246 entries in Cards / Sleights / Switches / Deck & Thick Packet Switches / In context of Routine
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Professor Hoffmann A Drawn Card, placed in a Closed Box, made to Fly back to the Pack, while Another takes its Place in the Box including Another Method
1889 160
Der magische Degen No. 2, sword used to stab selection blindfolded, deck scattered on floor, deck switch for short deck when fetching sword
1895 4
L'Homme Masqué Die vier Buben auf der Wanderschaft No. 6, four cards chosen, they are the four jacks, they are shuffled back and produced from inside the jacket at sleeve opening
1895 93
Improved Cards Read Behind The Back shuffled pack, order called out from behind back, with finesse
Also published here 1897 67
Deck Switch in pocket
1910 152
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Die drei Kräfte three chosen cards vanish from deck, arrive in pocket, deck vanishes (in topit type space) and appears in pocket, three selections rise one with corner torn off that visible restores, a card is shot with pistol into candle
Also published here 1910 196
Joseph Michael Hartz, Alexander Herrmann, Professor Hoffmann The Pocket-Picking Trick producing chosen cards from shuffled deck in pocket, three handlings
Also published here 1911 719
Joseph Michael Hartz, Alexander Herrmann, Professor Hoffmann The Pocket-Picking Trick producing chosen cards from shuffled deck in pocket, three handlings
Also published here 1911 181
Donald Holmes Holmes' "Mystery" Problem card chosen from Svengali deck, deck dealt into two piles and card replaced in indifferent half, multiple deals to control card to seventeenth position, card and position are predicted, clean-up switch of half the deck
1913 19
Charles T. Jordan Packet Switch using deck, on outstretched hand
1920 13
Al Baker How to exchange a pack of cards a prearranged pack pocket
Related to 1920s
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue The Twenty-Five Dollar Manuscript)
To Exchange Packs Methods to switch decks
  • Card clip
  • Done in context of a trick, behind the back
1927 53
Jack Merlin Deck Switch in the pocket, while getting a handkerchief
Variations 1927/28 19
Laurie Ireland Producing Selected Card at Any Number and At The Same Time Cold Packing any card is produced from pocket at named (small) number from shuffled deck, switch for memorized deck
Related toVariations 1931 19
Al Baker Pocket Switch twice in context
Also published here 1933 21
Method of Changing Packs selection produced at named number from pocketed deck
Variations 1935 15
Reading any Card Called For forced card produced from pocketed deck
1935 18
Switching the Deck - 1. during trick in which cards are felt with fingertips in pocket
1937 189
Switching the Deck - 2. during trick in which cards are felt with fingertips in pocket
1937 190
Al Baker Switching the Deck - 4. Al Baker's Method No. 2 during trick in which cards are felt with fingertips in pocket
1937 190
Svengali Prediction force cards are switched out during trick
1937 250
Charles T. Jordan The Mystery Problem position of selection is predicted, svengali deck with different finish on force cards, ending clean with switch-out
Also published here 1937 251
Pocket Deck Switch brief
1937 284
A Novel Card Problem replacing cards in short deck for multiple location routine
1937 297
Louis Nikola To Pick Out Any Card Called For Behind the Back memorized deck
Also published here 1937 401
Card Location in Pocket
1937 47
Capt. J.E. Stone V. To Exchange Decks During a Trick two methods
1938 207
Al Baker A Prediction svengali deck dealt into two piles repeatedly until one card remains, with half-deck clean-up switch
Also published here 1938 433
Bert Allerton Deck Switching Gimmick for a switch behind the back...
