256 entries in Coin / Effect Themes / Appearance & Vanish with Reproduction Routines / Bare Handed - Production only
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
To rub One Sixpence into Three two coins start secretly stuck to underside of table
1876 175
The Multiplication of Money coins are borrowed and multiplied, with or without coin tray
Related to 1876 176
H. B. Lodge A New "Multiplication" Trick single coin becomes thirty or sixty coins
1890 154
Coin Duplication making two out of one coin one-handed, shell
Related to 1890 162
Samuel "St. Roman" Thiersfeld Die Vermehrung der Thaler No. 4, one coin is used to produce multiple coins by breaking off a piece that turns out to be a new coin
1899 23
T. Nelson Downs Die an den Fingerspitzen erscheinenden Geldstücke No. 3, one-handed production of several coins one by one in a fan from classic palm
1900 9
Servais LeRoy Money Everywhere No. 6, coins produced from spectator's clothing, hidden in small bags in other hand or at body
1900 19
Die schnelle Vermehrung No. 9, borrowed coin is multiplied into twenty coins, they have a small hole and are hidden under vest with thread through them
1900 27
T. Nelson Downs Das einzelne Erscheinen einer Anzahl vorher verschwundener Münzen in freier Hand coins appear one by one in the hand in fan configuration, see p. 46 for correction regarding illustration
Feb. 1900
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 6 No. 2)
Fr. Maubach Der Geldfang aus der Luft multiple coins produced
Sep. 1901
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 7 No. 9)
Der Münzenfächer coins produced one by one and the form a fan
Apr. 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 4 No. 4)
Der mechanische Münzenfächer mechanical coin fan production, two methods
Apr. 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 4 No. 4)
Das Produzieren mehrerer einzelner Münzen in freier Hand up to twelve thin coins produced from back palm
July 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 4 No. 7)
Every Man his own Mint endless coin production, initial back clip
1909 270
A New Coin Spider gimmick so both sides of hand can be shown empty and fingers spread before coin production
1909 276
Edward Victor "A Silver Collection" four coins are produced, then they travel one by one into glass
Variations 1937 36
Dr. Edward G. Ervin Coins from Nowhere up to five coins produced singly, featuring an edge grip
1937 24
Max Malini A Coin Multiplication three coins
Related to 1938 673
A New Coin Production display between fingers of closed fist
1939 50
Laurie Ireland The Imaginary Half Dollar half dollar appears
Variations 1942 20
Laurie Ireland Production of Coins from the Mouth "A pretty sequence for the Miser's Dream"
1942 28
Tom Sellers Coin from Smoke coin in mouth
1942 14
Eddie Joseph The Looped Coin loop of thread on coin
  • For a Vanish
  • For Production
  • For Continuous Front- and Back-Palm
1942 38
Eddie Joseph An Idea for Quantity Production short production routine
1942 40
Eddie Joseph The Street of Colon is Paved with Gold speck of dust changes into coin, repeat, then shower of coin from hand
1942 87
Al Zink Al Zink's Coin Production
1943 142
Laurie Ireland Ireland's Favorite Coin Routine continuous coin production
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1944)
Allan Shaw The Appearance of Five Coins, One After Another, at the Fingertips coins appear one by one in fan layout
1948 74
Ron Leonard The Surprise Appearance of a Coin on back of hand
1948 76
Arthur H. Buckley Another very effective Production of Five Coins, One by One, in the Left Hand
1948 82
Arthur H. Buckley Another Original Five Coin Pass five coins produced one by one
1948 86
Arthur H. Buckley Reproduction of Five Coins, One by One, at the Fingertips and an Original Change Over
1948 108
Arthur H. Buckley Split Fans and Coin Productions split fan production, then fan of coins produced that have been held out during card productions
