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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Donald Holmes Foreword
1913 1
Donald Holmes Effect No. 1 four chosen cards are placed in four envelopes and mixed, performer divines all cards in the envelopes
1913 6
Donald Holmes Effect No. 1. The Prediction card chosen by elimination process with packets, it's predicted in an envelope
1913 8
Donald Holmes The "Self-Shifting" Pack
  • First Method (long-short Menetekel)
  • Second Method (no short cards but one-way backs, "improved method")
  • Suggestions (having multiple cards selected and bringing the duplicates to top)
1913 9
Donald Holmes Effect No. 1 card chosen, performer divines it and it travels to pocket
1913 12
Donald Holmes Effect No. 2 three cards chosen and replaced, deck put in hat and mixed (lateral mixing motion), performer removes selections from hat one by one
1913 12
Donald Holmes The "Self-Forcing" Pack
  • To Force One Card (Svengali deck)
  • To Force Two Cards (triples in which the force cards are cut at different corners)
  • To Force Three Cards (like previous one with no indifferent cards)
1913 13
Donald Holmes Holmes' "Mystery" Problem card chosen from Svengali deck, deck dealt into two piles and card replaced in indifferent half, multiple deals to control card to seventeenth position, card and position are predicted, clean-up switch of half the deck
1913 19
Donald Holmes Holmes' Four Ace Trick
1913 22
Donald Holmes The "Triangle" Trick - Second Method thought-of cards across from one half to the other, halves tied with ribbons, half the deck peek cards
Related to 1913 26
Donald Holmes Another "Marvelous Coincidence" two decks, number counted to in one deck and dealing stopped in other deck, the cards match
Inspired by
  • "A Card Mystery" (Donald Holmes, contributed to Magic)
Related toAlso published here
1913 27
Donald Holmes Card on Glass card on top of glass is invisible for audience when they look on edge
Also published here 1913 28
Donald Holmes Double-Dealing Placement Force handling in which a card is added
1913 28
Donald Holmes A New Chameleon Pack deck shown mixed, then cut in half, one half shown all red and other all black
Related to 1913 29
Donald Holmes A New X-Ray Trick stacked deck, multiple cards removed, half shuffled, cards divined one by one and each removed
1913 30
Donald Holmes Coincidence card added from top of glass
Related to 1937 70
Donald Holmes Card on Glass card on top of glass is invisible for audience when they look on edge
Also published here 1937 70
Donald Holmes Another Marvelous Coincidence two selections from two packs match, uncredited
Also published here 1937 78
Donald Holmes Card on Glass card on top of glass is invisible for audience when they look on edge
Also published here 1937 78
Donald Holmes Ne Plus Ultra five cards controlled to known positions via dealing procedure
1937 178
Donald Holmes The Holmes Spindle little mechanism that's attached to rim of glass
1938 404
Donald Holmes Forcing Deck long-short glued pairs with loose force card in between
July 1939
The Jinx (Issue 58)
Paul Fleming (reviewer) The Magic Art by Donald Holmes 1944 29
Donald Holmes Die zerrissene Karte card cut into four pieces and one piece is freely selected, other three pieces vanish and card is restored in envelope
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 8 No. 3&4)
Donald Holmes Fish from Empty Hands
Dec. 1948 13
Donald Holmes The Tea Chests of Wang Foo handkerchiefs vanish and appear inside candle, then placed inside one of three chests, covered with a tube and handkerchiefs travel from chest to chest
1978/76 235
Karl Fulves Oil And Water credit information on the plot, Hofzinser, excerpt from "Tricks with Prepared Cards" (Donald Holmes, 1913)
1983 104
Ellis Stanyon New Precipitation No. 54, "Third Method", with Dr. Ford B. Rogers's peek pairs
Related to 1999 187
Ellis Stanyon A New Protean or Chameleon Pack No. 57, deck shown mixed, then cut in half, one half shown all red and other all black
Related to 1999 189