1938 900
Charles T. Jordan A. The Flush Trick deck riffle shuffled twice, performer removes ten red and ten black cards which he mixes again, spectator then deals the packet into three piles twice and puts the packet under a newspaper, performer then reaches under newspaper and produces a flush in a named suit, interlocking chains, in the end the Ultimo deck is ringed in
Also published here 1939
The Jinx (Issue Winter Extra 1938/39)
James G. Thompson Jr. Utility Routine Svengali deck with the different cards stacked, ends clean, bridge deal finale
Also published here Oct. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 63)
Oscar Weigle One Up cards shuffled face-up/face-down by spectator, two methods (stripper and deck switch)
June 1941
The Jinx (Issue 141)
Arthur Monroe Hypocritical Memory deck switch in mirror glass
Also published here Dec. 1941
The Jinx (Issue 151)
Eddie Joseph Aces found in Pocket Switch deck switch during effect in which Aces are located with deck in pocket
1941 12
Val Evans Pocket Deck Switch during location in pocket
1941 5
The "Plant" Switch stooge goes in corner to select a card which is divined by performer
1943 1
The Black-Out Switch forced card found with lights out, stuck to spectator's forehead
1943 2
The Half-Deck Switch deck switched one half at a time, with back turned towards audience
1943 4
Brooks' Card Trick Herbert Brooks?, several cards selected and they travel into pocket after spectators shuffled them in themselves, narrow deck
1943 6
The Side Coat-Pocket Switch deck put in pocket and selection removed by sense of touch, deck switch
1943 9
Rising-Card-Box Switch switch after rising card effect
1943 12
John Mulholland Shuffling the Deck and A Trick in Connection Therewith to give impression that stacked deck was shuffled, have duplicate deck shuffled and card selected, switch in stacked deck and have card replaced, find card and continue with stacked deck
1944 58
James G. Thompson Jr. Utility Routine Svengali deck with the different cards stacked, ends clean, bridge deal finale
Also published here 1944 304
Sigmar K. Hofeller There'll Be Some Change Made! red cards change places with black cards, in the pockets of two spectators
1945 37
Arthur H. Buckley A Cold Deck Warmed Up switching 48 cards (deck minus Aces) and stack Aces into positions, six-handed game
Variations 1946 115
The Deck Switch selection found in pocketed deck
1948 184
Norman Houghton Deck Switch pocket
Nov. 1948 478
Deck Switch
Feb. 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 171)
Harvey P. Graham Bagged! poker routine for stage, with a stand
Apr. 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 175)
Don Tanner On Location spectator marks a card with an X behind his back, performer locates it behind his back
  • Method No. 1 (deck of double backers)
  • Method No. 2 (deck switch behind back)
June/July 1949 8
Joe Stuthard Clean-Up Location within "Method 3", trilby deck dealt into two piles for location, half deck is switched
1949 11
Joe Stuthard An Open Switch two selections travel next to each other, with switch in pocket as performer demonstrates what to do
1949 13
Bill Pawson, Howard Wurst The Card in the Wallet No. 149, Two cards are selected. One appears reversed in the deck, while the second appears in the performer's wallet.
1950 291
Toni Koynini Switch It deck shuffled face-up/face-down, performer sorts cards out behind his back except free selection, deck switch
  • The Basic Switch
  • Switch It
  • Alternative Routine
1951 5
Theo Doré Cardlepathy shuffled deck held unter handkerchief, performer names cards in order while spectator cannot duplicate it, as finale a chosen card is named
1956 12
Tony Corinda The Switch of a Pack of Cards bold
1958 97
Ken Brooke Dizzy Nudist Pack Routine ends clean, blank-faced and blank-backed cards
1959 7
U. F. Grant Card Table Switch under table deck switch
Nov. 1960
The New Phoenix (Issue 351)
Edward Marlo Mental Bonus card thought of (one out of ten), deck shuffled and placed in pocket, card instantly removed by performer
1961 30
Walter Wenger Die Drei Wünsche spectator finds his card after making several choices, mirage type deck, ends clean
Also published here
  • Magie, Vol. 36 No. 4, April 1956
1962 13
Arthur Monroe Hypocritical Memory deck switch in mirror glass
Also published here July 1963
