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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
The Cards Rising Through The Air selected cards rise from pack and float into performer's hand
Related to 1897 205
Howard Thurston The "Thurston" Rising Cards card floats into hand, two methods (with or without reel)
1902 119
Howard Thurston Thurston's Kartensteiger floats out of deck into hand
Related to May 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 5)
Fortuné Hechinger Zu Thurston's Kartensteiger different thread hookup
Related to Oct. 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 10)
P. T. Selbit, Howard Thurston A Novel Watch Trick borrowed watch wrapped in paper, travels into hat
Also published here
  • "The Magician's Handbook" (Selbit)
1903 163
Howard Thurston The "Thurston" Rising Cards five cards rise out of deck and float into hand one by one
  • First Method
  • Second Method for Stage
1904 88
Howard Thurston, J. N. Thornton The Thurston Rising Cards
1909 202
Howard Thurston The Inexhaustible Hat producing several inflated balloons from hat, gas tube system
1909 333
Newspaper Clippings on Howard Thurston
May 1936
The Jinx (Issue 20)
Howard Thurston The "Thurston" Rising Cards The Aerial Cards, floating across stage with named cards (assistant)
1938 412
Howard Thurston Howard Thurston Rising Cards cards rise and float into hand
1942 250
Howard Thurston Thurston's Floating Card card floats up and down, thread
1942 257
Howard Thurston The Thurston Switch deck switch with assistant, here in context of rising card trick
1943 3
Howard Thurston Production from the Palm classic type palm
1946 129
Johnny Paul, Howard Thurston, Richard Du Bois The Card on the Wall No. 100, card is forced using partial numerical stack (even values only)
1950 191
Howard Thurston, Oscar Weigle Dice Will Tell No. 109, selection found by roll of two dice
Variations 1950 210
Harry Houdini, Howard Thurston, Harry Blackstone, Max Malini, Louis Nikola, Carl Rosini Card on Ceiling No. 119
1950 231
Howard Thurston Thurston's Card Mystery No. 122, performer with back turned divines number of cards remaining on table
1950 236
Jay Marshall Back Talk on Howard Thurston, The Yock, Jardine Ellis (short bio), Wilford Hutchinson, Al Monroe, Houdini, T. Nelson Downs
Jan. 1956
The New Phoenix (Issue 335)
Don Tanner, Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Howard Thurston, Magi-Fest
Nov. 1960
The New Phoenix (Issue 351)
Don Tanner The Back Room on Howard Thurston, Benjamin Franklin, card throwing, Magic Dealer Association, gag by Dr. Belanger, J. E. Johannson suggests using flower pots for cups and balls, Magic Handbook, U. F. Grant
Sep. 1962
The New Phoenix (Issue 372)
Paul Curry Chapter Three: The Magician's Image on Alexander Herrmann, Hoffmann's Modern Magic, Harry Kellar, Howard Thurston
1965 37
Sol Stone, Howard Thurston Continuous Coin Production & Vanish
1972 254
Howard Thurston Tree to Girl Transformation small tree to girl, behind cloth
1974 8
Stewart Judah Decoy Dice six cards used, two dice rolled and selection made via counting
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here Winter 1975
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. 10th Folio (Part Two))
Karl Fulves Howard Thurston
1977 185
Peter Wilker Geschichte der Magie - Karl Germain's "Reis und Wasser" on Karl Germain and other stories
  • Allerlei Missgeschicke. Die Idee eines Experten
  • Pech für Silent Mora
  • Pech für Howard Thurston
  • Stanley Jaks auf dem gewissen Örtchen
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 38 No. 1)
Michael Weber Powers of Dimness index fingers on spectator's eyelids, ashtray starts to levitate
Related to
  • Howard Thurston's "200 Tricks You Can Do" p. 180
1991 71
Howard Thurston Howard Thurston Rising Cards cards in glass, selection jumps out, different versions
Related to 1991 6
Finally Howard Thurston photograph
Oct. 1992
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Chuck Fayne (reviewer) The Complete Life of Howard Franklin Thurston: Volumes I and II by Howard Thurston (written by Robert E. Olson)Related to Oct. 1994
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 2)
Finally Howard Thurston, Harold Lloyd, photograph
Oct. 1994
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 2)
John Booth Another Product View
  • Letters
Related to Nov. 1994
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 3)
Nick Trost Double Revelation with Cards and Dice Pair of dice to locate card, and prediction of numbers on dice
Inspired byRelated to 1997 139
Si Stebbins Si Stebbins Setup Syrian card manipulator Selim Cid taught Si Stebbins a version of the setup in 1895. Popularised by Howard Thurston in Howard Thurston's Card Tricks, 1901.
