear with silver coin under card
1971 ca. 7
Derek Dingle The 76c Assembly three silver and one copper coin assemble under a card, shell and double sided coin
July 1972
Epilogue (Issue 15 (Part 1))
Fred Kaps Sun & Moon in Spectator's Hand
VariationsAlso published here 1972 8
Marvin Johnson Okito Box Notes 4
Inspired by Oct. 1973
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 8 No. 12)
Ellison Poland Conjuring Coins Concocted
  • home-made copper-silver coin with foil impression
  • making magnetic coins
1973 77
Sam Schwartz Alchemy with Coins two copper and two sliver coins, transpositions and transformation, surprise appearance of handful of pennies, see also p. 758 for comment by Marvin Johnson
Also published here
  • "Alchemy with Coins" (Sam Schwartz, Linking Ring)
Mar. 1974 720
Rick Johnsson The Hidden Persuader
Sep. 1974
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 9 No. 11)
Rick Johnsson Kamikazee Koins one of two coins (copper and silver) penetrates table, see p. 786 for credit information
Inspired byRelated to Sep. 1974
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 9 No. 11)
Al Schneider, Carroll Hovland Crossed Cards II with three different coins, gaffed
1975 36
Al Schneider One Half Gone silver coin travels from between copper coins, nested in an Okito box, to under a card
Also published here 1975 63
Al Schneider, Edward Marlo SOC II
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1975 65
Scotty York A Transposition of Two Copper Coins With a Silver Coin based on a version of Conrad Haden, final climax transposition from spectator's breast pocket to hand
Variations 1975 5
Scotty York Triple Change Spellbound brass to silver, copper and back to brass
1975 11
Scotty York Han Ping Chien Again two phases, with three silver and three copper coins, see also Gerald Kosky's "Penetrating Coin" in "The Gen" (vol. 10 no. 11)
1975 21
Scotty York, Frank Thompson A Nonokito - Okito Routine selected coin travels into box, coin penetrates box, card case and falls into a glass
1975 31
Bob Elliott Citation Silver copper and silver coin travel from hand to hand, then become two coppers, two silvers, and back again
Oct. 1975
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. 12)
Horace E. Bennett Follow the Leader Coins
1975 15
Gene Castillon Magnetic Marlo Meets Okito shimmed Okito Box, magnetic copper/silver coin
Kabbala — Volume 3 (Vol. 3 No. 5)
David Carré With An Okito Box three silver and one penny, coins travel, transpose and penetrate
July 1976
Pabular (Vol. 2 No. 11)
Karl Fulves Sidelines comments on previous routines, tip of the iceberg theory
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. Close-Up Folio #2)
Harvey Rosenthal, Karl Fulves Oil To Water two copper and silver coins alternated in Okito box, then all change to silver
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. Close-Up Folio #2)
Karl Fulves C/S Switch-In
Inspired by 1976
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. Close-Up Folio #2)
Harvey Rosenthal A Treatise - The 1953 Routine coins across with two copper and two silver coins
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. Close-Up Folio #3)
Harvey Rosenthal The 1954 Routine coins across with two copper and two silver coins, two methods
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. Close-Up Folio #3)
Harvey Rosenthal The 1957 Coins Thru Table two copper and two silver coins, silver coins penetrate table, three phases
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. Close-Up Folio #3)
Karrell Fox "Silcopper" Coins with handkerchief
1976 40
Double-Faced Coins
1976 94
Bob Ostin Coins Through Table and Basket Vanish four different sized coins, into glass, without extra coin
Inspired byAlso published here 1976 ca. 11
A Simple Copper-Silver Routine using bill
1977 156
Ross Bertram Fifty-Two Cents coin changes cleanly in closed hand
1978 34
Martin Gardner Two Coin Vanishes
  • The First Vanish (with copper/silver coin application)
  • The Second Vanish (Steve Freeman credit information)
for credit information, see reference
