278 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Sandwich & Co / Cards traveling (from Sandwich) to Sandwich
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
The Cops Get Their Man black Kings reverse, they are encircled with rubber band, selection appears between banded Kings
1934 62
Louis Lam Miraculous selection travels from handkerchief-wrapped deck between rubber banded four Aces
Also published here 1939 16
L. Vosburgh Lyons Black Sandwich, Red Sandwich card travels from sandwich in one half to sandwich in other half
Variations 1940
The Jinx (Issue 110)
Louis Lam Miraculous selection travels from handkerchief-wrapped deck between rubber banded four Aces, followed by french translation
Also published here July 1945 7
Paul LePaul The One-Eyed Jacks sandwiched card changes with selection face-up in deck
1949 146
Fred Fletcher Mystery card put between red threes, ends up between black threes, in the pack
Feb. 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 197)
Al Leech Ace Sandwich sandwiched card transposes with another card, happens in deck
Related toVariations 1953 6
Al Leech Card Case Conjuration from deck to between Jacks in Case
1953 18
Al Leech A Variation for "Card Case Conjuration"
1953 20
Cy Endfield Two To Divine card appears between sandwich cards in hand
Related toVariations 1955 10
J. Stewart Smith The Inseparable Sevens four Sevens in the deck come together twice
Inspired by
  • Al Leech
1955 21
Jerry Andrus Sleeving As You Fasten The Deck With Rubber Bands with rubber band, with effect in which a card travels from banded deck to between two file cards on the table
Related to 1961 13
Norman Houghton The Extracted Pair two Twos between two face-up Sevens are cut into deck, two more Sevens are cut in deck, the sandwiched Twos in the deck are now the other Sevens and the Twos are in pocket
Inspired by Sep. 1962
Ibidem (Issue 26)
Alan Shaxon Knockout Card in Aces signed card from deck between rubber banded aces in spectator's pocket
Also published here 1969 90
Karl Fulves Stealing Diamonds selection appears between two Jokers with plunger loading method while jokers are outjogged
July 1969
Epilogue (Issue 6)
Jack Posetary Last Aces black Aces in case, selection travels into the sandwich, double facer, see also p. 283 & 289 for reference, p. 306 for presentation by Murry Graham
Related toVariations Sep. 1969
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 4 No. 11)
Allan Ackerman Next to Last Ace into case
Inspired by 1971 17
Fred Lessor Simple Optics selection travels from underneath hat into deck between aces, simplified handling
Inspired byVariations Nov. 1971
Epilogue (Issue 13)
Karl Fulves Optical Aces card vanishes from sandwich under hat, travels into sandwich in deck
Related toVariations 1971 15
Karl Fulves Optical I card travels from sandwich underneath hat to sandwich in deck
Inspired by 1971 3
Karl Fulves Optical II card travels from sandwich underneath hat to sandwich in deck, sandwich cards also transpose
Inspired by 1971 4
Roy Walton Twice Two prediction vanishes from between two Queens as it is the same as the selection, then appears between the Queens of opposite color
  • Alternative Procedure
Related toAlso published here 1971 33
Roger Smith Ultimate Sandwich card travels to tabled sandwich cards
Inspired by 1971 26
Lin Searles Pre-Cannibal Cards card disappears from sandwich, reappears in another sandwich in middle of deck
Related toVariations Mar. 1972
Epilogue (Issue 14)
Edward Marlo ETC. three touches
Inspired by Nov. 1972
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Jerry K. Hartman Caught in the Middle
Inspired byAlso published here Oct. 1972
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 7 No. 12)
Louis Lam Miraculous selection travels from handkerchief-wrapped deck between rubber banded four Aces
Also published here 1972 131
Jerry K. Hartman Finding Fourthers selection appears sandwiched between Ace pair of spectator’s choice (red or black), selection then travels to between the other Ace pair
Also published here 1972 59
Alan Shaxon Knockout Card in Aces signed card from deck between rubber banded aces in spectator's pocket
Also published here 1972 ca. 7
Karl Fulves Reunion gaffed
Related to 1973 96
