27 entries in Cards / Principles / Assistant
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Einen Thaler durch ein Kartenspiel wandern zu lassen No. 7, deck placed on glass, coin dropped on top appears in glass, assistant pulls off bottom card which is attached to a thread
1895 9
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Des indischen Marabuts Sehergabe three numbers named and cards counted to, numbers and cards predicted, prepared envelope, faced deck
Related to 1896 57
Magic versus Mnemonics thirty-two numbered slips and cards are distributed among audience, performer later recalls them, secret assistant
1897 61
The Demon Envelope seven cards predicted in nesting envelopes
1897 100
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Facilis Descensus Averno deck in glass on pedestal
Also published here 1897 108
The Conjurer's Prediction three thought of cards are divined, then travel from Card Box (prop) to deck
1897 155
The Spirit Envelope three selections, slip of paper with their names appears in previously empty envelope
Variations 1897 173
The Divination Of Thought three cards and their positions are predicted
Related to 1897 174
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli III. Aus dem papierenen Königreich card is balanced on hat, deck is divided into two glasses and card floats from glas to glas, two cards are placed under two plates and the cards change places, selection is placed inside a book and performer shows envelope with miniature duplicate with correct page number and part of the text on that page written on it
  • 1. Die Karten-Balance
  • 2. Die Karte als Königin der Luft (with assistant)
  • 3. Die Kartenwanderung
  • 4. Eine magische Hypnose
1903 80
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli XII. Weissagen wider Willen (Ein Kartenkunststück), spectator selects a card and writes name on paper, which is sealed in envelope, other spectator guesses card and selection vanishes from deck and appears in second envelope
1903 136
Sidney Lenz Worth Knowing card appears in locked room
1943 31
Steffi Storm The Wizard No. 21, Spectator freely selects card, performer calls friend over phone who announces name of selection
1950 42
Dr. Spencer Thornton Initial Psychometry three spectator select a card and sign their name on a paper, performer in other room looks at the names and divines the cards
1958 21
Paul Marcus Brobdingnagian with jumbo cards, card appears in envelope, with assistant
Sep. 1966
The New Jinx (Vol. 5 No. 53)
James G. Thompson Jr., Ned Rutledge Perfecz Poker Face performer stops at named card
1967 33
Gene "Phantini" Grant Midnight Man deck distributed to spectators, card is selected from second deck and performer finds person with matching card, blindfolded
Also published here
  • "Mystic Word" in "Phantini's Incredible Mental Secrets"
Magick (Issue 263)
C. James Rainho Nova Beam spectator calls a friend, who divines three chosen cards
May 1983
Magick (Issue 319)
Ray Mertz At the Bar card on outside of window, assistant
Also published here Sep./Oct. 1991
The Magic Menu (Vol. 2 No. 7)
Ray Mertz Card on Window Surprise with helper
Also published here 1993 156
Simon Lovell The Full Bottle Wipe Out signed card to sealed bottle, at the bar
Related to Sep./Oct. 1993
The Magic Menu (Vol. 4 No. 19)
Ellis Stanyon The Number of Chosen Cards Are Passed into an Envelope in Full View No. 16, six cards selected via stabbing, card known to performer via glimpsing card above, predicted in envelope (or travel to envelope), assistant
1999 90
Ellis Stanyon Two Cards Change in Envelopes - Comedy Trick No. 1, two known cards on top of deck, while performer does not look a spectator loses top card in center, both put in envelopes without looking again, performer makes them change back to where they should be
1999 111
Ellis Stanyon Alternate Method for No. 2 No. 3, verbal code
  • Variation
Inspired by 1999 112
Dan Buck, Dave Buck Sidekick Use of secret helper to achieve two effects:

  • Glass: Card through window
  • Bookstore: Signed card travel to inside the pages of a randomly named book
2008 18
Alberto de Figueiredo Los nombres name of spectator on back of jumbo card, Spanish deck
2009 76
Patrick Page It's Handy comedy bit for card manipulation, hand in hat throws cards out again
2011 298
John Carney Spirit Whitsle whistle on string starts to make sounds, card is revealed
2011 73