1,776 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Divination & Mind Reading / Miscellaneous
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
How to tell one what card he seeth in the bottome, when the same card is shuffled into the stocke card peeked, kept under control with jog shuffle and then "forced" (given) to spectator and divined
Related to 1584 189
An other waie to doo the same, having your selfe indeed never seene the card card glimpsed with diversion (like letting some cards fall), making piles and following the card, then giving it to spectator and divining it
Related to 1584 189
To tell what Card a Person thinks upon, though you are not in the Room, or which Card he has touched, or waved his Hand over strange method
1784 62
To tell what Card you think on in the whole Pack. probability and rudimental form of fishing
1784 63
Deviner la carte pensée card thought from fan
1786 144
Deviner combien de clefs une personne a dans sa poche Guess how many keys a person has in his pocket
1786 241
To Name all the Cards in the Pack in Succession full stack, Eight Kings explained
1876 50
The Cards Revealed by the Looking-Glass joke
1876 53
To Guess, by the aid of a Passage of Poetry or Prose, such one of Sixteen Cards as, in the Performer's Absence, has been Touched or Selected by the Company verbal code
1876 56
To Detect, without Confederacy, which of Four Cards has been Turned Round in your Absence one-way margins
1876 57
C. H. Wilson The Reflection Trick No. 4, cards are chosen and named, apparently by reflection in the eye
1877 19
C. H. Wilson The Blindfolded Reading Trick No. 5, blindfolded performer names position of named cards
1877 19
"Reading" the Cards multiple cards divined with wand, punch marked deck
1889 58
Charlier Artificial Spiritualism removed cards divined, pile cut off by spectator and number of cards as well as number of pips divined, stacked and punch marked
1889 63
To Name all the Cards of the Pack in Succession full stack, 32-version and Eight Kings explained
1889 76
The "Whispering Trick" for one spectator, paperballs over the head situation
1889 93
The Capital Q back-count force with counters/coins or cards, as divination with partial stack
Also published here 1889 95
The Cards having been freely Shuffled and Cut into three or four Heaps, to Name the Top Card of each Heap one ahead
1889 127
A Person having Secretly Thought of a Card, and the Pack having been Divided into Three Heaps, to Declare in which Heap the Card thought of will be found
1889 129
The Capital Q back-count force with counters/coins or cards, as divination with partial stack
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1890 27
Practical Illustrations
  • top cards named after cut
  • spectator cuts off cards and performer knows number of cards and points containted
1890 75
Card Naming when stack has been shuffled, punch deck
1890 81
Professor Hoffmann The Mysterious Pairs several spectators remove two cards each and place them face to face, performer receives one card and names the other, then the pairs come together again in the deck
1890 84
The Magic Circle "To discover a card or other object that has been touched in the performer's absence", with medium and code
1890 242
Das Gedankenlesen No. 4, spectator writes name of card on paper, card divined by performer, impression on silver plate
1895 6
Das Hellsehen No. 17, one of three cards chosen, performer divines, assistant codes with position of cigarette in mouth
1895 22
Die magische Sehkraft No. 18, a picture card is turned around, performer knows with one
1895 23
Die Macht des Zauberstabes No. 44, four packets cut by performer, he names top cards of all piles
1895 52
Das Nennen jeder Karte im Spiel oder das bezauberte Messer borrowed pocket knife stabbed into borrowed deck, performer repeatedly names card above knife, bottom card glimpsed and slipped to stabbed spot
Jan. 1895
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Das Gedankenlesen pseudo muscle-reading used to divine a word written on a piece of paper, impression onto metal tray with soap covered paper
Oct. 1895
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Das bezauberte Messer spectator stabs knife into shuffled deck, performer names card, bottom card slipped into position
1896 28
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Einzig unfehlbare Manier, um vom Publikum gemerkte Karten zu erraten strange force of fourth card from top
1896 29
Nennen zweier Karten deck cut in two piles, performer names top two cards