Karl Fulves Random Notes (1) impromptu handling for "Reunion"
Related to 1973 108
Karl Fulves Optical Aces black Aces transpose with red Aces and sandwiched card placed on table
1973 68
Simon Aronson Vise Versa 1 signed selection from sandwich to other sandwich in deck
Aug. 1973
Kabbala — Volume 2 (Vol. 2 No. 8)
Simon Aronson Vise Versa 2 signed selection from sandwich to other sandwich in deck
Aug. 1973
Kabbala — Volume 2 (Vol. 2 No. 8)
Lin Searles More Cannibals
Autumn 1973
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 8 No. 8th Folio)
Jerry K. Hartman More or Less(or) Optical Card placed between black Aces under close up pad travels to between red Aces in the deck
Inspired byAlso published here 1973 45
Jerry K. Hartman Switch On A Switch Card moves from between black to red Jacks, but in the process the Jacks also change places
Also published here 1973 46
Jerry K. Hartman Search Flight Two phases of Collectors: first phase is four Aces find three selections, second phase is three selections placed between Aces vanish and travel to between four Queens in the deck
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 1973 49
Karl Fulves Heavy Traffic prediction vanishes from between two jacks twice, then the chosen card appears between the jacks
Related toVariations 1974 2
William P. Miesel Take Three from sandwich in one half to other half
1975 91
Jon Racherbaumer Flash Sandwich double backer, double facer, hung card
The Hierophant (Issue 7 Resurrection Issue)
Karl Fulves He Relocated card jumps from black aces to red aces and changes from black to red itself
1975 71
Karl Fulves The Shadow Knows deck spread face-down, jokers slapped on spread and selection appears trapped between them
1975 72
Karl Fulves Swindle Trap two sandwiched cards transpose
Related to 1975 201
Edward Marlo "Devils to Witches" with repeat
Variations 1976 234
Bruce Cervon Boxed Deuce Sandwich using gaffed card
1976 8
Bruce Cervon Boxed Sandwich selected card appears between four Kings in card box
Variations 1976 10
Karl Fulves Captured effect variation
Epilogue (Issue Special No 4)
Paul Harris Illusion card from sandwich reversed in deck
VariationsAlso published here 1976 19
Bernard Bilis Red Mood Selection travels from between black Jacks to red Jacks. Jacks then change back color, then selection changes back color too.
1976 22
John Carney Seconds on Jack Sandwich selection travels to tabled sandwich cards, repeat phase
Also published here 1976 4
Roger Smith The Horn Toad Effect #2 transposition of sandwiched cards
Also published here 1976 1
Roger Smith The Ultimate Flight chosen card appears cleanly between sandwich on table, duplicate
Related to 1976 2
Harvey Rosenthal Unexpected Sandwich sandwich cards transpose!
1977 127
Harvey Rosenthal Pre-Cannibal Cards II
1977 150
Harvey Rosenthal Jack Back
1977 190
A. Berkeley Davis He Squares from packet to face-up sandwich in other half
Related to 1977 94
Philip T. Goldstein Rundown selection appears in sandwich
1977 113
Jean Faré Logical Sandwich Selection vanishes between two Kings, appears between other two Kings
1977 14
Paul Harris Grasshopper card vanishes between two Kings, travels to between another two Kings
Variations 1977 23
Paul Harris Super Swindle sandwiched signed card, sandwich folded up, card vanishes and reappears reversed in deck
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1977 1
Roger Smith Surprise Extra! black Jacks on table, card placed between them vanishes, Jacks become red Aces, in deck is the reversed selection with a black Jack on either side, two methods
1977 1
Karl Fulves Slip Trap red jack between red aces, suddenly red ace between red jacks, other red ace found between black jacks
1978 28
Philip T. Goldstein The Sweeper Wakes
1979 181
Karl Fulves Cryptology I selection placed between two card cases vanishes, reappears in one of the cases sandwiched between Twos
Variations 1979 98
Karl Fulves The Matter Of Symmetry two-card version in which one travels to each case
1979 103
Roy Walton The Ten To One Trick
  • "Two Tricks"
one card between two Aces, ten cards between two Tens, cut into deck, number of cards corresponding to selection travels from Ten to Ace sandwich, numeric set-up, see also p. 1237 for credit information
The Chronicles (Issue 15)