Related to 1978 1144
John F. Mendoza The Coin Routine (No. 1) copper and silver coin transpose, both change to copper, then silver, then into four dollars, coins across with those, two more dollars appear and a copper coin, coins through table, drill production from purse
1978 54
Jules DeBarros The Ishtar Move showing two copper/silver coins from both sides
1978 55
Fred Kaps Sonne und Mond in der Hand des Zuschauers (Silber und Kupfer)
Also published here 1978 10
Double-Faced Coin
1978 122
The Classic Copper/Silver Transposition
1978 172
Copper/Silver Transposition
1978 174
Bill Voss Relentless four silver and four copper coins transpose one by one, using c/s coin
Variations Aug. 1979
Apocalypse (Vol. 2 No. 8)
Jon Brunelle Untouched c/s coin, visual
Aug. 1979
Apocalypse (Vol. 2 No. 8)
Jon Brunelle Visual Spin Change spinning c/s coin on table, hands-off
Aug. 1979
Apocalypse (Vol. 2 No. 8)
Bernard Bilis Flipped visible transformation with c/s coin
Dec. 1979
Apocalypse (Vol. 2 No. 12)
Dai Vernon, Frank Garcia Spellbound for Experts see p. 1300 for comment
Related to 1979
The Chronicles (Issue 16)
Phillip Young Coin Box Copper / Silver move with copper / Silver coin and coin box
Inspired by 1979 53
Don Morris Copper / Silver Toss showing both sides as the same
1979 54
Al Schneider, John Kaiser Australian Gambit two transpositions, then travelling
1980 79
Philip T. Goldstein Dowsing For Dollars three pennies and a half dollar in four envelopes, spectator finds the silver with dowsing device
Inspired byAlso published here 1980 3
Dan Fleshman Look, They're Copper! matrix, then repeat and they all change to copper instead of assembling, one visually on top of card, edge of mat hold-out
1980 68
Dan Fleshman Coin Snap Change coin on card visually changes
1980 75
Jeff White Cellophane Swindle copper silver transpo, one coin in cellophane coin holder under mat or in pocket
1980 22
Richard O'Farrell Coin Switch switching copper-silver coin with normal coin
1980 23
David Roth Edge Grip Copper/Silver
Related to 1981 50
Tom Gagnon The Tiddlywinks Change
Also published here 1981 91
Mark Levy Spin to Win Coin change
1981 92
Sol Stone Half and Half Rollout Flourish with transformation
1981 118
Geoffrey Latta Multiside Display Sequence To apparently show both sides of coins including a copper/silver
1981 140
Geoffrey Latta Glassed in Attraction three silver coins join three copper coins under a glass
Also published here 1981 144
Geoffrey Latta Impossible Under Glass CS Switch
1981 147
Geoffrey Latta CopSilBrass Copper-Silver-Brass Routine using a copper-silver gimmick
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here 1981 148
Don Morris Copper/Silver Toss paddle move
1981 5
Don Morris, Steve Beam Modified Copper/Silver Toss
1981 6
Steve Beam Copper/Silver Flipped Out (transformation) use of previous switch
1981 10
Steve Beam Copper/Copper/Copper/Silver coin changes when tossed to hand
1981 17
Steve Beam Foreign Coins two coins transform into American coins, ends clean
1981 20
Steve Beam Hand and Box Transposition
1981 48
Horace E. Bennett Not-So-Relentless four silver and four copper coins transpose one by one from hand to hand
Inspired byAlso published here 1981 1
Horace E. Bennett The Fourth Dimension paper with slit, coins appear and disappear
Inspired byRelated to
  • "The Third Hole" in "The Gen" May, 1968
1981 31
Tom Gagnon Contemporary Purse Swindle copper and silver coins in two purses, spectator can never guess the right one, sort of transposition
Inspired by 1981 36
Tom Gagnon The Tiddlywinks Change coin visibly changes from copper to silver under shot glass, or miniature card appears on coin
Also published here 1981 69
Tom Gagnon Transposition under Glass "Although I can't actually say that I'm crazy about this effect, it is different.", coin under and on top of inverted shot glass visibly transpose
1981 87
Tom Gagnon Soda Jerk coin in bottle with transposition phase, folding copper/silver
Inspired by 1981 89
Camilo Vázquez Sympathetic Coins Variation using a credit card, coins change in the end
