385 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Illogical Things / Signed Card & Mystery Card
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Theodore Annemann Nightmare Effects (Second Effect) spectator chooses card and seals it in an envelope without looking at it, another card selected with riffle peek, that card vanishes and is found in envelope
Variations 1928 1
Theodore Annemann The New Nightmare Effect selected card vanishes and turns out to be card previously removed
Inspired byRelated toVariations Apr. 1935
The Jinx (Issue 7)
Seeing is Believing card put in envelope turns out to be later selection
1936 155
The Unseen Card spectator pockets unseen card, later selection is this pocketed card, svengali deck
1937 250
The Dream Card card placed in envelope in beginning turns out to be later selection, index
1937 333
S. H. Wimbrough Card from the Pocket - Another Presentation lazy man's card to pocket, pocketed card in beginning is later selection
1937 342
Theodore Annemann The Ghost Card stranger card, card is put in envelope
1940 363
Laurie Ireland Magician's Lucky Card card in pocket turns out to be selection
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1940)
Theodore Annemann The New Nightmare Effect selected card vanishes and turns out to be card previously removed
1943 74
Harry Lorayne, Al Leech One-Eyed Jack Sandwich card sandwiched, sandwich in middle of deck, turns out to be later selection
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1965 4
Harry Lorayne, Al Leech One-Eyed Jack Sandwich card sandwiched, sandwich in middle of deck, turns out to be later selection
Also published here 1966
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 27 No. 2)
Tony Kardyro The Ultimate Transfer card is put in envelope or card case, turns out to be later selection
1969 132
Roy Walton Card Case mystery card in case, four Queens are found and mystery card turns out to be selection
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1969 57
Roy Walton Card Case mystery card in case, four Queens are found and mystery card turns out to be selection
  • Alternative Presentation (odd-backed)
Inspired byAlso published here Aug. 1969
Ibidem (Issue 34 & 35)
Gray Leese 4-Card Quadrille signed prediction card turns out to be card selected & initialed by spectator
Related to July 1970
Epilogue (Issue 9)
Karl Fulves Quadrille Notes
Related to July 1970
Epilogue (Issue 9)
Edward Marlo The Reversible Peek openly turned over card turns out to be later peeked card
1970 109
James G. Thompson Jr. Joint Signature "based on a card problem entitled Two-Card Quadrille", card signed on back by spectator as prediction, turns out to be later selection which is signed on the face
Variations Oct. 1970
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 5 No. 12)
Edward Marlo Another Tip card sandwiched, sandwich in middle of deck, turns out to be later selection, easy handling
Related to Nov. 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 37)
Allan Ackerman Lunch several methods for "One-Eyed Jacks" sandwich effect, with loading techniques
Tilted Sandwich:
  • Gaffed
  • Ungaffed #1
  • Ungaffed #2
The Ultimate Approach:
  • The Load In
  • The Palm Switch
  • The No Palm Approach
  • Ungaffed #3
Variations 1971 34
Karl Fulves In The Sleeve card openly placed in performer's sleeve turns out to be later selection
Variations 1971 29
Jerry K. Hartman Fast Draw spectator’s card is reversed in deck unseen, magicians displays another card for himself, faceup deck is dealt through to see whose card turns up first, when spectator thinks he won, turn over his reversed card to show it is also your card, letter to Karl Fulves dated 9/29/69
Inspired by 1971 18
Edward Marlo Signature Rush unknown sandwiched card turns out to be later signed selection, four methods
Dec. 1972
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Mephisto No. 146, unknown card place in envelope, card peeked, card in envelope turns out to be that peeked selection, duplicate
Related to 1972 38
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Seeing Is Believing Trick No. 221, unknown card put in envelope, card selected and written on envelope, card in envelope is shown to be that card, duplicate
Related to 1972 54
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Spread It Card Trick No. 323, prediction packet on table, card chosen, tabled packet contains card of same color, suit and also actual selection
Related toVariations 1972 84
Dr. Jacob Daley Spread It Card Trick Improvement No. 554, prediction packet on table, card chosen, tabled packet contains card of same color, suit and also actual selection
Inspired byVariations 1972 155
Karl Fulves Direct Sandwich
Related to 1973 88