The New Jinx (Vol. 2 No. 15)
Deck Switch in pocket
Aug. 1964
The New Phoenix (Issue 392)
Peter Kane Anent Pack Switches deck switch during out-of-hand slap, cased deck
Related to 1967 18
Deck Switch while looking for handkerchief
1967 25
Al Koran Princess Card Trick...Plus deck shuffled after selections, deck switch
Related toVariations 1968 71
Alan Shaxon Switching a Pack of Cards
1970 24
Juan Tamariz, Ramon Varela Deck Switch in a longer set, using other objects between card tricks
1970 26
Jack Kent Tillar Switch Hit several card are removed from deck, performer leaves room alone and names cards
June 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 15)
Henry Christ Riffs of Henry Christ comments on
  • The Count of Elmsley
  • An Unsolved Mystery
  • The Lota Bowl Deck Switch
  • The Challenge
Fall-Spring 1971
The Hierophant (Issue 5-6)
To Switch for Gimmick or Feke value of card is matched in pocket
1971 63
The Packet Switch
1971 77
Billy McComb A Thought-of Card turns up in a Cigarette card peeked at in rubber-banded deck vanishes and appears in borrowed cigarette, detailed, Fred Karene
1972 29
Billy McComb Necessity is the Mother rising cards with deck switch
1972 153
Roterberg Improved Reading Cards Behind Back Trick No. 688, shuffled pack, order called out from behind back
Also published here 1972 187
Michael Boden, Ed Smeal Marked! - Alternate Handling with lapping deck switch by Ed Smeal
Inspired by 1974 10
Paul Curry Teleport two thought of cards travel from one half to the other one by one, twenty-four duplicates
Related to
  • "Telepathy" (Jean Hugard, Sphinx, June 1935, p. 101)
Also published here
1974 78
Robert Zürcher Eine von 4 Karten spectator selects one of four cards from deck, cards are replaced and eventually selection penetrates through table
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 35 No. 5)
Charles T. Jordan The Mystery Problem position of selection is predicted, svengali deck with different finish on force cards, ending clean with switch-out
Also published here 1975 169
Charles T. Jordan A. The Flush Trick deck riffle shuffled twice, performer removes ten red and ten black cards which he mixes again, spectator then deals the packet into three piles twice and puts the packet under a newspaper, performer then reaches under newspaper and produces a flush in a named suit, interlocking chains, in the end the Ultimo deck is ringed in
Also published here 1975 194
Eric Mason The Turnover Change
July 1976
Pabular (Vol. 2 No. 11)
Diveswitch in pocket
Related to 1977 17
Doug Alker Deck Switch from the waistband, while back is turned to the audience
Jan. 1978
Pabular (Vol. 4 No. 5)
Robert J. Nedbalski Gag Deck Switch deck switched for gaffed deck (bottom half hollowed out, top half strung together), spectator cuts deck, it either bangs or spring flowers jump out of it, then performer admits a deck switch and openly brings out stacked deck from lap
1978 5
Steve Beam Lazy Man's Deck Switch #1 dropping card during a trick, then take another deck
1978 22
Steve Beam Lazy Man's Deck Switch #2 as a gag
1978 22
Simon Aronson The Spectator Really Cuts To The Aces four-way forcing deck
VariationsAlso published here 1978 14
Simon Aronson "I'll Go First" spectator and performer both turn a card over in their decks, it matches, sophisticated combination of stacked and invisible deck, with deck switch
Related toAlso published here 1978 64
Arturo de Ascanio Ascanio's Switch of a Deck of Cards deck travels up the sleeve except selection, with holder in jacket
1978 111
Earl Nelson Color Changing Deck featuring a deck switch in the lap at the end of an optional preliminary All Backs routine
Also published here 1979 17
Rolf Andra Eine Kartenkombination combination of two routines, first two cards are found in performer's pocket, used to switch decks, then several spectators put cards in their pockets and all cards are divined by performer
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 40 No. 1)
Philip T. Goldstein Matswitch under cover of close up mat in context of routine in which card travels to under mat
Related to Jan. 1980
Apocalypse (Vol. 3 No. 1)
Martin A. Nash The Side-Pocket Swindle card located in pocket, shuffle tracking presentation, deck switch
Related to 1980 7
Ken De Courcy Shuffled Spell switching in Super Spell/Magic Spell deck
1980 8
