168 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Sandwich & Co / Simple Sandwich - Moveless
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Theodore Annemann A Story of Crime aces trap selection in deck, story presentation
VariationsAlso published here Jan. 1937
The Jinx (Issue 28)
Theodore Annemann A Story of Crime aces trap selection in deck, story presentation
Also published here 1943 10
Edward Marlo Pre-Peeked Deuce Sandwich deuces placed in deck by spectator come together and trap selection, duplicate deuces, see comment on page 164
Winter 1969 53
Harvey Rosenthal Instant Sandwich king on bottom and top, vanish and sandwich card in middle
Related to Nov. 1970
Epilogue (Issue 10)
Edward Marlo Fingertip Spread Sandwich sandwich cards inserted in tabled spread together, squared, selection appears between them
1970 91
Edward Marlo, Carmen D'Amico Pressed Between signed card pressed from top to center between sandwich cards
Related toVariations Apr. 1971
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Harvey Rosenthal Applications - 2. of Side-Steal Placement, direct sandwich
July 1972
Epilogue (Issue 15 (Part 2))
Karl Fulves The Phantom Kings from top in center
1973 10
John Quine Ace-X-Ace using card with divided back
1974 14
Edward Marlo The Delayed Sandwich first nothing between sandwich cards in spread, ribbon spread hide-out
The Hierophant (Issue 7 Resurrection Issue)
Karl Fulves Speed Trap mates face-down on top, selection dropped on top and instantly trapped
1975 6
Karl Fulves King's Row two kings dropped on top of deck, top card instantly trapped
Related to 1975 56
Karl Fulves The Shadow Knows deck spread face-down, jokers slapped on spread and selection appears trapped between them
1975 72
Karl Fulves The Cage Effect visible sandwich, sandwich cards are placed perpendicular on deck, when lifted top card is between them
  • Notes On The Handling
  • Added Notes (impromptu method, paper clip addition)
Related to 1975 117
Karl Fulves Jacks Be Nimble card on top of sandwich cards, trio pushed through deck (plunger), card now sandwiched, two methods
Related toVariations 1975 161
Karl Fulves Kannibal Kards - Phase Two two jacks dropped on card on deck which is instantly sandwiched
1975 2
Harvey Rosenthal Swindle Sandwich
1977 133
Harvey Rosenthal Tilt Sandwich I - V sandwiched card on top of deck
1977 144
Harvey Rosenthal For Cardmen Only "Swindle Sandwich" Variation
1977 165
Harvey Rosenthal No Break Method "For Cardmen Only" Variation, see Additional Notes p. 168
1977 167
Harvey Rosenthal Pressed Between mates in lower half, selection outjogged in upper half
1977 178
Harvey Rosenthal Pressed Replacement see "Pressed Between"
1977 180
Harvey Rosenthal Pressed Between #2 see "Pressed Between"
1977 181
Harvey Rosenthal Jet Set mates on top
Related to 1977 188
Harvey Rosenthal Outjogged Placement No. 6, mates in upper half, outjogged selection in lower half
1977 200
Harvey Rosenthal Oujogged Variation No. 7, mates on top
1977 201
Gene Maze Trapped In The Deck three cards perpendicular throughout
1977 329
Ken Krenzel The Tilt Sandwich
1978 159
Martin A. Nash The Sandwich Center mates on top, signed card presentation
1979 393
Martin A. Nash The Trapdoor Trip
1979 394
Frank Simon Pass the Sandwich sandwich cards vanish from top and bottom and reappear around selection
Related toAlso published here 1979 33
Earl Nelson Submarine Sandwich sandwich cards outjogged near bottom, selection in upper part of deck, appears between sandwich cards
VariationsAlso published here 1979 39
Edward Marlo The Instant Trap
1980 98
Edward Marlo Bluff Sandwich bluff pass force, dribble finesse
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1980
The Hierophant (Issue The Last Hierophant)
John F. Mendoza The One Dollar Sandwich card cleanly appears in isolated sandwich
Inspired by
  • performance of Vic Trabucco