Karl Fulves Gambler's Switch card sandwiched at beginning
1973 90
Alex Elmsley, Michael Skinner Miracle Worker between your palms
1973 204
Karl Fulves "X" Card To Wallet card with X on back is put in wallet in beginning, turns out to be signed card later
1973 38
Karl Fulves Theory Transpo unknown card on table, Ace between Jacks, Jacks vanish and card on table turns out to be the two Jacks
1973 25
Karl Fulves Cased Card card in case turns out to be later signed selection, Between Your Palms variation
1973 40
Karl Fulves Locked Room card in metal box turns out to be later signed selection, second method with card case or envelope
1973 49
Jerry K. Hartman Teleapathy Reversed card at the beginning shown to be the thought of card impossibly, something like Mystery Card
1973 66
Harvey Rosenthal Tilt Prediction previously reversed card turns out to be later selection, two methods
Mar. 1974
Epilogue (Issue 20)
Jerry K. Hartman Transcollectors three unknown cards are alternated facedown between Aces, three cards are selected and lost in deck, the three cards between the Aces are shown to be the cards just selected
Inspired by
  • Reverso (Edward Marlo, 1995)
  • “Reverso” (Edward Marlo, The New Tops, Aug – Sep 1973, p. 41)
Related toAlso published here
1974 4
Jerry K. Hartman No Way top card placed on bottom of deck reversed without showing it, spectator notes new top card of deck and it is buried in middle, reversed card on bottom is shown to be spectator’s card
1974 48
Jerry Mentzer In Case kings and "mystery card" placed in case in beginning
1975 11
Jim Lee Into the Case "Magical Lee" card placed in case in beginning is later selection, double backer
1975 21
Michael Carrion Mirage card placed under close-up mat, two cards chosen, one signed, card under mat turns out to be later signed selection, duplicate
Inspired by Aug. 1975
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. 10)
Karl Fulves Revised Prophecy joker turned over at beginning turns out to be later selection
1975 57
Karl Fulves Using Sleeves two cards placed in sleeve, then card signed in deck, two cards removed from sleeve and one is signed selection, tape on sleeve for steal
Inspired by 1975 199
Karl Fulves Speed With 7's card sandwiched in beginning in deck turns out to be later signed selection
1975 222
Roger Smith Open Paper Clip Surprise card openly paper clipped, card chosen in IF condition turns out to be clipped card
Inspired by 1975 14
Charles T. Jordan Etad-Ot-Pu unknown card placed in pocket, card and its position remembered by spectator, when he counts again it is no longer there (Lazy Man's Card to Pocket) and is shown to be card previously placed in pocket
  • Method 1
  • Method 2 (with gaffed card)
Also published here 1975 33
Charles T. Jordan The Dream unknown chosen card put in envelope, turns out to be later selection
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1975 149
Edward Marlo No Way previously tabled card turns out to be later selection, becomes second selection, first from pocket
Kabbala — Volume 3 (Vol. 3 No. 5)
Peter Duffie Card In Case... Transposition transposition with signed odd back card
Aug. 1976
Pabular (Vol. 2 No. 12)
Jerry Mentzer, Jim Lee In Case Magical Lee prediction put in case, turns out to be later selection signed by spectator on face and performer on back
1976 18
Edward Marlo More Reversos three cards between four Aces turn out to be later selected card (collectors type)
1977 270
Larry Jennings A Handling of "Between your Palms"
Also published here 1977 39
Harvey Rosenthal A Sandwich Switch
1977 124
Harvey Rosenthal Tilt Sandwich I - V sandwiched card on top of deck
1977 144
Gene Maze Signed Card To Wallet signed card - effect
1977 324
Karl Fulves Soliloquy single card on table turns out to be later signed card, sleeving, see also top of p. 36 for lapping method
1977 33
Karl Fulves One Card Isn't two cards place face-down on table, then selection made and signed, one of original cards becomes selection
1978 68
Jerry K. Hartman Betricks and Between Card placed between two Jokers turns blank, card placed aside previously is now the card
Inspired byAlso published here 1978 56
Martin A. Nash The Sandwich Center mates on top, signed card presentation
1979 393
Karl Fulves Null And Void card placed into case, selection underneath vanishes and earlier card inside is selection
1979 12
Roy Walton Kartenetui mystery card in case, four Queens are found and mystery card turns out to be selection
Also published here Dec. 1979
Intermagic (Vol. 6 No. 3 & 4)
Roy Walton Transpositionsvariante different colored back
Also published here Dec. 1979
Intermagic (Vol. 6 No. 3 & 4)
Nick Trost The Same Card unknown card is put reversed in deck, it turns out to be later selection