Michael Ammar Card Case Switch three strategies
1980 3
Packet Switch behind back
1980 31
Val Evans, Juan Tamariz Los Treboles Magicos Efecto N°18, clubs are found under handkerchief, trick to exchange deck
1980 61
Gene Castillon Banded Deck Switch in Pocket
1981 76
Philip T. Goldstein Diveswitch
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Trionic)
Robert Gardner A Subtle Deck Switch Trojan Deck Switch
Related to Feb. 1982
Apocalypse (Vol. 5 No. 2)
Deck Swtich in pocket, during trick
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. Special #1 (Summer))
Veeser Switch Concept
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. Special #3)
Paul Fox "Do It Again" "Repeating the Five Card Mental Selection or One Card Mental Selection", deck switch
Inspired by 1983 26
Roberto Giobbi, Carlhorst Meier The Trojan Deck
Related toAlso published here Apr. 1984
Pabular (Vol. 8 No. 5)
Jan Torell Deck Switch
1984 23
Larry Jennings Wallet Deck Switch DECK travels to wallet except selection
Related to 1986 179
Larry Jennings Wallet Deck Switch deck travels to wallet except selection
Also published here Sep. 1986
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Deck Switch with sportjacket, vest and Topit
1987 92
Deck Switch while looking for handkerchief
Dec. 1987
Intermagic (Vol. 13 No. 2)
Roberto Giobbi A Stand-Up Deck Switch
Feb. 1988
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 2 No. 1)
René Lavand My Rosary several ideas with a stacked deck, production of named cards, card switch in pocket and dealing into four suits
Also published here 1988 77
René Lavand Another Routine with an Ordered Deck memory demonstration, partial deck switch in context of routine
1988 81
Karl Fulves Excursion Aces pushed into different parts of deck, deck slapped, only Aces remain and deck traveled to four pockets, posed as problem
1989 37
Steve Beam Behind the Back Deck Switch
  • invisible deck presentation
Related toAlso published here 1990 564
Simon Aronson Below the Belt two cards from two decks exchanged below table, they match, ends clean
Related to 1990 70
Simon Aronson Bait and Switch spectator names number and selects card, performer apparently brings the card to that number one-handed behind his back
Inspired by 1990 85
Simon Aronson Color Feeling behind back, deck switch
1990 91
Edward Marlo Topping Mental Topper - Fifth Effect four thought-of cards from different suits located, spectator's count down their value, shuffle and deck switch
1990 198
Larry Jennings Brieftaschen-Kartenspiel-Austausch deck travels to wallet except selection
Also published here Feb. 1990
Intermagic (Vol. 15 No. 2)
Alex Elmsley The Climax Pack Switch
1991 143
T. Page Wright The Miracle Spelling Deck card selected out of hands and deck pocketed, performer reaches into pocket and takes out cards one by one spelling the selection and finds it, repeat with the spectator spelling the card out of the performer's pocket
1991 227
David Harkey Thumper Plus deck vanishes except selection, it is found in case
  • Thumper Plus Deck Switch
1991 193
Jack Carpenter West Coast Cooler deck switch as skill demonstration, secret switch possible in course of routine
1992 123
Pocket Deck Switch as spectator is shown where to put the deck
1992 4
Charles T. Jordan The Mystery Problem No. 186, position of selection is predicted, svengali deck with different finish on force cards, ending clean with switch-out
Also published here 1992 222
René Lavand More Rosary Effects production of named cards, card switch in pocket and dealing into four suits
Also published here 1993 156
Sid Fleischman A Pocketful of Wry card turns over in cased deck, deck switch
1993 112
Simon Aronson The Spectator Really Cuts To The Aces four-way forcing deck
Also published here 1994 27
Simon Aronson "I'll Go First" spectator and performer both turn a card over in their decks, it matches, sophisticated combination of stacked and invisible deck, with deck switch
Also published here 1994 65
Claude Rix, Edouard-Joseph Raynaly Les 6 cartes ou le tour de Raynaly pack is divided in six groups and six people think of a card in each packet, deck placed inside pocket and when first card is named performer removes it from pocket, other cards are divined à la Princess Card Trick
Inspired by
  • trick by Raynaly in "L'Illusioniste" March & April 1910.
