454 entries in Coin / Effect Themes / Traveling / Hand to Hand / Normal
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
To conveie monie out of one of your hands into the other by legierdemaine coin travels from hand to hand after false transfer, tapped with knife for sound illusion ("for both the eare and the eie is deceived by this devise")
Related toVariations 1584 184
To put one testor into one hand, and an other into the other hand, and with words to bring them togither
1584 184
How to doo the same or the like feate otherwise one coin in each hand, they travel together
1584 184
How to convey money out of one of your hands into the other by Legerdemaine coin travels from hand to hand after false transfer, tapped with knife for sound illusion
Related to 1634 48
The Flying Money To make a Coin pass invisibly from the one hand to the other, and finally through the Table, using penny stuck with wax under the table
1876 172
Prof. Robert Hellis Coins Across six coins & extra coin
1890 170
Die Thalerwanderung three coins in each hand, they travel from hand to hand one by one, last one in hand of spectator, one ahead with extra coin
Jan. 1898
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 4 No. 1)
T. Nelson Downs V. Kunststück mit zwei Münzen two coins, they travel from hand to hand in various combinations
May 1900
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 6 No. 5)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Der fliegende Thaler coin in each closed fist and one put on finger
1903 31
Ben-Zur Indischer Münzentrick coins travel from hand to hand with a han ping chien type action
Apr. 1904
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 10 No. 4)
The Traveling Coin
1909 249
Louis F. Christianer The Six-Coin Trick six coins in two rows of three, they travel across one by one, no extra coin
Inspired by
  • "Another Invisible Journey" (David Devant, Magic Made Easy)
1916 18
The Flying Coin marked coin travels from hand to hand to second coin and through table, then same with four coins, glass under table for last phase
1935 9
Flying Coins three coins travel from one hand to three coins in other hand, one by one
1935 15
Han Ping Chien Han Ping Chien Coin Trick eight coins and an odd one
1935 58
Lu Brent "Here's Your Change---?" coin through knees, changes into small coins
Inspired by July 1936
The Jinx (Issue 22)
Invisible Flight of Six Coins
1938 690
T.J. Crawford Using the Sleeves coin travels from hand to hand, two methods
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1938 712
T.J. Crawford Curious Coins three coins in each hand
1938 713
Louis Tannen A "Passing" Coin Interlude four coins in each hand, travel into one hand one by one
1939 60
Al Flosso Seven Coins coins travel from one hand to the other
Related to 1941 19
Dai Vernon Winged Silver three silver coins in one hand, three gold coins in other hand, silver travels across
Related toVariations 1941/49 27
Hand to Hand Flight of Four Coins
1942 108
The Passe Coins from Hand to Hand using shell
1942 118
Edward Marlo Passe Passe Coins
1942 6
Tom Sellers Hand to Hand three coins
1942 13
Eddie Joseph Money is Made to Go coin tossed towards left fist, vanishes and is found in fist, repeated with four more coins, last to spectator's hand
1942 88
William S. Houghton Coin Transposition Routine three coins in each hand, one by one all travel into one hand, extra coin
1943 44
Val Evans Four Coin Transposition four coins travel from hand to hand, extra
1945 164
George Starke The Magical Transfer of a Coin from one Hand to the Other
Mar. 1945
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 2 No. 10)
Jean Hugard Coins Through the Table eight coins plus odd coin, Han Ping Chien without credit
Variations May 1946
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 3 No. 12)
M. T. Coogan Coins Through the Table notes on routine on p. 215
Inspired by Aug. 1946 244
Coin Trick piano trick with coins
Oct. 1947 362
Tommy Dowd Two For Three two coins, sort of han ping chien move
