25 entries in Divining & Dowsing Rod
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
La Baguette Divinatoire coin is found in one of several boxes with the aid of a divining rod, longer treatise on the use and function of dowsing also in combination with automatons
1784 58
James G. Thompson Jr., Bruce Elliott The Coin Dowser coin is found with a dowsing rod in the dark
Aug. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 15)
Francis J. Rigney Divination card is located using a Divining Rod
Feb. 1949 507
Milbourne Christopher Divining Rods using L-shaped divining rods, to find a Key, a hidden disk or a card
Jan. 1964
The New Jinx (Vol. 2 No. 21)
George B. Anderson Improved Pseudo Psychometry Improved using dowsing rods for pseudo psychometry
1968 25
George B. Anderson Find the Killer five people select a weapon, spectator gets dowsing rod and finds person with weapon that matches prediction
Variations 1968 27
The Spirit Speaks handkerchief starts moving as divination method
1969 13
Doc Conrad Dowsing Rod & ESP finding picture card with dowsing rod
May 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Dr. J. Konstantin Garmisch Dowser! business cards with the names sand and one with water, dowser / rod made from paper moves over water card
Magick (Issue 132)
Philip T. Goldstein The Dowser matching ESP card is found with dowsing rod
Inspired byRelated to
  • "Si Stebbins Kink" (Theodore Annemann, Linking Ring, Oct. 1924)
Magick (Issue 146)
Jim Ryan The Sexiness Tester two toothpicks, one slowly jumps up and down
1977 5
George B. Anderson The Water Witch dowsing rod made of coat-hangers, finding water in a box and pseudo psychometry
Magick (Issue 219)
Philip T. Goldstein Dowsing For Dollars three pennies and a half dollar in four envelopes, spectator finds the silver with dowsing device
Inspired byAlso published here 1980 3
Mike Yin Diviner part of a paper is ton away, rest can bend up as a dowsing device
Nov. 1981
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 7)
Robert Cassidy Witch's Sticks paper in film canister is located by performer using dowsing rods
Feb. 1983
Magick (Issue 316)
Philip T. Goldstein Dowsing for Dollars three pennies and a half dollar in four envelopes, spectator finds the silver with dowsing device
Also published here 1984 2
David Himelrick Witching Rod paperclip is bent into miniature dowsing rod, finding half dollar coin in one of several envelopes, others contain pennies
Sep. 1984
Magick (Issue 339)
Robert Cassidy The Dowsing Rods using dowsing rod / pendulum for Syd Bergson's Sixth Sense, spectator finds odd colored ball
Related to
  • "Sixth Sense" (Syd Bergson, markete 1972)
1984 49
Philip T. Goldstein Dowsing For Dollars three pennies and a half dollar in four envelopes, spectator finds the silver with dowsing device
Also published here 1985 1
Philip T. Goldstein Dowsing for Dollars three pennies and a half dollar in four envelopes, spectator finds the silver with dowsing device
Also published here 1988 7
Philip T. Goldstein Dowsing for Dollars three pennies and a half dollar in four envelopes, spectator finds the silver with dowsing device
Also published here 1989 63
Richard Mark Which Water, Water Witch? cards with solids written on them and cards with liquids, one liquid is chosen and placed among solids, performer finds liquid by dowsing, second time in envelope and sort of liquid is revealed, Fillman Principle
2000 23
Christoph Borer Die Wünschelrute spectator separates some cards into red and black with a dowsing rod
Also published here 2018 241
Steve Spillman An Arousing Dousing several tubes on table, spectator finds one with water using a dowsing rod, under the other tubes are Whiskey bottles
2019 132
Christoph Borer The Dowsing Rod spectator separates some cards into red and black with a dowsing rod
Also published here 2024 217