100 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Animation / Floatation
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
La Carte qui Saute en l'air, en Sortant du Jeu, Sans qu'on la Touche card rises from a houlette and flies up into the air, also possible with several cards
1784 54
Die Karte als Luftkönigin No. 10, card floats out of deck, across stage, into glass, and back, everything is then examined
1895 99
Die gehorsamen Karten two or three cards selected and lost, one by one they rise out of deck and float into other hand, solo version
Jan. 1895
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Mysteriöses Kartensteigen cards rise out of deck and float in air
Related to 1896 211
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Die Kartenmagneta two selections, deck in a glass, one selection rises out of deck and floats to other glass and in midair changes to second selection
Related to 1896 213
The Queen of the Air card rises from pack and floats to glass goblet on other side of stage, transforms in midair
Related to 1897 69
Howard Thurston The "Thurston" Rising Cards card floats into hand, two methods (with or without reel)
1902 119
Howard Thurston Thurston's Kartensteiger floats out of deck into hand
Related to May 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 5)
Carl Willmann Die Königin der Luft I. card rises sideways out of deck that is held in one hand and floats across to other hand
Nov. 1903
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 9 No. 11)
Carl Willmann Die Königin der Luft II. two glasses on two chairs, deck put in one, card rises and floats across into other glass and back
Dec. 1903
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 9 No. 12)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli III. Aus dem papierenen Königreich card is balanced on hat, deck is divided into two glasses and card floats from glas to glas, two cards are placed under two plates and the cards change places, selection is placed inside a book and performer shows envelope with miniature duplicate with correct page number and part of the text on that page written on it
  • 1. Die Karten-Balance
  • 2. Die Karte als Königin der Luft (with assistant)
  • 3. Die Kartenwanderung
  • 4. Eine magische Hypnose
1903 80
Howard Thurston The "Thurston" Rising Cards five cards rise out of deck and float into hand one by one
  • First Method
  • Second Method for Stage
1904 88
And Yet Again - The Rising Cards cards rise, last one floats out, gaff in sleeve for last card
1933 4
Method No. 3. Card Rising from Hand to Hand Hair and Wax Pellet, card floats through air to other hand
1938 389
Method No. 4. From a Glass Hair and Wax Pellet, card floats through air from glass to hand
1938 390
Howard Thurston The "Thurston" Rising Cards The Aerial Cards, floating across stage with named cards (assistant)
1938 412
A Method for Parlor The Aerial Cards, floating card
1938 413
A Second Method The Aerial Cards, floating card, no assistant
1938 413
The Queen of the Air The Aerial Cards, card floating from one table to another
1938 414
Howard Thurston Howard Thurston Rising Cards cards rise and float into hand
1942 250
Paul Fox, Harlan Tarbell Superba Rising Cards four cards rise and float into hand
Related to 1942 255
Howard Thurston Thurston's Floating Card card floats up and down, thread
1942 257
Jean Hugard The Aerial Cards - Jean Hugard Method three cards rise out of the deck and float into other hand
1942 23
Bob Hummer Bob Hummer's Whirling Card
VariationsAlso published here 1943 2
Joe Karson The Floating Queen card floats behind the fingers
Related to 1945 128
Sid Fleischman, Robert "Bob" J. Gunther The Impromptu Floating Card card floats over palm up hands
Variations 1945 63
Eddie Ward Zombie Card Rise under handkerchief
Related to 1956 21
Fernando Larraín, Ramon Varela La carta volante card floats from one hand to the other
1970 109
Billy McComb Frolics with the Hummer Whirling Card
  • A Variation
  • A Don't! - If You Unravel Your Own!
  • A Miracle!
  • You're All Set!
  • Light Weight - But Great!
  • True Story!