1948 110
John Brown Cook The Production of Twenty-Four Coins in a Series of Fans
1948 112
John Brown Cook "The Multiple Roll Out" multiple times from larger stack
1948 114
Bill Simon The Startling Four Coins interlocked coin production, then coins to glass
Related to 1949 25
Eddie Joseph Money, Money Everywhere coins and bills produced from spectator
1950 52
Ross Bertram Cash in Hand four half dollars are produced one by one
Also published here Mar. 1951
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 8 No. 10)
Al Baker Coin Production threaded stack of coins
Also published here 1951 35
Cardini The Touch of Midas four coins are produced
Related toVariations 1952 90
The Modern Miser five coins appear
1952 285
Fred Kaps Coins and Glass Routine
Also published here 1954 33
Max Malini, Dai Vernon Three From One
Also published here 1957 105
Gerald Kosky Koin Kwickie coin appears
Jan. 1965
The New Phoenix (Issue 394)
Bob Carver Progressive Production five coins produced
Variations 1966 377
Howard Schwarzman Thumb Tax four half dollars and penny produced
1966 419
Juan Tamariz Doble Desdoblamiento one copper coin becomes three
1969 63
Max Malini, Dai Vernon Malini's Coin Subtlety No. 710, "Shown by Vernon", producing two coins from one, or two more (Dai Vernon)
Related toAlso published here 1972 191
Dick Zimmerman Challenge Coin Production fifteen coins are produced, spectator sees hands and stands next to performer on stage
1973 8
Joe Berg Thumb Coin Vanish as transformation into multiple small coins
Related to Mar. 1974 717
Amedeo Vacca Coin Production Opening possible staging for stage
1974 80
Lawrence Nudelman A Half-Dollar Becomes Two Halves - or A Pain In The Neck steal from neck/collar as elbow is rubbed
1975-1978 ca. 5
Production of Four Coins from the Air
1978 156
Ross Bertram Cash in Hand four half dollars are produced one by one
Also published here 1978 54
Shell Coin Production producing a second coin
1978 157
Multiplying Coin Pass for continuous production
1978 166
Bob Fitch Double Transfer Coin Production two transfers, then coin is produced
Apr. 1979
Apocalypse (Vol. 2 No. 4)
Paul Harris Four Finger Finale coin appears under forefinger as finale to coins across or similar
Apr. 1979
Apocalypse (Vol. 2 No. 4)
Paul Harris Four Finger Finale coin appears under forefinger as finale to coins across or similar
Also published here 1979 101
George Eisler Four-Coin Production coins are held together with rubber bands
Feb. 1980
Apocalypse (Vol. 3 No. 2)
Bonnie Hammond Three Opener producing three coins
Aug. 1980
Apocalypse (Vol. 3 No. 8)
Harry Lorayne Four Opener producing four coins
Variations Aug. 1980
Apocalypse (Vol. 3 No. 8)
Mary Wolf, Bob Carver Progressive Coin Production four coins
Inspired by 1980 121
Jeff White A Glass of Coins three coins are produced and then they travel to glass
1980 6
Richard O'Farrell They Won't Believe Their Eyes coin produced on table, when turned over another coin appears, repeated
1980 16
David Roth Oval Purse Holdout
1981 30
David Roth Flash Production four coin production (recommended to follow hanging coins)
1981 44
Steve Beam Show Three, Throw Four three coins become four
1981 35
Phillip Young Splitting Coins coin is split into two
1981 36
Steve Beam Purse Appearance one-handed using purse palm
Also published here 1981 37
Steve Beam 2-3-3 Illusion two coins change into three, optical illusion presentation
1981 38
Stephen Tucker Cluster 3/4 coin is produced, then it is a complete coin
Inspired by
  • Bob Ostin's "Picking up the pieces"
July 1981
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Ben Harris Silverdust Production production of single coin in empty hands, drop from classic palm in other hand
1981 12
Ben Harris Four Coin Fantasy four coins produced one by one
1981 17
Horace E. Bennett One-To-Four producing four coins
Inspired by 1981 21
Tom Gagnon Flip Up Production invisible coin flipped into air, it appears
