199 entries in Coin / Effect Themes / Transposition / Copper & Silver / Solo
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Laurie Ireland Quarter and Half Dollar Transposition and half changed to quarter
Related to 1931 20
Joe Berg Joe Berg's Coin Change
1943 146
Henri Decremps The Transposition of Silver and Copper Coins copper /silver transposition, translations from Decremps "Codicille de Jerome Sharp"
Feb. 1945 100
George Starke Penny and Half Dollar Transposition
Feb. 1945 101
Ross Bertram Gold and Silver dime and penny transpose in performer's hands
Also published here June 1945 123
J. B. Bobo, James G. Thompson Jr. Silver and Copper
  • Number One
  • Number Two
  • Number Three
  • Number Four (J. G. Thompson, Jr.)
1947 108
James G. Thompson Jr. Specious Specie lengthy coin transposition routine, then multiple coin production and vanish, with handkerchief
Aug. 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 157)
Floyd Jones Penny Dime Transposition
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1950)
Ross Bertram Double-Cross
Stars of Magic (Vol. 9 No. 1)
John A. M. Howie To and Fro
Dec. 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 244)
Arthur Punnar Coin Transposition coin from one hand changes places with coin in other hand
Feb. 1951 759
Milton Kort Copper and Silver Transposition
Related to 1952 129
Stewart Judah Second Method
1952 130
Arthur Punnar Third Method
1952 131
Ross Bertram Fourth Method three phases, two coins transpose, travel and vanish
1952 132
, James G. Thompson Jr. Copper and Silver Transposition all with copper/silver coin
  • Number One
  • Number Two
  • Number Three
  • Number Four (J. G. Thompson, Jr.)
Also published here 1952 243
Stanley Collins The Esscee Half-Crown and Wafers Trick with stickers
1952 338
J. B. Bobo Routine No. 4 with copper/silver
1952 342
J. B. Bobo Routine No. 5 with handkerchief
1952 343
J. B. Bobo Routine No. 6
1952 343
Roy Benson CU + AG
The New Phoenix (Issue 327)
Dr. Theodore Sack Silver-Copper in spectator's hand, with extra coin, two same coins in his hand, has to remove one
1956 46
Allessandro Penny and Nickel Transposition hand to hand
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1957)
Jack Avis The Two and Eight Coins transposition of a half dollar in closed hand and penny on back of the fist
May 1962
The New Phoenix (Issue 369)
Edward Marlo Copper & Silver copper silver transposition routine, six phases, using two copper/silver coins
Related toVariations Nov. 1962
The New Jinx (Vol. 1 No. 7)
Albert Goshman Impossible Marked Coins Transposition two marked coins change places twice
1966 362
Herb Zarrow Penny and Nickel Transposition
Inspired by 1966 373
Albert Goshman The Sun and Moon
Variations 1966 440
Juan Tamariz In-Te-Rre-La-Ción copper and silver coins transpose in performer's hands
1969 53
Sam Leo Horowitz The Okito Box Routine copper-silver transposition, also using deck of cards, six phases
Autumn 1971
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 6 No. 5th Folio)
Jules DeBarros The Hypocritical Coins copper silver transposition, multiple phases
1971 24
Jules DeBarros The Coins of Ishtar Meet the Chinatown Quarter transposition routine
1971 28
Jules DeBarros Impromptu Grasshopper copper coin travels to silver coin in other hand
1971 47
Ernest Johnston Interlocking Silver to Copper coin is produced and then transformed, interlocked position
Feb. 1971
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 49)
Sheldon Atterbury Ultimate Silver and Copper shell
1972 246
Sol Stone Visual Copper & Silver
1972 251
Jules Lenier Three And Three three copper, three silver coins are used
1972 262
Kentfield Ross Two-Coin Transposition
Magick (Issue 62)
Sam Schwartz Alchemy with Coins two copper and two sliver coins, transpositions and transformation, surprise appearance of handful of pennies, see also p. 758 for comment by Marvin Johnson
Also published here
  • "Alchemy with Coins" (Sam Schwartz, Linking Ring)
Mar. 1974 720
Rick Johnsson The Hidden Persuader
Sep. 1974
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 9 No. 11)
Horace E. Bennett Follow the Leader Coins
1975 15
Scotty York A Classic Copper and Silver
Related to 1975 42
"Joro" Bruno Hennig Kupfer und Silber spectator gets copper and silver coin and holds them behind back, one is removed and transposes with coin still behind back
