1,390 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Prediction / Single Card
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
How to tell what card anie man thinketh, how to conveie the same into a kernell of a nut or cheristone, &c: and the same againe into ones pocket: how to make one drawe the same or anie card you list, and all under one devise card thought of is predicted on piece of paper in nut or button on spectator's coat, stooge, another person selects this card from deck, in optional repeat a nut with ink is cracked by some sucker
Related to 1584 190
Die magische Einwirkung No. 7, card chosen and pushed into book, card and page predicted
1895 95
Der Zuschauer als Kartenkünstler spectator touches card named by performer in face-down fan, under-the-fan force with bottom card dragged to other side
1896 38
Prädestinieren remember and forget with one spectator and additional prediction in double envelope
1896 47
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Hypnose card chosen and inserted anywhere in a book, card and page number predicted, alternative method with forcing book by Conradi
1896 53
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Magisches Fin de siècle one of six colors, coin, domino brick and playing card are chosen, all things predicted in envelope, mix of forces and indexes
Oct. 1897
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 4)
Hugo Schrader Der forcierte Gedanke two decks, one card placed on top of one deck as prediction, spectator remembers any card and its position in other deck, it matches prediction, then card travels into the other deck as clean-up anti-climax
Mar. 1898
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 9)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli III. Aus dem papierenen Königreich card is balanced on hat, deck is divided into two glasses and card floats from glas to glas, two cards are placed under two plates and the cards change places, selection is placed inside a book and performer shows envelope with miniature duplicate with correct page number and part of the text on that page written on it
  • 1. Die Karten-Balance
  • 2. Die Karte als Königin der Luft (with assistant)
  • 3. Die Kartenwanderung
  • 4. Eine magische Hypnose
1903 80
Prophecy Down-to-Date dealing and equivoque
1909 178
Donald Holmes Effect No. 1. The Prediction card chosen by elimination process with packets, it's predicted in an envelope
1913 8
Donald Holmes Holmes' "Mystery" Problem card chosen from Svengali deck, deck dealt into two piles and card replaced in indifferent half, multiple deals to control card to seventeenth position, card and position are predicted, clean-up switch of half the deck
1913 19
James J. Moren The Message from Mars No. 24, deck reduced to thirty-two cards and dealt into two piles, top card of one of the piles chosen and predicted in pocket
Also published here 1919/1920 67
Charles T. Jordan The Card and Number Mystery No. 29, spectator deals piles, selects one, adds values, counts down to number and the card there is predicted
Also published here 1919/1920 76
T. Nelson Downs Transposition Extraordinary No. 2, deck separated in red and black, card from red half put in black half, it is predicted and transposes with another red card, halves rubber-banded
Also published here 1920 5
Charles T. Jordan Satan's Prophecy No.1, one of four named cards by performer is chosen and card travels from half to other half in box at named number, card is also predicted on paper
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1920 2
Charles T. Jordan Sympathetic Sympathy two cards put in envelope from different decks match, can be repeated
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1921
The Four Full Hands (Issue Four Full Hands of Down to the Minute Magical Effects)
Charles T. Jordan A Wonderful Color Divination colors openly separated, red card placed in black packet by spectator is predicted, repeated, "Smoothly worked, this goes big." (in the original advertisement there was "Vanishing Court Card" instead of this effect)
VariationsAlso published here 1921
The Four Full Hands (Issue Four Full Hands of Down to the Minute Magical Effects)
Oswald Rae Mental Telepathy named card is found in small envelope, which is inside a big envelope
1926 11
Oswald Rae, Oswald Williams A Transparent Affair card appears between two sheets of plastic, held together by two rubber bands and standing on easel, two methods, similar to Jack Hughes' Television Card Frame
1926 19
Tom Sellers A Baffling Card Prediction
1927 12
William Larsen, T. Page Wright A Prophecied Discovery using stack that forces number ten
