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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
John Mulholland The Mulholland "Grab"
1933 18
John Mulholland Balance tip
Related to 1933 37
John Mulholland, John Henry Anderson The J.H. Anderson Slip as a Reverse with improvement by Mulholland
1933 63
Theodore Annemann July 1935 on Jack Vosburgh, Arthur Felsman, Harry Blackstone, John Mulholland, Dave Alliston, Pablo, U. F. Grant, Frank Lane
July 1935
The Jinx (Issue 10)
Jean Hugard Your Card, Sir? cards torn up in four pieces are put in hat, corners of selection found in mess
Related to 1936 160
Dr. Gordon C. Peck (reviewer) Modern Magic Programs No. 1 by John Mulholland Mar. 1937
The Jinx (Issue 30)
John Mulholland A Spirit Writes name of selection appears on another signed card
1938 291
John Mulholland The Telephone Book Test
1938 885
John Mulholland Magically Stringing Beads in mouth, credit information
The Jinx (Issue 108)
John Mulholland On the Coin in Bottle
The Jinx (Issue 108)
John Mulholland Editrivia
Also published here 1940
The Jinx (Issue 108)
(reviewer) Philadelphia's Greater Magic Show show review, Elmer Eckam, "Balloons" Bonnert, John Mulholland,Roberta & Marlon, Al Flosso Miaco, Al Baker 1941
The Jinx (Issue 132)
John Mulholland (reviewer) Show at Brown's Camp by Bertram Adams 1941
The Jinx (Issue 147)
John Mulholland Introductions
1941 7
John Mulholland Introduction
1942 iv
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Joseph Dunninger, Richard Himber, Dell O'Dell, John Scarne, John Mulholland
Mar. 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 56)
John Mulholland What Manner of Man “The general ideas which a magician must bear in mind about the performance of magic, and a description of what magic is and why it works”
1944 1
John Mulholland The Freely Selected Card concept of one-way backs, three methods of locating a freely selected card using one-way backs
  • I. Standard location
  • II. Card at number
  • III. Spectator locates card
1944 12
John Mulholland I. Standard Location one-way backs
1944 12
John Mulholland II. Card at Number magician notes card’s position in deck (one-way backs), miscalls several cards’ values that add up to the card’s position and spectator counts down
1944 14
John Mulholland III. Spectator Locates Card three piles, selection appears on bottom of chosen pile, one-way backs, equivoque
1944 18
John Mulholland Arranging Deck Openly applications
  • Setting a one-way deck to all face the same way
  • General setup of the deck for a trick, see p. 22
1944 21
John Mulholland Red/Black Location standard location of two cards using red/black setup
Related to 1944 22
John Mulholland Rings and Strings two strings tied and knotted around a borrowed pencil and finger rings, spectator holds strings and rings are freed
Related to 1944 24
John Mulholland Magic Spelling three spelling-themed tricks:
  • I. Selection is spelled to
  • II. Values of entire suit spelled to in order
  • III. All court cards spelled to
1944 29
John Mulholland Magic Spelling - I deck is shuffled, magician sets selection in position to be spelled to
1944 29
John Mulholland I. Coin Vanish and Reappearance coin vanishes and reappears under a saltshaker, ashtray, in a sugar bowl or someone’s pocket, uses extra coin, see p. 43 for standing alternative
1944 40
John Mulholland II. Torn and Restored Napkin T&R napkin, balled-up torn napkin is lapped and full one is already in other hand, see p. 43 for standing alternative
1944 41
John Mulholland III. Transformation lapping used for transformation, “an olive can be transformed into a lump of sugar, a piece of paper can be changed into a potato chip, a blank domino can be turned into a double six”
1944 43
John Mulholland Lapping Alternative When Standing
  • for coin vanish: scoop-ditching a coin off a plate so it falls behind it
  • for T&R napkin: scoop-ditching torn napkin behind book on table
1944 43
The Hungry Jackass overview of stack
Related to 1944 45
John Mulholland To Know By Sound Which Card Is Missing From the Deck spectator doesn’t see card, magician riffles deck to his ear and divines card, same method as p. 48
1944 49
John Mulholland To Know How Many Cards Are Taken From the Deck cards taken in a group, cut deck at location of removal and sight top and bottom cards, magician says number of cards drawn and names each one
1944 50
John Mulholland The Fortune Telling Cards deck is cut into three piles and top cards are set aside face down, packets are turned face up and magician gives a “reading” based on the bottom cards, then divines the three cards
1944 51
John Mulholland A Current Prophecy spectator counts down to named number, card arrived at matches prediction, stack, crib card
1944 53
John Mulholland Dealing the Winning Hand spectator chooses either Bridge or Poker and magician can deal himself a winning hand (Bridge), or himself and spectator a winning hand (Poker)
1944 56
