105 entries in Cards / Principles / Stooge
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Reginald Scot Of private confederacie, and of Bandons pigeon on using stooges, for example for burnt and rediscovered card
Related to 1584 174
How to tell what card anie man thinketh, how to conveie the same into a kernell of a nut or cheristone, &c: and the same againe into ones pocket: how to make one drawe the same or anie card you list, and all under one devise card thought of is predicted on piece of paper in nut or button on spectator's coat, stooge, another person selects this card from deck, in optional repeat a nut with ink is cracked by some sucker
Related to 1584 190
Faire qu'une carte choisie par un premier spectateur, et mêlée dans le jeu par un second, se trouve la première qu'un troisième spectateur choisira librement; la métamorphoser en une autre carte au gré d'un quatrième, & la faire reparaître un instant card turns several times into the cards that other select or name
1786 175
Der Kunstschütze Eine Kartensoirée No. 3
card held by spectator is shot at, a hole appears in its middle
Oct. 1895
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Francis King Die Karte im Glase card thought of and card chosen and lost, they are the same, it travels into a handkerchief-covered glass
Feb. 1897
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 3 No. 2)
A. J. Hellsehen mit Karten medium knows order of cards after "spectator" shuffles, stooge, medium in dark bag with flash light
Dec. 1904
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 10 No. 12)
Stanley Collins A Card Comedy card chosen and lost, spectator names number, card counted to, spectator claims it's not his card but deck shown as one-way deck, gag with stooge
1925 30
William Larsen, T. Page Wright Curious Card Reading card fairly chosen and lost while performer has his back to spectator, it is found, repeat and card is simply named by performer, confederate in audience codes card
1928 2
Robert Parrish Selective Card In Pocket selection travels into a pocket selected by spectator, variation with spectator's pocket instead
1937 35
Martin Gardner Synthetic Seconds two selections travel together, presented as second deal demonstration, stooge
Related to 1938
The Jinx (Issue Winter Extra 1937/38)
The "Plant" Switch stooge goes in corner to select a card which is divined by performer
1943 1
Card in Wallet
Aug. 1946
The Phoenix (Issue 110)
Ronald B. Edwards Side by Side two spectator's cards are found next to each other
Dec. 1946
The Phoenix (Issue 116)
Al Baker The Stethoscope using stooge and signal
Also published here 1949 93
Big Skull pack placed in spectator's mouth, who is then tapped on the head. All cards, except selection fall out
Also published here Jan. 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 221)
Dr. Ben B. Braude Balloon Buster card in on of selected balloon, for magicians, three stooges (!)
Mar. 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 224)
Don Tanner The Invisible Card in the Cigarette thought-of card to cigarette
Dec. 1953
The Phoenix (Issue 296)
P. Howard Lyons The Open Prediction #31 stooge
Aug. 1955
Ibidem (Issue 3)
Tony Corinda, "Teddy" Love (13) Stooges comments, trick by "Teddy" Love where two spectator's select the same card as the performer does, three decks
Also published here 1958 99
Dr. Spencer Thornton The Mentalist's Pencil performer leaves the room and three cards are selected and hidden, all cards are divined
1958 20
Edward Marlo Double Thought - Single Deck two cards thought of found, one ahead
  • Stooge Version
  • The Exchange Version
  • The Key Card Version
  • Memory Version
Related toAlso published here 1959 12
Matt Schulien Counting the Cards six cards counted off by spectator, spectator miscounts repeatedly, performer counts these cards as more cards, up to ten, spectators get packets to follow along, cards across with two packets of ten cards, finally half the deck travels from one spectator to another who was holding the other half
  • Phase I - "Give Me Six Cards"
  • Phase II - "Call a Number From Six to Ten"
  • Phase III - "Call A Number Less Than Six"
  • Phase IV - "Did You See How I Did That?"
  • Phase V - "How Many Did We Have?"
  • Phase VI - "Passing The Cards"
  • Phase VII - "Finale"
1959 83
P. Howard Lyons Phraud person is phoned and asked to name any card, it is a previous selection
Mar. 1961
Ibidem (Issue 23)
Karl Fulves Covenant Ace, Two and Three are shuffled and distributed amongst three spectators, performer divines who has which card
VariationsAlso published here Mar. 1966 23
J. W. Sarles Tow Minds spectator divines card by gazing into crystal
Winter 1967
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 3 No. 1st Folio)
Dick Koester, Allan Ackerman Smyth Myth Retold cards are shuffled face up into face down, pairs put on the table, when one spectator sees his card he says stop, the other card face down is the second selection
1970 33
Paul LePaul Baffling-Impossibility memorized deck and stooge
1971 48
Edward G. Brown A Card Named by an Assistant to force a card
1973 191
Ronnie Gann Mind Blow two cards are divined, difficult conditions
Magick (Issue 166)
Eddie Fields, Mike Schwartz A Pocketful of Miracles invisible deck, it becomes visible in the pocket of a spectator
1976 9
John Cornelius No Sleight Card Location two spectators each select a card with magician's back turned, they call out any cards and performer stops them at their selection
1977 16
Terry Nosek Tuning In... during radio interview, host selects a card and calls a person who divines card, hole in business card to select number
Magick (Issue 216)
Karl Fulves Leverage two cards divined, confederate needed that can clock
Related to 1979 43
Karl Fulves Covenant No. 61, Ace, Two and Three are shuffled and distributed amongst three spectators, performer divines who has which card
Also published here 1979 103
Ken De Courcy Be Insured insurance policy gag for "spelling to any card" routine
1980 7
Ken De Courcy Bad Memories spectator should card to neighbour, application in which that is a stooge
1980 42
Skullocation Life pack placed in spectator's mouth, who is then tapped on the head. All cards, except selection fall out
Also published here June 1981
Intermagic (Vol. 8 No. 2)
Thomas Alan Waters Imposition assistant does not have to know the stack
Inspired by
  • Spaulding's "Audience Rapport" in "The Linking Ring" Vol. 22, No. 7. P.21.