1997 321
Finally Howard Thurston photograph
May 1998
Magic (Vol. 7 No. 9)
Michael Edwards Iasia!! on Howard Thurston's illusion
Dec. 1999
Genii (Vol. 62 No. 12)
The Century - Those Who Impacted The Art In America
  • Richiardi Jr. (1923-1985)
  • Walter B. Gibson (1897-1985)
  • Ricky Jay
  • T. Nelson Downs (1869-1938)
  • Alex Elmsley
  • Robert Harbin (1908-1978)
  • Marvyn Roy
  • Dunninger (1892-1975)
  • U. F. Grant (1901-1978)
  • Howard Thurston (1879-1938)
Feb. 1999
Magic (Vol. 8 No. 6)
Finally Howard Thurston at the beach photograph
Aug. 1999
Magic (Vol. 8 No. 12)
John Moehring The Century - Those Who Most Affected the Art in America balloting results:
  • 10 - Howard Thurston
  • 9 - Siegfried & Roy
  • 8 - Mark Wilson
  • 7 - Cardini
  • 6 - Harlan Tarbell
  • 5 - Doug Henning
  • 4 - Harry Blackstone, Sr.
  • 3 - David Copperfield
  • 2 - Dai Vernon
  • 1 - Harry Houdini
Related to Dec. 1999
Magic (Vol. 9 No. 4)
Karl Fulves, Tony Bartolotta Triple Enigma No. 36, pair of invisible dice used to select card, card found and card with dice sum turns up, Ace to Nine set-up
Inspired by 2001 52
John A. McKinven The Best Show... I Ever Saw: Howard Thurston
Apr. 2001
Magic (Vol. 10 No. 8)
Howard Thurston Eggs from Bowler Hat - First Method: Thurston's Original Version credit information
Related to
  • "The Egg and Hat Trick" (Walker, Up To Date Conjuring, 1920)
2002 57
Val Andrews, Howard Thurston The Egg of Christopher Columbus (or the Self-balancing Egg) - Second Method: Andrews and Thurston ring under cloth
Also published here
  • Egg Bags and Egg Gags, p. 14
  • Howard Thurston, 400 Tricks You Can Do, 1940, p. 103
2002 93
Eggs, Spool, and Glasses - First Method eggs balanced on tubes on tray on top of glasses, tray whipped away
Also published here
  • Howard Thurston, 400 Tricks You Can Do, p. 104
2002 99
Jim Steinmeyer Genii Speaks Dai Vernon, Kalin and Jinger's "Real Magic", Lance Burton on The View, vaudeville, Taschen's books The Circus and Magic, Howard Thurston
Aug. 2008
Genii (Vol. 71 No. 8)
Jim Steinmeyer Excerpts from The Last Greatest Magician in the World on Howard Thurston
Feb. 2011
Genii (Vol. 74 No. 2)
Jim Steinmeyer Coda on Jonathan Levit as Howard Thurston
Mar. 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 3)
Mike Caveney OH! Chair person vanishes from a chair, Howard Thurston, discussion of the performance at the 2003 Los Angeles History Conference
  • The Platform
  • The Hand
  • The Ring
  • The Curtain
  • OH! Chair Routine
2013 101
Nick Trost Dice Will Tell More selection found by roll of two dice, then cards with values that match the rolled numbers are produced
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here
  • Precursor No. XXXIV, Feb. 1992
2013 734
Mike Caveney Gustave Fasola to Howard Thurston
  • Classic Correspondence
Mar. 2019
Genii (Vol. 82 No. 3)
Mike Caveney P.T. Selbit to Howard Thurston
  • Classic Correspondence
Jan. 2020
Genii (Vol. 83 No. 1)
Bill Smith The Journey of Howard Thurston's "Seeing Through a Woman"
May 2023
PM2 (Issue 28)
Gene Matsuura Fooled by a Photo on Howard Thurston, Winston Free, picture of levitation of a person while standing surrounded on a nightclub table
May 2023
PM2 (Issue 28)