Nick Trost Deuces Wild selection put between red Twos, it changes into another card and is found between black Twos in deck
1979 2
Bernard Bilis The Ghost Card from Box to Sanwich
1980 46
Edward Marlo Slip Cut Removal in foreword, card changes place with card sandwiched in centre of deck, slip cut under side-jog
Variations 1980
Edward Marlo The Sandwich Transposition
1980 121
Edward Marlo Secret Slip Cut Transposition card sandwiched in center with top card
Variations 1980 234
Nick Pudar Recalled quote: "the patter is that the two black kings represent big car companies, and that the red kings represent cars they've manufactured", in effect a card travels from table to sandwich
Apr. 1980
Apocalypse (Vol. 3 No. 4)
Steven Hamilton, Peter Duffie Trans Collection three cards travel, collecters type
Also published here July 1980
Pabular (Vol. 6 No. 7)
Al Leech Buben-Sandwich sandwiched card transposes with another card, happens in deck
Related toAlso published here
  • Everyman Cards, 1979
1980 14
Roger Smith The Horn Toad Move Effect ... Number Two transposition of sandwiched cards
Also published here 1980 1
Al Smith Combo: Three card travels to tabled sandwich, it is removed and lost in deck and travels to sandwich again
1980 10
Al Smith Combo: Four card travels from between black Kings to red Kings, using deck
1980 11
Bernard Bilis, Edward Marlo Thought-Fool from deck to sandwich on top of case, credit correction on page 564
Mar. 1981
Apocalypse (Vol. 4 No. 3)
Chris Michaels, Jerry K. Hartman, Al Smith San-Tran credit correction on page 600 and 647
June 1981
Apocalypse (Vol. 4 No. 6)
Stephen Tucker Sandwich Box card travels in between Aces in card case
Also published here May 1981
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Stephen Tucker Mark same as Sandwich Box, with marked cards as convincer
Also published here May 1981
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Ben Harris Images two Aces, they change to the two missing suits in various ways, then selection appears
1981 54
Roy Walton Twice Two prediction vanishes from between two Queens as it is the same as the selection, then appears between the Queens of opposite color
  • Alternative Procedure
Also published here 1981 82
Daryl Martinez The Out-of-Body Experience out-jogged selection is pushed in deck and appears between sandwich cards held in distance
Variations 1982 62
Harry Lorayne Sandwich Ramblings sandwiched card in deck changes place (visibly) with isolated card, eleven methods
1982 43
A. Berkeley Davis Square Up... And Away card travels from one half to sandwich in other half, duplicate
Related toVariations 1982 79
Harrison Carroll Unknown card from sandwich reversed in deck
Inspired by 1982 1
Jerry K. Hartman Finding Fourthers selection appears between red Aces, then travels between black Aces
Also published here 1982 35
Paul Hallas Repeat Bluff Sandwich extension
Inspired by Feb. 1983
Pabular (Vol. 7 No. 8)
Doug Alker Ace Sandwich selection travels from deck to aces, aces change back color
Sep. 1983
Pabular (Vol. 7 No. 12)
Karl Fulves Illusion Notes effect variations of Illusion Aces without methods, aces travel from envelope to sandwich
1983 4
Jerry Sadowitz The Man In The Middle card peeked at, four Aces put in spectators hand, selection appears face up between Aces and rest changes to complete a Royal Flush
Inspired by 1984 2
Peter Duffie Premeditated Sandwich black Queens on table, signed selection travels between them and a Joker changes into another selection
1984 35
Bruce Cervon Queen Jump sandwiched card from half to other half
Spring 1985
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 3 No. 25, 26 & 27)
Larry Jennings, Dai Vernon King Jump sandwiched card from half to other half, see credit correction on page lxix
Spring 1985
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 3 No. 25, 26 & 27)
Dai Vernon, Bruce Cervon Matrimonial Jump sandwiched card from half to other half
Spring 1985
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 3 No. 25, 26 & 27)
Barry Stevenson Signed Sandwich card (signed by performer) travels between aces in spectator's hands, half forcing deck with signed duplicates
1985 303
Jeff Altman Startling Sandwich selections travels to tabled sandwich cards
1985 366
