93 entries in Cup / Miscellaneous
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
To make a pot or anie such thing standing fast on the cupboard, to fall downe thense by vertue of words stooge with thread
1584 192
How to conveie (with words or charmes) the corne conteined in one box into an other previous box used to vanish grains, it reappears in bell type box that has grains behind leather separater that drops down when set hard on table (chop cup like)
Related to 1584 193
Boxes to change Graine box with false bottom and layer of grains glued on it, turned over for transformation or vanish, also appearance in bell type box
Related to 1634 32
The Cone, or Skittle also "La quille", cone with shell changes place with ball under paper cone cover, also with larger cone and orange
1876 360
Camill Bihler Der verschwundene Ring "Ein Gesellschaftsscherz"
cup upside down on table, borrowed finger ring wrapped in paper and put on bottom of cup and burned, ring is found underneath cup
Nov. 1895
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Martignoni Martignoni's Billardspiel I. Ausführung
routine with ball and cup, shell
Related to Feb. 1899
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 5 No. 2)
Carl Willmann Der magische Becher cup filled with grains or something, vanishes or changes into silk, Boston box principle
Apr. 1901
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 7 No. 4)
Carl Willmann Willmann's magische Kaffeetasse coffee poured in cup on saucer transforms into confetti or something else
Related to July 1903
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 9 No. 7)
Tom Sellers Silks From Confetti confetti in cups transform into ribbons
1941 4
Vanishing Coffee Steam steam suddenly stops
1941 12
Walter B. Gibson Confetti of Cathay three cups, one filled with confetti, confetti vanishes and travels to another, published under Hee Foo You
May 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 9)
Edward Marlo Foo Dice Cup cup for switching dice
1943 24
T.J. Crawford Under the Pan four balls travel from under four plastic pans under one
1945 200
Dr. William Weyeneth Der Austausch-Becher cup with slit to steal billet, followed by french translation "Le gobelet magique"
Sep. 1945 5
Jean Hugard Telekinesis? Or Magic cup moves on table, beetle
  • The Bewitched Teacup
Related to Apr. 1951
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 8 No. 11)
Al Baker Miscellaneous Hair Tricks
  • cup moves on the table
  • animated bill
  • remote haunted deck
  • rising coin/card from glass
  • throwing a loose deck of cards to a spectator over some distance
  • balancing cane/umbrella
Also published here 1951 22
Harlan Tarbell An Empty Cup Fills with Milk with two cups
Mar. 1957
The New Phoenix (Issue 343)
Harlan Tarbell Milk Multiplication with cups
Mar. 1957
The New Phoenix (Issue 343)
Harlan Tarbell Multiplying Corn Flakes and Milk rice bowls variation with cups
Related to Mar. 1957
The New Phoenix (Issue 343)
Harlan Tarbell An Emergency Servante
Mar. 1957
The New Phoenix (Issue 343)
U. F. Grant Lilly - Levi knife in paper cup, knife is held and cup remains suspended
Related to Nov. 1960
The New Phoenix (Issue 351)
The Amazing Maurice ESP Tumblers chip is placed under any cup, performer divines where
1961 18
U. F. Grant Infallible Prediction ping pong ball is placed under one of three cups, different colors, prediction
Variations Jan. 1965
The New Phoenix (Issue 394)
Karl Fulves Infallible Prediction Variation golf ball placed in one of three cups, prediction in form of a second ball in chosen cup
Inspired byRelated to Apr. 1965
The New Phoenix (Issue 395/396)
Don Nielsen Problem in Prophecy three different colored cups, and three different colored balls, matching, posed as problem, see p. 426 & 428 for comments and ideas
Inspired byRelated toVariations July 1965
The New Phoenix (Issue 397)
Milton Kort Paul Fox Coin Cups Routine coins penetrate cup and hand, then cup penetrates and coins remain
1966 495
Horace E. Bennett, Larry Jennings Cup Loading Move with a handkerchief
Related to 1967 119