July 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 154)
Arthur H. Buckley To Pass Four Coins from Hand to Hand through your Head, One at a Time
Related to
  • "Invisible Transfer of a Coin from Hand to Hand when the spectators have been Forewarned" (Gaultier, Magic Without Apparatus, p. 104)
1948 65
Arthur H. Buckley The French Drop and the Eye Glass coin travels to other hand, coin temporarily in eye
1948 65
Cardini The Steal coins in hand, one stolen from heel of hand with other hand, done five times in a row
Related to 1948 92
Arthur H. Buckley Coins Pass, One by One, From the Left Hand to the Right Hand extra coin
1948 96
Arthur H. Buckley The Transfer of a Silver Dollar from One Hand to the Other
1948 99
Arthur H. Buckley An Invisible Journey (Improved) two coins in each hand with odd coin, han ping chien
1948 106
Bill Simon Rising Coin and Climax coin travels from hand to hand, then vanishes from silk, full wine glass appears
1949 28
Milbourne Christopher Invisible Passage coin travels from hand to hand while spectators hold sleeves, duplicate coin, with variations, see p. 718 for credits
  • With Borrowed Money
  • Under Cover (Charlie Nagle)
  • The Sleeved Coin
  • A Choice of Objects
Related to Oct. 1950 711
Arthur Punnar The Coin Assembly four coins from hand to hand, one by one
Nov. 1950 723
Ross Bertram Passing the Half-Bucks with fist transfer
Related toVariations 1951
Stars of Magic (Vol. 9 No. 1)
Al Leech An Impromptu a coin travels to a second coin, a third coin is pulled through the cloth of the trousers
1952 10
Al Leech A Penny's Worth
1952 11
Migration two methods
1952 114
Milton Kort The Vagabond Coins four coins across
1952 121
Second Version
1952 128
Milton Kort, Robert Ungewitter Third Version
1952 128
Ross Bertram Fourth Method three phases, two coins transpose, travel and vanish
1952 132
C. James McLemore Guess Which Hand spectator guesses in which hand the performer hides a coin, six phases
1952 134
Thomas H. Bearden The Curious Nickel coin travels from hand to hand, appears and vanishes with the aid of a rabbit foot
1952 142
James G. Thompson Jr. Two Pennies on the Leg
Variations 1952 143
Jimmy Buffaloe The Drop Pass
1952 146
Jimmy Buffaloe The Hippity Hop Half
1952 147
Royal H. Brin, Jr. Rapid Transit
1952 149
Nelson Hahne Winged Silver four coins travel one by one, extra
Variations 1952 149
Improved Version with an odd coin as an attraction of the other coins
1952 151
The Flying Eagles three coins in the left join three coins in the right one by one, extra coin
Variations 1952 152
Senor Charles Mardo Variation
1952 153
Three and Three
1952 153
Frank Drobina Frank Drobina's Coin Routine five small coins from hand to hand, five phases, in spectator's pocket and with marked coin

Related to 1952 156
Milton Kort The Inferior Coin two silver one copper, copper vanishes and reappears three times, in the end there are two copper and one silver coin, copper /silver coin
1952 246
The Peregrinating Halves four half dollar coins from hand to hand, one by one
1952 273
J. B. Bobo Routine No. 12
1952 346
Milton Kort Routine No. 15 Too Many Coins
Related to 1952 348
Rolland Hamblen Routine No. 16 with boston and lippincott coin box
1952 349
Lewis Ganson Money Attracts Money four copper coins travel from one hand to the other one by one to join a silver coin
1952 7
Bobby Bernard Jet Transporation Three coins in each hand, coins travel from left to right hand
Also published here 1953 16
Eddie Joseph Where is It? coin slapped on table travels to other hand
1954 21
Bobby Bernard Disintegrating Dollar one coin travels to coin coin in other hand
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1955)
Dai Vernon A Chinese Classic six coins and a ring
Related toVariations 1957 41
Bobby Bernard Impromptu Close Up Magic. Demonstration Effect: 3 Coins Across brief outline of routine
1958 6
Fred Kaps Coin Across one coin joins the second coin in the other hand
1960 (ca.) 2
Charlie Miller, Nate Leipzig Routine for Leipzig's Two Coin Routine one coin in each hand, one travels across