Also published here 1928 8
George Pierce Satan's Message two four-card packets dealt out, one chosen and its card values added, that many cards counted down and that card is predicted
1928 5
Three Mystic Numbers mathematical procedure with three number cards, that many card counted down in rest of deck, card predicted by a suit and value card
1928 23
The One-Eyed King card selected with dealing and magician's choice
1928 25
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Vorausbestimmung der gewählten Karten prediction of card at named number
1930 67
Eric F. Impey One Ahead deck from blue deck put out as prediction, matches card that spectator choses from red deck, red/blue double backer
1931 3
Ralph W. Hull Single Card Wonder Prediction spectator shuffles deck, names number and card at that position is predicted, re-deal force
1932 17
Victor Farelli Effect cards shuffled by spectator, still top card is correctly predicted on previous empty paper, locator card
1933 99
Theodore Annemann Synthetic Sympathy two cards from different decks match
Related toVariations Nov. 1934
The Jinx (Issue 2)
Tom Sellers Unique Card Prediction sandwiched card matches prediction
1934 9
Tom Sellers The Paired Card card from odd-backed deck matches prediction in glass
Related toVariations 1934 14
Tom Sellers A Practical Prediction
1934 15
A Card Prediction card at named number predicted
1935 26
A Prediction card at "selected" number predicted, calculation force
1935 29
Theodore Annemann Magic vs. Mindreading two decks, spectator puts one in pocket, from the other he selects a card mentally, card is spelled in both decks and the last card is the thought of, card also predicted
Also published here 1935 5
The Marvelous Prediction No. 19, a card and its position from the top are predicted, 1-0-1 with Hearts run
1935 22
Franklin M. Chapman Telepathy? performer marks the face of a card with a pencil, spectator names any card, it is the marked one
Also published here 1936 2
Edward Bagshawe Sealed Mystery spectator names number and counts to that number in deck, magician predicted card arrived at
1936 ca. 26
Edward Bagshawe The Message That Can’t Be Read random jumble of letters reveals prediction of playing card’s name when a “windowed” card is placed over it, multiple window cards
1936 ca. 37
Charles T. Jordan Color Divination colors separated, spectator moves red card in black pile, card is predicted, repeated
Also published here 1937 26
Jean-Eugène Robert-Houdin, Arthur Leroy Self Control any card is removed and put in pocket where it sticks out, any card named, card from pocket is named card
Related to 1937 27
Charles T. Jordan Sympathetic Sympathy two cards put in envelope from different decks match, can be repeated
Also published here 1937 74
Backs Up forcing a picture card by placing all other picture cards to bottom ("take the first picture card" after riffle shuffle)
1937 76
Comedy Twin Card Prediction
1937 91
Frank Lane A Slick Card Routine combo in which spectator finds selection, card is predicted, poker game is dealt, slick card and set-up
1937 100
Elimination Extraordinary no-touch elimination process, card marked on back (one-way)
1937 155
Charles T. Jordan Weirdo spectator names number, card at that position is predicted, repeated, for credit information see reference, mis-spelled "Wierdo"
Related toAlso published here 1937 173
A Prediction mathematical procedure
1937 174
Projected Thought matrix dealing with thought of card and prediction of card and its position with prediction index
1937 178
Arthur H. Buckley Knock 'Em Dead any card stopped at is predicted, alternating set-up and billet index
1937 195
Charles T. Jordan The Wonder Force forcing the first red card in riffle shuffled deck, two methods
Related toAlso published here 1937 200
Charles T. Jordan The Fifteenth Card values of two selections are added and counted down, card predicted, half deck stack
1937 205
William Larsen Prophesied Discovery using stack that forces number ten
Related toAlso published here 1937 228
Mephisto's Message stack that will force the number twelve
1937 236
Simple Effects 4. svengali deck
1937 247
Svengali Prediction force cards are switched out during trick
1937 250
Svengali Mindreading svengali deck
1937 254
Charles T. Jordan One Ahead mexican turnover prediction with red-blue double backer
Also published here 1937 284
Telepathy? performer marks a card on the face, it is the one named by spectator, nail writer
1937 300
Great Psychic Card Feat spectator marks card behind deck, divined, dummy pencil (Tom Sellers)
Related to 1937 301
Mental Card Mystery