1995 50
Claude Rix Les cartes en poche cards from shuffled deck are placed in various pockets and named cards are removed quickly
1995 61
Claude Rix, Guy Lammertyn Plus qu'un change de jeu cased deck secured with rubber bands, chosen card appears in balloon
1995 91
Claude Rix Le tour "estoupouflant..." three packets cut, cards are divined
1995 125
Jerry K. Hartman Deck Switch choreographed with searching pockets for another deck, see also p. 278
1995 273
Michael Skinner One for the Boys two card challenge divination, memorized deck, deck switch under table
1996 38
Mark Jenest The Classic Farce spectator keeps picking the Two of Clubs, duplicates of it are on the table, one is signed, its back changes color and rest of deck shown normal
Aug. 1996
Magic (Vol. 5 No. 12)
David Harkey, Eric Anderson Tour de Cartes card fans brought out of pocket and added to deck, deck still has the same amount of cards, as deck switch
1997 66
Adrian "Ramblar" Guerra And Now... Two Cards from the Pocket finding two chosen cards in pocket
Inspired byAlso published here 1997 7
Larry Knecht Der Larry Knecht Kartenspiel-Austausch apparent mistake as one of two decks is placed in wrong case and pocketed
Intermagic (Vol. 22 No. 1)
René Lavand In Search of Excellence (A Card to Pocket) thought of card is found folded in pocket, deck is switched during routine
1998 95
Guy Hollingworth Hollow Envelopes Dummy Switch
1999 268
Andrew Wimhurst Australian Cooler 51 to pocket climax
1999 3
Ellis Stanyon Rapit Memorization (?) of Half the Pack No. 17, half the deck switched, order known or cue sheet
1999 91
Frank Pemper, Jon Racherbaumer, Edward Marlo The Joker Switch clever switch between tricks
Related to 2000 867
Carlhorst Meier The Trojan Switch
Also published here 2000 868
Through the Table card from below table to top
2000 870
Roberto Giobbi In a Flash chosen card penetrates a sealed card case in the performers pocket
2000 871
Joaquín Partagás, Martin A. Nash The Cardsharp
Inspired by
  • El Prestidigitador Optimus (1900)
Related toVariations
2000 873
The Vanishing Deck Reconsidered with a deck switch
Related to 2000 874
R. Paul Wilson Diminished Responsibility three selections are lost, performer finds three Aces and tables them in front of the spectators while progressively pocketing the deck, the four cards left are the Aces again and the tabled three cards are now the selections, optional deck switch
2000 [48]
Andrew Wimhurst, David Williamson Australian Cooler 51 to pocket climax, updated
2001 2
Paul Curry, Michael F. Zens, David Devant Out of the Past deck is separated in halves, two cards thought of and one is selected, performer puts one card from the half into the other, first card is missing, second spectator touches a card, that is put into the other half and also his card is missing, third card invisibly travels into the other half
Inspired byAlso published here
  • "Genii" vol. 7 no. 4, 1942
2001 102
Paul Curry Teleport two thought of cards travel from one half to the other one by one, twenty-four duplicates
Also published here 2001 106
Simon Aronson Alternate Take Deck Switch Walkaround version of Alternate Take, can do deck switch
2001 30
Simon Aronson Poker Routine Deck Switch Deck switch done in context of Routine Maintenance
Related to 2001 241
Simon Aronson Sequence Spell Deck Switch
2001 263
John Cornelius Deck in the Round (Pocket Rocket Aces)
Aces to pocket one by one, as climax deck to pocket with secret switch
2001 90