1979 13
Edward Marlo The Unknown Card - It Can't Be card placed aside is later chosen selection, two methods
1980 291
Gene Maze An Open Sandwich
1980 32
Kevin Davie Sign There signed card travels to other deck and changes back color
Apr. 1980
Pabular (Vol. 6 No. 4)
Don Costello The DC Sandwich sandwiched card
1981 40
Karl Fulves Trapped in the Past sandwiched card
1981 40
Karl Fulves Past Performance sandwiched card
1981 43
Roger Crosthwaite The Eidetic Prediction card is placed in the box, spectator think of a card, that card is divined and later found to be the card put in the box in the beginning
1981 11
Roger Crosthwaite The Geiger Mystery card is located by sound, then it vanishes between two others and is found to be the card put in the case in the beginning
Inspired by 1981 18
Roger Crosthwaite The 2nd Geiger Mystery
Related to 1981 22
Roy Walton Card Case mystery card in case, four Queens are found and mystery card turns out to be selection
Also published here 1981 50
Al Smith Kings & Witch sandwiched unknown card is cut into deck, it turns out to be later selection, using Business Card Prophecy Move
1981 4
Bob Chesbro Card in the Eye folded unknown card stuck in eye, turns out to be later signed selection
1982 26
Edward Marlo The Money Card
Inspired byRelated to 1983 29
Edward Marlo A Hull of a Trick
Inspired by 1983 102
Edward Marlo Future Classic Double-Cross duplicates are produced, see Regal Aces
1983 114
Edward Marlo The Four Eightses Classic four cards change to Aces, duplicates, Kings, with selection in pocket
Variations 1983 214
Brother John Hamman The Signed Card
Related toVariationsAlso published here Oct. 1983
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 2 No. 14)
Jon Racherbaumer Future Trap faro, two handlings
Inspired by 1983
Facsimile (Issue 1)
Reinhard Müller Off Colour Jack-Which with two odd-backed jokers
May 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 25)
Stephen Tucker Behold odd back card in pocket is signed card
Inspired by
  • Horace Bennett's "Comedy Card to Pocket" in "Bennett's 4th Book"
Dec. 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 32)
Philip T. Goldstein Sans Fronds without palming
Inspired byAlso published here 1984 96
Jerry Sadowitz Why Not
1984 14
Larry Jennings The Mystery Card see also issue 2, p. 3
VariationsAlso published here Winter 1984
West Coast Quarterly (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Earl Nelson The Flying Signature odd-backed card turns out to be same as signed selection, then signature appears on it
Related to Winter 1984
West Coast Quarterly (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Frank Simon The Flying Signature, No Palm Method odd-backed card turns out to be same as signed selection, then signature appears on it
Related to Winter 1984
West Coast Quarterly (Vol. 1 No. 1)
William P. Miesel Signa-Flite odd-backed card turns out to be same as signed selection, then signature appears on it, simplified variation
Inspired by Summer 1984
West Coast Quarterly (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Peter Duffie Signus X II no duplicate of selection, but two Jokers
Inspired byVariations 1984 9
Peter Duffie Signus X 1 using two Jokers
Inspired byVariations 1984 9
Brother John Hamman The Signed Card
Also published here 1984 22
J. C. Doty, Brother John Hamman Thanks to JH "The Signed Card" with a new switch
Aug. 1985
Apocalypse (Vol. 8 No. 8)
Tom Craven Blank(et) Prediction
1985 524
Philip T. Goldstein Strung-Out card is selected and signed from a deck with hole drilled through it, deck threaded with a cord and selection removed under silk, duplicate
1985 5
Frederick Braue FB Change card placed aside at beginning is later selection
1985 4
Frederick Braue Pre-Choice sandwiched unknown card becomes later selection
1985 19
Justin Higham A Case for the Mystery Card without switch at the end
Inspired byVariations Sep. 1985 3
Roger Crosthwaite Half a Classic multi-phase routine
  • Spectator cuts to the Aces
  • Triumph
  • Revelation of chosen card
  • Aces change into Eights, Aces found in pocket, selection in card case
Inspired by 1985 4
Larry Jennings The Mystery Card
VariationsAlso published here 1986 34
Larry Jennings The Pacoima Solution no signature
1986 50
Philip T. Goldstein Strung-Out card is selected and signed from a deck with hole drilled through it, deck threaded with a cord and selection removed under silk, duplicate
1986 6
Terri Rogers T.T.F.N. (or The Gambler's Cure) "Tri-Tetra-Flexagon"
card put in flexagon himber type wallet, spectator also puts a signed selection in the card, the first card is shown to be signed selection and spectator's card has funny message
Also published here 1986 64