1896 43
Nennen mehrerer gezogener Karten cards chosen, then deck switched and cards returned, cards identified because they are twice in deck or because one deck is short
1896 44
Nennen der obersten Karte im Spiel performer names top card of shuffled deck multiple times
1896 46
Die von drei Personen gedachten Karten erraten zu können three spectators each think of one of three cards, performer divines them
1896 48
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Der Hellseher several spectators chose cards and seal them in envelopes, performer divines the cards inside, marked envelopes
Related to 1896 80
Das Mädchen für Alles in Gestalt eines Kartenspieles combination of effects from book
  • 1. Die magische Sehkraft
  • 2. Die Kartenwage
  • 3. performer repeatedly names card where spectator cuts to
  • 4. Das Lesen mit den Fingerspitzen
  • 5. Das Sortier-Etui (removing named cards from pocket)
  • 6. Das unsichtbare, geheimnisvolle Uhrwerk
  • 7. performer can always cut at a King (four Kings crimped)
1896 85
Der mysteriöse Kartenkreis card chosen from clock dial layout with counting procedure
1896 104
Die magische Sehkraft performer blindfolded, spectators hand him cards which he holds to his forehead and divines, palmed mirror
May 1896
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 2 No. 5)
Die künstliche Reihenfolge der Karten simple cyclical stack, divination of chosen card
Mar. 1896
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 1 No. 7)
Der allwissende Künstler "by H. Sch., Dresden", deck laid out on table, performer can find any named card from the back, switched for stacked deck
Dec. 1896
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 2 No. 4)
Thought Foretold deck divided in four piles, one chose, all cards divined and predicted
Related to 1897 135
X Rays cards in envelopes are divined, two methods, envelopes marked visually or haptically
Related to 1897 144
The Mysterious Hat two cards are divined and then travel into hat
1897 190
Mystic Divination pile of card selected and pocketed by spectator, cards are divined by performer
1897 191
Hugo Schröder Der Kartenkünstler als Hellseher "by Hugo Sch., Dresden", layout of all cards on table, performer can name any of the cards
Related to Jan. 1897
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 3 No. 1)
Ein Geheimnis deck shuffled and cut into two piles, performer looks at top card of one pile and can name top card of other pile, repeated
June 1897
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 2 No. 12)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Eine Gedanken-Photographie spectator writes card on paper, two blank business cards put in box, on one appears image and on other name of selection
Dec. 1900
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 6 No. 12)
S. v. S. Ueberraschungen mit Hülfe der Mnemotechnik card taken out of in-the-hands spread, deck secretly cut and bottom card glimpsed and divined
June 1901
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 7 No. 6)
S. v. S. Ueberraschungen mit Hülfe der Mnemotechnik II. ten cards chosen and named
Aug. 1901
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 7 No. 8)
S. v. S. Ueberraschungen mit Hülfe der Mnemotechnik III. three cards chosen, one card appears face-up on face of deck, other two cards named
Sep. 1901
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 7 No. 9)
L. Graham Lewis To Tell the Card at which any Members of the Audience May Cut a Pack people cut off small piles, bottom cards divined, stack
1902 67
Phantome Ein moderner Erfinder - 13. card put in envelope is divined
Related to Jan. 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 1)
Hänsel Kastner Sensationelles Erraten einer gedachten Karte mit Hülfe des Muskellesens spectator cuts off a pile and remembers bottom card which is later divined, break picked up during replacement
Aug. 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 8)
A. J. Hellsehen mit Karten medium knows order of cards after "spectator" shuffles, stooge, medium in dark bag with flash light
Dec. 1904
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 10 No. 12)
Hugo Schrader Eine übernatürliche Uebereinstimmung card chosen and lost, dominoes placed together by spectator, endpoint indicate suit and value and added up the position of the selection
Inspired by
  • "Unerreicht!" (Conradis Der Kartenkünstler im XX. Jahrhundert, p. 81)
May 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 4 No. 5)