Ben Harris Four Changed red Kings and black Kings out, an Ace appears between each pair, then situation reverses with two Ace sandwiches with a King in between
Also published here 1985 76
Jack Birnman Platinum Trajectory
Oct. 1986
Apocalypse (Vol. 9 No. 10)
Ray Kosby Short Hop visual transposition from card between in-the-hand sandwich to tabled sandwich cards
Inspired by 1986 8
Ben Harris Fandango Gaffed Handling card visually appears between sandwich cards
1986 1
Ben Harris Fandango Non-Gaff Handling card visually appears between sandwich cards
1986 7
Ben Harris Tumble-Weed card placed crosswise between red sandwich cards, black Jacks are placed on top, card now between black Jacks
1986 7
John Bannon Hard Roll card travels from deck to between tabled sandwich cards
1986 10
David Regal Royal Treatment card jumps from deck to between sandwich cards
1987 89
David Regal Club Sandwich to sandwich in spectators hands repeatedly
1987 114
John C. Wagner Royal Detectives card travels from red Kings sandwich into deck, sandwiched by two black Kings
Variations 1987 153
John Carney Seconds on Jack Sandwich selection travels to tabled sandwich cards, repeat phase
Lecture Notes Collection (Issue Carney Up Close)
Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders Bound to Fool two rubber-banded Queens, card selected, Queens whisper name to performer, selection appears between, see also p. xi at back of book
Variations 1987 4
John Carney Seconds on Jack Sandwich selection travels to tabled sandwich cards, repeat phase
Also published here 1987 [18]
Bruce Cervon The Two-Fold Individual vanished Card reappears between two Cards
1988 164
Karl Fulves Non-Symmetric Trap selection lost in deck, two red Jacks with x card cut in deck, black Jack cut in deck and other black Jack left on table, red Jacks now have two black Jacks sandwiched and tabled card is selection
1989 29
Bob King Triple Decker three-phase sandwich routine, card appears between Jokers twice cleanly, than vanishes and appears reversed in deck
1989 24
Justin Higham Repeat Sandwich Transpo card travels from one sandwich to another twice
Oct. 1989
Inside Out (Issue 7)
Justin Higham Sandwich Case black Aces in case, selection travels into the sandwich
Inspired by Oct. 1989
Inside Out (Issue 7)
Ben Harris Four Changed red Kings and black Kings out, an Ace appears between each pair, then situation reverses with two Ace sandwiches with a King in between
Also published here 1989 11
Michael Powers Unexpected Visitor selection travels from one sandwich to another
  • The Pure Version (no extra card)
  • Bonus Effect (card travels back to original sandwich)
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1990 35
Michael Powers The Fly a signed selection sandwiched between two black queens travels between the two red queens altough both pairs are secured by rubber bands, with color changing back kicker
Related toVariations 1990 60
Justin Higham Double Sandwich Transpo King and Queen are sandwiched on one side, they travel one by one to another sandwich on the other side
Related to July 1990
Technomagic (Issue 1)
John Carney Seconds on Jack Sandwich selection travels to tabled sandwich cards, repeat phase
1991 133
Edward Marlo The Stapled Cards signed card travels between stapled sandwich cards, four methods
Related to Aug. 1991 1
Edward Marlo, Jon Racherbaumer Fifth Method signed card travels between stapled sandwich cards
Related toAlso published here Aug. 1991 5
Jerry K. Hartman Caught in the Middle sleight improvement to version described in Pallbearer's
Also published here 1991 173
Jerry K. Hartman More or Less(or) Optical card placed between black Aces under close up pad travels to between red Aces in the deck
Inspired byAlso published here 1991 175
Jerry K. Hartman Switch on a Switch card moves from between black to red Jacks, but in the process the Jacks also change places
Also published here 1991 176
Jerry K. Hartman Search Flight Two phases of Collectors: first phase is four Aces find three selections, second phase is three selections placed between Aces vanish and travel to between four Queens in the deck
Inspired byAlso published here 1991 250
David Arthur Visiting Royalty selection placed between black jacks, jacks become red jacks, black jacks in center of deck, ...