John Mulholland Shuffling the Deck and A Trick in Connection Therewith to give impression that stacked deck was shuffled, have duplicate deck shuffled and card selected, switch in stacked deck and have card replaced, find card and continue with stacked deck
1944 58
John Mulholland The Prophetic Pennies spectator shuffles deck, freely chooses penny from a pile, date matches top four cards
1944 62
John Mulholland Wrong Way for the Answer spectator memorizes serial number of one of five bills, all five are placed in magician’s pocket and he is able to remove the four bills the spectator is not thinking of
1944 66
John Mulholland String for A Parcel magician displays two strings that are knotted together forming a loop, he cuts off one knot, other knot vanishes leaving full string, string stretches
1944 72
John Mulholland By the Sense of Touch three selections are shuffled into deck, deck placed in magician’s pocket, he instantly pulls out each one
1944 78
John Mulholland A Matter of Luck discs, each showing a different word on them, are mixed and spectator chooses one, they are mixed up in hat, magician can blindly pick out correct one
1944 82
John Mulholland Beelzebub's Letter a letter that was mailed to magician yesterday contains a marked coin that just vanished today
1944 87
John Mulholland Prepared Envelope and Letter slide/slot for coin to slide into and appear stuck to letter with adhesive strips
1944 92
John Mulholland The Flight of A Coin marked coin vanishes and reappears inside an envelope inside a sealed box
1944 96
John Mulholland Mind Signals “A system whereby the magician can communicate secretly to his assistant descriptions of playing cards, money, jewelry, and those miscellaneous articles a man has in his pockets and a woman carries in her handbag.”
  • Coding Playing Cards
  • Coding Denominations of Money
  • Coding Type of Jewelry
  • Coding Personal Property
    • Arm Signals
1944 105
John Mulholland Coding Playing Cards
1944 108
John Mulholland Coding Denominations of Money
1944 113
John Mulholland Coding Type of Jewelry
1944 115
John Mulholland Coding Personal Property miscellaneous items people carry
1944 116
John Mulholland Expedited Coding – Arm Signals quicker process, using position of arm in tandem with the regular system
1944 120
John Mulholland The Secrets Unraveled “Various additional items of information which a magician will find useful to know; such as how to make up a program and how to eliminate errors; as well as several additional feats of magic.”
1944 125
John Mulholland Paper Card Through String string is threaded through a hole in a business card, under cover of handkerchief card is removed from string with hole intact, duplicate card
Related to 1944 131
John Mulholland Combined Tricks begin with Hungry Jackass stack, deal into two piles to go into “Red/Black Location”, see references
Related to 1944 135
John Mulholland Magic Flame sugar lump ignites and burns with blue flame, spectator cannot replicate this even with sugar from same bowl, lump dipped in cigar/cigarette ash
1944 136
John Mulholland Jumping Flame two lit candles, after one is extinguished it is reignited from the other flame without touching it
1944 137
John Mulholland Telekinesis object inside glass of ginger ale rises and sinks upon magician’s command
1944 138
Paul Fleming (reviewer) The Art of Illusion by John Mulholland 1946 1
Frederick Braue Roundabout on John Mulholland, Roy Benson, Martin Gardner, Carl Jones, Orson Welles, Frakson, Cardini, George Karger, George Starke, Bert Allerton, the Mesmerized Glasses and more
Sep. 1946 252
John Mulholland Introduction
1947 i
John Mulholland Slide Pass with a Single Coin false transfer
1948 81
Frederick Braue Roundabout with Fred Braue on Clayton Rawson, Neal Elias, John & Ethel McArdle, Houdini, T. Page Wright, Carl Lohrey, Dr. Hooker, John Mulholland, Al Baker, match lighting ideas, and more
Feb. 1948 393
John Mulholland Introduction
1949 15
Arthur Leroy Conjuror's Carousel on Dorothy Wolf, John Mulholland, Kuda Bux, Maurice, Norman Jensen
Mar. 1949 8
Bruce Elliott, Martin Gardner The Back Room anecdotes left out of Martin Gardner's "Argosy" article, on John Mulholland, Paul Fleming, Rudy Miller, Milbourne Christopher, Blackstone, Paul Stadelman, Carl Ballantine, Roy Benson, Dr. Jaks, Norman Jensen
Also published here Nov. 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 216)
Nate Leipzig, Dai Vernon, John Mulholland, Francis Carlyle The Piano Card Trick No. 98
1950 187
Al Baker, John Mulholland Subway Sorcery apparently entering through subway turnstyles without paying
Oct. 1950 712
Frank Joglar Backstage on Jerry Lester, Ormond McGill, Phil Thomas, Ade Duval, Clayton Rawson, Jay Marshall, Richard Himber, John Mulholland, Dariel Fitzkee, Larry Arcuri, Cliff Green, Zina Bennett, Walter Hampden, Art Linkletter, Gali Gali, Arnold Furst, Milo, Von Arx, Grover George Jimmy Grippo and more
  • In Print
  • Keith Clark
  • Lloyd Jones
  • Mail Dept.