1980 57
Richard Kaufman Instant No-Shuffle Sandwich four handlings
Variations 1981 147
Derek Dingle Sandwich Stuff featuring Side Steal Placement
1982 104
Peter Marshall Apocalypse Variations Or Additions instant sandwich
Inspired by Mar. 1983
Apocalypse (Vol. 6 No. 3)
Jon Racherbaumer Audacious Sandwich sandwich cards placed on top, selection appears between them
Inspired byVariations Summer 1983
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 1 No. Summer Extra)
Paul Hallas Repeat Bluff Sandwich extension
Inspired by Feb. 1983
Pabular (Vol. 7 No. 8)
Frank Simon Pass the Sandwich sandwich cards vanish from top and bottom and reappear around selection
Also published here 1983 19
Frank Simon Elevator Sandwich selection out-jogged, sandwich cards on top shown, selection pushed flush and appears between sandwich cards
Related to 1983 140
Edward Marlo Faked Convincing Control cards apparently in different parts of fan
1984 127
Ben Harris Apocalypse Variations Or Additions
Inspired by July 1984
Apocalypse (Vol. 7 No. 7)
William P. Miesel The Fastest Sandwich in the World
Arcane (Issue 13)
Jean Hugard Easy Finders
1985 30
Ben Harris The Floating Sandwich card injogged in center rises visibly between two sandwich cards on top
1986 13
Justin Higham Jacks Be Quick card on top of sandwich cards, trio pushed through deck (plunger), card now sandwiched
Inspired byRelated to Jan. 1986 27
John Bannon Yin-Yang Sandwich card pushed into center, it appears between sandwich cards on top, card is also divined
1986 3
John Bannon New Mutant Sandwich reversed sandwich cards are in one half, selection made from other half, spectator places halves together and selection is sandwiched in the center, uses one-hand top palm
1986 8
Justin Higham Jacks Be Quick card on top of sandwich cards, trio pushed through deck (plunger), card now sandwiched
  • Second Method
Inspired byRelated to 1987
Inside Out (Issue 2)
Edward Marlo A Worthwhile Conclusion sandwich cards in center out-jogged, selection placed on top and squared, sandwich cards pushed through and selection comes out face up and sandwiched
Inspired by 1987
Inside Out (Issue 2)
Karl Fulves Slapjack widely separated sandwich cards come to trap selection, sandwich cards remain outjogged, with variations
Related to 1989 48
Harvey Rosenthal Rosenthal Straddle Trap selection in upper half appears in face-up sandwich in lower half
1989 6
Karl Fulves Recapture card appears between top two black Aces with unusual presentation
1989 8
Karl Fulves Full Court Press widely separated sandwich cards come to trap selection, sandwich cards remain outjogged, with "bluff spacing" for visible variation
Related to 1989 32
Chris Power Subtiles Sandwich spectator peeks at a card, later puts two Jokers together in deck, selection appears between them
1990 18
Dan Fleshman Cop Sandwich sandwich cards face-up in different positions, sandwich comes to top with selection between
1990 28
David Solomon Sudden Sandwich - First Method peeked-at card appears between Aces on top of deck
Variations Dec. 1990
Technomagic (Issue 6)
Edward Marlo Sudden Sandwich - Second Method peeked-at card appears between Aces on top of deck
Inspired by Dec. 1990
Technomagic (Issue 6)
Edward Marlo Second Sandwich - Bluff Sandwich
Also published here 1991 4
Edward Marlo Third Sandwich - The Submarine Sandwich selection outjogged near top of deck, sandwich cards near bottom, pushed in, instant sandwich, cull
Related to 1991 6
Jon Racherbaumer, Eric Eicher Road-Runner Sevens "Fast/Faster/Fastest", three phases, last phase "Hull Version" (signed card type), Six & Seven pseudo duplicates
Inspired by 1991 8
Peter Duffie Lie Witness selection jumps from bottom of deck to between reversed black Kings in the center, then to between red Kings on top, then to pocket
July 1992
