31 entries in Coin / Sleights / Lapping / Switches
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
John Mulholland II. Torn and Restored Napkin T&R napkin, balled-up torn napkin is lapped and full one is already in other hand, see p. 43 for standing alternative
1944 41
John Mulholland III. Transformation lapping used for transformation, “an olive can be transformed into a lump of sugar, a piece of paper can be changed into a potato chip, a blank domino can be turned into a double six”
1944 43
John Cornelius Metamorphosis tabled coin changes by waving over it with the hands, see also p. 728 for comment by Bob Bruning
Variations July 1973 642
Scotty York The Ring and the Penny Test gag, penny is dropped through ring, coin grows when spectator wants to try
1975 16
John Cornelius Metamorphosis visual coin transformation on the table
1976 5
Harvey Rosenthal Breaking Silver
1976 15
Harvey Rosenthal Sucker Spellbound copper, silver to chinese coin
1976 16
Rick Johnsson Just for Kicks Chinese coin changes into two quarters then into big nickle which eventually disappears, using the Kick Change
1976 17
Rick Johnsson, Ellison Poland Penny --- For His Thoughts more ideas with the IBGTH Switch, with bills, paper clips, billets, dice, coins, sponge balls, combs, business cards
1976 52
Ron Hicks One Han Propelled Change tabled change
1978 23
Ron Hicks One Handed Instantaneous Slide Change
1978 30
Ron Hicks Two Handed Propelled Change
1978 34
Tom Craven Propel-A-Coin coin is flipped and caught on back of hand, changes to different coin, lapping
June 1980
Apocalypse (Vol. 3 No. 6)
Jeff White Wave copper silver transpo, hand waves over coin on table for transformation
1980 11
Richard O'Farrell Coin Switch switching copper-silver coin with normal coin
1980 23
Inertia Lap
1981 19
David Roth Sweeplap Box Switch
1985 209
Danny Korem, Tony Slydini Revolving Imp table edge switch, combination of Slydini's Imp Pass & Revolve Vanish
1985 27
Joaquín Navajas Cambio de color "Pases Mágicos" visual transformation with coin on table
1985 33
Howard Wurst Simplex Switch optional lapping at the end, sound covered by throwing switched coins on table
1985 91
Michael Rubinstein The Cartwheel Change
Also published here Nov. 1987
Apocalypse (Vol. 10 No. 11)
Patrick Page Transpo copper / silver transpo with purse frame
1988 25
Gary Ouellet The Infidel Change coin changes while dropped into other hand, lapping
Inspired byVariations 1990 111
Paul Gertner K.I.X. coin kicked into lap under cover of both hands
  • The Vanish
  • The Change
Inspired by 1994 38
Dominique Duvivier Four-Coin Slap Change Four silver coins slapped between hands, change into four copper coins
Related to 1996 59
David Acer The Wave Change coin on finger-tips of palm-up hand, other hand waves over it for change, lapping
Variations 1999 117
Lewis Jones The Scorpion chosen card to card case, lap switch
2004 139
Marc Gettmann Power Coin coin changes while dropped into other hand
Inspired by 2006 14
Miguel Ángel Gea Cambio múltiple four copper coins, change into four silver coins, with acoustic cover, seated
2009 25
Joaquín Navajas Cambio de color "Pases mágicos" visual transformation with coin on table
2019 39
Michael Rubinstein The Cartwheel Change
  • Sit-Down Version
  • Stand-Up Version
Related toAlso published here 2020 49