  • News and Notes
  • New York Conclave
  • Use What You Read
  • Seen Or Heard
  • Recommended
  • Jottings
Apr. 1951
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 8 No. 11)
John Mulholland The Slide Vanish coin slides from left palm on the the right hand
1952 28
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on John Mulholland, Bob Lund, Eddie Joseph, Jay Marshall, Gen Grant, puzzle by Max Katz
Sep. 1952
The Phoenix (Issue 264)
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on John Scarne, Ade Duval, John Mulholland, Keith Clark's Encyclopedia of Cigarette Tricks
Nov. 1952
The Phoenix (Issue 268)
T. Nelson Downs An Extra Load for the Miser's Dream getting a forty coin load, described by John Mulholland
1966 426
John Mulholland Quarter and Half Routine
1966 445
John Mulholland The Mulholland Box cross-breeding of Okito and Al-'N-Nate
  • To Cause Six Coins to Disappear Inside A Closed Box
  • To Return The Six Coins to the Box
  • Coin Penetrating Box and Hand
  • Another Coin Penetration
1966 491
Karl Fulves Babel Tommy Cooper, John Mulholland quote, Bill Simon tale, faro tricks
June 1966 40
John Mulholland Hooker Rising Cards account of performance
0. Introduction
1. Miltiades Awakes
2. The Queen's Greeting
3. The King Arrives in His Aeroplane
4. Arrival of the Queens
5. The Parade
6. A Romance and a Tragedy
7. The Troublesome Joker
8. An Interesting Experiment
9. Seeing Is Believing
10. Follow Your Leader
11. The Encircling Ring
12. The Mystery Deepens
13. Miltiades III
14. A Positive Test
15. The Dance
16. The Signed Card
17. How Many?
18. And Still the Mystery Grows
19. Acrobats
20. The Conquest of the Air
21. Midnight Frolic
see p. 874
Apr. 1967 91
We Dedicate The Encyclopedia of Rope Tricks Volumn II to John Mulholland
1968 7
Karl Fulves Babel Jack Boschan's "Phosphorus" magazine, Ganson's "Unique Rope Routine" vs. George Sands routine, John Mulholland newspaper obituary
Mar. 1970 324
Notiz aus einer amerikanischen Zeitung on John Mulholland's death
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 31 No. 3)
Jules Lenier The Lair on Harry Mendoza, John Mulholland, Peter Godfrey, Jack Boschan
Mar. 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 3)
John Mulholland John Mulholland Torn Deck No. 389, not enough details, perhaps related to reference
Related to 1972 106
Karl Fulves (reviewer) Beware Familiar Spirits by John Mulholland 1979
Interlocutor (Issue 35)
John Mulholland Der Brief des Herrn Beelzebub signed coin vanishes under handkerchief and appears inside sealed envelope
Also published here
  • "The John Mulholland Book of Magic", 1963.