Reinhard Müller Signierte Karte packet version with jumbo cards
Inspired by 1986 7
Ben Harris The Emergency Card red Kings tabled, an emergency card is shown and tabled to the side, two cards chosen and lost, Kings find one card, then tabled card turns out to be second selection, Fandango application
Aug. 1986 10
David Regal The Divining Card
1987 176
David Regal The Divining Card
Variations Jan. 1987
Apocalypse (Vol. 10 No. 1)
Peter Duffie Envelope Prediction after Ambitious Card sequence, an odd-backed card in an envelope turns out to be signed selection
Related to
  • "Black Envelope" (Bob Kohler)
1987 13
Peter Duffie No Case to Answer odd-backed mystery card, Jacks produced as well, red/blue double backer
Inspired by 1987 93
Roberto Giobbi Die seltsame Schleife
Also published here 1987 135
Darwin Ortiz The Dream Card odd-backed "signed card" type effect, card to wallet
Related toVariations 1988 81
Larry Jennings Long Distance Sandwich sandwiched card from beginning becomes later selection
1988 14
Philip T. Goldstein Strung-Out card is selected and signed from a deck with hole drilled through it, deck threaded with a cord and selection removed under silk, duplicate
1988 9
René Lavand Perhaps, Some Day four chosen cards to wallet, Himber Wallet
Also published here 1988 63
Roy Walton Strange Prediction four cards set aside as prediction, card chosen and lost, the four cards are shown to have the same shape, back color and thickness of selection and the last one is the selection
Related toVariations 1988 49
Fred Kaps A Four Ace Trick four cards chosen and put in performer's pocket unseen, spectators look through piles and see Aces, but then no Aces are found in pack and pocketed cards are the Aces
1988 46
Kevin Bethea It's a Steal card in pocket turns out to be later signed one
Mar. 1989
Apocalypse (Vol. 12 No. 3)
Brother John Hamman The Signed Card
Related to 1989 47
Karl Fulves Kid Trix some blue-backed cards torn in half, card selected and signed from red deck, two blue-blacked halves restored and turned over - it is the spectator's signed card
1989 44
Philip T. Goldstein Sans Fronds without palming
Also published here 1989 11
Randy Wakeman The Emergency Card card signed and lost, odd-backed "emergency card" removed from pocket turns out to be previous signed selection
1989 4
Terri Rogers T.T.F.N. "Tri-Tetra-Flexagon"
card put in flexagon himber type wallet, spectator also puts a signed selection in the card, the first card is shown to be signed selection and spectator's card has funny message
Also published here July 1989
Intermagic (Vol. 14 No. 4 & 5)
Gary Kurtz Hypothetical Possibilities ambitious card, signature vanishes and reappears, wallet
Variations 1990 11
Edward Marlo Marlo's Lost Hull Version nine methods, some with double backer
Related toAlso published here Dec. 1990 1
Jay Sankey "#*@!" folded paper clipped card turns out to be later signed selection
Related toVariations 1990 36
Edward Marlo Satirical Signed Card two methods, with commentary on "The Signed Card"
Related to 1990 40
Edward Marlo Satirical Signed Card two methods
Related to 1990 54
Brother John Hamman, Arturo de Ascanio, Jean-Pierre Garnier, Gary Ouellet Maneater
1990 294
Michael Powers The Nightmare Card odd-backed version of the Dream Card Plot where the card apparently stays on the table in full sight, red/blue double backer
Inspired by 1990 5
Michael Powers Bonus Plot variation of Brother John Hamman's Signed Card where the card is odd backed
Inspired by 1990 8
Michael Powers The Trap Door Card card with business information and trapdoor printed on it used for card-through-table, blank side of trapdoor card becomes signed selection
1990 115
Jon Racherbaumer Strange Siamese Strangers two cards tabled, they turn out to be later selection and though-of card
Inspired by 1990 115
John Bannon Heart of the City card spectator cuts to is predicted, another signed selection travels to envelope which has been on table
Also published here 1990 2
Justin Higham A Streamlined Approach unknown card tabled, two Aces tabled as well, performer and spectator each select a card, spectator signs his card, both lost, indifferent card changes into performer's card between the Aces, unknown card is put between the Aces and shown to be signed selection
Inspired byRelated to Aug. 1990
Technomagic (Issue 2)
Karl Fulves "X" Card to Wallet
1991 26
David Harkey Thunder and Lightning unknown card torn in half, one half put in performer's and one spectator's wallet, another card is chosen and signed, the torn halves turn out to be that signed selection
Also published here 1991 64
Randy Tanner The Dream Card Revisited no palming
1991 107
Alex Elmsley Serendipity two unknown cards sandwiched between three of a kind turn out to be later selections
