67 entries in Billet / Prediction
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Samuel "St. Roman" Thiersfeld Uhr und Photographie No. 20, spectators write famous poets on billets, one chosen, a photograph of the person appears underneath glass of borrowed watch
1899 63
Orville Wayne Meyer Tervil word, number and city are written on billet, prediction on another billet
Related toVariationsAlso published here Mar. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 54)
Robert Parrish A Prediction to End Predictions playing card, word and date on bill are predicted
1939 9
Robert Parrish The Payoff Prediction any word predicted on billet in cup
1939 12
Theodore Annemann Ballot Box Divination fifty lotto type counters in revolving ballot box
Also published here 1940
The Jinx (Issue 92)
George Armstrong What's On Your Mind? word from a book is predicted on a billet
July 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 14)
Orville Wayne Meyer Tervil word, number and city are written on billet, prediction on another billet
Also published here 1944 24
Theodore Annemann Annemann's Ballot Box Divination fifty lotto type counters in revolving ballot box
Also published here 1944 98
Milbourne Christopher Prediction Chest idea for problem of prediction boxes, large box and small billets
Nov. 1947 367
C. L. Boarde One Ahead - Variation A
1947 83
Bruce Elliott Two Fold Folderol billets in envelope, subtlety
Inspired by Feb. 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 222)
Bill Nord Snakes Alive animals are written down and one billet selected, fake snake appears, snake pill
Also published here Dec. 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 245)
Gene "Phantini" Grant Delphic Divination prediction on a slip, in envelope
1955 14
Gene "Phantini" Grant Shades of Cassandra multiple prediction, billet in envelope
1955 17
Tony Corinda (1) The Billet Pencil loading a billet in an envelope
Related toVariations 1958 86
Dr. Stanley Jaks (2) The Billet Knife loading a billet in an envelope
Related toAlso published here 1958 87
Neville Sackville (3) The Billet Knife loading a billet in an envelope
1958 88
Tony Corinda (4) The Impromptu Billet Knife loading a billet in an envelope
1958 88
Dr. Spencer Thornton Mind Over Mind chosen symbol is predicted in a clip, bulldog clip to switch billet
1958 8
Dr. Spencer Thornton Other Ideas for the Gimmick Clip
  • Par X Prediction (number prediction)
  • Variations
1958 10
Punx The 100% Prediction geometrical figure and number are predicted on a billet
1960 5
Malcolm Davison Lucky Dip three billet routine
1960 99
Dr. Stanley Jaks Die unglaubliche Voraussage Jaks Billet Knife, loading a billet in an envelope
Related to 1961 103
Gene Nielsen Challenge Prediction subtleties for the Billet Pencil and locked-box
Inspired by 1971
Magick (Issue 28)
Dr. Dan J. Alessini Eye of Alessini prediction of a country, in bull-dog clip, with small globe
Magick (Issue 60)
Al Koran The Million Dollar Prediction prediction of sports result, political election etc, nest of envelopes
Related to 1972 73
Karl Fulves The Folded Prophecy nail writer, through envelope, carbon paper
1975 412
Philip T. Goldstein Your Choice prediction of a number between one and six, interesting presentation
Also published here Nov. 1976
Pabular (Vol. 3 No. 3)
Philip T. Goldstein Your Choice prediction of a number between one and six, interesting presentation
Also published here 1977 13
Al Mann An Opener prediction written on a card, and card is folded, move to turning card over and presenting the outside as the inside, with special paper clip by Bruce Elliott
Inspired by 1978 8
Al Altmann, Bobby Hughes The Inside Babel idea with the Elliott paper clip and Mann's "An Opener" to cover a quarter of a folded card
Related to 1978 11
Dr. Dan J. Alessini Bingo prediction held with bulldog clip, number on bingo cards
Magick (Issue 221)
Al Mann A Secret Chamber word and number predicted on two billets, in box, Arca system
1978 3
Al Mann The Secret of the Swami prediction of chosen number, billet inside envelope inside box, Arca system
1978 5
Al Mann Psychic Knowledge prediction of a question in form of an answer, on business card inside box, Arca system
1978 8
Thomas Alan Waters Triton a red, white, and blue billet are in a bulldog clip, which select a category each, aspectator selects one of three categories and choses a word from that category, which he writes down, the word is predicted on one of the three billets
Inspired by
  • Jack Avis' "Chronokinesis" in Peter Warlock's "Pentagram", Vol. 8, No. 4. P. 25.