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Deckalogue)
Bob Haines Any Card - Any Wallet selection ends up in spectator's wallet
1982 20
Scott Davis Nine Plus nine cards are placed on a table, one is chosen while performer is in other room and then divined
Aug. 1983
Magick (Issue 322)
Edward Marlo On The Berglas Effect stooge
Also published here
  • MUM, June 1978
1984 67
Dai Vernon, Frederick Braue Insolvable Mystery deck behind performer's back in handkerchief, spectator names any number, performer the card at this position, also with stooge that names card (1942)
Inspired byRelated to 1985 11
Hal Barlow Dental Telepathy two cards are selected while performer is in other room, both cards are divined, code
Apr. 1987
Magick (Issue 388)
Karl Fulves Session - 2 on using confederates
1987 30
Simon Aronson Any Card, Then Any Number with repeat, two methods
1990 93
Gary Kurtz Two Heads Are Better Than One a friend locates a card, stooged with some simple instructions
Also published here 1992 21
Sid Fleischman Card Gossip person thinks of a card and whispers it to someone, who whispers it to another one but can lie, and so on, final card predicted in Brainnwave deck or other
  • The Silent Partner Option
  • The Index Option
  • Thumb Writing
1993 145
Scott Robinson Chance by Choice four cards are cut to, sum is predicted in envelope
Related to 1995 89
Karl Fulves The Nine-Cent Card Trick No. 63, nine cards in square and nine pennies laid out, one chosen, card and date on coin on it divined, using a confederate
1995 89
Gary Kurtz Tow Heads Are Better Than One a friend locates a card, stooged with some simple instructions
Also published here 1995 22
Tony Corinda Beyond the 13 Steps: A Masterpiece of Mentalism spectators divine cards in shuffled deck, April's fool gag, cockroach deck switch
Apr. 1995
Vibrations (Vol. 17 No. 10)
Edward Marlo Anyone - Anywhere intro to Any Card at Any Number themed tricks, describing a three phase routine by Marlo, memorized deck, stooge
Also published here 1996 24
Karl Fulves The Value of X spectator stops at another spectator's selection during deal
1996 89
Karl Fulves Silent Partner with stooge, but not the dealing spectator
1996 21
Karl Fulves Benefactor with two cards that turn out to be mates, Riffle Shuffle Control
1996 25
Karl Fulves Voice Print freely chosen card, deck in glass, message appears on slate to locate card
Related to 1996
Underworld (Issue 4)
Karl Fulves Notes Gemini Twins with a stooge, Face-Up Gemini in which the backs match instead of faces
Inspired by 1996 38
Simon Lovell Card In Bottle handkerchief put over deck, bottle appears underneath with signed selection in it
Related to 1997 79
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note two cards chosen and hidden somewhere, performer divines hiding place and identity of one card, the other is heard on answering machine when a phone number is called
1999 110
Ellis Stanyon To Tell Which Card of Fifty-two Is Touched in Your Absence No. 2, coding by assistant
Variations 1999 112
Ellis Stanyon Alternate Method for No. 2 No. 3, verbal code
  • Variation
Inspired by 1999 112
Ellis Stanyon Another Alternate Method for No. 2 No. 4, confederate names a card which codes the actual card
Inspired by 1999 113
Ellis Stanyon To Conjure a Card Under a Flowerpot No. 5
1999 113
Ellis Stanyon To Conjure a Card into Your Pocket No. 6, stooge names the card
1999 114
Ellis Stanyon A Card Instantly Removed from a Pack in the Pocket No. 7, named card to pocket
1999 114
Ellis Stanyon With a Confederate No. 11, confederate has the card replaced reversed
1999 210
Karl Fulves Fate In The Side Pocket unknown card in performer's pocket, card peeked at and one thought of in fan, performer divines one and other one is in pocket
2001 110
Alan Wakeling, Jim Steinmeyer Cheater's Poker Ace assembly with packets in signed envelopes in pockets, stooge switches envelopes in his pocket
Variations July/Aug. 2001
Mr. Gadfly (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Al Baker The Stethoscope using stooge and signal
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Mental Magic)
Jim Steinmeyer the allergic Card trick
Also published here 2003 25
Anthony Owen Number At Card deck with numbers on the backs, named card has named number on back, two versions
Also published here 2003 2
Jim Steinmeyer The Allergic Card Trick
  • Conjuring
Also published here Aug. 2003
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 12)
Rajneesh Madhok Reading the Future
2004 54