Variations 1991 61
John Bannon Heart of the City card spectator cuts to is predicted, another signed selection travels to envelope which has been on table
VariationsAlso published here 1991 13
Edward Marlo, Darwin Ortiz Day-Dream Card odd-backed card to wallet
Inspired by Sep. 1991 1
Edward Marlo Commercial Method odd-backed card to wallet, rough-smooth Mene-Tekel
Inspired by Sep. 1991 3
Jon Racherbaumer, Eric Eicher Road-Runner Sevens "Fast/Faster/Fastest", three phases, last phase "Hull Version" (signed card type), Six & Seven pseudo duplicates
Inspired by 1991 8
Tony Cachadiña Card in the Purse (Prediction) folded card in purse shown in the beginning turns out to be signed selection
Also published here 1991 6
David Harkey Thunder and Lightning unknown card torn in half, one half put in performer's and one spectator's wallet, another card is chosen and signed, the torn halves turn out to be that signed selection
Also published here 1991 149
Jerry K. Hartman Betricks and Between card placed between two Jokers turns blank, card placed aside previously is now the card
Also published here 1991 179
Jerry K. Hartman Divines Right
Inspired by 1991 503
David Acer, Jim Sisti The Leather-Clad Stranger prediction card in wallet turns out to be later signed selection
May/June 1991
The Magic Menu (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Ken Krenzel The Fabulous Jumping Card card vanishes from sandwich and is shown to be mystery card tabled at the beginning, duplicate, two handlings
Variations 1992 xiv
Jon Racherbaumer The Future Ain't What it Used to be
Related to 1992 235
Jon Racherbaumer, Peter Duffie Time-Warp Sandwich
1992 239
James Swain Technicolor Mystery red backed selection vanishes from between four blue backed kings and revealed to be mystery card previously put in pocket
1992 107
Karl Fulves A Trap Cut sandwiched card in deck turns out to be later selection
1992 42
Karl Fulves By Proxy prediction card reversed on top of face-up deck turns out to be later selection
1992 68
Bob Gill The Race Is On odd-backed
Inspired by Oct. 1992
New Sorcerer (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Marty Martini The Postcard prediction card in envelope turns out to be selection
Also published here 1992 807
Gary Kurtz Hypothetical Possibilities ambitious card, signature vanishes and reappears, wallet, revised handling
Inspired byAlso published here 1992 7
Dan Fleshman Some Prediction signed card among Aces vanishes and turns out to be prediction card
July/Aug. 1992
The Magic Menu (Vol. 2 No. 12)
Jerry K. Hartman Chron-Illogical two mystery cards are interlaced between three Aces, two cards are signed by spectator and lost in deck, interlaced cards are shown to be the signed cards
Also published here Mar. 1992
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 7)
Jerry Sadowitz Predict Wich performer sandwiches an unknown cards behind his back somewhere in the deck, spectator cuts to a card, this is later found to be the sandwiched card
Variations July 1992
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Jon Racherbaumer Guardian Angel "signed card" with cannibal patter
Dec. 1992
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 4)
Peter Duffie The Sign of Four prediction packet on table, card chosen, tabled packet contains card of same color, suit and also actual selection
Inspired byVariations 1992 13
Charles T. Jordan The Dream No. 33, unknown chosen card put in envelope, turns out to be later selection
Also published here 1992 41
Charles T. Jordan Etad-ot-Pu No. 167, unknown card placed in pocket, card and its position remembered by spectator, when he counts again it is no longer there (Lazy Man's Card to Pocket) and is shown to be card previously placed in pocket
  • Method 1
  • Method 2 (with gaffed card)
Also published here 1992 201
Peter Duffie Daley Basis two prediction cards placed on table, two signed cards are lost, then the four Kings are produced and brought to the two prediction cards which turn out to be the later selections
1992 5
Peter Duffie The Curators unknown card is sandwiched with Jokers in thirteen-card packet at unknown position, it turns out to be a card that has been selected from the deck later
Inspired by 1992 18
Jerry Sadowitz Impossible Prediction reversed card turns out to be selection made later
1993 5
Marty Martini The Postcard prediction card in envelope turns out to be selection
Also published here 1993 45
Muneo Yokoi Split Prediction signed on the back by magician, sealed in envelope. Freely selected card signed and placed in another envelope, signed on the back by spectator. Envelope opened to show the faces match, but that they are also halves of the same card.
