226 entries in
Cards / Sleights / Switches / Deck & Thick Packet Switches / Technical / Miscellaneous
Creators | Title | Comments & References | Year | Source | Page | AA | Categories | |
Pochette-Profonde Switch | 1876 | |||||||
To Change one Pack for another | 1889 | |||||||
Die Kartenservante | 1895 | |||||||
Deck Switch | Sep. 1895 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 1 No. 9)
Erklärung zum Vertauschen eines Kartenspiels | Sep. 1895 |
Der Zauberspiegel
(Vol. 1 No. 1)
Dummy Card in Handkerchief | 1896 | |||||||
Vertauschen eines Kartenspieles vermittelst Servante | 1896 | |||||||
Vertauschen eines Kartenspieles vermittelst Klammer | 1896 | |||||||
Carl Willmann | Karten-Servante | Jan. 1896 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 2 No. 1)
Carl Willmann | Willmann's Kartenklammer | Feb. 1896 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 2 No. 2)
Carl Willmann | Willmann's Kartenklammer | Mar. 1896 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 2 No. 3)
Deck Switch Subtlety | Feb. 1896 |
Der Zauberspiegel
(Vol. 1 No. 6)
Deck Switch | 1897 | |||||||
The Card Servante | 1897 | |||||||
Hausmittel gegen Dilettanten-Schmerzen | Feb. 1897 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 3 No. 2)
Arthur "Dr. Avon" Kollmann | Ueber Vertauschung von Kartenspielen | June 1898 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 4 No. 6)
Arthur "Dr. Avon" Kollmann | Ueber Vertauschung von Kartenspielen | July 1898 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 4 No. 7)
Hans Meckel | Die Cigarrenkiste im Dienste der Magie | July 1898 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 4 No. 7)
Arthur "Dr. Avon" Kollmann | Ueber Vertauschung von Kartenspielen II. | Aug. 1898 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 4 No. 8)
Kartenspiele zu vertauschen | 1899 | |||||||
Die Kartentasche | May 1899 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 5 No. 5)
Deck Switch behind Chair | 1900 | |||||||
Sleeve Switch | 1900 | |||||||
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli | Ein Hülfsmittel zum Vertauschen kleiner Gegenstände | Oct. 1901 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 7 No. 10)
Emil Clauß, Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli | Halbfertige Ideen | Jan. 1902 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 8 No. 1)
Professor Hoffmann | Deck Switch with Cigar-Box | 1903 | ||||||
Kartenklammer, zum Vertauschen von Kartenspielen | May 1903 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 9 No. 5)
Zur Kartenklammer, zum Vertauschen von Kartenspielen | June 1903 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 9 No. 6)
Deck Switch with Handkerchief | 1909 | |||||||
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser | Deck Switch | 1910 | ||||||
Joseph Michael Hartz | Deck Switch | 1911 | ||||||
Joseph Michael Hartz | Deck Switch | 1911 | ||||||
Stanley Collins | Deck Switch | 1920 | ||||||
Charles T. Jordan | Packet Switch | 1920 | ||||||
Oswald Rae | A Visible Servante | 1928 | ||||||
Al Baker | Pocket Switch | 1933 | ||||||
U. F. Grant | Switching Case | 1936 | ||||||
Al Baker | Switching the Deck - 3. Al Baker's Method No. 1 | 1937 | ||||||
Switching Packs | 1937 | |||||||
Pocket Deck Switch | 1937 | |||||||
Al Baker | Pocket Gesture Deck Switch | Aug. 1937 |
The Jinx
(Issue 35)
Capt. J.E. Stone | II. Using a Hat and Blindfold | 1938 | ||||||
Capt. J.E. Stone | III. Using a Handkerchief and Coat Pocket | 1938 | ||||||