1975 11
Trevor Lewis A Mixed Bag various card and coin idaes
  • partial stack and zarrow shuffle
  • double Riffle Control
  • Middle Deal (false)
  • Palm Conscious (gag)
  • Transpo Plus (coin transposition)
  • Ladies In Waiting (four queens reverse in the deck)
Jan. 1976
Pabular (Vol. 2 No. 5)
Alex Macfadyean Switchback
Mar. 1976
Pabular (Vol. 2 No. 7)
Harvey Rosenthal Jacket Sleeve Miracle coin rolled into jacket sleeve near shoulder and vanishes, ditch in breast pocket, also as transformation or transpo
  • The Vanish
  • Miracle Coin Change
  • Copper Silver Transpo
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. Close-Up Folio #1)
Harvey Rosenthal The 1956 Routine
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. Close-Up Folio #3)
Dan Tong Jumbo Coin Routine penny & silver dollar transpose, penny grows to dollar size, then to giant size and back, lapping
1977 54
Bob King Marked Transpo
Nov. 1978
Apocalypse (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Ross Bertram Copper and Silver Transposition only two coins, first transposition, then travel, then vanish
1978 10
Ross Bertram Gold and Silver dime and penny transpose in performer's hands
Also published here 1978 12
Ross Bertram Double-Cross coins change place, then one travels to the other
1978 23
John F. Mendoza The Coin Routine (No. 1) copper and silver coin transpose, both change to copper, then silver, then into four dollars, coins across with those, two more dollars appear and a copper coin, coins through table, drill production from purse
1978 54
Copper/Silver Transposition
1978 174
Bill Voss Relentless four silver and four copper coins transpose one by one, using c/s coin
Variations Aug. 1979
Apocalypse (Vol. 2 No. 8)
Ken Krenzel Perfection Transposition double HPC
Aug. 1979
Apocalypse (Vol. 2 No. 8)
Bernard Bilis Touchless Copper Silver Transposition using cards as "chopsticks"
1980 59
Geoffrey Latta Copper-Silver Transpo shell
Feb. 1980
Apocalypse (Vol. 3 No. 2)
Bonnie Hammond Apocalypse Variations Or Additions
Inspired by May 1980
Apocalypse (Vol. 3 No. 5)
Al Schneider, John Kaiser Australian Gambit two transpositions, then travelling
1980 79
Jeff White Wave copper silver transpo, hand waves over coin on table for transformation
1980 11
Jeff White Cellophane Swindle copper silver transpo, one coin in cellophane coin holder under mat or in pocket
1980 22
Nick Pudar The Incredible "Bulk" with two coins that have tape around them, kicker: stuck together
Sep. 1981
Apocalypse (Vol. 4 No. 9)
David Roth, Fred Kaps Standup Copper/Silver Multi-phase copper silver routine, including second ending by Fred Kaps
Variations 1981 46
David Roth Edge Grip Copper/Silver
Related to 1981 50
Sol Stone Double Twist Transposition
1981 115
Bruce Berkowitz Odd Coin Transit
1981 211
Dai Vernon Chinaman's Chance two coin transposition, gaffed
1981 264
Danny Korem Copper and Silver: Cupped and Cozy three phases
1981 82
Horace E. Bennett Not-So-Relentless four silver and four copper coins transpose one by one from hand to hand
Inspired byAlso published here 1981 1
Horace E. Bennett A Copper and Silver Quickie
1981 44
Lou Gallo Copper/Silver Transposition with Gallo Pitch
Dec. 1982 26
Jeff White Wave visual with one coin on the table
1982 33
Eoin Taylor Quicksilver Copper
June 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 14)
Shiv Duggal Ying + copper-silver transposition with Han Ping Chien variation and big coin climax
Inspired by July 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 15)
Curtis Kam Coercive Purse purse frame routine, copper and silver coins transpose with one in purse, jumbo coin from purse finale
Also published here 1982 1
Curtis Kam Relentless, But Honest three Chinese coins transpose with half dollars one by one
Inspired byRelated to 1982 18
Peter Kane The "Sleeper" Routine copper coin in one hand, three silver coins in the other, silver coins join copper one by one, last silver transposes with copper
1982 37
Peter Kane The Three Silver and Three Copper Transposition one by one, shell
Inspired by
  • Paul Rylander, The Sphinx, Vol. 49 No. 11, 1950
1982 66
Michael Rubinstein Sucker Copper/Silver Routine vanish climax
1982 55
Michael Rubinstein Miracle Metamorphosis Routine copper and silver coins transpose, repeat, the third time only the metal transposes and design remain
1982 92