Inspired byAlso published here 1981 6
Tom Gagnon Bomb Bay coin produced in empty hands
Also published here 1981 10
Tom Gagnon Flash Coin Production coin appears one-handed
1981 22
David Roth The Legendary Four-Coin Trick coin appears with funny presentation
Variations Jan. 1982
Apocalypse (Vol. 5 No. 1)
William Zavis Apocalypse Variations Or Additions
Inspired by Nov. 1982
Apocalypse (Vol. 5 No. 11)
Michael Ammar Sonic Squeeze production of ca. four coins in empty hands one by one
Related toAlso published here Oct. 1982 12
A. R. Mousley 12 - 10 = 6? two coins put in hand, one removed then six other coins appear, uses Down's Palm
Apr. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Michael Rubinstein Step by Step Coin Creation miniature coin produced, it changes into normal coin
1982 45
Harry Anderson As Ye Sew, So Shall Ye Reap one coin production
Also published here 1983 82
Jay Sankey, Gary Kurtz Cartesian Coins tabled, offbeat use of shell
Aug. 1983
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Peter Warlock Demain's Deception essay about Jack Demain and one-handed back clip production of coin
1983 246
Ben Harris Coin Arc Produce arc of four coins on table with a wave of hands
1983 11
Roger Curzon, Les Johnson Goldmine production of three coins
Apr. 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 24)
Meir Yedid Ten And A Half (1 on 1) finger routine for one spectator, spectator counts nine fingers, half dollar produced
1983 15
Michael Powers Flourish Coin Production coin produced, coin roll, a second coin produced
1983 64
Jay Sankey Descartes Meets The Pop Outs very visual production of four coins
1985 62
Howard Cohen Double-Take Coins tabled production of six coins
Dec. 1985
Apocalypse (Vol. 8 No. 12)
Jay Sankey Slick Splits three coin production
Winter 1985
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 3 No. 34, 35 & 36)
David Roth Flash Production with Four Coins
1985 87
David Roth Flash Production with Five Coins
1985 91
David Roth The Legendary Four Coin Trick Four coin repeat
1985 137
Danny Korem See Through Coin Revelation visible coin production, then transformation
1985 10
Richard Bartram, Jr. Purse of the Damned four coins are invisibly removed from an invisible purse, last coin with real purse
Variations 1985 5
Joaquín Navajas En la Punta de los Dedos four coin production with one hand
Related toAlso published here 1985 1
Joaquín Navajas Cambiando de Posición hands are moved over the table and one by one four coins appear
Related toAlso published here 1985 3
Jay Sankey, Gary Kurtz Cartesian Coins tabled, offbeat use of shell
1986 17
Jay Sankey Mineral Withdrawal four coin production
Related to 1986 23
Bruce Cervon The Cervon Opening three coin production
1987 209
Rich Cowley Now You See It single coin production
Sep. 1987
Apocalypse (Vol. 10 No. 9)
Peter Samelson Spinning Silver imaginary silver thread is transformed into silver dollar
Also published here Apr. 1987
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Michael Ammar Sonic Squeeze Production
1987 56
Gary Kurtz Money Begets Money four coin production
Also published here 1987 1
Gary Kurtz Zero, One, Two, Four four coin production
  • No. 1
  • Variation I
1987 2
Masao Atsukawa Coin Fugue a coin travels from hand onto the table, then three more coins appear, coins travel across
1988 46
Gary Kurtz Zero, One, Two, Four #1 four coin production
1988 1
Gary Kurtz Zero, One, Two, Four #2 four coin production
1988 3
Gary Kurtz The Comeback four coins are produced from a spectator
1988 7
Gary Kurtz Zero, One, Two, Four four coin production, with Alternate Production Technique for first coin
1988 1
Gary Kurtz Money Begets Money four coin production
Also published here 1988 5
Gary Kurtz The Comeback "The Reproduction Sequence", four coins from spectator, two procedures
1988 10
Ben Harris 4 Corners four coins appear in four corners of close-up mat while hands make large wave motions
1988 13