1937 345
Tom Sellers Card and Envelope card added from underneath envelope
1937 346
Glenn G. Gravatt Card and Envelope No. 2 card added from underneath envelope
1937 347
T. Page Wright Infallible Prediction performer marks a card on the face, this is chosen by spectator
1937 351
Theodore Annemann Wired Thought any person is phoned and asked to name a card, predicted by performer, index
Related toAlso published here Apr. 1937
The Jinx (Issue 31)
Louis Lam Predicto four aces are shuffled by each performer and spectator, they chose the same which is also predicted on slate, jumbo cards recommended
1937 7
Louis Lam Watch Me Closely numbers are added and counted to, card predicted
1937 27
Robert Parrish Slate Psychics chosen card predicted on slate, then design duplication, using slate nail writer
Related to 1937 20
John Goodrum "Predetermination"
1937 26
John Goodrum General Notes on Predictions
1937 26
Bob Haskell "I'll Take Coke" card chosen and put aside, the name of the card appears in the bottle cap and chosen card is blank
1937 2
Under Which King, Bezonian? card predicted on billet
1938 102
Al Baker A Prediction svengali deck dealt into two piles repeatedly until one card remains, with half-deck clean-up switch
Also published here 1938 433
John Snyder Mr. Snyder Makes a Prediction packet dealing and magician's choice procedure, short card
1938 473
George G. Kaplan Cagliostro's Card. A Prediction 20$ are bet on the outcome, six duplicates, short card, double backer
Related toVariations 1938 486
Peter Warlock Coincido card predicted with two cards in envelope (value and suit)
Sep. 1938
The Jinx (Issue 48)
Gerald Kosky Predicto spectator shuffles and cuts into three piles, performer predicts third card in pile he will choose, bad outs
Also published here Dec. 1938
The Jinx (Issue 51)
Audley Walsh, Hal Haber Infallible Prediction dealing procedure, no-touch
Related to 1938 15
E. Leslie May Magic versus Mentalism Addition thought-of card predicted, six out index
Jan. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 52)
Charles T. Jordan B. Fifteen Card Trick prediction in hat, spectator shuffles and remembers the first red card, it matches prediction
Also published here 1939
The Jinx (Issue Winter Extra 1938/39)
James G. Thompson Jr. Utility Routine Svengali deck with the different cards stacked, ends clean, bridge deal finale
Also published here Oct. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 63)
Fredric Kolb Nirvana Nos. one of sixteen colors selected, one card by naming position 1-52, three numbers added up, on cardboard in frame then appear those three selections
Related to Dec. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 70)
Louis Lam Coincidence update, combined with bank night and prediction
Inspired by 1939 19
Robert Parrish Synchronism performer removes a card openly from blue deck, despite free choice spectator selects same from red deck, forcing deck and interesting deck switches
Variations 1939 32
Orville Wayne Meyer, Peter Warlock Again the Infallible Prediction three more handlings (two by Meyer, one by Warlock)
Inspired byAlso published here 1939 45
Tom Sellers The Tell Tale Scytale prediction with a scytale
1939 9
The Numerological Card
1940 385
Robert Tothill Secrets for Sale four locations
Jan. 1940
The Jinx (Issue 75)
Robert Brethen As in a Mirror Darkly billet index on back of cards
Related toAlso published here Jan. 1940
The Jinx (Issue 76)
Theodore Annemann The Original Effect straight card prediction using billet index
Also published here Mar. 1940
The Jinx (Issue 82)
Theodore Annemann, Walter B. Gibson The Omega Card Prophecy card chosen with dealing procedure, billet index
Also published here Mar. 1940
The Jinx (Issue 82)
Allan Howell Foretold selection with numbers and dealing procedure predicted
The Jinx (Issue 89)
Stuart Towne, Don Diavolo The Time Formula fairly selected card (6 duplicates used) predicted via mirror writing, time traveling presentation
Related to 1940
The Jinx (Issue 96)
Kent Arthur Pastiche card selected, another turns over, third selection predicted
The Jinx (Issue 106)
Jack Vosburgh The Future Deck prediction written on a playing card matches selection, gaffed deck with cards already written on the faces, related to Curry's "Touch"
VariationsAlso published here 1940
The Jinx (Issue 108)
Don Diavolo, Stuart Towne Tomorrow's Card prediction written, six cards from shuffled deck selected, then one of those, matches prediction, five-billet index
Related toAlso published here 1940
The Jinx (Issue 116)
Jack Vosburgh The Mystery of the Suits one of the Aces is selected and found, then the suit of another selected Ace is predicted