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Jerry Sadowitz Predict Wich performer sandwiches an unknown cards behind his back somewhere in the deck, spectator cuts to a card, this is later found to be the sandwiched card
Variations July 1992
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Peter Duffie Directly Between two Jokers pushed reversed into center together, deck slapped onto selection and it instantly is found between Jokers, two classic passes
Variations 1992 21
Peter Duffie Double Decker Jokers travel down to sandwich two selections
Inspired byAlso published here 1993 2
Peter Duffie Double Decker Jokers travel down to sandwich two selections
Inspired byAlso published here Dec. 1993
Magic (Vol. 3 No. 4)
Karl Fulves Techni-Trap duplicate sandwich card, also with odd-backed sandwich cards
1994 41
Karl Fulves Trapped By Strangers odd-backed sandwich cards
1994 43
Karl Fulves Strangers Call odd-backed sandwich cards, two selections
1994 45
Karl Fulves In Captivity signed card trapped by odd-backed sandwich cards, then the sandwich cards have regular back and selection an odd back
1994 47
Ray Kosby Venus Flytrap cards outjogged near the bottom visually sandwich card near the top
1994 3
Karl Fulves First Future card sandwiched in center with sandwich cards outjogged, top card shown and moved to bottom, when sandwiched card is pulled out it is this selection
Related to 1994
Rigmarole (Issue 8)
Roger Crosthwaite Purist Sandwich
Inspired by 1994 100
William Goodwin Ambitious Sandwich card pushed in center appears visibly between two stepped face-up sandwich cards on top
Nov. 1994
The Lemniscate (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Darwin Ortiz Beyond Sleight of Hand
Related toVariations 1995 44
Joe Rindfleisch Upward Mobility Sandwich card outjogged, mates jogged on top
Feb. 1995
Apocalypse (Vol. 18 No. 2)
Joe Rindfleisch Recycling Tilt similar to "Upward Mobility Sandwich"
May 1995
Apocalypse (Vol. 18 No. 5)
Aaron Fisher The Illusion Control in context of sandwich routine, mates face-up on top and selection appears between them
Also published here Nov. 1995
Apocalypse (Vol. 18 No. 11)
Aaron Fisher Sexy Sadie's Sandwich mates face-up on top and selection appears between them
1995 15
Karl Fulves Rise as Addition
1996 61
Frederick Braue Who, Me? blank card with message by murderer is found between aces in deck, story presentation
Inspired by 1996 9
James Swain Gorilla in the Middle card appears between sandwich cards, ungaffed
Inspired by
  • "Monkey in the Middle" (Bill Goldman)
1996 120
Meir Yedid Lose It - Find It
Apr. 1997
Apocalypse (Vol. 20 No. 4)
Ken Krenzel Poles Apart widely separated black Twos come together to sandwich selection, then travel away again, two double facers
1997 175
Ken Krenzel Sand-Witches red queens disappear face up from deck, reappear in middle sandwiching selection
1997 179
William Goodwin Lunch with Leipzig
1997 2
Peter Duffie The Spectator Makes a Sandwich! Hands off multiple sandwich, find two cards
Inspired by 1997 120
Ken Simmons D'Amico - Marlo... In Reverse sandwich is put out-jogged in center, suddenly only the two sandwich cards remain there and the sandwiched card is found on top
  • First Handling
  • Second Handling
  • Third Handling
Inspired by Oct. 1997
Onyx (Issue 1)
Jason Alford Just Plain Evil two odd-backed Jokers trap the selection, it vanishes, then reappears between the Jokers again
Inspired by Oct. 1998
Onyx (Issue 5)
Steve Silverman Trapped With A Vengeance red Aces in center of deck, card chosen and left in the center, red Aces turn face up with selection between them, selection put on top, it travels back between the reversed Aces
Mar. 1998
Magic (Vol. 7 No. 7)
Jason Alford Sandwich Spread odd-backed sandwich cards place in different positions, they instantly come together to trap selection
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1998 8