Hugo Schrader Die Augen als Kartenspiegel spectator has two cards and should hold up one, performer divines it, less blood in the hand
June 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 4 No. 6)
Clairvoyance with Cards - First Method spectator touches card in fanned-out deck, performer instantly names it
1909 165
Theodore DeLand Third Method deck shuffled by spectators and several remove a card, they're replaced and divined, index with hole throughout deck (x-ray deck)
1909 166
The Reversed Card spectator turns card end for end and performer knows which one
1911 94
Donald Holmes Effect No. 1 four chosen cards are placed in four envelopes and mixed, performer divines all cards in the envelopes
1913 6
Donald Holmes Effect No. 1 card chosen, performer divines it and it travels to pocket
1913 12
Donald Holmes A New X-Ray Trick stacked deck, multiple cards removed, half shuffled, cards divined one by one and each removed
1913 30
James J. Moren With the Mind's Eye No. 8, card chosen while the performer is blindfolded, performer deals through cards and stops at and names selection
Also published here 1919/1920 35
Charles T. Jordan The Twentieth Century Puzzle No. 14, chosen cards are returned into deck one by one and divined
Also published here 1919/1920 46
Charles T. Jordan Telepathic Control No. 15, card chosen after some dealing is divined
Also published here 1919/1920 48
Charles T. Jordan Coluria No. 25, thirty-two-deck of cards is cut and dealt into six piles, two remaining cards pocketed, colors of top cards code bottom cards and cards in pocket, done out-of-room
VariationsAlso published here 1919/1920 68
Charles T. Jordan Satan's Trance No. 26, four cards removed from thirty-two-card deck and put in envelope, lights out, when lights are back on the names of cards are written on envelope
VariationsAlso published here 1919/1920 70
Charles T. Jordan The Spirit Mathematician No. 2, half deck in performer's pocket, card with same suit and cards who add up to same domination as selection are produced, binary (Ace, Two, Four, Eight)
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1920 5
Charles T. Jordan The Reversed Court Card No. 6, one of four court cards is reversed by spectator, performer divines which one, one-way on face of some Bicycle cards
Also published here 1920 14
Al Baker Al Baker's Mind-Reading Card Trick locator cards, one-ahead, billets
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue The Twenty-Five Dollar Manuscript)
Charles T. Jordan The Impromptu Card Reader some hands dealt and performer knows cards in one of them, riffle stacking from bottom
Related toAlso published here 1921
The Four Full Hands (Issue Four Full Hands of Down to the Minute Magical Effects)
Charles T. Jordan The Mysterious Detective three spectators pocket cards, performer names them, stack that can be riffle shuffled once
Also published here 1921
The Four Full Hands (Issue Four Full Hands of Down to the Minute Magical Effects)
Charles T. Jordan Fate and the Joker card selected by stabbing joker, card named, stacked deck
Also published here 1921
The Four Full Hands (Issue Four Full Hands of Down to the Minute Magical Effects)
Charles T. Jordan The Assistance Card Trick follow up to last trick, card is selected and put in pocket, performer goes through the cards once and knows the missing one, clocking mod 13
Also published here 1922
The Four Full Hands (Issue Four Full Hands of Card Tricks)
Charles T. Jordan The Take a Peek Card Trick four groups shuffled, card chosen and by looking at the section it came from it is divined
Also published here 1922
The Four Full Hands (Issue Four Full Hands of Card Tricks)
Edward Bagshawe A "Spirit Divination" Mystery name of card appears on empty paper
1924 42
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Telepathisches Kontrollsystem. No. 16, playing card is selected and placed inside a book, on blank piece of paper sealed inside an envelope, name of card and page number appears
1926 54
Louis Nikola To Name The Pack In Order, Without Looking At It, Either From The Bottom or From The Top Deck shuffled halfway through
1927 39
Louis Nikola To Name The Bottom Cards Of A Number Of Heaps By Looking At The Top Cards
1927 43
Louis Nikola The Telepathogram Magician divines thought of card, and writing appears on paper that divines position of card in the deck
1927 54
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Der scharfe Blick spectator cuts any packet and performer knows if the amount of cards is even or odd
1927 9