Inspired by 1981 16
Bill Wisch Mexicoin Turnover showing two coins on both sides while one is double-sided
1981 [20]
Geoffrey Latta CopSilBrass Copper-Silver-Brass Routine using a copper-silver gimmick
Also published here 1981 9
Geoffrey Latta The Wild Triplet three coins appear, transform and vanish, leather cone holder and lapping
Also published here 1981 11
David Roth Digital Copper/Silver spectator holds copper/silver coin
VariationsAlso published here Sep. 1982 2
Steve Beam Multiple Coin Spinning stack of coins is spun and they all fall with the same side up
1982 41
Steve Beam Around the World with Spellbound
1982 41
Phillip Young Coin Box Copper/Silver
1982 47
Simon Aronson Quadruple Spellbound
Variations 1982 47
Daryl Martinez Triple Change Coin Flight two half dollar, one in each hand, both travel to one hand and change to copper, repeated with change to chinese
1982 6
Bobby Bernard Face-to-Face Vanish Penny sandwiched between two silver coins vanish
Related to 1982 17
Tom Staton Reverse Color Channging Matrix matrix with flash-back, all coins change to other coins as kicker
1982 50
Phillip Young Card Case, Coins Transpo copper/silver transposition under card case
1982 74
Reinhard Müller Haden-Matrix international matrix, Conrad Haden coin
Variations 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. Special #1 (Summer))
Curtis Kam Coercive Purse purse frame routine, copper and silver coins transpose with one in purse, jumbo coin from purse finale
Also published here 1982 1
Curtis Kam Tenkai Tossover coins shown in both hands, they are secretly switched, one a copper/silver
Inspired byAlso published here 1982 4
Curtis Kam Inverted Spellbound spellbound routine, including an "inverted" (filed-down) coin, nine changes
Related to 1982 10
Hen Fetsch Münzen-Platzwechsel copper and silver coins transpose, one in envelope
Oct. 1982
Intermagic (Vol. 9 No. 3)
Michael Rubinstein Two Effects in One copper and silver coins transpose with one coin under card on table, then both change to Chinese
1982 62
Michael Rubinstein The Trick Coin Routine - For Magicians Only copper/silver coin is exposed and split into two separate coins
1982 65
Michael Rubinstein The Substitution Trunk Mystery
Variations 1982 105
Michael Rubinstein International Coin Flight three different coins under three cards, travel to hand one by one, then under one card, then back to under three cards
1982 113
Curtis Kam Inferential C/S Transposition off-beat use of copper-silver-coin
Related toVariationsAlso published here Mar. 1983
Apocalypse (Vol. 6 No. 3)
Gene Castillon Purist Reverse Assembly international, shell and double-sided coin
1983 14
Dan Garrett Purse-Eption from purse come coins, four jumbo coins, another purse, then copper-silver transpo
1983 16
Lou Gallo Coins Across three silver and one copper coin, using Gallo Pitch
Also published here 1983 90
Reinhard Müller Freewheel Variation on Haden-Matrix, Conrad Haden coin
Inspired byRelated to Apr. 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 24)
Roger Curzon Copper Silver Brass Through Table
Also published here May 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 25)
Stephen Tucker Cla$ico three different coins, asymmetrical transposition, then one coin becomes a jumbo coin
Sep. 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 29)
Reinhard Müller Variant variation for second phase of Haden-Matrix
Inspired byRelated to Nov. 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 31)
Michael Powers International Reverse Matrix Plus
Inspired by 1983 59
Werner "Walt Nelson" Nussbaumer Die Nussbaumersuite: Münzenwanderung transposition of three copper and three silver coins
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 44 No. 1)
Philip T. Goldstein Dowsing for Dollars three pennies and a half dollar in four envelopes, spectator finds the silver with dowsing device
Also published here 1984 2
Bruce Barnett De-Material-Ization silver coin under handkerchief transposes with chinese coin in pocket, Chinatown Half
1984 96
Jon Racherbaumer Coin-Umbrage see also "Credits and References" at end of book