1961 76
Jochen Zmeck Eine Münzenwanderung four coins in one hand and three in the other, the three travel to join the four coins one by one, extra coin
1961 11
Nate Leipzig Coin from Hand to Hand two coins, two methods
1963 118
C. L. Schmitt Stand-up Coins Across using sleeve (originally from Linking Ring)
1966 371
Royal H. Brin, Jr. Stand-Up Coin Opener two coins in left hand, one travels to right and is put in pocket, then travels back
1966 389
Onkel Peppi Wo Geld ist fliegt Geld zu four smaller coins travel from one hand to other hand with larger coin
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 27 No. 2)
Tony Slydini Unpredictable Coins three in each hand, travel across at once, no Han Ping Chien, with repeat, also as coins through table
  • Slydini "Touches"
Related to 1966 137
John Benzais It Doesn't Belong Here five coins from right hand to left hand at once
1967 24
Horace E. Bennett Coins From Hand To Hand four silver coins in one hand travel one by one to four copper coins in the other hand
Related to 1967 187
Dai Vernon Chinese Coins with eight to ten coins
1967 194
Joseph M. White The Coin of Kibil Nala signed coin travels from hand to hand, hands covered with handkerchiefs and rubber bands
Apr. 1967
The New Jinx (Vol. 5 No. 60)
Milton Kort Silver Streak coins travel from hand to hand, then ten dimes become a dollar bill
Aug. 1968
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 3 No. 10)
Bob Ostin A Clean Finish for the Coins Across disposing extra coin, sleeving
1968 53
Dan Tong Perambulating Coins various travels and hand penetration with penny and nickle, using gimmick with penny/nickle glued together
1969 70
J. "Rink" van Rinkhuyzen Coins Apart four copper and four silver coins are mixed in the hand, copper coins travel to the other hand, with a stick
1969 109
Eddie Joseph Unseen Flight five coins from hand to hand, then sixth coin into spectator's hand
1969 98
Eddie Joseph Red and Green red and green labels stuck on two borrowed coins, four-phase routine, traveling from hand to hand, then three transpositions with spectator
1969 120
Juan Tamariz, Rafael Ceballos La Materia Indómita three copper coins and one silver coin, copper coins travel from hand to hand, all at once as kicker
Inspired by 1969 68
Juan Tamariz, Jean Carles Viajes Ilusionados four copper coins travel to silver coin in other hand, one by one
1969 72
Aaron Black Black's Invisible Flight Of Silver five coins one by one
1969 147
Johnny Kearns Kearns' Recoil four coins travel from hand to hand at once, bounce-back transfer
1969 161
Dai Vernon A Chinese Classic
Also published here 1970 21
Roy Johnson Cent three coins in hand, always one is removed and when spectator is asked how many are left in the hand, he is wrong, after some repetition a perfume bottle appears in the hand
Inspired by
  • a routine by Milbourne Christopher in "Hugard's Magic Monthly"
1970 23
Gene Nielsen Them As Has two pennies and a dime are placed inside hand, another penny vanishes and appears with other coins
Dec. 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 40)
Roger Klause New Theory Coins Across two ahead, shell
Related to Apr. 1971
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Rick Miller Coins Across Routine without real title, three coins travel from hand to hand
June 1971
Necromancer (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Horace E. Bennett Cink - Clink - Clink! (An Impromptu Two Coin Routine) two coins travel from hand to hand, several phases
Variations June 1971
Talisman (Vol. 2 No. 13)
James G. Thompson Jr. Disjointed Account two coins, one jumps from hand to hand, shell
1972 243
Louis Tannen The Travelers kickback ending
1972 302
Lenny Greenfader Traveling Coins Addition
1972 306
Shigeo Takagi Eight Coin Trick four coins in each hand, they travel one by one into one hand
Related to 1972 9
Dr. Jacob Daley Five Coin Routine No. 528, coin traveling routine with consecutively more coins
1972 148