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Das Kryptoskop deck cut in four piles, top cards are divined
1927 25
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Der gesteigerte Tastsinn four cards face-up on the table, one card is turned (not reversed) while performer is in other room, performer divines card
1927 48
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Eine mysteriöse Bildübertragung cards held on forehead are divined
1927 104
Oswald Rae Rae's Ten-Card Trick spectator removes ten cards and selects one, performer puts cards in pocket and removes selection, duplicates
1928 1
Oswald Rae Psycho-Analysis performer divines card and thought-of name of a spectator by holding his wrist, then spectator divines thought of card from the performer and decided upon by another spectator
1928 77
William Larsen, T. Page Wright Curious Card Reading card fairly chosen and lost while performer has his back to spectator, it is found, repeat and card is simply named by performer, confederate in audience codes card
1928 2
William Larsen, T. Page Wright A Dark Test light out, in dark two spectators pocket cards from one half each, performer names both
1928 12
William Larsen, T. Page Wright Suitability out-of-hand selection of three cards, they all name the suits, performer then divines all cards
Related to 1928 28
A Prediction shuffled deck is put in performer's pocket, small number named, performer names card at that position, also as memory demonstration
1928 16
The Whispering Joker spectator counts off some cards and replaces them, performer removes Joker which tells him how many were counted
1928 17
Sympathetic Connection deck cut, performer looks at top card of one half and names top half of other, repeat
1928 20
Eric F. Impey Another Effect on the Same Principle spectator cuts to same cards as have been selected from different deck, Instanto deck
Related to 1928 6
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Vorausbestimmung einer gemerkten Spielkarte one of six card is selected, performer puts card in pocket and puts five on table, card in pocket turns out to be the selection
1930 62
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Erraten einer fehlenden Karte mit Hilfe der Quersumme numbers of a four digit number used, one card placed inside pocket and divined by performer
1930 84
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die Karte als Detektiv four spectators place a card unseen inside their pockets, detective card is placed inside the pockets, which tells performer the name of the cards
1930 93
Joe Berg The Card Behind spectator gives card to performer behind his back, performer names it, secretly placed in sleeve
1930 54
Laurie Ireland Thought Reading Extraordinary spectator cuts to any card, performer reads mind from distance, estimation & memorized deck
1931 18
Theodore Annemann Psychic Sympathy two decks, spectator cuts his deck and looks at one, performer removes same card from his deck, trick is repeated
  • Method Number Two
1931 27
Theodore Annemann The Mystery Card Reading Method pack behind back, performer names cards
1931 35
Theodore Annemann Find the Lady a Queen and four Aces are put in five envelopes, performer finds envelope with odd card
Also published here 1931 41
Victor Farelli The Marvellous Discovery card removed from pack while performer is not looking, yet he quickly finds two cards that denote the selection by value and suit without looking at the faces
  • First Method
  • Second Method ("Shades")
  • Third Method (Difference in Design)
Related to 1931 12
Eric F. Impey Synchrono - A Mechanical Pack stacked peek deck
  • To gain knowledge of any card freely selected
  • To name the cards one after the other
  • To reverse the positions of the two uppermost cards
  • A further effect (card to case)
1931 4
Al Baker Mind Reading Trick locator cards, one-ahead, billets
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Al Baker's Pack)
Victor Farelli, Dr. Herschell The Floating Image afterimage as presentation to divine several cards
1933 104
T. Page Wright Interlocking Chains two colors separated and in order, shuffled once, used for divination
1933 14
T. Page Wright Whispering Joker card placed behind Joker, both held to ear, card named, repeated
1933 15
T. Page Wright Envelope Card Reading cards in envelope, performer names them one by one
1933 19
Al Baker The Impossible Discovery forcing deck, two deck switches
VariationsAlso published here 1933 21
Orville Wayne Meyer Your Card! selection is divined via two cards behind back (suit, value), cyclical stack, see page 99 for improvement by Meyer