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 42 No. 4)
John Ramsay Ramsay Reminiscences on Professor Morgan, Charlier, Old Malabar, Barnum, Magic Circle, Will Goldston, J. O'Neill Fisher, Charles Morrit, Horace Goldin, Chung Ling Soo, P. T. Selbit, Lewis Davenport, Dr. Byrd-Page, Walford Bodie, Allam Shaw, Nate Leipzig, Ernest Thorn, Max Sterling, Bob Gysel, Will Blyth, Dai Vernon, Max Holden, John Mulholland, Jack Salvin, G. W. Hunter, Edward G. Brown, Victor Farelli, The Flying Sorcerers, FISM 1950, Slydini, Francis Carlyle, FISM 1958, John Howe, Milbourne Christopher
1982 73
Rice Bowls various models, Hamley Magic Company, Klingl, John Mulholland, Brahman, Hoyam, Bartl, Roterberg, Mysto Magic, P&L, Hanson, Holden, Abbott, Nelson
1982 40
Peter Wilker Die Orgelpfeife - Eine Studie study on a production prop
  • Robert Harbin. Orgelpfeifen ohne Sorge
  • John Mulholland. Bodenlos
Related to 1984
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 45 No. 3)
John Henry Anderson, John Mulholland The J.H. Anderson Slip as a Reverse
Related to 1990 122
Alan Wakeling Psychic Blackjack cards are named by assistant, used in a blackjack game, John Mulholland code
Also published here Dec. 1992
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 4)
Alan Wakeling Psychic Blackjack cards are named by assistant, used in a blackjack game, John Mulholland code
VariationsAlso published here 1993 117
John Mulholland Twenty Card Trick
1994 1095
John Mulholland, Michael F. Zens New Zens' 15 Cards and Envelope Trick
1994 1097
John Mulholland A Psychological Trick a la John Mulholland prediction of chosen letter, number and shape
1994 1155
John Mulholland Another Psychological Trick a la Mulholland psychological forces, colors, shapes, ...
1994 1157
John Mulholland, Karl Fulves Highway Robbery letters correspond to letters for fun number reveal
Related to
  • Informant (Karl Fulves, 1995)
  • Demonstration of "Affinity of Letters and Figures" (Linking Ring, March 1933)
1995 10
Karl Fulves Informant further comments and credit information on the referenced items
Related to 1995 32
John Mulholland Mulholland Slide
Related to 1997 42
John Mulholland Triangulum jumbo cards arranged on stand in triangle, silks produced from them
Intermagic (Vol. 21 No. 3)
Karl Fulves Introduction on Jerry Blount, George Johnstone, Micky Hades, adhesive remover "Un-du", exposure comment by Verrall Wass in The Sphinx Oct. 1943, Fred Keating story by John Mulholland from The Sphinx
1998 209
Theo "Okito" Bamberg As We Say In This Country A Knock-Out
  • 100 Years Ago...
letter to John Mulholland
Feb. 1999
Magic (Vol. 8 No. 6)
Martin Gardner Various Anecdota Magicana
  • 48 Years Ago...
anecdotes left out of Martin Gardner's "Argosy" article, on John Mulholland, Paul Fleming, Rudy Miller, Milbourne Christopher, Blackstone, Paul Stadelman, Carl Ballantine, Roy Benson, Dr. Jaks, Norman Jensen
Also published here June 1999
Magic (Vol. 8 No. 10)
The Century - Those Who Impacted The Art In America
  • Al Koran (1914-1972)
  • S. H. Sharpe (1902-1992)
  • The Pendragons
  • Carl Owen (1889-1975)
  • Alan Wakeling
  • John Mulholland (1898-1970)
  • Mike Caveney
  • Paul Harris
  • Charles Reynolds
  • Russell Swann (1905-1980)
  • Dai Vernon (1894-1992)
Aug. 1999
Magic (Vol. 8 No. 12)
John Mulholland What Do You Learn From Magic?
  • 30 Years Ago...
letter to Joe Vitale, fifteen years old
Oct. 1999
Magic (Vol. 9 No. 2)
John Mulholland Needles, Numbers and Noodles
  • 60 Years Ago...
