184 entries in Billet / Readings
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Dr. Lynn Dr. Lynn's Second Sight Act dead names written on papers, performer divines some, then a last one from freely chosen billet appears on arm of performer
1890 252
Dr. Lynn The Thinkophone name on paper is divined, using changing ladle
Related to 1890 255
Der Hellseher question written on billet, answered by performer, impression device with white soap and metal plate
Related to Sep. 1895
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Der Hellseher second part of explanation
Related to Oct. 1895
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 1 No. 10)
Das Gedankenlesen pseudo muscle-reading used to divine a word written on a piece of paper, impression onto metal tray with soap covered paper
Oct. 1895
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Al Baker Al Baker's Billet Reading Extraordinary one ahead
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue The Twenty-Five Dollar Manuscript)
Al Baker The Billet Test
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue The Twenty-Five Dollar Manuscript)
Oswald Rae Original Sealed Billet Reading with five billets, two ahead
1926 79
Tom Sellers One Man Sealed Message Reading
1933 20
Al Baker Al Baker's Billet Mystery three billets, envelopes, including the umbrella move
Related toAlso published here 1933 33
Theodore Annemann Two Papers and a Spectator two billets with information, one is duplicated and one divined
Also published here Oct. 1934
The Jinx (Issue 1)
Theodore Annemann The Master of the Message using a stooge
Jan. 1935
The Jinx (Issue 4)
Theodore Annemann A Question and the Answer with billet switch using Thumb Tip
VariationsAlso published here Feb. 1935
The Jinx (Issue 5)
Theodore Annemann The Modernized Reading for single reading or getting one ahead
VariationsAlso published here June 1935
The Jinx (Issue 9)
Ralph W. Read A New Method of Tabulation tip for question and answer reading act
Also published here 1935
The Jinx (Issue Summer Extra 1935)
Theodore Annemann The Telephone Drama name and telephone number are divined
Variations 1935 7
Theodore Annemann The Dead Name Test connected to the foregoing routine, name of a dead person is divined

1935 8
Wm. Hewitt The Modern Mindreader several questions put in envelopes
Related toAlso published here
  • marketed 1929
1935 2
Theodore Annemann Annemann's Psychic Writing appearing writing on paper card answers question
Related toVariations 1935 4
Al Baker The Name Is - ! one billet, using a leather book
Also published here 1935 32
Theodore Annemann Psychic Writing Variation appearing writing on paper card answers question
Related to Feb. 1936
The Jinx (Issue 17)
Bert Reese Bert Reese Secrets Berthold Riess, billet reading information, soft paper
VariationsAlso published here 1936
The Jinx (Issue Summer Extra 1936)
Newton Hall The Reticent Queen written name is divined by whispering Queen, using P&L Metal Card Box
Sep. 1936
The Jinx (Issue 24)
Audley Walsh Your Fortune, Miss! method to read billet with deck of cards as cover
Mar. 1937
The Jinx (Issue 30)
Robert Parrish The Ultimate One Man Sealed Message Reading System 1. Collecting the Envelopes
2. Reading the Messages
3. Returning the Card and Envelope
4. Returning the Next to the Last Message
5. Reading the Last Message
1937 22
Theodore Annemann Diabolo Pellet Reading
Related to 1938 881
The One Ahead System
1938 883
Wm. Hewitt Modern Mind Reading
Related to 1938 884
Burling Hull, Theodore Annemann New Sheet Reading questions in numbered envelopes answered by medium, Q&A
Also published here Dec. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 73)
Robert Parrish The Phantom President imaginary president is elected, choice divined
1939 17
Henry Hardin The Finest Sealed Letter Test impression device
The Jinx (Issue 97)
Theodore Annemann Tip on Q&A Act
The Jinx (Issue 102)
Theodore Annemann A Day of Your Life one spectator writes some things on billets, performer divines all, billets placed under feet of spectator and one billet is burnt
Also published here 1940
The Jinx (Issue 110)
William Ruesskamp A New Slant on Pellet Reading switch with hat, billets are numbered
1940 21
Joseph Dunninger, Theodore Annemann Gipsies Won't Tell thoughts on the reading act
Also published here 1941
The Jinx (Issue 125)
Otis Manning The Ghost of a Chance billet switching box, Q&A
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1941
The Jinx (Issue 137)
Dr. Stanley Jaks Duplex performer divines name written on billet, switch with thumb tip
Aug. 1941
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 3 No. 8)
Al Baker The Quick and the Dead "With the Baker Pellet Switch"
living and dead test with reading of dead name, finger tip
Related toAlso published here 1941 132
Paul Curry Smoke Signals card and word written on billets, then burnt and divined
Also published here 1941 [9]
James G. Thompson Jr. Embers billet in envelope burnt and divined