Gary Kurtz Part 2 - Four four coin production
1988 8
Gary Kurtz Part 4 - Four Coin Reproduction From Spectator
1988 12
Randy Wakeman Not to Worry three coins
Apr. 1989
Apocalypse (Vol. 12 No. 4)
Eric DeCamps Cast a Shadow
June 1989
Apocalypse (Vol. 12 No. 6)
Joe Gold, Mark Sicher Don't Catch Butterflies
July 1989
Apocalypse (Vol. 12 No. 7)
Gary Kurtz Zero, One, Two, Four four coin production
1989 1
Gary Kurtz Money Begets Money four coin production
Also published here 1989 3
Peter Samelson Spinning Silver imaginary silver thread is transformed into silver dollar
Also published here 1990 95
Sol Stone Six Bits
Jan. 1990
Apocalypse (Vol. 13 No. 1)
Lenny Greenfader Air Corps Coin Production
Oct. 1990
Apocalypse (Vol. 13 No. 10)
Vanni Bossi Coin Magic 2 small coin appears between two large coins
June 1990
Opus (Vol. 3 No. 4)
Johnny "J.J." Johnston J. J's Münzenproduktion one coin become four, edge grip work
1990 14
Patrick Page, Wilfrid Jonson Wilfred Johnson's Coin Trick spelling of name?, continuous coin production with climax production of folded bill
Also published here 1990 34
Michael Ammar Multiple Coin Production "Sonic Squeeze Production"
1991 251
Stephen Tucker Coin Cascade Shower of small coins appears
Apr. 1991
Apocalypse (Vol. 14 No. 4)
Hiroyuki Sakai Point Break three coins production
Related to 1991 722
Tony Cachadiña Four Coins Appear on the Table very similar to Navajas' coin production
Related to 1991 12
Steven Hamilton A 4 Coin Production
Also published here Aug. 1991
Profile (Issue 3)
Ravi Pazhur Back-Technique on manipulative productions with fingers wide apart
  • Take a Shower (coins)
  • Karten (cards)
1991 98
Wilfrid Jonson, Patrick Page Wilfred Johnson's Münzentrick spelling of name?, continuous coin production with climax production of folded bill
Also published here Nov. 1991
Intermagic (Vol. 16 No. 3)
David Harkey Body Language four coin production, invisible coin tossed up and slapped on hand, becomes visible, one by one
Also published here
  • Lecture Notes "Body Language", 1988
1991 19
David Harkey Silver Sensation four coin production one by one
1991 33
David Harkey Flashpoint flashy four-coin production, tabled
Inspired byVariations 1991 99
David Harkey Flashpoint II ungaffed version
Inspired by 1991 106
Masao Atsukawa Four From Nowhere a coin travels from hand onto the table, then three more coins appear
1992 15
Gary Kurtz Money begets Money four coin production
Also published here 1992 40
Gary Kurtz Spectator Sleeve Coins producing four coins from spectator's sleeve
Also published here 1992 42
Harry Anderson Sewing A Coin one coin production, while miming to sew fingers together
Also published here 1993 22
"Joro" Bruno Hennig Der Hosenmagnet magnet in trousers as hold out, production of coin
Related to 1993 162
Dean Dill Coin Explosion nine coin climax, tabled
Mar. 1994
Apocalypse (Vol. 17 No. 3)
Steven Hamilton Continous-Stream Coin Production
June 1994
Apocalypse (Vol. 17 No. 6)
Alex Elmsley The Spider's Treasury four coins are produced from empty hands, stand-up
1994 287
T.J. Crawford Where do the Coins Come From? production from palmed stack of coins
1994 1067
Paul Gertner As a Magical Production tabled, using coin flick
1994 16
Paul Gertner Snapping the Halves Chinese coin wiggled and half dollar snapped off it, then two more coins appear like that, they travel to other hand, then all coins are split for total of eight coins
  • The Coins Appear
  • The Coins Fly from Hand to Hand
  • The Unexpected Replication of the Coins
1994 81
Yuji Wada Stretching Your Money two coins are produced, then they become magnetic and travel to one hand, finally one coin is stretched
Sep. 1994
The Minotaur (Vol. 6 No. 3)
Jim Artle Bartender's Dream miser's dream with cocktail shaker, jumbo coin produced at the end which then turns into lots of several coins
Inspired by Dec. 1994
The Minotaur (Vol. 6 No. 4)