The Jinx (Issue 122)
Paul Curry A Cur(r)i-ous Prediction spectator turns a card over behind his back which is predicted
1940 49
Dr. H. Walter Grote Psycho-Carditis "Nothing New but the Presentation"
1940 53
John J. Crimmins Jr. Psycho-Carditis Variation count-down with faced-deck switch
1940 55
Eddie Joseph Everywhere Yet Nowhere three cards are placed in card stand and one selected it matches selection from second deck
1940 ca. 3
Triple Prediction predicted are number of cigarettes in packet, card and its position
1941 39
Tom Sellers A Good Prediction spectator inserts a knife into the deck, card is forced
1941 7
Lloyd W. Chambers Coingo inside mini vase, card is covering a penny, penny vanishes and card prediction is in vase
1941 15
Val Evans The Prognostication Pack half Koran-type deck, one of five cards thought of, then performer shows five-card groups, card predicted on piece of paper
1941 34
Franklin M. Chapman Stunner No. 1 two decks shuffled and then dealt in unison, two cards match at a certain position (percentage trick), card and position predicted on back of business card
Also published here 1941 1
Franklin M. Chapman Extra Stunner performer marks the face of a card with a pencil, spectator names any card, it is the marked one
Also published here 1941 7
Allan Lambie Double Prediction card reversed behind back is predicted, repeat, deck of double backers
1942 7
Walter B. Gibson Deserves Another predicting a card at a number, follow up
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here May 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 8)
Eddie Joseph "A Letter from Satan" named card predicted in letter, index
1942 80
Martin Gardner The Swizzle Stick Cipher distorted writing can be read through glass stick
1942 19
Franklin M. Chapman With a Nail Writer card named by spectator is predicted on business card
1942 5
Paul C. Krank Knots To You disc with hole on rope goes in between knots
June 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 38)
Gerber Thrice Right thought of number is counted from the deck and cross sum as well, another spectator does the same without looking at the card, prediction matches the card from first spectator and when the card by the second spectator is turned over ist is the same as well
Inspired by
  • a routine by Stewart James in "The Jinx"
June 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 38)
Franklin V. Taylor, Bruce Elliott "Visible But Unseen" Or " The Pocket Index That Ain't" card prediction, index in deck, switch in hat
Inspired by Dec. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 50)
Clayton Rawson A Sucker Bet performed as a bet
Related to
  • page 211 for a variation
Dec. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 50)
Theodore Annemann Synthetic Sympathy two cards from different decks match
1943 36
Theodore Annemann Wired Thought any person is phoned and asked to name a card, predicted by performer, index
Also published here 1943 73
Paul Morris A Miracle of Coincidence performer writes number and name on unknown card, spectator selects same card again
Oct. 1943 19
William S. Houghton Amazing Card Prediction stack forcing ten/eleven, count down to predicted card, interlocking chain shuffle before separating colors
1943 60
Warren Wiersbe The Perfect Card Prediction dealing and open red-black sorting procedure
Related toVariations 1944 16
George G. Kaplan A Winning Wager five cards shuffled in placed on a stand, selected one is predicted on a slate with houlette and duplicates
Variations Oct. 1944 73
John Mulholland A Current Prophecy spectator counts down to named number, card arrived at matches prediction, stack, crib card
1944 53
Theodore Annemann Wired Thought any person is phoned and asked to name a card, predicted by performer, index
Also published here 1944 42
Theodore Annemann The Original Effect straight card prediction using billet index
Also published here 1944 94
Theodore Annemann, Walter B. Gibson The Omega Card Prophecy card chosen with dealing procedure, billet index
Also published here 1944 95
Clayton Rawson Tomorrow's Card prediction written, six cards from shuffled deck selected, then one of those, matches prediction, five-billet index
Also published here 1944 100
Theodore Annemann Magic vs. Mentalism two decks, spectator puts one in pocket, from the other he selects a card mentally, card is spelled in both decks and the last card is the thought of, card also predicted
Also published here 1944 265
Robert Brethen As in a Mirror Darkly billet index on back of cards
Also published here 1944 301
