83 entries in Coin / Gaffed / Miscellaneous
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Samuel "St. Roman" Thiersfeld Die rotierende Münze No. 11, coin spins between fingers, mechanical
1899 42
T. Nelson Downs, Die Drehmünze No. 1, coin pivot, back palm, specialty of Downs, also with two sharp points or wire to help in pivot
1900 1
Thalerschnitte thin coins for certain manipulations
1900 8
Carl Willmann Die Drehmünze coin with pivot points to facilitate back and front palm pivoting
Feb. 1900
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 6 No. 2)
Der mechanische Münzenfächer mechanical coin fan production, two methods
Apr. 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 4 No. 4)
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Der "Blitz"-Talerfang-Apparat needles on coin, other coins with holes so a stack can be fixed for production
Sep. 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 4 No. 9)
Geo Welli Ein neuer Lichtanzünder gimmick to light a candle, made from coin so gimmick is produced as finale
Inspired by Feb. 1905
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 5 No. 3)
Charles T. Jordan Another Date-Reading Trick No. 4, coins collected in head, date announced and coin instantly removed with that date, repeated, coin rubbed with soap
Also published here 1920 10
The Triangular Coin Stand to vanish coins
1935 34
Tom Osborne Routine 33 three different coins end up under a shell each, nesting coin
1938 53
Dr. Edward G. Ervin Tips on thin coins, matches and gamblers
May 1940
Chap's Scrapbook (Vol. 2 No. 11)
Eddie Joseph Palming Aide rubbing resin on coin edges
1942 37
Bruce Elliott Coin Vanish nesting coins gaff, idea
Mar. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 30)
Bruce Elliott Silver Walls piece of paper is put between two coins, any number appears on the paper
Related to May 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 83)
Bruce Elliott Bending Coin Idea head on coin pops out and back
July 1947
The Phoenix (Issue 129)
Frank Garcia Garcia's Gaff balancing a coin on the edge of another
July 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 208)
Norman Jensen Half a Jit vanish of one half of a coin, context trick
Nov. 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 215)
Nickel to Half Dollar special folding half with nickel soldered to center section
1952 260
Liberty Head Half and U.S. Penny
1952 260
The Ring Coin coin with ring glued to it
1952 261
The Squirting Nickel when pressed, water squirts out
1952 264
Tom Hollingsworth Second Version coin bite
1952 291
Harvey P. Graham, George Starke, Milbourne Christopher 1 & 50 cent to 50 cent, gaffed
Jan. 1954
The Phoenix (Issue 298)
Don Tanner 1.35 Tip coins vanish, nesting gaff
Mar. 1954
The New Phoenix (Issue 303)
Spinning Nickels fall onto one side when spun
1966 438
Squirting Coins
1966 438
Conrad H. Haden Dime to English Penny
1966 439
Heinz "Durox" Rüegg 4 Tips several brief descriptions of ideas
  • introducing shell
  • paper coins
  • appearing cane
  • milk bottle
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 30 No. 5)
Harry G. Franke Apollo Coin Slide design of coin slide
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1969-70)
Dr. William Weyeneth Wo ist der Fünfer? shell game using three bottle caps and a coin, with magnet
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 31 No. 4)
Charles T. Jordan Another Date-Reading Trick coins collected in head, date announced and coin instantly removed with that date, repeated, coin rubbed with soap
Also published here 1975 209
Lawrence Nudelman Mix-A-Roo Coin Effect coin held on fingers of palm up hand changes twice, hidden ring with coins attached around it is pivoted
1975-1978 ca. 3
You Caught Me coins transform into performer's hand, sixteen single pennies finale, "21 Cent Trick" gaff set
Inspired by
  • "Fifty Cent Trick" (L. Ireland)
1977 50
Coins in the Glass coins vanish ans appear audible in glass which is covered by other glass and handkerchief, several versions including Kline's Copenetro
1978/76 123
The Coins in the Crystal Casket coins travel visibly and audibly to glass casket, various designs
1978/76 128
The Mysterious Glass Jar and Flying Coins (Crystal Coin Vase), coins travel audibly and visibly into closed glass jar
1978/76 137
Bill Wisch Quick Quarter & Half half dollar changes into quarter and back, travels to pocket, quarter is found under performer's watch, "quarter to half gimmick" (folding)
1979 [17]
Mark Weston Hong Kong Coin Visible Release chinese coin penetrates pencil
Nov. 1980
Pabular (Vol. 6 No. 11)
Rovi Watched Coins four coins appear and vanish, gaffed watch
1980 38
Mary Wolf The Two Hundred-Eighty-Five Cent Trick a few different coins put in left hand, they change into a handful of pennies, locking $2.85 gaff
1980 104
Steve Dusheck Coin/Card gaff in which a thin coin is attached to a strip at the back of a card
Also published here 1980 ca. 6
Steve Dusheck Half a Buck coin changes to bill (perhaps, effect not clear)
Also published here 1980 ca. 7
Steve Dusheck Coin/Card gaff in which a thin coin is attached to a strip at the back of a card
Also published here 1980 ca. 4
Steve Dusheck Half a Buck coin changes to bill (perhaps, effect not clear)
Also published here 1980 ca. 11