Inspired by 1972 51
Donna Delbert The Travelling Card card floats from hand to hand
1972 166
Gerald Kosky Floating Asrah Card card floats in front of hand, ring as convincer
1975 51
Cardini Cardini's Rising Card floats up into hand, write-up by Milton Tropp
Related to 1976
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. Close-Up Folio #6)
Lewis Ganson Die Samba-Karte selection rises from deck under silk and floats upwards against right first finger
Related to 1978 92
Karl Fulves Contacting The Spirits top card on small packet floats up, using card with hole in center
Inspired byRelated to 1979 14
Daniel Cros Daniel's Butterfly card cut into butterfly shape, inspired by Kaps' Floating Cork
1979 119
Paul Harris The Floating Deck half the pack floats above other half
Also published here 1980 19
Bob Hummer Hummer's Whirling Card
Related toAlso published here 1980 84
Jerry Andrus, Jon Racherbaumer, Danny Korem, Gene Castillon 7-Up Float Treatment Andrus' rubber ball floatation, including:
  • Effect (Andrus)
  • Four-Card Method (Racherbaumer)
  • Flap-Card Method (Castillon)
  • Sponge Ball Method (Castillon, Racherbaumer)
  • Double Flotation (Korem)
Dec. 1981
Kabbala — Volume 2 (Vol. 2 No. 12)
Don England The Upper Deck cased deck floats underneath silk Zombie like, then vanishes from case except for selection
1981 1
Jerry Andrus, Derek Dingle Super Floating Card rubber ball and card with hole
Related to 1982 120
Karl Fulves Close-Up Zombie folded handkerchief is held in front of the deck, selection rises and floats behind the handkerchief à la Zombie
1982 36
Srechko Howard, Paul Harris, Ben Harris Float-Flip-Flight half of the deck floats up, then selected card shoots out of deck
1983 69
John Kennedy Animated Card Location three selections, one rises from pocket, second shoots from deck, last rises from deck and floats into hand
1983 12
Mark Lefler Whirling Card card shoots out of deck and floats into hand
Related to 1983 16
Ben Harris The Ultimate Floating Deck deck put on flat hand, deck opens up by itself at selection, ungaffed
  • Set-up
  • Card Selection
  • The First Rise
  • The Deck Turnover
  • Crawl Sequence
  • The Second Rise
  • Book Binder's Rise
  • Clean Up
Variations 1984 3
Edward Marlo Floating Penthouse deck put on flat hand, deck opens up by itself and three selection rise into three different directions
Inspired by 1985 25
Jay Sankey Floater whole deck, ungaffed
1986 61
John Samapaga O-C-I top card of three-card packet floats up
Aug. 1986
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Leo Kostka Powers of the Pyramid card folded and placed above small pyramid, card starts to float
May 1986
Magick (Issue 370)
Ken Krenzel Incredible Full Deck Levitation paper clip gimmick
1987 1
Ken Krenzel The "Cases" Deck Levitation deck in case floats at hand
1987 6
Ken Krenzel The Haunted Levitation deck floats up at selection
1987 7
Ken Krenzel Purist Non-Clip Variations ungaffed version
Inspired by 1987 11
Ken Krenzel The Non-Clip Haunted Levitation deck floats up at selection
1987 12
Ken Krenzel A Gimmicked Incredible Levitation alternative
Inspired by 1987 14
Ken Krenzel "Killer" Floating Deck
Related to 1987 18
Steve Beam The Floating Lady queen floats between two halves of the deck, then the card vanishes, impromptu
Related toVariations 1989 485
Karl Fulves Levitation card floats behind fingers
Related to 1989 41
Randy Wakeman Reverse-Reverse-Rise-Surprise selection reverses twice, then top half floats upwards and selection jumps out
1989 39
Srechko Howard Float-Flip-Flight spelled "Howard Shrecko", first top half floats above bottom half, then selection pops out
Also published here 1989 40
Ben Harris h) The Floating Card card rises from fan up and jumps into other hand
1989 [13]
Steve Beam Free Fall card fan floats
1990 630
Sponging floating card with attached spongeball
1990 639
John Riggs Back to Back Issues
Inspired by 1990 640
Ellis Stanyon The Wonderful Floating Card Trick selection floats from deck into other hand
1991 23
Stanley Collins Jumping Cards (The Siamese Bloodstone) cards jump from hat, hat is balanced on the rim of a plate
1991 24
Karrell Fox Simply Thurston
1991 96
David Harkey Satellite card floats above card case, ungaffed
1991 175
Peter Kane The Amazing Floating Lady Queen floats above deck, two methods (impromptu and gaffed)
1992 8
Steve Dusheck Universal Gimmick hook-up for invisible thread that can be attached to clothing, with weight to pull back thread, with applications:
  • rope floats to hand
  • third tassel gag for Chinese sticks