James G. Thompson Jr. Utility Routine Svengali deck with the different cards stacked, ends clean, bridge deal finale
Also published here 1944 304
Franklin M. Chapman Identical Twins No. 1, two decks shuffled and then dealt in unison, two cards match at a certain position (percentage trick), card and position predicted on back of business card
Also published here 1944 11
Franklin M. Chapman Telepathy No. 12, performer marks the face of a card with a pencil, spectator names any card, it is the marked one
Also published here 1944 18
Franklin M. Chapman Seeing Red No. 16, freely named card predicted, nail writing through envelope with carbon paper
1944 21
Conrad H. Haden Easy Card Prediction No. 17, chosen card predicted on business card
1944 21
Jack Vosburgh The Future Deck prediction written on a playing card matches selection, gaffed deck with cards already written on the faces, related to Curry's "Touch"
Also published here 1945 117
U. F. Grant Zella Prediction Trick one card selected, one thought of, prediction written on one card, it's the selection with the thought of card written on it
Related to 1945 19
Robert A. Nelson, Dr. H. Walter Grote The Twenty-First Stunner ungaffed
Inspired by 1945 23
Dr. William T. Palchinas, George G. Kaplan A Sensational Prediction five cards shuffled in houlette and placed on a stand each, four removed, last one is predicted
Inspired by 1945 50
Ronald B. Edwards For the Future two decks, prediction is written on face of a card, free choice
Apr. 1946
The Phoenix (Issue 104)
Larry Russell Predicting the Unknown deck is cut and half dealt into four piles, one is selected and bottom card predicted on billet
Dec. 1946 271
Eddie Morton Colors Will Tell dealing and open red-black sorting procedure
Related to 1946 7
Doc Roberts Prediction
1946 57
Edward Marlo Just Imagine deck shuffled, number named by spectator, card predicted, effect description, solution on page 19
1947 17
Edward Marlo Marlo's Miracle Prediction deck shuffled, number named by spectator, card predicted, punch deal
Related toVariations 1947 19
Ultra Card Divination 34. position, ten backwards count
1948 35
Al Baker Prediction Trick gaffed, prediction written on Joker
1948 501
George G. Kaplan A Winning Wager one of five jumbo cards is predicted, with stand for cards
1948 134
George G. Kaplan The Medium´s Card Test 14/15 forced from one deck, card at that position in second deck has been predicted
1948 185
"Senator" Clarke Crandall Four Pips gag prediction, blank cards and pips in pocket
Dec. 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 166)
Clayton Rawson Merlini's Magic shuffled deck is cut into several packets, prediction slip placed in front of one packet and top card is predicted
Dec. 1948 488
Don Tanner Think...this one over presentation for Grant's effect (which seems to be a force), prediction mailed to chairman weeks before show
Inspired by
  • "Think" (U. F. Grant)
Dec. 1948 6
Arthur H. Buckley The Mystic Paper Slips two predictions made, number chosen and that card counted to, number and card predicted
1948 157
Eddie Clever The New Vaticination blank card with prediction is used to stab next to selection
  • An interesting variation
Inspired by July 1949 563
Eddie Joseph Staggered - Prime Presentation two decks, one card is selected and both decks dealt until same card is found in other deck, card found at same position as mate of selection is named and its mate is not found in other deck but in envelope, repeated with written prediction inside card case
Related toVariations 1949 1
Stewart Judah Black and Red Prediction red and black cards separated, some cards from one color are used to count to a card in the other color which is predicted
1949 37
Joe Stuthard Mental Miracle chosen card predicted, it travels from one half to the other
1949 15
Joe Stuthard Publicity Prediction selection predicted by previous letter
1949 18
Dai Vernon 12 Outs court card is found
Related to Mar. 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 199)
Martin Gardner, Bill Simon It's A Natural with matches, seven outs
VariationsAlso published here Mar. 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 199)
Bob Somerfeld Outmaneuvered one of five cards is predicted
Aug. 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 209)
Chester Morris Perfect Prediction No. 69, Mathematical procedure
1950 127
Jack Vosburgh The Future Deck No. 136, prediction written on a playing card matches selection, gaffed deck with cards already written on the faces, related to Curry's "Touch"
Also published here 1950 262
John Scarne Scarne's Power of Thought No. 147, selected card matches previous prediction.