1993 26
Alexander de Cova Ordered Surprise shuffled deck ends up in order, at the position of selection is the Joker reversed and signed selection is found folded and secured with cloth pin, brief explanation
Inspired byAlso published here 1993 4
Karl Fulves Glass House card chosen and signed, odd-backed prediction in glass matches, then it also has signature
Verbatim (Issue 5)
Peter Duffie Jointly Does It odd-backed card signed on back by performer, another card signed on face by spectator, odd-backed then has this face
Inspired by 1993 11
Charles T. Jordan, Vanni Bossi Charles Jordan's Paradox - The Dream unknown chosen card put in envelope, turns out to be later selection, with commentary by Vanni Bossi
Related to 1993 12
René Lavand Perhaps, Some Day four chosen cards to wallet, Himber Wallet
VariationsAlso published here 1993 152
Alexander de Cova Ordered Surprise shuffled deck ends up in order, at the position of selection is the Joker reversed and signed selection is found folded and secured with cloth pin, brief explanation
Also published here 1993 4
Allan Ackerman, Roger Klause The 76 Sandwich
Variations 1994 112
Alex Elmsley A Problem with Duplicate Identities two cards are put on table, two selections are shown to be the same, then table cards are turned over and are unchanged
Variations 1994 166
Alex Elmsley Pocketpick visible card in breastpocket turns out to be later selection
Related to 1994 207
Billy McDonnell Tuned Fortune card put in box then two black queens change into red queens and card in case turns out to be selection
Inspired by 1994 971
Karl Fulves First Future card sandwiched in center with sandwich cards outjogged, top card shown and moved to bottom, when sandwiched card is pulled out it is this selection
Related to 1994
Rigmarole (Issue 8)
Aldo Colombini Formula One tabled card turns out to be later sandwiched selection
1994 59
Darwin Ortiz The Psychotronic Card combo
Variations 1995 14
Darwin Ortiz The Phantom Card signed card at two positions at the same time
Inspired by 1995 124
Philip T. Goldstein Strung-Out card is selected and signed from a deck with hole drilled through it, deck threaded with a cord and selection removed under silk, duplicate
1995 7
Simon Aronson This Side Up playing card with "Instructions" written on them becomes signed selection on one side
Inspired by
  • "Emergency Card" (Randy Wakeman, Randy Wakeman Presents)
1995 87
Ken Beale Set Off Trap "Three Impromptus"
sandwiched card on table, card chosen, sandwich cut in deck side-jogged, sandwiched card turns out to be later selection
Underworld (Issue 1)
Edward Marlo Reverso four Aces with three reversed cards between them on table, those turn out to be three later signed selections, two methods
  • Marlo's Added Notes on "Reverso"
Variations 1995 126
Edward Marlo Reselection sandwiched card in deck turns out to be later selection
Variations 1995 136
James Swain The Airmail-Card Triumph done with signed card, this card is then removed from wallet with different back design and stamp
Also published here 1995 92
Gary Kurtz Hypothetical Possibilities ambitious card, signature vanishes and reappears, wallet, revised handling
Also published here 1995 14
Gary Kurtz The Incredible Hypnotic Joker Joker is sandwiched by two unknown cards, those turn out to be two later signed selections
Inspired by 1995 [11]
Aldo Colombini Four-Cast four cards tabled, selection lost, tabled cards indicate color, odd/even, face/spot card and last card turns out to be selection itself
Inspired by
  • Peter Duffie effect
1995 67
Jerry K. Hartman Chron-Illogical two mystery cards are interlaced between three Aces, two cards are signed by spectator and lost in deck, interlaced cards are shown to be the signed cards
Inspired byAlso published here 1995 83
Jerry K. Hartman Transcollectors three unknown cards are alternated facedown between Aces, three cards are selected and lost in deck, the three cards between the Aces are shown to be the cards just selected
Also published here 1995 105
Jerry K. Hartman Fantaforesee four cards chosen by spectator are tabled unseen, card is selected and remains in deck, the four tabled cards are shown to be the selection and its three mates
Inspired by 1995 214
Paul Gordon Emergency Deam Card to pocket with color changing back
Apr. 1996
Apocalypse (Vol. 19 No. 4)
Joe Rindfleisch Signed Sandwich Special
Aug. 1996
Apocalypse (Vol. 19 No. 8)
Harold Cataquet No-Wallet Card to Pocket
Aug. 1996
Apocalypse (Vol. 19 No. 8)
Tom Daugherty Misdirection Segue
Nov. 1996
Apocalypse (Vol. 19 No. 11)