1992 xix
Karl Fulves Transfer Routine card travels from sandwich to sandwich with one rubber banded
1992 91
George McBride In Case You Visit card travel from sandwich to cased sandwich
Feb. 1992
Profile (Issue 6)
Alex Elmsley The Fiddle with the Biddle in the Middle card appears between sandwiched cards in deck, then vanishes from sandwich and reappears face-up in deck
Also published here Mar. 1992
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 7)
Tom Daugherty Un-Sandwiched! transformation travel reselection combo
Oct. 1993
Apocalypse (Vol. 16 No. 10)
Peter Duffie Guardian Angels selection travels from red Kings to black Kings
Inspired byVariations 1993 58
Peter Duffie Aces Apace red Aces in deck change place with black Aces, visual surprise ending
Related toAlso published here Sep. 1993
Opus (Vol. 4 No. 11)
Alex Elmsley Still Taking Three sandwiched card vanishes, reappears in half the deck face up, three methods
Inspired by 1994 109
Alex Elmsley The Fiddle with the Biddle in the Middle card appears between sandwiched cards in deck, then vanishes from sandwich and reappears face-up in deck
Also published here 1994 129
Michael Vincent Ultra Clean Sandwich named card appears between tabled sandwich cards à la Marlo
1994 98
Paul Weir Quantum Leap selection put between Queens, two Aces cut face-up in deck, selection is named (whisper like) and travels to Aces in deck
Inspired by 1994 216
Aldo Colombini Back and Forth Sandwich black card between black Kings transposes with red card between red Kings
Related to 1994 1
Aldo Colombini Sandwich For You card travels between tabled sandwich, smiling mule gag
1994 32
Aldo Colombini Havana Sandwich spectator locates Aces on either side of a selection, selection then travels between two other sandwich cards in the deck, duplicate
Inspired by
  • "Havana" (Andre Robert, Card Creations)
1994 39
Jeff Bjorklund Dawn of the Living Sandwich Effects signed selection appears between sandwich cards in pocket
Dec. 1994
The Lemniscate (Vol. 1 No. 7)
Jamy Ian Swiss Sexy Swindle presentation for Super Swindle
Inspired by July/Aug. 1994
The Magic Menu (Vol. 4 No. 24)
Peter Duffie Aces Apace red Aces in deck change place with black Aces, visual surprise ending
Also published here 1995 60
R. Paul Wilson Alias the Aces four cards shown as all being the selection, then change into Aces, Daley's Last, then Aces come from pocket and tabled card(s) is selection, traveling from red to black Aces
1995 32
Steve Beam NASCARd selection visually travels from between red Aces in center of deck to between black Aces in right hand
1995 [1]
Aldo Colombini Take Off card sandwich is placed in an envelope with hole, sandwiched cards vanishes and re-appears in deck
Inspired by 1995 138
Edward Marlo Stapled Cards signed card travels between stapled sandwich cards
Also published here Mar. 1995
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 7)
Paul Harris Illusion card from sandwich reversed in deck
Also published here 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 1 (Issue The Magic of Paul Harris)
Paul Harris Grasshopper (revised)
Inspired byVariations 1996 125
Paul Harris Super Swindle sandwiched signed card, sandwich folded up, card vanishes and reappears reversed in deck
Also published here 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 2 (Issue Misc. Pieces of Paul)
David Regal Amazing Commute
Jan. 1996
Apocalypse (Vol. 19 No. 1)
Peter Duffie Hilarry card from one half to sandwich cards in tabled half, Visitor adaption
1996 10
Peter Duffie Two's Company two selections, one appears between red Kings on table, black Kings are cut into deck and both selection appear between them, red Kings are emtpy
Inspired by 1996 1
Stephen Tucker Sandwich Box card travels in between Aces in card case
Also published here 1996
Intermagic (Vol. 20 No. 4 & 5)
Stephen Tucker Markiert same as Sandwich Box, with marked cards as convincer
Also published here 1996
Intermagic (Vol. 20 No. 4 & 5)
Santo Ufo two signed selections one put between two kings, selection transforms into second one and first selection is found between other kings
Also published here 1996 144
Thomas Waldeck Einfacher geht's nicht signed card appears between Aces held between spectator's hand
Inspired byAlso published here 1996 185
Peter Duffie Clear to the Point Signed selection placed in clear plastic envelope, which is sandwiched between two Jokers. Card vanishes and appears between two other Jokers in spectator's hand
Inspired by 1997 103
John Luka, Edward Marlo, Daryl Martinez, Frank Garcia Kings on a Fling selection vanishes from between two kings into deck between other kings several times, then kings change to aces and are found by cutting to them