Marconick Cups of Plenty silks produced from two cups
1967 50
Marconick Cups from Tubes four cups are produced from two tubes
1967 56
Marconick Production of Cups from a Scarf
1967 80
Al Koran Note Under Cup bill put under one of three cups, performer knows which one
Inspired byVariations 1968 127
Gene Nielsen Coffee to Go filled coffee cup through table under napkin
Magick (Issue 17)
George Johnstone Coffee Float! floating coffee cup
Magick (Issue 58)
Captain F.W. Collins, John Ramsay, Bob Ostin Off the Handle
Related toAlso published here Mar. 1976
Pabular (Vol. 2 No. 7)
Karrell Fox Cup and Saucery gag in which the cup on a saucer almost drops on spectator but is held in place with a finger through the handle
1976 199
Gene Nielsen Menta-Coin coin in one of four cups is moved in steps
Magick (Issue 192)
Gene Nielsen, Bascom Jones Psi-Cup '3' question written on paper and hidden under one of three cups, question is answered and paper located, center tear
Related to 1977
Magick (Issue 194)
Bill Coomer Stay Up coffee cup clings to hand
1978 1154
Francis Carlyle "Proposition" Bet exploiting optical illusion of cup design
1979 115
Paul Swinford, Bob Hummer Silver and Gold various parity effects (six routines) inspired by Bob Hummer's work with numbered chips and small metal cups
Arcane (Issue 2)
Bob Hummer, Al Koran Mathematical 3 Card Monte bill under one of three cups, back of performer is turned and after some changes in the order of the cups, performer divines cup with bill
Related toVariations 1980 35
Bob Hummer, Al Koran 3-Cup Monte bill under one of three cups, back of performer is turned and after some changes in the order of the cups, performer divines cup with bill
1980 60
Bob Hummer Hummer's Mathematical Shell Game with four cups or four shells and two dice
1980 78
Karl Fulves The Old 4-Shell Game different bills under four styrofoam coffee cups
1980 80
Jack Kent Tillar Mental Monte bill put under one of three cups, performer know which one
Inspired by 1980
Magick (Issue 260)
Confetti Cup water poured into cup changes into confetti, different models
1982 69
Marconick The Magic Cornucopia silks and cups produced from paper cone
Also published here 1982 40
Roy Baker "Stuck-Kup" Gag, cup is seemingly stuck on saucer
1983 9
Roy Baker "Catch the Cup" Gag, pretend to throw cup at spectator shouting "CATCH" when actually throw napkin
1983 10
Alan Wakeling Salz verschwindet vanishing salt in cup, Fu-Can
Inspired by
  • "Genii" Vol. 11. P. 367
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 44 No. 2)
Marconick Tücher- und Becherproduktion silks and cups produced from paper cone
Also published here 1983 20
Glenn G. Gravatt Der Drei-Tassen-Trick, Version Nr. ? object is hidden under one of three cups, object is located by performer
Also published here
  • Glenn Gravatt's "Coin and Cup Divination" in "Genii" 1982.
Magische Blätter (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Doug Edwards Undertown liquid penetrates inside cup of two nested paper cups
Sep. 1988
Apocalypse (Vol. 11 No. 9)
Charles Reynolds Conquest bill put under one of three cups, performer know which one
Inspired by Nov. 1988
Magick (Issue 413)
Jim Kleefeld Put a Lid on It plastic drink lid, bumps on lid depress one by one
June 1990
The Minotaur (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Karl Fulves The Cheshire Cat chips and cups are used for game in which performer has better chances
1991 20
Marián Jedlicka Magischer Pingpong-Ball ball penetrates to inside upside down cup when put into paper tube above it
Also published here
  • Prager Zaubereien
Sep. 1992
Intermagic (Vol. 17 No. 2)
Ken Krenzel The Melting Cup cup vanishes under handkerchief
Inspired by Oct. 1992
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Karl Fulves Shocked hidden joy buzzer under metal cup, as burglar alarm when spectator takes out a coin
Related to 1993
Rigmarole (Issue 5)
Paul Harris McGimmick mcdonald's shake is lifted by sticking only one finger in it
1996 49
Goutam Guha The Flying Ring ring travels from under a cup to under another cup
Related to 1996 23
Karl Fulves Insto Transpo "Methods?"