Related toVariations 1950 284
Harold G. Beaumont Thought Prescient card named, performer removes cased deck from pocket, named card is left in pocket and missing from cased deck
1950 108
Paul Rosini Skidoo counting procedure used to force a card, using sum of digits of year on a coin and value of cards, forced 23rd card
1950 40
Paul Rosini The Best Prediction card at named number is openly corner crimped, then counted to again and removed, it matches prediction
Related toVariations 1950 42
Charles "Chic" Schoke Prediction Variation card at named number is openly corner crimped, then counted to again and removed, it matches prediction
Inspired by 1950 43
Paul Rosini A Guess That Is Right card counted to after selection and addition procedure, it is predicted
Variations 1950 60
Paul Rosini Repeating a Good Guess card counted to after selection and addition procedure, it is predicted, variation
Inspired by 1950 61
Cy Endfield Jack in the Box triple prediction, selected color, number on penny and card on top of the deck
Jan. 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 221)
Sid Lorraine Off the Record card prediction on a record
June 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 232)
Jack Avis The Jokers ten cards on table, selected one is predicted the others are jokers
Nov. 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 242)
Edward Marlo Unknown - Effect No. 1 stop trick as prediction, several methods, some with roughed cards, impromptu double backer
Inspired by 1951 1
Toni Koynini Any Number spectator cuts deck and deals to any number in deck, adds digits and deals again, that card predicted
Inspired by
  • Al Koran trick from Magic Wand mental magic competition
1951 22
Hen Fetsch, Cy Keller Mind Your Future! two decks, selection is divined and predicted
Aug. 1952
The Phoenix (Issue 261)
Howard A. Adams Prescience prediction of card and sign
Oct. 1952
The Phoenix (Issue 265)
Bill Simon Predict Switch touched card is predicted
1952 116
Al Koran Effect No. 5. "Prediction Plus" performer blindfolded, card chosen with ten-twenty force is predicted
1952 76
Dai Vernon A Real Prediction spectator stops at any time, then choses one half and the top card of that pile is used to count to a card in the other half, that card is predicted
1952 13
Eddie Joseph Bombay: Effect No. 1 card chosen by cutting the deck several times, doubling the value of the bottom card and counting down to the card at that position, matching card in a second deck is found reversed, stack with straight made of pairs
Related to 1952 2
Eddie Joseph Bombay: Effect No. 6 card chosen from one deck with counting procedure, the duplicate is missing from a second deck and found in an envelope, repeat
1952 3
Edward Marlo Touch Retouched - Retouched card reversed by spectator is predicted, force, see page 196 for credits
Inspired by 1953 138
Edward Marlo Bold Prediction card reversed by spectator is predicted, post billet writing
1953 147
John Hamilton Annemann's Slates and Aces in Miniature prediction of an ace, slate in envelope
Also published here Apr. 1953
The Phoenix (Issue 279)
Aage Darling Suprediction add a number sum and selected card are predicted in envelope
1953 33
Jack Avis Message from Hades freely chosen card predicted, pocket writing
Related to 1954 221
Stewart James Card and Number Prediction card and total of two cards are predicted
1954 5
Dr. Stanley Jaks Al Bakers Prophecy one out of eight cards is chosen, value leads to selection, everything was predicted
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 15 No. 2)
Stewart James The Square Deal 4x4 layout, one row selected, a number generated from its values, that many cards taken from rest and a down-under-deal done with them, final card and a number are predicted
Variations 1954 18
Stewart James Coloracle combination of previous two tricks
Inspired by 1954 20
Stewart James Improsonic ten cards on a stand, one chosen via procedure with a number from one to ten, that card is predicted
1954 23
Gene "Phantini" Grant Projecto prediction in an envelope, carbon
1955 16
Walter Behm Geliehen prediction of card, business card in envelope, envelope placed on pile
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 16 No. 1)