Inspired by 1997 99
Aldo Colombini Sand-Which two selections appear between two tabled sandwiches
1997 10
David Solomon Jacks In The Box black Jacks put in case, they transpose with red Jacks outside box and a previous selection appears between the now red Jacks in box
Inspired by
  • early version in MUM, August 1977
1997 65
David Solomon Devilish Deuces Wild Sandwich wrong card appears between two Jokers, it vanishes and reappears in deck and correct card is now sandwiched
Inspired byVariations 1997 159
Richard Bartram, Jr. Double Decker Sandwich black Aces vanish from between red Aces and return face up in center of the deck with selection, selection travels to other Aces, special flap card
1997 177
Jack Avis Useful Jokers chosen card appears between two Jokers
Inspired by 1998 137
Harry Lorayne Entre Nous card travels between sandwich cards in Himber wallet
1998 205
Jason Alford Grasshopper Takes A Leap! card travels from between one sandwich to another
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here July 1998
Onyx (Issue 4)
Ken Simmons Unexpected Sandwich selection appears between two tabled sandwich cards (pad spread)
  • First Handling
  • Second Handling
  • Fourth Handling
  • Fifth Handling
July 1998
Onyx (Issue 4)
Aaron Goldberg Praying Mantis card travels from one sandwich to another under the spectator's hand
Inspired by Oct. 1998
Onyx (Issue 5)
Bob King Impossible Mental Catch red Queens given to spectator, then any named card appears between them
1998 9
Jason Alford Grasshopper Takes A Leap card vanishes between two Jacks, travels to between another two Jacks
Inspired byAlso published here 1998 10
Jason Alford Squirt card travels from sandwich to sandwich
Inspired by 1998 23
Milton Kort Security Express four Aces vanish from between red Jacks, appear between black Jacks in middle of the pack
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here
  • New Pentagram, Vol. 2 No. 12, Feb. 1971
1999 73
David Regal Leap of Faith Signed card teleports from between two red Kings to between two black Kings
Variations 1999 6
Ellis Stanyon The Chosen Card Appears Between Two Others on a Thread No. 41
1999 182
Jason Tang Gnat Eats Locust card vanishes between two Queens, travels to between another two Queens
Inspired by 1999 54
Jon Armstrong Rose & Crown Double Sandwich two cards travel between tabled sandwich cards one by one, they are simply spread on the table, old palm load
Variations May/June 1999
The Magic Menu (Vol. 9 No. 53)
Christian Chelman Fly Caper selection travels back and forth between sandwich cards, then to card box, Himber Wallet, plastic fly appears, fly appears drawn on card
Oct. 1999
Magic (Vol. 9 No. 2)
Santo UFO two signed selections one put between two kings, selection transforms into second one and first selection is found between other kings
Inspired byAlso published here 2000 141
Thomas Waldeck It Doesn't Get Any Simpler signed card appears between Aces held between spectator's hand
Also published here 2000 192
David Acer Mousehunt selected card transposes with another card sandwiched between the Kings that has holes in it (like Swiss Cheese)
Inspired byAlso published here 2000 89
Aldo Colombini Twin Expedition chosen King vanishes from Kings packet and reappears in deck between two selections
2000 [11]
Harry Lorayne Killer Sandwich chosen card sandwiched and placed in center, Ace of Spades lost, Ace now sandwiched and selection in pocket
Inspired byAlso published here 2001 437
Karl Fulves Utility Transfer card appears between to sandwich cards
Related to 2001 101
José Muñiz False Sandwich selection travels from between two Kings to the other Kings
June 2001
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 1)
David Solomon Jack In The Box Jack of Spades and two Aces put in case, it appears between two Aces in the deck, in the box is now an Ace sandwich with a selection
Inspired by Sep. 2001
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Peter McLanachan Queen Piece sandwich cards vanish from top and sandwich selection in the center twice, then card travels from deck between sandwich cards that the spectator holds
Inspired by
  • "The Red Headed League" in R. Paul Wilson's "Obscure Acts"
Jan. 2002
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 8)
Jon Armstrong Updated Rose & Crown Sandwich two cards travel between tabled sandwich cards one by one, they are simply spread on the table, old palm load
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here Jan. 2002
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 5)