Nov. 1934
The Jinx (Issue 2)
Theodore Annemann A Real Psychic Card Test stacked deck and slates
VariationsAlso published here Dec. 1934
The Jinx (Issue 3)
Tom Sellers Card Divination spectator puts cards in pockets, performer divines selection from those
1934 5
Tom Sellers A Trick with the Si Stebbins Pack selection divined by two cards (suit and value)
1934 6
Theodore Annemann The Guessing Contest performer and spectator write a card on a slip of paper and try to find the others card, while the spectator cannot find the card in ten attempts, the performer hits on the first card
Variations 1934 18
Theodore Annemann Another Sympathetic Mystery two decks, spectator selects card from one, performer finds duplicate in other deck, stacked, estimation, fishing
Related to 1934 26
Orville Wayne Meyer Your Card behind back you produce card of same suit and value as spectator's selection, Si Stebbins
Related toVariations 1934 30
Theodore Annemann A Daffy Discovery pocketed card is revealed through other cards, optional forcing bank
The Jinx (Issue Summer Extra 1935)
Theodore Annemann Par-Optic Vision cards pocketed by spectator are divined one by one, see page 99 for improvement by Annemann, see page 164 for comment by William Larsen
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1935
The Jinx (Issue Summer Extra 1935)
Louis Lam Would you Believe it? freely selected and replaced card is instantly named, then reverses itself
1935 8
The Key Card Principle - An Example of Presentation
Variations 1935 9
The Three Heaps spectator cuts deck in three piles, three top cards are divined, repeat
1935 10
The Trio three cards divined, no-touch confusion force
1935 10
A Card and a Number naming name and position of selection, key card
1935 11
The Count Down card and its position remembered and divined, two key cards
1935 12
An Envelope Mystery forced cards put in envelopes with punch marks, including "A Variation"
1935 14
Clairvoyant Reading of Several Cards naming packet of cards through handkerchief
1935 18
A Startling Experiment naming missing card
1935 19
Novel Card Reading removed card behind back named, glimpsing palmed key card
1935 19
Forcing Decks
1935 25
The Impression or Carbon System two methods
1935 26
The Mirror Principle
1935 28
Theodore Annemann The New Double Telepathy Routine uses the box from Mental Masterpiece + Index, spectator and performer think of a card and try to guess the card of the other
1935 7
Wm. Hewitt Coincidence spectator shuffles deck and cuts to a card, same card is removed by performer from another deck, card shiner
1935 11
Theodore Annemann Get It! deck is handed to three spectators in the dark, everyone selects a card and when the light is on again, performer reveals all three cards, three forcing decks
VariationsAlso published here 1935 15
Riffle Trick No. 1, spectator riffle shuffles once, cuts to a card and remembers a suit, then memorizes the first card of that suit from the face
Also published here 1935 1
Frank Lane Frank Lane's Three Pellet Card Trick No. 2, three cards chosen and written on pellets, performer divines them
Also published here 1935 1
Fortune Telling Trick No. 21, spectator writes a question on a small card and seals it in an envelope, spectator does some cutting procedure with cards and those are used to divine the question
1935 23
The Joker Trick No. 24, deck riffle shuffled once (interlocking chains), Joker put in deck and card on either side removed, performer divines them
1935 26
Figures Can't Lie No. 36, spectator chooses four digits and does some calculation, then he removes four cards that match the digits and pockets one, performer divines it
1935 34
Thought Foretold No. 41, carbon case as impression device
1935 39
Harry Louine The Whispering Queen No. 48, cards are forced in simple way and divined with help of Queen
1935 43
Effect 1: To Name a Card That a Spectator Draws From the Pack Si Stebbins application
1935 45
Effect 2: To Tell How Many And What Cards Have Been Drawn From the Pack Si Stebbins application
1935 46
Effect 3: To Run the Cards Behind the Back and Name Any Card Stopped At Si Stebbins application
1935 46
Frank Lane, U. F. Grant Reading Cards performer holds up cards one by one and names them, using cheap cards that can be seen through with strong light
1935 7
Paul Curry Another Stop! spectator stops while riffling, performer knows card, short card and set-up, for credit details reference
Inspired byAlso published here Apr. 1936
The Jinx (Issue 19)