Also published here
  • MUM, Nov. 1977
1984 20
Edward Marlo, Jon Racherbaumer Most For Your Money two copper/silver coins, three phases, see also "Credits and References" at end of book
Inspired byAlso published here
  • MUM, Dec. 1977
1984 24
Jules DeBarros Ishtar Subtlety showing both sides of two copper/silver coins
1984 26
David Roth Digital Copper/Silver spectator holds copper/silver coin
Also published here 1985 73
David Roth Tabled Copper/Silver
1985 75
David Roth Copper/Silver Deep Backclip Routine (with a Gaffed Coin)
Variations 1985 105
Danny Korem Third Beat Matrix complex routine with three copper, three silver coins and six cards
1985 38
Philip T. Goldstein Dowsing For Dollars three pennies and a half dollar in four envelopes, spectator finds the silver with dowsing device
Also published here 1985 1
Richard Bartram, Jr. Coin Assembly of the Damned! four coins, three cards in a row
1985 13
Tom Gagnon Radical Rebound penny in fist, half dollar on table brushed with playing card changes to penny and half dollar is in pocket, then transposition phases and pocket penetration
Inspired byAlso published here 1985
New Stars of Magic (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Joaquín Navajas Cobre, Plata, China y... Climax copper coin vanishes and appears again, then it changes into a silver and into a chinese coin, finally the coin becomes a jumbo coin
Also published here 1985 11
David Britland Orient Express "The Chinese get the better of the Exchange Rate"
copper and silver coins transpose repeatedly, then change into Chinese coins, inspired by Fred Kaps
1985 17
David Britland Homeward Bound "A mysterious journey across time and space"
with three silver coins and a copper coin
1985 20
Ben Harris Silverdust Transposition
1985 122
Howard Schwarzman Spectator Grabs Copper/Silver Coin coin balanced on finger, spectator grabs it
1985 122
James Lewis Once More with Feeling repeat phase for copper/silver transposition
Inspired by 1985 6
Karl Fulves A Richer Missionary one of two coins vanishes with a card
Inspired by 1985 31
Harvey Rosenthal Two and Two two copper and two silver coins transpose
1985 40
Steve Dusheck Quandary coin changes metal twice (silver, copper, gold), then coin changes into broken pieces
Oct. 1985 13
Larry Jennings The Spectator Cops The Silver with c/s Coin
1986 8
Jay Sankey Claustrophobic Coins three transpositions, last one with a coin in card case, c/s coin
1986 33
Jay Sankey The Copper Clutch c/s coin
1986 59
Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders A Change for the Better copper and silver coins transpose twice, then given to spectator, they change into Chinese coins in his hands
Variations 1987 30
Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders Short-Changed for the Better copper and silver coins transpose once, then given to spectator, they change into Chinese coins in his hands, see also p. xii at back of book
Inspired by 1987 35
Jay Sankey Cupper Clutch Transformation one-handed with copper/silver coin
Related to 1987 35
Jerry Sadowitz Universal Coin three different coins and an invisible coin, borrowed coin changes to each one when touched
1987 76
Thomas Hierling Easy Spellbound coin changes a few times, then second coin shown as pseudo explanation, both melted into one, two-sided coin openly shown
1987 122
Gary Kurtz Four Fisted Copper/Silver - transformation combo, two coins change in performer's hands and two in spectator's
Also published here 1987 3
Gary Kurtz Vice Versa, Versa Versa copper/silver transposition, both change to Chinese as climax, with wand
1987 12
Gary Kurtz Four Fisted Copper/Silver - transformation combo, two coins change in performer's hands and two in spectator's
Related toAlso published here 1988 1
Jerry Mentzer The Gimmicked Coin explanation of the gaff
1988 3
A Simple Transposition
1988 4
Follow the Penny three coins, two of them transpose
1988 6
, James G. Thompson Jr. Copper and Silver Transposition
  • Number One
  • Number Two
  • Number Three
  • Number Four (J. G. Thompson, Jr.)