Stephen Tucker Cluster 3/4 coin is produced, then it is a complete coin
Inspired by
  • Bob Ostin's "Picking up the pieces"
July 1981
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Gordon Bruce Origami production of a S-shaped coin, climax to Jerry Andrus' "Miser's Miracle"
Inspired by Nov. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 19)
T. Nelson Downs Downs' Favorite Coin Vanish coin with finger clip
1983 83
Stephen Tucker Yippee! coin through hand or table, with a coin half
Mar. 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 23)
Stephen Tucker Coineto coin from hand to hand, first a quarter, then half and three quarters travel
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. Special #3)
Stephen Tucker The Rolled Coin ideas with rolled up coin, travel to pen
Sep. 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 29)
Pascal Monmoine Shattered! coin trough class
May 1984
Pabular (Vol. 8 No. 6)
Jan Torell Reducing Sound of Coins tape
1984 30
Roger Klause Squeeze Play coin wrapped in handkerchief and secured with finger ring, it gets free through ring, see also "Credits and References" at end of book
Also published here
  • MUM, Nov. 1979
1984 5
Karl Fulves Interlude "The Chase"
coin roll effect in which the coin changes back and forth to copper and silver, also idea for hinged coin gaff, posed as a problem
1985 10
Ken Simmons Quick Change half dollar changes into copper coin in presence of Chinese coin, copper/silver/brass
Related to
  • "Wash-Out" (Steve Dusheck)
1990 36
Winner Coins beveled edge at coin
Also published here
  • "Protection - The Sealed Book" (Joseph E. Meyer, 1911)
Cheat Sheet (Issue 4)
Steve Dusheck Hybrid Coin three stacked coin shown, when turned over one coin has vanishes, half coin stuck to another coin gaff
Variations 1992 1
Steve Dusheck Jumbo Coin Fans "electric deck" with three jumbo coins for production
1992 77
Sandy Spillman Something on My Mind: Telekinesis on telekinesis with coins, bending and moving, jumping coin
June 1993
Vibrations (Vol. 15 No. 12)
Yuji Wada Stretching Your Money two coins are produced, then they become magnetic and travel to one hand, finally one coin is stretched
Sep. 1994
The Minotaur (Vol. 6 No. 3)
Richard Bartram, Jr. Camousembly coins with sheet of picture card stuck on them
1994 75
Richard Bartram, Jr. Bonus Features A. uses of coin with picture card image stuck on them
B. four coin production
Related to 1994 82
Karrell Fox "Hinge-Enious" Coin coin catcher gimmick
1995 28
Joe Rindfleisch Melt Down a penny literally melts into little gobs when held over a flame, homemade gaff
Variations 1997
Labyrinth (Issue 7)
Jack Avis Salute to Ramsay metal cap (Oktio box without lid) with four coins, one penetrates hand
1998 18
Jason Alford Halfway Through coin penetrates table halfway and sticks out perpendicular
1998 9
Miguel Ángel Gea The Coin that Turns into Skin coin slowly vanishes in the hand of spectator, in two steps
  • No Sleeves Variant
2005 (ca.) 8
Miguel Ángel Gea Coins for Blind People a coin becomes blurry and then invisible, invisible coin can still be heard when tapped on a table
  • No Sleeves Variant
2005 (ca.) 10
Miguel Ángel Gea Hole Stretched to Infinite pen through coin, then hole in made bigger until coin is gone
  • No Sleeves Variant
2005 (ca.) 12
Miguel Ángel Gea Revaluation three silver coins, one is changed into copper, one is made smaller and one turned into a half coin, they all change back in a glass
2005 (ca.) 18
John Ramsay The Partial Penetrating Coin coin visibly penetrates hand
Nov. 2008
Genii (Vol. 71 No. 11)
Bruce Bernstein Will Power multi-phase heads or tails routine, control or prediction when coin is spun on table, using gaffed Spinning Coins
2008 2
Alexander de Cova Der einfache Geldfang
2011 10
Alexander de Cova Das Geldglas glass full with coins, coins transform into any other object, printed inside sleeve simulates coins
Also published here Nov. 2013 18
Nick Trost Spinning Nickel Poker using beveled edge coins
Also published here
  • "Spinning Nickel Poker" (Nick Trost, Expert Gambling Tricks, 1975)
2015 263
Alexander de Cova Das Geldglas glass full with coins, coins transform into any other object, printed inside sleeve simulates coins
Also published here 2015 235
Jeff Prace Split Winnings scratch card is scratched, shown to be a losing card, magician then restores it
July 2019
Elixir (Vol. 2 No. 2 (Winter #2))
Tom Gagnon Shell-Acted shot glass upside down on card, coin apparently penetrates upwards through table and appears under glass, coin with card back on one side
Inspired by
  • "Copentro" (Bob Kline)
Also published here
2019 420
Tom Gagnon Tiddlywinks Change as appearance, under glass
Also published here 2019 421
Jeff Prace Hybrid Coin
  • Left-Handed
three coins travel from one hand to the other, half coin stuck to another coin gaff
Inspired by Feb. 2019
Genii (Vol. 82 No. 2)
Michael Rubinstein Fusion credit information
Also published here
  • marketed around 1985
2020 307
Tom Gagnon Shell-Acted shot glass upside down on card, coin apparently penetrates upwards through table and appears under glass, coin with card back on one side
Also published here 2020 402
Tom Gagnon Tiddlywinks Change as appearance, under glass
Also published here 2020 403