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Scrypt)
David Himelrick Shear Deception loading billet with a pair of scissors
Magick (Issue 279)
Jack Kent Tillar Chance Factor prediction of result of a sports game, on slip in envelope
Magick (Issue 285)
Bill Nord Lebende Schlange animals are written down and one billet selected, fake snake appears, snake pill
Also published here June 1981
Intermagic (Vol. 8 No. 2)
Bruce Bernstein Telepathy and Clairvoyance three numbers on three billets are divined or predicted
VariationsAlso published here 1981 17
Bruce Bernstein Three Way Prediction word, number and city are written on billet, using envelopes
Inspired byAlso published here 1981 52
Al Mann The Wocus Prophet as a prediction pellet that opens up after the load, prediction in a small bottle
1982 6
Thomas Alan Waters Indivasion envelope for two outs
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Octasm)
Bruce Barnett Prediction 35! prediction written in advance and signed by performer and spectator, billet in film canister
Feb. 1983
Magick (Issue 316)
Dr. Stanley Jaks Dr. Jaks' Incredible Prediction billet knife handling
  • The Double Envelope Method
Related to 1984 10
Hiawatha X-Act Number from one to seven
July 1989
Apocalypse (Vol. 12 No. 7)
Anthony Lindan Quizmaster multiple Prediction
Oct. 1989
Apocalypse (Vol. 12 No. 10)
Richard Osterlind School Daze prediction of named number or letter, folded billet
Related to Nov. 1989
Magick (Issue 430)
N. R. Beck Predic-Oh! prediction in small envelope, answer to question in context of a Tarot reading, pen load
Nov. 1989
Magick (Issue 430)
John Carney Wired subtlety for "name any number" nailwriter prediction
Related to 1991 115
George Laing Just Imagine otherwise propless
Variations June 1993
Apocalypse (Vol. 16 No. 6)
John Northern Hilliard Two Souls But with a Single Thought two cards, billet index (52 predictions)
1994 1214
Al Mann The Naked Thought prediction and mind reading, one ahead with 3 billets
1994 1
Steve Dusheck Your Number, Your Fortune
Aug. 1995
Apocalypse (Vol. 18 No. 8)
Al Mann The Hidden Scroll word or number is predicted on business card, either in performer's pocket or in spectator's handbag, method to write message with swami
  • Handbag Ending
  • In the Basket Ending
  • How I Make My Own Thumbtip Swami
1995 1
John Graham On Sale number prediction on price tag of jacket, spectator guess price correctly
Variations Mar. 1997
Apocalypse (Vol. 20 No. 3)
Karl Fulves Ahead of Time predictions written on billets, one of the billets vanishes from hat and travels to card case
Inspired by 2000 104
Barrie Richardson The Intuition Game
  • From My Thoughts
getting two out of three right, nail writing
Related to Mar. 2000
Genii (Vol. 63 No. 3)
David Regal Off-Color Thought
2002 70
John Holt Hit List spectator writes shopping list of three items on business card, performer predicted the items in his wallet
Inspired by 2009 36
Barrie Richardson A Color, a Number and a Letter getting two out of three right, nail writing on palmed billet
Related to 2011 151
Bruce Bernstein Telepathy and Clairvoyance three numbers on three billets are divined or predicted
Also published here 2012 21
Bruce Bernstein Three Way Prediction word, number and city are written on billet, using envelopes
Also published here 2012 48
Dr. Stanley Jaks Incredible Prediction loading a billet in an envelope
Also published here 2014 162
John Graham Final Sale number prediction on price tag of jacket, spectator guess price correctly
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here 2021 115
John Graham Final Sale number prediction on price tag of jacket, spectator guess price correctly, with introductory discussion about the effect by John Graham and Asi Wind
  • Final Sale (Original)
Also published here 2023 5
John Graham, Asi Wind Final Sale (Extended) number prediction on price tag of jacket, spectator guess price correctly, number appears to be printed
Inspired byRelated to 2023 21