Jay Sankey, Shiv Duggal H.P.C.-C.P.H. HPC-CPH, Han Ping Chien in which unloaded hand is reloaded instantly, see credit correction on page lxix
Related toAlso published here Jan./Feb. 1983
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 1 No. 5 & 6)
Ben Harris Dazzle Change two coin transposition
Variations 1983 53
Roger Klause Soleil et Lune gaffed
Winter 1983/1984
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 2 No. Winter Extra)
Jeff Moche A C/S Subtlety for transposition effect
Aug. 1984
Apocalypse (Vol. 7 No. 8)
Roger Crosthwaite The Umbrella Thing a small umbrella appears, then two coins are produced and they change places in the hands of the performer, coins turn into a small cheese and eventually a large cheese is produced
1984 27
Stephen Tucker The Trick That Needs No Patter: The Coins Do All The Talking! copper to silver, with sucker climax
1984 173
Bruce Barnett De-Material-Ization silver coin under handkerchief transposes with chinese coin in pocket, Chinatown Half
1984 96
Basil Horwitz Stash Cash with spectator holding a coin, hypnotism presentation
Feb. 1984
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 34)
Fred Kaps The Fred Kaps Chinese Coin Routine "Giant Chinese Coin Climax"
Chinese and half dollar transpose, Chinese coin grows, smaller one found under purse, the different-sized Chinese coins transpose with handkerchief, one grows again and smaller one again under purse, giant Chinese coin produced
Related toVariations 1984 5
Edward Marlo, Jon Racherbaumer Most For Your Money two copper/silver coins, three phases, see also "Credits and References" at end of book
Inspired byAlso published here
  • MUM, Dec. 1977
1984 24
David Roth Coniunctio - Traiectio - Disiunctio "Amalgamation - Transposition - Separation", two half dollard and one copper coin transpose, half dollars change to full dollar while doing so
1985 56
Sol Stone Two-Timing Transpo
Variations Sep. 1985
Apocalypse (Vol. 8 No. 9)
Fred C. Baumann Cultural Exchange copper silver transpo, change to four Chinese coins
1985 126
David Roth Tabled Copper/Silver
1985 75
David Roth Copper/Silver Deep Backclip Routine (with a Gaffed Coin)
Variations 1985 105
David Roth Copper/Silver Deep Backclip Routine (With an Extra Coin)
1985 109
David Roth Commercial Copper/Silver With Deep Backclip
1985 110
Joaquín Navajas Transposición Cobre-Plata two coin transposition, using La Caverna move
Also published here 1985 24
David Britland Orient Express "The Chinese get the better of the Exchange Rate"
copper and silver coins transpose repeatedly, then change into Chinese coins, inspired by Fred Kaps
1985 17
Harvey Rosenthal Two and Two two copper and two silver coins transpose
1985 40
Larry Jennings Orient Express Chinatown Transposition handling, shell, possible with spectator's hand
1986 113
Jay Sankey HPC-CPH No. 1 Han Ping Chien in which unloaded hand is reloaded instantly
Related toAlso published here 1986 28
Jay Sankey Claustrophobic Coins three transpositions, last one with a coin in card case, c/s coin
1986 33
John Cornelius Got A Quarter? presentation idea for c/s transposition
Oct. 1986
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Ben Harris Dazzle Change #2 ungaffed
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 1986 14
Ben Harris Dazzle-Change #2 ungaffed
Also published here 1986 6
Sol Stone Penetrating Transposition copper silver transposition through the table
Apr. 1987
Apocalypse (Vol. 10 No. 4)
Sol Stone Hot Potato Transpo
Oct. 1987
Apocalypse (Vol. 10 No. 10)
Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders A Change for the Better copper and silver coins transpose twice, then given to spectator, they change into Chinese coins in his hands
Variations 1987 30
Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders Short-Changed for the Better copper and silver coins transpose once, then given to spectator, they change into Chinese coins in his hands, see also p. xii at back of book
Inspired by 1987 35
David Neighbors Part II - Six Coin Transposition three copper and 3 silver coins transpose at once
Feb. 1988
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 2 No. 1)
A Simple Transposition
1988 4
Follow the Penny three coins, two of them transpose
1988 6
, James G. Thompson Jr. Copper and Silver Transposition
  • Number One
  • Number Two
  • Number Three
  • Number Four (J. G. Thompson, Jr.)