Capt. J.E. Stone | IV. Using a Cardcase and Coat Pocket | 1938 | ||||||
Capt. J.E. Stone | VI. Using a Prepared Cardcase | 1938 | ||||||
Deck Switching Servante | Dec. 1939 |
The Jinx
(Issue 73)
Robert Parrish | Cover Card Deck Switch | 1939 | ||||||
Card Case for Pocket Switch | 1939 | |||||||
Roger Barkann, Richard Himber | Duolette | Feb. 1943 |
The Phoenix
(Issue 29)
Bruce Elliott | Changing Tray Substitute | Feb. 1943 |
The Phoenix
(Issue 29)
The Hat Switch | 1943 | |||||||
Howard Thurston | The Thurston Switch | 1943 | ||||||
The Egg-Bag Switch | 1943 | |||||||
The Chinese Switch | 1943 | |||||||
Another Handkerchief Switch | 1943 | |||||||
The Paper Switch | 1943 | |||||||
"One More Trick" Switch | 1943 | |||||||
The Hip-Pocket Switch | 1943 | |||||||
Combination Coat and Vest-Pocket Switch | 1943 | |||||||
Change-Bag Switch | 1943 | |||||||
The Card Servante | 1943 | |||||||
The Vest-Pocket Switch | 1943 | |||||||
Another Vest-Pocket Switch | 1943 | |||||||
Standard Card-Tray Switch | 1943 | |||||||
The Writing-Tablet Switch | 1943 | |||||||
Walter B. Gibson | Switched | June 1944 |
The Phoenix
(Issue 63)
Edward Victor | Switching a Pack | 1946 | ||||||
Joe Stuthard, R. W. Waldron | Methods of Switching | 1949 | ||||||
Lewis Ganson | A Simple Pack Switch | 1952 | ||||||
Deck Switch behind Card Stand | 1954 | |||||||
Roy Benson | Deck Switches | 1955 |
The New Phoenix
(Issue 326)
Max Malini | Confusion Deck Switch | 1955 |
The New Phoenix
(Issue 326)
Packet Switch | 1963 | |||||||
Patrick Page | To Switch One Small Object for Another | 1966 | ||||||
Don Nielson | Supremo Deck Switch | Oct. 1967 |
The Pallbearers Review
(Vol. 2 No. 12)
Don Nielson, Karl Fulves | Visible Deck Switch | Nov. 1967 |
The Pallbearers Review
(Vol. 3 No. 1)
Al Koran | One-and-a-Half Card Case | 1968 | ||||||
Martin A. Nash | A Deck Switch | 1969 |
The Cardiste
(Issue 13)
Alan Shaxon | Switching a Pack of Cards | 1970 | ||||||
Juan Tamariz, Ramon Varela | Deck Switch | 1970 | ||||||
Jack Kent Tillar | J. K. T. on Cold Decks | June 1970 |
(Vol. 1 No. 15)
Dai Vernon | Cold Deck Exchange | 1975 | ||||||
The Pocket Switch | 1975 | |||||||
Charles T. Jordan | Pocket Switch | 1975 | ||||||
Danny Korem | Scary Deck Switch | 1978 | ||||||
Edward Marlo, Frank Pemper | Joker Switch | 1978 | ||||||
Roger Smith | A Simple Routine | 1978 | ||||||
Mel Brown | Joker Deck Switch | 1978 | ||||||
Stand-up Deck Switch | 1979 | |||||||
Edward Marlo | First Switch, Second Switch, Third Switch | 1980 | ||||||
Derek Dingle | Standup Sleightless Deck Switch | 1982 | ||||||
Derek Dingle | Two Fisted Deck Switch | 1982 | ||||||
Thomas Alan Waters | Hexchange | 1983 |
Mind, Myth & Magick
(Issue Psychl)
Juan Tamariz | Double Crossing the Gaze Switch | Feb. 1983 |
(Vol. 2 No. 22)
Randy Tanner | The Rubber Band Deck Switch | 1985 | ||||||
Danny Korem | The Korem Deck Switch | 1985 | ||||||
Half-Deck Switch | 1985 |
The Fred Braue Notebooks
(Issue 1)
Switch to stacked deck | 1985 |
The Fred Braue Notebooks
(Issue 2)
Larry Jennings | Wallet Deck Switch | 1986 | ||||||
Jay Sankey | Dump Switch | 1986 | ||||||
Pocket Deck Switch | 1986 | |||||||
Larry Jennings | Wallet Deck Switch | Sep. 1986 |
Magical Arts Journal
(Vol. 1 No. 2)
Steve Draun | The Practical Deck Switch | 1987 | ||||||
Pocket Deck Switch | 1989 | |||||||
Larry Jennings | Brieftaschen-Kartenspiel-Austausch | Feb. 1990 |
(Vol. 15 No. 2)
Alex Elmsley | The Climax Pack Switch | 1991 | ||||||
Alex Elmsley | The Empty-handed Pack Switch | 1991 | ||||||
