43 entries in Coin / Gaffed / Two Copper One Silver set
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Conrad H. Haden The Silver and Two Copper Transposition including "Alternate Version"
Variations 1966 442
Roger Smith A Simple But Quite Expensive Coin Routine You'll Like - Part 1 sandwiched coin in box penetrates box and hand, Jo-pro Box
Nov. 1970
Necromancer (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Roger Klause Tabled Transpo Plus two copper one silver with Okito box
Related to July 1972
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 7)
Scotty York, Roger Klause, Conrad H. Haden Another Excedrin Headache for Roger based on Conrad Haden's "The Silver and Two Copper Transposition", with aspirin box that fills with pills
1975 17
John F. Mendoza Copper, Silver Brass..What a Gas!
1978 110
David Stahl The World's Most Expensive Okito Box Routine different coins from box with hole to under crossed cards
Also published here 1978 121
David Stahl The World's Most Expensive Okito Box Routine! different coins from box with hole to under crossed cards, Hoo Koin Box
Also published here 1978 21
Bob Farmer Rate Of Exchange routine for two-copper-one-silver set, starting clean
Oct. 1980
Apocalypse (Vol. 3 No. 10)
Gene Castillon Another Tabled Transposition two copper one silver with Okito box
Inspired by 1981 77
Tom Gagnon Silver and Two Copper Interlude with shot glass
Inspired by 1981 81
John C. Wagner The Real 2 Copper 1 Silver routine for Two Copper/One Silver or copper/silver/brass set
Related to 1987 92
Gary Kurtz Trio in Three from 1981, three different coins travel under two cards, from hand to hand and back under the cards, Haden gaff
VariationsAlso published here 1987 16
Gary Kurtz Midas Trio three different copper coins change to silver coins (quarter, half dollar, dollar)
1987 11
Gary Kurtz Body Heat using Connie Haden's "Two Copper/One Silver" gaff
Related to 1988 14
John Bannon (Mystery On The) Orient-Aztec Express routine for Connie Haden's Two Copper/One Silver or Presley Guitar's Copper/Silver/Brass set
1990 13
John Bannon Take Two Switch picking up coins from Two Copper/One Silver or CSB set
Also published here 1990 15
James Lewis Visual Change Move with CSB set
1990 16
Gary Kurtz Trio in Three from 1981, three different coins travel under two cards, from hand to hand and back under the cards, Haden gaff
Also published here 1990 19
Ken Simmons Climax for Copper/Silver/Brass
1990 38
Michael Powers International Matrix Reverse
Variations 1990 151
Richard Bartram, Jr. C/B/S True and Thru three different coins through glass table one by one, transposition finale
1990 62
John Bannon (The Mystery on the) Aztec-Orient Express routine for Connie Haden's Two Copper/One Silver or Presley Guitar's Copper/Silver/Brass set
1991 61
John Bannon Take Two Switch picking up coins from Two Copper/One Silver or CSB set
Also published here 1991 63
Roger Klause The Operator multi-phase betting game presentation, mis-indexed dollar bill
1. The Coin Con (Two-Copper/One-Silver routine)
2. The Bill Con (which hand is the bill in? bill travels to purse)
3. The Bill Change
4. The Total Con (Slow Motion Bill Transposition)
1991 89
Richard Bartram, Jr. International Exchange coin changes several times when dropped in champagne glass, then changes into handful of pennies
1994 92
John Bannon Take Two Switch picking up coins from hand with a gaffed one
Also published here Oct. 1994
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 2)
Pressley Guitar Pressley Guitar's Two Copper & Silver
Also published here 1997 30
John Bannon Take Two Switch picking up coins from Two Copper/One Silver or CSB set
Also published here 1997 18
Tom J. Mosier Common Cents four coins, prediction of chosen coin, using Nickel-Penny-Dime set
Syzygy (Vol. 4 No. 10)
Paul Green Copper-Copper-Silver
Inspired by
  • "Duo Change" (Fred Lowe)
Jan. 1999
Magic (Vol. 8 No. 5)
Yuji Wada Three Different Coins
Also published here May 2000
Genii (Vol. 63 No. 5)
Mark Mason Copper, Silver, Brass routine with four phases
2000 12
Reed McClintock Three with CSB three different coins travel under tabled cross of two cards, then transpose in hand and travel back to under cards and purse
Inspired by 2002 1
Dave Campbell Observation Test penny, half dollar and Chinese coin, routine with set and handkerchief, shell and double-faced coin
Inspired by
  • "The Chinese Bit" (Fred Lowe, marketed)
2004 379
Pressley Guitar Pressley Guitar's Two Copper & Silver
Also published here 2005 43
Rick Merrill Three Change three silver coins are produced, they change to international coins and back
Inspired by
  • "Ex-Troy-dinary" (Troy Hooser, DesTROYers, 2001)
Feb. 2005
Antinomy (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Harold Cataquet Lazy Man’s Hanging Coins Hopping Half set
2006 158
Yuji Wada Three Different Coins
Also published here 2013 175
Paul Vigil Copper/Brass/Silver asymmetric transposition, transposition with spectator holding a coin, the coins vanish
  • Phase 1: Three Wise Men & the Setting Sun
  • Phase 2: An Unwitting Examination
  • Phase 3: Going, Going, Gone!
2017 121
John C. Wagner J. C. Wagner's Handling
Related to 2017 131
Michael Powers Clarke's Third Law using three coins, two cards and a close-up pad circle
Inspired by 2019 253
Michael Powers CSB routine with purse
2019 259
Avi Yap 3 Coin Monte guessing game with silver, copper and brass coin, all change to silver, csb gaff set
2022 [57]