Karl Fulves Jagged Edge prediction in case, selection made, it jumps out of deck halfway when riffled and is "torn off", second half is in case, with second "No Duplicate Method"
1996 27
Tom Stone Occhamman Card "signed card" with mark on isolated card
1996 39
Dominique Duvivier Past-Tense Prediction Card placed reversed in deck at the start of the trick turns out to be selected card all along, illogical
1996 125
James Swain The Airmail Card Triumph done with signed card, this card is then removed from wallet with different back design and stamp
Inspired byAlso published here 1996 1
Baltazar Fuentes The Hyper Space Card card in envelope turns out to be later signed selection, Elmsley-style, two methods
Inspired byRelated to 1996 26
Peter Duffie Psychographicalisationalism unknown card between spectator's hands, signed card lost, two blank cards are also inserted between hands, unknown card is shown to be signed selection
1996 3
Lou Gallo New Signed Card gaffed or ungaffed
1996 65
Pit Hartling Der Dreisprung card travels from one third to the next twice, then vanishes and turns out to be unknown card selected at the start
Also published here 1996 71
Jean-Jacques Sanvert Ubiquity chosen card put in center, it is then shown on top and bottom as well, packet of all selections shown, previously tabled card is then shown to be the selection
Jan. 1996
Magic (Vol. 5 No. 5)
Richard Paddon Mystery Card To Pocket handling of Jennings' Mystery Card
Inspired by Feb. 1997
Apocalypse (Vol. 20 No. 2)
Karl Fulves The Chosen unknown sandwiched card cut in new pack order deck, card selected, in its place appears a blank card with X and sandwiched card is selection
Variations 1997 16
Karl Fulves I, Vampire blank sandwiched card becomes chosen card, sandwich in deck, impromptu handling of "The Chosen", two methods
Inspired by 1997 74
Christoph Borer Die Traumfrau card with different colored back in wallet, turns out to be later signed selection
Inspired byAlso published here 1997 24
David Harkey, Eric Anderson Twins two cards stapled face-to-face on table, they turn out to be two later signed selections
  • Twinterior Design (handling variation)
1997 25
David Harkey, Eric Anderson Bottom Feeder cased sandwiched card turns out to be later selection, featuring a strip-out addition type handling to add cards from deck to cards that are taken out of case
VariationsAlso published here 1997 50
Stephen Clark Event Horizon "Impromptu Time Paradox"
sandwiched card turns out to be later selection, future trap
Related to 1997 132
Peter Duffie Spirits Between Your Palms
Winter 1998 149
Karl Fulves Red Snapper Ace through Seven of Spades put in frying pan, red-backed mystery card as well, then named card and put in from blue-backed deck, Ace through Seven removed again, only one card remains, it is now red-backed named card
1998 282
Dave Campbell Fusion selection signed on face, odd-backed card signed on back by performer suddenly has the spectator's signed face
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 1998 20
Tomas Blomberg Universal Colors two red-backed unknown cards are on the table, blue-backed Ace through Three of Spades removed, two more cards signed and lost, red-backed cards change to two Aces, then Twos, then Threes of Spades, then are shown to be the signed selections
Variations Oct. 1998
Onyx (Issue 5)
David Harkey, Eric Anderson Bottom Feeder cased sandwiched card turns out to be later selection, featuring a strip-out addition type handling to add cards from deck to cards that are taken out of case
Also published here June 1998
Magic (Vol. 7 No. 10)
Tom Frame Off-Color Sandwich four odd-backed cards are supposed to find a signed selection, instead they are the matching four-of-a-kind with one of them being the signed selection
Also published here Nov. 1998
Magic (Vol. 8 No. 3)
Karl Fulves A Theory of Space unknown card reversed in deck, card at small chosen number is shown and placed aside face down, when counted again, the same card is seen there as the reversed card from the beginning, tabled card is indifferent, also as a transposition
Discoverie (Issue 1)
Tom Stone Time Operator joker placed aside, selection transforms into joker with card identity written on it, previously isolated joker is selection
Also published here 1999 51
Peter Duffie, Roberto Giobbi Trapped in the Future an unknown prediction card proves to be one of two selections
Inspired by 2000 834
Karl Fulves Unsolved Disappearances two cards paper clipped face to face on deck, top half cut and turned over, spread and cards next to clipped cards remembered, they vanish and now are the clipped cards