Apr. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 7)
James G. Thompson Jr. Duo-Finale three spectators think of something, write it down and seal their thought in an envelope, performer divines all three
Dec. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 51)
Audley Walsh Your Fortune, Miss! method to switch and read billet with deck of cards as cover
1943 28
Theodore Annemann, Bert Reese Bert Reese Secrets Berthold Riess, billet reading information, soft paper
  • Routine with Three Sitters
  • Routine for Single Sitters
  • Routine for Telephone Test
  • Routine for Groups
  • Some Final Remarks
Also published here 1944 11
Theodore Annemann A Question and the Answer with billet switch using Thumb Tip
Also published here 1944 17
Theodore Annemann A Day of Your Life one spectator writes some things on billets, performer divines all, billets placed under feet of spectator and one billet is burned
Also published here 1944 20
Otis Manning The Ghost of a Change using the OM Billet Switching Box, Q&A
Also published here 1944 32
Otis Manning Crystal Clear Q&A, after information is obtained, way that assistant brings them to performer, bottle, in combination with his billet box
Also published here 1944 33
Theodore Annemann Two Papers and a Spectator two billets with information, one is duplicated and one divined
Also published here 1944 52
Theodore Annemann Modernized Reading for single reading or getting one ahead
Also published here 1944 148
Joseph Dunninger, Theodore Annemann Modernizing the "One Ahead" Principle thoughts on the reading act
  • Readings for Intimate Groups
Also published here 1944 151
Theodore Annemann, Burling Hull New Sheet Reading questions in numbered envelopes answered by medium, Q&A, chair servante
Also published here 1944 251
Ralph W. Read A New Method of Tabulation tip for question and answer reading act
Also published here 1944 331
A "One Man" Mind Reading Act billets are handed out for questions, quastion answer act
1945 219
A Modern Crystal Gazing Act using switching tray
1945 224
Anna Eva Fay, Ralph W. Read The Excelsior Mind Reading Act different methods to ascertain information, long discussion of this type of work
1945 231
Theodore Annemann The Telephone Drama name and telephone number
1945 279
Jos. Kellar Ghost Eyes cards and billets are put in a bag and read in the darkness
1945 30
John Hamilton Date? Name? triple prediction
Dec. 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 97)
Dr. William Weyeneth Der Austausch-Becher cup with slit to steal billet, followed by french translation "Le gobelet magique"
Sep. 1945 5
Mike Trent Okito Goes Mental billet in Okito Box
Related toAlso published here 1946
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1946)
Cyril Marriott Facsimile content from billet is reproduced on a slate
Apr. 1946
The Phoenix (Issue 103)
C. L. Boarde One Ahead - Variation B date and city
1947 84
C. L. Boarde One Ahead - Variation C three incidents in spectator's life
1947 84
C. L. Boarde One Ahead - Variation D number, word and simple design
1947 85
C. L. Boarde Dead Name Duplication - Variation A divination of name written on billet
1947 86
C. L. Boarde Dead Name Duplication - Variation B duplication with pocket writing, divination of name on billet
1947 87
C. L. Boarde Dead Name Duplication - Variation C divination of name, spectator writes name down after performer
1947 87
Al Baker Al Baker's Envelope Switch window envelopes, Q&A routine application
VariationsAlso published here 1949 40
Al Baker Pellet Reading "Al Baker Method"
contents of three slips are divined, with secret opening and reading method, umbrella move
Also published here 1949 59
Al Baker Secret Reading of Billets with a notepad
Also published here 1949 76
Al Baker Pseudo-Fortune Telling Seance for "can you tell fortunes?"-situations
  • The Seance
Also published here 1949 80
Bob Somerfeld Supelletive three billet routine, umbrella move
1951 15
Victor Farelli, Sid Macaire Farelli's London Letter on a wax impression reading by Sid Macaire
  • Great Sealed Letter Reading
  • Historical Note
May 1951
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 8 No. 12)
Al Baker One-Man Billet Reading
Also published here 1951 64
Harold Sterling, Harlan Tarbell Astrological Mindreading Act birthdate reading, billets in envelopes
1954 198
Harlan Tarbell Royal Message Reading message written on playing card, using card with window
1954 206
Dr. Stanley Jaks Billets Deux billet in glass, covered by handkerchief is divined
Related toAlso published here Feb. 1954
The Phoenix (Issue 299)
Milbourne Christopher Special Delivery several names of the members of the audience are noted, one is selected and put in envelope, performer hands envelope to owner
1954 8
Gene "Phantini" Grant A Miracle Mental Routine messages in envelopes reading routine, drawing duplication as climax, blindfolded
1955 1