Jason Alford Knuckle Sandwich Aces placed reversed in different positions, they instantly travel together to sandwich selection
  • First Method
  • Second Method (out-jogged)
Inspired byRelated to 1998 20
Jason Alford Just Plain Evil two odd-backed Jokers trap the selection, it vanishes, then reappears between the Jokers again
Variations 1998 32
Joshua Jay Knuckle Sandwich Aces two cards lost in deck, four Aces suddenly appear face up in deck and sandwiches both cards (no moves)
Related toAlso published here 1999 64
Justin Higham Pressed Between Again card from top vanishes and is found between sandwich cards
Inspired by 1999 98
Jason Alford, Doug Conn Order Up odd-backed Jokers are in different positions, then squared in and the instantly trap a selection, extra Joker
Inspired by 1999 44
David Solomon A Sandwich That's Not So Pure odd-backed sandwich cards placed near the ends of the spread, gathered and re-spread, they now sandwich selection
1999 82
Joshua Jay Knuckle-Sandwich Aces two cards lost in deck, four Aces suddenly appear face up in deck and sandwiches both cards (no moves)
Also published here Apr. 1999
Magic (Vol. 8 No. 8)
James Swain The Big Squeeze mostly in-the-hand version
Inspired by July 2000
Genii (Vol. 63 No. 7)
Robin Robertson Fast Sandwiches
June 2000
Onyx (Issue 11)
Jason Alford Scamwich Bow-to-stern Control as sandwich load
Inspired by 2000 21
Jason Alford Sandwich Spread odd-backed sandwich cards place in different positions, they instantly come together to trap selection
Inspired byAlso published here 2000 [1]
Karl Fulves Name An Ace aces face-up in different parts, they sandwich named black ace, presented as Thrust effect
2001 3
Karl Fulves Blackjacked aces cut into different parts of deck sandwich 2 named picture cards
2001 5
Karl Fulves Timed To Trap two cards reversed together in middle, card chosen, instantly sandwiched, sandwiched card is forced
2001 23
Peter Duffie The Keepers of the Secrets Ace through Ten of Diamonds, one selected, packet dropped onto two black Jacks, selection suddenly sandwiched between Jacks
  • Face Up Version
Inspired by 2001 3
David Britland Progressive Sandwich selection lost, red Jacks cut face up in deck, then black Jacks put together in deck, a sandwich of all four Jacks with one selection is found in center
Variations Aug. 2001
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 3)
R. Paul Wilson The Miracle Card mystery card is set aside, instant sandwich phase with Jokers, then selection is buried in deck and mystery card is placed between the Jokers and is then shown to be the selection
Variations Nov. 2001
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Jack Avis No rough monkey sandwich cards on top of deck, selection appears between them
Inspired by
  • "Monkey in the Middle" (Bill Goldman)
2002 102
Euan Bingham Just Another Sandwich Trick
2003 1
Frank Simon Pass the Sandwich sandwich cards vanish from top and bottom and reappear around selection
Also published here 2003 48
Earl Nelson Submarine Sandwich sandwich cards outjogged near bottom, selection in upper part of deck, appears between sandwich cards
Also published here 2003 52
Earl Nelson Low Fat Sandwich sandwich cards face up on deck, selection inserted into deck, sandwich cards vanish, then reappear on top with selection between them
2003 133
Zenneth Kok Another Zendwich Effect two Jokers face up on top, selection appears between them
Mar. 2003
Ego (Vol. 2 No. 14)
Zenneth Kok Erdnase Zendwich sandwich cards put reversed together in center, they appear on top with selection between them
Mar. 2003
Ego (Vol. 2 No. 14)
Zenneth Kok Instant Collectors faro and ribbon-spread hide-out
  • Instant Zendwich
Related to Mar. 2003
Ego (Vol. 2 No. 14)
David Jade Swinging Aces card inserted into center instantly shown between sandwiched cards on top
VariationsAlso published here Sep. 2003
Magic (Vol. 13 No. 1)