T.J. Crawford Using the Sleeves coin travels from hand to hand, two methods, translated by Paul Maurer
Also published here 1973
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 34 No. 6)
Jerry Andrus Three Coins Across dollar coins
1973 28
Andrew Galloway Pegasus Coin copper coin travels invisibly to silver coin behind back
Also published here Sep. 1974
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Al Schneider Quick Silver three silver coins travel to a copper coin one by one
1975 27
Al Schneider Quick Centavos

1975 30
Bob Elliott Citation Silver copper and silver coin travel from hand to hand, then become two coppers, two silvers, and back again
Oct. 1975
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. 12)
Karl Fulves Solid State torn card quarters used for matrix, coins from hand to hand, then card restores
1975 44
"Joro" Bruno Hennig Ein Groschen wandert signed coin travels from hand to hand, both hands are covered with handkerchiefs and rubber bands
1975 5
Lawrence Nudelman Eight Half-Dollars from an Invisible Purse eight coins produced from purse frame, two piles of four coins on table, four travel across one by one with crossing hands each time à la Mysterious Cross of India
1975-1978 ca. 1
Lawrence Nudelman Flying Eagles - The Larry Nudelman Version three coins in the left join three coins in the right one by one, extra coin
Inspired by 1975-1978 ca. 5
Lawrence Nudelman Two Halves on a String two coins travel from hand to hand at once, sucker element, method not clear
1975-1978 ca. 4
Dai Vernon Han Ping Chien some comments on the moves
1976 9
Harvey Rosenthal Oil and Quarters three copper and three silver coins alternately put in one hand, one type travels to other hand
Related toVariations 1976
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. Close-Up Folio #2)
Harvey Rosenthal A Treatise - The 1953 Routine coins across with two copper and two silver coins
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. Close-Up Folio #3)
Harvey Rosenthal The 1954 Routine coins across with two copper and two silver coins, two methods
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. Close-Up Folio #3)
Bob Ostin Challenge Coin Across brief, with gaffed coin
Also published here 1976 ca. 6
Larry Jennings L.J. Four Coins Across
1977 13
Paul Harris P.D.Q. Coins Across Four coins travel from one hand to another, initial fist is kept closed until the end
Variations 1977 87
Harry Lorayne The Jumping Coin coins on fists, apparently one dropped from each hand, really both from one hand
1977 174
Harry Lorayne Four Coins Across
1977 179
Karl Fulves Invisible Pockets two coins pressed to shirt with both hands, coin travels across, then coin vanishes ("playing the shirt", coin tossed into shirt)
Related to 1977 85
Karl Fulves Coins and a Ring coins and finger ring on fists, apparently one dropped from each hand, traveling effect
1977 97
Geoffrey Latta Slippery Silver shell
July 1978
Apocalypse (Vol. 1 No. 7)
Shigeo Futagawa Coins Across sponge "ten count" with coins
1978 43
Shigeo Futagawa Coins Across (Version No. 2)
1978 63
Han Ping Chien Several Coins Pass from One Hand to Another
1978 96
Coins Across (Version No. 3)
1978 126
Silver and Copper
1978 165
Ross Bertram Copper and Silver Transposition only two coins, first transposition, then travel, then vanish
1978 10
Ross Bertram Double-Cross coins change place, then one travels to the other
1978 23
Ross Bertram Passing the Half Bucks backfire on last coin
1978 43
Ross Bertram Bertram's Best three coins in each hand, three pass one by one in other hand
Related to 1978 56
Milton Tropp Odd Coin three coins in one hand, two in the other, all five in one hand, see p. 1149 for credit information
Related to 1978 1095
John F. Mendoza The Coin Routine (No. 1) copper and silver coin transpose, both change to copper, then silver, then into four dollars, coins across with those, two more dollars appear and a copper coin, coins through table, drill production from purse
1978 54
Coin Across one of two coins travels across to join the other
Mar. 1978