Daryl Martinez | Pocket Search Switch | 1991 | ||||||
Alex Elmsley | Der Alex Elmsley Kartenspiel-Austausch | Nov./Dec. 1991 |
Avantgarde Magic
(Vol. 1 No. 4)
Paul Douglas | Premier Deck Switches | 1991 |
Swindle Sheet
(Issue 9)
Alexander de Cova | Deck Switch Case | 1992 | ||||||
Karl Fulves | The Deck Drop | 1992 |
Cheat Sheet
(Issue 10)
Alex Elmsley | Elmsley Switch | 1992 | ||||||
Steve Draun | The Practical Deck Switch | 1993 | ||||||
Switching Decks | 1993 | |||||||
Alexander de Cova | Deck Switch Case | 1993 | ||||||
Alexander de Cova | Deck Switch Case | 1993 | ||||||
Alex Elmsley | Pocket Deck Switch | 1994 | ||||||
Nail File or Pencil for Exchanging Decks | 1994 | |||||||
Deck Switch | 1994 | |||||||
Roy Johnson | Der Mehrzweck-Umschlag | Nov. 1994 |
(Vol. 19 No. 1)
Mel Brown | Joker Deck Switch | 1994 | ||||||
Darwin Ortiz | Pocket Deck Switch | 1995 | ||||||
Robert Parrish | The Rising Cards | 1995 | ||||||
Juan Tamariz | Double Crossing the Gaze | 1995 | ||||||
Tony Corinda | Beyond the 13 Steps: A Masterpiece of Mentalism | Apr. 1995 |
(Vol. 17 No. 10)
Tommy Wonder | The Two-Pocket Deck Switch | 1996 | ||||||
Gene Maze | Hello Stranger | Mar. 1996 |
(Vol. 19 No. 3)
Michael Skinner | Pocket Packet Switch | 1996 | ||||||
Larry Jennings | Pocket Deck Switch | 1997 | ||||||
Simon Lovell | The Switch | 1997 | ||||||
Robert Parrish | Switching Decks | 1997 | ||||||
Guy Hollingworth | Hollow Envelopes Dummy Switch | 1999 | ||||||
Andrew Wimhurst | The Acme Pocket Switcher | 1999 | ||||||
David Regal | Fool 'Em If You Got 'Em | 1999 | ||||||
Ellis Stanyon | Changing the Pack | 1999 | ||||||
Ellis Stanyon | Changing the Pack at the Breast Pockets | 1999 | ||||||
Ellis Stanyon | Changing the Pack in the Tail Pocket | 1999 | ||||||
Kartenspiel-Austausch | 1999 |
(Vol. 23 No. 2)
Karl Fulves | Topit Switch | 2000 |
(Issue 3)
Karl Fulves | Pocket Gaff | 2000 |
(Issue 3)
Karl Fulves, Jack Dean | Blackjack Switch | 2000 |
(Issue 3)
Andrew Wimhurst | The Acme Pocket Switcher | 2001 | ||||||
Karl Fulves | The Deck is Stacked | 2001 | ||||||
Mark Lewis | Switching a Deck | 2001 | ||||||
Andi Gladwin | The First Relaxing Deck Switch | May/June 2001 |
Mr. Gadfly
(Vol. 1 No. 1)
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser | Deck Switch | 2002 | ||||||
John Carney | Chair Deck Switch | 2002 | ||||||
Arm Deck Switch | 2002 |
(Issue 7)
Al Baker | Pocket Switch | 2003 |
The Secret Ways of Al Baker
(Issue Al Baker's Book)
Al Baker | Switching The Deck | 2003 |
The Secret Ways of Al Baker
(Issue Contributions)
Roberto Giobbi | Spielaustausch | 2003 | ||||||
Wesley James | Inside Pocket Switch | 2004 | ||||||
Juan Tamariz | Deck Switch | 2004 | ||||||
Juan Tamariz | Deck Switches | 2004 | ||||||
Stand-Up Deck Switch | 2004 | |||||||
Deck Switch with Wallet | 2004 | |||||||
Seated Deck Switch | 2004 | |||||||
Robert Cassidy | Packet Switch | 2004 | ||||||
Alexander de Cova | Two Switch Boxes | 2004 | ||||||
Barrie Richardson | The Legal Switch-pad | 2005 | ||||||
Barrie Richardson | Devious Deck Switch | 2005 | ||||||
Tom Stone | Compass Deck Switch | 2007 | ||||||
Pocket Deck Switch | 2008 | |||||||
John Scarne | Scarne's Vest Holdout | 2009 |
(Issue 6)
John Scarne | Scarne's Cap Deal | 2009 |
(Issue 6)
Hiroyuki Sakai | The Uncluttered Mind | Feb. 2009 |
(Vol. 72 No. 2)
Tom Stone | Note 12 - Magic Compass Switch | Apr. 2009 |
(Vol. 72 No. 4)
Roberto Giobbi | How to Switch a Deck While Standing | Sep. 2009 |
(Vol. 72 No. 9)