Al Baker A Prediction svengali deck dealt into two piles repeatedly until one card remains, with half-deck clean-up switch
Also published here 2001 35
Joe Stuthard Svengali Deck Switch key card location with half-deck switch to clean up svengali deck
2001 36
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser The Three Powers three chosen cards vanish from deck, arrive in pocket, deck vanishes (in topit type space) and appears in pocket, three selections rise one with corner torn off that visible restores, a card is shot with pistol into candle
Also published here 2002 146
David Berglas Deck Switch brief
2002 347
Jack Avis, Lewis Jones Invasion of the body snatchers sandwich finds selection, deck changes back color except selection, in another deck only the selection has an odd back as well, story presentation
2002 187
Al Baker Pocket Switch twice in context
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Al Baker's Book)
Al Baker A Prediction svengali deck dealt into two piles repeatedly until one card remains, with half-deck clean-up switch
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Contributions)
Karl Fulves The Right Pocket two cards chosen, duplicates are in pockets as prediction
2003 4
Roberto Giobbi Spielaustausch
  • Erste Methode
  • Zweite Methode
  • Dritte Methode
2003 16
Earl Nelson Color Changing Deck featuring a deck switch in the lap at the end of an optional preliminary All Backs routine
Also published here 2003 35
Allan Ackerman Finesse the Finessed Travelers including a deck switch
Related toVariations 2005 23
Deck Switch brief
2006 121
Darwin Ortiz Deck to Pocket Climax for Travelers
2006 96
Roberto Giobbi Digital Dexterity selected card is produced while deck is in pocket, to switch decks
2006 100
Deck Switch brief
2007 21
Deck Switch with handkerchief in pocket
2007 101
Roberto Giobbi Switching the Entire Deck in context of a trick, card at number
Related to 2008 139
Fred Robinson Vibrations including second method as deck switch in pocket
2009 196
Hiroyuki Sakai The Uncluttered Mind spectator wears mirror glasses and performer names selection (gag), then rest of deck shown blank, featuring a deck switch with a paper back
Variations Feb. 2009
Genii (Vol. 72 No. 2)
Claude Impériale Bluff Counting move a card with card counting presentation and optional deck switch
2010 126
Dai Vernon, Roberto Giobbi Changing Decks open deck switch concept, various methods
Secret Agenda (Issue Jan 5)
Roberto Giobbi The Simplest Deck Switch management for simple pocket switch
Secret Agenda (Issue July 25)
Roberto Giobbi Equivoque Red and Blue Deck Switch apparent red and blue card case mix-up
Also published here July 2010
Genii (Vol. 73 No. 7)
Patrik Kuffs Step-By-Step Brainwave
  • Mind Stunts
card chosen from face-up mess on floor with feet, it is the only odd-backed card, deck switch with holder
Inspired by Aug. 2010
Genii (Vol. 73 No. 8)
Roberto Giobbi Switching Decks Vanishing Deck as deck switch
Related to 2010 119
Steve Mayhew No-Skill Deck Switch using pen-behind-ear gag and pseudo-deck vanish
Also published here 2011 17
Todd Lamanske Hands-Off Deck Switch Deck switch, uses jacket pocket and topit
Variations 2012 38
John Born Pocket Change Uses jacket pocket and topit too
Inspired by 2012 39
John Born Bridging the Deck Switch Three cards selected, shuffled, divined and located, in the process switching the shuffled deck for a memorized deck
Inspired by 2012 41
Roberto Giobbi Behind-the-Back Switch with presentational ploys
  • Here's Your Card!