Theodore Annemann, Al Baker A Version of the Al Baker Three Billet Trick three cards that are selected (one thought-of) and written on a billet are divined, stacked deck
Also published here Apr. 1936
The Jinx (Issue 19)
John Braun, Theodore Annemann Cards in the Cases fair selection is found in second deck, set-up
Oct. 1936
The Jinx (Issue 25)
Theodore Annemann Notaria chosen card and diagram are divined/duplicated, forcing deck, center tear
Related toAlso published here Dec. 1936
The Jinx (Issue 27)
Theodore Annemann A Simplified Five Card Problem Variation combining "A Simplified Five Card Problem" (Genii November 1936) with card silk
Dec. 1936
The Jinx (Issue 27)
Dai Vernon An Insolvable Mystery deck behind performer's back in handkerchief, spectator names any number, performer the card at this position
Related toVariations 1936 152
Victor Farelli Controlled Coincidence (impromptu method)
magician divines mental selection by using two cards - one denoting suit and one denoting value
Inspired by 1936 40
Franklin M. Chapman Sixth Sense? Joker and three other cards are sealed in envelope and mixed, performer always finds Joker, secretly small bead is added in one envelope
1936 2
Charles T. Jordan Reversed Court Card four cards in a row, spectator turns one end for end, performer knows which one
Also published here 1937 18
Walter B. Gibson, Charles T. Jordan The Sagacious Joker four spectators pocket a card each, the joker is tapped against pocket and performer knows the cards, four methods (first one Charles T. Jordan's)
  • No. 2
  • No. 3
  • No. 4
Related to 1937 19
Dr. James William Elliott The Trio simple no-touch force for any number of cards
1937 20
Glenn G. Gravatt Card Detectives spectator pockets two cards and performer divines them, basically a bold force
1937 22
Ladson Butler The Whispering Queen deck is shuffled and dealt in four heaps, bottom cards divined
Related toVariations 1937 24
Theodore Annemann Find The Queen four Aces and a Queen sealed in five envelopes and mixed, performer locates Queen
Also published here 1937 28
Coincidence Again card with mirror foil on the corner to glimpse spectator's selection
1937 74
Glenn G. Gravatt Mental Vision four cards chosen and divined, pencil dot card
1937 82
Charles T. Jordan Fate and the Joker card selected by stabbing joker, card named, stacked deck
Also published here 1937 109
The Acme Spirit Test living dead test with cards, one has sticky edges
1937 114
C. O. Williams Reading the Cards stacked one-way deck is riffle shuffled, yet order called out
1937 155
Theodore Annemann One in Ten Detection performer finds out small thought-of number, one-way backs
1937 156
Instant Mindreading
1937 159
In the Dark divining card through handkerchief
1937 169
Charles T. Jordan Long Distance Mindreading stacked deck mailed to friend with selection procedure, crib sheet at home
1937 174
Charles T. Jordan The Magi's Detection card counting to divine missing selection, keeping track of values and also suits
Related toAlso published here 1937 183
Coincidence Extraordinary piles are made, number of cards in a pile is divined, mathematical
Related to 1937 187
Charles T. Jordan The Pair Detection spectator removes a pair from a packet, performer finds out which cards, card counting, Parallel Principle precursor
Also published here 1937 198
Charles T. Jordan Odd or Even spectator pockets any card of a chosen suit, gray code applied to odd-even in one suit
1937 199
Orville Wayne Meyer Your Card behind back you produce card of same suit and value as spectator's selection, Si Stebbins
Related to 1937 204
Charles T. Jordan Mysterious Detective three spectators pocket cards, performer names them, stack that can be riffle shuffled once
Also published here 1937 207
Charles T. Jordan Psycholia cards are chosen in different room and order is read aloud, card divined, secret second stacked deck
Also published here 1937 209
Theodore Annemann Another Sympathetic Mystery two decks, spectator selects card from one, performer finds duplicate in other deck, stacked, estimation, fishing
Related to 1937 214
Charles T. Jordan The Missing Pair old new deck order (picture cards together, all others from Ace to Ten) deck dealt into four piles, spectator removes a value pair from any pile which is divined by performer
VariationsAlso published here 1937 226
Theodore Annemann Psychic Card Test dressed up simple divination with two slates
1937 232
Si Stebbins Mediumistic Stunt No. 2 several cards are divined, stacked deck
1937 233