Karl Fulves Flying Clipper dime in hands, hands shown empty, a quarter appears along with the dime, then a half dollar, clip palming
Rigmarole (Issue 6)
Jackie McClements Four From Nothing
1994 15
Horace E. Bennett Big Coin - Revisited one coin sequence, second coin appears, jumbo coin appears
Inspired by 1994 159
Lee Snyder Miser's Reverie
Aug. 1995
Apocalypse (Vol. 18 No. 8)
Vanni Bossi, Steve Dacri Fertile Coins little coin from large coins, ungaffed
1995 16
Lennart Green The Dinosaur hand imitates elephant /dinosaur and walks over the table, the coins are produced
1995 1048
Akira Fujii Testosterone Coins continuos coin production with muscle pass
1995 1052
Gary Kurtz Spectator Sleeve Coins producing four coins from spectator's sleeve
Also published here 1995 7
Kevin Bethea Ungaffed Triple Spellbound silver coin is produced, changed to copper and then to Chinese coin, changed back to copper and then back to silver
Labyrinth (Issue 5)
Paul Harris Four Finger Finale coin appears under forefinger as finale to coins across or similar
Related toAlso published here 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 2 (Issue Close-up Entertainer)
Harry Riser The Close-Up Miser a coin vanish is announced, instead the coin multiplies several times
1996 229
Fred Kaps Münzen und Glas Routine described by Lewis Ganson
Also published here 1996
Intermagic (Vol. 20 No. 3)
Lou Gallo Rub Rub half dollar appears, doubles, another coin appears, all double to six coins, using Gallo Pitch
1996 16
Joel Givens Subtle Silver Splits half dollar multiplies into four coins
Related to Jan. 1997
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 5)
Doug Conn Particle Press invisible particles apparently collected and pressed into a coin
Inspired byAlso published here 1997 21
Milton Kort Delayed Arrival Four coin production with delayed last coin
1999 171
Doug Conn Particle Press invisible particles apparently collected and pressed into a coin
Inspired byAlso published here 1999 21
Jay Sankey Slick Splits Move coins production
Related to 1999 52
Max Malini, Dai Vernon Malini's Coin Subtlety (Shown by Vernon) producing two coins from one, or two more (Dai Vernon)
Also published here Nov. 1999
Genii (Vol. 62 No. 11)
Tomoyuki Takahashi Fading Coin three imaginary coins, one is chosen and it becomes visible
VariationsAlso published here May 2000
Genii (Vol. 63 No. 5)
Gaston Quieto Multiplication coin multiplies until there are four coins
July 2000
Magic (Vol. 9 No. 11)
David Stone The Stone Drop coin vanishes in one hand and visually appears in palm-up other hand (from thumb back palm)
2001 4
David Stone Cocoon coins appear on a row on the close-up mat
2001 22
David Stone Vertical Big Apple coin appears between finger tips with a wave of the other hand
Inspired by
  • Al Schneider & Jamy Ian Swiss
2001 21
Nathan Kranzo Low Tide three coins appear from lighter flame
2001 [8]
Roberto Giobbi Flash Overture two coins are produced, silk appears in flash, third coin produced
May 2001
Magic (Vol. 10 No. 9)
Steve Beam Purse Appearance one-handed using purse palm
Also published here June 2001
Magic (Vol. 10 No. 10)
Paul Cummins Trick Shell coins are produced out of another coin, one-handed
2002 125
T. Nelson Downs, John Carney Downs Palm and Production
2002 113
Reed McClintock 4 Co-Pro Four coin production.
2002 6
Michael Ammar Sonic Squeeze coin production
Also published here 2002 6
Reed McClintock Ninth Dynasty four coins produced, they travel to right hand one by one, last one appears on table, then five more cards appear on table under fingertips
2002 13
Paul Harris Four Finger Finale three coins under three fingertips on table, fourth one appears
Related to 2002 16
Reed McClintock Tabled Coin Star coins appear under fingertips on table while spectator was looking up
2002 16
Reed McClintock Seven The Hard Way in-the-hands production of seven coins
Related toVariations 2002 17
Reed McClintock McClintock Display Three coins appear and are displayed between both hands.