Also published here 1988 7
Jules Lenier Coin Fantasy four phases
1988 21
Horace E. Bennett Not-so-Relentless four silver and four copper coins transpose one by one from hand to hand
Inspired byAlso published here 1988 27
Doug Edwards About as Direct
Variations Nov. 1989
Apocalypse (Vol. 12 No. 11)
Doug Edwards About as Direct No. 2
Nov. 1989
Apocalypse (Vol. 12 No. 11)
Bruce Berkowitz The Upsy-Daisy Change through the fist
Dec. 1989
Apocalypse (Vol. 12 No. 12)
Gary Kurtz Full Frontal Assault three coins appear, vanish and reappear multiple times, coins across, finale with transformations and vanish into glitter
  • Part 1 - Coming Into Money
    • Handling Variation
  • Part 2 - Three Others
  • Part 3 - Coins Across
  • Part 4 - Too Many Coins
  • Part 5 - Reproduction
  • Part 6 - Repeat Vanish Sequence
  • Part 7 - Reproduction
  • Part 8
  • Part 9
  • Part 10 - The Flash/Glitter Finale
1989 3
Aldo Colombini Kayak multi-phase routine with half dollar, Chinese coin, string, cards
  • Air Mail: two coins and two cards
  • Express Transposition: two coins and one card
  • Hands Only: without cards
  • Chinese Coin: a coin and a length of rope
  • Karate Chop: two coins from one
  • The Magnified Coin: climax for the routine (with magnifying glass)
Also published here Jan. 1990
Opus (Vol. 3 No. 1)
Chuck Brown In your Cups, Effect #3 using clear plastic cup
May 1991
Apocalypse (Vol. 14 No. 5)
Scott Robinson Coins, By Golly transposition of two silver and a brass coin, then all become brass
1991 676
Dan Strange All Fair Copper & Silver half dollar inside spectator's fist transposes with copper coin on back of his hand
Inspired by 1991 5
Masao Atsukawa Propelled Chinese/Silver
Inspired by 1992 19
Hiroyuki Sakai My Little Kaps c/s transposition with Chinese transformation kicker
1992 84
Harvey Rosenthal New Style Copper/Silver Miracle
  • Second Version
Dec. 1992
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 4)
Sol Stone A Very Pretty Thing
Jan. 1993
Apocalypse (Vol. 16 No. 1)
Doug Edwards More Direct than ever no extra coin
Inspired by Apr. 1993
Apocalypse (Vol. 16 No. 4)
Bob Farmer Transpose My Spaces With The Trick Coin Of Life Chinese coin with square hole and half dollar with round hole transpose, then holes transpose from Chinese coin to half dollar
Inspired byRelated to Nov. 1993
Magic (Vol. 3 No. 3)
Eric Meredith Copper/Silver Variations in Four Parts - Part One: Visible Transposition instantaneous, tabled, uses Flick, extra coin
1994 31
Paul Gertner Part Two: Simplified Visible Transposition instantaneous, tabled, uses Flick, no extra coin
1994 33
Paul Gertner Part Three: Visible Transposition and Vanish as before, at the end both coins vanish, tabled
1994 34
Paul Gertner Part Four: Visible Transposition and a Trip to Chinatown as before, at the end both coins transform, tabled
1994 35
Aldo Colombini Ping Pong Routine Chinese coin transposes with a half dollar, with Okito Box and handkerchief, coin on stick
1994 130
Danny Archer Copper Silver Shuffle copper coin and silver coin transform and transpose with each other, examinable at end
Also published here 1994 5
Karl Norman Coins and Silk and Ring and Wand! series of transpositions, coins change places, penetrate a silk, finale: variaton of Ring on the Wand
1995 39
Michael Powers Dull/Bright Gaff idea to do the effect with two copper coins
Dec. 1995
Apocalypse (Vol. 18 No. 12)
Ray Kosby Jumbo Coin Thru Hand jumbo coin and half dollar switch places
Feb. 1995
The Lemniscate (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Curtis Kam Coercive Purse purse frame routine, copper and silver coins transpose with one in purse, jumbo coin from purse finale
Also published here 1996 29
John West Copper/Silver Triple Play
Dec. 1997
Apocalypse (Vol. 20 No. 12)
Ken Krenzel Pocket Passport first in performers hands, then in spectator's hand and pocket
Variations 1997 75
