48 entries in Coin / Effect Themes / Transformation / Changes in the Spectator's Hand
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
To change a Florin into a Penny, back again, and then to pass the same invisibly into the pocket of the owner first transformation in hand of spectator, coin marked
1876 161
The Bewitched Nickel nickel changes to penny in spectator's hand
Variations 1909 260
The Transmutation of Metal copper coin stack under cone changes to dimes
1909 268
Half Dollar and Penny coin transformation, unusual gaff
1935 38
Eddie Joseph Unfair Exchange half dollar given to spectator, performer grabs same half dollar from air, quarter found in spectator's hand
Related to 1942 77
Tom Osborne Answer To Hey Magish! "Show Us A Trick" short changing in a routine, dime to penny but not revealing it
May 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 35)
Otis Manning Seven Cent Sorcery while trying to snatch a coin from spectator's hand, it transforms into an other coin
Mar. 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 57)
Larry Russell, The Lightning Change spectator is to close his hand around half dollar at count of three, performer exchanges it quickly and without noticing
Related toVariations June 1945 129
Roger Barkann, Wallace The Lightning Change ideas for referenced item
Inspired by July 1945 137
George Starke A Coin Surprise two Nickels balanced on each middle finger are given two spectator, they change into Pennies
July 1946 234
Wallace Lee The Ghost of a Coin
1947 89
Wallace Lee The Ghost of a Coin coin to glass disc in spectator's hand
1947 99
Milton Kort Half Dollar to Quarter
1952 73
Second Method stack of quarters covered with a bill tube transforms into pennies, quarters are reappear in purse
1952 255
Change - In the Spectator's Hands
Jan. 1963
The New Jinx (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Change in a Spectator's Hand half dollar to chinese coin
1966 356
John Scarne Scarne's Coin Change No. 664, coin changes first in performer's hand then in spectator's (perhaps), not enough details
1972 182
Scotty York I. Borrowed Nickel Thru Spectator Hand - (Almost) borrowed Nickel turns into five Pennies when tapped with pen, on spectator's hand
1977 1
Richard Kaufman, Scott Weiser Torn Between Two Worlds Torn, changed and then restored coin
1981 193
David Roth Digital Copper/Silver spectator holds copper/silver coin
VariationsAlso published here Sep. 1982 2
Steve Beam Impromptu Scotch and Soda copper coin changes into silver in spectator's hand, ungaffed
1982 32
Michael Weber Steel small black ball put in spectator's hand, it is then suddenly in performer's hand and spectator holds different steel ball instead
Also published here 1983 7
David Roth Digital Copper/Silver spectator holds copper/silver coin
Also published here 1985 73
Albert Goshman, Dai Vernon Copper/Silver credit information, half dollar held by spectator changes places with copper coin, then vanishes and reappears under salt shaker.
1985 47
Michael Weber Steel small black ball put in spectator's hand, it is then suddenly in performer's hand and spectator holds different steel ball instead
Inspired byAlso published here 1985 15
Larry Jennings The Chinese Connection in spectator's hand where they change into chinese as a climax
1986 75
Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders A Change for the Better copper and silver coins transpose twice, then given to spectator, they change into Chinese coins in his hands
Variations 1987 30
Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders Short-Changed for the Better copper and silver coins transpose once, then given to spectator, they change into Chinese coins in his hands, see also p. xii at back of book
Inspired by 1987 35
Gary Kurtz Four Fisted Copper/Silver - transformation combo, two coins change in performer's hands and two in spectator's
Also published here 1987 3
Gary Kurtz Four Fisted II four quarters turn into four copper coins
Also published here 1987 6
Gary Kurtz Midas Trio three different copper coins change to silver coins (quarter, half dollar, dollar)
1987 11
Gary Kurtz Body Heat using Connie Haden's "Two Copper/One Silver" gaff
Related to 1988 14
Gary Kurtz Four Fisted Copper/Silver - transformation combo, two coins change in performer's hands and two in spectator's
Related toAlso published here 1988 1
Gary Kurtz Four Fisted II four quarters turn into four copper coins
Also published here 1988 4
Gary Kurtz Body Heat using Scotch and Soda Gimmick
Related to 1990 32
Gary Kurtz Four-Fisted Copper/Silver - Transformation Combo
Related to 1990 35
Gary Kurtz Four Fisted #2 four quarters turn into four copper coins
1990 17
Dan Strange Purse Palm change shell picked off of coin on back of spectator's hand into Purse Palm
1991 6
Steve Hook Silver Thief coin under playing card transposes with coin in hand twice, then the one from the hand travels to join the one under the card
Inspired by 1994 171
Larry Jennings The Airport Coin Trick
  • The Jennings Tapes
coin changes from copper to silver, then to Chinese into spectator's hand
June 1999
Genii (Vol. 62 No. 6)
Michael Esposito Golden Girl coin transforms into gold coin under bill that is removed from wallet
Inspired by 2001 137
Ali Bongo Alichemy five coins change in spectator's hand from copper to gold
Also published here 2002 12
Chris Korn Backhanded Transportation coin in spectator's hand transposes with coin on back of his hand, coin visually changes on back of spectator's hand, called "Backhanded Transposition" in write-up
Also published here Mar. 2002
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 7)
Ali Bongo Alichemy five coins change in spectator's hand from copper to gold
Also published here 2003 12
Donny Orbit Conversion three half dollars put in hand, one changes into copper and is placed in pocket, repeated with other two, last in spectator's hand, coins change back to silver in pocket
Jan. 2009
Genii (Vol. 72 No. 1)
Wayne Houchin Expectation penny changes in dime in hand of spectator, magnet strap
June 2009
Genii (Vol. 72 No. 6)
Chris Korn Backhanded Transportation coin in spectator's hand transposes with coin on back of his hand, coin visually changes on back of spectator's hand, called "Backhanded Transposition" in write-up
Also published here 2022 67
Doug Brewer Lethal Extender Chinese coin transposes with three half dollars one by one, ends with visual change on spectator's hand, with mug and card
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Mar. 2008
2022 718