2002 18
Hiroshi Sawa The Sleeve Shootout one-handed production of handful of coins on the table, or growing coins (normal coins change into jumbo coins instantly)
VariationsAlso published here Nov. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 11)
Gaston Quieto Piezas de Aire Que four coin production, at once
Related to
  • "Mirage Coins" (Rune Klan, Three Pieces of Silver)
Also published here
Aug. 2002
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 12)
Docc Hilford Nightmare Coins one of three imaginary coins is named and appears in performer's hand
2002 15
Al Baker Coin Production threaded stack of coins
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Pet Secrets)
David Ben Coin Duplication
2003 159
Reed McClintock Neverland Coin Production three coin production
2003 1
Curtis Kam No One to Four four coin production
2003 7
Ross Bertram Pocket Money four coins appear one by one
Mar. 2003
Genii (Vol. 66 No. 3)
Reed McClintock In the Beginning four-coin production, on table
  • Variant Ending
Apr. 2003
Genii (Vol. 66 No. 4)
Jeff McBride McBluff with Coins consecutive production of coins
2003 5
Reed McClintock Grenoble Coin Production four coin production
2004 8
Justin Hanes Tetrad coin appears with the number One on it, the number changes into Two, Three up to Nine, then three coins appear with letters TEN on them
2004 5
Jay Sankey Slick Splits four coin production
Related to 2004 10
Jay Sankey Black Stack eight coin production with black art displays
2004 173
Bob Ostin The Easy Coin Routine four coins are produced, travel from hand to hand and are placed into pocket, continuous production of coins to finish
2005 42
Rick Merrill Three Change three silver coins are produced, they change to international coins and back
Inspired by
  • "Ex-Troy-dinary" (Troy Hooser, DesTROYers, 2001)
Feb. 2005
Antinomy (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Joaquín Navajas Coin Production multiple coins
Related to 2005 (ca.) 1
Ken De Courcy Making Millions aka "How To be A Millionaire"
continuous coin production
Related to 2006
Prolix (Issue 1)
Curtis Kam Production Sequence: Three Coin Monte production sequence using Twist Production
2006 4
Jean-Jacques Sanvert Anti-Fly three coin production, prelude to a Three Fly routine
Jan. 2006
Genii (Vol. 69 No. 1)
Nathan Kranzo Progressive Wild Coin half dollar produced, then copper coin produced and half dollar changes to copper, then Chinese coins produced and earlier two coins change to Chinese, edge grip
Oct. 2006
Genii (Vol. 69 No. 10)
Curtis Kam Seven the Hard Way slight rehandling, in-the-hands production of seven coins
Inspired by 2007 13
Reed McClintock Miser's Dream with cloth bag
  • The First Four Coins
  • The One-Coin Sequence
  • Seven the Easy Way
  • Seven the Hard Way
  • And 30 More...
  • All the Coins Vanish
Related to Feb. 2007
Genii (Vol. 70 No. 2)
Eric Jones Impossible Coins Across four coins produced one by one, they travel from hand to hand with help of spectator
  • The Production Sequence
  • The Coins Across Sequence
Oct. 2007
Antinomy (Vol. 3 No. 3)
Troy Hooser Triple Threat Describes basic handlings for the Triple Threat gimmick by Todd Lassen, two shells and a coin that nests together with magnets
  • Simple Production
  • Three Coin Vanish
Related to 2010 63
Patrick Page Continuous Coin Production With Climax
Nov. 2010
Genii (Vol. 73 No. 11)
Luis Piedrahita Aparición brutal de cuatro monedas production of four coins
El Manuscrito (Vol. 3 No. 12)
Luis Piedrahita Aparición Brutal de Cuatro Monedas four coin production
2011 54
Luis Piedrahita Producción de las Cuatro Monedas four coins appear on table, while brushing over it
2011 70
Dr. Dan McDonald An Arresting Opening for a Coin Routine four coins are produced while doing the coin roll
2012 151
David Neighbors Easy Come three coin production
Jan. 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 1)