Also published here 1988 7
Thomas H. Bearden Presto Chango two coins change several times from silver to copper and back, copper/silver coin
Also published here 1988 15
Hen Fetsch Buddha's Coin silver coin is sandwiched between two copper coins, it transposes with a copper coin wrapped in Buddha Papers
Also published here 1988 18
Jules Lenier Coin Fantasy four phases
1988 21
Horace E. Bennett Transposition Two copper and silver coins transpose with one in purse, repeated
Also published here
  • "The Bennet Touch"
1988 23
Horace E. Bennett Not-so-Relentless four silver and four copper coins transpose one by one from hand to hand
Inspired byAlso published here 1988 27
Philip T. Goldstein Dowsing for Dollars three pennies and a half dollar in four envelopes, spectator finds the silver with dowsing device
Also published here 1988 7
Karl Fulves Launch Site copper coin under tabled spread, silver on top, silver vanishes and reappears under isolated card
1989 5
Dick Cook Twilight's Last Gleaming with copper and silver coins
Inspired by Dec. 1989
The Minotaur (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Philip T. Goldstein Dowsing for Dollars three pennies and a half dollar in four envelopes, spectator finds the silver with dowsing device
Also published here 1989 63
Bob King Chinese Surprise four half dollars taken from box, they change into copper, halves back in box, then four Chinese coins appear in box
1989 18
Dan Garrett The Transmutant double or quadruple change, consecutive change
Inspired byAlso published here 1991 18
Skip Sansoucie E-Z Coin Matrix coins assemble under one card
Mar./Apr. 1991
The Magic Menu (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Ray Mertz Easy Multiple Spellbound Plus! three half dollars change to copper one at a time, then to Chinese
Also published here July/Aug. 1991
The Magic Menu (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Hiroyuki Sakai My Little Kaps c/s transposition with Chinese transformation kicker
1992 84
Dan Garrett The Transmutant double or quadruple change, consecutive change
Also published here 1992 18
Marc DeSouza Copper/Silver My Way
Also published here Jan./Feb. 1992
The Magic Menu (Vol. 2 No. 9)
Percy Abbott Chinese Color-Changing Coins sixteen gold coins change to silver, then to various colors
Related to 1993 115
Ray Kosby, William Goodwin Surgical Copper/Silver
Inspired by
  • "Copper/Silver Metamorphosis" (John Hostler, Linking Ring July 1987, Vol. 67 No. 7, p. 71)
1993 5
Howard Cohen The Tap Change coin changes when tapped with a pen
VariationsAlso published here 1993 868
Evert Chapman Think of a Coin? Slot Okito Box routine, five phases, silver and copper coin travel to box, change places and vanish and reappear
Mar. 1993
The Minotaur (Vol. 5 No. 1)
Richard Bartram, Jr. Dissemble No More three different coins travel from under card into performer's hand, then they all return under card as a climax
1993 29
Richard Bartram, Jr. Return to the Purse of the Damned different invisible coins from purse frame materialize
Inspired by 1993 34
Justin Higham Combination Transpo two cards and coins both transpose
1993 7
Justin Higham Crossover Coins two copper and two silver coins
1993 12
Paul Gertner Three and Three (Integrated) three copper and three silver coins, copper coins travel to silver coins, using flick
1994 23
Edward Marlo Marlo's Routine for Abbott's Chinese Coins sixteen gold coins change to silver, then to various colors
Related to 1994
Facsimile (Issue 2)
Mike Gallo Safe And Sound small coin box with number lock as lid, three half dollars change into pennies one by one, then all to Chinese coins, then three large Chinese coins
1994 89
Ray Mertz Easy Multiple Spellbound - Plus! four half dollars change to copper one at a time, then to Chinese, with stand up version
Also published here 1994 168
Steve Hook Silver Thief coin under playing card transposes with coin in hand twice, then the one from the hand travels to join the one under the card
Inspired by 1994 171
Danny Archer Copper Silver Shuffle copper coin and silver coin transform and transpose with each other, examinable at end