Dr. William Weyeneth Mexican Turn-Over auf neue Art using a double facer, as prediction
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 16 No. 3)
Dr. Stanley Jaks, Peter Warlock Prediction one of three face-down cards is selected, initials written on back and put back in the deck, card turns over and is predicted
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 16 No. 5)
P. Howard Lyons Double Up "The laziest ambitious card in history"
  • Part I: two decks dealt in unison until stopped, the two values are added and counted down in a third deck to a predicted card
  • Part II: the two selections are then buried in their decks and rise to the top
Aug. 1955
Ibidem (Issue 2)
Stewart James The Open Prediction #17 blank-backed card with prediction written on its back, kind of SBS, prediction (written on blank card) is in glass and chosen card is added to it
Inspired by
  • "Lejun" (Stewart James, Linking Ring, Aug. 1954, p. 88)
Aug. 1955
Ibidem (Issue 3)
Stewart James The Open Prediction #24 psychological stop force, with out by Arthur Carter (different effect really)
Related to
  • out by Arthur Carter in The Pentagram, Feb. 1953
Aug. 1955
Ibidem (Issue 3)
Walter B. Gibson One Good Trick Deserves Another selection is put in pocket by performer behind bak, card is predicted on a slip too
Also published here 1956 101
John Scarne Best Prediction on a business card, with down under deal
1956 119
A Baffling Prediction forming four piles using the number ten, then count down the sum of the cards to the 40th card to match prediction
Variations 1956 7
Victor Comello The Utility Prediction card out-jogged halfway, as the right hand removes it, it is switched for the top card
1956 22
Dr. Reuben Ligan A Prediction spectator selects cards, on it is written a card in envelope, bad
1957 3
Peter Warlock Warlock's Spell spelling prediction
The New Phoenix (Issue 345)
Hugh Scott Matchit
The New Phoenix (Issue 345)
Roy Walton A Nervy Card Trick card from other deck matches free selection, both cards change to other matching cards, Mexican Turnover
1957 33
John Derris Hockley's Prediction prediction written on face of card which is left out-jogged, spectator stops during deal and selection matches prediction
Variations 1957 34
Bill Hendricks George Washington's Card Trick prediction on bill
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1958)
Tony Corinda Card Prediction prediction in envelope is put in wallet, two methods
1958 92
Tony Corinda (2) Quadruplication one card is selected from a face up deck and signed, card is predicted with several ways, only odd back, written in an envelope and another odd card duplicate in performer's pocket. Routine includes the No-Gag (Maurice Fogel)
1958 103
Tony Corinda (8) Psy Function spectator writes card on blackboard which predicts the selection by another spectator
1958 114
Tony Corinda (10) Mind Over Matter prediction pellet is put on any card, which is the same as prediction
1958 114
Tony Corinda (12) The Third Choice one of five cards is predicted, cards put in envelopes and eliminated until one remains
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1958 116
Tony Corinda (14) The Prophesy card is selected and predicted in a letter
Variations 1958 119
Tony Corinda (15) The Informative Joker prediction on joker
1958 120
Tony Corinda (16) Double-Impact Prediction card is named and a position, the position is written on an envelope and the card is inside
1958 120
Tony Corinda (19) X - Marks the Spot prediction of one card, spectator marks one card on the face behind his back
1958 122
Tony Corinda (20) Nicely Suited verbal force of any Three
1958 122
Ronald B. Edwards Edwardian Aces deck is shuffled, some cards taken, down under deal until five cards remain, four Aces and predicted card
Aug. 1958
The Cardiste (Issue 11)
Dr. Spencer Thornton Using Your Bottomless Glass prediction of a card put in a glass and covered by a handkerchief
1958 26
Bobby Bernard Miko Prediction die to get a number, 3 1/2 card gag
1958 4
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Eine zündende Voraussage picture of selection on matchbox, published in "The Gen" with different method
Also published here
  • "The Matchin' Card" in "The Gen" 1955.