Amazing James Randi Deliver the Billets getting billets with envelope switch, window envelope, Q&A routine application
Inspired by Aug. 1955
Ibidem (Issue 2)
Fritz Moser Mirax word written on billet is placed inside powder box and divined
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 19 No. 1)
Rolf Andra The Perfekt Impromptu-Test living and dead test, also name is divined
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 19 No. 3)
Tony Corinda (17) The Use of a Crystal Ball crystal ball as magnifying glass to read billets
1959 186
Tony Corinda Three Little Questions
1959 189
Charlie Miller The Great Billet Test spectator writes name on one of several billets, billet and word on it are divined
1961 38
James G. Thompson Jr. Five to One billets in hat, secret divination and reading
Jan. 1961
The New Phoenix (Issue 353)
Dr. Stanley Jaks Billetdeux billet in glass, covered by handkerchief is divined
Also published here 1961 53
Otis Manning The Ghost of a Chance billet switching box, Q&A
Also published here Aug. 1964
The New Jinx (Vol. 3 No. 28)
Ken Krenzel Psychologia billet switching box, routine variation
Inspired by Sep. 1964
The New Jinx (Vol. 3 No. 29)
Theodore Annemann Annemann's Diabolo Pellet Reading
Related to Oct. 1966
The New Jinx (Vol. 5 No. 54)
Dr. Stanley Jaks In memoriam Dr. Jaks billet in glass, covered by handkerchief is divined
Also published here 1967
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 28 No. 6)
Al Koran Birthday Card Trick birthday is divined, center tear
1968 29
Al Koran Doodles psychometry with six spectators and papers
Variations 1968 67
Ralph Gironda, Karl Fulves Notes from Underground two billets/spectators, see p. 241 for further reference
Mar. 1968 167
George B. Anderson, Mike Trent Hi, There, Theo! billet in Okito Box, with clearer instructions than in the Yearbook
Also published here 1968 39
George B. Anderson Theo Plus Bert Reese routine using the Okito Box
Berthold Riess, billet reading information, soft paper
Inspired by 1968 40
Joseph M. White Which Hand? two billets one in each hand, spectator choses one and it is set on fire, billet reading subtlety
Mar. 1968
The New Jinx (Vol. 6 No. 71)
Jules Lenier Instant Fortune-Teller cold reading and answering one question, using cards
Magick (Issue 26)
Max Lister Easy Message Reading alcohol to make envelope transparent
1972 62
Paul Siegel Test of Lhasa word on billet is divined, burnt with a figurine and story presentation
1972 15
David Douglas Psychic Empathy different names of audience members are written on paper by performer, one is selected and divined, twist on old principle
Magick (Issue 58)
Jack Kent Tillar Impromptu Pseudo-Psychology slips of paper, several spectators write down pieces of information, all billets are correctly allocated, information of last billet is divined
Magick (Issue 155)
Karrell Fox The Shifting Sands of the Sahara white sand on tablet used as presentational ploy to read answer from spectator's palm impression
1976 97
Christopher Rogers Flim-Flam Man! q&a routine
Magick (Issue 217)
Bob Haines Shades of Bert Resse several billets are read with Mann's "The Azonic Force", one ahead
1979 9
Karrell Fox "That's What You Think!" several billets in clear box, reading
1979 146
Karrell Fox Mind-velope billets mixed in envelope, some held back secretly when others are dumped out
Related to 1979 152
Thomas Alan Waters Trinkle birthday and zodiac are written on paper and divined
Inspired byVariations 1981
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Scrypt)
Bruce Bernstein Telepathy and Clairvoyance three numbers on three billets are divined or predicted
VariationsAlso published here 1981 17
Al Mann The Essence of Thought Q&A with one sitter, with envelopes
Inspired by 1982 1
Thomas Alan Waters OManation on the OM Billet Switching Box
Inspired by 1985
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Fynys)
Shuke D'Voil, Al Mann The Shuttered Trellis four pieces of information written on index card, card is folded and secured with bulldog clip, peek similar to Acidus Novus
1985 9
Bruce Bernstein One-Handed Switch using thumb tip
Also published here 1985 50
Richard Osterlind The Routine mindreading with center tear
1986 13
Dr. Dan J. Alessini Ulta-plus! Close-up Mental Act multi-phase routine
  • one of several bottle caps is chosen, matching beer is produced from jacket
  • name of person written on paper is burnt and divined by performer
  • chosen zodiac sign appears on boiled egg, inside the shell
  • chosen tune is heard from box, which is later to be shown empty
Variations Aug. 1987
Magick (Issue 394)
Bob Ostin Postmaster words noted on billets, performer divines words on folded billets
Also published here May 1987
The New Talon (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Karrell Fox "E.Z.-est-yet" Mindreading billets mixed in envelope, some held back secretly when others are dumped out
Related to 1988 83
Marco Fida Whizzer written name and Zodiac divined, using Grismer's What's Your Sign?