Dan Garrett Hand Sandwich card vanishes from back of spectator's hand via rub-a-dub on the spectator's hand and appears between sandwich cards in his hand
Apr. 2002
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 8)
Gabi Pareras Final Para Reyes Cazadores (Sentido & Lógica) face-down selection travels from sandwich in the hands between sandwich on the table
  • Sandwicheando
  • Papirotazo
  • Volteando
  • Notas
2002 ca. 2
Euan Bingham King Sting
2003 5
Roberto Giobbi, Fred Kaps Twin Fools selection jumps between two tabled jokers, second phase into card case
2003 1104
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Change-Over Queens sandwiched cards transpose
Inspired by 2003 35
Rick Franceschini, Carl Mercurio Double-Decker Sandwich two selections are lost, then the four Aces are produced, black Aces placed in spectator's pocket, one selection appears sandwiched between red Aces on deck, second selection between spectator's pocketed black Aces
2003 25
David Acer MouseHunt selected card transposes with another card sandwiched between the Kings that has holes in it (like Swiss Cheese)
Also published here 2004 150
Wesley James A Hand Too Few "beta", two mates held in right hand, deck in left hand and spectator peeks at a card, immediately a card appears between sandwich cards in other hand, it is the selection
2004 263
Juan Tamariz The Selection Between the Aces selection travels between Aces on table, when placed back in the deck selection reverses itself
2004 236
Rafael Benatar Fax out-jogged selection is pushed in deck and appears between sandwich cards held in distance
Inspired by Mar. 2005
Genii (Vol. 68 No. 3)
Jack Parker Friction Aces Aces used to show a trick with each, then two Aces find selection and change back color
Aug. 2005
Antinomy (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Peter Duffie Sly Aces selection lost, routine with four Aces in which two turn over, penetrate to top, then red Aces catch mate of selection in deck and selection is found sandwiched between tabled black Aces
Related to 2005 29
Rich Aviles Subwich card travels from packet to sandwich, sandwich card transform into mates
Inspired byAlso published here 2006 13
Rich Aviles Invisible Sandwich first selection appears between tabled Jokers, second selection becomes the two Jokers which are invisible and reappear around third selection in the deck
2006 17
Rob James E.J. Sandwich Aces on table, spectator signs a card which vanishes from top of deck, it is found between the Aces
Inspired by
  • "Highland Fling" (Jerry Sadowitz, The Crimp #58)
2006 47
Alex Elmsley, Dai Vernon Queen Jump
2007 41
Steve Draun Chicago Sandwich Card placed between black Jacks in deck. Selection vanishes visually, sandwiched card turns out to be selection.
2007 61
Jack Parker I Know Kung Fu Selection jumps from between black Kings to red Kings and back, with kicker ending of red Kings jumping between tabled black Kings
Inspired byVariations 2007 9
Jack Parker Cross Eyed Surprise Red and black Ace transposes when sandwiched between Queens, finally two Aces switch places with four Queens
Also published here
  • Set to Stun, 2005
2007 30
Grace Ann Morgan TrapJacks humorous presentation for sandwich, first in deck, then card travels between tabled sandwich cards
2009 17
Nick Trost The Sub-Trunk Mystery sandwiched card transposes with another card, happens in deck
Inspired by 2009 465
Nick Trost The Slippery Aces four Aces vanish from between red Jacks, appear between black Jacks in middle of the pack
Inspired by 2009 482
John Bannon New Jax sandwiched card transposes with another card, happens in deck
Inspired byAlso published here 2009 26
Rich Aviles Subwich card travels from packet to sandwich, sandwich card transform into mates
Also published here 2010 39
Rich Aviles Speedo selection appears between jokers, jokers change into second selection
2010 44
Tom Gagnon Bunko Squad card travels from deck to between sandwich cards, using Double Doodle Steal
2011 124
Jon Armstrong Hand Sandwich Handling sandwich with repeat
Inspired by
  • "Hand Sandwich" (Dan Garrett, Close Up Connivery notes)
2011 29
Max Nelson Move the Monkey selection appears twice between two odd-backed Kings, on top of the deck and away from the deck
Inspired by
  • "Monkey in the Middle" (Bill Goldman, marketed)
Mar. 2011
Antinomy (Vol. 4 No. 3)
Mark Ennis The Uninvited Guest card from one sandwich to another
Inspired byRelated to 2012 221
Ronald Zollweg Immigrant sandwiches in halves of the deck
2012 299
John Gelasi Daley + 2 after the transposition a selection appears between each pair of Aces
Feb. 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 2)