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 19 No. 1)
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Unter der Zündholzschachtel spectator locates a chosen card with a matchbox, selection is predicted on back of matchbox
Related to 1958
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 19 No. 1)
Rolf Andra Das unlösbare Problem two decks, two spectator select a card and put it in other deck, both chose the same card and they match prediction
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 19 No. 3)
Max Giebe Eine Kartenkombination single card prediction, card which was dropped on the floor changes to selection
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 19 No. 5)
Alex Elmsley 7-16 down under deal, Ace of Spades remains, game presentation
Related toVariationsAlso published here Mar. 1958
Ibidem (Issue 13)
Theodore Annemann Magic vs. Mindreading two decks, spectator puts one in pocket, from the other he selects a card mentally, card is spelled in both decks and the last card is the thought of, card also predicted
Also published here Sep. 1958
Ibidem (Issue 14)
Dai Vernon The Bent Corner Prediction spectator names number up to 52, card there is predicted by performer
Related toVariations 1959 12
Al Leech The Spectator Does a Trick two cards tell value and suit, "Untouchted" with touching
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1959 6
Corvello Teleprognos card is remembered and put in an envelope, other cards are put in envelopes and performer finds selection, then he makes a prediction on a slate which is the card in a chosen envelope
1959 327
Ed Mellon A Case for Mentalism shuffled deck, stopped at card is predicted
Also published here Jan. 1959
The Cardiste (Issue 12)
Edward Marlo Stay-Stack Prediction forcing a number with stay stack
  • With Two Decks
Also published here Jan. 1959
The Cardiste (Issue 12)
Alex Elmsley Fan Prediction touched card matches with prediction
VariationsAlso published here 1959 2
Sid Hallet Eine Voraussage two cards placed in pocket, one removed, prediction
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 20 No. 2)
Edward Marlo World's Best? spectator's chosen card ends up next to thought-of card, same card is reversed in a second deck
  • alternative method with memorized deck
July 1959
Ibidem (Issue 17)
Edward Marlo A Rough Prediction Open Prediction methods using a roughed forcing deck, performer deals
  • First Presentation (spectator stops as performer deals)
  • Second Presentation (spectator thinks of a number and then stops dealing at the number, "Did you think of number x?")
  • Third Presentation (spectator thinks of one of the indifferent cards, predicted card is next to it)
  • Fourth Presentation (two cards end up in the same position in two halves)
  • Fifth Presentation (prediction card made with another deck)
Dec. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 19)
Edward Marlo R.R.B.M.T. "Roughed Red/Blue Mene Tekel"
card named from deck, an odd-backed prediction is produced from pocket, card case or wallet (or elsewhere)
Variations Dec. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 19)
Edward Marlo R.R.B.M.T. Handling with Wallet & Coins card chosen from deck, spectator covers any coin with it, an odd-backed prediction is produced from wallet and coin is predicted on rolled-up cigarette paper
Inspired by Dec. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 19)
Edward Marlo Type of Prediction odd-backed prediction in pocket, using "Double Face Mente Tekel in red and blue cards"
Inspired by Dec. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 19)
Henry Durkin Prediction #3,469,897 prediction of named card inside locked tube
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1960)
Cyro Brighton Super Forethought card prediction with card stand, envelope index
1960 27
Les Vincent Vinchento's Card Prediction
1960 53
Tom Sellers An Unusual Prediction prediction of a card and a town
1960 54
Tony Corinda The Third Choice one of five cards is predicted, cards put in envelopes and eliminated until one remains
Also published here 1960 9
Edward Marlo Blank Card Prediction prediction written on blank card matches ESP card taken from spread
  • Method No. 1
  • Method No. 2
  • Variation on the above in case a blank card is not available (also for Open Prediction)
  • Method No. 3 (also for Open Prediction)
  • Method No. 4
  • Variation in case repeat is to be done
1960 15
Edward Marlo Open Spread Prediction deck spread on table, card openly predicted by writing it on another card, spectator inserts card in spread next to predicted card
Variations May 1960
Ibidem (Issue 20)
Ed Mellon A Case for Mentalism shuffled deck, stopped at card is predicted
Also published here May 1960
Ibidem (Issue 20)
Edward Marlo Stay-Stack Prediction forcing a number with stay stack
  • With Two Decks
Also published here May 1960
Ibidem (Issue 20)
Ronald B. Edwards Digital Deck’s Terity deck cut into two halves, spectator deals two piles of card from one half corresponding to a thought-of number, values in one pile added, card at that position predicted in other half
Oct. 1960
Ibidem (Issue 22)
Ken Beale Triplets spectator counts down to a number between twelve and twenty and pockets card, down-under deal with dealt packet results in mate, another card of that value is taken from pocket
Inspired by Oct. 1960
Ibidem (Issue 22)