Tom Stone | Note 12: "Magic Compass Switch" | 2009 | ||||||
Roberto Giobbi | The Simplest Deck Switch | 2010 |
Secret Agenda
(Issue July 25)
Roberto Giobbi | Equivoque Red and Blue Deck Switch | July 2010 |
(Vol. 73 No. 7)
Roberto Giobbi | The No Deck Switch | Sep. 2010 |
(Vol. 73 No. 9)
Woody Aragón | Appendix: Woody's Change Box | 2011 | ||||||
Patrick Page | Topit | 2011 | ||||||
Wolfgang Moser | Spielaustausch | 2011 | ||||||
Barrie Richardson | Devious Deck Switch - A Modest Renovation | 2011 | ||||||
Roberto Giobbi | The Finger-Tongs Switch | 2013 | ||||||
Roberto Giobbi | In-and-Out Deck Switches | 2013 | ||||||
Roberto Giobbi | The Pocket-to-Pocket Switch | 2013 | ||||||
Steve Forte, Roberto Giobbi | The Money Switch | 2013 | ||||||
Jack Merlin, Roberto Giobbi | The Mani Pulite Deck Switch | 2013 | ||||||
Flip Hallema | Flip's Deck Switch | 2013 | ||||||
Flip Hallema | Further Deck Switch | 2013 | ||||||
Roberto Giobbi | The Chivalrous Deck Switch | 2013 | ||||||
Roberto Giobbi | The Gambler's Coat Deck Switch | 2013 | ||||||
Mel Brown, Roberto Giobbi | The Joker Deck Switch | 2013 | ||||||
Juan Tamariz | Variation on the Joker Switch | 2013 | ||||||
Roberto Giobbi | Equivoque Red- and Blue-Deck Switch | 2013 | ||||||
Roberto Giobbi | Casing the Deck Switch | 2013 | ||||||
Roberto Giobbi | The Simplex Deck Switch | 2013 | ||||||
Roberto Giobbi | The Cool Man's Deck Switch | 2013 | ||||||
Roberto Giobbi, Dai Vernon | The No Switch Deck Switch | 2013 | ||||||
Roberto Giobbi | The Rubber Band Ploy | 2013 | ||||||
Carlos Vinuesa | Freely Chosen Card at Any Number | 2013 | ||||||
Carlos Vinuesa | I Have Destroyed the Time Machine! | 2013 | ||||||
Carlos Vinuesa | The Switch | 2013 | ||||||
Justin Higham | Illusory-Removal Deck Switch | 2013 | ||||||
Alexander de Cova | Der Profi-Spielaustausch | 2013 | ||||||
Charlie Frye | Fryed Switch Deck | Feb. 2013 |
Real Secrets
(Vol. 1 No. 11)
Michael Ammar | Handkerchief Deck Switch | 2014 | ||||||
Steve Reynolds | Half-Deck Switch | 2014 | ||||||
Steve Reynolds | Full Deck Switch | 2014 | ||||||
Primer Cambio de Baraja | 2014 | |||||||
Roberto Giobbi | The We'll Do This Differently Deck Switch | May 2015 |
(Vol. 78 No. 5)
Roberto Giobbi | "Match the Joker to the Pack" Deck Switch | 2016 |
Hidden Agenda
(Issue Sep 28)
Alexander de Cova | Ein "brutaler" Spielaustausch | 2016 | ||||||
Alexander de Cova | Prometheus Switch | 2016 | ||||||
Alexander de Cova | Papiertüten Austausch | 2016 | ||||||
Alexander de Cova | Austauschkassette | 2016 | ||||||
Patrick G. Redford | The Ninja Deck Switch | 2017 | ||||||
Dai Vernon | "Another one" Deck Switch | 2018 |
The Magic of Johnny Thompson
(Issue 2)
Topit Deck Switch | 2018 |
The Magic of Johnny Thompson
(Issue 2)
Alexander de Cova | Ein Spielaustausch | 2018 | ||||||
Alexander de Cova | Simplex Deck Switch | 2018 | ||||||
Cigar-Cooler | 2020 | |||||||
Steve Forte | baseball-cap cooler | 2020 | ||||||
Steve Forte | cold-deck machine | 2020 | ||||||
Andi Gladwin | Opened Pocket Lining | 2020 | ||||||
Max Malini | Confusion Deck Switch | 2022 | ||||||
Andi Gladwin | Cooler in a Jacket | 2022 |
Talk About Tricks
(Issue 1)
Scott Baird | Cased Deck Switch Handling | June 2023 |
The Hermit
(Vol. 2 No. 6)
Roberto Giobbi | False Pocket Deck Switch | 2024 |
Unexpected Agenda
(Issue May 15)
Roberto Giobbi | The New Ninja Deck Switch | 2024 |
Unexpected Agenda
(Issue Nov. 9)
Joshua Jay | Super-Ultimate-Best-Ever-Deluxe-False-Shuffle 2.0 | 2024 | ||||||
Michael Ammar, Christian Scherer | Deck Switch | 2024 |