William Duncan The Giving Finger three coin production, using finger stunts while holding out coins
Aug. 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 8)
Steven Hamilton 4 Coin Production
Also published here 2013 162
Tom Gagnon Pumpkin Seed Split half dollar split into two half dollars
Inspired by 2013 188
Tomoyuki Takahashi Fading Coin three imaginary coins, one is chosen and it becomes visible
Also published here 2013 190
Hiroshi Sawa The Sleeve Shootout one-handed production of handful of coins on the table, or growing coins (normal coins change into jumbo coins instantly)
Also published here 2013 239
Hiroshi Sawa Sawa's Multiplying and Expanding Coins Chinese, copper and silver coin, another Chinese and silver coins are produced from copper coin, repeat, then all three coins grow to jumbo coins
Feb. 2014
Genii (Vol. 77 No. 2)
Jonathan Friedman Atom Split coin splits in two
July 2014
Genii (Vol. 77 No. 7)
Vanni Bossi A Trick to Please the Pope little coin from large coins, ungaffed
Inspired by
  • "Fertile Coins" (Steve Dacri, 1974)
2016 136
John Kennedy Coin Opener apparently shaking coins out of sleeve
Hidden Agenda (Issue Dec 3)
Geoffrey Latta One-Handed Shell Split Production
Related to 2017 171
Jonathan Friedman Flashback '88 one coin multiplies into four, tabled
Mar. 2018
Genii (Vol. 81 No. 3)
Luiz Castro Focal Point Production three-coin production
Aug. 2018
Genii (Vol. 81 No. 8)
Tyler Wilson Sprained Uncle produce coin from behind the ear, spectator can see a coin in the magician's hand but when produced, it is a different coin!
Related to July 2019
Elixir (Vol. 2 No. 2 (Winter #2))
Joaquín Navajas En la punta de los dedos four coin production with one hand
Also published here 2019 7
Joaquín Navajas Cambiando de posición hands are moved over the table and one by one four coins appear
Also published here 2019 10
Michael Rubinstein Shattered Spellbound coin changes into many pennies as finale
  • Phase One: The Changes
  • Phase Two: The Shatter
  • Phase Three: The Cleanup
2020 160
Michael Rubinstein Chinese Explosion coin changes, at the end many coins appear
Variations 2020 164
Michael Rubinstein The Impossible Four Coin Trick I
  • Phase One: The Production
  • Phase Two: The Impossible Four Coin Trick
Also published here
  • Coinvention Lecture Notes, 2003
2020 189
Michael Rubinstein Shell CSB Coins Across three different coins
  • Phase One: The Production
  • Phase Two: Coins Across
Inspired by 2020 209
Michael Rubinstein Magical Money Rap rap patter
Also published here
  • Penguin Two Live lecture, 2016
2020 217
Michael Rubinstein The Wishing Well four-coin production
Inspired byAlso published here
  • Coin Magic Lecture Notes, 2010
2020 221
Nathan Kranzo Shuzbut Coins three copper coins appear, they change to silver coins
2020 388
Bill Citino Coins Walking Wildly Ahead three coins are produced and change to copper one by one, then back to silver
  • The Production Phase
  • Wild Coin Phase
  • Change Back Phase
  • The Reset Phase
2020 397
Branden Wolf Differential three coins produced, changed one by one into copper
  • Phase One: Three Coin Production
  • Phase Two: The Color Changes
2020 412
Michael Rubinstein Chinese Explosion II coin changes, at the end many coins appear
Inspired by 2020 475
Motoki Kaido Watch the Watch Producing coins from air, suddenly produce watch that was on the magician's wrist at the start
Inspired by 2021 210
Motoki Kaido Three Coin Production Using Yin Sound to produce three coins
Inspired by 2021 259
Chris Wardle Coin Conundrum number puzzle of dividing a certain amount equally amongst people is illustrated with coins, amount changes
Jan. 2022
Genii (Vol. 85 No. 1)
Jonathan Friedman Smack Split coin splits and multiplies into two coins
Apr. 2022
Genii (Vol. 85 No. 4)
Giacomo Bertini Deep Flash Production
Apr. 2022
The Hermit (Vol. 1 No. 4)