Ken Krenzel Visible Transposition two copper-silver-coins
1997 96
Evert Chapman TNT Coins two copper and two silver coins transposition / spellbound routine
Inspired by 1997 62
Richard Bartram, Jr. Transposition Treatment
1997 65
Joshua Jay Grandma's Coin Trick Two coin transposition with surprise ending of poker chip production (uses purse)
Inspired byAlso published here 1998 39
Danny Archer Copper Silver Shuffle see reference for credit information by Wesley James
VariationsAlso published here Oct. 1998
Onyx (Issue 5)
Milton Kort Kort's Copper and Silver Transposition (The Director's Cut) No gimmicks
Related to 1999 123
Milton Kort Korting Rylander's Silver and Copper Three silver coins transpose with three copper coins (first published in New Pentagram, vol. 4, no. 4, 1972)
Inspired by
  • (Paul Rylander, The Sphinx, vol. 49, no. 11, 1950)
1999 137
Joshua Jay Grandma's Coin Trick Two coin transposition with surprise ending of poker chip production (uses purse)
Inspired byAlso published here 1999 30
Doug Conn Copper, Silver, Brash copper and silver coins transpose three times, hands, then with table or spectator, then with coin purse
Also published here 1999 43
Jerry MacGregor Coincident five phases of copper and silver transposition between hands and pocket, also spectator's hand, using two double-sided coins
1999 211
Joseph F. Noll Walk-Around Copper/Silver
Mar./Apr. 1999
The Magic Menu (Vol. 9 No. 52)
Don Alan Darker Side of Malini coin transposition using a hat, then large steel nut appears under hat
Related to 2000 93
Barry Price The Sun, Moon - And Beyond copper/silver transposition, with Kaps-handling in spectator's hand
Inspired by 2000 56
Tony Cachadiña Plata-Cobre en la Bolsillo
2003 213
Richard Sanders, David Acer Pocket Exchange Coin in hand visually transposes with coin in pocket
2004 241
Jay Sankey Holistic Medecine one coin with hole and one without, hole jumps around, in the end both coins have no hole and another coin has two holes, with purse
2004 51
Derek Dingle Expert's Copper Silver copper in one hand, silver in the other, they transpose, then both become silver, then both copper, then both grow to dollar-sized silver and copper coins
Inspired by
  • Fred Kaps's unpublished routine
Related to
May 2004
Genii (Vol. 67 No. 5)
Al Bertini Drei Münzen copper silver transposition, then third coin travels into spectators hand, watch is stolen during routine
2004 8
Vanni Bossi Chinese Quarter Routine...and More transposition routine, using double facer (china/silver)
2005 9
Bob White Copper and Silver Transposition
  • White's Comments
Variations 2005 57
Eric DeCamps Copper and Silver Transposition Handling
Inspired by 2005 58
Camille Gastine Triangulation two silver and one copper coin in triangle configuration on table change and transpose
Dec. 2005
Genii (Vol. 68 No. 12)
Michael Powers Twice Told Tails one quarter in each hand, they change place as gag, then one shown double-headed and one double-tailed
2006 190
Giacomo Bertini Copper/Silver Light just two regular coins
Apr. 2008
Genii (Vol. 71 No. 4)
Bill Citino Copper/Silver Transpo(tation) copper and silver coins transpose, then both travel into one hand
Mar. 2008
Antinomy (Vol. 4 No. 1)
Shiv Duggal Exchange of Wealth only the two coins are used
  • The First Transposition
  • The Second Transposition
  • Third Time's a Charm
July 2009
Genii (Vol. 72 No. 7)
Tyler Wilson Nine & Three spectator thinks of copper or silver coin, performer knows it, repeated, last phase is Dai Vernon's "The Challenge" with coins
Inspired by 2010 132
Luis Piedrahita Cobre / Plata Para Aberroncho y Lanzagranzas three times copper and silver coins change places, first in performer's hands then with a glass and finally in the hands of the spectator
2011 44
Karl Fulves Dr. Hook coin openly dropped into sleeve transposes with coin rubbed at outside of sleeve, method guess
Prolix (Issue 10)
Doug Edwards Sopper and Cilver