  • The Visible Invisible Deck
  • Demonstration
VariationsAlso published here 2013 33
Roberto Giobbi Turning Around Deck Switches performer turns with his back to the audience
  • 1. Infrastructure and Mechanics of the Switch
  • 2. Tricks and Presentations - A Few Examples
2013 41
Roberto Giobbi, Juan Tamariz The Partagás Switch Plus - Triple Partagás three selections found in pocket
Inspired byRelated to 2013 45
Adrian "Ramblar" Guerra Two-Pocket Partagás two cards found in half the deck in each pocket
Inspired byAlso published here 2013 48
Jean Hugard, Roberto Giobbi Hugard's Method of Changing Packs card at named number is named, repeated twice
Inspired by 2013 51
Roberto Giobbi Because the Cards Know "The Ace-Two-Four-Eight Divination", thought of card divined via other cards in pocket, binary, card optionally transformed into selection
2013 55
Laurie Ireland, Roberto Giobbi Bonus free selection located in pocket
Inspired by 2013 57
Steve Forte, Roberto Giobbi The Money Switch adapted from reference, using bills
Inspired by
  • "Poker Protection" (Steve Forte, p. 106)
2013 69
Roberto Giobbi Equivoque Red- and Blue-Deck Switch apparent red and blue card case mix-up
Also published here 2013 91
Roberto Giobbi The Real Pseudo Deck Switch selection predicted, apparently done with switch for one-way deck in which shuffled deck is switch for real
2013 95
Roberto Giobbi, Richard Himber A New Look at Himber's Razor Deck Trick razor blade card trick
2013 101
Roberto Giobbi The One-handed Switch deck cased, deck thrown away and selection appears at fingertips
2013 107
Carlhorst Meier The Trojan Deck Switch card predicted in second deck
VariationsAlso published here 2013 123
Roberto Giobbi Do-as-I-Do
2013 133
Roberto Giobbi The Tossed-Out Deck Switch
2013 133
Alfred "Berlany" Hoffmann The Mirror Glass Switch
Related to
  • MAGIE (June 1932)
2013 134
Dr. Reinhard Rohnstein The Hollow Receptacle Switch
Related to
  • MAGIE (June 1932)
2013 134
Alfred "Berlany" Hoffmann The In-and-Out Switch gimmicked box
Related to
  • MAGIE (June 1932)
2013 135
Roberto Giobbi The Sting Deck Switch
2013 135
Roberto Giobbi The Drawer Box Deck Switch
2013 135
Roberto Giobbi Carney's Card in Balloon deck switch application
Inspired by 2013 145
Roberto Giobbi Clayton Rawson's Mental Broadcast deck switch application
Inspired by 2013 145
Roberto Giobbi Hugard's Example of Presentation deck switch application
Inspired by 2013 146
Roberto Giobbi Staring-Him-in-the-Face deck switch application
Inspired byAlso published here 2013 146
Roberto Giobbi Luka's Airborne Again deck switch application
Inspired by 2013 146
Henry Christ The Lota Bowl Switch reprinted from reference
Related to 2013 149
Carlos Vinuesa Freely Chosen Card at Any Number deck shuffled by spectator before and after his free selection of a card, then he (blindfolded) finds the card at named number
Inspired by
  • The Grail (Mike Rose, DVD and gaff)
Related to
2013 17
Carlos Vinuesa Some Time After... card from ordinary pack returned to stripper deck (easy to find duplicate)
Related to 2013 92
Simon Aronson Shuffle Tracking Magician locates freely selected card, in the process secretly switching deck out for memorized deck
Related to 2014 225
Alexander de Cova Prediction from Bombay deck switch idea after the Bombay prediction effect, basically a variation of the Joker switch
Inspired by
  • "A Prediction from Bombay" (e-book from trickshop.com)
Mar. 2014
Scrapbook (Issue 8)
Steve Mayhew Old Lazy Fat Guy Deck Switch deck switch during vanish of pen, behind ear
Also published here 2014 146
Helder Guimarães Sort of a Miracle one of twenty-six, siamesa
Also published here 2015 53
Roberto Giobbi The Staring-Him-in-the-Face Deck Switch deck switch application