Intermagic (Vol. 5 No. 1)
Shigeo Takagi Coin Routine
  • ten coins travel from hand to hand one by one, with hand crossing
  • three in each hand, all travel into one hand
Related toVariations 1978 1
Bill Tarr Passe Passe Coins three coins
1978 155
Hand-to-Hand Coins three coins
1978 168
Paul Harris Four Finger Finale coin appears under forefinger as finale to coins across or similar
Apr. 1979
Apocalypse (Vol. 2 No. 4)
Woody Landers One To Go backfire handling for a coins-across routine
Oct. 1979
Apocalypse (Vol. 2 No. 10)
Tony Slydini Gemini Coins three in each hand, travel across at once, no Han Ping Chien
Related to 1979 46
Paul Harris P.D.Q #2 four coins across
Also published here 1979 96
Earl Nelson Pretty Good Coins Across four coins one by one
Also published here 1979 65
Rainer Teschner Vier Münzen auf dem Tisch four coins, one coin in each fist and one coin on top of each fist, coins on top are caught in the hands, one coin travels across, repeat, then repeat with both coins traveling to other hand
1979 3
Daryl Martinez The Mysterious Cross of India based on routine by Tagaki, four coins in each hand
Related toVariations 1980 70
Salomon Cohn Mysterious Traveler from hand to hand, clean, lapping
Nov. 1980
Apocalypse (Vol. 3 No. 11)
Mary Wolf Mary's Hand-to-Hand Routine four coins
1980 127
David Roth "And They Both Go Across" two coins from hand to hand, interesting click pass
Jan. 1981
Apocalypse (Vol. 4 No. 1)
Paul Labute ...And Back Again two coins across and back
Nov. 1981
Apocalypse (Vol. 4 No. 11)
William Zavis Milled Race dollar size, backfire
Arcane (Issue 4)
David Roth High Flying Winged Silver Palms up coing across using edge grip
1981 35
Geoffrey Latta Thumb Touch Coins Across Using Geoff's Ultimate Han Ping Chien
1981 128
Geoffrey Latta Cosmic Coins Across
1981 131
Scott Weiser Iron Curtain Coins Tabled Coins Across
1981 189
Ken Krenzel Imperial Ishtar Ungimmicked Coins of Ishtar
1981 206
Fernando Roman C.S.B. on the Fly Hybrid Copper-Silver-Brass and Coins Across
1981 207
Geoffrey Latta The C.S.B.Q. Coins Across International Coins Across
1981 246
Jack McMillen Quick Silver two copper and two silver coins, silver coin travel in the hand with copper coins one by one, then at once
1981 9
Mike Gallo New Wave Coins Across three coins in each hand, one behind
Also published here 1981 34
Stephen Tucker Gags?? with calculator, reverse writing, coin travels audible on counter top
Sep. 1981
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Horace E. Bennett Coins Across four coins from hand to hand, one by one
1981 24
Horace E. Bennett Poor Man's Peripatetic Coins four coins from hand to hand, one by one
1981 26
Horace E. Bennett Clink - Clink - Clink Improved two coins travel from hand to hand, several phases
Inspired by 1981 41
Stephen Tucker Tucker Trip four coins from hand two hand, back clip method
The Talon (Issue 7)
Camilo Vázquez Camilos Münzenroutine coin transforms into chinese coin, then coins travel from hand to hand
Inspired by 1981 10
Daryl Martinez Twogether Again tenkai penny like, two coins, extra coin
1982 51
Woody Landers "Can't I" "Coins Across New Theory - Impromptu", based on Roger Klause' New Theory Coins Across
Jan. 1982
Apocalypse (Vol. 5 No. 1)
Tom Craven Open Coins Across shell
Inspired byVariations Nov. 1982
Apocalypse (Vol. 5 No. 11)
Paul Cummins Cross Changed coins across, four silver coins change to copper
Variations Dec. 1982
Apocalypse (Vol. 5 No. 12)
Steve Beam Muscular Coins Across gag using muscle pass
1982 36
Don Odom The Travelling Quarter quarter from hand to hand
1982 42
Keith Charnley, Henry Hay, Paul Harris One in the Eye two-coin routine which ends with glass eye
Pabular (Vol. 7 No. 3)
Daryl Martinez Triple Change Coin Flight two half dollar, one in each hand, both travel to one hand and change to copper, repeated with change to chinese
1982 6
Bobby Bernard The "Tourist" Coin Silver coin in one hand travels to join copper coin in other hand
1982 58
Peter Kane Any Four Different Coins Across international, one extra coin