Wonder Man Fred Fan-Tastic spectator removes a group of cards and performer names all but three, second spectator selects a card from different deck which matches one of the remaining cards, one card is divined by calling friend of performer and last one matches prediction in box
  • Das Finden einer Karte durch einen Zuschauer
  • Die telefonische Wiedergabe der Karte
  • Die Vorhersage der letzten Karte
2004 209
Karl Fulves Yo, Adrian two spectators take a card from half the deck and place it in the other, both divined, one is a confederate
2005 13
Rick Merrill The Da Vander Code impossible location, with stooge in audience that codes card
2005 22
Bob King The Edge Ace assembly with packets in signed envelopes in pockets, stooge switches envelopes in his pocket
Inspired by 2005 4
Lewis Jones KHAN III helper only has to remember two cards
2006 141
Lewis Jones Blindsight spectator covers eyes of performer, cards are selected from deck and performer is able to name them
2006 145
Jon Racherbaumer The Crown Strategem The Artful Ledger
on using stooges so they cannot see through the whole trick
May 2006
Antinomy (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Edward Marlo Double Thought Stooge Version
Also published here May 2006
Antinomy (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Edward Marlo, Carmen D'Amico Marlo-D'Amico's Berglas Solution
May 2006
Antinomy (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Norman Beck Norman Beck's Version repeat performances with multiple stooges to fool a few designated people
May 2006
Antinomy (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Tomas Blomberg Any Cards at Any Numbers one spectator notes down card and number, another as well, both cards are counted to and the cards are there, only one stooge
May 2006
Antinomy (Vol. 2 No. 2)
"Teddy" Love Three Stooges, Minus One two spectator's select the same card as the performer does, three decks
Also published here May 2006
Antinomy (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Jon Racherbaumer A Crown Con three selections (chosen, thought of and named) turn out to be the same card that the performer reverses under the table, two stooges that don't know how the effect work in its entirety
Inspired by May 2006
Antinomy (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Jack Parker The Thomas Crown Affair coincidence trick using fifteen stooges
Also published here May 2006
Antinomy (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Jack Parker The Thomas Crown Affair coincidence trick using fifteen stooges
Also published here 2007 197
Pete Biro Bongers/Biro Poker Stunt one card travels from deck to poker hand, Kato's Card Happening Flick
Aug. 2007
Genii (Vol. 70 No. 8)
Joel Givens Peek clean spectator's peek, see p. 203 for method
2007 15
Moment's Notice two cards pocketed by performer, then two cards chosen and one of them signed, the pocketed cards turn out to be those cards
Prolix (Issue 6)
Tom Stone derringer cards at two named numbers are predicted, stooge
Also published here 2009 4
Lewis Jones Known Aim stooge
2010 142
Tom Stone Derringer cards at two named numbers are predicted, stooge
Also published here 2011 133
Karl Fulves Rider Attached unknown card from blue deck removed, performer puts red-backed duplicate in blue deck, it is found from face by spectator
Prolix (Issue 9)
Pushed top two cards remembered, replaced, then spectators take them themselves, they transpose
Prolix (Issue 9)
Wayne Dobson AFCAAN "Another Fucking Card at Any Number", with crib sheet for stooge
2013 8
Christoph Borer Das Drei-Karten-Wunder prediction of three cards, half forcing deck, version with and without stooge
Related to 2016 104
Allan Hagen Coincidence "(An Alternative Approach To Any Card At Any Number)", stooge
2017 38
Anthony Owen Number At Card deck with numbers on the backs, named card has named number on back, two versions
Also published here 2017 175
Yves Carbonnier Prédiction Bête Humaine prediction of a number
2019 282
Michael Powers Moe Fun featuring a fair selection procedure in which selection is cut into packets, two distant key cards, another spectator stops the spectator's deal to find selection, with variations (faro, no stooge, edge marks)
Also published here
  • Linking Ring, April 2009
2019 213
Brent Braun Finger Count Across two thought-of cards from packet travel to pocket one by one, using Eleven-Finger Count
Inspired byRelated to Apr. 2023
Genii (Vol. 86 No. 4)
Edward Marlo Anyone Anywhere intro to Any Card at Any Number themed tricks, describing a three phase routine by Marlo, memorized deck, stooge
Also published here 2024 195
Christoph Borer Three-Card Miracle prediction of three cards, half forcing deck, version with and without stooge
Also published here 2024 234