Frank Truong Swinging Aces Plus card inserted into center instantly shown between sandwiched cards on top
Inspired byAlso published here Sep. 2003
Magic (Vol. 13 No. 1)
Rick Franceschini, Carl Mercurio Double-Decker Sandwich two selections are lost, then the four Aces are produced, black Aces placed in spectator's pocket, one selection appears sandwiched between red Aces on deck, second selection between spectator's pocketed black Aces
2003 25
Wesley James A Hand Too Few "beta", two mates held in right hand, deck in left hand and spectator peeks at a card, immediately a card appears between sandwich cards in other hand, it is the selection
2004 263
Jay Sankey Just Joking Jokers disappear from deck to sandwich selection in center, sandwich removed, selection vanishes and reappears reversed in deck
2004 42
Jason Alford Toasted Sandwich
Inspired byRelated to 2004 19
Tyler Wilson Dirty Stinkin' Ape In The Middle
Also published here 2005 36
Scotty Johnston Big Bank Hunt selection lost, two black Queens cut into deck in different sections, they come together to trap selection
2005 41
Tyler Wilson Dirty Stinkin' Ape in the Middle
Also published here 2006 56
Michael Powers Double Decker Sandwich Bluff Sandwich, selection tabled, repeat with transposition with tabled first selection, duplicate
Inspired by 2006 161
Andi Gladwin InFlight Entertainment selection appears between two sandwich cards on top of deck
2006 17
David Britland Progressive Jacks selection lost, red Jacks cut face up in deck, then black Jacks put together in deck, a sandwich of all four Jacks with one selection is found in center
Variations 2006 14
Tomas Blomberg, Tom Stone NoseJob Houdini/Erdnase color change with steal from center, with sandwich application
Inspired by 2007 7
Allan Ackerman Another 76 Trick selection vanishes from sandwich, then sandwich cards are placed in different positions and they come together to trap selection
Inspired by 2008 5
Ken Krenzel Build It Yourself sandwich in spectator's hands
2009 179
Rich Aviles Bystander out-of-hand sandwich
2010 36
David Britland Progressive Jacks Plus
  • Caropolis
selection lost, red Jacks cut face up in deck, then black Jacks put together in deck, a sandwich of all four Jacks with one selection is found in center
Inspired byVariations Oct. 2010
Genii (Vol. 73 No. 10)
Tom Gagnon Pam Sandwich using Gagnon Spread Control and Top Card Cover Slide Maneuver
2011 101
Frank Fogg Front and Center two Aces are put in deck out-jogged face-up at different positions, they visibly come together to trap selection
Inspired by Mar. 2011
Genii (Vol. 74 No. 3)
Max Nelson Move the Monkey selection appears twice between two odd-backed Kings, on top of the deck and away from the deck
Inspired by
  • "Monkey in the Middle" (Bill Goldman, marketed)
Mar. 2011
Antinomy (Vol. 4 No. 3)
John Born, Tony Chang My Ladies Sandwich effect, red Queens appear around the selection as table spread is flipped over
Related to 2012 148
Tom Gagnon Slippery Sandwich black on top and bottom, card peeked at, deck cut, selection sandwiched
2013 62
Chris Mayhew Anti Control Position Control to certain position in center of deck, e.g. inside a Sandwich
Related to Oct. 2014
Genii (Vol. 77 No. 10)
Pit Hartling Catch Me If You Can named card is found with sandwich cards in a deck, then also in a second deck that hasn't been touched, with "Alternative handlings":
  • Culling and forcing the detectives
  • No culling needed: Two memorized decks
  • Security method: No memorization necessary
Related toVariations 2016 16
So Sato Outsourcing Sandwich two Aces distributed in deck come together to trap selection
2016 170
John Hostler $13 Card to Wallet sandwich effect with selection, then whole deck is sandwiched behind back (gag), selection in wallet, travels in wallet again with wallet on the table
Related to 2016 12