1982 17
Peter Kane The "Sleeper" Routine copper coin in one hand, three silver coins in the other, silver coins join copper one by one, last silver transposes with copper
1982 37
2. Ein Münzentrick small and bigger coin in hand, one is removed and always comes back, classic version
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 43 No. 1)
Michael Rubinstein Copper/Silver Across - Method One copper and silver coin both in left hand, travel to right one by one
1982 88
Michael Rubinstein Copper/Silver Across - Second Method copper and silver coin both in left hand, travel to right one by one
1982 89
Michael Rubinstein Copper/Silver Across Routine
1982 90
Zalman Puchoff Cop-A-Silver
Dec. 1983
Apocalypse (Vol. 6 No. 12)
John Carney Simple Coins Across four coins, no extra
June 1983
Epoptica (Issue 4)
David Gripenwaldt C.S.B. Jumper
May 1983 75
Roger Klause Soft Muscle using two coins, plus extra
Nov. 1983
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 2 No. 15)
John Carney Simple Coins Across coins travel from hand to hand, final coin to spectator's hand
1983 6
John Carney Gaffed Coins Across with shell
Inspired by 1983 12
Ross Bertram Voodoo Coin coin cleanly travels from hand to hand
1983 37
Ross Bertram Terminal Coins using B.U.D.
  • Terminal 1 (four coins vanish)
  • Terminal 2 (four coins vanish without jacket)
  • Terminal 3 (four coins travel to other hand at once)
1983 41
Roy Baker There and Back Coin Coin travel back and forth between hands
1983 22
Lou Gallo Coins Across three silver and one copper coin, using Gallo Pitch
Also published here 1983 90
Stephen Tucker The Flight of the Bumble coins from hand to hand, bee on coin, gets smashed as humorous climax
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. Special #3)
David Williamson Cross-Eyed Coins Across
Also published here 1984 13
Peter Duffie Coins Across four coins, no extra
Variations 1984 12
David Williamson Cross-Eyed Coins Across
Also published here 1984 10
Jon Racherbaumer Further Than Devant one coin in each hand, one travels across, see also "Credits and References" at end of book
Inspired by
  • third method for coins across in "The Amateur Magician's Handbook" (Henry Hay, 1950)
Also published here
  • MUM, March 1983
1984 13
Edward Marlo Amplius Nickels Thieves and Sheep, identical coins, see also "Credits and References" at end of book
Also published here
  • MUM, June 1980
1984 28
Greg Eanes SCAT "Super Coins Across Table", using shell, one-behind principle, see also page 1114
May 1985
Apocalypse (Vol. 8 No. 5)
Gary Plants Apocalypse Variations or Additions
Inspired by Sep. 1985
Apocalypse (Vol. 8 No. 9)
Joe Safuto Another Tenkai Tenkai Pennies with different sleights
Oct. 1985
Apocalypse (Vol. 8 No. 10)
Larry Jennings Hold Tight four coins
Spring 1985
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 3 No. 25, 26 & 27)
David Roth Chinese Challenge shell coins across, coins change to chinese as kicker
Winter 1985
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 3 No. 34, 35 & 36)
David Roth Folding Coins Across
1985 56
David Roth Winged Silver Coins Across
Variations 1985 57
David Roth E.Z. Coins Across Coins Across
1985 60
David Roth Shell Coins Across
Variations 1985 62
David Roth Winged Silver on Edge Coins Across
1985 79
David Roth Deep Backclip Exhibition Coins Across
1985 114
David Roth Deep Backclip Coins Across
1985 115
David Roth Down The Sleeve in Deep Backclip
Inspired by 1985 119
Martin Lewis Flying Eagles - A Variation Coins from hand to hand (two in each hand)
1985 117
Joaquín Navajas "Pasa-Pasa" de Monedas four coins travel from hand to hand
Also published here 1985 19
Joaquín Navajas Pasaje Magico four coins using the catapult, different ending variations
Also published here 1985 59
Joaquín Navajas Vuelo Metálico four coins, one by one
VariationsAlso published here 1985 65
Albert Goshman Winged Silver credit information, three coins move hand to hand to join foreign coin, coin appears under salt shaker, jumbo coin appears under salt shaker.