2000 145
Pit Hartling Jolly Jumper card travels from one third to the next twice, then vanishes and turns out to be unknown card selected at the start
Also published here 2000 71
Steve Bedwell CARDiac Emergency dream card plot, card with emergency sticker on back
Inspired by
  • "Emergency Card" (Randy Wakeman)
2000 18
Baltazar Fuentes Two Intuitions card spectator cuts to is predicted with three mates, another previously tabled card turns out to be later signed selection
Inspired by 2000 23
Jerry Mentzer Card to Card Case unknown card in case, card signed in deck, Kings added into card case, unknown card later turns out to be signed card
2000 158
Steve Pressley, Aldo Colombini Same Time, Same Place card reversed in center turns out to be later selection
2000 8
Philip T. Goldstein Strung-Out card is selected and signed from a deck with hole drilled through it, deck threaded with a cord and selection removed under silk, duplicate
2000 8
Harry Lorayne Das einäugige Bubensandwich card sandwiched, sandwich in middle of deck, turns out to be later selection
Also published here 2000
Intermagic (Vol. 23 No. 4 & 5)
Michael DeMarco Any Card But Your Card unknown card reversed in deck turns out to be selection
Inspired by
  • "Triple Transposition" (Inside John Murray, p. 53)
Mar. 2000
Onyx (Issue 10)
Jon Racherbaumer Tick-Tock Dot Doc clock trick with small packet triumph sequence in which the chosen hour and then the selection are reversed, selection vanishes, previously tabled prediction turns out to be selection
Inspired by 2000 [37]
Karl Fulves Paradox No. 18, sandwiched card turns out to be later selection
Inspired byRelated to 2001 29
Harry Lorayne Direct Collect three unknown cards between Aces turn out to be later selections
Inspired byAlso published here 2001 269
Terry LaGerould Mental Photography unknown card placed aside, card lost, unknown card placed between black Aces, they become red Aces and unknown card is selection
2001 26
Iain Moran I Dreamed A Dream signed card vanishes between the four Queens, it turns out to be previously tabled card
Inspired by
  • "Dream Wonder" (Jean-Pierre Vallarino, marketed through Camirand Academy)
Oct. 2001
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 5)
R. Paul Wilson The Miracle Card mystery card is set aside, instant sandwich phase with Jokers, then selection is buried in deck and mystery card is placed between the Jokers and is then shown to be the selection
Variations Nov. 2001
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 6)
David Regal Exhibit "A" red-backed card placed on table in beginning turns out to be later signed selection
Sep./Oct. 2002
The Penumbra (Issue 3)
Jack Avis, Lewis Jones Can't be bad emergency card placed aside, Aces found instead of selection, emergency card turns out to be selection
2002 108
Joshua Jay Side-Swiped Idea instruction card becomes selection, stand-up handling
Inspired by
  • "Side-Swiped" (Simon Aronson, marketed)
Also published here
Dec. 2002
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 4)
Roberto Giobbi The Endless Loop finding a card before it is selected
Related toAlso published here 2003 1269
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Signature Peace card signed on back by spectator as prediction, turns out to be later selection which is signed on the face
Inspired by 2003 105
Wesley James Ham and Ace Sandwich "beta", sandwiched prediction on top of deck, "kind of matches" selection a few times, then finally it is a selected card
2004 428
Philip T. Goldstein Strung-Out card is selected and signed from a deck with hole drilled through it, deck threaded with a cord and selection removed under silk, duplicate
2004 9
Dave Campbell Fusion selection signed on face, odd-backed card signed on back by performer suddenly has the spectator's signed face
Also published here 2004 37
Dave Campbell Direct Transfer selection signed on face, odd-backed card signed on back by performer suddenly has the spectator's signed face, red/blue double backer, partial roughing
Related to 2004 341
Patrik Kuffs Under The Table card folded to stabilize shaky table, turns out to be later selection
Related to 2004 7
Patrik Kuffs Signed Card Under Table Leg card folded to stabilize shaky table, turns out to be later selection, signed version
Related to 2004 10
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Chroma Zone odd-backed card placed in half deck which is tabled, spectator signs face of a selection from other half, tabled half spread and odd-backed card removed, it is the signed one
2004 32