Also published here Apr. 2000
Magic (Vol. 9 No. 8)
Michael Edwards The Sphinx and the Spy: The Clandestine World of John Mulholland
Apr. 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 4)
John Mulholland From Section II: Tricks with Pills excerpt
Also published here
  • Some Operational Applications of The Art of Deception (John Mulholland for CIA, 1954)
Apr. 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 4)
Wilfrid Jonson 15 Years of Wit, Wisdom, and Woe
  • 56 Years Ago...
from "London Notes" column in The Sphinx, chosen by John Mulholland
Also published here
  • The Sphinx, Nov. 1945
July 2001
Magic (Vol. 10 No. 11)
Michael Close (reviewer) Mulholland's Book of Magic by John Mulholland Sep. 2001
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 1)
John Mulholland Ade Duval
  • The Sphinx Revisited
Also published here
  • The Sphinx, Dec. 1934
Dec. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 12)
John Mulholland His Nickname was Buzzard
  • 59 Years Ago
Also published here
  • The Sphinx, Aug. 1942
Jan. 2002
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 5)
Al Baker, U. F. Grant, John Mulholland Another Luncheon Conversation
Also published here
  • The Sphinx, Vol. 33 No. 9, Nov. 1934
2003 651
Al Baker, John Mulholland Magician's Nightmare "suggested routine for an eight-minute burlesque act"
Also published here
  • The Sphinx, Vol. 41 No. 4, June 1942
2003 665
John Mulholland The Sphinx
Also published here
  • The Sphinx, Vol. 35 No. 12, Feb. 1937
2003 862
John Mulholland, Bill Frazee The Sphinx
Also published here
  • The Sphinx, Vol. 43 No. 2, April 1944
2003 865
John Mulholland Some Operational Applications of the Art of Deception Written for the Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A.) in 1954
  • Introduction by Richard Kaufman
Aug. 2003
Genii (Vol. 66 No. 8)
Stuart P. Cramer In Person drawing and comments by Cramer on the following magicians:
  • Dai Vernon
  • Eugene Laurant
  • Herbert Leon Cope
  • Karl Germain
  • Carl Rosini
  • Harlowe R. Hoyt
  • Robert Harbin
  • Cardini
  • Winston Freer
  • George Bailey
  • John Mulholland
  • E. J. Moore
  • Paul Fleming
  • Jean de Jean
  • Eddie Tullock
  • Bert Allerton
  • Kuda Bux
  • Okito
  • Igor Kio
  • Joseph Dunninger
  • Russell Swann
  • J. B. Bobo
  • Stanley Jaks
  • George Jason
  • Doc Nixon
  • Bert Easley
  • Hardeen
  • Albert H. Jacques
  • John Nicholls Booth
  • John Grdina
  • Harry Blackstone
  • Dante
  • Albert Goshman
  • Jay Marshall
  • Ralph Emerson Powell
  • Al Saal
  • Walter Gibson
  • Russ Walsh
  • Harlan "Doc" Tarbell
  • Stuart P. Cramer
June 2003
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 10)
John Mulholland Rabbit Eggs
  • 59 Years Ago
Also published here
  • The Sphinx, May, June and July 1944
Sep. 2003
Magic (Vol. 13 No. 1)
Jamy Ian Swiss (reviewer) The Magician: John Mulholland's Secret Life by John Mulholland (written by Ben Robinson) May 2009
Genii (Vol. 72 No. 5)
Sam Leo Horowitz A Quarter and a Half half dollar and quarter shown, then both change into half dollars, then one back to a quarter, with follow up suggestion by John Mulholland in which both coins become quarters
Also published here
  • The Sphinx, Vol. 50 No. 5, Sep. 1951
Mar. 2016
Genii (Vol. 79 No. 3)
Mike Caveney Les Levante to John Mulholland
  • Classic Correspondence
Nov. 2018
Genii (Vol. 81 No. 11)
James C. Hagy Jim's Whims on FISM, Jacques Voignier, Magicana, Patrick Watson, Rich Cabinet Collection, John Mulholland
July 2022
PM2 (Issue 25)
Richard Cohn A Case of Magic, or Acquiring an Art K. Fact on Art Kahn, John Mulholland
July 2022
PM2 (Issue 25)
James C. Hagy Jim's Whims on Eddie Dawes, John Mulholland
May 2023
PM2 (Issue 28)
James C. Hagy Jim's Whims on John Mulholland, Harry Houdini, Henry Ridgely Evans, Bob Lund
Apr. 2024
PM2 (Issue 31)
Roberto Giobbi, John Mulholland, Max Malini More on the Classic Force
  • Setting up the Force Card
  • Body Balance
  • Malini's Handling
Related to 2024
Unexpected Agenda (Issue Mar 30)