Inspired by 1985 77
David Britland Homeward Bound "A mysterious journey across time and space"
with three silver coins and a copper coin
1985 20
James Lewis A. B. C. "Another Back Clip"
without aid of thumb, hand-to-hand travel as application
1985 17
Larry Jennings Peripathetic Coins shell, last coin in spectator's hand
Variations 1986 24
Larry Jennings Easy Expert Coins Across no extra, last coin in spectator's hand
1986 89
Larry Jennings Standing Three Eagles
1986 132
Larry Jennings, Louis Falanga Clink-A-Clink Coins Across two coins
1986 219
William A. Morales Silver Bullets four coins
July 1986
Apocalypse (Vol. 9 No. 7)
Kevin Moran Coins Across Again four half dollars and Chinese coin
Dec. 1986
Apocalypse (Vol. 9 No. 12)
Jay Sankey Hotcross clean
1986 50
Jay Sankey Bridging The Gap using a clear glass tube as gag explanation for Coins Across through which rolled up coin slides
1986 53
Jay Sankey Sound For Thought coins across with two sound gimmicks, back into purse as finale
1986 83
Eric DeCamps The Coin Connection multiphase coin routine
  • Act I The Homing Coins (coins travel to coin wallet)
  • Act II Travel Agents (coins from hand to hand)
  • Act III Foreign Exchange (coins change from silver to copper and back)
1986 5
David Roth State-Of-The Art Coins Across comments on the plot
Dec./Jan. 1986/1987
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 1 No. 5 & 6)
Dai Vernon, Arthur Finley Crossed Destinies innovative handling
Also published here 1987 229
David Regal A Four-Coin Routine tabled production
1987 214
Jonathan Townsend Extra Coins Across extra coin
Mar. 1987
Apocalypse (Vol. 10 No. 3)
Kevin Moran Winged Silver - Once More
Dec. 1987
Apocalypse (Vol. 10 No. 12)
Dai Vernon, Arthur Finley Crossed Destinies
Also published here Mar. 1987
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 1 No. 8)
Gary Kurtz Trio in Three from 1981, three different coins travel under two cards, from hand to hand and back under the cards, Haden gaff
VariationsAlso published here 1987 16
Masao Atsukawa Coin Fugue a coin travels from hand onto the table, then three more coins appear, coins travel across
1988 46
David Neighbors Part III - Coins Across three copper and three silver coins used, stack gaff
Feb. 1988
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 2 No. 1)
Jamy Ian Swiss The Shot Glass Strategy In Action coin across
Inspired by Feb. 1988
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 2 No. 1)
Gary Kurtz G.K. Spectator Coins Across four coins across
Related to 1988 8
Gary Kurtz G.K. Spectator Coins Across four coins
1988 12
Ben Harris Pilgrimage three coins across, extra coin
1988 82
David Williamson Cross-Eyed Coins Across
Inspired byAlso published here 1989 12
Gary Kurtz G. K. Spectator Coins Across four coins across, slightly different than version in "Continuations ... Departures 1"
Related to 1989 6
David Devant, Dai Vernon Nimble Nickels No. 49, ten coins in two rows, picked up in pairs, one coin moved across, they all travel across, double toss
1989 51
Chris Power C. P. Coins Across three coins from hand to hand, first one by one then all at once
1989 49