Miguel "MagoMigue" Puga, Pit Hartling Sandwich del Vago named card is found with sandwich cards in a deck, then in a second deck that hasn't been touched, invented independently by Pit Hartling
Related to 2016
El Manuscrito (Vol. 8 No. 32)
Roy Walton Trick Two
  • Two Tricks with the Kelly Placement Move
sandwich cards on top and bottom vanish and trap a card in the center
2016 16
Harry Lorayne The Lorayne Force force card under fan, card touched, sandwich application
2017 47
Mathieu Bich 3rd Hand Sandwich Jokers placed on top and bottom of deck, when pulled away, card appear between them
Apr. 2018
Elixir (Vol. 1 No. 4 (Spring #1))
Do Ki Moon Between two face-up sandwich cards are stepped on top of deck, a face-down card visibly appears, then it turns over visibly
Nov. 2018
Genii (Vol. 81 No. 11)
Tom Gagnon Isolated Sandwich three parts of the deck spread, Mates and selection put one in each spread, all gathered, selection now sandwiched
2019 204
Tom Gagnon Three-Point Landing selection lost and spread on table, sandwich cards placed on top and deck gathered, selection sandwiched
Variations 2019 298
Tom Gagnon Air Strike using ribbon spread technique, Jet Stream
Inspired by 2019 300
Helder Guimarães The Empty Space "Worth Waiting For"
thought-of card appears between two Jokers in center of deck
Inspired by
  • "The Sculpture" (Helder Guimarães, Red Mirror DVD, 2010)
2019 256
Edward Marlo Pressed Between (Second Method) signed card pressed from top to center between sandwich cards
Inspired by 2021
Output (Issue 20)
Edward Marlo Pressed Between (Third Method) signed card pressed from top to center between sandwich cards
Inspired by 2021
Output (Issue 20)
Roberto Mansilla Two Sandwiches
  • Artifices
card appears in sandwich in deck, then cleanly under the hand of the spectator
Oct. 2021
Genii (Vol. 84 No. 10)
Benjamin Earl Probably Impossible two named cards are together in deck after spectator's shuffle, a selection then appears between them
2021 13
David Jade Swinging Aces card inserted into center instantly shown between sandwiched cards on top
Also published here 2022 227
Frank Truong Swinging Aces Plus card inserted into center instantly shown between sandwiched cards on top
Also published here 2022 229
Pit Hartling Mismatch Sandwich card peeked at, two cards placed wide apart reversed in ribbon-spread, they travel together to sandwich selection when re-spreading the deck
Related toAlso published here
  • MAGIC, Sep. 2004
2022 328
David Jade Sandwich Again card inserted into center instantly shown between sandwiched cards on top
Inspired byAlso published here
  • MAGIC, Nov. 2004
2022 349
Tyler Wilson Dirty Ape in the Middle
Also published here 2022 366
Steve Reynolds Technicolor Find odd-backed sandwich cards come together to trap selection
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Oct. 2008
  • Cosmic Sport, 2001
2022 787
Ken Niinuma Crackdown two cards chosen from two halves, four Jacks put between the halves, they travel up and down into the halves to trap the selections each in a sandwich
Inspired byAlso published here
  • MAGIC, Jan. 2010
2022 917
Brandon Sheffield The Black Hole four black spot cards face up on top of deck, selection lost, spot cards vanish and appear around selection in center, followed by Biddle Trick version
Dec. 2023
The Hermit (Vol. 2 No. 12)
John Hostler Instant Sandwich "Featuring the Backhanded Pincer"
card pointed to in spread, cards closed, selection instantly found in sandwich, similar to Bilis Load
Related to 2023 43
Pit Hartling Tuscan Sandwich two sandwich cards placed at the ends of a ribbon spread come together to sandwich selection, repeat, third time with cards out-jogged that visually move together
Related to 2023 8
Joshua Jay Catch This named sandwich cards find a peeked-at selection in one deck, then also in a second deck that hasn't been touched, handling with the Particle Stack
Inspired by 2024 187