2013 97
Patrick Schlagel 1/4 Transpo quarters are initialed by performer and spectator, they transpose
June 2015
Genii (Vol. 78 No. 6)
Cliff Green The Disconcerting Coins copper and silver coin are slapped onto table with each hand, they transpose, then one of the coins penetrates the table
Also published here
  • The Sphinx, Vol. 50 No. 5, Sep. 1951
Mar. 2016
Genii (Vol. 79 No. 3)
Geoffrey Latta Edge-Grip Copper-Silver Transposition
2017 37
Geoffrey Latta Crossing the Line extra coin, edge grip
  • The First Transposition
  • The Second Transposition
2017 157
Geoffrey Latta Undercover Crossing
2017 161
Geoffrey Latta Eclipse with purse
  • The First Transposition
  • The Sun Vanishes
  • The Sun Returns
  • The Sun and the Moon Set and Rise Again
Inspired by 2017 166
Geoffrey Latta Flurrious Copper-Silver flurry followed by transposition, extra coin
2017 180
Geoffrey Latta Transpo Chango two transpositions, then both coins become copper, then silver, then normal, then another transposition
Inspired byRelated to 2017 183
Ignacio López La Reina Inquieta four silver coins travel to copper coin in other hand, at the end copper coin change places with silver coin
2018 77
Scott Robinson Loose Change penny in closed fist visually changes places with nickel
2018 46
Alexander de Cova Fred Kaps Chinese Coin Routine Chinese and half dollar transpose, Chinese coin grows, smaller one found under purse, the different-sized Chinese coins transpose with handkerchief, one grows again and smaller one again under purse, giant Chinese coin produced
  • Abschlussladung - Patrick-Page-Variante
Inspired by 2018 139
Alberto de Figueiredo Plata/cobre en manos del espectador copper silver transpo
2018 171
Joaquín Navajas Transposición cobre-plata two coin transposition, using La caverna move
Also published here 2019 25
Joaquín Navajas Trasposición a la Slydini
2019 161
Jonathan Friedman In Through the Out Door one coin below and one above the table, the transpose (or penetrate both ways)
Nov. 2019
Genii (Vol. 82 No. 11)
Nathan Kranzo Turnaround Transpo copper coin between lips, silver coin in hand, performer turns around and back, they have transposed
Dec. 2019
Genii (Vol. 82 No. 12)
Michael Rubinstein Stand Up Sucker Copper-Silver Routine both coins vanish as finale
Inspired by
  • version in Magic Castle Lecture Notes, 1985
2020 95
Michael Rubinstein Stealth Copper-Silver Transposition
Also published here
  • Coin Magic lecture notes, 2010
2020 108
Jean Emmanuel Francis Aegean Coins three Chinese coins transpose with three silver coins
2020 390
Motoki Kaido One Hand Change One handed change of a coin, includes simple transposition effect
Related to 2021 154
Hide Kimoto Purse Transposition transpositions between Chinese coin and half dollar, involving a purse
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Feb. 2006
2022 474
Tyler Wilson Token copper and silver coin are on table, one is openly moved to where the other is and suddenly that one is found on the other side, shell moved across
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Jan. 2008
2022 693
Doug Brewer Lethal Extender Chinese coin transposes with three half dollars one by one, ends with visual change on spectator's hand, with mug and card
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Mar. 2008
2022 718
David Nichols Hangman's Transpo copper and silver coin shown, silver hung invisibly in the air, copper changes to silver, copper reproduced from air
Inspired byAlso published here
  • MAGIC, Mar. 2009
2022 841
Elisav "Biz" Bizau Purist Coin Transpo coin tapped onto different coin on fingers of other hand, they visually transpose, ungaffed
Feb. 2023
Genii (Vol. 86 No. 2)
Michael Rubinstein Purse Transpo Surprise copper and silver coin removed from purse, they transpose, then vanish and are found back in purse, then they grow to dollar size
July 2023
The Hermit (Vol. 2 No. 7)