Inspired byRelated to Nov. 1990
Magick (Issue 447)
Docc Hilford Shuteye fingers on eyelids of spectator, used to read message
Also published here Feb. 1991
Magick (Issue 452)
Charles Reynolds Snap Shot light comes from pendulum, name is revealed, FISM flash
Nov. 1991
Magick (Issue 463)
Al Mann The Naked Thought prediction and mind reading, one ahead with 3 billets
1994 1
Al Mann The Quantum Leap with four cards, one ahead routine with the opener move
1994 4
Ted Lesley Dissertation on the Center Tear on the presentation of the center tear and billet reading, with several anecdotes
Related to 1994 93
Peter Zenner T.A.R.O.T. - The Answer Reading of Tarot divination of three chosen Tarot cards and answer on written question
Dec. 1994
Vibrations (Vol. 17 No. 6)
Basil Horwitz Ultimate Challenge Thought and Clairvoyance spectator writes date of birth, favorite color and hobby on card and selects a card with a word, all is divined by performer, envelope switch
Related toVariations 1997 38
Mike O'Brien, Andy Nyman The M.O.B. Billet Routine three-billet routine, divining a date, film and name
Also published here 1997 [28]
Jas Jakutsch The ATAW (Any Time AnyWhere) Triple Test divination of three thoughts, jotted down on three business cards
Inspired by 1999 11
Jas Jakutsch JaJa Quadruple Test multiple billet reading, ends with a design duplication
1999 21
Jas Jakutsch The QuinBillet Test" AKA "A Kick to the One-A... Head" five billet routine, picture duplication, ends with Telephone Drama
Related to 1999 20
Richard Mark Mental Methods billet reading of names of famous people, countries etc., TV-guide to switch billets
Related to 2000 50
Richard Mark Mental Method Update using generic questions to give room for humorous answers and pre-show questions
Related to 2000 55
Paul Curry Smoke Signals card and word written on billets, then burnt and divined
Also published here 2001 221
Carlhorst Meier Meine Drei-Zettel-Routine three names on billets, pseudo-psychometry, last name divined
Also published here
  • "Meine Drei-Zettel-Routine" (Carlhorst Meier, Seminar Carlhorst Meier)
Intermagic (Vol. 24 No. 3-5)
Barrie Richardson A Question is Answered
Also published here Aug. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 8)
Luke Jermay The Butterfly Billet Ballet After a simple billet mind-reading sequence, spectator opens the billet and a live butterfly flies out, leaving the billet blank
2002 44
Docc Hilford Touch fingers on eyelids of spectator, used to read message
Also published here 2002 27
Robert Cassidy Dr. Crow's Billet Routine several billets, name appears on arm
2002 25
Al Baker Al Baker's Billet Mystery three billets, envelopes, including the umbrella move
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Al Baker's Book)
Al Baker The Name Is - ! one billet, using a leather book
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Al Baker's Second Book)
Al Baker The Quick and the Dead "With the Baker Pellet Switch"
living and dead test with reading of dead name, finger tip
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Magical Ways and Means)
Al Baker Al Baker's Envelope Switch window envelopes, Q&A routine application
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Mental Magic)
Al Baker Pellet Reading "Al Baker Method"
contents of three slips are divined, with secret opening and reading method, umbrella move
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Mental Magic)
Al Baker Secret Reading of Billets with a notepad
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Mental Magic)
Al Baker Pseudo Fortune Telling Séance for "can you tell fortunes?"-situations
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Mental Magic)
Al Baker One-Man Billet Reading
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Pet Secrets)
Al Baker Thought Transcription several designs on billets, designs are duplicated, thumb tip
Also published here
  • marketed 1932 ca.