Telepathic Control after shuffling and cutting, spectator deals deck in four piles, performer knows top cards
Also published here 1937 240
Simple Effects 1. selection is divined, svengali deck
1937 246
The Mene Tekel Deck - 4. basic application
1937 257
Card Divination stripper deck
1937 277
A Divination Effect pocketed cards are named, stripper deck and full deck stack
1937 277
Al Baker Impossible Card Discovery forcing deck, two deck switches
1937 284
Theodore Annemann The Mentalist's Card Staggerer one of five is divined, duplicates
Variations 1937 285
Card X medium names cards while blindfolded
1937 291
Theodore Annemann Get it in the Dark deck is handed to three spectators in the dark, everyone selects a card and when the light is on again, performer reveals all three cards, three forcing decks
Also published here 1937 297
Charles T. Jordan The Whispering Envelope card placed in envelope is divined, see-through envelope for only black cards
Also published here 1937 301
Great Psychic Card Feat spectator marks card behind deck, divined, dummy pencil (Tom Sellers)
Related to 1937 301
Stereotyped - Reading the Cards index on card is traced with ink that leaves an imprint on finger
1937 306
Nine in Ten Detection dotted key and bridge, hoping that spectator cuts at bridge
Related to 1937 307
Howard Albright Tuned Minds word written on playing card is divined
1937 347
Theodore Annemann Two Card Slate Prophecy two cards divined and written on slates, stacked deck and forcing deck
1937 348
Louis Nikola Weighing Chosen Cards memorized deck
Also published here 1937 393
Val Evans Multeffect Cards long-short paired deck used for a routine of eighteen different effects
Related toVariations 1937
The Jinx (Issue Winter Extra 1936/37)
Theodore Annemann Mind or Muscle two cards located in spread, third card named, stacked deck and forcing deck
Also published here Aug. 1937
The Jinx (Issue 35)
John Goodrum Si Stebbins Up The Sleeve selection behind back is divined
1937 36
John Northern Hilliard Experiment in Mind Reading key and shiner
1938 92
Reverse Order Location
1938 101
S.S. Blodgett The Problem of the Four Aces four aces are pocketed by four spectators, performer divines them
1938 136
George G. Kaplan A Brain Teaser card chosen behind back is divined, stacked deck
1938 285
George G. Kaplan Modern Long Distance Mind Reading card put from one half into the other is located, clocking
1938 286
One from Five one from five memorized card is chosen and located by touch
Related to 1938 342
H. Adrian Smith It's in the Bag - Effect No. 1 really blindfolded, short card
1938 464
Ne Plus Ultra. New Version with crystal ball four selections and their positions are named, short card and narrow card
1938 471
James Maxwell Prepared Carbon Card. A Mindreading Trick spectator thinks of card and writes it on piece of paper (carbon card)
1938 492
Stewart Judah The Guessing Game two cards from two decks are put in pockets by performer and spectator and divined by each other, or not (risky)
1938 557
Theodore Annemann The Three Pellet Trick three cards written on billets are divined
1938 894
Byron Churchill Decepto two faced cards are in deck, performer divines one of them
Aug. 1938
The Jinx (Issue 47)
Al Baker Effect 3 using index card, matrix principle
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Effects 1, 2, and 3)
Charles T. Jordan 3. Mind Reading chosen card is instantly named, using Jordan's Ultimo deck
Also published here 1939
The Jinx (Issue Winter Extra 1938/39)
Charles T. Jordan 7. Naming a Card at Chosen Number spectator names small number and card at that position is named by performer, using Jordan's Ultimo deck
Also published here 1939
The Jinx (Issue Winter Extra 1938/39)
Audley Walsh Gnome Madness spectator pockets any card he likes while spreading through them, this one is found
Apr. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 55)
The Great Merlini Red-Vibro spectator puts any card in envelope, performer spreads second deck, it has one odd-backed card - the same as in the envelope
May 1939
The Jinx (Issue 56)
Dr. Stanley Jaks Crystal-Viso chosen card divined in crystal ball first by performer, then spectator
Related toVariationsAlso published here June 1939
The Jinx (Issue 57)
Louis Lam The El-El Telephone Test
Also published here 1939 5
Louis Lam Impossible deck distributed in thirteen envelopes, cards in chosen envelope divined
1939 21
Oscar Weigle "Picture This - " performer knows order of picture cards in shuffled deck
Also published here 1939 29