rope through cup's handle, finger ring dropped in cup, now cup drops and ring is on rope instead, posed as problem
1996 54
Bob Driebeek Sag immer and der richtigen Stelle "Halt!" two dice under two cups, spectator and performer roll the same number, cleverly gaffed cups
1996 15
Hiromasa Fukai Water Monte water poured into one cup, monte sequence
Related to Aug. 1996
Magic (Vol. 5 No. 12)
Tom Osborne Der Zucker-Trick cup covered with saucer, sugar put on saucer, covered with napkin, sugar penetrates saucer
Intermagic (Vol. 21 No. 3)
Milton Kort, Don Nielsen Precognitive Cups & Balls Predict color of ball chosen, prediction in one of three cups
Also published here 1999 335
Martin Gardner Suspend A Cup "Two Floating Cup Ideas"
plastic cup clings to hand
Inspired by
  • suspended tumbler in Hatton & Plate's "Magician's Tricks" (1919)
Underworld (Issue 10)
Martin Gardner Cheap Zombie "Two Floating Cup Ideas"
styrofoam cup floats between hands, hole in back
Variations 1999
Underworld (Issue 10)
Karl Fulves Mathematical 3-Cup Monte idea with three styrofoam cups
Inspired by 1999
Underworld (Issue 10)
Karl Fulves Flip Your Lid "Unsolved Mysteries"
lid of styrofoam cup flips up and down by itself, answers questions, posed as a problem
The Fine Print (Issue 10)
Bob Friedhoffer Cup Con two nested plastic cups, problem is to separate them without touching, different presentations
Charlatan (Issue 1)
"Joro" Bruno Hennig Bonusroutine: Die Ostfriesen-Moccatasse handle of a coffee cup is threaded on a thread and under a handkerchief removed magically from it
Related to 1999 61
Martin Gardner Pencil Magnet pencil in paper cup, pencil is held and cup remains suspended
Related to 2000
Discoverie (Issue 3)
David Berglas Predicting the F.A. Cup Final written prediction of football game in trophy cup
2002 113
Al Baker Miscellaneous Hair Tricks
  • cup moves on the table
  • animated bill
  • remote haunted deck
  • rising coin/card from glass
  • throwing a loose deck of cards to a spectator over some distance
  • balancing cane/umbrella
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Pet Secrets)
Andrew Mayne Cup-O-Joe-Mama cup of coffee produced from paper bag, mug
2003 6
Bill Jacobs Penny Pincher thumb and finger hold cup and move in seemingly impossible way around the cup, posed as a problem
Charlatan (Issue 8)
Bob Ostin, Dick Simonds, Captain F.W. Collins, John Ramsay Off the Handle ribbon penetrates handle of cup
Also published here 2005 27
Sol Stone Abracadaver cork from wine bottle stand up under cup
2007 43
Patrick Page Cord-A-Cup handle of coffee cup is threaded on rope, cup penetrates rope, with normal cup
Inspired byVariations 2011 224
Dani DaOrtiz El juego de las 3 tazas mathematical monte using three cups
Related to 2012
El Manuscrito (Vol. 5 No. 22)
Bona Ueki Phantom Drink Penetration Bona "Yasayuki" Ueki, plastic cup filled with tea is stacked with other cup and penetrates it
2013 183
Áriston, Germán Debat, Adriano Zanetti Las Tres Tazas with three cups, variation using Memoized Deck
  • Con La Baraja En Mnemonica
2017 197
Christian Scherer Entfesselt handle of coffee cup is threaded on rope, cup penetrates rope behind back, with normal cup
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 2018 3
Christian Scherer Version 2 different handling of "Entfesselt"
2018 10
Scott Robinson Da Vinci Coins mug with Chinese symbol drawn on it, three half dollars change into Chinese coins and are dropped into mug, symbol is erased from mug and coins change back to half dollars
2018 228
Coin transfer from right hand to left hand beneath cup, also see p. 158 (done with deck)
2018 302
Alexander de Cova Joros Ostfriesischer Teepot strategy to gaff the cup for Joro's trick in front of the audience
Inspired by
  • "Der ostfriesische Teepot" (Joro)
2018 89
Rhys "Morgan" Jones, Robert "West" Tay Nobody Trusts Magicians monte game with three cups, one of which has water in it, water vanishes after several comedy phases, slush powder
2020 239
Eric Leclerc Ottawa Straw straw penetrates paper cup, second method with solid glass
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Feb. 2008
2022 702
Martin Gardner Cups Ahoy paper cup floats between hands, stuck on thumb
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Feb. 2010
2022 924
Christoph Borer Wasserbecher water monte, using five cups, water vanishes as climax and changes into paper streamer
Related to 2023 9
Christian Scherer Escaped handle of coffee cup is threaded on rope, cup penetrates rope behind back, with normal cup
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 2024 53