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Instructions)
Al Baker Message from Beyond answering of two questions
Also published here
  • The Sphinx, Vol. 35 No. 1, Mar. 1936
2003 654
Al Baker Pellets and Card Trick cards are written on billets, performer devines cards, short card
2003 726
Robert Cassidy The Mind Razor method to read billet which is apparently burnt in sugar bowl
2003 1
Robert Cassidy The Impossible Delivery location is written down and placed inside an envelope and then mixed with other envelopes, performer holds all envelopes and all fall on the floor but one, location is then revealed
2003 9
Robert Cassidy Tomorrow’s Cards billet reading and card force using box, Zodiac ploy mis-credited to Phil Goldstein
Inspired by 2003 32
Robert Cassidy Messing Around five spectators write an action on piece of paper, one is chosen and performer divines and copies action on billet
2004 82
Robert Cassidy Spellbilleted information of two numbered and destroyed billets is divined
2004 140
Robert Cassidy Jazz Mentalism longer and well-structured Q&A billet act, as a finale selected billet is sealed in envelope and still content is divined
Related to 2004 143
Robert Cassidy The Godfather of All Billet Tests Q&A routine
2004 228
Robert Cassidy The Tavern Show crystal gazing act, billet reading
Also published here 2004 13
Barrie Richardson A Question is Answered "(With a Business-card Switch)"
Inspired byAlso published here 2005 264
Barrie Richardson Contact billet routine with two spectators
2005 270
Barrie Richardson The Double Billet glimpsing method for folded billet with information written in special places, audience is not aware of what is asked for on billet
VariationsAlso published here
  • Club 71, July 2003
2005 275
Barrie Richardson The Devil's Routine billet routine with two spectators
2005 287
Bob Ostin Postmaster words noted on billets, performer divines words on folded billets
Also published here 2005 98
Jörg Alexander Weber Drei-Namen-Eröffnung three names on billets, pseudo-psychometry, last name divined
Inspired by
  • "Meine Drei-Zettel-Routine" (Carlhorst Meier, Seminar Carlhorst Meier)
2008 49
Michael Weber Soul Searcher information written on paper pieces is correctly assigned to spectator, torn edges marking
Also published here 2010 8
Mike O'Brien, Andy Nyman The M.O.B. Billet Routine three-billet routine, divining a date, film and name
Also published here 2010 49
Michael Weber Soul Searcher information written on paper pieces is correctly assigned to spectator, torn edges marking
Also published here 2011 8
Barrie Richardson A Dessert and a First Love billet routine
Inspired byVariations 2011 155
Barrie Richardson The Triangle Peek special fold and billet is squeezed open to glimpse four writings
Inspired byAlso published here
  • The Magician, Jan. 2007
2011 166
Barrie Richardson Double Deception Billet Routine glimpsing method for folded billet with information written in special places, audience is not aware of what is asked for on billet
Inspired byAlso published here
  • The Magician, July 2006
2011 170
Michael Weber Soul Searcher information written on paper pieces is correctly assigned to spectator, torn edges marking
Also published here 2011 8
Michael Weber Soul Searcher information written on paper pieces is correctly assigned to spectator, torn edges marking
Also published here 2012 13
Bruce Bernstein Telepathy and Clairvoyance three numbers on three billets are divined or predicted
Also published here 2012 21
Bruce Bernstein One-Handed Switch using thumb tip
Also published here 2012 225
Alberto de Figueiredo Advinaciones al Cubo word from dictionary, date and drawing are divined
Inspired by 2013 95
Robert Cassidy The Jazz Approach longer and well-structured Q&A billet act combined with the Jazz Approach
  • As Seen By An Imaginary Critic
  • The Elements and Analysis
Related to 2013 137
Robert Cassidy An Example of Low-Tech Mentalism - One Man Billet Routine #1 with six people
2013 159
Robert Cassidy More Basics on billet routines
2013 162
Robert Cassidy Billet Fundamentals
2013 163
Robert Cassidy The Three Envelope Test - The Inside Dope billets in envelopes
2013 166
Dr. Stanley Jaks Billets Deux billet in glass, covered by handkerchief is divined
Also published here 2014 105
Philipp Ganglberger B2 - A Billet Routine for the Real World clever constructed billet routine, revelation of several pieces of information of a spectator
Inspired by 2017 2
Robert Cassidy, Alexander de Cova Bob Cassidy's Billet Test
Inspired by 2017 62
Áriston, Theodore Annemann El Drama Del Telefono Y El Test Del Muerto name and telephone number are divined
Inspired by 2017 156
Markus Beldig Three-Billet Test
Inspired by
  • "Meine Drei-Zettel-Routine" (Carlhorst Meier, Seminar Carlhorst Meier)
2019 10
Nathan Kranzo The Cup Billet test, magician divines what is written on three billets, uses cup
Inspired by 2021 44