Robert Parrish Name Your Favorite any card named, after riffle shuffle spectator goes through cards and performer stops him at named card
1939 30
Oscar Weigle The Triple Enigma spectator puts cards in pocket and remembers a card in rest of deck, performer divines card and number of pocketed cards, then locates card, short card
1939 38
Dr. Hans Cordshagen Wie ich die Kristall-Kugel vorführe presentation for thought card divination with crystal ball, card can be seen by various people, method unclear
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Theodore Annemann Klein aber fein two matches are put cross-wise on table, match starts moving when selection is held above
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 1 No. 2)
G. W. Hunter Three Predictions piles made and card moved around, then some pocketed, performer divines everything
Variations 1940
The Jinx (Issue 84)
Walter B. Gibson Card Case Glimpse "Flap-Flap" card put in card case is glimpsed later
The Jinx (Issue 86)
T. Nelson Downs Money Sense cards divined and four selected cards represent year of coin
The Jinx (Issue 87)
Hen Fetsch In the Mind performer really blindfolded
  • think stop with one selection
  • think stop with three selections
  • a chosen card is named
Also published here 1940
The Jinx (Issue 88)
Dr. Stanley Jaks Legacy From Tibet two routines with one-way picture/symbol cards
Also published here 1940
The Jinx (Issue 101)
Allan Howell Merlin the Inscrutable pencil shavings in tissue paper "write" name of selection
The Jinx (Issue 104)
Verne Chesbro Percepto selection divined in impressive manner while spectator looks at cards in his own hands
Also published here 1940
The Jinx (Issue 109)
The Great Merlini Behind the Eight Ball
  • Effect #1: Top card changes into selection
  • Effect #2: Another selection comes to top
  • Effect #3: selection is stabbed to with another card
  • Effect #4: Magic Thrust
  • Effect #5: spectator seals card in envelope (glimpsed with alcohol)
The Jinx (Issue 114)
Henry Hardin Hindu Dream cards in hat, shaken and top card removed four times
Also published here 1940
The Jinx (Issue 119)
Chester Morris The Perfect Prisoner performer names cards, one then travels into previously examined glass frame
The Jinx (Issue 120)
The Penetrating Eye performer cuts deck in three piles an names top cards
1940 21
Dr. Richard Rowe Three Cards and a Bank Note (Bill) three selections & borrowed bill sealed in four envelopes, performer names card and serial number, all vanish and reappear in middle of deck, bill wrapped around the three cards, duplicates
Related to 1940 43
Hans-Paul Wipf No. 4 Das grosse antispiritistische Rätsel divination of chosen name, using torn newspaper, pieces pinned to wall
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 2 No. 4)
Edward Victor The Sense of Touch magician divines card by merely touching the packet
1940 ca. 39
Sealed Card Mystery three cards in envelopes, one selected, two cards change to match
1941 199
Royal Card Discovery piles are made, card is divined, mathematical
Related to 1941 217
Theodore Annemann Time to Shine new deck opened, shuffled, put back, performer knows cards in order, whole in case and shiner
The Jinx (Issue 123)
Herbert Hood The Psychic Slates unseen selection is duplicated on slate, marked & stacked
Also published here Apr. 1941
The Jinx (Issue 136)
Herbert Hood A Thought Out-Thought free selection divined, marked & stacked
VariationsAlso published here Apr. 1941
The Jinx (Issue 136)
Dr. William T. Palchinas Card Determined card selected via down-under-deal procedure is divined by performer, general rule
Variations 1941
The Jinx (Issue 139)
Hen Fetsch The Card Knows three cards chosen and one pocketed, the other shuffled back, card with cat picture shown which whispers card in pocket and divines other two cards, stacked deck
June 1941
The Jinx (Issue 140)
Vern Schoneck Cards Don't Lie card with question written on it is divined
Variations June 1941
The Jinx (Issue 141)
Theodore Annemann Card Voice three spectators pocket cards, a snoopy card tells them to performer
Inspired by Sep. 1941
The Jinx (Issue 148)
Bob Hummer Imagination spectator throws invisible die and deals deck in that amount of packets, back of performed turned divines amount of packets
Also published here 1941 14
Kermann Un tour de cartes one of four cards selected, performer places cards in pocket and removes three, selection remains in pocket, as Ch. Giansetti (Kermann)
July 1941
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 3 No. 7)