Also published here 1994 5
Mark Jenest Short Hop "(Poor Man's Hopping Half)"
Sep. 1994
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 1)
Doug Conn Cipper-Solver multi-phase routine, with coin purse
VariationsAlso published here Oct. 1994
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 2)
Peter Duffie The Flight (Plight?) of the Missionaries Thieves & Sheep with miniature cards, or coins
Inspired by 1994 [16]
Mike Gallo Presto Gallo two copper change into two silver coins, then one silver and one copper, eventually four chinese coins are shown
Inspired by 1995 1095
Scott Robinson Differences three silver coins in purse, copper coin vanishes and appears in purse while silver coins appear on table
Variations 1995 1118
Scott Robinson Rate of Exchange
1995 1119
Scott Robinson Triple Crown copper, silver and brass coins in purse appear in hands and travel back to purse
1995 1120
David Acer Hot Hands copper and silver coins shown on both sides, they fuse into a copper/silver coin which is openly shown
1995 80
Bob King Foreign Exchange copper/silver/brass routine, only gaff is copper/silver coin
Inspired by 1995 13
Victor Sansoucie The Black Feather coins travel from hand under Tarot card
Jan./Feb. 1995
The Magic Menu (Vol. 5 No. 27)
Dominique Duvivier Flying Signature Coin Signed copper coin travels to in between two silver coins in Okito box, then appears under deck of cards, before appearing back in the box
1996 53
Harry Riser Copper, Silver, Gold Coin Box Routine three coins, transpo, they travel from pocket to box, then more coins are produced from box
Inspired by 1996 172
Curtis Kam Coercive Purse purse frame routine, copper and silver coins transpose with one in purse, jumbo coin from purse finale
Also published here 1996 29
Curtis Kam Copper/Silver Flurry copper coin given to spectator, flurry routine with silver coins, then transposition
  • Handling A
  • The Flurry Sequence
  • Handling B (gaffed coin)
1996 43
Curtis Kam Hopping Half Hopping Half routine with only copper/silver coin, guessing game, with pocket
Also published here 1996 45
Roger Curzon KSM durch Tisch
Also published here 1996
Intermagic (Vol. 20 No. 4 & 5)
Lou Gallo Pitch a Little Woo copper and silver coin, one in each hand, one travels to other hand, repeat, the to the other hand the third time
1996 11
Lou Gallo Pitched Silver three silver and one copper coin, the travel from hand to hand
Inspired byAlso published here 1996 13
Lou Gallo Thieves and Sheep
1996 19
Timothy Mullins CSB Across
June 1996
The Lemniscate (Vol. 3 No. 1)
Ken Krenzel Flippant Alchemy doing "Flippant" with double sided coin
Inspired byRelated to 1997 92
Ken Krenzel Visible Transposition two copper-silver-coins
1997 96
Jules DeBarros DeBarros Display Two-Card-Monte move with two double-sided coins
1997 96
Matt Grover Switchipu multi-phase routine, with coin purse
Inspired by 1997 58
Evert Chapman TNT Coins two copper and two silver coins transposition / spellbound routine
Inspired by 1997 62
Doug Conn Cipper-Solver multi-phase routine, with coin purse
Also published here 1997 17
Scott Robinson Changeling Coins silver, copper and chinese coin, copper and chinese coin change into silver coins and back then all coins change into copper
Inspired by 1998 1382
Danny Archer Copper Silver Shuffle see reference for credit information by Wesley James
VariationsAlso published here Oct. 1998
Onyx (Issue 5)
Roland Hurley Chinese Enigma dollar and ribbon in spectator's pocket, chinese coin in hand, they change places, reconstructed from an advertisement description of Richard Himber
Inspired by
  • Richard Himber advertisement
Also published here
May 1998
Magic (Vol. 7 No. 9)
Allan Ackerman Return to Ishtar three copper and three silver coins transpose, two double-sided coins
Inspired byAlso published here 1999 34
Jules DeBarros DeBarros Display Two-Card-Monte move with two double-sided coins
1999 34
Milton Kort Korting Rylander's Silver and Copper Three silver coins transpose with three copper coins (first published in New Pentagram, vol. 4, no. 4, 1972)
Inspired by
  • (Paul Rylander, The Sphinx, vol. 49, no. 11, 1950)
1999 137