Also published here Mar. 2015
Genii (Vol. 78 No. 3)
Alexander de Cova Spielaustausch in der Tasche comment on deck switch in pocket
2015 187
Alex Ray Deck Switch with servante
2015 5
Roberto Giobbi Imaginary...Deck Switch sequence with second invisible deck that allows performer to his back over and switch a deck
Hidden Agenda (Issue Feb 22)
Christoph Borer Razored Deck - Für Salon und Bühne razor blade card trick
Also published here 2016 149
John Hostler Bertha ends clean with half-deck switch
2016 7
Alexander de Cova Bonus Routine multiple location, deck minus the selections switched for left-handed lefty index deck
2016 108
Paul Vigil Deck Switch: Out with the Old
2017 175
Helder Guimarães Sort Of a Miracle one of twenty-six, siamesa
Also published here June 2017
Genii (Vol. 80 No. 6)
Patrick G. Redford The Interchange Force two decks same card found reversed in center, deck is switched in process
Inspired by 2017 240
Johnny Thompson Miniature Invisible Deck done with small cards, with deck switch under the performing table
2018 273
Denis Behr The More the Merrier multiple selection routine strategy in which the spectators shuffle their cards in themselves
Also published here
  • MAGIC, April 2013
2018 68
Michael Powers Boxed Surprise six selections, found under, in and on top of card case, deck vanishes except selection and is found in case again
Inspired by 2019 115
Ramón Riobóo Divination through Another's Touch Card selected and lost in deck. Deck held under table by spectator, spectator places cards on table one by one until magician correctly stops on selection
2019 173
Benjamin Earl Blue Moon Triumph spectator shuffles face-up/face-down, deck cased, then Triumph shown
Related to 2020 15
Juan Tamariz, Robert Parrish Cover Card Deck Switch apparently red and blue deck, cover dragged over to other deck
Inspired byRelated to 2020 15
John Graham Tossed Out Deck Routining
2021 281
Kyle Leon Spot-On spectator stops dealing at predicted card
Inspired by
  • "Signs" (Joshua Jay)
Dec. 2022
The Hermit (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Donny Orbit Poly-Deck lie detector/spelling effect with forcing deck
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Mar. 2009
2022 842
John Guastaferro Quadra two cards transpose with deck, deck vanishes, found in case again
VariationsAlso published here
  • MAGIC, July 2013
2022 1216
Juan Tamariz Demonstration Deck Switch in pocket as an action is demonstrated, with witness card on face
2022 22
John Guastaferro Sublime In All every card turns out to have "Don't Pick Me" written on its back except selection
  • Phase One - Magician's Turn
  • Phase Two - Participant's Turn
  • Phase Three - Subliminal Influence
  • Alternate Ending - Strangers' Gallery Force
2023 151
Roberto Giobbi The Mini-Maxi Deck Switch no-switch deck switch ideas
Inspired by 2024
Unexpected Agenda (Issue May 3)
Arturo de Ascanio Ascanio's "Golf Clubs" Deck Switch No-Switch Deck Switch
Unexpected Agenda (Issue May 16)
Roberto Giobbi Gag Finale Deck Switch: The Spectator Does a Deck Switch No-Switch Deck Switch
Unexpected Agenda (Issue Sep. 4)
Roberto Giobbi Partial Deck Switch switching deck minus a packet that is used for a trick
Unexpected Agenda (Issue Nov. 28)
Joshua Jay Fooling About performer locates card in his pocket in cased deck, with deck switch after spectator shuffles, torn case subtlety
2024 131
Alexander Hansford Thought Of Card To Pocket thought-of (and removed by the spectator before it is lost again) card travels to pocket, it is placed under the card case and vanishes from there to again travel into the pocket along with its three mates, deck vanishes and found in pocket
2024 84
Christoph Borer Razored Deck razor blade card trick
Also published here 2024 129