Alexander de Cova The (W)hole Trick signed card appears visibly between two sandwich cards, the top of which has a hole, twirl change
Inspired by
  • "Holes" (Dave Forrest, marketed)
Also published here
Dec. 2012 23
Steven Hamilton, Peter Duffie Trans-Collectors three cards travel, collecters type
Also published here 2013 15
Steven Hamilton Waterfall Transpo card from between red Queens in middle of deck to black Queens
2013 126
Tom Gagnon Invisible Fingertip Sandwich Jokers placed aside, odd-backed card signed and put in deck, it travels between sandwich
2013 20
Tom Gagnon Impossible Sandwich card travels between sandwich, sandwich cards separate from deck, clean handling
2013 40
Shoot Ogawa Sushi Sandwich selection appears in sandwich, then vanishes and appears in another sandwich in center of deck
2013 74
John Bannon New Jax sandwiched card transposes with another card, happens in deck
Also published here 2013 38
John Bannon Wicked! (Transposition) selection jumps from between black Queens to red Queens and back
Inspired by 2013 114
Alexander de Cova The (W)hole Trick signed card appears visibly between two sandwich cards, the top of which has a hole, twirl change
Also published here Feb. 2013
New Avantgarde Magic (Issue Sondererausgabe MMC)
Dan Buck, Dave Buck CardEx from deck to previously tabled Jacks
2014 22
Harapan Ong The Princess Card Trick Revisited thought-of-card vanishes from packet, reappears in sandwich in deck
2014 77
Tomas Blomberg Switchhopper selected card between the two red Queens travels appearing between the two black Queens
2014 89
Tomas Blomberg Low Cost card between the red Jacks vanishes and appears between the tabled black Jacks
Inspired by 2014 109
Helder Guimarães The Choice to Change named card appears sandwiched between tabled Jokers
Related to
  • "Empanada" (Armando Lucero)
Also published here
Dec. 2015
Genii (Vol. 78 No. 12)
Karl Fulves Pocket Jacks selection travels inside flexagon wallet, also between sandwich cards in wallet
Folderol (Issue 1)
Alexander de Cova The (W)Hole Trick signed card appears visibly between two sandwich cards, the top of which has a hole, twirl change
Inspired by
  • "Holes" (Dave Forrest, marketed)
Also published here
2015 117
Mike Pisciotta Flying Sandwich sandwich cards vanish from one half and reappear around selection in other half
Related to 2016 1
John Guastaferro Double Agent Aces lost and found, then selection appears between Aces, Mission Impossible presentation
Inspired by
  • "Four Bullet Routine" (Frank Garcia, Stars of Magic Video Series #3)
2017 69
Yohei Kawabata Unison Variation on Grasshopper by Paul Harris: Card between red Queens travels to between black Queens
Inspired by 2017 15
Harry Lorayne Magical Flight card travels from one half to sandwich in other half
Inspired by 2017 63
Fritz Alkemade Royalty in the B(r)o(n)x Card placed between red Kings and placed in card box. Card appears and disappears between black Kings, goes back into card box
Oct. 2018
Elixir (Vol. 2 No. 1 (Summer #2))
Johnny Thompson The Prowling Jokers three-phase sandwich routine
  • selection appears between Jokers held in hand
  • single cut makes wide-apart Jokers trap selection
  • Joker tossed next to selection
Inspired by 2018 199
Harapan Ong Daley's Last Sandwiches selection appears sandwiched between one pair or both pairs as climax
I. Tabled Version
II. In the Hands
III. Hands and Table
2018 61
Yuan Liu Sneaky Aces Four Aces placed between two black Kings, all disappear except chosen Ace. The other three Aces appear between the red Kings
2018 61
Harry Lorayne Killer Sandwich chosen card sandwiched and placed in center, Ace of Spades lost, Ace now sandwiched and selection in pocket
Also published here 2018 196
Rudy Tinoco Double Express Sandwiches black Kings placed aside, two selections lost, one found between black Kings and the other between the red Kings in the deck
Inspired by
  • "Express Sandwich" (Jean-Pierre Vallarino, DVD Rendez Vous)
Mar. 2018
Genii (Vol. 81 No. 3)
Jeremiah Zuo Excursus 6: More on Sandwiches and Boxes two selections lost, two Jokers removed from case, first selection appears between them, then case appears between Jokers with second selection inside, Biddle Box Steal
Also published here
  • "One To-Go Box, Please!" (Game of Tom, Tom Dobrowolski, 2015)
2019 75
Tom Gagnon Clip Joint black Kings with paper clip on them put aside, signed selection appears between them, ribbon spread techniques
2019 109
Helder Guimarães The Choice to Change named card appears sandwiched between tabled Jokers
Related to
  • "Empanada" (Armando Lucero)
Also published here
2019 72
Helder Guimarães Card to Sandwich sandwich cards tabled, selection instantly appears between them
2019 92