  • rising card with card floating to hand
  • as pull, match or coin vanish
Inspired byVariations
  • "Invisible Thread Retractor" (Steve Dusheck, marketed 1978)
Also published here
  • marketed in 1968
1994 74
Carl "Polaris" Melish Impossible Card Rise the classic pinky card rise, but card rises completely out of deck and hovers above it
Related to 1995
Labyrinth (Issue 5)
Paul Harris The Floating Deck half the pack floats above other half
Also published here 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 2 (Issue Close-up Fantasies 1 & 2)
Srechko Howard How to Pop a Floating Deck first top half floats above bottom half, then selection pops out
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 2 (Issue Close-up Fantasies 1 & 2)
Tony Miller Poke Salad card with hole
July 1996
Apocalypse (Vol. 19 No. 7)
Michael Kaminskas Heli-Card card rises from deck then it is signed and is spinned in the air, Steve Fearson Hookup
1996 19
Joel Givens Hover deck floats above the hand, impromptu
Also published here 1996 1154
Karl Fulves Silver Kiss card on pile moves up against spectator's hand, hole in cards
1997 36
Jon LeClair Whirling Card
Inspired by 1997 137
Bill Morgan Up, Up, and Away card rises out of deck and floats until caught, wax
1998 6
Jason Alford Floating Deck deck is on table and clings to fingers when lifted up, hidden fork
1998 34
Angelo Carbone Floating Card Case
Mar. 1999
Genii (Vol. 62 No. 3)
Jim Fish Light-Hearted Attraction card floats up on performer's hand and back down, strip on card, similar to dollar bill levitation
May 1999
Magic (Vol. 8 No. 9)
David Acer, Jay Sankey Uppity deck on table covered by napkin, deck begins floating ala Zombie Ball, then deck vanishes, leaving only the selected card
Also published here Apr. 2000
Genii (Vol. 63 No. 4)
Angelo Carbone TIDLE (Totally Impromptu Deck Levitation Effect) deck held in the hands, upper half floats up right at selection
Aug. 2001
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 3)
John Carney Ascension four selections, one rises underneath silk, one floats into hand, fountain for last card
2002 300
John Carney The Ascension Gimmick wire stuck to thumb tip
2002 318
Daniel Garcia Dischover Credit card floats between hands, impromptu
Also published here 2002 4
Mark Aspiazu Deck Levitation deck floats over performer's hand
Mar. 2002
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 10)
Dámaso Fernández La Carta Acróbata card stands on hand of performer and then flies to the other hand
2003 262
Jay Sankey, David Acer Uppity deck on table covered by napkin, deck begins floating ala Zombie Ball, then deck vanishes, leaving only the selected card
Also published here 2004 46
Joel Givens Hover deck floats above the hand, impromptu
Also published here 2007 217
Daniel Garcia Disc Hover Floating credit card, impromptu, floats between hands
Also published here 2009 21
Ben Harris Alida Floaters version, card or deck float up from table, slow release foam
  • A Brief History
  • The Gimmick
  • Effect
  • Basic Handling
  • Setting the Gaff
  • Introducing the gaff
  • Creating the effect
  • The Clean-Up
  • Full Deck Handling
2009 9
Angelo Carbone T.I.D.L.E. "Totally Impromptu Deck Levitation Effect"
top half floats up
Mar. 2010
Genii (Vol. 73 No. 3)
Ben Harris The Ultimate Floating Deck deck put on flat hand, deck opens up by itself at selection, ungaffed, simplified
  • Preparation
  • The Floating Phase
  • Finesses
    • Alternate Rest Grip
    • Overhand Shuffle
    • Showing Below The Floating Block
    • Flipping The Deck Over
    • Easy clean up
Inspired by 2010 8
Karl Fulves Dronette card spins around performer à la Hummer and changes into selection
Inspired by 2015
The Lowdown (Issue 1)
Martin Lewis Colossal Floating Card
  • Making Magic
giant card floats in front of the performer
July 2017
Genii (Vol. 80 No. 7)
Áriston Carta Que Levita Atravesada Por Aro Chino card levitation, through a ring
2017 194
Tom Gagnon Floater deck floats above hand, using hidden Thumb Tip
Also published here
  • New Tops, Dec. 1981
2019 46
Helge Thun Das Tuch des Todes four signed Kings lost in deck, the are found again with the help of a handkerchief, with management of divided cards for subsequent routines
  • Erste Kartenproduktion (card rises from handkerchief-covered deck and floats up)
  • Zweite Kartenproduktion (card through handkerchief with cased deck)
  • Dritte Kartenproduktion (cased deck put in handkerchief, spectator reaches in and locates card)
  • Vierte Kartenproduktion (card appears on face of deck in glass with handkerchief cover)
2023 29